The Gospel Trumpet - 12:01

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Eow Beaded' Thou, 2,- o 7 ' t tToW 6. 71O11 B 7 O7V ?. 7. le 2 DUR IP: E. 7: a2a wind Flea out of. the mats of babylon and deliver - every man Iris soul; be not cut off in h...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1892
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 12:01
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Eow Beaded' Thou, 2,- o 7 ' t tToW 6. 71O11 B 7 O7V ?. 7. le 2 DUR IP: E. 7: a2a wind Flea out of. the mats of babylon and deliver - every man Iris soul; be not cut off in her inignitv; for this S the time of the Lord's vengeance; he will render iin to her a ree, ompense And the land shall tremble. anti sor-row for everypul rose of the Lord shall 1) 2 - Performed against babylou, I to make the lemd of bab- sion a dens-latioh II Molt an it habil ant.-- Jer . 51: G, 29. • ' 40' 4 And he said an, to ' htSeBst thou? And I answer. Then said he Unto me every one that steaieth t . thall be cut WI on this shevsaoellrl ehy a: ow cnuoetr dtohirna( t go anw. eth: raenatime t the mord o Side according— to it ' t wa- n' , sal'It I .7tv ueorlst : a flying rau " Atid He shall se, mi angelswah a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together Ills' elect from the four winds, from one e, nd of heav-en o the other. Now learn a parable of the hg tree; when hie branch is yet tender, and putted) forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye when ye shall see all these things know that it is near, even at the door."— Mark 13: 24- 33, Grand Junclion, Mich, Jan ,. 1892. Yolume 12. .1 run1' ei 1. resented in Rev. 14: 6, as preaching the " everlasting gospel," e., the pure word of God, which " liveth and abideth forever." They " publish sal-vation."— Isa. 52: 7. " They see eye to eye,"— Ver. S. And, as a result of their harmonious ministry, Zion, the church, puts on her strength, --- the HOIY Spirit; and Jerusalem— also the church— puts on her beautiful gar-ments— holiness. And, " from hence-forth there shall no more come into thee, the uncircumcised and the un-clean."— Verse By the same istry, the same separation is reached in Nahum 15. In. this remnant is found salvation. " For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call."— Joel 2: 32. It is to_ be a persecuted remnant. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war With the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.— Rev. 12: 17. A fruitful remnant. In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall . be lent and comely for themthat are caped of Israel.— Isa. 4: 2. And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah, shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.— Isa. 37: 31. It is to be a harmonious and uni-form remnant. Many beautiful script-ures portray this fact. But we will only give place to one text. " Be-hold I will gather them," " and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: and Iwill give them one heart, and one way." Read Jet. 32: 37- 41. We will now trace the growth and It is one thing to read the Bible thiough, Another thing to read, to learn and dd. Some read it - with desi gn to- learn to read, But to the subject pay but little heed. Some read it as their duty once a week, But no instructions from the Bible seek; While others read it with but little care, ith no regard to how they read, nor where Some read it as a history to know How people lived three thou:- and years ago Some read to bring theinselves into repute By showing others hew they can dispute; 1V hi/ e others read becar. se their neigbbors do; , ee how long ' twill take to read it through. Some read it for the - wonders that are there,— I IONS David killed a lion and a bear W dle others le id it with uncommon care, 11 . ping to find some contraniction there. S • To e read as though it did not speak to them, But to the people at Jerusalem. 0 r.- ads it i a book of mysteries, And won't believe the verY thin. g he sees. One reads with Faiher's speech uponhis head, A. nd sees the thin g just as his father- did. Some read to wrangle Tor their creed,— Hence understand but little that they read; For every doctrine in the book they find To m ake it curt that all important end. Some people read, as I have often thought; To teach the Book instead of being taught. And some there are who read it out of spite— I fear there are but few who read it right So many people in these latter days Have read the Bible in so many ways That few can tell which systena. is the best; For every party contradicts the rest But read it prayerfully, and you will see. Though men do contradict, Qod's words agree. For what the early Bible prophets wrote, We find that Christ and his apostles quote. So trust no creed that trembles or offends At any word the blessed Bible sends. Selected. * New rears Greeting. Dearly beloved saints, and fellow participants of the goodness and love of God, and of the riches and glory of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, ve pray the dear Lord to bless you with a joyful New Years in the Lord. Let us truly thank God that our lives have been spared through all the dangers and vicissitudes of an-other year. _ 0, how our hearts swell vith unutterable glatip; ide to_ the great _ asther of n- iercies:',;- for s. _ _ or the enlarged prosperity' of his h . , . . 040- , , : s s , iiarne, an d l et our hearts pour outIthe Lord, and their substance unto the denly destroy the fierce Gog and Ma-gog forces that compass the camp of the saints, and the beloved city, upOn the face of the whole earth. What then shall we do, who stand in the light where we see these things and take in the real situation of this world, and its impending doom? In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we ask, How ought men to live and act with these solemn facts before our eyes? Shall We bow to the sway of that cursed and very popular god- mam-mon, and join the crazed masses in U-' frantic pursuit of money, money, wealth and propertyrand vainly grab for the sordid dust, at the very edge 6f- tie LIT lake Ttrhsih- la--- shaill consume both the golden calf, aria all who worship the cursed idol? God for-bid! While men should keep good sense upon its throne; avoid the delu-sions that attend the lie of Millerism, and so provide for the present wants, and within the bonds of reason, the future needs of their house; in the name of God and all reason, we ad-monish all vrho expect to meet the returning King of glory, to not " heap treasures together for thes last days," and live in pleasure on the earth, lest, in the- awful day ' of Christ's coming, the unneeded treasures you have laid up, Will be found a curse to your own soul, while its ‘ vithholding has with: held light that might have resulted in the salvation of immortal souls. And Lord of the whole earth." For years we have looked with amazement and surprise upon the cold, and almost slumbering neglect of the precious opportunity of devoting means to the ul blemssoinngtsh , u and about eight thou an _ P1111.- 41:"- M. 4." s- Ours, I and ous cause in the past yeail When ,. e remember from what depths of poverty, through What floods of op.• position, and over what mountains of difefiulty the Lord has triumphantly brought his present truth; and when ere see what a mighty sweep of power has reached, we feel like falling own in the dust in wonder, and a-dore the mighty God of truth. Sure-ly our enemies must confess that this work has been wrought in God. The last year especially has been wonder- ' fully blest of God. Many dark cor-kers of this sinful and doomed world aave been invaded by the light of leaven, and hundreds, yea, doubtless thousands of souls have escaped out 1 of the darkness of sin, and have pass-ed on to the sublime mountain of God's holiness. 0, let all the re-deemed of the Lord join to praise offering to God, for all his won-ful works to the children of . men. I no year, since the evening light I has blest the hearts of men, has, it spread risen like up e in past new. fiNeld ews, witnesses have have t thanks to God for the blessing of full that out to God from the depth of our soul, th work of ` Saving souls. We have cried salvation. And mu h - that he would in some way teach his their servic to the living dear children the preciousness of de-secrated ' od, to help caihryon thislas reform-voting the Lord's means- A° his sacred G of hail, work. Thank God! ' there is an ap-ation given vent to their full hearts, multitudes ave con es parent advancement in. many hearts fire, and. blo` od. " Many are running to and fro" in the earth, in this direction, and we thin yea, " flying in. tlae midst of heaven, quite general. having the everlasting gospel. to And Yet: the charity and henevo-preach to them that dAV, e11 on the lence of the primitive church, even earth." And on the s4ime mission of down through the corruptions of the divine grace, have gone out between third and fourth centuries, puts us all eight and sixteen thousg'nd Truratts to shame: Then thousands of poor of us doubtles our labors may end before the year expires. Yea, 1892 may be the last year of this world's - history. Then all the race of humanity i that have breathed the air of this sin-tarnished earth shall have entered the unchangeable destinies of eter-nity. 0, how solemn and awful the thought, that ixe stand upon the very boundary line between hoary time, and unmeasured duration! in groans, and tears, cr aimnde h aaunndt iwngic firs , in blood an dos ill_ high interest.- Olie hundred per cent k fated planet has rolled its six thou- l ca, nnot be obtained. ' That would be sand annual rounds, and the weighti one fold, or once doubling the princi-of sin upon its bosom will soon sink pie. At that rate $ 1o, would increase it beneath the floods of divine wrath. l to S20, in one year. But God offers Its awful end is surely nigh. 0, what i You " an hundred fold,'" for all you de-an age We are living in! Heaven and ! vote to his cause, with a single eye to • hell have entered the last engagel his glory. One hundred times $ 10 merit upon this sin- scarred battle- field would be Si000. And no risks what-and the conflict will rage more and ever to run. Can it be possible that more desperately, until the awful cri- men really believe that Christ will sis when fire from heaven shall sud- give all this riches in their bosom, and in their. store, when they prefer the lurements of, this world? Thank God! some are beginning to credit their blessed Savior's wonderful in-ducements, and are showing their faith by their works. Young sisters haviag saved all their- surplus earn-ings, wisely deposited the same in the bank of heaven, for safe keeping, and sure multiplication. 0- how sacred our calling! To us is committed the ministry of the ever-lasting gospel, which is to gather the elect remnant out of the confused religions of earth. A holy remnant washed in the blood of lamb, and clothed in fine linen, dean and white. Even the bride, the Lamb's wife. The gathe r ing of this remnant, is a fa rt that stands out in prophecy so conspicuous, that even blind guides see it. Mr. Russel, the ea-- c- Satan's age- to- come falsehood, is spec-ulating upon the prophetic announce-ment. How absurd, that a man who denies that any one is born of God in this age, and knows nothing of pre-sent holiness of heart and life, should imagine himself gathering a holy rernnant, as described in the Bible! But having believed a lie himself, he can only gather into the same. He not only teaches the soothing falsehood of- an age of grace to cOme, but direct-ly contradicts God by teaching that now is not the accepted time; behold now is not, but in a future age is the infinite favor bestowed upon us, and a zeal consistent with out high pro-fession! The whole world lies before us, as a field in which to do good. And this is the last chance to help our fallen race. Consecrated men and means must carry the gospel iof God to the ends of the earth. God offers infinitely greater interest for the use of means, alreadyr his, than any man or firm, more than any business investment. - Ten per cent is regarded This representing God as having scattered them, would seem to conflict with the preceeding verse. _ In sever-al other prophecies we meet with the same statement. The idea is this: God breaks in pieces the corrupt and worldly institutions of man, which they falsely call churches, by the ham-mer of his word in the hands of his reformers. ' While preachers scatter and divide the children of God, whom he has called into one body. In other words, God assumes the re-sponsibility of all separation that re-suits from breaking up worldly sects, while he holds false teachers respon-sible for all divisions in his church. And thus his sheep have been scat-tered down through the ages. But now God " gathers the remnant of his flock," and " sets up shepherds ever them which shall . feed them." And this he says would be considered in the latter days.— See ver. 20. This work of gathering was to be by the ' angels, or messengers, and was to be a sign to the church, that the coming of the the Lord is nigh, even at the door. - Matt. 24: 31- 33. They were to be gathered during the " consumption decreed," which means, during the fire of holiness. Read Isa; 16- 27. This consumption over-flows with righteousness, and brings out a pure remnant that returns to Mt. Zion—" church of the first born" - the anointing of the Holy Spirit destroys the yoke of sectism off their neck. And from the standpoint of the consumption, " it. is. butshoeueinh triumph of this - remnant: " For who little while until the destruction shall come. We have the same two terms -" consume," and " destroy," in 2 Thess. 2: 8. First, consume by the fire of holiness, which separates the gold fisian the dross. Second, " destroyed" by the brightness of his coming. How nigh it is! This corresponds with the statement that Christ is at the door. This is a holy remnant. " And it came to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that reniaineth in Jeru-salem, shall be called holy, eyen every one that is written among the living in jerusalem.— Isa. 4: 3. Who are to be called holy? Ans. " The escaped." Namely, all who through the blood of Christ, have escaped out of Babylon. The remnant is at first composed of the " escaped," the " out- casts," the called out and the driven out. To which are being" added others,"- saved out of the world. The next verse, Isa. 4: 4, tells us when this holy remnant shall appear as such. Namely, when the Lord shall have aviay washed the filth of the daugh-ters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning.— Isa. h i011. 4: 4. It is after God's people have See Micah 4: Jer. 37: 33. But thank the Lordl this remnant is passed through the Sanctifier, the not confined to the few that flee out mighty spirit of judgment and spirit of the midst of her; for " the Lord of burning. That is the consumption God which gathereth the outcasts of decreed. Israel saith, Yet will I gather others " The remnant of Israel shall not to him, besides those that ard gather-do iniquity, nor sneak lies; neither ea' unto him."— Isa. 56: 8. For thus saith the Lord: Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the na t io n s.: pu b lish ye, praise ye, and say, 0 Lord, save thy people, the remnant of Israel.— Jer. 31: 7. There-fore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, and shall flow togeth-er to the goodness of the Lord.— Verse 12. And out of them shall pro-ceed thanksgivings and the voice of them that make merry; and I will MULTIPLY THEM, and they shall NOT BE FEW: I will also glorify them that they - shall not be small.— Jer. 3cuty. Praise Continued on 4t'• page.) .) with all the heart, 0 daughter of Je-salena."-- Zeph. 3: 13, 14. Here again thie remnant is des-cribehl,. as holy, free from iniquity, and bath despised the day of small things?" We find after the " con-sumption decreed' goes through the forests of Babylon and devours the thorns and briers, " the rest of the trees of the forest . shall be few, that a child may write them."— Isa. That is, there are but few' in all the folds of sectism who abide the fire of holiness and walk in the light of God. Therefore bath the curse devoured the earth, and they that & Al there-in are desolate: therefore the inhab-itants of the earth are burned, and few men left.— Isa. 24: 6. Turn, 0 backsliding children, sal- Eh the Lord; for I am married unto you; and I will take you oneof a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to- Zion; and I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and un-derstanding.