The Gospel Trumpet - 11:09

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 7e Lord Gnd hall RLOW The TIP UM Oh Vag 1 Bible I ( 1-) EP and go with 71' hirl winds - FIRST VuRg." nen. And fie sold tin, edt, h Ia ns? e eA andd intnla271184e. t8- every...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1891
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 7e Lord Gnd hall RLOW The TIP UM Oh Vag 1 Bible I ( 1-) EP and go with 71' hirl winds - FIRST VuRg." nen. And fie sold tin, edt, h Ia ns? e eA andd intnla271184e. t8- every o11. n, sea itdh haet sutnetaol ettuhck The g osrisdahela alocl cnboee rt d t: utautt gea rtrrwre iaotr; n ea ttnLh iIs be cut ot atr Ott twheili lldoGrbdri aonfc b; rfeosutritgh it; eat. Grand funclion, Mich. '. Iry I, / 891. nliente I1 Arainly; r: i% E have seen some articles writt en upon this subject, but observation, or experience which we have and are con-tinually passing through brings very forci: bly to our mind one point which we never have seen clearly brought out by any wri-ter. First, we will notice briefly some. things that have been spoken of by others. We read in Prov. 11: 30,— The f • irit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth souls is wise. Here we see that it is necessary that we be winners of souls; or, in other words, wisdom makes us win-ners of souls. We have seen many who by their harsh, rash wa. ys( which of course, is the result of having an Anti- Christ spir-it) were continually driving souls away from Christ. Many honest souls have been , rashly rebuked and driven away, when if some one had gone to them and taught them the truth, they would, no doubt, have accepd ed it and measured up to it, May the Lord help each of us to see whether or not we are winning souls. This is not the only way we may win souls or drive them away. The every day life of both those who trav-el in the work and those who stay at home is either winning the confidence hearts and of those with whom we daily associate, or it is causing them to doubt the reality of the salvation which we profess to have. Though they may speak evil of us, in their hearts they must confess that we have something they know n. othing about if we really live the life that God com-mands us to live but if we profess a high profession and live far beneath it, they are disgusted at the name of holiness . be-cause we profess tohave it and. do not live one body has but wee FATBER. Eph. 4: G. it. In this way we are either winning One God and Father 01' all. Om HOTBED- souls or driving them away. Jesus says, Gal. 4: 26.— But Jerusalem which is above " Ye are the light of the world.--- Mat. 5: 14. is free, which is the mother of us all. All The poor sinners in this world who know children who are born of the holy parent- not God nor read His Word, have no other age belong to the osee Flours- which has light to look to but God's saved ones in this but ONE NAME. Eph. 3: 15.— Ofewhom the world. Again we say, are you winning whole family in heaven and earth is named. eouls ? Praise the Lord I We mai live This one family is the same as the one bed- with God's approving smile upon us every y. Eph. 4: 4.— There is one body. This day. Now we begin to " look at ether one body is the same as the osse emencet. C 1 1 . 18 — And He is the head of the bod _ p o int. We ask you if you are winning the Church. This ONE CHURCH has ONE what you ere winning them ? Almost ev- Cer. ED. Psa. 119: 105.— Thy M7 o rd iis a one says , we are winning them to Christ souls ? If you answer, yes, then we ask, to 1 Barney E. Warren. A BLESSED EXPERIENCE. NAR BELOVED SAINTS OF GOD t-- Whil the bells of babylon are ringing together the army of Gog and Magog against the 4 1., ord of lords and Xing of kings," we feel led of the Father to write our testi-niony, and shout. praises to God for deliver-ance from babylon, and that eve are no longer deceived by the beast or false proph-ets, but are among the followers of the ° Faithful and true, clothed in fine linen, Ante and clean." Oh praise the Lord for e deep, sweet river of peace that flows my soul this morning! My body is the temple of the holy Ghost just now. Hal-lelujah to our God! My soul isfilled with glory and leaps for joy. In August 1890, Ins a poor deluded sinner under condemn-ation, without God and without hope. I had been a member of a sect for four years, and struggled hard against the Spir-it of God to pursuade myself that I was s0hristian. But I read that " God will speak peace to His people, and to His saints.— Psa. 85: 8. And the work of right eousness shall be peace, and the effect of ighteousness, quietness, and assurance for-ever.''-- Isa. 32: 17. " Therefore beingjusti-lied by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ."— Rom. 5: 1. had no peacee nor quietness in my soul, nor any assurance of eternal life, and in the dark hours of night when there was nothing to stand between me and the ehisperinas of my soul, I would be filled with awful terror. " To commune with top own heart upon my bed, was not to be still but to toss about with horror in my nand. I would read the Bible to find isace, but it only filled me with uneasiness, because it condemned me on - every page. liras living as good a life as any in the sect, and I did not know there was any-thing more 1 could do. So I was looking for Scripture to justify me where I stood and I could find none. I would send for mid read religious papers in my search for ace. In looking through a copy of " The fiunday School Times" I saw an advertise-m. ent of " Bible Readings" by Bro's. Kil-patrick and Speck. I addressed The Gos- Pel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. con- Seining it, never taking any thought as to Fiat The Gospel Trumpet was. I received ail answer to my letter, and on the en- ' elope received I reed, " Be ye holy for I ant. holy," it was sweet tomy soul. I read h also the advertisement of tile Trumpet, a ° I• mens paper. My soul seemed to lay • d o0f anythiw, that had the ring of boll-nee& I sent for a copy of the paper; I kileW but little of holiness, or of Bible, but the paper held the standard of Chris-tianiie to where reason seemed to say it should be. I soon discovered I had no salvation, and began to cry mightily to ad for a pardon of my sins. One Monday Ding my way to school I received Flee. out of the midst df baliyion and deliver every man be ihnsoe tt h weeuit t! t iromern eidn oe frG tuehnret o iLn hoieqrdru ' ssi t ryvee; cn ofgmoepra entncilselse And the land shall tremble, and sor-row for everypurp03e of • • d • shall b•• performed against ba') ylon, to make the land of baaylon a des,. laihin withetit an inhabitant.-- Jer. ELS Z. with God: I was immediately gtafted in to the vine, and felt the life giving Spirit go through every vein, cleansingeme complete-ly. Yes,[ was cleansed of the tobacco habit which was a miracle exceeding great. The Christ life was implanted in my soul, and all the powers of my mind, the least and the greatest, ( shepherd and _ wise men) fell down to worship and offer gifts of " gold frankincense and myrrh to the young child." But in a. few days Herods arose and the ' child " seemed to be in. of his ife. I loved the Lord and desired greatly to soar continually in an atmosphere el His love, but something seemed to bind ne to worldly things. I sought God earn-estly for deliverance from everything con eery to his nature, and in February of this year through the instruction of Bro. Wick-ersham and Bro. Roe, I laid hold of the promise, and God sanctified me wholly. Oh glory to Jesus! My wife was sanctified the same evening, being the only two in his community at that time. A few days ater however another brother received sanctification, and we - Once stood here with the Lord for a few weeks, when he dear Lord had brother Warner to stop sere and have a few days meeting which • esulted in five being sanctified, and five others justified. Oh we do praise the Lord or the wonderful work He has done here, which He begun by sending a copy of The Gospel Trumpet to this place- May God till coutinue His work and save other ouls we pray. We request the dear saints everywhere to pray fir the church here, for babylon is Most bitter. A Baptist,- Camp-bellite, and local Methodist preacher are : sing all the power the devil gives them in persecuting the Church of God. One of hem claimed sanctification before the Word of God was preached here in the power of the Holy_-- Spirits And we are old that he now teaches the impossibility of living free from sin. Hallelujah to God! They must either walk in the light, or go nlo darkness. God bless the saints and help us all to work to aid the Trumpet in be coming a weekly. Your saved and sanctified brother. Chas. E. Orr. TAMPICO, IND. THE BODY OF CHRIST. OR as the body is one, and bath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so al-so is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, Whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many.