The Gospel Trumpet - 11:17

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 The Lord God shall BLOW Me TRUMPET and go with 7Phir2 wind Flee out of the midst of babylon and deliver every man hie soul; be not cu t off in her iniquity; for this is th he will ren...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1891
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 11:17
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 The Lord God shall BLOW Me TRUMPET and go with 7Phir2 wind Flee out of the midst of babylon and deliver every man hie soul; be not cu t off in her iniquity; for this is th he will render unto her a recom pence And the land shall tremble, and sor-row for everypurpose of the Lord shall be performed against babylon, to make the land of babylon a deso-lation without an inhabitant.-- Jer. 51: 9, 29. FIRST PURE." Mn. isaet: oeearArnaWinlhe7acattict: oela* n*-- 7-; sheTal19e71cb7ite; 413:: 111Anahte a: 7; 17 sh" a4el gtdYeb:"" e° uctitrhtao rn't irg tic!• tlhaattf1il7: 4 thelortlethoses ealtts. iLI li. f ti me of the Lord's vengeance; Grand Junction, Kid., g olenther I, 1 891 . volume I 1. ' Number 97 " And He shall send His angelswith & great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from tehne t foo tuhre w ointhdesr, f. rom one end a heav- Now learn a parable of the lig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that slimmer is nigh. Ss likewise ye When ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door."- Mark 18: 24- 83, TRITA4PET. IN IIEMORY OF SISTER STOWELL. Were it not for the. grace Received from God, Oh, hew hard would be The chastening rod That divides a family And forces to roam, Father and children, without Mother or home !. But not without Jesus, And never alone; For the heart of the saint - Is His sanctified throne. The words of our sister, Spoken in love, Are still sounding here, While she rests above. Her earnest entreaties for Sinners to yield Are echoing still, on God's battle field. Why the Master called her We do not know, But we kiss the hand that Dealt the blow. When the dear Savior's Face I see, Dear sister, I will Look for thee. Methinks IT not have Long to wait, For in fancy I see thee Near the gate, Waiting to welcome us One by one, When our work, like thine, On earth is done. All glory to God, and Christ our King ! Through eternity let His praises ring. On earth we will suffer His righteous will, And the place in His body Assigned us fill Filled with His Spirit Clothed with His might, s, Spreading, the Gospel in Clear evening light. Emma I. Coston. THE INHERITANCE OF ABRA. HAITS CHILDREN. -- all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession, and I will be their 17: 8. Read Gen. 22; 17, and 28: 3. For if the inheritance be of law it is no more of promise, but God gave it to Abraham by promise.- Gal. 3: 18. How could this be an everlasting inheritance ? By being typical, and the type giving away to the antitype. When was this great change made ? _ Answer.--: When the seed was changed from the literal to the spirit-ual. We read in Rona. 9: 7, 8,- Neither be-cause they are the seed of Abraham are they all children, but in Isaac shall thy seed be called, that is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the chil-dren of God, but the children of promise are counted for the seed,- fulfilling the promises: " Thy seed shall be as the sand by the sea shore, and as the stars of the heaven;" " Father of many nations. " etc. Those that are born of God are the seed and heirs according to the promise of everlast-ing inheritance. The literal seed is cast out, the spiritual seed steps in and posses-ses their possessions which is holiness. See Oba. 17. But Jerusalem which is above is the mother of us all.- Gal. 4: 26. Now we brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise, but as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born-after the spirit, even so it is now; neverthe-less what saith the scripture: Cast out the bond- woman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not he heir with the son of the freewoman. Gal. 4: 28- 30. So sectish Jews and sinners have no inherit-ance in the kingdom of God and of Christ. Rom. 3: 9; Gal. 5: 17- 21; and Eph. 5: 3- 6. For ye have not received the spirit of bond-age again to fear but ye have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God and if children, then heirs heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ. etc. Rom. 8: 15- 17. Let us hear Paul explain the anti- typical inheritance: That the bles-sing of Abraham might come on the Gen-tiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith." Somebody might object to this dec-laration of Paul, if they do not believe that Paul was inspired by the Holy Ghost, the great anti- typical inheritance of the spiritual seed. Oh, how clear this is that the Holy Ghost is the inheritance, which they that believe on Rim should receive! For the Holy Ghost was not given because Jesus was not yet glorified: Jno. 7: 39. For I will pour water on him that is thirsty, and flood upon the dry ground. I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offsprin- g-. Isa. 44: 3. How does the heir receive this wonderful inheritance? " Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace, to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed not to that only which is of the lawsbut to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the Father of us all. No wonder it was said of God's people after the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that great grace was upon them all.- Acts 4: 33. Notice Paul's eager-ness to see the Roman. brethren that he might impart unto them some spiritual gift- Rom. 1: 11 and to see the Cor-inthians that they might have a second nefit ( grace).- 2 Cor. 1: 15. That was ul's mission- to open their eyes, and to m them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and in-heritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.- Acts 26: 18. That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God; that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.- Rom. 15: 16. You see the in-heritance is among those who are sanctified; those who have received the second bene-fit; those who have had access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and re-joice in the hope of the glory of God, and glory in tribulations also.- Rom. 5: 2,. 3; and in verse 5, the Holy Ghost is given unto us. And God which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost even as He did unto us; and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.- Acts 15: 8, 9. And now brethren I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up andsto give you an inherit-ance among all them which are sanctified. Acts 20: 32. This inheritance is infinitely great: human wisdom fails to comprehend it, hence the apcstle's prayer that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of ' wis-dom and revelation in the knowledge of call to go and work for Jesus. We read in God's Word that He has chosen the weak things of this world to confound the might-y. I worked for God wherever I could give a helping hand to those that needed help. I knew that God's handwas upon me to go and warn sinners to flee the wrath to come so when God opened up the way He made me willing to leave friends, home and all, to work for the dear Savior. For the last tvvonyears I have been out in the battle- field for God, and the dear Lord has supplied all my needs both spiritually and temporally. 0 praise His dear name ! I was called home through sickness this summer, and I know the Lord is working in the hearts of our family for which I give Him all the glory. And I can also testify to His mighty healing power. I used to be afflicted a great deal, but when the Lord saved me He showed me that all things are possible with God. Oh, I am so thankful to my heavenly Father that I realize . that he is able to heal both soul and body. Since I have been out in the work of the Lord I have met with some accidents, one of which I will mention. Last winter a year ago, at Windsor, Mo., while riding in a wagon it was upset. My head was hurt; my right arm crushed, and I * as helpless. They had to carry me into the house. I suffered with such pain I thought I would die. I also had two hard chills. Bro. War-ner and Co. were present and the dear saints called on the Lord and laid hands on my head for the Lord to heal me and the Lord healed my head and gave me faith for the healing of my crushed arm. That very night the Lord touched my body with his mighty healing power, and I was healed and made to praise God for the mighty healing power. I used to think God could heal me all except broken bones, but praise God! He gave me the gift of faith. 0 hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever ! Oh, ' tis wonderful indeed I I have testified to hundreds, of this mighty healing power, although some will not believe. But God knows I testify to his glory I know it is so. I have the dear Savior on my side, and when the Lord is for us the whole world may be against us and all is well. Some would even come to me and tell me if I would say my arm was only hurt, and not crushed, that more would believe. Well, I cannot limit the power of God. Oh! it is wonderful to know what God can do for his children if we keep low and humble at the feet of Jesus. I am determined to live so low at the feet of Jesus that I can hear him at all times. I trust that those who read this may realize God is all powerful and is able to save all those that will come unto him. tile says, " Whosoever will may come." That invitation' is unto all. 0 come to the Savior! for He says, " Behold now is the accepted time • behold now is the day of salvation." Let us live true to Jesus and obey the call. 1 realize God's grace is sufficient. Oh! I love to work for Jesus I love to give a helping hand to those who live in sin. I see many souls turn to God and find peace. There are never dying souls, perishing souls at stake; who will help to save the lost ? I for one, am willing to spend my life in the service of the Lord. I am saved just now and the very God of peace sanctifies me wholly. I have sweet peace which the world cannot give, neither can it take away. We read in God's Word, " Great peace have. they which love thy law, and nothing shall, of-fend them." I am all sold out to Jesus and am no longer my own. Dear saints, pray DEAR SAINTS:- I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony. I am filled with his praises. 0 glory to the Lamb! It is by his precious blood that I am saved and sanctified, and cleansed from all sin. and the rudiments of the world. I praise him for his healing power that keeps me from day to day, healed of all my afflictions. 0, praise our God ! I am rejoicing in such a great salvation. He keeps me by his mighty power. He has cleansed me from tobacco, coffee and tea. Ile has also healed my little boy. Praise our God for so great salvation that lifted my poor soul out of babylon; out of the Baptist sect; into this blessed, marvelous light, and I am walking in the light. Hallelujah to the Lamb I Pray much for me. Your sister in Jesus. J. P. Brown. BEDFORD, MICH. DEAR BRETHREN:- I want to testify to the healing of my body. At the grove meeting at Tekonsha two years ago, when we arrived on the ground at 3 P. M., I was so prostrate with the sick headache that I had to be bolstered up on a mattress. I had been afflicted in this way from early childood, about forty years. Whenever I worked too hard or went without my reg-ular meals I would have to go to bed for hours at a time. But the Lord wonderful-ly healed me by the laying on of hands and prayer. Your sister. TEXT! And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed. and heirs according to the promise. Gal. a: 29. We learn in Gen. 17: 5, that Abraham was made a father of many nations. And in Rom. 4: 16,. he` is the father of us all. " Know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children- of Abra-ham. "- Gal. 3: 7. " And whosoever be-lieveth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. "-) Jno. 5: 1. Some may say : We all believe that Jesus is the Christ, there-fore we are all born of God. But let us examine further : Whosoever is - born • of God doth not commit sin, for his seed re-maineth in him, and he cannot sin because heis born ef God.- 1 Jno. 3: 9. We know, that- whosoever is born of God sinneth not, but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.- 1 Jno. 5: 18. Read also 1 Jno. 5: 4; Mark 16: 16- 18. To be of faith, or a believer in the Bible sense, is more than to simply give the consent of the mind, " for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness." Rom. 10: 10. There were many promises made to Abraham and to his seed after him. See Rom. - 9: 4. But the promise contained in our text refers to that of inheritance only which teaches a clear distinction between being heirs, and being in posses- be sion of the inheritance. Also the two pro- Pa cesses are radically different. • We might enlarge here and show the positive re-quirement s or conditions on our part; God's part of the conditions of the process by which we become heirs, or receive the new or spiritual birth; also our part and God's part by which we receive our , in-heritance; but it is not necessary. They are radically different in many respects, but similar in others such as grace ow God's part and faith on ours, etc but we call y our attention to an incontrovertable fact that it is impossible to inherit until we be-come heirs, and we can not get possession until every requirement be lawfully and ful- / s r met. Now comes the inheritance: And I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, ed my body a living sacrifice, holsoaccept-able unto God, which was my reasonable service, and the Lord sanctified me wholly. Oh ! the joy I felt no tongue can tell. I was all the Lord's, and He was mine and from that day I never have had any desire to go back into sin. My determination is to press forward and upward, and do my Savior's will in all things. I was the only one of our family that was saved, so I was tried and persecuted right at home, but Jesus stood by me. I realized God's grace was sufficient at all times. I also felt the for me that I may keep humble and do His cloned them all. For the first time in my will at all times, kept ready to be revealed life I could say I was the Lord's. The in the last time. Amen. next night I came to the Lord and present- Lodema ) laser. TEEGARDEN, IND. DEAR SArNTs:- I can testify this morn-ing to the mighty saving power of God. Obi I am praising God for the sweetness and completeness I find in Christ. Over four years ago the Lord convicted me of my lost and undone condition, and showed me that I must spend eternity with God, or spend it with all the wicked in the regions of the lost world; and before I came to God I could not sleep. I could not rest day nor night. Bro. Michels began meeting three miles from my home. I went to the meeting but felt miserable on account of my sins, and that night 1 asked God's people to pray for me. That night the dear Lord came to me and spoke these kind words to me : " Fol-low me, I will guide thee home." I & lion my knees that very hour and cried, " God be merciful to me a sinner," and there and then I promised God I would serve Him all the days of my life. The next day Bro. Michels came to our house. I was still in sin, but that evening I went to meetingand got down at the feet of Jesus and repented of my sins, and God for Christ's sake par- Him; the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power to upward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power. ob.:. Eph. 1: 17- 19. Again, we hear old father Zacharias un-der the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, trans-posing this Abrahamic inheritance into an-titypical or gospel light, and telling us what t is: " That He would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies ( carnality and its effects; assaults by the power of the devil. etc.) might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteous-ness before Him all the days of our life." Luke 1: 74, 75. The above gives the fruits of the Holy Ghost, and they correspond to the fruits or products of the land of Canaan, the typical inheritance. So we have a very beautiful analogy between the fruits of the spirit and the products of the Holy Land; the journey from Egypt to Canaan, and from sin bondage to the land of holi-ness complete. We exhort you, holy breth ren, born from above, if you have not yet received your inheritance namely, the Holy Ghost in its power and fullness; harden not your hearts as in the provoca-tion. For " this is the will of God even your sanctification. " " Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" " The promise is unto you and to your children, and unto them that are afar off, even unto as many as the Lord our God shall call." Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God; and be not conformed to this world, but be ye trans-formed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and ac-ceptable, and perfect will of God.- Rom. 12: 1, 2. Go on unto pefection believe God and enter in, and possess your pos-session. Amen. Your Bro., sanctified by a second work of grace, and enjoying this glorious inherit-ance. Geo. L. Cole. HEALED BY THE- POWEROF GOD. Lucy S. Daniels. WATEINSVILLE, MISS. DEAR SALTS, AND READERS OF THE TRUM-PET:- I feel led of the Lord to write my testi-mony for Jesus this morning, and the wonderful- healing of my poor body. I have been suffering for fifteen years with Neuralgia in my neck and shoulders; part of the time I could not comb my hair nor dress myself, and when all earthly physi-cians had failed to give any relief, it was then it pleased the good Lord to show his mighty power by sending his blessed saints with healing power. Never will I forget the time when Bro. Warner and Co. laid hands on me and prayed for me. That very moment I was healed. A Upraises and honor be to God's holy name forevermore I All my neighbors were eye- witnesses to the healing of my body, and not only mine but a number of others. Many hearts were caused to rejoice and give God the glory for the wonderful truths that were taught us. This beautiful light of God that is shining in the evening of the last time, reminds us of the beautiful star that led the wise men of the east to the blessed holy child Jesus, the savior of the world. Even so this holy light shining on our pathway will lead us all to glory, where we will see the blessed Savior and there meet our loved ones that have gone before; and all sing anthems, not from the throne,; but anthems around the great white throne. Oh, praise the Lord forever for the great plan of redemption ! I am walking in the light as I receive it and I want all of the saints to pray for me that I may continue in the light to my journey's end which is very near, as I am in my sixty- fifth year. Yours in Christ. W. A. Newman. LA PAZ, IND. DEAR SAINTS OF Gore- How I do feel to praise God this morning for salvation that saves me from all sin and keeps me. Glo-ry be to Jesus. It is glorious to drink at the fountain that never runs dry. I was saved two months ago, the 13th of July. That is, I was converted and walked in all the light I had, and the 22nd of July, the Lord sanctified me wholly. Oh! I cannot praise God enough for saving me. I wish to ask all the saints to pray for me. Your sister, saved and sanctified. Delphia Henter. LA PAZ, IND. I feel to praise God this morning for what I feel in my heart. God has saved me from all sin, and I feel no condemna-tion. Oh, I cannot praise God enough for what He has done for me If I had a thousand tongues I could not express it. I feel happy in Jesus this morning to know I am free in Him. 0 praise the Lord for. ever and ever. Your sister, saved and sanctified in the blood of Jesus. Catharine E. Forsythe. much wisdom in clea, ling witb the dearpeo-ple in the south and in preaching the Ever-lasting Gospel. Your saved Bro. J. N. Howard A ° AMY OR GROVE MEETING IN CANADA will be held at Candasville On-tario, beginning Sept. 4th and continuing about five days. Persons coming from the West on the Mich. Central R. R. stop at Perry station. Address Bro. James Blanch-ard at Candasville, Ont. Those coming from the South and East address me at Welland, Ont. G. T. Clayton MEETING AT CARTHAGE, MO. Bro. Carter writes : " The saints desire a meeting here, and will expect the breth-ren to come here directly from the Frisco Ark., meeting about Sept. 10th, and we will assist them on their way. All are in-vited who are interested in the weLlfare of their souls, and the souls of others Any one coming from the east or west can come on the S. L. & S. F. R. R From. the north on the Missouri Pacific, R. R." Yours in Him. Thomas Carter. The Saints near Antwerp, 0. have begun the - erection of a house of worship. They need, and much desire help from the saints abroad. Here is another opportunity fol those who are blessed with the stewardship of the Lord's means, to let the owner ap-propiate some of His own. And thou gh it be His own He will reward the steward who will allow God to use some of it. And with this good opportunity to lay up trees-tires in heaven comes also the dangr of the great Judge saying to you in the awful day of final accounts, I had need of my own, but you withheld it, therefore ye have rob-bed me. Address:— Bro. J. B. Fleck. ANT 7ERP, There is an earnest call for some holy ministers to come to Hessel, Mechanic Co., Mich., to spread the Gospel. One brother desires very much to be baptized, others want to hear the words of life. Write to George Hicol. The saints at Denver, Colo. desire some of the ministers to come to their place and preach the Gospel in its purity. We trust the Lord will lead some consecrated work-era to that city. HTE GSZFEL Tnuzarzfr. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI-- SECTARIAN. Seait 1;" orth in the name of the Lord JeSELS Christ- For the Parity aud - Unity of Eris Church, the De-fence of AIT 1- lis Truth, Auathe Destruotima of Sect Bala. g A BERI- RORTELY HOLINE3/ 401141AL MARRIAGE AND DWORCE. A small tract of 32 pages, setting this subject before the people, in • the clear light of the New* Testarnent. Single copy, . . 05cth., Price Per. dozen, . . 40, Per. one hundred, . THE ORDINANCES OP THE NEW TESTA - KENT. ii NEW TRACT, Br Wit G. SW: 1: MM, Setting forth the Ordinances of the Scripture in a clear light, showing which are abolished, and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. I Single. copy 05Cts. PRIM Per dozen 45cts. Perhundred . . . . . .,$ 3 00. IMO - pen heartelness, so much needed,' india often prayed for, spread and deepen every. where I 0 that the dear people wonl ! earn that true liberality toward Goa, ies eauee, ! Cs poor and his heralds, is the road' to prosperity, and that robbing God Madge. both spiritual fruits and earthly crops! Ia; other wort.! s, a There is a giving that creases riches, and there is a'thholdign ' that tends to pov. rty." Twice or three times the sort ed to, where bap t ism was admims The number bur: ed with Christ in this On_ - creti ordinance we have not learned. Ow Saturday evening not far from two hundied saints followed the Lord in the ordinances es of washing the saints feet, and the Laso supper. 0 what a glorious and profitah4: service ! Many shouted the praises of Gkade while observing the former, and all heink were melted in love to Jesus in the leak There were ministers present, Bros patrick, Pzilmer and Michels, Bro's Schelkee. Speck, J. Colea a AV. and Mary Cole, BroVas.- J. N. and G. W, Howard, Dillon, 1Varreil; Daugherty and Worden, Ilro's Otto Bo141, Uechler, Wm. and Jennie Smith, Bro. sister Rothermel, Pence, Derr, Cloeouid High, Bro's Wm. Miller, Bell, June, Aaae Daniels, tind many others who are () retie-ional preachers anti field workers. Bros Kilpatriek and Bolds have gone to Mo. and Ark. Bro. Palmer and CO. to Fair Haven, Ill. Bro's Sehell, W. How ard and their wives and oureelf go t amp. an 1 Same of Ili to Out. G. L. and Mary Cole go to Tekonsha, Mich. and Pioneer, 0. Bro. Michels to Chicago. 1. Others ' lee abroad as the Spirit of the bag God listeth. Bro. . andrew Byers haties been lead of the Lord to work in the Tram-pet office, and has gone there in thenameof the Lord. Thank Clod l'or this precknisl reinforcement. Well, we have all taken the parting e band, and with many tears of love, separa-rated to go forth, some to their hometi others to the last gleaning ot a doomed: wora Owing to the multitudes coming: a: a,- down into the valley or decision, the earq-: will hereafter be located some point neat' the railroad. PlIBLISEED Air oriARD mXOTION, ZOE, D. 8. WARNER,— Editor. Y. B. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM and S. M/ CHWILS,— Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.00 PER YBAit IN ADVANCE . FREE TO THE POOR. katered at the Foot Office at Grand Junction, tnia. Bureneo. Mich., as second data matter. NOTICE. All business communicatons, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOa'EL TRUMPET, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. Egg- Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts. go - 4-- Sti– NOTICE, How TO SEND MONEY :— Remit by Post Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these can not be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. CHANGES OF Annaess:— Subscribers wish ing their address changed, must be sure to give their FORMER, as well as their new ad dress. MISSING PAPERS occasionally hap pens that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost, or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive your paper when due, after waiting a sufficient length ef time, write us a card and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write be sure and give your full Address, name Post- office, County and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, mite to us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet Grand Junction, Mich. ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE. SECOND EDITION. It contains 148 songs. 90 with music About all new. The pages are some larg-er than Songs of Victory. When sang in the Spirit of God, these songs will be found glorieus. They hymn the precious present truth, and the Gospel standard of salvation. Send in your order for Anthems from the throne, and start the songs of praise anew. ( Manilla. . . . . 30 cts. PRICE Cloth, . • . . . 50 eta • Per. dozen. $ 3.00 & $ 4.80 MUST WE SIR? A conversation between Bro. Light and Foggy, giving Bible proofs that we . must live freefrom sin. This tract has been enlarged to 48 pages and is now ready. All who love to read truth, send for them by the hundred. Per single copy 2 eta Price, 4 ' Doz. . . . nsen. . . . . – 20 4 '' HHuunnddrreedd. .-- 1.50 " A tract on the True Church, 50 pages 1.0 cts. ■ •••• • ■ A tract on the Sabbath, or which day to keep. 65 pages, 10 eta. TiiE BIBLE READINGS BY Bro's Kilpatrick and Speck, is a very thorough work giving the Bible readings or references on about 100subjects. Single copy. . . . . . $ .75 Price, Per half Doz. . . . . . . . . 3.30 " Doz. . . . . . . . . . .6.00 ADDBESS:— GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. A NEW- BOOK FOR ALL. HOLINESS BD3LE SUBJECTS by H. W. 100 subjects with Scripture, a con-cordance, arid definitions to subjects. Set-ting forth the true Church, its doctrine, it-ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Bab-ylon and the coming in of the evening light Illustrated. 376 pages neatly bound in cloth. Persingl', a copy $ 1.00. Price • Six or more 80 eta each, Address H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind. or. Gospel Trumpet, - .; Grand Taliationa rich. THE AGE TO COME, AND ma, DENN1um TRADITION, Refuted by the inspired Word of God Single copy. . . . . 10 cts. Price Per. dozen . . . 80 " Per. hundred, . . 5.00, THE GREAT TOBACCO SIN-. We now have the Tobacco Tract ready to send out for free distribution. It con-tains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us posta ge at the rate of one cent for three tracts. We make no charge for our work ofmaking the tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for the children, illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address:— Tire SHINING LIGHT. Grand Junction Mich. List of Camp and Gra y s- REFERENCE ANL? PRONOUNCING-TESTAMENTS. As persons have frequently written to us for Bibles and Testaments we have purchased a few New Tes-taments with the References in n zures, directly un-der the verse refered t ) which is very convenient It also contains a key to - die principles of pronuncia-tion and has a Dicitionary, and Gazetteer of 47 pages. ( Sheep- skin cover,.$ 1110. Price, postage paid, -, Embossed " . $ 1.25. ( Embossed gilt, . $ 1.50„ EDITORIAL NOTES. G. R. Achor. CAMP- MEETING, MILTON, MO. This meeting will beginSept. 10th and con-tinue until the 20th, and longer if the Lord so directs. All are invited to attend. Come filled with the Spirit, and bring your tents. Those who have no tents, come and you will find a home. Persons coming from the north or south can come on. the K. C. St. L. & C. B. R. R. and stop at Corning, Mo., and will be conveyed to the camp ground by C. Baker. ASSEMBLY MEETING. There will be an assembly meeting at the tabernacle at Bro. Smith's, about three miles north west of Grand Junction, Mich. commencing Oct. 1st and holding as long as the Lord wills. Those wishing to at-tend, coming by railroad, will address Bro. Joseph Smith, Lacota, Mich. Those coin-ing by the Michigan Central ( Kal. & E. H. division) from east or west, or on the Chicago & West Michigan from north or south, all stop at Grand Junction. A. B. Palmer, S. Michels & J. A. Dillon. We have concluded to have a tabernacle meeting at Table Rock, Neb. this fall begin-ning Sept. 18, and continue as long as the Lord wills. W e expect Bro's. Willis, Achor and Co. and are looking for a grand meet-ing. Let all come praying. Table Rock is on the Burlington, and M. R. R. R. NISHNABOTNA, M, o . - A GROVE MEETING will be held the. Lord willing near Tampico, Jackson Co. Ind Sept. 3- 9. Every body invited, especi_ aly all saints in southern Ind. Bro. J. N. Howard - will be there, Bro. H. C. Wicker-sham is desired, and whosoever the Lord leads. For particulars address Charles Orr, Tampico, Ind. The anouncement of a camp meeting at Odon Daviess Co, Ind., in last Trumpet, we are requested to change to a grove meeting. Time Sep. 10- 15. All coming on the E. & R Railroad to Odon Ind., write to Bro. Wm. E. Moore at that place. The grove meeting near six. Points, O. will be on Bro. G. W. Cupp's place, Sept. 16- 20. A GROVE MEETING Will be held, the Lord willing three miles north of Lewistown Logan Co. Ohio Sept. 8- 13. By II. R. parties can come to huntsville on the C. S. & 0. on the Sandusky Division of the Big Four R. R. B. E. Warren and others. Address A. Focht Lewistown, O. Frisco; Ark. A GROVE MEETING will , e held the Lord willing, near Brock, Darke Co Ohio, Sept 2- 6. Persons coming by R. R. come to Dawn on the C. C. C. & I. Bro. B. E. Warren expects to be there, and others are wanted. Address Bro. S. I. Holsapple. BROOK, 0. GROVE OR CAMP MEETING, FRISCO, ARK The Lord willing there wilt be a grove or camp meeting, at the- above place, Craw ford Co. northwestern Ark., Sept. 1- 9 Persons coming by R. R. get off at Porte). station. There is a good prospect of doing good if some one will go and preach the pure word. Address. D. H. Vilma A A Kinzie, ti a a hi cs la in an Go Go Our last report extended to the gro meeting at West Liberty, Logan Co., Oh Here we found a company of very precio saints, most of whom had been- saved o of the Amish sect. They appreciate the freedom and salvation in Christ Jest In this meeting a few souls were saved, a all our hearts refreshed together. Next we pitched our little tent in ti grove near New Hampshire, Ohio. This another place we had long desired to via We met good brethren and sisters her Bro. Heckler, who came to the New 0. lisle grove meeting, and has been with us those following, came with us to th place. Also . Bro's Shell, Warren, ai Howard, and their companions. Here al the Lord delivered and wholly sanctified few souls. But for some reason the in mediate fruits of salvation was small than usual in those Ohio meetings. Th saints - however were much refreshed an the truth won many friends. God bless th holy brethren in this part of Ohio. Next came the Beaver Darn 0. M. Ai riving on the ground the first day, we r joiced in beholding so many tents up, an saints on the ground and frequently ne loads were coming in. The brethren thei bad a big job on hands this year haulin the brethren from the several stations an back again. A great host of holy saint poured in from every direction, more i number by far than ever before; and trul the love and fellowship exceeded all mee ings we ever attended in our life. Hypo crites and false spirifs were driven by th fire of God to the out- skirts of the congrega tion of God. The heavenly joy ofthe redeem ed frequently broke forth in loud shout of praise to God " it were the voice o a great multitude, and as the voice many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Al teujah for the Lord a God omnipotent reigneth." Nearly all meetings were attended with the deliver ance of immortal souls. Sometimes only few bowed before God, but more gener ally the long altar was filled. The children'smeetings, so blest of God ast year were continued with much in-erest this year. That work introduced last year was an important epoch in the onward march of God's cause, and this year another new era seems to have been reached, in the financial liberality of the dear saints. Without any agitation of the matter, God_ seems to have uniformly moved the willing hearted to a most pre-cious and beautiful liberality. All the dear workers were remembered, and means were quietly placed in their hands to en-able them to go on their way. This is a precious sacrifice, acceptable, unto God. Yea, a sweet smelling savor. It came the earest fulfilling Acts. 4: 32- 34. of any king we ever witnessed. " And the multi-ide of them that believed were of one hear t nd one of soul, neither said_ any of them that ught of the things which he possessed,- was s own but they had all things common.” And great grace was upon them all. either was there any among them that eked." Indeed, we felt that the untir-g labor of the saints in taking the peo-e from and to the trains, day and night, e free boardine cf all who wished to eat. the kind and liberal supply of all God's essengers, was a service well pleasing to d, and that shall notiniss a rich reward. d bless his dear saints. 