- e- jer. 3 : 1 4, 15. Thank God if there is only one true man or woman in a whole city! " They shall thoroughly glean the remnant," jer. 6: 9, and bring that one out to stand alone with God. So the scriptural outlook is for a very small yield, as a result Of threshing Baby-per , s d widows and other indigent were sup- awful rebukes of Eze. Shining Lights, with. many thousand Ported. by the church in a single city. 34 he does in the i tracts All glory to the name of le_ . J . u , and in many other , places. Then rejoicing with all the heart. erating age. 0 that God may c reate countries— using the dispersion of th , How much more occasion we have to for the manifestation of his mercy thank God, than they in that degen- the remnant of my flock out of all again he says, ver. 3,-- I will gather It is a separate remnant. We have sus seen that they are gathered through the instrumentality of the Lord's . philanthropy in Jews here as a figure— whither I havi another year of time, and with ° some some degree commensurate with the driven them. d power in. the past . 1 an . an- And now brethren, we enter upon in his holy remnant a t ge, i s,— m. iinsterse- and these are re-thus, 0, dear ones consider this! " The day of salvation. And this high priest rust of them shall be witness against of falsehood is compassing land and you, and shall eat your flesh as it sea to make proselytes to his new de-were fire." 0, that men were wise ception. Thus it is that Satan always and would consecrate their gain unto counterfeits the true work of God. But thank God fox the genuine, the pure remnant, and bride of Christ. Therefore saith the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people: Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I • will visit upon you the evil of your aoings, saith the Lord. And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and I shall a deceitful tongue be found in k it is increase. And I will set up shepherds their mouth: for they shall feed and over them which shall feed them; lie down, and none shall make them and they shall fear no more, nor be; afraid. Sing, 0 daughter of Zion; dismayed, neither shall they be lack- shout, 0 Israel; be glad and rejoice mg,, saith the Lord.— Jer. 23: 2- 4. Here we see that God charges up-- on the unfaithful pastors, the sin of having scattered his flock. And so MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. A small tract of 32 pages,- setting this subject before the people, in the clear, light of the New Testament. Bro. Orr of Ind. writes: - We ex-pect to go to South Carolina in the near future, perhaps in a . few weeks; just as Father wills. Any one in Ky. or Tenn. desiring meetings we would be glad to hear from them. We ask all God's little ones to pray fervently for us. with financial matters: but we must ! inform you of the Lord's gracious leadings, and then - we shall hereafter only continue in prayer and sUpplica-tion unto God, and gratefully report his kind dealings from week to week. I Viewing the Lord's work in every way possible, we can see no way to o r resen tire that it would be best to wait for a meeting - t ith the , saints so as to have united faith and prayer but T, was reminded of the time when jc,'" i1.1 mzLr IMINISSICE." 2.17.11, athan with his armor- bearer wei.**. ii) RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. IF: T. rtli in_ the of the . For Onity of 1- Tie 4- 211u_ sch; the Fte-i. e2.1.1-• e of Tytt- r. 3.; the of g, nce 8 WAR E. E. BY i, 1°--- Office Editor. THE AGE TO COME AND MILLENNIUM J. r- rvii. 7.43 ard sWCHELS.-- Publish.:,- rr. tt3ii lEn- YRAR 1N ADVANCE. FREE TO THE POOR. Elterd at Elle Pci,: t Office at cirarrnI Junction, rIticts. as Gecocd CiRSS matter. commissicqi of 20 per cent will be given on eachl new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the C• OSFEE, TRIaU'ET. We make this oiler so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the eir-cultion of the paper. - Parties desiring papers to canvass with should nc., tify us rcl_ calarly of their whereabouts.,: 01 3f5- 1t 0 ' T I C E. Pest Office Money order or Postal Note. 1 Vhere these can not be procured, send by a - Yea"- . ess Order, Registered Letter, cr small Address.— THE SHINING LIGHT, amounts in stamps. Grand Junction, Mich. CuNAKi C- F ADRDEss.— Subscribers wish ing their II: dregs changed, most be sure to give their FORYER as well as their new ad fire s.% to send out for free distribution. It con- MISSING PAPEES.— It occaionan hap talus 30 pages, - with a neat cover. We J; ens that nntnirs of our papers sent to will send these tracts to any one sending ui_ Feriers are lost, or stolen in t er c: Ise yr: 41 do not receive vo, a1.1 us postage at the rate of one cent for three state. ANTHEMS FROM- THE THRONE. I SECOND EDITION. M. J. Mackey, D. W. Hess. J. C. Young, Burr E. Brae,,, , Ernest Margaiss, G. W. Morse. About all new. The pages are some larg-er than Songs of Nvrictery. - When sang in 01 God, these song's will be found Ilynn the precions prose- tit quill, and the gospel standard ( 4 ealvatifm. Send in your orders for Anthems from the Throne, and start the songs of praise anew. ( Manilla. . tcs. C lath. . . 50 etc. P el. dozen. $ 3.00 & oord i ance,:, iid definitionst of stub bjects. Set- MUST WE SIN? conversation between Bro's Light and Foggy, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. ' ills tract has been enlarged. to LIS pages, and is now ready. who love to read the truth, send for them by the hundred. ( Per single copy 2 Os Price 20 " HD d red 1 50 " A tract on the True Church. 50 pages 10 cts. A tract on the Sabbath, or Which Day to Keep. 65 pages, 10 etc. A NEW BOOK FOR ALL. HOLINESS 13 iLI, E SUBJECTS by C 00 subject s * j I scripture a • i d ti it Bro. Schell is expecting to begin a meeting in or near Kittaning, Arm: strong Co., Pa., about the first of the year. Any one that can come is in- Sin gle copy 5- ts Price Per dozen. 40' c ( Per one hundred. $ 2.50. THE ORDINANCES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. A. NEW TRACT, BF WM. G. SCHELL. Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture hi a ! clear light, showing which are abelished, and proving 1 that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Ord Testament, but of the New and are ! still in vogue. ( Single copy ricts. PRICE- I Per dozen . 45cts. ( Per hundred 00. TRADITION. Refuted by the inspired- Word of God. Single copy. 10 eta. Price Per. dozen SO Per. hundred . .$ 5.00. Ali business communications moneys, etc., must be I a idreSSed to the GOSPEL Tr. cmpET, in order to in- SlIfe ci. e. dit; otherwise 17.3 will not be responsible. NOTICE. As persons have frequently written to us for Bibles and Testaments, we Cave purchased a few New Tes-taments with the References in figures, directly un-also contains a Key to the pri! ciples of pronuncia-referred t ■ whica is very convenient. It THE SHINING LIGHT THE. GREAT TOBACCO SIN. We now have the Tobacco Tract ready pa- per when ftz- r , xLiiting a suffi c. iem tracts. We make no charge for our work i - t t c r and 7 e in lunkg much desired that the Lord send a I Gillis. S. J. Holsapple, D. Burge, A. D. Hancock, Sarah E. Roller. : 11rs. M. R. Smith, John Clement, 1 It contains 14S songs. 90 with music. THE BIBLE ' BEADINGS BY Bro's Kilpatrick and Speck, is a very I thorvgir ' work giving the Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. ' Single copy. $ 75 Price Per half Doz 3.30 " Doz 6.00 ADDRESS.— GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. Bro. 1\- lichels and Co. have had very successful meetings; He has been at home for a short time, while Bro's- Daugherty and Henry, who are his assistants, are holding meet- ing at Litchfield, ' Mich. He will soon join them again, and resume I work about Coldwater, Mich. Bro's Wooden and Byrum made a visit to the saints near Muskegon, Mich. Dec. 12, 13. Brother and Sister \ Voodruff had been holding a meeting there for a few weeks and the Lord ! was at work. . There were twelve ! consecrations on Sabb., 3th. Meeting I closed that night, and Brother and ! Sister went to Mancelona, Mich. bert Bixler are holding meeting three and a half miles south of Go-bles, in this county. The young breth-ren are well anointed and we expect to hear good news of their labors this winter. - to do the printing without muhc cl ' s ad - Chas. E. Orr. k press. First, it is not speedy enough bout to make an attack upon the el l .; emy; that they encouraged each oth er with these words, " There is no ie.-. straint with God whether by mai* or by few," and" as there ' were no meetings near us I was led to inquire of God as to his will and his time. So I fasted and prayed inquir-ingly, and the Spirit gave me the" words. It is written, " Let them call for, the elders of the church, and le-( saken people. Bro. and Sister F. N. Jacobson de-sire a soprano singer to accompany them in the work. The Lord send them the needed helper. Address Columbia City, Ind. Since writing our notice of suffic-ient bedding, the female part of the family inform Us, that a bed or two I more is needed to accomodate our many visitors, and therefore if any Were preparing such for the Lord's little ones here, they need not desist from the good purpose of their- hearts. Bro. H. C. Wickersham writes: I just received a call to go down to Sweet-ser and Jalapa, Ind., to - hold meet-ing. If the Lord wills I am going, and from there wherever the Lord way I am ! going westward . Those leads. If the Lord opens up the wishing gospel help in that direction can write me. Your brother, saved and sanctified through the blood of H. C. Wickersham. New Pittsburgh, Ind. We hope and trust that Bro. W. will take in'the call at Todd's Point, • and paper press will be sufficient, at I and the voice of his blessed Spirit l is unto us, " Go forward." been reduced $ too. The dear ones have sent offerings unto the Lord from small amounts up to $ 13o. And every day our hearts have been overwhelmed with gratitude to God. The other night when at a late hour, after a long day's work, it came to us to divide up the - amount, and after an hour's calculation we arrived at the following plan, which we lay be-fore you ha the name of- Jesus, and pray the Lord to show all the lovers I [ of his salvation just what class you should place yourself ill. There is wanted for the Master's use 4 parties to pay Sioo each. . S400. 4 4 4 4 so " 200. But as many are poor, we present the above plan that the more favored may help their poor brethren, and. all may give as the Lord has prospered them, and as their heart stirs their up to glorify God. Before this paper reaches you, the Lord wilting, we shall have visited Chicago, and if suited in a press, shall have purchas-ed. Glory to the name of our God! We are sure he will " supply all our needs through ' his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Let all saints pray much, and each one do as the - Lord leads. If God will, let the preach-ers, elders, and deacons, stir up the hearts of the children of God in your several localities, and God will bless and reward all who, with willing hearts and hands, help on this mighty I work. Amen. Your S E. Courtney Laborers for the harvest, Then saith the Lord unto his discin1C " The harvest truly is plenteous but borers are few. "— Matt. 9: 37. How fort bly these words of our blessed Savior c(-. 1/ to our mind as we look around over ter world and see the great number of peopl that are living for nothing but the pleasur and vanities of this world and the few, verl few that are living for God and working f4 the salvation of perishing souls, the mane My little daughter Belle who is near sheaves to be garnered in, many lost souk ly nine years old has been quite of to be saved and so few to work in the hai flitted with Catarrh. She had the vest: but praise God for the zeal he give usual symptoms of chronic dis,, ease. to his workers that enables us to forsake Of late her head Was at times pained, I to follow Jesus. A preacher of the M. the nasal passages were closed, and sect said if the members did not pay hi her breath offensive from the secre- what he wanted for preaching he volt tion which was constantly forming. quit and go to splitting cordwood for a I] I became seriously impressed con- ing. It would be a wonderful blessing cerning her: our neighbors also were the cause of Christ if the people would n alarmed at her condition, and thought support such preachers. Glory to Jesu we should be doing something for His workers have a different kind of ze her. The Lord has been our phy- 1We have- preached to the people; furnishi sician during recent years and I ex- our () WTI oil and coal: but glory to God! I pected that in his own time he would furnishes the gospel so if it needs be so y heal her. The enemy suggested that] willingly furnish other things necessa as the disease was of a serious that the Lord puts within our power. 8 " Ift healeth, oar diseases.” BAY VIEW, MICH. - DEAR SAINTS: I desire to glorify God and encourage others by testi-fying again to his power to . heal. Total $ 2000. One dollar from each subscriber I • humble servants. 0.50 TO I 200. I 70. 270. 31o. and this was the order of his will, sOl on the following Sabbath three weeks ago, there being no elders near us two sisters with myself came togetth er in Jesus' name and the dear Lord did graciously manifest himself in)) our midst. - The room was filled with: a heavenly sweetness as we pouredl the- oil on the head of the little one! and called upon the Master to prov his faithfulness again by stretching forth his hand to heal. The sittiPle' ' , faith of- the child w, as ready to claim the finished work, and we rejoice together in another victory. She is healed. Praise God, our great deliv-erer in every time of need! Dear 1 saintsJ sometimes meet with afflict- i ed ones, or who are in doubt or anx-iety over certain matters, and hear, them say, Oh if I could only kno- k just what God would have me doi One sister wrote me that she wOuld give all the world, as it were, if: she. could talk with God about five Min-utes. Dear ones, it is the will of Got that we should commune with bin directly, whenever the case demands but in the first place, he is well pleas ed for us to humble ourselves before him, by making a sacrifice, as 1- 161 people have been wont to do in al ages, when they wished to ask specia requests from the king himself. Ncl tice the particular form of common" which the Master gives with rega I r to fasting. Matt. 6: 17.—" But thoi w'rfelvthou fastest, anoint thy Ilea and wash thy face," and ternenfb that " in de- keeping of his co mandments there is great reward Since I have been led in exact ob4 dience in these things, I have forme, a great advance in my spiritual lifc, I and the service of fasting is a prg cious season - to me. Every thin, seemed hallowed with the divii presence and an impulse of co dente and assurance possesses my s as I enter the secret chamber. Thet-is not a circumstance or condition in which we may be placed but that, if necessary, God has a certain poi-' tion of his written word ready to - ap ' propriate to our anxious heart through which he will speak to t either by causing us to open to special word, or through the mind the Spirit in prayer, as we listen f. the gentle voice to guide us into the will of our Lord. I Your sister, Your brother saved in Jesus, I prosecute t le same w iup f snd one . place, oe rnisi_: ing I how many you wish sent. ada. • r lnFe - e s a ad , r -. T I ° fin the tracts. Alway a state Justl good II order to labor awhile in Can- DDIY1 . er. e I We Would- say that Canada is iectify the some. Eliza Wetson, Hairy II. Kegle, Marion Welch, F. Ad. i ireoS all l . lers to GOSPEL TRUMPET. N. Jacol,:= 01- 1. Mrs. L A. Smith, A. Harman, . A. A. to the Dominion? N! hyzie 6 L. - peek J. k Caldwell, Ruth Daugher- I Address Bro. G. T. Clayton, Wet-tv. Rachel Dunbar, P. J. House, Grant Me Cam, 0. I an Ont. ., 7- hen. you write, be sure 0 give ycur! la good field to labor in. There are i II a— ss, pest- o, Ece, county aanndA I LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIY-- precious true saints there. Law is Should there be a mistake at any time.'' ERWISE RECEIPTED. I many souls are hungry for the true How TO SEND Ma= — Remit by tracts. . From the tenor o t e e e, 1 to u at -,-- ill 0- 1 dly _. " - once, e a m. Miller, TL i• v - i' ngston. T . 