- 1 Cor. 12: 12- 14. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.— ver. 21. A certain individual who was converted while serving His time ill the . penitentiary, began to read his Bible and at once saw the glorious promises con-te an ed therein; also the requirements of the same, and expected with all his heart to find the professing world up to the Bi-ble standard. As his time expired and he came in contact with those who claimed, to be the followers of the. Gospel, he found, to his great surprise, that such professors came far short of the simple Word. When the above Scriptures are. read by the young convert, whether in India, Africa, Europe or America, he believes itmeans just what it says, and at once comprehends the sim-ple analou of the apostle. But how few there are who understand it while reading the Word through a sectarian veil. Let us see some of the simple statements of the Gospel with regard to the ( see BODY. This " And He shall send 111e angolswith a great sound of a Trumpet. and they shall rather together Ilia elect from the four winds. from one end of heav-en to the other, Now learn a parable of the figtree; when his branch is yet tender. and Tiatoth forth leaves, se know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye when L. e shall see these things, know that it is nr3r. even at the doors."— rdark. 13; lt- ss. I but will you not anow us here to test the matter a little, whether you are winning them to Christ, or whether you are win-ning them to something else ? Here we Jno. 10: 9.- 4 am . the door. ONE FOLD. Jno. 10: 16. Ox". 1 SHEPHERD. And there shall be one fold and one shepherd, This ONE BODY has but ONE / TEAM E ph. I: 22.- And have before us a great multitude of people professieg to i ba winning souls to Ohrist, and we find. but few souls that are really won; to Christ. There must be great error somewhere Every soul that is won is won to something; if it is not to Ohrist, it is to some error or delusion of the devil. Let us look at lure Word of God and see what we can learn about it. Jesus saith unto Him, I am the Way, the truth and the life; no- man cometh unto the Father but by me.— Jno. 14: 0. Here we see that. Christ is the way and the truth, and we knew that there is but one Christ, hence we know that there is but one way of truth. Now if Christ is the truth, and i1 we win souls to Christ We must win the n to the truth. Again NAT- e read in Jno. 17: 17.--" Sanctify them through thy truth : Thy wcr. i is truth. 7 Then we, see that Christ is tru th and His word is truth. Then if a soul is won to Christ they are won to the Word, or, in other words, they are won to o-bedience of the Word. How often we find souls that have been won and are profess-ing Christ, but are very unwilling. to obey the Word of God. Some one then has been around winning souls, but not to Christ. Let us compare a feW of these points. The Word of God. says, " Be ye holy, for I am holy."-- I Pet. 1: le. Again, " This is the will of God, eeen your sancti-fication."---. 4 ' flies. 4: e. Then person § who profess to be winning souls for Christ say, we cannot be saectified and made ho'y. Such persons are not winning souls to Christ, but to - delusions. - Again the Word. of God says, " Every branch in me that bearr th not fruit He taketh away and every branch that bear& h fruit Ile purg-eth ( which means he cleansed') it, that it may bring forth more fruit,"--- Jno, 15: 2, or This plainly proves that there is a purging cleansing to take pit ce after we are branch-es engrafted into Christ the true vine. Jno. 15: 1. Then these are they who teach the people that we are made perfectly holy when we are converted, and that there is no second work of grace to be wrought in the heart and Many follow after them. These are winning souls to delusions and not to Christ. The Word then saps, " If I then, your Lord and Master have washed your feet, ye ought also to wash one an-other's feet; for I have given you an ex-ample that you should do as I have done to you."-- Jno. 13: 14,15. Ile had washed the disciples feet when they were well e, nough . to go up to the house of worship and eat the passover supper. - And He said that, I have given you an example that ye should do as ( or in the same manner) I have done to you. Then they would have to wash the disciples feet while they were well. Again lie tells them, " Go ye there-fore and. teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy- Ghost; teaching them ( all nations) to observe all things. whatso-ever I have commanded you, and, lo, [ am with you alb ay even unto the end of the world,-- Mat. 28: 19, 20. Then if He com-manded them to wash one another.' feet, they Must teach all nations to Wash one an-others' feet if they obey the command in Met. 28: 20. Then WO find those who say, and teach the people that it is not necessary to wash One anothers' feat, and many souls are won to their ways of disobedience. 0, my Lord, help the people to see what the Word means that says, " He. that winneth souls is Wise." - We find another class that profess to be winning souls te- ° heist, They work ender Hie influence of a domproniis-ing or human sympathizing spirit. This spirit lets in all such as ate afraid of going to hell, end yet are not willing to pay the full - ptice, of salvation. They work more - on a line Of feeling than preaching ,_ the plaid truth and executing the ' jedgmeets which are written. They always want to work up a revival spirit, as they call it, no matter how muchecrookedness there might be under their voice, they must have a re-vival or a spirit of feeling. - And un-der such a spirit many who are t'orkttlit in CARTHAGE, Mo. lamp unto my feet, Mid a light unto my path. 119: 1.1.— Thy Word have I hid iO mine heart, that I might:`, sin ! against thee, This ONE CHURCII has bet on Doer-bath put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over ell things to the Church. This body is represented, by ONE. LOAF. 1 Co. 10: 17.;-- For we being Many are one bread ( Ger. - loaf) and one body, for we are all partakers of that one bread ( Ger. loaf). This One body has but ONE SPIRIT. Eph. 4; 4- .-. 0ne Spirit. It also has but ONE BAPTISM, because it has but ONE FAITH in the ONE LORD. E pit. 4: 5. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. oee MIND. R OM. / 5: O. ONEM OUTH. • That ye May with one mind and one mouth glorify God. With the ONE MIND and oxE Morin this ONE BODY speaks but ONE LANGUAGE be-cause it has but ONE eueearesie, 1 Con I: 10— Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that yeall speak the same thing and: that there be no divisions among you but ilist ye all be perfectly joined together in tine same mind and in_ Ole same judgment. For this church there is brit ONE cf-, 1S3 Boot:. Luke 10: 20— But rejoice rather that your names are written in heaven. ' Rev, 20: 1155.-- And whosoever was not found written in V e book of life was cast into the hike of fire.' This one body has but ONE HOPE. Eph, 4:- 4.— Even as ye are called in one hope of your calling This is the fulfillment of' the gathering into ONE: 1: It- J.