0 may this o- NM 110U UTZ FIELD, Ye io, us t ir IS. ad ie is it. e. in is SO 1- er ii e-d t- - C 917, MA- mew- ow) Avis , taina o, Itte, Ann. 24, 1891. DnAit TauMPET READKRA:- 0 itt4 - A14.; port was from _ Auburn, Ind. We arrived at La Paz the 24th, ult. That evening. :- preached in the garden. The next eve in Shiloh's School- house about a mile and a . half further, with good effect. On the Sabbath wwee met in a grove on Bro. Stranga-place, and held two meetings, well attend-: ed, especially in the afternoon, by a large. congregation, and with the presence of God - . s - in power and showers of blesiegs. Dep . and solemn conviction rested upon the. people. There were three at the altar,: one for pardon and two for sanctification,. who received the victory. W e were_ thank. ful to meet nearly all the church froni, Walkerton. We expect to visit Teegaise den again in the future and hold a seriea of meetings, D. V. The 27th, we begun: meetings east of La Paz, where Bro. Bell had held a few meetings the week before,: who was also with us helping in the work:: until the close. We found the assembly in a dark and very poor condition, because of compromise with babylon and the shod-dy W. M. Holiness. Some having indeed.- i tried to find the God of truth and Bible_ , holiness at Baal's altar where the God .: óf the Bible does not live nor work. The bat4.: tie waged between truth and error, light-and darkness, but victory reigned for God. On the 30th we were joined and helped in the work by the arrival of our dear brother and sister Michels, and on: the 7th, inst., by the coming of Bro. J. Cole, whom the Lord also used in preachingthe word to the people. The meeting lasted: a - about two weeksewhen we met in Ike grove, the 10th and 11th, which was a glorious.;, time with showers of blessings upen otrin souls. The church was mud' strengthen7: ed, settled and edified in the present truthe of the evening light. We all thank Gok. sa for the privilege of attending the glorious. Beaver Dam camp- meeting which wasike; E: feast' to our souls. Hallelujah! Wife and I are now stopping with our friends and. relatives in this city. We expect to wOrk for the, Lord here at every opportunity,. hold. up the light and. the truth of the ed Gospel of Christ. Sept. the 8th or Otl-we go to Albany, III. We expect to stay.; and labor in this state a season, and toviSa., it Ia. and Wisconsin whenever and Where:. ever the Lord opens the way. Pray for us, beloved, and our succesviti140:: Gospel of Christ. Amen. Let. 41- 1. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED. Martha Sheen, Mary Kiirar, Ida Morton, D. C. Stauffer, W. G. Sorrel ., Susan Chafee, Grant Fer-ree, W. B. Payne, Delphia, Hunter, George Nens-tiel, J. M. Mareum, Sarah Briggs, Emily C. Smith, F. J. Kiefer, H. J. Drake. THE SflINN LIGHT. From now until Jan., 1892, to all new subscribers for only five cents. Surely ev-ery TRUMPET reader will take pleasure in sending in their name with that amount, and also feel like putting the paper in a dozen other families and thus help the work along. Just think of it! One- third of a year for only five cents. It will only take a few cents of your money to make many poor children happy, and perhaps lead to the salvation of their souls. 411 ■ —, — Do not forget those who have requested your prayers. Go in prayer until you get an answer from God. Kaaiasaw, Neb., C A2IP - MEETING. Will begin Oct. 8. This place is on the Burlington and Missouri R. R. Let there be a general coming together of the saints at this meeting. Bro. M. M. Copeland, St. James, Mo., writes that they desire a grove meeting at that place this fall. Let some of the brethren answer this call. GROVE MEETLNG, HARTSELLS, ALA. Bro. Wm. H. Miller and myself will hold a grove meeting near Hartsells, Ala., beginning Sept. 18th to continue as long as the Lord wills, and will be glad to meet as many of the saints in- the south as can come to the above meeting. Also we will be glad to hear from those in Tenn. and Ky. that might desire us to visit their part of the country and preach the truth to them. All such parties can address us at Hartaells, Ala. Our stay south this time will be short, but we think the Lord would have us hold at least one or two meetings in Tenn. and KY. as we return northward, if there is a door cpened. I also earnestly desire all the saints of God to pray earnest. ly to God for us, that God may live us DIED,— July 12th, 1891, after an illness of four days, Mikie Robinson, infant son of A. J. and Dannie Robinson; aged 15 mo. and 16 days. The angels seemed hovering in the room, waiting for the dear little spir-it but the Lord seemed to say, wait a lit-tle longer until I am glorified a little more in his suffering. Just as the Sabbath- day dawned on the earth, the word was given and they bore our darling far, far beyond the light of the sun, into the light and pre-sence of the glorious Sun of Righteousness. A s the sun set last night and left this earth so dark and cold we were comforted with the blessed thought that little Mikie would never see another night- fall, for they have no night there. His little spirit took the wings of the morning and flew away to Je-sus. Glory to God who giveth us the vic-tory to- day over sin, and gives us grace to bear this terrible trial I Amen. Your brother and sister in Jesus. A. J. & Dannie Robinson. Bro. Wm. R. Swinburn, only remainin son of Bro. and. sister R. W. Swinburn of Denver, Colo., departed this life in peace When asked if he was ready to go, he re-plied, yes. His . step- mother saw a bright light come down over his bed a few days before his suffering ended. A sister says she saw Jesus, while Willie was being anointed for healing at the Bangor camp-meeting, put His arms around him and say, 44 11e is mine." We felt much of the divine presence upon the occasion, which we ac-cepted. as a token of his recovery. But it pleased. God to have it otherwise. Though his pains were removed, after returning he continued to fail, and died with bright hopes of immortality, about the last of Ju-ly. The Lord bless and comfort " the dear parent& tr. correspondents address us at the Gospel Tropetoffice, Grand Junction, Mich. Yours in Him, saved and wholly sancti-iOW a his feet. Hallelujah! F. N. & Susie A. Jacobson. ly can reach them we can do nothing. Some of the people are getting along well financially, while others have scarcely e-nough to live upon. We expect to remain here until our work is done, and then go Wherever Jesus leads. We expect to re-turn to Kan. soon, if the Lord wills. Pray for the work in this place. The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. We have a good tabernacle, forty feet in diameter. All parties desiring a tabernacle meeting will pleasel communicate with us. Our permanent address is Reeds, Jasper Co. Mo., or E. II. Houghton, Ward, Kan. Yours free in Jesus. J. F. Lundy & E. F. Houghton. DEAR TRUMPET READERS-. On the 8th of July, brother and sister Sunderland, Bro. Stanbery and myself put up the tent in Tiff City, and commenced meeting in the name of the Lord. Had very good con-gregations, but hard to move. Result of the meeting, one saved and one old Bro. baptized by the writer. We will com-mence camp- meeting at Neosho, Aug. 6th, the Lord willing. We love the Trumpet and pray God it may soon become a week-ly. May God bless and prosper this great work every where. We wish the prayers of all the saints that we may be true to God. YoUr brother, on the straight Bible line, sanctified and kept. We take the whole Word. Glory be to Cod! Hugh Caudel. LATER. Neoseo, Mo., AUG. 24. A few of God's little ones came here on the 6th, pitched a tabernacle and com-menced battle in the name of the Lord. There is a wonderful wave of God's pow-er sweeping over this place. We have pushed the battle up to the gates. lip to date there have been about 55 professions. Seventeen were baptized. Had ordinance meeting last night. Some here are anti-oidinance, which makes it hard. to work. I am your Bro. in Christ, saved to the uttermost. ' 11:-. 11iSTI MONIES, SNYDER, T., Arse. 18th, 1891. To ALL THE SAINTS, GREETING:-- GOd bless , V011 all and keep you eternally pure Ts have not reported to the Trumpet for Toite a while but are glad to say to dal that the dear Saviour is wonderfully ssing our souls, and has been keeping every moment free from all she 0 oleo praise God to- day , for salvation) sod for his wonderful keeping power ! He oeeping us in perfect peace, and abun- , dolly satisfied with our lot. " All things eels together for good to them that love see e No good thing will he withhold eel them that walk uprightly." " What-soar ye shall ask in my name that will I ? 0 es, le precious these promises! We feasting upon the manna which comes own from heaven. From Kansas we cent to Tulsa, Ind. Ter., where we held ee flags between five and six weeks. This sery has been long trodden down by the errors ofsectism; the truth had never ea preached there, except one meeting eld by Bro. Carey. We found only two ening holiness. The people in general paled us with suspicion, supposing that e were like the sect preachers,— offering em liberty and ourselves the servants of ption. Yet the truth prevailed and sell precious souls plunged into the untain and were, made whole. Some ere brought out into a clear experience, others are egnestly seeking this sal-aeon. All glory to our King ! 0 that od may keep them from all the delusions the devil! This is a very promising field, d we believe that if some one could come this place, tilled with the sphit, and who consecrated to go wherever Jesus ads, and whose life would prove in every pest that the salvation of the Bible is al, a positive and absolute deliverance on all sin and carnality, that many pre-us souls would be won for the master:* he Lord does not send some one else, will doubtless return / ate in the season. e Indians despise sham religion. There many white people who are really con-ed about their souls. Any whom the . sends witil find a hearty welcome a-g the people. We would love to re-n longer, but we are the Lords and dly and cheerfully go wherever he says. S are not our own. Praise the Lord! No need come here unless his consecration era the whole ground. There is a false acherin this place, who is deceiving the ple and keeping some souls from Christ. teaches bodily healing, and says the s need not die bodily, but that all who limy be translated. She is not straight th the Word in any respect. We did duty according to the Word, but she • ill continues her pernicious doctrine. She for one woman of the same faith, ho, nevertheless , died then she told the ople that the woman's father was the use of her death. 0 that God will give e people a discerning spirit, and keep em free from all confused, deluded teach- ! May heaven's blessing continually st upon the people of Tulsa for their odness and hospitality to us. From S we went to Sheriden, Ind. Ter, where e remained nearly four weeks. Our con-gations were small most of the time la owing to the unsafe condition of the ads for night traveling, and partly be-ns of an easier, false way held up by the oehets of Baal. Nevertheless, four souls eresaved, one reclaimed, and one cleared her experience and a mountain of pre-dice broken down. May God strengthen Ose dear ones, and shield them against the fiery darts of the wicked one. ° k-en is filled with professors of every tate and grade. There are a few, how-a, that possess real salvation. Anti-ditiance, semi- ordinance, confused boll-s, and, in fact, almost every thing but e araight truth. The devil sells profes-i'ae'very cheap in these parts and if ne people do not care to pay anything for In, he just says, take them along any Ir. So they cost little or nothing, conse-ueutly they are worth nothing. If ever era was a land that needed saved teach- ' S that land is Oklahoma Ter. The ene- 3' Is set on his land, and at present, has ost undisputed possession. We are now nyder, Canadian Co., Ok. We com- "- testi meeting last night with afair con- Mon and good interest. Oh, that God : 11 move upon the hearts of this dear pee-r and let them see the truth God on- GRESHAM, NEB., AT: G. 17, 1891. To ALL THE TRUMPET READERS:— God bless you all. Amen. We have been hold-ing forth the faithful word in our country this season, and oh, how God has helped us! Souls are being saved. Our tent is now at Juniata, Neb., with Bro. Achor, and the work is moving on. We have a request to make: There are so many calls for the tent this fall that it cannot reach one- third of the places. And now is there any brother that is able to buy another tent? Oh, how good it would be ! God will bless you in so doing. I feel that I have made all the sacrifice to God required at my hand. God. help others on this line ! It is a call from God. Who will answer to it ? I will add a few words of my late experience that I had a few days ago. God permitted the lightning to strike my house and tear a hole through it. It was the most awful experience I ever passed through. That evening God had wonder-fully blessed me. When the lightning struck, I was so near killed, that I could not for some time get out of bed to see if my children were alive. The house took fire but it want out of itself. 0 how God did preserve me and my family F We did not sleep much that night, but wept aloud till nearly daylight. Oh, dear ones I God spared me and I dare not hold my ' mouth, but must keep at work all the days of my life. I saw, that awful night, how God can destroy mankind with the brightness of of his coming. God showed • me I must follow him wherever he leads. Last win-tee I went to Oregon and endured some very hard things; being away from my wife and little ones, I thought it very hard. I have been called to Cal, this sum-mer, and the saints are urging me to come; but I have resisted God and said it is too much. God has ways to make men go, so I am willing to go at any cost. I am all broken up this morning the tears fill my eyes as I pen these lines. There are some in the west who have been led. off from the pure body of Christ. Oh, will you not cease to make clivison We pray earnestly for you. You Bro., saved to the uttermost. James Willis. SHULTZ, MICII. DEAR SAINTS:— I feel it would be to the glory of God to- write my testimony. Re keeps me saved to the uttermost. Bless the Lord ! I do praise God for the re-demption of my soul. He says, 4' If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Yon brother in Christ. W. Newell, DA Lt.: VILLE, MISS. DEAR Seistes:- 1 feel led of the Lord to write that I am saved and sanctified to do the whole will of God at all times. I have found his grace eufficient in ell times of need, which are many-. Where I live there are bet few saints. I pray daily for more power of God to fill them. I know that He is strong and can open the ears of the wicked that do not hear, and strike them down that do not care. Glory to God I do love the Lord because Ile has given me full and free salvation. I have been afflict-ed for several years with lung and heart disease, and I believe God will heal me through the prayers of the saints. You will find this irOJer. 