0 Hou- ton, ! bread of life Who will go over in- NOTICE. Address Sister Ruth - Daugherty, I unto the Lord, whose servants we are, ISharpsville, Ind. der the verse In ordering free tracts, brethren- We are happy to report that God Illustrated. It should be in every family I say, Send me some, or a few free - where there are children. OOnn ly 25 cent f h I tt r debt on the building, and that has tion, and has a Dictionary, and Gazeiteer of 47 P I ` hteep- skin cover,— .$ 1.00. I should always send sufficient changel I 4!!!! s- i has been richly blessing the hearts of Price, postage paid, Embossed " . $ 1 - 55. I to cover mailing expenses, and be Embossed gilt, ' 41 00. ! sure and say how many you - wish. ! hsiisn csea iWntse - bweitgha tnh eto g mraocvee - oofu gt. i vAinngd' = IC 54 I ! L. Cole. 2. J. 0: alters, John Shank, J. M. Rummel, I ' 00 H. Hummel Jan. Brubal: er. Adam Oyler, David e took the following from a paper ' 1 We desire this because brethren An interesting paper for the children. sometimes send 5o or 75 cents and the debts that then existed have near-ly all been cancelled except the ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH- well enforced, and order is good, and R EFERENCE AND PRONOUNCING - ! preach the gospel at Sharpsville, T SN. 270N=. 3 E STAMENTS. I ton Co., Ind. Cannot Bro's Leininger we would judge they not intend us to send sufficient to cost that much I to mail, and yet if they intend a part as donation, we would feel more free to know it difinitely. - I Bro. John E. Smith from Canada desires to come over and labor in Mich. Bro. Clayton also wishes to open up new fields in Pa. and it is M The publication on FEET WASHING, I Historical- and Scriptural, written by W. W. Bradley, is now being sold for I 20 cents each,$ 1.90 a dozen. This is ' a very thorough work on the subject, and should have a wide circulation. Order. from the author, W. W. Brad-ley, Watk. insville, iss., or from this office. Some one is desired to come and vantage, and detention of the wwhhole work. Second, it is not capable of doing first class book work. Our en-gine is also too small, and we shall I have to have a new and larger one, perhhaappss the e boiler entire also cost . W as e chlavely ca as l- them pray over him, anointing cu closely with oil in the name of the Lord," and: • Ipossible, and find that no less than I saw at once that it was God's time about two thousand dollars will meet the demand, and that only by turning in our old press and engine, which we think we , can do, as one good book and Gast go there? - I least for a few years. We have cried Tampico, Ind. I a fMew ye. a rsE ago.: " Inc anon- ! iference of_ 1S24 the bishop, vItia trem- !! roueand' with deep emotion, said, ' I see there Is danger of our we were raised up, and e r I The GOSPEL TRUMPET, weekly, this beautiful banner and if trail l $ 1.00 per year. " To the poor free. ail oiwt ein I AN- e want some of God's holy pr" preachers we are a God- forsaken peo- ! preachers to come to Almena, Kan. This has proved to be a true pro- ' Where is Bro. and Sister Wm. N. phecy. Bish. Foster says that " the Smith? We would be so glad to have doctrine of holiness is seldom wit- ,! them or any of God's true ministers nessed to in M. E. pulpits," and the 1 come and preach for usA. llie Curtis. cdoersrucpritpiotino, n p trhoavet sh eth egmiv eas G oof dth- feoirr- Bro's Wm. E. Warren and Adel-would more than sum up the amount. That would make the paper $ 2.00 for A must confess we have left our true the first year of the weekly, and not God grant you all a happy New Year. standard of Bible holiness for which more than the cost of its publication. I becoming a fallen church, as we 14Lil ling forth the true c° eh, ts oc s , ordinances and its Snits. ' he fa. o f Jesus, yYou and the coming in of the evenillg light. Illustrated. 376 pages, neatly bound in Prica ( SingleS ' cixo pory . m ore, 80 etc.$ e1. a0c0. h. Ivited. Ill. Address Bro. Wm. G. Schell at St. Address H. C. Wickers ew ham Pitts , bUrg, Ind aht0t1, qt• Foil - Ward Aiove. N Petersburg, Pa. or GOSPEL TRUMPET, Bro. Gibson is invited to join in DEARLY, BELOVED IN THE LORD: We • . Grand Junction. Mich . the work there if the Lord will, are sorryi ' come before you again re could not do this if' we had to study , all Ialso every Sunday afternoon after Sunday- tations of this wicked world. I am ing us by power divine. Since we over all the hard places ! I hope I will be week to write up a sermon. The Lord says, school. The Sunday- school is conducted kept saved from all sin and iniquity, last reported from Ok. Ter. we' have fo dun f aithful Unto the end. Open thy mouth and I will fill it. ® 1 by Sister Dodson, who is accepting the by the power of God. I have been been very busily engaged in the ser- From your sister in Christ, We once heard a preacher say, wlien the ! clear light and sees the importance of un- serving God nearly two years,- and vice of the Master. Our labor closed Libbie Stringfellow., conferencc ee sent him our; tthhe exhortation i ssececttaarr ian missionary work among the chil praise . his holy name! I am still resol- in Oklahoma with - victory in Jesus' they gave him was this, " Preach: Jest- la aren. Has Deer. d us the use . of the hail ved to worship him the remainder of name. ' From there we came to Ce- EAST JORDAN, Mion. Christ and him crucified, and above all aI t less expenye than to put up the tent. my days in righteousness and true dar Vale, Kan. where we had a very DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS: I believe it things take up a collection wherever you This is more desirablea sthe evenings ai e holiness. My whole desire is to do precious meeting. About eight or will be for the glory of God to tell of a little go." That pis a good representation of idamp and cool at present for tent work. - will of God, because he that do- nine were happily converted to Jesus; physical victory he has given me. I was Babylon ministers. We will notice what I Have a regular appointment every Friday I eth the will of God abideth forever. others were seeking a clean heart; troubled recently with the toothache it the prophet says concerning this. Isa. 56 : I evenieg at national City. The rest of the When I started out in this way I was and several were night an baptized. From Ce- began to disturb my rest at , and I 9- 11.___, His watchmen [ or ministers] are i trine we are engaged at the Fifth St. never mis- 1 fully determined never to turn back dar Vale we went to Stafford, where com. luded I Must have the tooth out as I had blind." This is file nn e reason they cannot { sion. Held some interesting meetings that done, but we found the brethren still Struggling Y ou I to- thhe- waordld b etcawuse tohe w hoolet whorled rs before. I had tried to have lead people the right way because they with a com 1p. any of saints upon the British they cannot see it themselves. They are ship " Garsda le," where a few• of t-- h, e sail- I wlieatyh, ainn dw- inicokwed wneh. sisl ea nI dw . srhitael lI p caasns afe- euln fdaeirn t haep obsatda tinef tleuaencchee rlse. f tO buyr c setra- yth aetm o hf ethaele Adl mbyig fhatiyth a, r m. b Auts fIa sileeadte tdo m gyest ehlfo lind shepherds that cannot understand they ors accepted the Lord and were made hap- 1 this place was blest of the Lord. From - - the Spirit's holy fire burning within, , the doctor's chair, vague sarcastic thoughts look to their own way every one for h i iris in the knowledge of salvation. We Stafford we went to Bushong, where Witnessing to me, thatj have a home flitted through my mind, and I half faancied gain from his quarter. The different sects li ake great pleasure in distributing the heaven. I know that is nothing we remained six weeks teaching the through the doctor and sea I in it i nothi's also,—" are pret-put 1 heir preachers on certain circuits so I Trumpet broadcast upon land an . I have , through ways off ealvary's cross. A few were ty believer in faith healing; one thing they look for_ gain from their own quarter i While it causes many sectarians to rage, it good saved, and the church much benefit-andd not for the salvation of souls. Feed- brings words of life to the hearts of the the goodness of God I have tthhiis b less - ed. About all the brethren stand certain, you cannot get decayed teeth heal - ing themselves and ' not the flock. Eze. honest. Are making arrangements to sup_ ed experience; praise his : dear name! out clear for Jesus. Bro. Hazzard with them." I felt half reproached, but as - ed by faith have to come to the doctor 34: 8. To prove this Ift, the people stop ply all vessels rthat stop here with Trum- I know that I aril at peace with my paying them and see if they will preach. pets and tracts. This is a grand opportn- MM aker. Should I be called this mo- twhaes anointed elder hurch at d the they robbed me of my rest at night, and I did not receive any relief in prayer, I did They make merchandise of the people. 2 nity to spread the light to all parts of the ment, 1 am prepared to go. 0 how that place. May Go of bless c them and Pet. 2: 3. Oh I if the human race could just globe, as there are British, German, Nor- blessed it is to know that we have a keewph toh egmo afrboomut tihne s phreoewp lcinlogt h. winogl. v Persa nyo at nkdn opwhy wsichaalt pealsien tIo a dlloo, w seod w mityh fmaiethnftuall see how they are being eaten up by these wegian, and in fact vessels from nearly home in heaven, and that we by the ort them no longer. " Why do you spend this new yet difficult field. If only there 1 o f that home! God has said, Be thou for us out here in the west. Yours in the gospel work, servants to be torn from me. As I contem-plated doing the same thing again, I thought P false shephends they certainly would sup- all nations. We are much encouraged in I grace of God have been made worthy your money for that which is not bread ? n were more fait hint fire tested workers to I faithful unto death and I will give thee E. F. Houghton & J. F. Lundy. how much I should miss this other tooth, — Isa. 55: 2: Why do you give your money dovote their whole time and talent in a crown. Now dear saints, let us hold , how the prospect was for me to have no teeth or always to- these blind leaders and get nothing to pushing this battle on. Who is ready and fast the profession of our faith with- JERRY CITY, OHIO, DEC-. g, 189f. artificial ones, which I had SAINTS: I wish to say to the half detested. Is it of faith, thought I, eat that will satisfy the hungry soul. You willing to come ? Every city needs a DEAR are only consoled in your sin and put to band of consecrated missionaries to advancper ooumt iwsaevde. rMingy, sfoinr nGeord f risie fnaditsh, fpurle tphaatre glory of God that w for e are still saved in when I seated myself in the doctor's chair sleep until awakened up 4u eternal misery. this evening light. This m rans hardships; to meet God: it is horrible to think Jesus and kept wholly sanctified, and the operation, or is it of unbelief ? The answer . the But praise God I he is setting up shepherds the loss of all worldly pleasurest qa be count- you will be lost; yet it will be so un- are doing the Master's will. We had was plain. Still I thought of that will feed the flock. Jer. 21: 4. These ed an outcast among men, the gazing- less you prepare to meet God; for sin a very precious meeting at Bro. grinders gh ceasing because they were few, is the transgression of the law, and Roush s. Bro. Rosenbery and Mother and althoug Ih knew God could heal decay-out charge."- 1 Cor. 9: 18. seised, rejected, persecuted, and in every the destruction of the transgressors Smith were with us. We did have a are the ones that " make the gospel with- stock and offscouring of the world, de- ed teeth, I wondered if it was his will to As the ministers of Christ we should sense, an experience.- 1 Cor. 4: and of the sinners, shall be together. real refreshing shower from the pres- and natural force, and no doubt good teeth do so. I thought of Moses' good eyesight apostole pity the people in darkness, and use na 11- 13. Let no one think that there is Yours, savced now, . once of the Lord, and the little onesalso of the walking on the water the harsh means they have been deceived by plenty of time yet for this work. The I . Albert M. Johnson. sank deeper down in the will of God. iron swimming, etc. I thought of thephys-these blind leaders. Matt. 15: 14. The time is short; souls are perishing. This 1 Some renewed their consecration and icalvictories the Lord had given me in the 1 ,2. TTwo MELROSE, 0., DEC. 21, 1891. ministers have " scattered the sheep and day of grace will soon be over. The bar- were filled with the holy fire. past. The still small voice said, Go forward;" are left DEAR TRUMPET READERS: W C word. are dear ones were healed by obeying the I believed, and the aching ceased, and to they driven them away.--- Jer. 23: ,2. They vest is past. The gleaning grapes that are souls down to hell. But we must use all ered speedily. Behold now is the accepted glad to report once more. On then to help in a meeting. We are out on are the ones to blame, for leading and the few olive berries must be gath- d. We go to Deshler the - iith, my troubled spirit came a sweet calm. meekness toward the people that have time now is the day of salvation. We ex- 3d of Nov. we commenced meeting at the blood and fire line with a heart And now dear brethren and sisters, let been deceived, until they see their error._ pact to remain here this winter. Caries - full of love to do the aster's will. us go up at once and possess the rich in- - Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest pondents please address, 1921, 15th St., companied by Bro. F. N. Jacobson and brother, saved Arcola, Ind. in the name of Jesus, ac- M hesitance our Father has promised uus that he will send forth laborers into his San Diego. All well, happy, saved, sane- wife, and some of the saints from your humble brother in physically and spiritually for in his name harvest."— Mat t. 9: 3S. - tided and kept. Columbia City. We had a good meet- Him' " Wm. H. Miller. and in his strength we are able to do it. of Praise the Lord ! his ministers are run_ Your humble co- workers, upon the gos- ing;, a few backsliders were reclaim- God is not partial; what he does for one mg to and fro feeding the flock and preach-, pal altar, . ed, and my wife was d; ordained for his children he is pleased to do for all, who , place we wen- to Antwerp, c' - " H o - rc:' - - - DE A. R BRETHREN: We are happy like Jacob will take his blessing by force. DEC. 18, 1891. He likes to have us do it. And now dear ing the everlasting gospel, and knowledge J. W. Sr J. Byers. the work of the ministry. From this r is being increased concerning Christ and . i has. prepared, I we met with Bros B. E. Warren and ati__ nps. if ever I change my resolution, or if the wonderful salvation he ,1 UNION GROVE, ILL., DEC. 10, 1891. i I l' ' F" sr' ' once more to report that our A. J. Kilpatrick. Some souls were pang are all joyful in glory, with the ever the Lord disappoints me, I will let until people will have no excuse. They DEAR SAINTS OF THE . 10sT HIGH GOD i finding mercy ltiplied high praises of God in our mouths the know but " the Lord God will help are n out their covenant with death Grace, peace and be mu were baptized. It was a glorious and a two- edged sword in our hands, , saved and sanctified; four herefore I shall not be confounded; there-meeting to our souls. Next we went following the " faithful and true" as is disannulled, and their agreement with unto you all. Amen. The Kingston . fore have I set my face like a flint, and an . some sancti covering is found to be too narrow to cover our souls. The meeting was held in to the saints near Melrose, 0. Here he goes forth " to judge and make I know I shall not be ashamed." " Though hell will not stand. Isa. 2S: 17- 20. Their Mo. meeting was a glorious feast to them when the whole counsel is preached. a hall on Main St. which was filled we found the people in a bad condi- war." We did not report our labor he slay me, yet will I trust in him." Who then is willing to consecrate his to the utmost capacity every night in Ill. We were about six weeks in Your brother, saved and sanctified, tion. Some had backslidden- when Ha- Moses H. Thompson. service this day unto the Lord? "- 1 Citron. ere with attentive liste preached who had never in the vicinity say, of Reddick and held Der was here about two- years ago. 29: 5. How many are ready to , " H heard the word hed in its purity; meeting there an at Gaarrdner an a nd One, who the was eldenconfessed, got thd Gdd am I, send me," and we that have sold our nd - as the word went forth, they down and sought God, and was re- Essex. At the first two of the above • - all to Jesus, let us draw near with thanks- drank it down with tears. Four souls claimed; also some others. But we places, hearts and ears were much Fredrick, son of Wm. & Hattie giving. 