— That in the dispensation of the fellness of timee,- He might gather t 00010 ie ONE all thinge' in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on eaeth, even in Him. Yours in the one body. J. W. Byers. WINNING aOULS. TAMPICO, IND. DEAR Sefees:— Glory be to Jesus I am saved and sanctified DOW, and- Jesus keeps me sweetly. I lived from childhood--- em-til two weeks ago— in the Lutheran church without salvation. I am now 64 years Ohl, and- praise the dear Lord, • that lie saves me in my last days. 0 it is wonder-ful; wonderful, this salvation that makes me so happy! Even when I am at home alone, the dear Lord is with me, and I del net get lonesome. Oh, I do praise God to think that He would save one who has so lonee lived in she All I can do now is to give my life to Him, and let Him use my remaining days to . His glory. Hallelujah to Godl. Yotie sister saved and sanctified. Lucinda Marhauka. 014 What it Bible!- sweet gift font above; In it We learnt of the Saviour's pureloVe IIytti he has suffered and died on the tree; Ay fOr the Ele- laden heart to be free, ellORUS:— Oh, what a Savior'.— precious and pure; Oh, what a Bible ! - ever endure All is a gift from our Father above, Oh, what token of heavenly love ! Oh, what a Bible! - the Book of all books, Only is fathomed by Him who now looks Into each heart with an all- searching eye, From His imperial throne in the sky. Oh, what a Bible !-- complete and Divine, Source of 01 wisdom in this evil time, God of all power, the Spirit and Son,— All are forever united in ens. Oh, what a Bible — its pages so Imre Telling us iiety tti be firm mid- endufe Faithfully serving Him, constant in prayer, Till we inherit out home () ter there. Oh, what a Bible ! the life and the light, Braking our pathway so clear and so bright, giving Us vigor to run in the race, While we enjoy the sweet smiles of His face. Oh, what a Bible!— tree volumes of bliss,— Leads to a world that is brighter than this,— sparkling with gems ever clear to behold, Painting its glory in hearts of pure gold. Oh, what a Bible!- the Book of goodness:— A. cup running over to hearts who will chose Life everlasting,— a fount of all good yea, for the hungry its manna is food. Oh, what a Bible !— our sword, and the shield, ffejpins: us never to falter, or yield Tothe seducers of souls, into sin, But to courageously conquer and win. % peen till Pardon of all my sins, and had peace their hearts smooth it over, and get up a heling and go on among the sheep as I though they were a sheep. And those I teachers are so sy= mpathizing that they can not let any judginent go forth on Bach, and I so the little leaven leaveneth the whole lump, arid the church is corrupted. We may make this plainer so as to get you to understand what we mein. This coin promising spirit works in this way for in-stance, you may believe that it is rght to Wash one another;' feet, but some one comes along that does not believe it, and you say, Obevell, we will not let that make any dif-ferenee and so you brotheror sieter them right along. And do not think to tell them of the awful error and delusion they are in or getting into by disobeying the Word of God, and the awful hell that a-waits all the disobedient, whether they pro-fess Christ, holiness or any good profession or not. Read Titus 1: Ie.— They profess that, they know God, but in works they de-ny Him, being abomniable and disobedient, and. unto every good work reprobate. Un-der such a spirit many souls profess Christ, but they cannot stand the truth at When God sends His whirlwind of truth through the land they are all f inned away Then where is your work, poor sympathi-zer ? how many are really winning souls to the truth ? They have to stand the truth in the judgment. Then why net let them hear it here ? The apostle Peter speaking of those who win souls to their own way says, " But there were false proph-ets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who priv-ily shall bring in damnable heresies,' even denying the Lord that bought them, and bringing upon themselves swift destructien. And many shall follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of."- 2 Pet. 2: 1,- 2. So they were winners of souls, and, no doubt, claimed the wisdom spoken of in Prov. 11: 30. But would not the wisdom spoken of in Jas. 3: 15 suit their case better? " This wisdom descendeth not from above but is: earthly, sensual, deeilish," or natural. That'd is, they have not the Holy Ghost to guide them into all truth so they endeavor in then. own minds and by their own wisdom to. understand the Wordlof . Ged and ual things. If souls are not won to the truth, but are won to an error they are worse than they were before they were won. 0 let the people who profess to be winners of souls see to it well that they win them to the truth, for we - read in e Thess. 2: 10, " And with all deceivableness of_ uerighteousuess in them that perish.' Why did they perish ? Because they re-ceived not the love of the truth that they might be Saved. Here we see that those who receive not the truth and a real love for the- truth must perish. Then how care-ful we ought to be that we win souls to the truth, and all of the truth : For who-eoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of Jae 2: 10. Knowing that God will judge us by all the words of Jesus, let each one see. that they preach a whole Gospel, and live by every word of God. We shall have to give an account for how we live and how we deal with. souls. soil's be won, let them be W011 to the truth. Oh! what darkness we find where those self wise per-sons have been teaching and winning souls to their ways. Your brother saved from tt Otto lIs in. Bolds. THE AGE TO 0021E, AND 311I, LENNIUM TRADITION, Refuted by the inspired Word of God. - Single copy. . 10 cts. Price Per. dozen . . 80 ' Per. hundred, . 5.00 REFERENCE ANI1 PRONOUNCING TESTAMENTS. As persons have frequently written to us for Bibles and Testaments, we have parchased a few New Tes-taments with the References in figures, directly un-der the verse refeted t which is very convenient. It also contains a key to the principles of pronuncia-tion and has a Dicitionary, and GazeLteer of 47 pages. I Sheep- skin cover,— .$ 1.00. Price, postage paid, Embossed " - $ 1.25. C Embossed gilt, . $ 1.50 THE 33SPEL 11111LetT. SERI- NOW: ELY II0lanss 30= AL DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI-- SECTARIAN. Sent Forth in. the name of the Lord Jesus: Christ For the— Yu/ dry and . Unity, of Me Church, the Ile- & ince of ALL nis- Truth., ei. nd the pestruction e- ect nab- _ rlon. • l'OTLISIIED AT OtAND MOTION, LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE. LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED. C. W. Carmichael, A. L. Creel, B. G. Morse, T. A. Abbott, Jas. A. Thornton, John Staple, G. T. Clay-tom' Goe. W. Sheldon; J. F. Pence. REQUEST FOR PRAYER. ,. WOObBETIN, ORE. DEAR SAINTS;- e- I have been suffering for 9 weeks with Lagrippe in my back. I. have done all I can, and am suffering in-tense pain, but I believe God will answer prayer. Pray for me. J. C. Green. trusted God over two years in great trials. Abandoned and hated of a'l the world, op-posed by all of babylon, and rejected In the sectish atociatrd. holiness forces w * ere forced out upon the promises of God, and endured_ a great fight of faith. All the earth seemed dark as mi, Inight, and growl-ing letters came thick aiid fast, aiid friend-ly plies few and far bett'' eeh. And where. a stranger in a city, without money, friends ter Bray was al- o Juts acknowledged, inn; set apart to the same calling m the 1. NOTICE. AU business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to. the GOSPEL TRITAITET, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the Gosein TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. Mr- Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts. ga ON- NOTICE, flow To SEND MONEY by Post Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these can not be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps:. CHANGES OP AnnuEss:— Subscribers wish-jug their address changed, must be sure to give their FORMER, as well as their new ad dress. Missixo PAPERS :— It occasionally hap-pens that numbers of our papers sent to our. subscribers are. lost, or stolen in the mails. Iii Case you do riot receive your paper When due,- after waiting ' a sufficient length rf time; write . us a card and we will-gladly send one in - place of the. missing. number. When you write be sure and give ycur fiull Address, name, Post- office, County ( rand state. - Shoi- dd there be a mistake at any time, write to us at once, and' we will gladly . rectify the same. - . Address alldelters . ta, Gospel- - Trumpet Grand Junction, Mich. HEMSFROM THE THRONE. SECOND, EDITION. It contains 148 songs. 