24: 7: " And I will give them a heart to knew me that I am the Lord, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, for they shall return unto me with their whole hearts." I want all the saints to pray for me that I may hold out faithful until the end. Your sister, washed in the blood of the Lamb. G. A. Watson. ODON, IND. DEAR Senses:— May God wonderfully bless you and lead you by His Spirit into all truth. Amen. We are glad to report that the Lord still saves us and keeps us by his mighty power through faith unto salvation. Praise the Lord for-ever and ever. The dear Lord wonderfully healed our child Bertha before our request for prayer was set in type. He also raised up Stella, and gives us all good health. Blessed be the name of the Lord forever and ever. Oh! we cannotpraise God enough for his goodness to his children. We have taken the Lord for our physician for both soul and body, and His charge is, " have faith in God," and that is as reasonable as we can ask. God bless - the Gospel Trum-pet, and shortly make it a weekly for Je-sus'- sake. Amen We believe the Lord is going to have it done, for it will do nmch more good. Would like to see the Tobac-co Sin tract published and scattered all o-ver the world. May the Lord put it into the hearts of all the saved to send in means for these purposes. Amen. Your saved Bro. and sister. 0. P. & S. A. Allen. IIURON, KAN. DEAR Senses:— May God's richest bless-ings rest upon you all. I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony telling what the Lord has done for me. I din saved in the name of Jesus. Amen I Blessed be His holy name! I have been serving God for about two years, but have never got tired in following his blessed foot- prints or singing his praises. Glory be to God ! Pray for me. Your sister, saved and kept by power di-vine. Mary Haynes. — n- FREDRICK, S. DAK. DEAR SAINTs:— I feel led this morning to write a few words of testimony for publi-cation. The Lord is wonderfully and glo-riously dealing with my soul since I have left the burning babylon. I meet with persecution on the right and left, but the Lord has given me grace which enables me to bear, unmoved, the frowns of the world. Oh, how blessed it is to suffer persecution for the sake of Christ! To me, ! here is something sacred about being made partaker of Christ's suffering. How often my soul is filled to overflowing as I read the glowing testimonies of the saints. " Blessed be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love." All the saints pray Tor me that I may let my light shine to those who are in darkness around me. Mrs. Geo. W. Philips. SAPULPA, I. T. DEAR SAINTS:— I thank the Lord that I am saved in Jesus. Last February I had given up all hopes. I had Consumption. I received divine treatment, and thank God, was healed instantly. Praise the Lord I am healed both soul and: body and my health is good. Praise the Lord! Brethren, pray for me that I may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of the blessed Gospel. May God bless all the saints. Your brother in Christ. James E. Watkins. JACKSONEURGIT, KAN. DEAR SAINTS:— I never felt so much like pleading for a poor helpless people as I do now honest souls are groping their way in darkness, and hungering to hear the Gospel preached; and how shall they sear without a preacher ? I wrote a letter o Bro. E. F. Houghton last spring, asking for a tabernacle meeting here this summer or fall. I received a card from him stating hey would be here about Sept. if the Lord permitted. I answered his card, but have not heard from him since concerning the meeting. We would be glad to hear from Bro. Houghton through the Trumpet, or by letter. If he expects to come this fall, the ground has been secured on which to hold he meeting, and the lumber ready to seat the tent. Let any of God's ministers come who feel so led of ged. I believe a good work can be done here in the name of the Lord Jesus. A word to the dear saints who are not called to preach and have plenty of this world's goods, and have been blessed with good crops: Remember the poor people in Kan. who are starving for he bread of life, and have nothing to send or help. Last year there was a drought; his year the hail has destroyed the crops. Here some people have some oats, wheat, and rye left, and some have nothing. Dear saints, we ask you in the name of the Lord Jesus to supply God's ministers with means to come to this people, that they may hear the Gospel preached. The very God of peace does sanctify me wholly. Nancy John. ELK DALE, MO. DEAR TRUMPET:— I am glad that I can . ay to the glory of God, that I am still in the blessed land of Beulah, drinking at the fountain of life. Praise His dear name! 0 the joy, and glory in my soul! I can not tell it. I find it so easy to trust Jesus for all and in all. He seems so very near to me. I claim all the promises in the Bible. I have cut the shore line and am out on the broad ocean of God's eternal love. Praise the Lord for ever Your Bro. in Christ. John G. Neff. OBITUARIE( R4, Little Ethel, daughter of William and Anna - Harry, died Aug. 7, 1891.1 !' Not being satisfied without her little twin sister Agnes, she called her, and the Sav-iour permitted her to follow on the 9th. Aged 11 months and some days. Pray much for the bereaved parents who have since given their hearts to the Lord. Pure and spotless as the lilies, Free and happy as the birds, Little Ethel soared for heaven, Calling Agnes afterward. Little Agnes herd the summons Of that sweetest angel voice, And was taken by her Savior With her sister to rejoice- Though they left a little brother, Papa, mamma, friends so dear, ' 1 hey will never cease their calling Until all are gathered there. — Rachel 1,1. Strong. Mrs. Emma b. Shunk, wife of James C. Shunk, departed this life at her home in Kensington. July 5th, 1891. Aged 32 years and 6 months. She leaves a husband and two little girls to mourn her loss. TEEGARDEN, IND., AUG. 23, ' 91. Clinton R. W. Fowler died Aug. 14,1891. Aged 4 months and 27 days. This little one has gone to meet mamma who went home to dwell with Jesus a short time ago. May the friends left behind prepare to meet them in heaven. Funeral service by the writer. S. P. Strong. • TAMPICO, IND. Little Johnnie, son of brother and sis-ter Zinsmerman, died Aug. 14th, 1891, aged I year, 7 mos. and 29 days. He was sick Wo weeks and suffered greatly. We were with him the last few hours of his life, and When we knew it was God's will for him to die, prayers were offered to God that he be relieved of his suffering, and that he die peacefully. This was fully answered. It was heavenly to watch the little one pass away like a healthful child going to sleep. Funeral services held by the writer in the Methodist meeting- house. The Holy Spirit gave us these words to the tune f " Jzsus LovEn OF, MY Saint which were sang at the close of the service. Oh, our God who art in Heaven, We do bow at thy decree; Naught could stay the loving call, Johnnie ' a safe in heaven with Thee. Gums. Weeping friends and parents dear, He is with the angels there; Weep no more for Johnnie ' s safe Where there never comes a tear. Jesus suffered here on earth, Drank the bitter cup of woe; That all such, these little ones, They no sorrow e'er should know. Around the throne of God above, Where there's nothing else but love, There his angel voice he'll raise, There he'll shout his Maker's praise. C. E. Orr. H. C. " TRY TESTIMONIES ARE WONDERFUL."— Psa. 119: 129. GLENN, Mien. To ALL run DEAR SAINTS AND READERS OP THE Tairmeer:— We are glad to testify once more to the saving power of God. We are happy to- day to know that we are saved and kept from the evils of this wicked world. I do know that the pleasures of this world have no room in my heart, for I am dead and my life is hid with Christ in God, and I expect to keep saved in spite of the devil. Pray for us. Your brother and sister. F. B. & M. A. Smith. DALEV1LLE, MISS. DEAR SAINTS:— I feel led this morning to testify. through the Trumpet that the dear Lord still saves me from all sin. Glory to his name ! I am so glad that I have heard the true Gospel preached. Glory- to God! t do love the dear saints, and I pray that every one will take up their cross and fol-low Jesus. I know I am saved and kept by the power of God. Pray for me that I may be more faithet1 unto the Lord. Your Bro. in Jesus. J. N. Watson. Diae— at her home near Marion, Lau derdale Co., Miss., sister Mettle Hobgood, on the 14th day of June, 1891, at the ripe age of 71 years, 8 mos. and 19 days. Sis-ter Hobgood was the mother of eleven children ( eight of which she leaves to mourn her loss), and sixty- one grand- chil-dren. She was born in Anson Co., N. C., Sept. 26,1819. Was married to C. H. Hob-goodeTan. 3,1839. Was converted in May 1842, and was afterward sanctified through the truth, to which blessed experience she often testified during the last years of her life, until her death, which occurred like the setting sun at the close of a glorious day, casting her bright beams back upon the world in her last moments. It is said. that for fifty- two years her bright face and cheerful spirit has dispelled the gloom, and scattered the sunshine of love and. peace through her home, making glad the hearts of her loved ones, whom she often admon-ished in her last days to meet her in glory. After obtaining the promise from her hus-band and some of her children, it seemed as if she would pass into rest but the Lord spared her and gave her strength to rally. She then called for her youngest son for whom she manifested the greatest anxiety, and obtained from him the prom-ise that he would meet her in heaven. She then fell asleep amidst the bitter sobs and cries of a grief- stricken husband and chil-dren. " The angels bore our mother home In shining garments fair, And some bright day we hope to come And join thee over there." Her pure and godly life has been a bless-ing to her devoted husband, children and neighbors. According to her request, the writer was called upon to conduct the funeral services, and with sad hearts we met the mourning friends, and preached a discourse to a large congregation. W. W. Bradley. BIG BEND, PA., JULY 11, 1891. DEAR SAM'S OF THE LivarG Goe:— I can testify that I am still saved and sancti-fied, and kept low down at His feet. May God bless you all and give you grace for each day and trial, that you may stand. against the tricks of the devil. I do love to see God's people stand true to the word of God and his plain commandments. I praise God that he has a straight, wayeind I have found. it to be a pleasant way; it is a holy way, a pure way, and a way upon which no h y pocrites nor false teachers can ever get. I am saved in Jesus and tak his word before men's word for I know is true. Praise his name forever! - Your Bro., saved in Christ. Henry Latshaw. -" Tar TESTMONIES ARE WONDFRFUL."— Psa. 119: 129. MERIDIAN, MIES. DEAR TRUMPET READERS:— I love to read the testimonies of so many dear saints, though I cannot claim the full blessing. I * want the prayers of all God's people for my soul's salvation and - the restoration of nay health. I have been sick in bed four weeks and have tried to exercise faith though it seems I cannot. I am hardly able to write. I would write a long letter if I were able, and tell what I know of the love of God. Bro. Warner and Co. were here last winter and I was much delighted with the • preaching. I do hope the Lord will send them or some others here again this fall or winter. I want to get some names for the Trumpet if I can, when I get well. I am your sister. TESTIMONIES, ALLEGAN ICI& DEAR SAINTS OF Gore— I feel like giving my testimony through the Trumpet. I do thank God he ever took me out of dark-ness, and showed me the marvelous light before it was everlastingly too late. God is the rock of my salvation; in God I put all my trust. Dear saints, my health is very poor, but the Lord is with me. Although I am cast away, I am not forsaken. I real-ize that my Redeemer lives, and intercedes forme. It is my determination to press onward and upward. Dear saints, how my heart does leap for joy! I am so hap-py in Jesus. I do thank God so much for this great and wonderful salvation that keeps me from sinning. The Lord has taken all my troubles from me, and wonderfully blesses me and gives me sweet peace. My request to the saints is: stand firm for Jesus. I am standing on the solid rock Christ Jesus. Jennie Blossom. POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. To Ar. r. THE SAINTS, GREETING:— I feel led Lord to write my testimony that it may edify the dear saints and give Sex INGFIELD, Clain, Jt LY24. God all the glory. I can say I am saved DEAR SAINTS OF G'ofe— I am glad to and set free from all sin through His all- report that I am fully saved in Jesus. ening blood. Gloryto God forever! A- Oh, how my heart was made to leap torjoy / a! Rev. 1: 5, 6 says, " Unto him that by the meeting of the brethren I have loved us and washed us from our sins in been permitted to go to Penn. to visit my His own blood, and bath made us kings near relatives for the space or three weeks. and priests unto God and his Father.' during which time God enabled me to go Gloryto God forever! His children through from houie to hoe- se al I teitity to the all him are kings over sin, and by the Holy cleansing blood of Jesus. and the power Ghost can preach His Word with under- of God to save to the uttermost. Ana standing. 0 may the dear Lord keep our while in Penn., in looking over the Uos. hearts filled with the Holy Ghost and fire pet Trumpet of July 1, I noticed a testis until He shall say, Son and daughter, come mony from Burton, W. Va., of W. E. Ruch up higher. Dear saints, pray more earn- ( should be Rush). This place is on the estly for the church at Poplar Bluff, and B. & 0. It R., and was on my way to Ohio. the salvation of sinners every where, Cato I wrote to him, as he expressed a desire ry to Jesusl in his testimony for meetings, and soon Your saved brother in Christ. received a reply, which bore a rather good J. C. Barker. spirit and stated that they were poor at that place; but this only gave me a deeper desire to go and present the word. I then made arrangements to be with them from July 17 to 21, and started; but to my great surprise I found this person to be e Latter- day Saint, which placed a material difference between us after one meeting. He claimed to hate Mormonism as much as I do; so also do the Latter- day Saints at Lamoni, Iowa, where the Latter- day Saints' Her
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 11:17
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 11:17
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 11:17
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 11:17
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 11:17
title_sort gospel trumpet - 11:17
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1891
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Fair Haven
The Altar
The Gate
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op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766244390559285248
spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:38+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 11:17 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1891-09-01 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 11 17 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1891 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:03:29Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 The Lord God shall BLOW Me TRUMPET and go with 7Phir2 wind Flee out of the midst of babylon and deliver every man hie soul; be not cu t off in her iniquity; for this is th he will render unto her a recom pence And the land shall tremble, and sor-row for everypurpose of the Lord shall be performed against babylon, to make the land of babylon a deso-lation without an inhabitant.-- Jer. 51: 9, 29. FIRST PURE." Mn. isaet: oeearArnaWinlhe7acattict: oela* n*-- 7-; sheTal19e71cb7ite; 413:: 111Anahte a: 7; 17 sh" a4el gtdYeb:"" e° uctitrhtao rn't irg tic!• tlhaattf1il7: 4 thelortlethoses ealtts. iLI li. f ti me of the Lord's vengeance; Grand Junction, Kid., g olenther I, 1 891 . volume I 1. ' Number 97 " And He shall send His angelswith & great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from tehne t foo tuhre w ointhdesr, f. rom one end a heav- Now learn a parable of the lig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that slimmer is nigh. Ss likewise ye When ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door."- Mark 18: 24- 83, TRITA4PET. IN IIEMORY OF SISTER STOWELL. Were it not for the. grace Received from God, Oh, hew hard would be The chastening rod That divides a family And forces to roam, Father and children, without Mother or home !. But not without Jesus, And never alone; For the heart of the saint - Is His sanctified throne. The words of our sister, Spoken in love, Are still sounding here, While she rests above. Her earnest entreaties for Sinners to yield Are echoing still, on God's battle field. Why the Master called her We do not know, But we kiss the hand that Dealt the blow. When the dear Savior's Face I see, Dear sister, I will Look for thee. Methinks IT not have Long to wait, For in fancy I see thee Near the gate, Waiting to welcome us One by one, When our work, like thine, On earth is done. All glory to God, and Christ our King ! Through eternity let His praises ring. On earth we will suffer His righteous will, And the place in His body Assigned us fill Filled with His Spirit Clothed with His might, s, Spreading, the Gospel in Clear evening light. Emma I. Coston. THE INHERITANCE OF ABRA. HAITS CHILDREN. -- all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession, and I will be their 17: 8. Read Gen. 22; 17, and 28: 3. For if the inheritance be of law it is no more of promise, but God gave it to Abraham by promise.- Gal. 3: 18. How could this be an everlasting inheritance ? By being typical, and the type giving away to the antitype. When was this great change made ? _ Answer.--: When the seed was changed from the literal to the spirit-ual. We read in Rona. 9: 7, 8,- Neither be-cause they are the seed of Abraham are they all children, but in Isaac shall thy seed be called, that is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the chil-dren of God, but the children of promise are counted for the seed,- fulfilling the promises: " Thy seed shall be as the sand by the sea shore, and as the stars of the heaven;" " Father of many nations. " etc. Those that are born of God are the seed and heirs according to the promise of everlast-ing inheritance. The literal seed is cast out, the spiritual seed steps in and posses-ses their possessions which is holiness. See Oba. 17. But Jerusalem which is above is the mother of us all.- Gal. 4: 26. Now we brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise, but as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born-after the spirit, even so it is now; neverthe-less what saith the scripture: Cast out the bond- woman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not he heir with the son of the freewoman. Gal. 4: 28- 30. So sectish Jews and sinners have no inherit-ance in the kingdom of God and of Christ. Rom. 3: 9; Gal. 5: 17- 21; and Eph. 5: 3- 6. For ye have not received the spirit of bond-age again to fear but ye have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God and if children, then heirs heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ. etc. Rom. 8: 15- 17. Let us hear Paul explain the anti- typical inheritance: That the bles-sing of Abraham might come on the Gen-tiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith." Somebody might object to this dec-laration of Paul, if they do not believe that Paul was inspired by the Holy Ghost, the great anti- typical inheritance of the spiritual seed. Oh, how clear this is that the Holy Ghost is the inheritance, which they that believe on Rim should receive! For the Holy Ghost was not given because Jesus was not yet glorified: Jno. 7: 39. For I will pour water on him that is thirsty, and flood upon the dry ground. I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offsprin- g-. Isa. 44: 3. How does the heir receive this wonderful inheritance? " Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace, to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed not to that only which is of the lawsbut to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the Father of us all. No wonder it was said of God's people after the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that great grace was upon them all.- Acts 4: 33. Notice Paul's eager-ness to see the Roman. brethren that he might impart unto them some spiritual gift- Rom. 1: 11 and to see the Cor-inthians that they might have a second nefit ( grace).- 2 Cor. 1: 15. That was ul's mission- to open their eyes, and to m them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and in-heritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.- Acts 26: 18. That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God; that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.- Rom. 15: 16. You see the in-heritance is among those who are sanctified; those who have received the second bene-fit; those who have had access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and re-joice in the hope of the glory of God, and glory in tribulations also.- Rom. 5: 2,. 3; and in verse 5, the Holy Ghost is given unto us. And God which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost even as He did unto us; and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.- Acts 15: 8, 9. And now brethren I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up andsto give you an inherit-ance among all them which are sanctified. Acts 20: 32. This inheritance is infinitely great: human wisdom fails to comprehend it, hence the apcstle's prayer that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of ' wis-dom and revelation in the knowledge of call to go and work for Jesus. We read in God's Word that He has chosen the weak things of this world to confound the might-y. I worked for God wherever I could give a helping hand to those that needed help. I knew that God's handwas upon me to go and warn sinners to flee the wrath to come so when God opened up the way He made me willing to leave friends, home and all, to work for the dear Savior. For the last tvvonyears I have been out in the battle- field for God, and the dear Lord has supplied all my needs both spiritually and temporally. 0 praise His dear name ! I was called home through sickness this summer, and I know the Lord is working in the hearts of our family for which I give Him all the glory. And I can also testify to His mighty healing power. I used to be afflicted a great deal, but when the Lord saved me He showed me that all things are possible with God. Oh, I am so thankful to my heavenly Father that I realize . that he is able to heal both soul and body. Since I have been out in the work of the Lord I have met with some accidents, one of which I will mention. Last winter a year ago, at Windsor, Mo., while riding in a wagon it was upset. My head was hurt; my right arm crushed, and I * as helpless. They had to carry me into the house. I suffered with such pain I thought I would die. I also had two hard chills. Bro. War-ner and Co. were present and the dear saints called on the Lord and laid hands on my head for the Lord to heal me and the Lord healed my head and gave me faith for the healing of my crushed arm. That very night the Lord touched my body with his mighty healing power, and I was healed and made to praise God for the mighty healing power. I used to think God could heal me all except broken bones, but praise God! He gave me the gift of faith. 0 hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever ! Oh, ' tis wonderful indeed I I have testified to hundreds, of this mighty healing power, although some will not believe. But God knows I testify to his glory I know it is so. I have the dear Savior on my side, and when the Lord is for us the whole world may be against us and all is well. Some would even come to me and tell me if I would say my arm was only hurt, and not crushed, that more would believe. Well, I cannot limit the power of God. Oh! it is wonderful to know what God can do for his children if we keep low and humble at the feet of Jesus. I am determined to live so low at the feet of Jesus that I can hear him at all times. I trust that those who read this may realize God is all powerful and is able to save all those that will come unto him. tile says, " Whosoever will may come." That invitation' is unto all. 0 come to the Savior! for He says, " Behold now is the accepted time • behold now is the day of salvation." Let us live true to Jesus and obey the call. 1 realize God's grace is sufficient. Oh! I love to work for Jesus I love to give a helping hand to those who live in sin. I see many souls turn to God and find peace. There are never dying souls, perishing souls at stake; who will help to save the lost ? I for one, am willing to spend my life in the service of the Lord. I am saved just now and the very God of peace sanctifies me wholly. I have sweet peace which the world cannot give, neither can it take away. We read in God's Word, " Great peace have. they which love thy law, and nothing shall, of-fend them." I am all sold out to Jesus and am no longer my own. Dear saints, pray DEAR SAINTS:- I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony. I am filled with his praises. 0 glory to the Lamb! It is by his precious blood that I am saved and sanctified, and cleansed from all sin. and the rudiments of the world. I praise him for his healing power that keeps me from day to day, healed of all my afflictions. 0, praise our God ! I am rejoicing in such a great salvation. He keeps me by his mighty power. He has cleansed me from tobacco, coffee and tea. Ile has also healed my little boy. Praise our God for so great salvation that lifted my poor soul out of babylon; out of the Baptist sect; into this blessed, marvelous light, and I am walking in the light. Hallelujah to the Lamb I Pray much for me. Your sister in Jesus. J. P. Brown. BEDFORD, MICH. DEAR BRETHREN:- I want to testify to the healing of my body. At the grove meeting at Tekonsha two years ago, when we arrived on the ground at 3 P. M., I was so prostrate with the sick headache that I had to be bolstered up on a mattress. I had been afflicted in this way from early childood, about forty years. Whenever I worked too hard or went without my reg-ular meals I would have to go to bed for hours at a time. But the Lord wonderful-ly healed me by the laying on of hands and prayer. Your sister. TEXT! And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed. and heirs according to the promise. Gal. a: 29. We learn in Gen. 17: 5, that Abraham was made a father of many nations. And in Rom. 4: 16,. he` is the father of us all. " Know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children- of Abra-ham. "- Gal. 3: 7. " And whosoever be-lieveth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. "-) Jno. 5: 1. Some may say : We all believe that Jesus is the Christ, there-fore we are all born of God. But let us examine further : Whosoever is - born • of God doth not commit sin, for his seed re-maineth in him, and he cannot sin because heis born ef God.- 1 Jno. 3: 9. We know, that- whosoever is born of God sinneth not, but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.- 1 Jno. 5: 18. Read also 1 Jno. 5: 4; Mark 16: 16- 18. To be of faith, or a believer in the Bible sense, is more than to simply give the consent of the mind, " for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness." Rom. 10: 10. There were many promises made to Abraham and to his seed after him. See Rom. - 9: 4. But the promise contained in our text refers to that of inheritance only which teaches a clear distinction between being heirs, and being in posses- be sion of the inheritance. Also the two pro- Pa cesses are radically different. • We might enlarge here and show the positive re-quirement s or conditions on our part; God's part of the conditions of the process by which we become heirs, or receive the new or spiritual birth; also our part and God's part by which we receive our , in-heritance; but it is not necessary. They are radically different in many respects, but similar in others such as grace ow God's part and faith on ours, etc but we call y our attention to an incontrovertable fact that it is impossible to inherit until we be-come heirs, and we can not get possession until every requirement be lawfully and ful- / s r met. Now comes the inheritance: And I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, ed my body a living sacrifice, holsoaccept-able unto God, which was my reasonable service, and the Lord sanctified me wholly. Oh ! the joy I felt no tongue can tell. I was all the Lord's, and He was mine and from that day I never have had any desire to go back into sin. My determination is to press forward and upward, and do my Savior's will in all things. I was the only one of our family that was saved, so I was tried and persecuted right at home, but Jesus stood by me. I realized God's grace was sufficient at all times. I also felt the for me that I may keep humble and do His cloned them all. For the first time in my will at all times, kept ready to be revealed life I could say I was the Lord's. The in the last time. Amen. next night I came to the Lord and present- Lodema ) laser. TEEGARDEN, IND. DEAR SArNTs:- I can testify this morn-ing to the mighty saving power of God. Obi I am praising God for the sweetness and completeness I find in Christ. Over four years ago the Lord convicted me of my lost and undone condition, and showed me that I must spend eternity with God, or spend it with all the wicked in the regions of the lost world; and before I came to God I could not sleep. I could not rest day nor night. Bro. Michels began meeting three miles from my home. I went to the meeting but felt miserable on account of my sins, and that night 1 asked God's people to pray for me. That night the dear Lord came to me and spoke these kind words to me : " Fol-low me, I will guide thee home." I & lion my knees that very hour and cried, " God be merciful to me a sinner," and there and then I promised God I would serve Him all the days of my life. The next day Bro. Michels came to our house. I was still in sin, but that evening I went to meetingand got down at the feet of Jesus and repented of my sins, and God for Christ's sake par- Him; the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power to upward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power. ob.:. Eph. 1: 17- 19. Again, we hear old father Zacharias un-der the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, trans-posing this Abrahamic inheritance into an-titypical or gospel light, and telling us what t is: " That He would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies ( carnality and its effects; assaults by the power of the devil. etc.) might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteous-ness before Him all the days of our life." Luke 1: 74, 75. The above gives the fruits of the Holy Ghost, and they correspond to the fruits or products of the land of Canaan, the typical inheritance. So we have a very beautiful analogy between the fruits of the spirit and the products of the Holy Land; the journey from Egypt to Canaan, and from sin bondage to the land of holi-ness complete. We exhort you, holy breth ren, born from above, if you have not yet received your inheritance namely, the Holy Ghost in its power and fullness; harden not your hearts as in the provoca-tion. For " this is the will of God even your sanctification. " " Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" " The promise is unto you and to your children, and unto them that are afar off, even unto as many as the Lord our God shall call." Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God; and be not conformed to this world, but be ye trans-formed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and ac-ceptable, and perfect will of God.- Rom. 12: 1, 2. Go on unto pefection believe God and enter in, and possess your pos-session. Amen. Your Bro., sanctified by a second work of grace, and enjoying this glorious inherit-ance. Geo. L. Cole. HEALED BY THE- POWEROF GOD. Lucy S. Daniels. WATEINSVILLE, MISS. DEAR SALTS, AND READERS OF THE TRUM-PET:- I feel led of the Lord to write my testi-mony for Jesus this morning, and the wonderful- healing of my poor body. I have been suffering for fifteen years with Neuralgia in my neck and shoulders; part of the time I could not comb my hair nor dress myself, and when all earthly physi-cians had failed to give any relief, it was then it pleased the good Lord to show his mighty power by sending his blessed saints with healing power. Never will I forget the time when Bro. Warner and Co. laid hands on me and prayed for me. That very moment I was healed. A Upraises and honor be to God's holy name forevermore I All my neighbors were eye- witnesses to the healing of my body, and not only mine but a number of others. Many hearts were caused to rejoice and give God the glory for the wonderful truths that were taught us. This beautiful light of God that is shining in the evening of the last time, reminds us of the beautiful star that led the wise men of the east to the blessed holy child Jesus, the savior of the world. Even so this holy light shining on our pathway will lead us all to glory, where we will see the blessed Savior and there meet our loved ones that have gone before; and all sing anthems, not from the throne,; but anthems around the great white throne. Oh, praise the Lord forever for the great plan of redemption ! I am walking in the light as I receive it and I want all of the saints to pray for me that I may continue in the light to my journey's end which is very near, as I am in my sixty- fifth year. Yours in Christ. W. A. Newman. LA PAZ, IND. DEAR SAINTS OF Gore- How I do feel to praise God this morning for salvation that saves me from all sin and keeps me. Glo-ry be to Jesus. It is glorious to drink at the fountain that never runs dry. I was saved two months ago, the 13th of July. That is, I was converted and walked in all the light I had, and the 22nd of July, the Lord sanctified me wholly. Oh! I cannot praise God enough for saving me. I wish to ask all the saints to pray for me. Your sister, saved and sanctified. Delphia Henter. LA PAZ, IND. I feel to praise God this morning for what I feel in my heart. God has saved me from all sin, and I feel no condemna-tion. Oh, I cannot praise God enough for what He has done for me If I had a thousand tongues I could not express it. I feel happy in Jesus this morning to know I am free in Him. 0 praise the Lord for. ever and ever. Your sister, saved and sanctified in the blood of Jesus. Catharine E. Forsythe. much wisdom in clea, ling witb the dearpeo-ple in the south and in preaching the Ever-lasting Gospel. Your saved Bro. J. N. Howard A ° AMY OR GROVE MEETING IN CANADA will be held at Candasville On-tario, beginning Sept. 4th and continuing about five days. Persons coming from the West on the Mich. Central R. R. stop at Perry station. Address Bro. James Blanch-ard at Candasville, Ont. Those coming from the South and East address me at Welland, Ont. G. T. Clayton MEETING AT CARTHAGE, MO. Bro. Carter writes : " The saints desire a meeting here, and will expect the breth-ren to come here directly from the Frisco Ark., meeting about Sept. 10th, and we will assist them on their way. All are in-vited who are interested in the weLlfare of their souls, and the souls of others Any one coming from the east or west can come on the S. L. & S. F. R. R From. the north on the Missouri Pacific, R. R." Yours in Him. Thomas Carter. The Saints near Antwerp, 0. have begun the - erection of a house of worship. They need, and much desire help from the saints abroad. Here is another opportunity fol those who are blessed with the stewardship of the Lord's means, to let the owner ap-propiate some of His own. And thou gh it be His own He will reward the steward who will allow God to use some of it. And with this good opportunity to lay up trees-tires in heaven comes also the dangr of the great Judge saying to you in the awful day of final accounts, I had need of my own, but you withheld it, therefore ye have rob-bed me. Address:— Bro. J. B. Fleck. ANT 7ERP, There is an earnest call for some holy ministers to come to Hessel, Mechanic Co., Mich., to spread the Gospel. One brother desires very much to be baptized, others want to hear the words of life. Write to George Hicol. The saints at Denver, Colo. desire some of the ministers to come to their place and preach the Gospel in its purity. We trust the Lord will lead some consecrated work-era to that city. HTE GSZFEL Tnuzarzfr. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI-- SECTARIAN. Seait 1;" orth in the name of the Lord JeSELS Christ- For the Parity aud - Unity of Eris Church, the De-fence of AIT 1- lis Truth, Auathe Destruotima of Sect Bala. g A BERI- RORTELY HOLINE3/ 401141AL MARRIAGE AND DWORCE. A small tract of 32 pages, setting this subject before the people, in • the clear light of the New* Testarnent. Single copy, . . 05cth., Price Per. dozen, . . 40, Per. one hundred, . THE ORDINANCES OP THE NEW TESTA - KENT. ii NEW TRACT, Br Wit G. SW: 1: MM, Setting forth the Ordinances of the Scripture in a clear light, showing which are abolished, and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. I Single. copy 05Cts. PRIM Per dozen 45cts. Perhundred . . . . . .,$ 3 00. IMO - pen heartelness, so much needed,' india often prayed for, spread and deepen every. where I 0 that the dear people wonl ! earn that true liberality toward Goa, ies eauee, ! Cs poor and his heralds, is the road' to prosperity, and that robbing God Madge. both spiritual fruits and earthly crops! Ia; other wort.! s, a There is a giving that creases riches, and there is a'thholdign ' that tends to pov. rty." Twice or three times the sort ed to, where bap t ism was admims The number bur: ed with Christ in this On_ - creti ordinance we have not learned. Ow Saturday evening not far from two hundied saints followed the Lord in the ordinances es of washing the saints feet, and the Laso supper. 0 what a glorious and profitah4: service ! Many shouted the praises of Gkade while observing the former, and all heink were melted in love to Jesus in the leak There were ministers present, Bros patrick, Pzilmer and Michels, Bro's Schelkee. Speck, J. Colea a AV. and Mary Cole, BroVas.- J. N. and G. W, Howard, Dillon, 1Varreil; Daugherty and Worden, Ilro's Otto Bo141, Uechler, Wm. and Jennie Smith, Bro. sister Rothermel, Pence, Derr, Cloeouid High, Bro's Wm. Miller, Bell, June, Aaae Daniels, tind many others who are () retie-ional preachers anti field workers. Bros Kilpatriek and Bolds have gone to Mo. and Ark. Bro. Palmer and CO. to Fair Haven, Ill. Bro's Sehell, W. How ard and their wives and oureelf go t amp. an 1 Same of Ili to Out. G. L. and Mary Cole go to Tekonsha, Mich. and Pioneer, 0. Bro. Michels to Chicago. 1. Others ' lee abroad as the Spirit of the bag God listeth. Bro. . andrew Byers haties been lead of the Lord to work in the Tram-pet office, and has gone there in thenameof the Lord. Thank Clod l'or this precknisl reinforcement. Well, we have all taken the parting e band, and with many tears of love, separa-rated to go forth, some to their hometi others to the last gleaning ot a doomed: wora Owing to the multitudes coming: a: a,- down into the valley or decision, the earq-: will hereafter be located some point neat' the railroad. PlIBLISEED Air oriARD mXOTION, ZOE, D. 8. WARNER,— Editor. Y. B. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM and S. M/ CHWILS,— Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.00 PER YBAit IN ADVANCE . FREE TO THE POOR. katered at the Foot Office at Grand Junction, tnia. Bureneo. Mich., as second data matter. NOTICE. All business communicatons, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOa'EL TRUMPET, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. Egg- Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts. go - 4-- Sti– NOTICE, How TO SEND MONEY :— Remit by Post Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these can not be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. CHANGES OF Annaess:— Subscribers wish ing their address changed, must be sure to give their FORMER, as well as their new ad dress. MISSING PAPERS occasionally hap pens that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost, or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive your paper when due, after waiting a sufficient length ef time, write us a card and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write be sure and give your full Address, name Post- office, County and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, mite to us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet Grand Junction, Mich. ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE. SECOND EDITION. It contains 148 songs. 90 with music About all new. The pages are some larg-er than Songs of Victory. When sang in the Spirit of God, these songs will be found glorieus. They hymn the precious present truth, and the Gospel standard of salvation. Send in your order for Anthems from the throne, and start the songs of praise anew. ( Manilla. . . . . 30 cts. PRICE Cloth, . • . . . 50 eta • Per. dozen. $ 3.00 & $ 4.80 MUST WE SIR? A conversation between Bro. Light and Foggy, giving Bible proofs that we . must live freefrom sin. This tract has been enlarged to 48 pages and is now ready. All who love to read truth, send for them by the hundred. Per single copy 2 eta Price, 4 ' Doz. . . . nsen. . . . . – 20 4 '' HHuunnddrreedd. .-- 1.50 " A tract on the True Church, 50 pages 1.0 cts. ■ •••• • ■ A tract on the Sabbath, or which day to keep. 65 pages, 10 eta. TiiE BIBLE READINGS BY Bro's Kilpatrick and Speck, is a very thorough work giving the Bible readings or references on about 100subjects. Single copy. . . . . . $ .75 Price, Per half Doz. . . . . . . . . 3.30 " Doz. . . . . . . . . . .6.00 ADDBESS:— GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. A NEW- BOOK FOR ALL. HOLINESS BD3LE SUBJECTS by H. W. 100 subjects with Scripture, a con-cordance, arid definitions to subjects. Set-ting forth the true Church, its doctrine, it-ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Bab-ylon and the coming in of the evening light Illustrated. 376 pages neatly bound in cloth. Persingl', a copy $ 1.00. Price • Six or more 80 eta each, Address H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind. or. Gospel Trumpet, - .; Grand Taliationa rich. THE AGE TO COME, AND ma, DENN1um TRADITION, Refuted by the inspired Word of God Single copy. . . . . 10 cts. Price Per. dozen . . . 80 " Per. hundred, . . 5.00, THE GREAT TOBACCO SIN-. We now have the Tobacco Tract ready to send out for free distribution. It con-tains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us posta ge at the rate of one cent for three tracts. We make no charge for our work ofmaking the tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for the children, illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address:— Tire SHINING LIGHT. Grand Junction Mich. List of Camp and Gra y s- REFERENCE ANL? PRONOUNCING-TESTAMENTS. As persons have frequently written to us for Bibles and Testaments we have purchased a few New Tes-taments with the References in n zures, directly un-der the verse refered t ) which is very convenient It also contains a key to - die principles of pronuncia-tion and has a Dicitionary, and Gazetteer of 47 pages. ( Sheep- skin cover,.$ 1110. Price, postage paid, -, Embossed " . $ 1.25. ( Embossed gilt, . $ 1.50„ EDITORIAL NOTES. G. R. Achor. CAMP- MEETING, MILTON, MO. This meeting will beginSept. 10th and con-tinue until the 20th, and longer if the Lord so directs. All are invited to attend. Come filled with the Spirit, and bring your tents. Those who have no tents, come and you will find a home. Persons coming from the north or south can come on. the K. C. St. L. & C. B. R. R. and stop at Corning, Mo., and will be conveyed to the camp ground by C. Baker. ASSEMBLY MEETING. There will be an assembly meeting at the tabernacle at Bro. Smith's, about three miles north west of Grand Junction, Mich. commencing Oct. 1st and holding as long as the Lord wills. Those wishing to at-tend, coming by railroad, will address Bro. Joseph Smith, Lacota, Mich. Those coin-ing by the Michigan Central ( Kal. & E. H. division) from east or west, or on the Chicago & West Michigan from north or south, all stop at Grand Junction. A. B. Palmer, S. Michels & J. A. Dillon. We have concluded to have a tabernacle meeting at Table Rock, Neb. this fall begin-ning Sept. 18, and continue as long as the Lord wills. W e expect Bro's. Willis, Achor and Co. and are looking for a grand meet-ing. Let all come praying. Table Rock is on the Burlington, and M. R. R. R. NISHNABOTNA, M, o . - A GROVE MEETING will be held the. Lord willing near Tampico, Jackson Co. Ind Sept. 3- 9. Every body invited, especi_ aly all saints in southern Ind. Bro. J. N. Howard - will be there, Bro. H. C. Wicker-sham is desired, and whosoever the Lord leads. For particulars address Charles Orr, Tampico, Ind. The anouncement of a camp meeting at Odon Daviess Co, Ind., in last Trumpet, we are requested to change to a grove meeting. Time Sep. 10- 15. All coming on the E. & R Railroad to Odon Ind., write to Bro. Wm. E. Moore at that place. The grove meeting near six. Points, O. will be on Bro. G. W. Cupp's place, Sept. 16- 20. A GROVE MEETING Will be held, the Lord willing three miles north of Lewistown Logan Co. Ohio Sept. 8- 13. By II. R. parties can come to huntsville on the C. S. & 0. on the Sandusky Division of the Big Four R. R. B. E. Warren and others. Address A. Focht Lewistown, O. Frisco; Ark. A GROVE MEETING will , e held the Lord willing, near Brock, Darke Co Ohio, Sept 2- 6. Persons coming by R. R. come to Dawn on the C. C. C. & I. Bro. B. E. Warren expects to be there, and others are wanted. Address Bro. S. I. Holsapple. BROOK, 0. GROVE OR CAMP MEETING, FRISCO, ARK The Lord willing there wilt be a grove or camp meeting, at the- above place, Craw ford Co. northwestern Ark., Sept. 1- 9 Persons coming by R. R. get off at Porte). station. There is a good prospect of doing good if some one will go and preach the pure word. Address. D. H. Vilma A A Kinzie, ti a a hi cs la in an Go Go Our last report extended to the gro meeting at West Liberty, Logan Co., Oh Here we found a company of very precio saints, most of whom had been- saved o of the Amish sect. They appreciate the freedom and salvation in Christ Jest In this meeting a few souls were saved, a all our hearts refreshed together. Next we pitched our little tent in ti grove near New Hampshire, Ohio. This another place we had long desired to via We met good brethren and sisters her Bro. Heckler, who came to the New 0. lisle grove meeting, and has been with us those following, came with us to th place. Also . Bro's Shell, Warren, ai Howard, and their companions. Here al the Lord delivered and wholly sanctified few souls. But for some reason the in mediate fruits of salvation was small than usual in those Ohio meetings. Th saints - however were much refreshed an the truth won many friends. God bless th holy brethren in this part of Ohio. Next came the Beaver Darn 0. M. Ai riving on the ground the first day, we r joiced in beholding so many tents up, an saints on the ground and frequently ne loads were coming in. The brethren thei bad a big job on hands this year haulin the brethren from the several stations an back again. A great host of holy saint poured in from every direction, more i number by far than ever before; and trul the love and fellowship exceeded all mee ings we ever attended in our life. Hypo crites and false spirifs were driven by th fire of God to the out- skirts of the congrega tion of God. The heavenly joy ofthe redeem ed frequently broke forth in loud shout of praise to God " it were the voice o a great multitude, and as the voice many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Al teujah for the Lord a God omnipotent reigneth." Nearly all meetings were attended with the deliver ance of immortal souls. Sometimes only few bowed before God, but more gener ally the long altar was filled. The children'smeetings, so blest of God ast year were continued with much in-erest this year. That work introduced last year was an important epoch in the onward march of God's cause, and this year another new era seems to have been reached, in the financial liberality of the dear saints. Without any agitation of the matter, God_ seems to have uniformly moved the willing hearted to a most pre-cious and beautiful liberality. All the dear workers were remembered, and means were quietly placed in their hands to en-able them to go on their way. This is a precious sacrifice, acceptable, unto God. Yea, a sweet smelling savor. It came the earest fulfilling Acts. 4: 32- 34. of any king we ever witnessed. " And the multi-ide of them that believed were of one hear t nd one of soul, neither said_ any of them that ught of the things which he possessed,- was s own but they had all things common.” And great grace was upon them all. either was there any among them that eked." Indeed, we felt that the untir-g labor of the saints in taking the peo-e from and to the trains, day and night, e free boardine cf all who wished to eat. the kind and liberal supply of all God's essengers, was a service well pleasing to d, and that shall notiniss a rich reward. d bless his dear saints. 