2 Chron. 29: 31. Work with will- gave their hearts to God, and about are fearful for , some others at that closed against God's thruth, though Griffin, near Grand Junction, Mich. place. Our prayer is that God will our God did strengthen our hands for closed his career on earth Dec. 23; ing hand. s; be obedient children, then we 15 stood on their feet for our prayers. . we shall eat the good of– the land. ' We God bless them and save them; and show them their condition. The the battle. We found several warm aged to months and 4 days. Lit-will receive abundance in this world and also Lawyer McAfee and family, who Lord moved us to ordain another hearts at Essex. Our dear Bro. Ad eti Freddie was alol vely child, and fight with zeal in the battle of our God : elder, Sister Zorah J. Ellis; and for his departure has left the parent's in the end eternal life. - Praise God! let usa . r ee amongt hee nnuummbbe wr ho were very ison Kriebel escaped from Babylon for the battle is not ours but God's, and when - us. deacon, J. S. Hunt. home sad and lonely. May God bless ' kind to us We found many warm- and by faith the blood was applied, this fight of faith is over we _ know there them and lead them into the kingdom hearted friends in Mo. who wonder - p LATER. urifying his heart and filling the is a crown of righteousness laid up for us , __ We wish t6 report that Bro. John of his love an grace; that their hearts fully provided for all our wants. The • temple with the Holy Ghost. The d which the righteous judge shall give to us, Pence of this place, since the Beaver maybe comforte4, and that they may Lord willing we expect to return ere Lord assisting us with means from and all that love his appearing. We al- long and reap a glorious harvest into Dam C. M., found out that he was not both ends of the road, we arrived safe go at last to the happy abode of tthheir have the victory, glory be to Jesus ! the fold of G. We met with some wholly school sanctified. He made the con- four weeks ago at Robinson, Kan., darling child. Funeral services at the ways es all supplies, and more than this, we use grace ( disgrace) men, who came and ly. And God has joined us together ing up the word of life by the pouter Lee sch house. because it is the Lord's battle. He furnish. i opposition from the three works of secretion and God sanctified himwhol-near which place we have been hold- D. S. Warner. no carnal weapons. 2 Cor. 10: 4; but weep advanced their doctrine in their pray to work for the Lord. He was also of the holy Spirit, which is resulting He has gone to live with the angels so fair, a and mamma to come, down of strongholds: ;; ". This, is: the vie- pad out of the pulpit and told_ them to viction is resting on many, and much g And will look for his pap And all dwell in that heavenly home. - oils mighty through God; to the pullhigers . After they got through we step- ordained to the ministry of the gospel in many souls coming to God. Con- Mary Griffin. And join him in that beautiful world over there, in the church of the living God. And - tory that overcometh the:: world evenamtake the same and prove to . the con- praise thanksgiving is goi . ng up to faith:" So let us make - full proofennfSenr gregation when and where we can get we are now ready to stair out where- God, to whom be glory forever. Amen. - Clara Elizabeth Fowler, infant minis. Then if the gospel beb hisl;- itliS- * 41. - . the third work, but ever they would not the Lord will. G. L. & Mary Cole & Co. daughter of Bro. Samuel Fowler mini o those that are lost. Let, us go out; at all y take the stand. The congregation Your brother, C. E. Rothermel. died Dec. 21, 1891; aged one year, hours, and call for laborers to work in , the' Was soon convinced after those per - - 121"."* g57" 7.42211"."""* 35.15° 462P" WPFIS three months and three days. Fu- TESTINI 0 IES vineyard of the Lord. May the richest - of: sons were rebuked in the name of nasal services at Praise Chapel. - - - - - GRXND UNCTION, MICH., DEC. 27. rHY TESTIMONIES ARE WONDERFUL."— May God bless the bereaved parents th tle ones for Jesus' sake Amen the same glorious victory for king PEA. 119: 12: 1,`. and comfort them. Amen. Your brother saved to the utter m ost , Jesus. The last night Of meeting ma- is with preaching us in hing the glorious SYCAMoRE, ILL. Heaven's blessings rest upon all God's lit- Jesus. ;, 71' he meeting Went on with H. C. Wickersham, DEAR TRUMPET READERS: The Lord IV, A. Haynes. gospel R a > 1} souls Went out of the heuse crying l of Christ. edently held DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD : A DIED at White Cloud, Mich., Dec. d aft etrhey had invited to meeting at Blend6n, Mich. and bout six months ago my soul was saved and 14, 189r, Lloyd Guy Stockwell, agleidtt l4e cOme back again. God bless them, months and 14 days. A sweet WS PROM TEE ' FIELDt a loud ater ey a inve us o good was accomplished. t Much dark- sanctified, and a thousand tongues could 35840T11 ST., SAN DIEGO, CAL., No‘ lr. 26, ' 91. and also the little church i - their ness was removed, andclil the church never tell the blessed experience I have en-cherub went to a more celestial sphere. DEAR SAMTS : We are still kept by the was strengthened, and 4iilt up in the joyed ever since: I am still rejoicing in theIt It was and adopted grandchild of Mr. power of God through faith unto salvation faith. I am no- wiloldin'g. meeting at and Sister Stockwell. Its parents were ready to be revegedin thedast time. Have J. Al & A. J. Dillon, & B. E. Fink. J Bethel, where two souls re- grace and knowledge of our Lord andSayinr Its mother was sweetly saved, and prayer meetings. full salvation of God, d growing in the both buried in one grave last spring. Your humble brother and sisters, been holding meetings hi the Sierra Build tautly consecrated- to God. Our next Jesus Christ. The Lord saw fit to let me go her babe is now with her in glory. souls have been saved. In one meeting nEAR READERS OF THE TRUMPET: I Jan. 2, 1892. , he hath said, " The iyring of your faith work- Funeral at Bro. Smith's Bethel, near Rio Miss. through fiery trials for several months, but there were ten children at the altar, aged do praise God that it is my privilege Your brother - under the blood, eth patience." Hallelujah ! There are a great many sects in this place, and I am Grand Junction. ing for a few weeks during . which some. , will be at Kendall, Mich., commencing D. S. Warner. from gospel fourteen down to five years, among to testify through the columns of the Byron Wooden. in all its glorious light and truth for praying for God to send some one of his whom were our own Olive and Cora, who T rrumpett again: I wrote my testimony DIED, Nov. io, 1891, at Billings, Mich. are believing in Jesus and doing their best about eight months ago, but since that AKRON'', KAN., DEC. I I, 1891. ministers here who will preach the blessed John G., infant son of Mr. Frank to be g, ood girls an_ d live for him . Quite time I have been brought through DEAR TRUMMPET READERS: May th e esti and Sister Addle Marshall. We earn edumber of the litt e ones have fully yield-there are many honest souls in this place y pray God to call loudly after the to the Lord. The loeation iS a real mis. Praise the Lord! - Lord bless you with an ' bundantfull who, like myself, are hungry for the bread father that he may yet get salvation, sionary field. Have closed the protract- I am still out on the king's highway, ness of his love, i- s- ou r prayer. We of life. Oh how good it is to have a Savior and go hand in h meet and with his horn-many fiery trials. - ed effort how, and have established a onn- battling for Jesus and the right, amid wish to tell of God's oddness and who will go with us all through our earthly en. panion, d their child in eav-les and trials and sore temp- mercy to us, who is sak ng and keep- Ijourney, and who will carry us IA h15 arms Wm, Blancher, - OBITUARIES. Tor appointment ', every Tuesday evening, the tl- ou ( Continued P'ont . it page.) gel of the kingdom must be preach- as early a date as possible. I feel salvation. We are clear from the world in a backslidden state brought back, an God! Multiplication is a rapid pro- - d in all the world, for a witness to very sure it is of the Lord, andl be- and its trappings, having no desire or pleas- the church more firmly established. Glory cess of addition. But the question is every nation, and then shall the end ieve the Lord will bring it to pass. ure in them, and are standing free from Bab- to Jesus! Your brother and sister, saved ., often asked, Will not this remnant - ome. How forcibly Rev. 1 4 : 6, 7 This boat'could float 2,5oo miles, and ylon, Egypt and Sodom, walking in the to the uttermost, grow cold and run into sectism anc vas come to our mind. The corn- stop at about five hundred towns and light, for in Him is no darkness at all. the world, as past reformations have . nission to those angels who are gath- cities. It is the most practical way Wife and I stand alone, except one or two lost their salt? No; they backslid ' ring the elect remnant extends to to spread the light I know of. Any others that have received the light by read-because their leaders set up the sect ' them that dwell on the earth, and to one moved of God to help set this ing the word and the Trumpet. Many are 11AYDEN, IND. idol which soon sapped their spiritu- every nation and kindred and tongue work moving, send means to the claiming to walk in- the ili: ht but are full of DEAR. SAINTS' : With the glory jai, Go - a.', rj ality , rooted God out of their hearts. end people." Amen! Lord, hasten Trumpet office desating mthe object. deception," deceiving and beia g deceived," in view, I feel led to write my testimony., But now, only Jesus iso lifteud up; r ac- t smorae andv moree. Adnd tru lyb the rYother, . callin. light darkness, and datkness light. of healing and salvation. I was sancti-cordinogly he that glorieth mnust glor3 spirit is mo. ving men to the " regions G. T. Clayt Oh how sad to see poor souls: o deluded ! lied about ten years ago. At that time I in the Lord. Hence along with tit( Beyond." Bro. Schroder of Cal. had WELLAND, ONT. May the Lord help them to see their mis - was greatly afflicted with deafness. I heard multiplication of them, God says, " I begun translating tracts into the Scan- Amen! God help us to send - the take is our prayer. of the healing power of God among the I wLoilrld a blsloes gs ltohreifey, 0th heamb. i" ta Atiomne onf! j'uTsh• e w Jainnat voifa mn, e hainss m hoe thhaesr btoenegnu der; i vbeunt tfoo rb yg oeslepcetlr ibcyit yti daen, d a onnd hwoirnsde sa, n adn dst emaemn, Your saved bi Eoltihzear _ a& rid,- sRisatnedrm, l e Stu gni s. sawsaein . it sIn. tIh wtehonede rwed oif trhde L hored c ocuold uheladl. rice and mountain of holiness.— Jer. secular labor for some time past, and heal the deaf. I then began to call on the 31: 23. qo the work of God is delayed. May running to and fro on all the face of MINDEN, NEB. Lord to heal me, andI do praise the Lord,-, Thy sun shall no more go down; the Lord soon get him out in the tthheem' e afortrhth o, nb ufto oont. l y0 t hLeo trrdu, e saenndd - aDEAR TRFM- PET READERS : I rejoice with he did heal me instantly. I also have been neither shall thy moon withdraw it- work. We hope Bro. Schleehauf is - thousand others that the Trumpet will , healed of a dancer by the power of God, fors pure in' heart; for Satan is on hand soon be a weekly. We believe that the' which I glorify him. I pray the Lord to seerllfa: s ftionrg t hleig Lhot, r dan sdh atlhle b de atyhisn oef e tlh - y t rwanosrlkaatinnyg binrotot hGeer. r mBaron. PSutosrhr ethre t htoin ckosmmission all % others. But do Lord will make the hearts and minds of all bless all who may read this for Jesus' sake:: mourning shall be ended. Thy peo- of going to England to introduce the thou, 0 God, go forth on thy wheels the saints willing to contribute some if only Your saved sister, pie also shall be all righteous: the) of fire, and on thy burning throne of elittle to this purpose. 0 brethren and M. J- Howard;: shall inherit the land forever, the . iogrh ti st hveerrey. cAlneadr olyu rc adlelaerd Btor oI. n Adicah a- nhdo lginreeasts , s aalnvda ttieoanc. hA tnhde lneta tailol- ntsh eth sya isnitsst ewrso! r kp. r Gaylo froyr tGo oJeds utos ! h Ie wlpa os na tshuibsj gecret aotf branch of my planting, the work of Africa. May the Lord speed him on with devoted lives, hands, lips and prayer for bodily healing at the Kenesaw my hands, that I may be glorified. his way. Dear brother, when the Micift.• . minds, and with open hearts and o- camp meeting, and I have improved in PLADT WELL, A little one shall become a thousand time draws near to depart, ask God DEAR READERS OF TH E" TRUMPET : I::.•., . and a small one a strong nation: I to put it into the hearts of the dear pen purses, and with consecrated soul and body, though am not restored to am glad to have my name numbered withe-;,.:. . - lands, houses and possessions,, a nd all the Lord will hasten it in his time.— perfect health. My faith reaches out after the redeemed. I have been a member 4 '' Faints to help you on your way with ISP. 6o: 20- 22. their means; and there are many who anwdi tuhp loifntee dh heaanrtd as, n sda yw, iAthM oEnNe ! a Acc- o irbdr , m Geo. d I- f oarm c oamllp gleivtee nhe uaplt ht. o C Goondti naune- d t oh ipsr aI yh tahveen b. Kee nse lcitv 1in7g y feaarr sf, r obmut GI soede Bnorowt htheaisk' . This is blessed and glorious news. are truly consecrated to do as the m EN! ! cause, and feel that he wants me to go out The sun of the primitive church did Lord shall make known unto them to battle with Gog and Magog, and aid in Dillon and wife and Sister Fink were hold. go down before noon. The true light his will. 0 that the poor heathen ing a tent meeting here last August. I wash TESTIMOI\ IES,- __ was hid in the long night of Rome may have the privilege of receiving isnp rneeaedd ionfg N 7tPhoirsk eervse hneirneg. light. We are much led by the Lord to go there and the first: J iasnnodv , ts ehbuostnt aeaf btneurtt - Gd ioCmd lhgya ritnhi sePrtrs - hwis rietmh- o huumt atnh yeok aesb! oEvmer isninacet itohen d aorkf fin" TESTDPIsnsN. r1iz1S9 R: Ela W'. ONDER? U. L."-- • Your bthreort, hsaenrcitmifieed Ib yw ae snecto Gndo tidll llieghdt . m I teho ouguhtt iitn w tahs ias h baredi ttnuintige 4 BECHHA MTON, N. Y. work of grace, nant out of fallen Babylon, her light age brought forth its disgusting creeds to leave the Methodists. I could not see .'-': DEAR SAINTS: This day finds ` me saved, ac hIy could not live right and still forth Edward Boicourt. shall never again wane. " They also and inconsistent factions the Lord's anctified, healed and kept by power di-shall be all righteous." No mixture missionaries have been embarrassed sine doing His whole will. Discourage- to them but I see now. I have tried- A7,-. HanTsnens, akaa. twice and was drifting away from Goo; onof Cgohartiss tn. o Br lsepsost ttehde s hLeoerpd i nfo trheev feorl! d cino nthfoeiur nladbeodr st. h Oemft tbhye hteelaltihnegn thhaevme . t, cre Tnthse a re great,— encouragements greater. DEAR PET READERs : It has been both times and now I have no desire t0'' pressing need of' means
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 12:01
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 12:01
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 12:01
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 12:01
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 12:01
title_sort gospel trumpet - 12:01
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1892
long_lat ENVELOPE(-66.783,-66.783,-66.867,-66.867)
geographic Canada
The Altar
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The Altar
genre morse
genre_facet morse
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766244422872203264
spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:39+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 12:01 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1892-01-01 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 12 01 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1892 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:03:29Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Eow Beaded' Thou, 2,- o 7 ' t tToW 6. 71O11 B 7 O7V ?. 7. le 2 DUR IP: E. 7: a2a wind Flea out of. the mats of babylon and deliver - every man Iris soul; be not cut off in her inignitv; for this S the time of the Lord's vengeance; he will render iin to her a ree, ompense And the land shall tremble. anti sor-row for everypul rose of the Lord shall 1) 2 - Performed against babylou, I to make the lemd of bab- sion a dens-latioh II Molt an it habil ant.-- Jer . 51: G, 29. • ' 40' 4 And he said an, to ' htSeBst thou? And I answer. Then said he Unto me every one that steaieth t . thall be cut WI on this shevsaoellrl ehy a: ow cnuoetr dtohirna( t go anw. eth: raenatime t the mord o Side according— to it ' t wa- n' , sal'It I .7tv ueorlst : a flying rau " Atid He shall se, mi angelswah a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together Ills' elect from the four winds, from one e, nd of heav-en o the other. Now learn a parable of the hg tree; when hie branch is yet tender, and putted) forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye when ye shall see all these things know that it is near, even at the door."— Mark 13: 24- 33, Grand Junclion, Mich, Jan ,. 1892. Yolume 12. .1 run1' ei 1. resented in Rev. 14: 6, as preaching the " everlasting gospel," e., the pure word of God, which " liveth and abideth forever." They " publish sal-vation."— Isa. 52: 7. " They see eye to eye,"— Ver. S. And, as a result of their harmonious ministry, Zion, the church, puts on her strength, --- the HOIY Spirit; and Jerusalem— also the church— puts on her beautiful gar-ments— holiness. And, " from hence-forth there shall no more come into thee, the uncircumcised and the un-clean."— Verse By the same istry, the same separation is reached in Nahum 15. In. this remnant is found salvation. " For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call."— Joel 2: 32. It is to_ be a persecuted remnant. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war With the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.— Rev. 12: 17. A fruitful remnant. In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall . be lent and comely for themthat are caped of Israel.— Isa. 4: 2. And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah, shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.— Isa. 37: 31. It is to be a harmonious and uni-form remnant. Many beautiful script-ures portray this fact. But we will only give place to one text. " Be-hold I will gather them," " and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: and Iwill give them one heart, and one way." Read Jet. 32: 37- 41. We will now trace the growth and It is one thing to read the Bible thiough, Another thing to read, to learn and dd. Some read it - with desi gn to- learn to read, But to the subject pay but little heed. Some read it as their duty once a week, But no instructions from the Bible seek; While others read it with but little care, ith no regard to how they read, nor where Some read it as a history to know How people lived three thou:- and years ago Some read to bring theinselves into repute By showing others hew they can dispute; 1V hi/ e others read becar. se their neigbbors do; , ee how long ' twill take to read it through. Some read it for the - wonders that are there,— I IONS David killed a lion and a bear W dle others le id it with uncommon care, 11 . ping to find some contraniction there. S • To e read as though it did not speak to them, But to the people at Jerusalem. 0 r.- ads it i a book of mysteries, And won't believe the verY thin. g he sees. One reads with Faiher's speech uponhis head, A. nd sees the thin g just as his father- did. Some read to wrangle Tor their creed,— Hence understand but little that they read; For every doctrine in the book they find To m ake it curt that all important end. Some people read, as I have often thought; To teach the Book instead of being taught. And some there are who read it out of spite— I fear there are but few who read it right So many people in these latter days Have read the Bible in so many ways That few can tell which systena. is the best; For every party contradicts the rest But read it prayerfully, and you will see. Though men do contradict, Qod's words agree. For what the early Bible prophets wrote, We find that Christ and his apostles quote. So trust no creed that trembles or offends At any word the blessed Bible sends. Selected. * New rears Greeting. Dearly beloved saints, and fellow participants of the goodness and love of God, and of the riches and glory of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, ve pray the dear Lord to bless you with a joyful New Years in the Lord. Let us truly thank God that our lives have been spared through all the dangers and vicissitudes of an-other year. _ 0, how our hearts swell vith unutterable glatip; ide to_ the great _ asther of n- iercies:',;- for s. _ _ or the enlarged prosperity' of his h . , . . 040- , , : s s , iiarne, an d l et our hearts pour outIthe Lord, and their substance unto the denly destroy the fierce Gog and Ma-gog forces that compass the camp of the saints, and the beloved city, upOn the face of the whole earth. What then shall we do, who stand in the light where we see these things and take in the real situation of this world, and its impending doom? In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we ask, How ought men to live and act with these solemn facts before our eyes? Shall We bow to the sway of that cursed and very popular god- mam-mon, and join the crazed masses in U-' frantic pursuit of money, money, wealth and propertyrand vainly grab for the sordid dust, at the very edge 6f- tie LIT lake Ttrhsih- la--- shaill consume both the golden calf, aria all who worship the cursed idol? God for-bid! While men should keep good sense upon its throne; avoid the delu-sions that attend the lie of Millerism, and so provide for the present wants, and within the bonds of reason, the future needs of their house; in the name of God and all reason, we ad-monish all vrho expect to meet the returning King of glory, to not " heap treasures together for thes last days," and live in pleasure on the earth, lest, in the- awful day ' of Christ's coming, the unneeded treasures you have laid up, Will be found a curse to your own soul, while its ‘ vithholding has with: held light that might have resulted in the salvation of immortal souls. And Lord of the whole earth." For years we have looked with amazement and surprise upon the cold, and almost slumbering neglect of the precious opportunity of devoting means to the ul blemssoinngtsh , u and about eight thou an _ P1111.- 41:"- M. 4." s- Ours, I and ous cause in the past yeail When ,. e remember from what depths of poverty, through What floods of op.• position, and over what mountains of difefiulty the Lord has triumphantly brought his present truth; and when ere see what a mighty sweep of power has reached, we feel like falling own in the dust in wonder, and a-dore the mighty God of truth. Sure-ly our enemies must confess that this work has been wrought in God. The last year especially has been wonder- ' fully blest of God. Many dark cor-kers of this sinful and doomed world aave been invaded by the light of leaven, and hundreds, yea, doubtless thousands of souls have escaped out 1 of the darkness of sin, and have pass-ed on to the sublime mountain of God's holiness. 0, let all the re-deemed of the Lord join to praise offering to God, for all his won-ful works to the children of . men. I no year, since the evening light I has blest the hearts of men, has, it spread risen like up e in past new. fiNeld ews, witnesses have have t thanks to God for the blessing of full that out to God from the depth of our soul, th work of ` Saving souls. We have cried salvation. And mu h - that he would in some way teach his their servic to the living dear children the preciousness of de-secrated ' od, to help caihryon thislas reform-voting the Lord's means- A° his sacred G of hail, work. Thank God! ' there is an ap-ation given vent to their full hearts, multitudes ave con es parent advancement in. many hearts fire, and. blo` od. " Many are running to and fro" in the earth, in this direction, and we thin yea, " flying in. tlae midst of heaven, quite general. having the everlasting gospel. to And Yet: the charity and henevo-preach to them that dAV, e11 on the lence of the primitive church, even earth." And on the s4ime mission of down through the corruptions of the divine grace, have gone out between third and fourth centuries, puts us all eight and sixteen thousg'nd Truratts to shame: Then thousands of poor of us doubtles our labors may end before the year expires. Yea, 1892 may be the last year of this world's - history. Then all the race of humanity i that have breathed the air of this sin-tarnished earth shall have entered the unchangeable destinies of eter-nity. 0, how solemn and awful the thought, that ixe stand upon the very boundary line between hoary time, and unmeasured duration! in groans, and tears, cr aimnde h aaunndt iwngic firs , in blood an dos ill_ high interest.- Olie hundred per cent k fated planet has rolled its six thou- l ca, nnot be obtained. ' That would be sand annual rounds, and the weighti one fold, or once doubling the princi-of sin upon its bosom will soon sink pie. At that rate $ 1o, would increase it beneath the floods of divine wrath. l to S20, in one year. But God offers Its awful end is surely nigh. 0, what i You " an hundred fold,'" for all you de-an age We are living in! Heaven and ! vote to his cause, with a single eye to • hell have entered the last engagel his glory. One hundred times $ 10 merit upon this sin- scarred battle- field would be Si000. And no risks what-and the conflict will rage more and ever to run. Can it be possible that more desperately, until the awful cri- men really believe that Christ will sis when fire from heaven shall sud- give all this riches in their bosom, and in their. store, when they prefer the lurements of, this world? Thank God! some are beginning to credit their blessed Savior's wonderful in-ducements, and are showing their faith by their works. Young sisters haviag saved all their- surplus earn-ings, wisely deposited the same in the bank of heaven, for safe keeping, and sure multiplication. 0- how sacred our calling! To us is committed the ministry of the ever-lasting gospel, which is to gather the elect remnant out of the confused religions of earth. A holy remnant washed in the blood of lamb, and clothed in fine linen, dean and white. Even the bride, the Lamb's wife. The gathe r ing of this remnant, is a fa rt that stands out in prophecy so conspicuous, that even blind guides see it. Mr. Russel, the ea-- c- Satan's age- to- come falsehood, is spec-ulating upon the prophetic announce-ment. How absurd, that a man who denies that any one is born of God in this age, and knows nothing of pre-sent holiness of heart and life, should imagine himself gathering a holy rernnant, as described in the Bible! But having believed a lie himself, he can only gather into the same. He not only teaches the soothing falsehood of- an age of grace to cOme, but direct-ly contradicts God by teaching that now is not the accepted time; behold now is not, but in a future age is the infinite favor bestowed upon us, and a zeal consistent with out high pro-fession! The whole world lies before us, as a field in which to do good. And this is the last chance to help our fallen race. Consecrated men and means must carry the gospel iof God to the ends of the earth. God offers infinitely greater interest for the use of means, alreadyr his, than any man or firm, more than any business investment. - Ten per cent is regarded This representing God as having scattered them, would seem to conflict with the preceeding verse. _ In sever-al other prophecies we meet with the same statement. The idea is this: God breaks in pieces the corrupt and worldly institutions of man, which they falsely call churches, by the ham-mer of his word in the hands of his reformers. ' While preachers scatter and divide the children of God, whom he has called into one body. In other words, God assumes the re-sponsibility of all separation that re-suits from breaking up worldly sects, while he holds false teachers respon-sible for all divisions in his church. And thus his sheep have been scat-tered down through the ages. But now God " gathers the remnant of his flock," and " sets up shepherds ever them which shall . feed them." And this he says would be considered in the latter days.— See ver. 20. This work of gathering was to be by the ' angels, or messengers, and was to be a sign to the church, that the coming of the the Lord is nigh, even at the door. - Matt. 24: 31- 33. They were to be gathered during the " consumption decreed," which means, during the fire of holiness. Read Isa; 16- 27. This consumption over-flows with righteousness, and brings out a pure remnant that returns to Mt. Zion—" church of the first born" - the anointing of the Holy Spirit destroys the yoke of sectism off their neck. And from the standpoint of the consumption, " it. is. butshoeueinh triumph of this - remnant: " For who little while until the destruction shall come. We have the same two terms -" consume," and " destroy," in 2 Thess. 2: 8. First, consume by the fire of holiness, which separates the gold fisian the dross. Second, " destroyed" by the brightness of his coming. How nigh it is! This corresponds with the statement that Christ is at the door. This is a holy remnant. " And it came to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that reniaineth in Jeru-salem, shall be called holy, eyen every one that is written among the living in jerusalem.— Isa. 4: 3. Who are to be called holy? Ans. " The escaped." Namely, all who through the blood of Christ, have escaped out of Babylon. The remnant is at first composed of the " escaped," the " out- casts," the called out and the driven out. To which are being" added others,"- saved out of the world. The next verse, Isa. 4: 4, tells us when this holy remnant shall appear as such. Namely, when the Lord shall have aviay washed the filth of the daugh-ters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning.— Isa. h i011. 4: 4. It is after God's people have See Micah 4: Jer. 37: 33. But thank the Lordl this remnant is passed through the Sanctifier, the not confined to the few that flee out mighty spirit of judgment and spirit of the midst of her; for " the Lord of burning. That is the consumption God which gathereth the outcasts of decreed. Israel saith, Yet will I gather others " The remnant of Israel shall not to him, besides those that ard gather-do iniquity, nor sneak lies; neither ea' unto him."— Isa. 56: 8. For thus saith the Lord: Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the na t io n s.: pu b lish ye, praise ye, and say, 0 Lord, save thy people, the remnant of Israel.— Jer. 31: 7. There-fore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, and shall flow togeth-er to the goodness of the Lord.— Verse 12. And out of them shall pro-ceed thanksgivings and the voice of them that make merry; and I will MULTIPLY THEM, and they shall NOT BE FEW: I will also glorify them that they - shall not be small.— Jer. 3cuty. Praise Continued on 4t'• page.) .) with all the heart, 0 daughter of Je-salena."-- Zeph. 3: 13, 14. Here again thie remnant is des-cribehl,. as holy, free from iniquity, and bath despised the day of small things?" We find after the " con-sumption decreed' goes through the forests of Babylon and devours the thorns and briers, " the rest of the trees of the forest . shall be few, that a child may write them."— Isa. That is, there are but few' in all the folds of sectism who abide the fire of holiness and walk in the light of God. Therefore bath the curse devoured the earth, and they that & Al there-in are desolate: therefore the inhab-itants of the earth are burned, and few men left.— Isa. 24: 6. Turn, 0 backsliding children, sal- Eh the Lord; for I am married unto you; and I will take you oneof a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to- Zion; and I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and un-derstanding.- e- jer. 3 : 1 4, 15. Thank God if there is only one true man or woman in a whole city! " They shall thoroughly glean the remnant," jer. 6: 9, and bring that one out to stand alone with God. So the scriptural outlook is for a very small yield, as a result Of threshing Baby-per , s d widows and other indigent were sup- awful rebukes of Eze. Shining Lights, with. many thousand Ported. by the church in a single city. 34 he does in the i tracts All glory to the name of le_ . J . u , and in many other , places. Then rejoicing with all the heart. erating age. 0 that God may c reate countries— using the dispersion of th , How much more occasion we have to for the manifestation of his mercy thank God, than they in that degen- the remnant of my flock out of all again he says, ver. 3,-- I will gather It is a separate remnant. We have sus seen that they are gathered through the instrumentality of the Lord's . philanthropy in Jews here as a figure— whither I havi another year of time, and with ° some some degree commensurate with the driven them. d power in. the past . 