90 with, music Abeut all how. The pages are some larg- . er than Songs of Victory: sang - in the Spirit ofGod, • AlieSe - songs will be found. sioricus. -" They hymn the precious present truth, and the Gospel. standard cf . salvation. - Send . tiyOur order for Anthems from the - throne and start the songs Of praise anew. `( Manilla: . . . 30 cts. TRICE . . 50 c ts - _ Pei. dozen. $ 3. 00 & $ 4.80 MUST WE SIN? A conversation between Bro. Light and Foggy, giving. Bible proofs that we must live fraction sin. s This: tract has been enlarged to 48 pages, and is now ready. All who love to read the truth, set them by the hundred. ( Per stogie copy . . Price, 4 4 I: 07. oic ( " Hundred' 1 A tract on the True" Church, 50 10 cts. id for ! at all- ' Yours in Christ. 2 cts .20 " .50 " pages A tract on the Sabbath, orwhich day- to Jeep. ( 5 10 cts. A NEW BOOR FOR HOLINESS Bruit aStsifEcais:' lay- C W: 100 subjects witfciSeripitire,` a con-cordancer and- definittorts t. ta-- kibjeCts. Set-ting forthArestrue VItuzali; ifs: doetrine, it-orclinaneesandgti -. ffrui& y --= The fall of Bab-ylon and tilseg9minglitZ0E. the evening light Illnatrateds 31: p - pages-, , neatlY bound in Moth-single copy__ . . . .$ 1.25. Price rdoe, si 95 cts. each " 2 doz • 85 cts. cc Address H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind. or Gospel Trumpet, - Grand Junction. Mich. Single eopy, . . :-. .-. . : $ .75 Price, Per half Doz. . . .:, :-. s. ses3_ 80 ' Do. . z. r6.00. ADDRESS:— GOSPEL- 214gIAMET5, . Grand Junction, Mich. . THEE - 14113LE READINGS BY. Bro's KilpatriCk andSpeck, is a very thorough work giving The Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. Or- BANGOR CAMP- MEETING Will begin about the 10th or 12th of June. Full particulars will be given in next issue.- Let us all pray for the - rich blecsings of God upon this'rneeting. - A GENERAL ORDINANCE MEETING. We hope to see all- the dear Saints of, God int- he country round about Beaver Dam, bid, assembled together in the name of the Lord, and in the Spirit of Elijah's God in a general ordinance meeting, May 2 and 8. Amen I Jesus has gone to Heaven to represent His saints in - their interests before the throne. andlras left us here on earth a-while to represent Him on earth. Our lives should therefore exemplify the holi-ness, disinterested and self- acrificing love, meekness, gentleness, patience, and in fact, every characteristic of the moral perfec tions of the Son of God. This can only be done by possessing His inward purity, and His actual life within us, to the exclusion and utter destruction of every opposite el-ement in our • moral . being. As He died unto sin once, and now liveth unto God, likewise reckon also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, and alive unto God. " Men's hearts failing for fear, and for look-ing after those things that are coming up-on the earth." Mich. writes. us: " There is an open door at Cedar Spiiags„ and has- been. for some time. e There- ate so iiianY hungry souls there that. Want to hear the. Gospel preach-ed- in its -= pmity. Quite a number have come out eifstlie sects. My mother lives there;- and takes the. Trumpet-, her house would- be open - for the saints. I have Writ-ten: some, ofthe preachers, but no one has responded, " Here am L send me." I do believe a'great work can be done there in Jesus name. There were a number of us going up sthere if we- could get some fire brand of God to go with us, we all feel led of God to p, for we could help in the sing-ing, and'tell of the goodness - of God." We hope: God will send same preach( r of the everlasting Gospel to that place soon. - We- Would say that we should love to go;. - b- rit- ' feel our call is very urgent to spendall - the - time this summer we can writing in- our precious sanctum at home. If no one'el- se comesto your help, * why not Bro.- Sanford and a few of your lire brands about Otsego and Plainwell go in the name of Jesus, sing the Gospel and tell the tri-umphs of God's grace in your souls, and the Lord has promised to be with yotnand give you a mouth and wisdom that none of your enemies can gainsay nor resist. The Lord often begins the work in that way„ and other ministers will follow. Send to the office for a supply of papers and tracts, go in the name of Jesus. Shout and shier the glorious tidings, and God will bless yourSouls-= and sate borne that hear you. Whenver'k- 3Oil moves hearts to take the Gospel toainf place, do not tarry long, for preachers to go with you for God can makeall His children preachers, and might-y ones, too, when He wants to use them. Go ye therefore into all the , world, and tell the glorious tidings of Heaven's re-deeming love. Amen! MARKLEVILLE, Manisox Co. IND. Asa, 20. - DEAR SITS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD:— Let us praise Him who lath done and is doing great things for us. We last wrote you from Tampico, Jackson Co. Ind. The dear Lord cliTa glorious work there. We remained ten days, and God converted nine souls, some of whom were made very happy in the love of Jesus. There were also five who consecrated for and received the - blessed grace of entire sanctification And on the last Lord's day our dear broth-er B: FRoe baptized five dear children of God. Also that eve we had a sweet an precious ordinance meeting. 0 blessed bf Gad ! It is so glorious to follow the Lamb whithersoever. He goeth. God has estab-lished a very precious little church there, and many mire souls are in love with the truth, * limn We: believe He will add to His holy familyie , Doubtless, we reaped some of the fruits Of Bro. Wickersham's sowingewho, with Bro. Roe was here before; for " One man laborethand another entereth into His labors." The church mid the community-generally have learned the Anthems front the Throne, and sing them freely. Among its first- con- verta were brother and sister Zi merman, tn - 1. we were happy to find that the sister is lour cousin. Sheds a good singer, and understands music very well. So, equip-ed with full salvation and the whole armour of God, arid Himself in the midst, and blest with good song latent, this precious church must increase- with the increase of God, and prosper as a free that is planted by the side of a living stream. There were calls to adjoining neighborhoods, and many desired us ta remain longer, but we had to bid them all farewell and go on, our way. We , trust the Aime will come when the Lord will eStablisha: camp meeting in that place far . sonthern Ind. From there . We came on to Indinapolis, where we began- the blasts of the Gospel Trumpet. We- remained all night, and ear. ly in th_ e morning walked out to ttlhe spot where we labored and Prayed, and Last suiliine• in _ Shelby Co. Ind. a few Miles: Troik:' glielbVvilIe, 80 acres of land was torn up. by a powerful gas explosion and left: in- Wild confusion, and deep chasms. Flat RAcWstream was elevated so that for seine timi the water ran up the stream. And when, fie water began ' to take its orig-inal it was Ole day and night fill-mg Up a chasm that had been opene d yb the explosion. Excursion trains ran from Indianapolis to the sight for route time. No hole had _ been sunk in the ground, but it burst forth by its wo_ n awful force. At a placp- wheye logs were burning, the gas tau ht fi and the flames ascended 300 had a teinporary sminner office on our let and occupied a room of the house in win-ter, about 10x14. . Now a large two star-ry building is occupied with the business, and the circulation is rapidly enlarging. We went back to the room we had occu-pied through the night, and cast ourself down upon the carpet in gratitude to GO. 0 glory, everlasting glory I be to God for the triumph of His mighty present truth I The great state house, which was in pro-cess of erection while we lived here is fin-ished, and is perhaps the most beautiful and magnificent structure we ever passed through in our lite. The mtiseitinia very large apartnlent filled with gt ological, and other natural beauties and curiosities is sufficient to steal away a hall day, but we only spent a few moments glancing through. We came on to Elwood, Ind., where oursdearly beloved Bro. John W. High met us, and coveyed us to his home near Curtisville, Tipton Co. Here we had reserved two days for fist, and writing. tut the Lord left us down to the level of our own weak n ess, and we were not able to sit up much of . the time. Such experiences we had before, and by means of the same we are better able to realize how depend-ent we are upon God for our strength. 