0 may this o- NM 110U UTZ FIELD, Ye io, us t ir IS. ad ie is it. e. in is SO 1- er ii e-d t- - C 917, MA- mew- ow) Avis , taina o, Itte, Ann. 24, 1891. DnAit TauMPET READKRA:- 0 itt4 - A14.; port was from _ Auburn, Ind. We arrived at La Paz the 24th, ult. That evening. :- preached in the garden. The next eve in Shiloh's School- house about a mile and a . half further, with good effect. On the Sabbath wwee met in a grove on Bro. Stranga-place, and held two meetings, well attend-: ed, especially in the afternoon, by a large. congregation, and with the presence of God - . s - in power and showers of blesiegs. Dep . and solemn conviction rested upon the. people. There were three at the altar,: one for pardon and two for sanctification,. who received the victory. W e were_ thank. ful to meet nearly all the church froni, Walkerton. We expect to visit Teegaise den again in the future and hold a seriea of meetings, D. V. The 27th, we begun: meetings east of La Paz, where Bro. Bell had held a few meetings the week before,: who was also with us helping in the work:: until the close. We found the assembly in a dark and very poor condition, because of compromise with babylon and the shod-dy W. M. Holiness. Some having indeed.- i tried to find the God of truth and Bible_ , holiness at Baal's altar where the God .: óf the Bible does not live nor work. The bat4.: tie waged between truth and error, light-and darkness, but victory reigned for God. On the 30th we were joined and helped in the work by the arrival of our dear brother and sister Michels, and on: the 7th, inst., by the coming of Bro. J. Cole, whom the Lord also used in preachingthe word to the people. The meeting lasted: a - about two weeksewhen we met in Ike grove, the 10th and 11th, which was a glorious.;, time with showers of blessings upen otrin souls. The church was mud' strengthen7: ed, settled and edified in the present truthe of the evening light. We all thank Gok. sa for the privilege of attending the glorious. Beaver Dam camp- meeting which wasike; E: feast' to our souls. Hallelujah! Wife and I are now stopping with our friends and. relatives in this city. We expect to wOrk for the, Lord here at every opportunity,. hold. up the light and. the truth of the ed Gospel of Christ. Sept. the 8th or Otl-we go to Albany, III. We expect to stay.; and labor in this state a season, and toviSa., it Ia. and Wisconsin whenever and Where:. ever the Lord opens the way. Pray for us, beloved, and our succesviti140:: Gospel of Christ. Amen. Let. 41- 1. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED. Martha Sheen, Mary Kiirar, Ida Morton, D. C. Stauffer, W. G. Sorrel ., Susan Chafee, Grant Fer-ree, W. B. Payne, Delphia, Hunter, George Nens-tiel, J. M. Mareum, Sarah Briggs, Emily C. Smith, F. J. Kiefer, H. J. Drake. THE SflINN LIGHT. From now until Jan., 1892, to all new subscribers for only five cents. Surely ev-ery TRUMPET reader will take pleasure in sending in their name with that amount, and also feel like putting the paper in a dozen other families and thus help the work along. Just think of it! One- third of a year for only five cents. It will only take a few cents of your money to make many poor children happy, and perhaps lead to the salvation of their souls. 411 ■ —, — Do not forget those who have requested your prayers. Go in prayer until you get an answer from God. Kaaiasaw, Neb., C A2IP - MEETING. Will begin Oct. 8. This place is on the Burlington and Missouri R. R. Let there be a general coming together of the saints at this meeting. Bro. M. M. Copeland, St. James, Mo., writes that they desire a grove meeting at that place this fall. Let some of the brethren answer this call. GROVE MEETLNG, HARTSELLS, ALA. Bro. Wm. H. Miller and myself will hold a grove meeting near Hartsells, Ala., beginning Sept. 18th to continue as long as the Lord wills, and will be glad to meet as many of the saints in- the south as can come to the above meeting. Also we will be glad to hear from those in Tenn. and Ky. that might desire us to visit their part of the country and preach the truth to them. All such parties can address us at Hartaells, Ala. Our stay south this time will be short, but we think the Lord would have us hold at least one or two meetings in Tenn. and KY. as we return northward, if there is a door cpened. I also earnestly desire all the saints of God to pray earnest. ly to God for us, that God may live us DIED,— July 12th, 1891, after an illness of four days, Mikie Robinson, infant son of A. J. and Dannie Robinson; aged 15 mo. and 16 days. The angels seemed hovering in the room, waiting for the dear little spir-it but the Lord seemed to say, wait a lit-tle longer until I am glorified a little more in his suffering. Just as the Sabbath- day dawned on the earth, the word was given and they bore our darling far, far beyond the light of the sun, into the light and pre-sence of the glorious Sun of Righteousness. A s the sun set last night and left this earth so dark and cold we were comforted with the blessed thought that little Mikie would never see another night- fall, for they have no night there. His little spirit took the wings of the morning and flew away to Je-sus. Glory to God who giveth us the vic-tory to- day over sin, and gives us grace to bear this terrible trial I Amen. Your brother and sister in Jesus. A. J. & Dannie Robinson. Bro. Wm. R. Swinburn, only remainin son of Bro. and. sister R. W. Swinburn of Denver, Colo., departed this life in peace When asked if he was ready to go, he re-plied, yes. His . step- mother saw a bright light come down over his bed a few days before his suffering ended. A sister says she saw Jesus, while Willie was being anointed for healing at the Bangor camp-meeting, put His arms around him and say, 44 11e is mine." We felt much of the divine presence upon the occasion, which we ac-cepted. as a token of his recovery. But it pleased. God to have it otherwise. Though his pains were removed, after returning he continued to fail, and died with bright hopes of immortality, about the last of Ju-ly. The Lord bless and comfort " the dear parent& tr. correspondents address us at the Gospel Tropetoffice, Grand Junction, Mich. Yours in Him, saved and wholly sancti-iOW a his feet. Hallelujah! F. N. & Susie A. Jacobson. ly can reach them we can do nothing. Some of the people are getting along well financially, while others have scarcely e-nough to live upon. We expect to remain here until our work is done, and then go Wherever Jesus leads. We expect to re-turn to Kan. soon, if the Lord wills. Pray for the work in this place. The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. We have a good tabernacle, forty feet in diameter. All parties desiring a tabernacle meeting will pleasel communicate with us. Our permanent address is Reeds, Jasper Co. Mo., or E. II. Houghton, Ward, Kan. Yours free in Jesus. J. F. Lundy & E. F. Houghton. DEAR TRUMPET READERS-. On the 8th of July, brother and sister Sunderland, Bro. Stanbery and myself put up the tent in Tiff City, and commenced meeting in the name of the Lord. Had very good con-gregations, but hard to move. Result of the meeting, one saved and one old Bro. baptized by the writer. We will com-mence camp- meeting at Neosho, Aug. 6th, the Lord willing. We love the Trumpet and pray God it may soon become a week-ly. May God bless and prosper this great work every where. We wish the prayers of all the saints that we may be true to God. YoUr brother, on the straight Bible line, sanctified and kept. We take the whole Word. Glory be to Cod! Hugh Caudel. LATER. Neoseo, Mo., AUG. 24. A few of God's little ones came here on the 6th, pitched a tabernacle and com-menced battle in the name of the Lord. There is a wonderful wave of God's pow-er sweeping over this place. We have pushed the battle up to the gates. lip to date there have been about 55 professions. Seventeen were baptized. Had ordinance meeting last night. Some here are anti-oidinance, which makes it hard. to work. I am your Bro. in Christ, saved to the uttermost. ' 11:-. 11iSTI MONIES, SNYDER, T., Arse. 18th, 1891. To ALL THE SAINTS, GREETING:-- GOd bless , V011 all and keep you eternally pure Ts have not reported to the Trumpet for Toite a while but are glad to say to dal that the dear Saviour is wonderfully ssing our souls, and has been keeping every moment free from all she 0 oleo praise God to- day , for salvation) sod for his wonderful keeping power ! He oeeping us in perfect peace, and abun- , dolly satisfied with our lot. " All things eels together for good to them that love see e No good thing will he withhold eel them that walk uprightly." " What-soar ye shall ask in my name that will I ? 0 es, le precious these promises! We feasting upon the manna which comes own from heaven. From Kansas we cent to Tulsa, Ind. Ter., where we held ee flags between five and six weeks. This sery has been long trodden down by the errors ofsectism; the truth had never ea preached there, except one meeting eld by Bro. Carey. We found only two ening holiness. The people in general paled us with suspicion, supposing that e were like the sect preachers,— offering em liberty and ourselves the servants of ption. Yet the truth prevailed and sell precious souls plunged into the untain and were, made whole. Some ere brought out into a clear experience, others are egnestly seeking this sal-aeon. All glory to our King ! 0 that od may keep them from all the delusions the devil! This is a very promising field, d we believe that if some one could come this place, tilled with the sphit, and who consecrated to go wherever Jesus ads, and whose life would prove in every pest that the salvation of the Bible is al, a positive and absolute deliverance on all sin and carnality, that many pre-us souls would be won for the master:* he Lord does not send some one else, will doubtless return / ate in the season. e Indians despise sham religion. There many white people who are really con-ed about their souls. Any whom the . sends witil find a hearty welcome a-g the people. We would love to re-n longer, but we are the Lords and dly and cheerfully go wherever he says. S are not our own. Praise the Lord! No need come here unless his consecration era the whole ground. There is a false acherin this place, who is deceiving the ple and keeping some souls from Christ. teaches bodily healing, and says the s need not die bodily, but that all who limy be translated. She is not straight th the Word in any respect. We did duty according to the Word, but she • ill continues her pernicious doctrine. She for one woman of the same faith, ho, nevertheless , died then she told the ople that the woman's father was the use of her death. 0 that God will give e people a discerning spirit, and keep em free from all confused, deluded teach- ! May heaven's blessing continually st upon the people of Tulsa for their odness and hospitality to us. From S we went to Sheriden, Ind. Ter, where e remained nearly four weeks. Our con-gations were small most of the time la owing to the unsafe condition of the ads for night traveling, and partly be-ns of an easier, false way held up by the oehets of Baal. Nevertheless, four souls eresaved, one reclaimed, and one cleared her experience and a mountain of pre-dice broken down. May God strengthen Ose dear ones, and shield them against the fiery darts of the wicked one. ° k-en is filled with professors of every tate and grade. There are a few, how-a, that possess real salvation. Anti-ditiance, semi- ordinance, confused boll-s, and, in fact, almost every thing but e araight truth. The devil sells profes-i'ae'very cheap in these parts and if ne people do not care to pay anything for In, he just says, take them along any Ir. So they cost little or nothing, conse-ueutly they are worth nothing. If ever era was a land that needed saved teach- ' S that land is Oklahoma Ter. The ene- 3' Is set on his land, and at present, has ost undisputed possession. We are now nyder, Canadian Co., Ok. We com- "- testi meeting last night with afair con- Mon and good interest. Oh, that God : 11 move upon the hearts of this dear pee-r and let them see the truth God on- GRESHAM, NEB., AT: G. 17, 1891. To ALL THE TRUMPET READERS:— God bless you all. Amen. We have been hold-ing forth the faithful word in our country this season, and oh, how God has helped us! Souls are being saved. Our tent is now at Juniata, Neb., with Bro. Achor, and the work is moving on. We have a request to make: There are so many calls for the tent this fall that it cannot reach one- third of the places. And now is there any brother that is able to buy another tent? Oh, how good it would be ! God will bless you in so doing. I feel that I have made all the sacrifice to God required at my hand. God. help others on this line ! It is a call from God. Who will answer to it ? I will add a few words of my late experience that I had a few days ago. God permitted the lightning to strike my house and tear a hole through it. It was the most awful experience I ever passed through. That evening God had wonder-fully blessed me. When the lightning struck, I was so near killed, that I could not for some time get out of bed to see if my children were alive. The house took fire but it want out of itself. 0 how God did preserve me and my family F We did not sleep much that night, but wept aloud till nearly daylight. Oh, dear ones I God spared me and I dare not hold my ' mouth, but must keep at work all the days of my life. I saw, that awful night, how God can destroy mankind with the brightness of of his coming. God showed • me I must follow him wherever he leads. Last win-tee I went to Oregon and endured some very hard things; being away from my wife and little ones, I thought it very hard. I have been called to Cal, this sum-mer, and the saints are urging me to come; but I have resisted God and said it is too much. God has ways to make men go, so I am willing to go at any cost. I am all broken up this morning the tears fill my eyes as I pen these lines. There are some in the west who have been led. off from the pure body of Christ. Oh, will you not cease to make clivison We pray earnestly for you. You Bro., saved to the uttermost. James Willis. SHULTZ, MICII. DEAR SAINTS:— I feel it would be to the glory of God to- write my testimony. Re keeps me saved to the uttermost. Bless the Lord ! I do praise God for the re-demption of my soul. He says, 4' If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Yon brother in Christ. W. Newell, DA Lt.: VILLE, MISS. DEAR Seistes:- 1 feel led of the Lord to write that I am saved and sanctified to do the whole will of God at all times. I have found his grace eufficient in ell times of need, which are many-. Where I live there are bet few saints. I pray daily for more power of God to fill them. I know that He is strong and can open the ears of the wicked that do not hear, and strike them down that do not care. Glory to God I do love the Lord because Ile has given me full and free salvation. I have been afflict-ed for several years with lung and heart disease, and I believe God will heal me through the prayers of the saints. You will find this irOJer. 