1 an . an- And now brethren, we enter upon in his holy remnant a t ge, i s,— m. iinsterse- and these are re-thus, 0, dear ones consider this! " The day of salvation. And this high priest rust of them shall be witness against of falsehood is compassing land and you, and shall eat your flesh as it sea to make proselytes to his new de-were fire." 0, that men were wise ception. Thus it is that Satan always and would consecrate their gain unto counterfeits the true work of God. But thank God fox the genuine, the pure remnant, and bride of Christ. Therefore saith the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people: Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I • will visit upon you the evil of your aoings, saith the Lord. And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and I shall a deceitful tongue be found in k it is increase. And I will set up shepherds their mouth: for they shall feed and over them which shall feed them; lie down, and none shall make them and they shall fear no more, nor be; afraid. Sing, 0 daughter of Zion; dismayed, neither shall they be lack- shout, 0 Israel; be glad and rejoice mg,, saith the Lord.— Jer. 23: 2- 4. Here we see that God charges up-- on the unfaithful pastors, the sin of having scattered his flock. And so MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. A small tract of 32 pages,- setting this subject before the people, in the clear, light of the New Testament. Bro. Orr of Ind. writes: - We ex-pect to go to South Carolina in the near future, perhaps in a . few weeks; just as Father wills. Any one in Ky. or Tenn. desiring meetings we would be glad to hear from them. We ask all God's little ones to pray fervently for us. with financial matters: but we must ! inform you of the Lord's gracious leadings, and then - we shall hereafter only continue in prayer and sUpplica-tion unto God, and gratefully report his kind dealings from week to week. I Viewing the Lord's work in every way possible, we can see no way to o r resen tire that it would be best to wait for a meeting - t ith the , saints so as to have united faith and prayer but T, was reminded of the time when jc,'" i1.1 mzLr IMINISSICE." 2.17.11, athan with his armor- bearer wei.**. ii) RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. IF: T. rtli in_ the of the . For Onity of 1- Tie 4- 211u_ sch; the Fte-i. e2.1.1-• e of Tytt- r. 3.; the of g, nce 8 WAR E. E. BY i, 1°--- Office Editor. THE AGE TO COME AND MILLENNIUM J. r- rvii. 7.43 ard sWCHELS.-- Publish.:,- rr. tt3ii lEn- YRAR 1N ADVANCE. FREE TO THE POOR. Elterd at Elle Pci,: t Office at cirarrnI Junction, rIticts. as Gecocd CiRSS matter. commissicqi of 20 per cent will be given on eachl new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the C• OSFEE, TRIaU'ET. We make this oiler so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the eir-cultion of the paper. - Parties desiring papers to canvass with should nc., tify us rcl_ calarly of their whereabouts.,: 01 3f5- 1t 0 ' T I C E. Pest Office Money order or Postal Note. 1 Vhere these can not be procured, send by a - Yea"- . ess Order, Registered Letter, cr small Address.— THE SHINING LIGHT, amounts in stamps. Grand Junction, Mich. CuNAKi C- F ADRDEss.— Subscribers wish ing their II: dregs changed, most be sure to give their FORYER as well as their new ad fire s.% to send out for free distribution. It con- MISSING PAPEES.— It occaionan hap talus 30 pages, - with a neat cover. We J; ens that nntnirs of our papers sent to will send these tracts to any one sending ui_ Feriers are lost, or stolen in t er c: Ise yr: 41 do not receive vo, a1.1 us postage at the rate of one cent for three state. ANTHEMS FROM- THE THRONE. I SECOND EDITION. M. J. Mackey, D. W. Hess. J. C. Young, Burr E. Brae,,, , Ernest Margaiss, G. W. Morse. About all new. The pages are some larg-er than Songs of Nvrictery. - When sang in 01 God, these song's will be found Ilynn the precions prose- tit quill, and the gospel standard ( 4 ealvatifm. Send in your orders for Anthems from the Throne, and start the songs of praise anew. ( Manilla. . tcs. C lath. . . 50 etc. P el. dozen. $ 3.00 & oord i ance,:, iid definitionst of stub bjects. Set- MUST WE SIN? conversation between Bro's Light and Foggy, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. ' ills tract has been enlarged. to LIS pages, and is now ready. who love to read the truth, send for them by the hundred. ( Per single copy 2 Os Price 20 " HD d red 1 50 " A tract on the True Church. 50 pages 10 cts. A tract on the Sabbath, or Which Day to Keep. 65 pages, 10 etc. A NEW BOOK FOR ALL. HOLINESS 13 iLI, E SUBJECTS by C 00 subject s * j I scripture a • i d ti it Bro. Schell is expecting to begin a meeting in or near Kittaning, Arm: strong Co., Pa., about the first of the year. Any one that can come is in- Sin gle copy 5- ts Price Per dozen. 40' c ( Per one hundred. $ 2.50. THE ORDINANCES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. A. NEW TRACT, BF WM. G. SCHELL. Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture hi a ! clear light, showing which are abelished, and proving 1 that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Ord Testament, but of the New and are ! still in vogue. ( Single copy ricts. PRICE- I Per dozen . 45cts. ( Per hundred 00. TRADITION. Refuted by the inspired- Word of God. Single copy. 10 eta. Price Per. dozen SO Per. hundred . .$ 5.00. Ali business communications moneys, etc., must be I a idreSSed to the GOSPEL Tr. cmpET, in order to in- SlIfe ci. e. dit; otherwise 17.3 will not be responsible. NOTICE. As persons have frequently written to us for Bibles and Testaments, we Cave purchased a few New Tes-taments with the References in figures, directly un-also contains a Key to the pri! ciples of pronuncia-referred t ■ whica is very convenient. It THE SHINING LIGHT THE. GREAT TOBACCO SIN. We now have the Tobacco Tract ready pa- per when ftz- r , xLiiting a suffi c. iem tracts. We make no charge for our work i - t t c r and 7 e in lunkg much desired that the Lord send a I Gillis. S. J. Holsapple, D. Burge, A. D. Hancock, Sarah E. Roller. : 11rs. M. R. Smith, John Clement, 1 It contains 14S songs. 90 with music. THE BIBLE ' BEADINGS BY Bro's Kilpatrick and Speck, is a very I thorvgir ' work giving the Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. ' Single copy. $ 75 Price Per half Doz 3.30 " Doz 6.00 ADDRESS.— GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. Bro. 1\- lichels and Co. have had very successful meetings; He has been at home for a short time, while Bro's- Daugherty and Henry, who are his assistants, are holding meet- ing at Litchfield, ' Mich. He will soon join them again, and resume I work about Coldwater, Mich. Bro's Wooden and Byrum made a visit to the saints near Muskegon, Mich. Dec. 12, 13. Brother and Sister \ Voodruff had been holding a meeting there for a few weeks and the Lord ! was at work. . There were twelve ! consecrations on Sabb., 3th. Meeting I closed that night, and Brother and ! Sister went to Mancelona, Mich. bert Bixler are holding meeting three and a half miles south of Go-bles, in this county. The young breth-ren are well anointed and we expect to hear good news of their labors this winter. - to do the printing without muhc cl ' s ad - Chas. E. Orr. k press. First, it is not speedy enough bout to make an attack upon the el l .; emy; that they encouraged each oth er with these words, " There is no ie.-. straint with God whether by mai* or by few," and" as there ' were no meetings near us I was led to inquire of God as to his will and his time. So I fasted and prayed inquir-ingly, and the Spirit gave me the" words. It is written, " Let them call for, the elders of the church, and le-( saken people. Bro. and Sister F. N. Jacobson de-sire a soprano singer to accompany them in the work. The Lord send them the needed helper. Address Columbia City, Ind. Since writing our notice of suffic-ient bedding, the female part of the family inform Us, that a bed or two I more is needed to accomodate our many visitors, and therefore if any Were preparing such for the Lord's little ones here, they need not desist from the good purpose of their- hearts. Bro. H. C. Wickersham writes: I just received a call to go down to Sweet-ser and Jalapa, Ind., to - hold meet-ing. If the Lord wills I am going, and from there wherever the Lord way I am ! going westward . Those leads. If the Lord opens up the wishing gospel help in that direction can write me. Your brother, saved and sanctified through the blood of H. C. Wickersham. New Pittsburgh, Ind. We hope and trust that Bro. W. will take in'the call at Todd's Point, • and paper press will be sufficient, at I and the voice of his blessed Spirit l is unto us, " Go forward." been reduced $ too. The dear ones have sent offerings unto the Lord from small amounts up to $ 13o. And every day our hearts have been overwhelmed with gratitude to God. The other night when at a late hour, after a long day's work, it came to us to divide up the - amount, and after an hour's calculation we arrived at the following plan, which we lay be-fore you ha the name of- Jesus, and pray the Lord to show all the lovers I [ of his salvation just what class you should place yourself ill. There is wanted for the Master's use 4 parties to pay Sioo each. . S400. 4 4 4 4 so " 200. But as many are poor, we present the above plan that the more favored may help their poor brethren, and. all may give as the Lord has prospered them, and as their heart stirs their up to glorify God. Before this paper reaches you, the Lord wilting, we shall have visited Chicago, and if suited in a press, shall have purchas-ed. Glory to the name of our God! We are sure he will " supply all our needs through ' his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Let all saints pray much, and each one do as the - Lord leads. If God will, let the preach-ers, elders, and deacons, stir up the hearts of the children of God in your several localities, and God will bless and reward all who, with willing hearts and hands, help on this mighty I work. Amen. Your S E. Courtney Laborers for the harvest, Then saith the Lord unto his discin1C " The harvest truly is plenteous but borers are few. "— Matt. 9: 37. How fort bly these words of our blessed Savior c(-. 1/ to our mind as we look around over ter world and see the great number of peopl that are living for nothing but the pleasur and vanities of this world and the few, verl few that are living for God and working f4 the salvation of perishing souls, the mane My little daughter Belle who is near sheaves to be garnered in, many lost souk ly nine years old has been quite of to be saved and so few to work in the hai flitted with Catarrh. She had the vest: but praise God for the zeal he give usual symptoms of chronic dis,, ease. to his workers that enables us to forsake Of late her head Was at times pained, I to follow Jesus. A preacher of the M. the nasal passages were closed, and sect said if the members did not pay hi her breath offensive from the secre- what he wanted for preaching he volt tion which was constantly forming. quit and go to splitting cordwood for a I] I became seriously impressed con- ing. It would be a wonderful blessing cerning her: our neighbors also were the cause of Christ if the people would n alarmed at her condition, and thought support such preachers. Glory to Jesu we should be doing something for His workers have a different kind of ze her. The Lord has been our phy- 1We have- preached to the people; furnishi sician during recent years and I ex- our () WTI oil and coal: but glory to God! I pected that in his own time he would furnishes the gospel so if it needs be so y heal her. The enemy suggested that] willingly furnish other things necessa as the disease was of a serious that the Lord puts within our power. 8 " Ift healeth, oar diseases.” BAY VIEW, MICH. - DEAR SAINTS: I desire to glorify God and encourage others by testi-fying again to his power to . heal. Total $ 2000. One dollar from each subscriber I • humble servants. 0.50 TO I 200. I 70. 270. 31o. and this was the order of his will, sOl on the following Sabbath three weeks ago, there being no elders near us two sisters with myself came togetth er in Jesus' name and the dear Lord did graciously manifest himself in)) our midst. - The room was filled with: a heavenly sweetness as we pouredl the- oil on the head of the little one! and called upon the Master to prov his faithfulness again by stretching forth his hand to heal. The sittiPle' ' , faith of- the child w, as ready to claim the finished work, and we rejoice together in another victory. She is healed. Praise God, our great deliv-erer in every time of need! Dear 1 saintsJ sometimes meet with afflict- i ed ones, or who are in doubt or anx-iety over certain matters, and hear, them say, Oh if I could only kno- k just what God would have me doi One sister wrote me that she wOuld give all the world, as it were, if: she. could talk with God about five Min-utes. Dear ones, it is the will of Got that we should commune with bin directly, whenever the case demands but in the first place, he is well pleas ed for us to humble ourselves before him, by making a sacrifice, as 1- 161 people have been wont to do in al ages, when they wished to ask specia requests from the king himself. Ncl tice the particular form of common" which the Master gives with rega I r to fasting. Matt. 6: 17.—" But thoi w'rfelvthou fastest, anoint thy Ilea and wash thy face," and ternenfb that " in de- keeping of his co mandments there is great reward Since I have been led in exact ob4 dience in these things, I have forme, a great advance in my spiritual lifc, I and the service of fasting is a prg cious season - to me. Every thin, seemed hallowed with the divii presence and an impulse of co dente and assurance possesses my s as I enter the secret chamber. Thet-is not a circumstance or condition in which we may be placed but that, if necessary, God has a certain poi-' tion of his written word ready to - ap ' propriate to our anxious heart through which he will speak to t either by causing us to open to special word, or through the mind the Spirit in prayer, as we listen f. the gentle voice to guide us into the will of our Lord. I Your sister, Your brother saved in Jesus, I prosecute t le same w iup f snd one . place, oe rnisi_: ing I how many you wish sent. ada. • r lnFe - e s a ad , r -. T I ° fin the tracts. Alway a state Justl good II order to labor awhile in Can- DDIY1 . er. e I We Would- say that Canada is iectify the some. Eliza Wetson, Hairy II. Kegle, Marion Welch, F. Ad. i ireoS all l . lers to GOSPEL TRUMPET. N. Jacol,:= 01- 1. Mrs. L A. Smith, A. Harman, . A. A. to the Dominion? N! hyzie 6 L. - peek J. k Caldwell, Ruth Daugher- I Address Bro. G. T. Clayton, Wet-tv. Rachel Dunbar, P. J. House, Grant Me Cam, 0. I an Ont. ., 7- hen. you write, be sure 0 give ycur! la good field to labor in. There are i II a— ss, pest- o, Ece, county aanndA I LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIY-- precious true saints there. Law is Should there be a mistake at any time.'' ERWISE RECEIPTED. I many souls are hungry for the true How TO SEND Ma= — Remit by tracts. . From the tenor o t e e e, 1 to u at -,-- ill 0- 1 dly _. " - once, e a m. Miller, TL i• v - i' ngston. T . 0 Hou- ton, ! bread of life Who will go over in- NOTICE. Address Sister Ruth - Daugherty, I unto the Lord, whose servants we are, ISharpsville, Ind. der the verse In ordering free tracts, brethren- We are happy to report that God Illustrated. It should be in every family I say, Send me some, or a few free - where there are children. OOnn ly 25 cent f h I tt r debt on the building, and that has tion, and has a Dictionary, and Gazeiteer of 47 P I ` hteep- skin cover,— .