0 praise God who is the saving strengt h of IIis anointed:' After keeping the lounge most of the day, the highteame for us to preach to the people. Bro. High wished us to ride his horse, but we preferred to walk the mile to Curtisville, knowingthatnsstrengt h was needed Go t would give it. PraiSi- God, lie did. Though we spake with some weakness, the next night found us blessed with our usual divine strength. We on had time for three services in'this where the Lord has a few pure ohildren Then we went I0 ' Windfall and continued a few nights. here we had the happy privilege of meeting dear Bro. and sister Shawhan, who are all given up to the work of God, in publishing His great salvation. The sister is gloriously anointed to preach glad tidings to the meek. The brother is also in real earnest, firm in God, and blest with good. talents, but we doubt not a more Melting dfaWing power of the blessed 8piv it, of God will soon be reached by him, greatly increasing his usefulness: The Lord has blest their Winter's work with the salvation of many souls. We also enjoyed the privilege of meeting at'Windfall, Bro' s Bagwell and Burns from Howard Co. The former was by the power and voice of God miraculously delivered out of the Wine-brennarian sect, and the latter escaped out of the U. B. branch of confusion. He con. secratedln the meeting here for entire -; anctificatioll. May God keep these two dear young itrethren filled with the mighty power of Gel, and use them effectually in the preach ig of the Word, where un-to they are called of Him. There are a few clear souls in and about Windfall and many who love the way. ' The Lord bless them Amen 1 Returning to Bro. Highs we spake to the people one night in his neighborhood. On Friday April 27th. Bro. H. took us to Markleville, about 40 miles south east, in Madison Co.- where we spoke unto the people until over Sabbath. Bro. H has preached the glorious fulness of entire sanctification here for a few years in the past, and the church of the god of this world cast out several souls here, because they have experienced a pure heart, and al-so one who stood up for them. So bit-ter and evil eyed are those carnal preach-ers against ti , e throne of God's holiness. But notwithstanding all the opposition and persecution that has come upon these little , nes, God has kept them, and we found some of them gloriously filled with the Spirit' - Bro. and sister Shawhan also met with us at this place, and added their testimony in the Spirit. They were or-dained by - the laying on of hands to the solemn work of the Gospel- ministry. - Sis: D. S. WARNER,— Editar. - E. E. BYR E,— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM and S. MiCHELS,— Publisheri. TERMS, * Imo- PER YEAS Ix ADVANCE FREE TO- ink: POOR. k• ntered at the Post Office at brand Junction, an Buren Co. Mich., as second elfin matter. D. S. W. Sister Emily Moore of Odon, Ind., de-sires all the saints to pray for her on the 10th, of May, that she may be healed of Lung trouble, from which she is suffering intensely She is getting old, but . says she has faith that God will heal her. EDITZRIALNOTES. . ., . , FOSTER AGAIN. A Bro. in the West wrote, us concern-ing our authority, • respecting the- words of Bishop Foster. We cited the Bro. to Ellis, the Editor of the Fire and Hammer, from - whose tract we had printed the matter. The , Bro. wrote him and received - the following reply. PORTLAFD, ORE. MARCH 9th, 1891. Your card - received:— The best wa, y - for the people to find out is to Write lto Foster hinself. " I copied it from the Christian Standard, . and Home Journal, ". which ought to be good authority. There is not a Methodist on the Lord's foot: stoelelhat can deny it. God, men, - angels, and devils know.- that it is a fact, every w ordnf it. As Soon as I was converted; and before convert-ed I knew most of them were no Christians NEWS pant TEE FIELD Sister AI. Lane, of Binghamton N. Y. writes that she has received letters from John Grimes, and L. Blodgett, respecting homes for Bro. Marsh's boys, and they failed to give their address. If this reach-es them, please write her again, giving address. T. Ellis. The " Christian Standard," is aepromi-ent Methodist paper. So you see if Foster did not write the tract, Methodist papers are responsible, for the article. But there is no getting out of it, Foster wrote the words. exhauste4i,. Word of the Lord tried tis l" but His strong - - arm haul gotten Him the tictoit liter HEAR YE THIS CALL. or credit," give us this day our daily bread,' was nut a mere formal prayer. 0 the rich-es of the goodness, and the wonders of the, mercy_ of Godl Surely . He bath never yet forsaken the righteous._ Here we labored feet ) Y- A the . seemed to have soon and prayed in intense poverty, while the the powers of hell and earth. Here * e Sister Ie. A. Smith, Box Plainwell, ■ came - EDOAR, N A , GNP., K. N. APR. 18ti. DEARLY 13m. oven RartaaExiiacti mercy and peace be - multiplied .0iitOoft for Jesus' sake. Amen. Our sottliore rejoicing in a complete salvation and*. ry over all the powers of Satan tint s. 4 the blood of the Iamb. Our last report Galesburg. We held Meet** for ft short time. God's dear childMifivere strengthened and encouraged, and a* Ple faltering ones were brought bads: tothkfold. We had a very precious ordinante'-** k and the Lord was present - in.: W001w r. From there we went to Thityteiirou 7 miles west, and held meetiOittVii: The Lord broke down prejildiceilliiainfs were benefited and good set2d. 1* son, iNiA; geclo . The inciting IINIveiitithn aggil eonuos fordi na ( oi four dear girls were donvoedand one sanelitled whoily. To Goatie- 4 the glory. We next held meetiog444°° 1 house four miles from Galeal) W.' t manifested his Saving power were converted and some Sancti* we took train for Humboldt, and00Awnte' meeting in : a school- house*::.:: fiOD that place on the 10th, and st 11a in the night a telegram came ly belovedsisterDemaKafiq stating, that her mother wits- 4uP to live, and for her to coU8ite0- she started next day for Tad and trust the dear- LOA • back soon. Meeting is /* mgr. One soul was saved last serious. Pray for the:- w: aif I West, and for your hun. 1140-:- tharis many souls may be garnered 6. ectism has no rneethvg'shM have given up the btrugg* " They are dead, they_ sh are deceastal, heY, . - lis t tls way tiod to more work until the knowledge: God shall cover the . whole waters cover the rest until He malt} Je a hid. the earth, and bopiri.: do all the Mztsterhai* Your brother and. oned oerat'l. inBairie°: nosf bltilarpiettilsiV, th t/ nd - : r. i; If Christ, and two deacons were ordained in the Church of the living God at Markle' ',: irl.;: ht: Itriti t7ii:. alundness to us oti t4iiith. er for some years, but after God - ebilyte4-: forth praising God. Ile bad been a, ots= 1,,,-. i. wit Church in that plaee. Ve : 6.44 a lts. ( i.,, 1 , o,. i I I, ' we he'it7, prospgr., ws among thehbl e;: ahs: iellit: to: al onNds' stahl el c tfiofioet( s1 tie' pi ss os fo uJ1, es us . Ike re. turiec. to Bro. High's to- clay O tonday) and totti„- row I got Howard Co. where- I. Atiii. 0iit; nights, and gizionn, to: bets (. 14.70xiett. to have an ordinance meeting gityf. 