24: 7: " And I will give them a heart to knew me that I am the Lord, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, for they shall return unto me with their whole hearts." I want all the saints to pray for me that I may hold out faithful until the end. Your sister, washed in the blood of the Lamb. G. A. Watson. ODON, IND. DEAR Senses:— May God wonderfully bless you and lead you by His Spirit into all truth. Amen. We are glad to report that the Lord still saves us and keeps us by his mighty power through faith unto salvation. Praise the Lord for-ever and ever. The dear Lord wonderfully healed our child Bertha before our request for prayer was set in type. He also raised up Stella, and gives us all good health. Blessed be the name of the Lord forever and ever. Oh! we cannotpraise God enough for his goodness to his children. We have taken the Lord for our physician for both soul and body, and His charge is, " have faith in God," and that is as reasonable as we can ask. God bless - the Gospel Trum-pet, and shortly make it a weekly for Je-sus'- sake. Amen We believe the Lord is going to have it done, for it will do nmch more good. Would like to see the Tobac-co Sin tract published and scattered all o-ver the world. May the Lord put it into the hearts of all the saved to send in means for these purposes. Amen. Your saved Bro. and sister. 0. P. & S. A. Allen. IIURON, KAN. DEAR Senses:— May God's richest bless-ings rest upon you all. I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony telling what the Lord has done for me. I din saved in the name of Jesus. Amen I Blessed be His holy name! I have been serving God for about two years, but have never got tired in following his blessed foot- prints or singing his praises. Glory be to God ! Pray for me. Your sister, saved and kept by power di-vine. Mary Haynes. — n- FREDRICK, S. DAK. DEAR SAINTs:— I feel led this morning to write a few words of testimony for publi-cation. The Lord is wonderfully and glo-riously dealing with my soul since I have left the burning babylon. I meet with persecution on the right and left, but the Lord has given me grace which enables me to bear, unmoved, the frowns of the world. Oh, how blessed it is to suffer persecution for the sake of Christ! To me, ! here is something sacred about being made partaker of Christ's suffering. How often my soul is filled to overflowing as I read the glowing testimonies of the saints. " Blessed be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love." All the saints pray Tor me that I may let my light shine to those who are in darkness around me. Mrs. Geo. W. Philips. SAPULPA, I. T. DEAR SAINTS:— I thank the Lord that I am saved in Jesus. Last February I had given up all hopes. I had Consumption. I received divine treatment, and thank God, was healed instantly. Praise the Lord I am healed both soul and: body and my health is good. Praise the Lord! Brethren, pray for me that I may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of the blessed Gospel. May God bless all the saints. Your brother in Christ. James E. Watkins. JACKSONEURGIT, KAN. DEAR SAINTS:— I never felt so much like pleading for a poor helpless people as I do now honest souls are groping their way in darkness, and hungering to hear the Gospel preached; and how shall they sear without a preacher ? I wrote a letter o Bro. E. F. Houghton last spring, asking for a tabernacle meeting here this summer or fall. I received a card from him stating hey would be here about Sept. if the Lord permitted. I answered his card, but have not heard from him since concerning the meeting. We would be glad to hear from Bro. Houghton through the Trumpet, or by letter. If he expects to come this fall, the ground has been secured on which to hold he meeting, and the lumber ready to seat the tent. Let any of God's ministers come who feel so led of ged. I believe a good work can be done here in the name of the Lord Jesus. A word to the dear saints who are not called to preach and have plenty of this world's goods, and have been blessed with good crops: Remember the poor people in Kan. who are starving for he bread of life, and have nothing to send or help. Last year there was a drought; his year the hail has destroyed the crops. Here some people have some oats, wheat, and rye left, and some have nothing. Dear saints, we ask you in the name of the Lord Jesus to supply God's ministers with means to come to this people, that they may hear the Gospel preached. The very God of peace does sanctify me wholly. Nancy John. ELK DALE, MO. DEAR TRUMPET:— I am glad that I can . ay to the glory of God, that I am still in the blessed land of Beulah, drinking at the fountain of life. Praise His dear name! 0 the joy, and glory in my soul! I can not tell it. I find it so easy to trust Jesus for all and in all. He seems so very near to me. I claim all the promises in the Bible. I have cut the shore line and am out on the broad ocean of God's eternal love. Praise the Lord for ever Your Bro. in Christ. John G. Neff. OBITUARIE( R4, Little Ethel, daughter of William and Anna - Harry, died Aug. 7, 1891.1 !' Not being satisfied without her little twin sister Agnes, she called her, and the Sav-iour permitted her to follow on the 9th. Aged 11 months and some days. Pray much for the bereaved parents who have since given their hearts to the Lord. Pure and spotless as the lilies, Free and happy as the birds, Little Ethel soared for heaven, Calling Agnes afterward. Little Agnes herd the summons Of that sweetest angel voice, And was taken by her Savior With her sister to rejoice- Though they left a little brother, Papa, mamma, friends so dear, ' 1 hey will never cease their calling Until all are gathered there. — Rachel 1,1. Strong. Mrs. Emma b. Shunk, wife of James C. Shunk, departed this life at her home in Kensington. July 5th, 1891. Aged 32 years and 6 months. She leaves a husband and two little girls to mourn her loss. TEEGARDEN, IND., AUG. 23, ' 91. Clinton R. W. Fowler died Aug. 14,1891. Aged 4 months and 27 days. This little one has gone to meet mamma who went home to dwell with Jesus a short time ago. May the friends left behind prepare to meet them in heaven. Funeral service by the writer. S. P. Strong. • TAMPICO, IND. Little Johnnie, son of brother and sis-ter Zinsmerman, died Aug. 14th, 1891, aged I year, 7 mos. and 29 days. He was sick Wo weeks and suffered greatly. We were with him the last few hours of his life, and When we knew it was God's will for him to die, prayers were offered to God that he be relieved of his suffering, and that he die peacefully. This was fully answered. It was heavenly to watch the little one pass away like a healthful child going to sleep. Funeral services held by the writer in the Methodist meeting- house. The Holy Spirit gave us these words to the tune f " Jzsus LovEn OF, MY Saint which were sang at the close of the service. Oh, our God who art in Heaven, We do bow at thy decree; Naught could stay the loving call, Johnnie ' a safe in heaven with Thee. Gums. Weeping friends and parents dear, He is with the angels there; Weep no more for Johnnie ' s safe Where there never comes a tear. Jesus suffered here on earth, Drank the bitter cup of woe; That all such, these little ones, They no sorrow e'er should know. Around the throne of God above, Where there's nothing else but love, There his angel voice he'll raise, There he'll shout his Maker's praise. C. E. Orr. H. C. " TRY TESTIMONIES ARE WONDERFUL."— Psa. 119: 129. GLENN, Mien. To ALL run DEAR SAINTS AND READERS OP THE Tairmeer:— We are glad to testify once more to the saving power of God. We are happy to- day to know that we are saved and kept from the evils of this wicked world. I do know that the pleasures of this world have no room in my heart, for I am dead and my life is hid with Christ in God, and I expect to keep saved in spite of the devil. Pray for us. Your brother and sister. F. B. & M. A. Smith. DALEV1LLE, MISS. DEAR SAINTS:— I feel led this morning to testify. through the Trumpet that the dear Lord still saves me from all sin. Glory to his name ! I am so glad that I have heard the true Gospel preached. Glory- to God! t do love the dear saints, and I pray that every one will take up their cross and fol-low Jesus. I know I am saved and kept by the power of God. Pray for me that I may be more faithet1 unto the Lord. Your Bro. in Jesus. J. N. Watson. Diae— at her home near Marion, Lau derdale Co., Miss., sister Mettle Hobgood, on the 14th day of June, 1891, at the ripe age of 71 years, 8 mos. and 19 days. Sis-ter Hobgood was the mother of eleven children ( eight of which she leaves to mourn her loss), and sixty- one grand- chil-dren. She was born in Anson Co., N. C., Sept. 26,1819. Was married to C. H. Hob-goodeTan. 3,1839. Was converted in May 1842, and was afterward sanctified through the truth, to which blessed experience she often testified during the last years of her life, until her death, which occurred like the setting sun at the close of a glorious day, casting her bright beams back upon the world in her last moments. It is said. that for fifty- two years her bright face and cheerful spirit has dispelled the gloom, and scattered the sunshine of love and. peace through her home, making glad the hearts of her loved ones, whom she often admon-ished in her last days to meet her in glory. After obtaining the promise from her hus-band and some of her children, it seemed as if she would pass into rest but the Lord spared her and gave her strength to rally. She then called for her youngest son for whom she manifested the greatest anxiety, and obtained from him the prom-ise that he would meet her in heaven. She then fell asleep amidst the bitter sobs and cries of a grief- stricken husband and chil-dren. " The angels bore our mother home In shining garments fair, And some bright day we hope to come And join thee over there." Her pure and godly life has been a bless-ing to her devoted husband, children and neighbors. According to her request, the writer was called upon to conduct the funeral services, and with sad hearts we met the mourning friends, and preached a discourse to a large congregation. W. W. Bradley. BIG BEND, PA., JULY 11, 1891. DEAR SAM'S OF THE LivarG Goe:— I can testify that I am still saved and sancti-fied, and kept low down at His feet. May God bless you all and give you grace for each day and trial, that you may stand. against the tricks of the devil. I do love to see God's people stand true to the word of God and his plain commandments. I praise God that he has a straight, wayeind I have found. it to be a pleasant way; it is a holy way, a pure way, and a way upon which no h y pocrites nor false teachers can ever get. I am saved in Jesus and tak his word before men's word for I know is true. Praise his name forever! - Your Bro., saved in Christ. Henry Latshaw. -" Tar TESTMONIES ARE WONDFRFUL."— Psa. 119: 129. MERIDIAN, MIES. DEAR TRUMPET READERS:— I love to read the testimonies of so many dear saints, though I cannot claim the full blessing. I * want the prayers of all God's people for my soul's salvation and - the restoration of nay health. I have been sick in bed four weeks and have tried to exercise faith though it seems I cannot. I am hardly able to write. I would write a long letter if I were able, and tell what I know of the love of God. Bro. Warner and Co. were here last winter and I was much delighted with the • preaching. I do hope the Lord will send them or some others here again this fall or winter. I want to get some names for the Trumpet if I can, when I get well. I am your sister. TESTIMONIES, ALLEGAN ICI& DEAR SAINTS OF Gore— I feel like giving my testimony through the Trumpet. I do thank God he ever took me out of dark-ness, and showed me the marvelous light before it was everlastingly too late. God is the rock of my salvation; in God I put all my trust. Dear saints, my health is very poor, but the Lord is with me. Although I am cast away, I am not forsaken. I real-ize that my Redeemer lives, and intercedes forme. It is my determination to press onward and upward. Dear saints, how my heart does leap for joy! I am so hap-py in Jesus. I do thank God so much for this great and wonderful salvation that keeps me from sinning. The Lord has taken all my troubles from me, and wonderfully blesses me and gives me sweet peace. My request to the saints is: stand firm for Jesus. I am standing on the solid rock Christ Jesus. Jennie Blossom. POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. To Ar. r. THE SAINTS, GREETING:— I feel led Lord to write my testimony that it may edify the dear saints and give Sex INGFIELD, Clain, Jt LY24. God all the glory. I can say I am saved DEAR SAINTS OF G'ofe— I am glad to and set free from all sin through His all- report that I am fully saved in Jesus. ening blood. Gloryto God forever! A- Oh, how my heart was made to leap torjoy / a! Rev. 1: 5, 6 says, " Unto him that by the meeting of the brethren I have loved us and washed us from our sins in been permitted to go to Penn. to visit my His own blood, and bath made us kings near relatives for the space or three weeks. and priests unto God and his Father.' during which time God enabled me to go Gloryto God forever! His children through from houie to hoe- se al I teitity to the all him are kings over sin, and by the Holy cleansing blood of Jesus. and the power Ghost can preach His Word with under- of God to save to the uttermost. Ana standing. 0 may the dear Lord keep our while in Penn., in looking over the Uos. hearts filled with the Holy Ghost and fire pet Trumpet of July 1, I noticed a testis until He shall say, Son and daughter, come mony from Burton, W. Va., of W. E. Ruch up higher. Dear saints, pray more earn- ( should be Rush). This place is on the estly for the church at Poplar Bluff, and B. & 0. It R., and was on my way to Ohio. the salvation of sinners every where, Cato I wrote to him, as he expressed a desire ry to Jesusl in his testimony for meetings, and soon Your saved brother in Christ. received a reply, which bore a rather good J. C. Barker. spirit and stated that they were poor at that place; but this only gave me a deeper desire to go and present the word. I then made arrangements to be with them from July 17 to 21, and started; but to my great surprise I found this person to be e Latter- day Saint, which placed a material difference between us after one meeting. He claimed to hate Mormonism as much as I do; so also do the Latter- day Saints at Lamoni, Iowa, where the Latter- day Saints' Her Other/Unknown Material Mite ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Aly ENVELOPE(132.394,132.394,68.420,68.420) Ark the ENVELOPE(-24.789,-24.789,-80.691,-80.691) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Bala ENVELOPE(132.817,132.817,67.178,67.178) Bedford ENVELOPE(-67.150,-67.150,-66.467,-66.467) Briggs ENVELOPE(-63.017,-63.017,-64.517,-64.517) Burlington ENVELOPE(-56.015,-56.015,49.750,49.750) Burton ENVELOPE(166.733,166.733,-72.550,-72.550) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Canada Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Dillon ENVELOPE(-108.935,-108.935,55.933,55.933) Dy ENVELOPE(11.369,11.369,64.834,64.834) Eta ENVELOPE(-62.917,-62.917,-64.300,-64.300) Eternity ENVELOPE(-64.567,-64.567,-69.767,-69.767) Fair Haven ENVELOPE(11.467,11.467,79.833,79.833) Gloom ENVELOPE(-58.249,-58.249,-62.189,-62.189) Ida ENVELOPE(170.483,170.483,-83.583,-83.583) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Milton ENVELOPE(-84.800,-84.800,-78.800,-78.800) Morton ENVELOPE(-61.220,-61.220,-62.697,-62.697) Ner ENVELOPE(6.622,6.622,62.612,62.612) Newell ENVELOPE(-59.533,-59.533,-62.333,-62.333) Pacific Payne ENVELOPE(167.867,167.867,-72.817,-72.817) Rona ENVELOPE(13.943,13.943,66.985,66.985) Sav’ ENVELOPE(156.400,156.400,68.817,68.817) Sion ENVELOPE(13.758,13.758,66.844,66.844) Snyder ENVELOPE(-121.386,-121.386,56.917,56.917) Stella ENVELOPE(-64.254,-64.254,-65.249,-65.249) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) The Gate ENVELOPE(-124.937,-124.937,61.417,61.417) Tind ENVELOPE(12.997,12.997,67.884,67.884) Ular ENVELOPE(140.951,140.951,72.498,72.498) Watkins ENVELOPE(-67.086,-67.086,-66.354,-66.354) Willis ENVELOPE(159.450,159.450,-79.367,-79.367)