$ 1.00. I should always send sufficient changel I 4!!!! s- i has been richly blessing the hearts of Price, postage paid, Embossed " . $ 1 - 55. I to cover mailing expenses, and be Embossed gilt, ' 41 00. ! sure and say how many you - wish. ! hsiisn csea iWntse - bweitgha tnh eto g mraocvee - oofu gt. i vAinngd' = IC 54 I ! L. Cole. 2. J. 0: alters, John Shank, J. M. Rummel, I ' 00 H. Hummel Jan. Brubal: er. Adam Oyler, David e took the following from a paper ' 1 We desire this because brethren An interesting paper for the children. sometimes send 5o or 75 cents and the debts that then existed have near-ly all been cancelled except the ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH- well enforced, and order is good, and R EFERENCE AND PRONOUNCING - ! preach the gospel at Sharpsville, T SN. 270N=. 3 E STAMENTS. I ton Co., Ind. Cannot Bro's Leininger we would judge they not intend us to send sufficient to cost that much I to mail, and yet if they intend a part as donation, we would feel more free to know it difinitely. - I Bro. John E. Smith from Canada desires to come over and labor in Mich. Bro. Clayton also wishes to open up new fields in Pa. and it is M The publication on FEET WASHING, I Historical- and Scriptural, written by W. W. Bradley, is now being sold for I 20 cents each,$ 1.90 a dozen. This is ' a very thorough work on the subject, and should have a wide circulation. Order. from the author, W. W. Brad-ley, Watk. insville, iss., or from this office. Some one is desired to come and vantage, and detention of the wwhhole work. Second, it is not capable of doing first class book work. Our en-gine is also too small, and we shall I have to have a new and larger one, perhhaappss the e boiler entire also cost . W as e chlavely ca as l- them pray over him, anointing cu closely with oil in the name of the Lord," and: • Ipossible, and find that no less than I saw at once that it was God's time about two thousand dollars will meet the demand, and that only by turning in our old press and engine, which we think we , can do, as one good book and Gast go there? - I least for a few years. We have cried Tampico, Ind. I a fMew ye. a rsE ago.: " Inc anon- ! iference of_ 1S24 the bishop, vItia trem- !! roueand' with deep emotion, said, ' I see there Is danger of our we were raised up, and e r I The GOSPEL TRUMPET, weekly, this beautiful banner and if trail l $ 1.00 per year. " To the poor free. ail oiwt ein I AN- e want some of God's holy pr" preachers we are a God- forsaken peo- ! preachers to come to Almena, Kan. This has proved to be a true pro- ' Where is Bro. and Sister Wm. N. phecy. Bish. Foster says that " the Smith? We would be so glad to have doctrine of holiness is seldom wit- ,! them or any of God's true ministers nessed to in M. E. pulpits," and the 1 come and preach for usA. llie Curtis. cdoersrucpritpiotino, n p trhoavet sh eth egmiv eas G oof dth- feoirr- Bro's Wm. E. Warren and Adel-would more than sum up the amount. That would make the paper $ 2.00 for A must confess we have left our true the first year of the weekly, and not God grant you all a happy New Year. standard of Bible holiness for which more than the cost of its publication. I becoming a fallen church, as we 14Lil ling forth the true c° eh, ts oc s , ordinances and its Snits. ' he fa. o f Jesus, yYou and the coming in of the evenillg light. Illustrated. 376 pages, neatly bound in Prica ( SingleS ' cixo pory . m ore, 80 etc.$ e1. a0c0. h. Ivited. Ill. Address Bro. Wm. G. Schell at St. Address H. C. Wickers ew ham Pitts , bUrg, Ind aht0t1, qt• Foil - Ward Aiove. N Petersburg, Pa. or GOSPEL TRUMPET, Bro. Gibson is invited to join in DEARLY, BELOVED IN THE LORD: We • . Grand Junction. Mich . the work there if the Lord will, are sorryi ' come before you again re could not do this if' we had to study , all Ialso every Sunday afternoon after Sunday- tations of this wicked world. I am ing us by power divine. Since we over all the hard places ! I hope I will be week to write up a sermon. The Lord says, school. The Sunday- school is conducted kept saved from all sin and iniquity, last reported from Ok. Ter. we' have fo dun f aithful Unto the end. Open thy mouth and I will fill it. ® 1 by Sister Dodson, who is accepting the by the power of God. I have been been very busily engaged in the ser- From your sister in Christ, We once heard a preacher say, wlien the ! clear light and sees the importance of un- serving God nearly two years,- and vice of the Master. Our labor closed Libbie Stringfellow., conferencc ee sent him our; tthhe exhortation i ssececttaarr ian missionary work among the chil praise . his holy name! I am still resol- in Oklahoma with - victory in Jesus' they gave him was this, " Preach: Jest- la aren. Has Deer. d us the use . of the hail ved to worship him the remainder of name. ' From there we came to Ce- EAST JORDAN, Mion. Christ and him crucified, and above all aI t less expenye than to put up the tent. my days in righteousness and true dar Vale, Kan. where we had a very DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS: I believe it things take up a collection wherever you This is more desirablea sthe evenings ai e holiness. My whole desire is to do precious meeting. About eight or will be for the glory of God to tell of a little go." That pis a good representation of idamp and cool at present for tent work. - will of God, because he that do- nine were happily converted to Jesus; physical victory he has given me. I was Babylon ministers. We will notice what I Have a regular appointment every Friday I eth the will of God abideth forever. others were seeking a clean heart; troubled recently with the toothache it the prophet says concerning this. Isa. 56 : I evenieg at national City. The rest of the When I started out in this way I was and several were night an baptized. From Ce- began to disturb my rest at , and I 9- 11.___, His watchmen [ or ministers] are i trine we are engaged at the Fifth St. never mis- 1 fully determined never to turn back dar Vale we went to Stafford, where com. luded I Must have the tooth out as I had blind." This is file nn e reason they cannot { sion. Held some interesting meetings that done, but we found the brethren still Struggling Y ou I to- thhe- waordld b etcawuse tohe w hoolet whorled rs before. I had tried to have lead people the right way because they with a com 1p. any of saints upon the British they cannot see it themselves. They are ship " Garsda le," where a few• of t-- h, e sail- I wlieatyh, ainn dw- inicokwed wneh. sisl ea nI dw . srhitael lI p caasns afe- euln fdaeirn t haep obsatda tinef tleuaencchee rlse. f tO buyr c setra- yth aetm o hf ethaele Adl mbyig fhatiyth a, r m. b Auts fIa sileeadte tdo m gyest ehlfo lind shepherds that cannot understand they ors accepted the Lord and were made hap- 1 this place was blest of the Lord. From - - the Spirit's holy fire burning within, , the doctor's chair, vague sarcastic thoughts look to their own way every one for h i iris in the knowledge of salvation. We Stafford we went to Bushong, where Witnessing to me, thatj have a home flitted through my mind, and I half faancied gain from his quarter. The different sects li ake great pleasure in distributing the heaven. I know that is nothing we remained six weeks teaching the through the doctor and sea I in it i nothi's also,—" are pret-put 1 heir preachers on certain circuits so I Trumpet broadcast upon land an . I have , through ways off ealvary's cross. A few were ty believer in faith healing; one thing they look for_ gain from their own quarter i While it causes many sectarians to rage, it good saved, and the church much benefit-andd not for the salvation of souls. Feed- brings words of life to the hearts of the the goodness of God I have tthhiis b less - ed. About all the brethren stand certain, you cannot get decayed teeth heal - ing themselves and ' not the flock. Eze. honest. Are making arrangements to sup_ ed experience; praise his : dear name! out clear for Jesus. Bro. Hazzard with them." I felt half reproached, but as - ed by faith have to come to the doctor 34: 8. To prove this Ift, the people stop ply all vessels rthat stop here with Trum- I know that I aril at peace with my paying them and see if they will preach. pets and tracts. This is a grand opportn- MM aker. Should I be called this mo- twhaes anointed elder hurch at d the they robbed me of my rest at night, and I did not receive any relief in prayer, I did They make merchandise of the people. 2 nity to spread the light to all parts of the ment, 1 am prepared to go. 0 how that place. May Go of bless c them and Pet. 2: 3. Oh I if the human race could just globe, as there are British, German, Nor- blessed it is to know that we have a keewph toh egmo afrboomut tihne s phreoewp lcinlogt h. winogl. v Persa nyo at nkdn opwhy wsichaalt pealsien tIo a dlloo, w seod w mityh fmaiethnftuall see how they are being eaten up by these wegian, and in fact vessels from nearly home in heaven, and that we by the ort them no longer. " Why do you spend this new yet difficult field. If only there 1 o f that home! God has said, Be thou for us out here in the west. Yours in the gospel work, servants to be torn from me. As I contem-plated doing the same thing again, I thought P false shephends they certainly would sup- all nations. We are much encouraged in I grace of God have been made worthy your money for that which is not bread ? n were more fait hint fire tested workers to I faithful unto death and I will give thee E. F. Houghton & J. F. Lundy. how much I should miss this other tooth, — Isa. 55: 2: Why do you give your money dovote their whole time and talent in a crown. Now dear saints, let us hold , how the prospect was for me to have no teeth or always to- these blind leaders and get nothing to pushing this battle on. Who is ready and fast the profession of our faith with- JERRY CITY, OHIO, DEC-. g, 189f. artificial ones, which I had SAINTS: I wish to say to the half detested. Is it of faith, thought I, eat that will satisfy the hungry soul. You willing to come ? Every city needs a DEAR are only consoled in your sin and put to band of consecrated missionaries to advancper ooumt iwsaevde. rMingy, sfoinr nGeord f risie fnaditsh, fpurle tphaatre glory of God that w for e are still saved in when I seated myself in the doctor's chair sleep until awakened up 4u eternal misery. this evening light. This m rans hardships; to meet God: it is horrible to think Jesus and kept wholly sanctified, and the operation, or is it of unbelief ? The answer . the But praise God I he is setting up shepherds the loss of all worldly pleasurest qa be count- you will be lost; yet it will be so un- are doing the Master's will. We had was plain. Still I thought of that will feed the flock. Jer. 21: 4. These ed an outcast among men, the gazing- less you prepare to meet God; for sin a very precious meeting at Bro. grinders gh ceasing because they were few, is the transgression of the law, and Roush s. Bro. Rosenbery and Mother and althoug Ih knew God could heal decay-out charge."- 1 Cor. 9: 18. seised, rejected, persecuted, and in every the destruction of the transgressors Smith were with us. We did have a are the ones that " make the gospel with- stock and offscouring of the world, de- ed teeth, I wondered if it was his will to As the ministers of Christ we should sense, an experience.- 1 Cor. 4: and of the sinners, shall be together. real refreshing shower from the pres- and natural force, and no doubt good teeth do so. I thought of Moses' good eyesight apostole pity the people in darkness, and use na 11- 13. Let no one think that there is Yours, savced now, . once of the Lord, and the little onesalso of the walking on the water the harsh means they have been deceived by plenty of time yet for this work. The I . Albert M. Johnson. sank deeper down in the will of God. iron swimming, etc. I thought of thephys-these blind leaders. Matt. 15: 14. The time is short; souls are perishing. This 1 Some renewed their consecration and icalvictories the Lord had given me in the 1 ,2. TTwo MELROSE, 0., DEC. 21, 1891. ministers have " scattered the sheep and day of grace will soon be over. The bar- were filled with the holy fire. past. The still small voice said, Go forward;" are left DEAR TRUMPET READERS: W C word. are dear ones were healed by obeying the I believed, and the aching ceased, and to they driven them away.--- Jer. 23: ,2. They vest is past. The gleaning grapes that are souls down to hell. But we must use all ered speedily. Behold now is the accepted glad to report once more. On then to help in a meeting. We are out on are the ones to blame, for leading and the few olive berries must be gath- d. We go to Deshler the - iith, my troubled spirit came a sweet calm. meekness toward the people that have time now is the day of salvation. We ex- 3d of Nov. we commenced meeting at the blood and fire line with a heart And now dear brethren and sisters, let been deceived, until they see their error._ pact to remain here this winter. Caries - full of love to do the aster's will. us go up at once and possess the rich in- - Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest pondents please address, 1921, 15th St., companied by Bro. F. N. Jacobson and brother, saved Arcola, Ind. in the name of Jesus, ac- M hesitance our Father has promised uus that he will send forth laborers into his San Diego. All well, happy, saved, sane- wife, and some of the saints from your humble brother in physically and spiritually for in his name harvest."— Mat t. 9: 3S. - tided and kept. Columbia City. We had a good meet- Him' " Wm. H. Miller. and in his strength we are able to do it. of Praise the Lord ! his ministers are run_ Your humble co- workers, upon the gos- ing;, a few backsliders were reclaim- God is not partial; what he does for one mg to and fro feeding the flock and preach-, pal altar, . ed, and my wife was d; ordained for his children he is pleased to do for all, who , place we wen- to Antwerp, c' - " H o - rc:' - - - DE A. R BRETHREN: We are happy like Jacob will take his blessing by force. DEC. 18, 1891. He likes to have us do it. And now dear ing the everlasting gospel, and knowledge J. W. Sr J. Byers. the work of the ministry. From this r is being increased concerning Christ and . i has. prepared, I we met with Bros B. E. Warren and ati__ nps. if ever I change my resolution, or if the wonderful salvation he ,1 UNION GROVE, ILL., DEC. 10, 1891. i I l' ' F" sr' ' once more to report that our A. J. Kilpatrick. Some souls were pang are all joyful in glory, with the ever the Lord disappoints me, I will let until people will have no excuse. They DEAR SAINTS OF THE . 10sT HIGH GOD i finding mercy ltiplied high praises of God in our mouths the know but " the Lord God will help are n out their covenant with death Grace, peace and be mu were baptized. It was a glorious and a two- edged sword in our hands, , saved and sanctified; four herefore I shall not be confounded; there-meeting to our souls. Next we went following the " faithful and true" as is disannulled, and their agreement with unto you all. Amen. The Kingston . fore have I set my face like a flint, and an . some sancti covering is found to be too narrow to cover our souls. The meeting was held in to the saints near Melrose, 0. Here he goes forth " to judge and make I know I shall not be ashamed." " Though hell will not stand. Isa. 2S: 17- 20. Their Mo. meeting was a glorious feast to them when the whole counsel is preached. a hall on Main St. which was filled we found the people in a bad condi- war." We did not report our labor he slay me, yet will I trust in him." Who then is willing to consecrate his to the utmost capacity every night in Ill. We were about six weeks in Your brother, saved and sanctified, tion. Some had backslidden- when Ha- Moses H. Thompson. service this day unto the Lord? "- 1 Citron. ere with attentive liste preached who had never in the vicinity say, of Reddick and held Der was here about two- years ago. 29: 5. How many are ready to , " H heard the word hed in its purity; meeting there an at Gaarrdner an a nd One, who the was eldenconfessed, got thd Gdd am I, send me," and we that have sold our nd - as the word went forth, they down and sought God, and was re- Essex. At the first two of the above • - all to Jesus, let us draw near with thanks- drank it down with tears. Four souls claimed; also some others. But we places, hearts and ears were much Fredrick, son of Wm. & Hattie giving. 2 Chron. 