4.1): stop May 4th and 5th at Walkoito; hill:, and reach home May edit, the blekse. clu it willing. Amen! DEAR Tmem P ET EAntins:—. 711aT - G odis richest, blessings abide upon testimony is that 1 tun sweetly : saVed: In , testis, first justified tied then Sancti* a second definite work of glace, and kilt by the potter of Col, free frora all the ' works of the devil hid Christ in Gird, praise His holy nattie: forey er and ever. I am here with - 13r6,4dittir battling for the Lord against the enemy- of all righteousuesS. God is working, fart the devil is raging against the truth ( aiid prolessu • are fighting holiness: Tile weath• et is very unfavorable for _ holdinktattt-ings, so much rah), and tamers are . vary busy getting their crop in yetItehoe good congregations most of the titrils: D- kt Bro. Achor in , ends starting horne, ioonrilo arrange to bring inner, They are getting ready to go into the wont : iiith him, and we need him so bad berek. 144, Now I Would say that 000 of 1? r9,:: 4404 horses diedthis spring, while in'the; care of another man, and while he :, N740ilivoy from home in the work. ' lids- lea* C00 with Only one horse. • I wouhl .90.- eWtf: fuelled of the Lord to held the to get, another horse So he can the work, will please send it eller 211, 33 Ave. Den V er, Col., cm- Id: Abe Trumpet ofbee andil can be ibrwaniiitt ti nand God will bless you. Ile in starting East about the middle of Mny, M. AL SteVep not in fellowship with any of the works a darkness, but rather reprove them. I - am dead to the World and to all the elements On, and alive unto Godewho has redeem- • MY soul by the blood of the Lamb. God.! 0 how I de love to do His le- will I How sweet every cup of suf-filing for Jesus' sake. If the Lord will, I lin afore to Williamston soon. yo- ur brother in Christ. ST. Louis, Mica. kPlt. 14, 189L To TELE Dear READERS OF TEE GOSPEL T OR. I-"- E TGRBETisit- — kay the 0 od of heav-en bless you with all His fulness of lo, ve. joy end peace for J esus' sake,. Amen. The last ire Wkote was a , gliött sketqh .• 4, ilitaisttin, ittiEh. I feel that it w- otild ne the glory of God to give a more definite statement of the work God did at that place. This- is perhaps . the only place in Mich. vtere there were any who called themsel- - yes saints, who yet held to j. C. Fisher with all - his ungodly works. These parties sent io him for preacher, and he wrote them he would send J. P. Hatter, - and that he " hoped II. would get there be-fore arty- of the Warnerites got there." iiaugh Gd lets no. Vfartteritese , or any other ite preachers, He defeated b13 by powerfully moving upon me to go to Williamstown. I got there on Thursday evening, just the day after they had sent money to Fisher to bring Hamer. We com-menced meeting in the name of the Lord Jesus, and all ' went well, Some of the dear ones who were honest began to cor-rect themselves by the Word of God, and the Lord was breaking down prejudice in - the town and the church agreed to send and teil Fisher that they did not want his preacher, and they did so. But after- that, the Lord lead us to preach against some of he pet sins of those sympathizers with the adulterer, and the sins of some of their near friends, so they drew away in spirit from the meeting, and, Without letting us or any of the true saints know, sent for ffarier. He came so filled with the Fisher spirit that a person hearing him without seeing would think it F. He tried to prej-udice the people against the Trumpet and every body that did not endorse Fisher. This, he did in private, but we discerne I his: spirit, and could not fellowship nor work with him. And as those who en-dated him had possession of the hall, we obeyed the Word of God and withdrew our-selves, and hired another ball and re-nounced all spirits of devils and took our T. J. Cox. BRACKEN, IND. Clara Beaver. ,14 HURON, KAN. APR 16, 1891. DEAR, Samers.— We are sweetly saved in Jesus, filled with the fire and glory of God. Just closed a meeting after two weeks la-bor and battling for Jesus. Our work was ewarded by seeing several souls saved and made complete. 0 glory to God for the wis-dom that cometh from above that enables even a boy to preach the Gospel, and when backed up by the Holy Ghost it shakes the nations. We left a great many friends • of the truth, others, as we always findfight against God. But praise God, their puny ' Ms are too short to stop the Almighty in Ms plan of salvation. The testimonies of some were that this is the way, the only Way although they had not received the sanctifier they were. going on unto perfec- , ticm and obtain the promise. One Bro. said he had climbed down out of the tree where he hadbeen perched on a Baptist limb, and llowhewas going to take Jesus home with him. The Lord has established His Church in I- at place near Robinson, Kan., and the Powers of hell flail not prevail against it. Rallelujahl Dear brethren, we praise God that we can say to- day that we will defend the truth under all circumstances. AV- hen J. P. Haner was here in June 1890 ana held meeting in Huron, because there Were no souls saved he abused the saints, mid told the people it Was because those who professed to be saved- were not right. lit bless 69d-, even- the sinners could see DEAR SAINTS:— I feel led to write this to the Trumpet, for the glory of God. I am saved, and Christ is all that has saved me. Glory be to God ! The Lord took the appe-tite for coffee and tea from me two years ago. I chewed gum three years ago, but I praise God for deliverance from it all. The Word says: " lay apart all filthiness and superfluity. This means lay a gide all things that are not needed. " Wherewithal shall a young mana( or woman,) cleanse their way ? By taking heed thereto acccad-ing to thy word. "— Psa. 119: 9. In the summer of 1889, I had nth worn corsets for two weeks, and I felt so much better with-out them. Just then the dear Lord sent a message to me from the Trumpet office, entitled " Evil of Corsets " written by Bro. Wickersham. Oh, how that message filled my heart with praise to God. It pleased me so that I threw away the fashionable thing. " As obedient children, not fash-ioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance. " Do we not dis-figure the beautiful form that God had made, by wearing corsets? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, why bast thou made me thus? I know that I suffered pains in my body. Oh praise God for deliverance. I have not worn them for two years, and my body is so much healthier. I do not feel those pains in my body now. I find they are fashionable. Read 1 Jno. 2: 15- 17. I will serve the Lord.— Rom. 6: 16, He says: " this is the way walk ye in it." And not be tossed to and fro, a- nd carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the slight of men. Pray for me. Your saved sister. DEAR Sattas:-- I• feel led of God to- day to write my testimony. I know the blood of Christ cleanses me from all sin, and the very God of peace sanctifies me wholly. Pray for me. - Your brother in Christ. F. M. Williams. the trouble was because the preacher Was not right, and they said so. I bad only been saved a short time then, and had not leaThed enongh- of. Satan's devices to un-derstand these things. And through his p. reaebing and the . cunning graftiness of Satan I Was ihte a gfeat agony of sotil, and tempted to think that I had no salvation. I went into the woods and wrestled in prayer until about day- break. 