29: 31. Work with will- gave their hearts to God, and about are fearful for , some others at that closed against God's thruth, though Griffin, near Grand Junction, Mich. place. Our prayer is that God will our God did strengthen our hands for closed his career on earth Dec. 23; ing hand. s; be obedient children, then we 15 stood on their feet for our prayers. . we shall eat the good of– the land. ' We God bless them and save them; and show them their condition. The the battle. We found several warm aged to months and 4 days. Lit-will receive abundance in this world and also Lawyer McAfee and family, who Lord moved us to ordain another hearts at Essex. Our dear Bro. Ad eti Freddie was alol vely child, and fight with zeal in the battle of our God : elder, Sister Zorah J. Ellis; and for his departure has left the parent's in the end eternal life. - Praise God! let usa . r ee amongt hee nnuummbbe wr ho were very ison Kriebel escaped from Babylon for the battle is not ours but God's, and when - us. deacon, J. S. Hunt. home sad and lonely. May God bless ' kind to us We found many warm- and by faith the blood was applied, this fight of faith is over we _ know there them and lead them into the kingdom hearted friends in Mo. who wonder - p LATER. urifying his heart and filling the is a crown of righteousness laid up for us , __ We wish t6 report that Bro. John of his love an grace; that their hearts fully provided for all our wants. The • temple with the Holy Ghost. The d which the righteous judge shall give to us, Pence of this place, since the Beaver maybe comforte4, and that they may Lord willing we expect to return ere Lord assisting us with means from and all that love his appearing. We al- long and reap a glorious harvest into Dam C. M., found out that he was not both ends of the road, we arrived safe go at last to the happy abode of tthheir have the victory, glory be to Jesus ! the fold of G. We met with some wholly school sanctified. He made the con- four weeks ago at Robinson, Kan., darling child. Funeral services at the ways es all supplies, and more than this, we use grace ( disgrace) men, who came and ly. And God has joined us together ing up the word of life by the pouter Lee sch house. because it is the Lord's battle. He furnish. i opposition from the three works of secretion and God sanctified himwhol-near which place we have been hold- D. S. Warner. no carnal weapons. 2 Cor. 10: 4; but weep advanced their doctrine in their pray to work for the Lord. He was also of the holy Spirit, which is resulting He has gone to live with the angels so fair, a and mamma to come, down of strongholds: ;; ". This, is: the vie- pad out of the pulpit and told_ them to viction is resting on many, and much g And will look for his pap And all dwell in that heavenly home. - oils mighty through God; to the pullhigers . After they got through we step- ordained to the ministry of the gospel in many souls coming to God. Con- Mary Griffin. And join him in that beautiful world over there, in the church of the living God. And - tory that overcometh the:: world evenamtake the same and prove to . the con- praise thanksgiving is goi . ng up to faith:" So let us make - full proofennfSenr gregation when and where we can get we are now ready to stair out where- God, to whom be glory forever. Amen. - Clara Elizabeth Fowler, infant minis. Then if the gospel beb hisl;- itliS- * 41. - . the third work, but ever they would not the Lord will. G. L. & Mary Cole & Co. daughter of Bro. Samuel Fowler mini o those that are lost. Let, us go out; at all y take the stand. The congregation Your brother, C. E. Rothermel. died Dec. 21, 1891; aged one year, hours, and call for laborers to work in , the' Was soon convinced after those per - - 121"."* g57" 7.42211"."""* 35.15° 462P" WPFIS three months and three days. Fu- TESTINI 0 IES vineyard of the Lord. May the richest - of: sons were rebuked in the name of nasal services at Praise Chapel. - - - - - GRXND UNCTION, MICH., DEC. 27. rHY TESTIMONIES ARE WONDERFUL."— May God bless the bereaved parents th tle ones for Jesus' sake Amen the same glorious victory for king PEA. 119: 12: 1,`. and comfort them. Amen. Your brother saved to the utter m ost , Jesus. The last night Of meeting ma- is with preaching us in hing the glorious SYCAMoRE, ILL. Heaven's blessings rest upon all God's lit- Jesus. ;, 71' he meeting Went on with H. C. Wickersham, DEAR TRUMPET READERS: The Lord IV, A. Haynes. gospel R a > 1} souls Went out of the heuse crying l of Christ. edently held DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD : A DIED at White Cloud, Mich., Dec. d aft etrhey had invited to meeting at Blend6n, Mich. and bout six months ago my soul was saved and 14, 189r, Lloyd Guy Stockwell, agleidtt l4e cOme back again. God bless them, months and 14 days. A sweet WS PROM TEE ' FIELDt a loud ater ey a inve us o good was accomplished. t Much dark- sanctified, and a thousand tongues could 35840T11 ST., SAN DIEGO, CAL., No‘ lr. 26, ' 91. and also the little church i - their ness was removed, andclil the church never tell the blessed experience I have en-cherub went to a more celestial sphere. DEAR SAMTS : We are still kept by the was strengthened, and 4iilt up in the joyed ever since: I am still rejoicing in theIt It was and adopted grandchild of Mr. power of God through faith unto salvation faith. I am no- wiloldin'g. meeting at and Sister Stockwell. Its parents were ready to be revegedin thedast time. Have J. Al & A. J. Dillon, & B. E. Fink. J Bethel, where two souls re- grace and knowledge of our Lord andSayinr Its mother was sweetly saved, and prayer meetings. full salvation of God, d growing in the both buried in one grave last spring. Your humble brother and sisters, been holding meetings hi the Sierra Build tautly consecrated- to God. Our next Jesus Christ. The Lord saw fit to let me go her babe is now with her in glory. souls have been saved. In one meeting nEAR READERS OF THE TRUMPET: I Jan. 2, 1892. , he hath said, " The iyring of your faith work- Funeral at Bro. Smith's Bethel, near Rio Miss. through fiery trials for several months, but there were ten children at the altar, aged do praise God that it is my privilege Your brother - under the blood, eth patience." Hallelujah ! There are a great many sects in this place, and I am Grand Junction. ing for a few weeks during . which some. , will be at Kendall, Mich., commencing D. S. Warner. from gospel fourteen down to five years, among to testify through the columns of the Byron Wooden. in all its glorious light and truth for praying for God to send some one of his whom were our own Olive and Cora, who T rrumpett again: I wrote my testimony DIED, Nov. io, 1891, at Billings, Mich. are believing in Jesus and doing their best about eight months ago, but since that AKRON'', KAN., DEC. I I, 1891. ministers here who will preach the blessed John G., infant son of Mr. Frank to be g, ood girls an_ d live for him . Quite time I have been brought through DEAR TRUMMPET READERS: May th e esti and Sister Addle Marshall. We earn edumber of the litt e ones have fully yield-there are many honest souls in this place y pray God to call loudly after the to the Lord. The loeation iS a real mis. Praise the Lord! - Lord bless you with an ' bundantfull who, like myself, are hungry for the bread father that he may yet get salvation, sionary field. Have closed the protract- I am still out on the king's highway, ness of his love, i- s- ou r prayer. We of life. Oh how good it is to have a Savior and go hand in h meet and with his horn-many fiery trials. - ed effort how, and have established a onn- battling for Jesus and the right, amid wish to tell of God's oddness and who will go with us all through our earthly en. panion, d their child in eav-les and trials and sore temp- mercy to us, who is sak ng and keep- Ijourney, and who will carry us IA h15 arms Wm, Blancher, - OBITUARIES. Tor appointment ', every Tuesday evening, the tl- ou ( Continued P'ont . it page.) gel of the kingdom must be preach- as early a date as possible. I feel salvation. We are clear from the world in a backslidden state brought back, an God! Multiplication is a rapid pro- - d in all the world, for a witness to very sure it is of the Lord, andl be- and its trappings, having no desire or pleas- the church more firmly established. Glory cess of addition. But the question is every nation, and then shall the end ieve the Lord will bring it to pass. ure in them, and are standing free from Bab- to Jesus! Your brother and sister, saved ., often asked, Will not this remnant - ome. How forcibly Rev. 1 4 : 6, 7 This boat'could float 2,5oo miles, and ylon, Egypt and Sodom, walking in the to the uttermost, grow cold and run into sectism anc vas come to our mind. The corn- stop at about five hundred towns and light, for in Him is no darkness at all. the world, as past reformations have . nission to those angels who are gath- cities. It is the most practical way Wife and I stand alone, except one or two lost their salt? No; they backslid ' ring the elect remnant extends to to spread the light I know of. Any others that have received the light by read-because their leaders set up the sect ' them that dwell on the earth, and to one moved of God to help set this ing the word and the Trumpet. Many are 11AYDEN, IND. idol which soon sapped their spiritu- every nation and kindred and tongue work moving, send means to the claiming to walk in- the ili: ht but are full of DEAR. SAINTS' : With the glory jai, Go - a.', rj ality , rooted God out of their hearts. end people." Amen! Lord, hasten Trumpet office desating mthe object. deception," deceiving and beia g deceived," in view, I feel led to write my testimony., But now, only Jesus iso lifteud up; r ac- t smorae andv moree. Adnd tru lyb the rYother, . callin. light darkness, and datkness light. of healing and salvation. I was sancti-cordinogly he that glorieth mnust glor3 spirit is mo. ving men to the " regions G. T. Clayt Oh how sad to see poor souls: o deluded ! lied about ten years ago. At that time I in the Lord. Hence along with tit( Beyond." Bro. Schroder of Cal. had WELLAND, ONT. May the Lord help them to see their mis - was greatly afflicted with deafness. I heard multiplication of them, God says, " I begun translating tracts into the Scan- Amen! God help us to send - the take is our prayer. of the healing power of God among the I wLoilrld a blsloes gs ltohreifey, 0th heamb. i" ta Atiomne onf! j'uTsh• e w Jainnat voifa mn, e hainss m hoe thhaesr btoenegnu der; i vbeunt tfoo rb yg oeslepcetlr ibcyit yti daen, d a onnd hwoirnsde sa, n adn dst emaemn, Your saved bi Eoltihzear _ a& rid,- sRisatnedrm, l e Stu gni s. sawsaein . it sIn. tIh wtehonede rwed oif trhde L hored c ocuold uheladl. rice and mountain of holiness.— Jer. secular labor for some time past, and heal the deaf. I then began to call on the 31: 23. qo the work of God is delayed. May running to and fro on all the face of MINDEN, NEB. Lord to heal me, andI do praise the Lord,-, Thy sun shall no more go down; the Lord soon get him out in the tthheem' e afortrhth o, nb ufto oont. l y0 t hLeo trrdu, e saenndd - aDEAR TRFM- PET READERS : I rejoice with he did heal me instantly. I also have been neither shall thy moon withdraw it- work. We hope Bro. Schleehauf is - thousand others that the Trumpet will , healed of a dancer by the power of God, fors pure in' heart; for Satan is on hand soon be a weekly. We believe that the' which I glorify him. I pray the Lord to seerllfa: s ftionrg t hleig Lhot, r dan sdh atlhle b de atyhisn oef e tlh - y t rwanosrlkaatinnyg binrotot hGeer. r mBaron. PSutosrhr ethre t htoin ckosmmission all % others. But do Lord will make the hearts and minds of all bless all who may read this for Jesus' sake:: mourning shall be ended. Thy peo- of going to England to introduce the thou, 0 God, go forth on thy wheels the saints willing to contribute some if only Your saved sister, pie also shall be all righteous: the) of fire, and on thy burning throne of elittle to this purpose. 0 brethren and M. J- Howard;: shall inherit the land forever, the . iogrh ti st hveerrey. cAlneadr olyu rc adlelaerd Btor oI. n Adicah a- nhdo lginreeasts , s aalnvda ttieoanc. hA tnhde lneta tailol- ntsh eth sya isnitsst ewrso! r kp. r Gaylo froyr tGo oJeds utos ! h Ie wlpa os na tshuibsj gecret aotf branch of my planting, the work of Africa. May the Lord speed him on with devoted lives, hands, lips and prayer for bodily healing at the Kenesaw my hands, that I may be glorified. his way. Dear brother, when the Micift.• . minds, and with open hearts and o- camp meeting, and I have improved in PLADT WELL, A little one shall become a thousand time draws near to depart, ask God DEAR READERS OF TH E" TRUMPET : I::.•., . and a small one a strong nation: I to put it into the hearts of the dear pen purses, and with consecrated soul and body, though am not restored to am glad to have my name numbered withe-;,.:. . - lands, houses and possessions,, a nd all the Lord will hasten it in his time.— perfect health. My faith reaches out after the redeemed. I have been a member 4 '' Faints to help you on your way with ISP. 6o: 20- 22. their means; and there are many who anwdi tuhp loifntee dh heaanrtd as, n sda yw, iAthM oEnNe ! a Acc- o irbdr , m Geo. d I- f oarm c oamllp gleivtee nhe uaplt ht. o C Goondti naune- d t oh ipsr aI yh tahveen b. Kee nse lcitv 1in7g y feaarr sf, r obmut GI soede Bnorowt htheaisk' . This is blessed and glorious news. are truly consecrated to do as the m EN! ! cause, and feel that he wants me to go out The sun of the primitive church did Lord shall make known unto them to battle with Gog and Magog, and aid in Dillon and wife and Sister Fink were hold. go down before noon. The true light his will. 0 that the poor heathen ing a tent meeting here last August. I wash TESTIMOI\ IES,- __ was hid in the long night of Rome may have the privilege of receiving isnp rneeaedd ionfg N 7tPhoirsk eervse hneirneg. light. We are much led by the Lord to go there and the first: J iasnnodv , ts ehbuostnt aeaf btneurtt - Gd ioCmd lhgya ritnhi sePrtrs - hwis rietmh- o huumt atnh yeok aesb! oEvmer isninacet itohen d aorkf fin" TESTDPIsnsN. r1iz1S9 R: Ela W'. ONDER? U. L."-- • Your bthreort, hsaenrcitmifieed Ib yw ae snecto Gndo tidll llieghdt . m I teho ouguhtt iitn w tahs ias h baredi ttnuintige 4 BECHHA MTON, N. Y. work of grace, nant out of fallen Babylon, her light age brought forth its disgusting creeds to leave the Methodists. I could not see .'-': DEAR SAINTS: This day finds ` me saved, ac hIy could not live right and still forth Edward Boicourt. shall never again wane. " They also and inconsistent factions the Lord's anctified, healed and kept by power di-shall be all righteous." No mixture missionaries have been embarrassed sine doing His whole will. Discourage- to them but I see now. I have tried- A7,-. HanTsnens, akaa. twice and was drifting away from Goo; onof Cgohartiss tn. o Br lsepsost ttehde s hLeoerpd i nfo trheev feorl! d cino nthfoeiur nladbeodr st. h Oemft tbhye hteelaltihnegn thhaevme . t, cre Tnthse a re great,— encouragements greater. DEAR PET READERs : It has been both times and now I have no desire t0'' pressing need of' means Other/Unknown Material morse ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Canada Lent ENVELOPE(-66.783,-66.783,-66.867,-66.867) Moses ENVELOPE(-99.183,-99.183,-74.550,-74.550) Ela ENVELOPE(9.642,9.642,63.170,63.170) Sion ENVELOPE(13.758,13.758,66.844,66.844) Kendall ENVELOPE(-59.828,-59.828,-63.497,-63.497) Dillon ENVELOPE(-108.935,-108.935,55.933,55.933) Patience ENVELOPE(-68.933,-68.933,-67.750,-67.750) Flint ENVELOPE(-65.417,-65.417,-67.333,-67.333) Charity ENVELOPE(-60.333,-60.333,-62.733,-62.733) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Morse ENVELOPE(130.167,130.167,-66.250,-66.250) Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Cora ENVELOPE(-60.317,-60.317,-62.467,-62.467) Gar’ ENVELOPE(162.014,162.014,57.140,57.140) Hess ENVELOPE(-65.133,-65.133,-67.200,-67.200) Eta ENVELOPE(-62.917,-62.917,-64.300,-64.300) Caldwell ENVELOPE(-101.500,-101.500,-72.083,-72.083) Dunbar ENVELOPE(-60.199,-60.199,-62.473,-62.473) Ure ENVELOPE(13.733,13.733,68.100,68.100) Dun ENVELOPE(11.266,11.266,64.658,64.658) Yoke ENVELOPE(-61.933,-61.933,-63.967,-63.967) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Deacon ENVELOPE(-59.987,-59.987,-73.248,-73.248) Sever ENVELOPE(166.083,166.083,62.917,62.917) Lied ENVELOPE(65.532,65.532,-70.502,-70.502) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) Utes ENVELOPE(156.014,156.014,61.924,61.924) Degen ENVELOPE(89.967,89.967,66.967,66.967) Dodson ENVELOPE(-62.750,-62.750,-75.767,-75.767) Litchfield ENVELOPE(-64.100,-64.100,-64.783,-64.783) Hummel ENVELOPE(-131.317,-131.317,-74.467,-74.467) Judah ENVELOPE(-117.319,-117.319,56.150,56.150) Fors ENVELOPE(20.500,20.500,65.700,65.700) Leininger ENVELOPE(-62.267,-62.267,-70.600,-70.600) Magog ENVELOPE(-28.350,-28.350,73.267,73.267) Almena ENVELOPE(-45.217,-45.217,-60.617,-60.617) Sya ENVELOPE(9.695,9.695,63.030,63.030) Becar ENVELOPE(-63.683,-63.683,-64.817,-64.817)