0 the agony my soul was in! all because of the devil's accusations. The Lord bless all the dear saints in light, and keep you from being deceived by these false teach-ers. The richest of Heaven's blessings rest upon, yon all. - Your free brother saved and sanctified in Christ Jesus, W. A. Haynes PAYNE, 0. APR. 1891. Dear Breqtren:— We are glad to report that Jesus Christ is still our salvation, aid preservation from all sin. Amen ! We are still at Payne, Ohio. Will go out into the country about 31 miles and commence meeting at Bro. Oliver Kilpatrick's Wednes-day night the 29th, the Lord willing. Af-ter we get through there we will be ready to join the reet of atir Co., Bro. A. L. Byers and sister Frankie Miller. If any of the brethren desire a meeting atyour place, be free to notily us, as we expect to remain in this state for some time. We have been having some good meetings at and near Payne. Five little girls followed the Lord in baptism Sunday the 10th. God bless and give them grace to live according to their testimony in baptism. One Bro. came to the Lord and was, sanctified. We remain yours in Christ. B. E. Warren & Co. 85. " Then the soldiers when they hal crucified Jesus, took His garments and made four parts, to every soldier apart, and also His coat. Now this coat was without seam woven from top throughout."— John 19: 23,24, " Now we see next ' day after He had washed the disciples ket. the soldier thgt Crucified Him, parted or divided His garments among theniseltes but His coat or vesture they did not divide or rend, but cast lots for it, whose it should be. " Now this coat * as woven without a seam from the top throughout.", And the truth is, Jesus could have, and no doubt, did lay aside the same garment when He went tn wash the disciples _ feet.— Jno. 13: 4. That the soldiers divided among them-selves the next day and have kept on the same vesture or coat while washing their feet, that the soldiers cast lots for the next day. I have anxiously and clearly watch-ed this little . ie gt every since it has been in this country,, and I have suffered a great deal, from evil and false reports circulated by it. For no good man who loves and obeys the whole truth will hard-ly escape its vengeance. Yet I have si-lently watched it hopir r for the best, but I am now fully convinced from its hatred of those things taught by the Lord and the apostles, and by itsfierce hatred of God's true saints, and by its crooked teach-ings as well as the false accusations it has brought against many of God's true children, even in this cohntry, that we have more to fear from this sect than from every thing else combined, for they circulate all limner of evil reports against us, and thereby stir up the other people a-gainst us. It was through the influence of this sect, and because of false reports that it bore to the world that the people were stired. up against Bro. Warner at Spring Hill. They had it reported that he was a Mormon, and that he taught freeloveisin, and forbid marrying, and one of them went so far as to say Bre. W.' s book taught polygamy. And after their preacher in that country, had done all he could in circulating - these, and other vile and false reports, two of their number rode over the country with others of , different names whom they had stired up to try and mis-lead the people and get them to turn out against the brethren. I learn since that they fooled and misled some, who as soon as they found their mistake, was aorry that they 11 anything to do with it. No doubt, every prec-ions soul that was lead ioto it, will find out their mistake, and be sorry some day. I am now convinced, and it is no hasty- con-elusion that it ssenr duty as God's watch-men to meet and expose the crooked teach-ings of this sect. ' And while I love each precious soul in it, and would do any thing I could to lead them_ aright, I am fully convinced that the invention Of this sea and its truth contradicting creed is one of Satan's last tricks to oppose the truth and hinder the work of the Lord in these days of preparation. This is no hasty conclu-sion, but an honest . decision forced upon my heart and mind by closely watching its every movement, and trying its every teaching by God's Word, and impartially viewing it all from the best of' motives in the fear of God. But the people are fast finding out its nature, and I pray God the day is not far distant, when many precious souls that have been caught - in its snares, will be - free in Jesus again. ' Well in spite of this opposition the Lord is ording the battle, and many dear souls have real vic-tory, and are pushing the battle for the Lord. Glory to Jesus! I am praieng the Lord for victory, and am still in. the field doing all. I can for the Master. Pray for me chat I may gain more strength, and be better able to work, for the harvest is great and the laborers are few. May God bless all the dear saints every where. Your Bro. w. w. Bradley. HESPERIA, MitaL . DEAR TIVIKPET RE ADERE:— May OndItt rich-est blessings rest upon you. I feel it would be to the glory of God to tell what the good Lord has done for us. He is blessing us from- Aarto day. Praise His holy name ! My family are all living in the fear ofGcid Itis two- years since we were saved. Praise, the Lord otiphaames were never on a class-book ow. eartg but are in the Lamb's book of life. I have been healed by the Lord a number of times; He is our physician for both soul andbody. Amen ! Dear saints pray for me and my family. Your dater in Christ. Asinda E. Hammond. • SWANDERS GROSSING, 0. DEAR SAINTS:— I feel it would be to the glory of God to write my testimony this evening to inform you of my past experi-ence. The first year thatI was professing I lived an up and - down life, but I found that was no way to live for God, and that God wanted His people to get fixed, set-tied and established in His grace, to stand against the wiles of the wicked, and ready to be revealed in the last time. / truly thank God to- night that I have vic-tory in my soul over the devil and his works. Praise God ! I know of a truth that the Lord justified my soul, and after- - wards sanctified my nature to do His will. Praise the Lord! Dear saints, pray for me that I may be a faithful child of God. Your saved sister in Jesus. Ida Morton. . ■ • ■ •• ■ ••••••• ■ ■ ••• MT. VERNON, O. May the blessings of God rest upon you all. I feel led of the good Lord to write my testimony to the Trumpet. Glory in His name ! I was 58 years old last Octo-ber, and never knew what salvation wae until two months ago, when the straight Word was preached in our neighborhood. Bless God ! I know what it is now, for I am saved through and through. I have been a user of tobacco for 48 years. But glory to God I am saved from it, - and the appetite also. I have been a very bad man, but bless our God, old things have passed away and every thing has become new. I am free from all the works of the devil, and free from sectism. Pray forme. Your brother in Christ. Joseph J. Taylor. THE ROME FOR THE POOR. HAmivroN,, Micil, APRIL 18th, ' 91. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: — The Lord Hess you all with all spiritual blessings. I am still saved, all on the altar sanctified ready for the revelation of Jesns Christ, praising God for the wonderful deliverance from the fear of death. As Paul says, in Heb. 2: 14. 15: " Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also him-self likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil." And deliver therh who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. So you see when we are made free front sin, we are free indeed, not subject to bond-age of any kind. Well I praise God for a complete deliverance from bondage praise the Lord. I wrote an article for the Trum-pet concerning a home for the children and poor saints. I told what I could do. Well I hare had number of letters from the saints about this matter but all front the poor that want homes: not one from those that have means to give to help in the matter. Many poor dependent ones are pleading for help. Ohl how I would like to give them a home would if I was able. Well I am going to make another offer. If any one else is impressed to move in this matter, I will & my share, or all I am able to do just think if only a little mite was sent in by each one it would do a grand work, and relieve many a poor soul that is in want, and make them com-fortable in their old age. --- Yours kik Him. established His Church, and they will hold their meetings twice a Week. A grove meeting is wanted there this spring or sum-mer, Bro. A. J. Iiilpatrick is desired to come and preach to the people there. Bro's. Gloss and Welch were with us in one meet-ing. We were also glad to meet with dear Bro, and sister Ycder from Brushy Prairie, who came over twice filled with the holy fire and love of God.,.; The meeting closed with a precious ordinance meeting, and consecration service. We indeed felt that Jesus was in our midst, and made happy inthe act of obedience. Hallelujah! Dear Bro. Yoder conveyed us to his neighbor-hood near Bushy Prairie, where we are having blessed meetings. We expect to labor at several points in this county this month. Your saved Bro. and sister. F. N. & Susie A. Jacobson. OENDERVILLE, ONT. APR. 21ST 1891. Dear BretAren:= The meeting commenc-ed at this place the next week after the Welland meeting. There was but little prejudice, and there was good interest from the beginning. We have not witnessed such a shaking for years as there has been in - this community, We have put in about 16 hours a day visiting and meetings, and our labor has not been in vain in the Lord. Souls have been saved almost daily. There has been about tweenty converted, and a-bout six or eight sanctified, and several healed. Bro. and sister Patchen of Wel-land, was with us one week, and was much blessed of the Lord in the work, they have moved to Buffalo, N. Y. where we believe they will be much used of the Lord. Bre. John Smith and Bro. Thomas helped us in the work. Yours with the victory in our souls. G. T. & Lizzie Clayton. Correspondence. SAVED: IN JESUS. PRISM. Miss. DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READERS:- 1 feel it would be to the glory of God for me to write a few lines concerning the work of the - Lord ' here. I have held meetings at several places since dear Bro. Warner and stud before God and the people on the Co. left use where they labored while in pure Word of God, and for a yure Church. the South, and I fiod: that much and last- I am glad to be able to state that God has a true people in that place that stand for OA There were about twenty in and a- : bout Williainstown - who withdrew them- : teltee from the eight or nine who are in fel-- tw - Ship with darkness; They- a: are • not ail in th- e full experience of salvation, - but know and love the truth. We charged Hatter with being in fellow- Ship with Fisher and he publicly denied it. But before he left he gave out their papers, which revealed the fact that he was - fully / eked up with the corrupt man he denied fellowship with in order to deceive souls. So he revealed his diabodical spirit. Well,' do praise God He has: saved my soul, and I am I sinners. Then we have another man- made lots. amon ing good has been accomplished through their labors in this country. Many prec-ious souls received the whole truth, and are walking in the light, and are living in the order of the Lord. Oh, we are so sor-ry it Was not in divine counsel that they could have stayed longer with us, and we are praying God ic send them back again to us at an early day. Oh, we need more such men and more such preaching. We meet with a great deal of opposition here against the truth. A great many professors of re-ligion, who are strangers to grace and to God, are more opposed to the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ than common sect in the country, under the false ti-tle of straight holiness. This little sect was started, or set up in this country a little over a year ago, and its creed was ' endorsed by several professors of holiness, and 1 have no doubt that some of God's little ones have been led away by it. It indeed appears to be a true offspring of the Mystery Babylon. and seems to manifest her spirit having a form of godliness, but seems to be false aceusers, and ' fierce, despisers of those that are good, and as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these resist the truth. It seems that this is another pernicious way marked out by men,- by reason of whom the way of truth is evil spoken of. They not only speak evil of the things that they know not, but publicly cast reflections upon the early saints of God and the blessed Mas-ter by speaking evil of the things com-manded, taught, and practiced by them. They have taught while resisting the truth, concerning feet w ashing that Jesus Christ was naked while washing the disciples feet. and instilled this false idea into the minds of their followers that so great is their hatred for feet washing, that they resort to false statements concerning its origin not only speaking evil of feet washing, one of the things of Jesus, that they know not, but will even condescend to speak evil of i he Mas-ter, by saying He was naked while washing the disciples feet, and they attempt to prove it by reference to John 13: 4, a Wch reads as follows, He riseth from supper, and laid aside His-• garments and took a towel and girded himself. Now I will. re-fer you to other SCriptures. that will con-vince you that this Scripture is no proof that our Lord was naked. It is written, and they et Insified Him, and parted His garments. Casting lots, that it mightbe fulfilled, which was spoken by the proph-et .3 They parted my- gnarme ts among TEKONSHA, MICH. DEAR SAINTs:— We came to this place April 8th, with victory in our souls, and commenced meeting in the name of the Lord, which lasted until the 15th, and closed with victory on the Lord's side. There were several consecrations, and a few cases of divine healing. 0 how the streams of glory filled our souls; to God be all the praise and glory. Yours in Christ. D. J. Cross & Marion welch. BusierPaatarn, IND. April 9th, 1891. Dear TRUMPET READERS:— We are ha, pa py to report that we are still saved and sanctified wholly by a second work o f graze through the gift of the Holy Ghost with them, amt upon my vesture did they cast . thebloodof the everlasting co venant land on the sea - of glass with perfect victory in our BIEL BEND!, PA. F outs. The Lord is also our family physi- DEAR Rtitntits:— God blesa you all anti cian, He has healed us often. We began keep you in perfect love one with another'. meeting in the name of the Lord in the I am standing straight for God and it does Loon Lake school house three miles north not trouble me when people talk about me, west of Angola, Steuben Co. Ind. March for I have the love of God in my soul to 27th, which lasted till April 7th, closing obey and follow Its commandments. I with a glorious and complete victory for give God all the glory. I have decided to Ring Jesus and His truth. The glorious do all the good the Lord wants me to do. Gospel of Christ, and the evening light I do praise His holy name that He sane-had never beeff preatbsd there. Several tified me and cleansed me from all sin. consecrated all to Jesus, and received the Your brother in the Lord. desire of their hearts. They will be bap- Henry Latshaw. tized in the near future. The Lord has OtS TIMES. " Since I have taken a stand for God, and declared my freedom, God has shown me The following extracts of letters will suf- I r litiently introduce our painful duty. the Lord bless each of you. Dear Bro., by this time, trust you are• aware of the ac-tion - of J. P. firmer in renouncing the Trumpet and Bro. Warner. As this is on-ly ten miles from Hailer's home, and- he frequently . comes down here, I write to ask advice as to our most proper way to meet hint. I wish to treat every one fair, speck- of sin in a man- s heart at er tegeners Ramer, wife,. three children, and a yNoouunnsg, ggooddllyy mess of stuff called holiness. e ation, thereis no old carnal mmdia a child sister by the name of Caldwell came here, - The drift of his affections, as seen in tin of God.'" began meeting next night, and continued letters, by Bra's. Willie, and Coy, may • To all saved men this needs no refuta- until last Monday eve. I cannot find well account for his hatred of our tract on tion. The statement could only be made worth to: express what we have gone Marriage and Divorce, which he pronoun , ,, as- the opinion of a never converted sinner, through here in these last weeks. But t' es, " as rotton as the deVil.-- or by a befogged and deluded apostate: dear Bro. ' Smith,' am sorry to say there is We have a thousand times been thank- For a sample of his father's, the devil's something wron