The Gospel Trumpet - 11:07

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 neL6rd Ond shall B LOY The TRU. 30) ET and # 0 with Yhirlwinds - FIRST PURE." Then, And he said mi. to ine, What sees; thou? AntfI answeN ed, I see a flying roll. Then said he un...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1891
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 11:07
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 neL6rd Ond shall B LOY The TRU. 30) ET and # 0 with Yhirlwinds - FIRST PURE." Then, And he said mi. to ine, What sees; thou? AntfI answeN ed, I see a flying roll. Then said he unto me, every one that stealeth shalt be am or on this side according to it; am/ every one that swoaretli sisdhoa latc bcoer edaintg o tfot oitft. Dial Wilt bring it forth, saitIL the Lord of hosts.--,, Grand Anrlion, .^ 1pril 7, 7891 Volun2e 1/. Xumber 7 Flee out of the inicist of babylon awl deliver. every m an- his soul; be not mit ° if in her inicirti ty for this la- the time of the Lord's vengeance; lie will render unto bor , reeompenle And the land shall tremble, and nor-row; for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against babylon, to make the lend of bahvion desol Wien without an inhabitant.— Jer. 51: 6, 29. Rsus My Beliveze; " And He shall send MB angelswith a great sound a a Trumpet. and they shall gather together Ills elect from. the four winds, from one, end of - heav-en to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and pateth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye when e shall see all these things, know that it is nPar, even at the doors "— Mark. 13:' 1- 9i. Elven, NED. DEAR SeiNgs:— I feel led of the Lord to tell you what the Lord has done for Me. One year ago last June Jesus forgave my I sins. I began seeking for pure heart, fiAl 1 on the 2Stb, of dam at family prayer i the Lord sanctified me. Praise God for-ever and ever ! Oh, I tell you, dear saints, it is sweet in my soul it is glorious and. grand to be drinking at the fountain that never runs dry. It means much to be a real Bible Christian, I know that Jesus has poWer to keep us from all du, and to heal all manner of diseases._ He healed me of a disease of four years standing. Your sister saved and sanctified. Addie Jenkins. I was wandering and weary In a land of sad despair, • And my heart was lone and dreary— It was darkness every where. All was anguish, woe, and terror, All the world ft barren scope, I au alien frem au I rael, Without God and without hope. I did flee from some grim monster To encounter one less fair; Al! the land seemed full of demons It was demon every where. " But the wind blows where it listeth," Said a still. small voice to me, •‘ Why the Spirit of God resisteth To the arms of Jesus flee." In my anguish I looked upward And my soul cried loud for peace: Oh blessed be the name of Jesus, Suddenly to me came release It was as the day was dawning When this gentle spiritual Dove Caine and filled ni3- heart with gladness-- Caine and filled my soul with love. + + sus Christ."-- Rom. 5: 17. " But thejudg- I DAwSON, A. ment shall sit, and they ( i. e. the saints) DEAR SAINrs:— I am saved and still on shall take away His dominion, to consume I the Lord's side, doing the whole will of ( by the fire of holiness), and having tri- God. - Pray for Mo that I may continue umphed over all the powers of the beast, I toVe.-- I pray- that God may send and gained the harps of God on the sea of some of His true ministers here to preach glass that is mingled with fire, here is our ito- fhe people in this place they will glorious portion : have a hearty - welcome at my house. " And the kingdom and dominion and E. B. Sisco. the greatness of the kingdom under the 1 whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most. High, whose king-dom is an everlasting kingdom, and all do-minions shall serve and obey him."— Dan. 7: 7. All glory to our King. Amen ! DixoN, Meas. Dean TRUMPET READENS:--- 1 fl still praising God for full and free salvation, bless the name of Jesus I am glad the Lord sent Bro. Warner and Co. to the South, they have been so much help to me and a great many others. Oh glorY to God for Salvation! Pray forme. L. V. Strickland. Moscow, Miss. DEAR SAM". CS:- 1. atilt praising God for full and free salvation in Jesus. The Lord saves and sanctifies me wholly, and. He keeps me eachday and hour from sin. It is so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word. I thank and praise His holy name, that He saved a poor sin-ner like I was. I have been Saved. about 17. months, and I am still happy in the Lord. Pray: for me. Your saved sister. . I was walking along the highway, All the darkness now had fled; All the demons, too, hind vanished, Heavenly hosts were in their stead. Every hough sang sweet music, And my soul joined in their so - Praises to the Lamb of Zion -- shout Him praises, every tongue. Jeanna Talbert. FULL SALVATION. ULL salvation means something more , than a profession. It means love, peace, joy, hope, blessing, and: everything that comes from God which is good. Peo-pie were never bound down by form so much as they are at the present time. It Is becoming a popular . sin more and more every day. Look back a few years, and there we will see God's people asSembled, whenever a chance • affords, to seek after the truth, whether it was Sunday, or Monday, or any other or There we see rich and porn MERMILL, O. old and young whether dressed in broad DEAR BRETHREN:— We are well and cloth or covered with TI gs, they were with! praising God for perfect l'ictory in our one accord, using every means pleasing in souls, and are sAved through the blood of j Ildged hen Namely, He ju1 dged her by , MUNSON, Mien. Dear Saints:—. 1 feel led to tell what the Lord hass done for me I am saved and sanctified just now. Glory to Jesus! How good He is when we obey Him, and can save when SVe let Him. Your saved brother. her description, " a woman arrayed in pur-ple and scarlet ' color, decked with gold, etc., full of, names of blasphemy"-- all the sect names. " And upon her forehead was _ a name written, MYSTERY, BABY-LON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOIVIINATIoNS OF THE - EARTH." Thus while Rome is pre-eminently balaylon, having the most prom-inent name, all the sects are embraced in her, for she was full of names of blasphe-my. The heat upon which she rode was her civil power,' and governments. " And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigned over the kings of the earth."— Rev. 17: 18. This can only be-papal Rome. If an earthly king ruled o-ver other kinggethey would not be kings but satraps or stbordinate rulers under his sceptre. But the pope did control kingl y powers at h i s will. The next chapter really describes the judgment of the whore. God's heaven commissioned messengers ( called angels) enlightened the earth with their glory, cried with a strong voice, babylon the great hi fallen, is / Wien. That was a bold blast of the trump of God, declaring the corrupt and fallen condition of the sects it fell like a stroke of judgment upon her. " An-other voice from heaven said, come out of her, my people, etc. This was an awful stroke of God's judgment hammer upon her for He gave evidence of the fact that He had mtisred out of her, and pro-nounced her utterly unfit for His children to live in. They obey His voice and flee out of the midst of her, thus delivering ev-ery man his soul. Last in the scene of her judgment as shown by the angel, God's saints by His own commandment, rejoice over her, shouting their victory over her shooting at her As ith the Gospel 119N, ine,,, executing on her the judgments that are written, exposing her nakedness, emptiness, and corruption, and thus pre- F. Flo ward. I Iv ill ever look to . Jesus. Yield my every power to him, Knowing lie can keep me safely-- lie can cleanse from every sin. CJIAR. E. Om - COME OUT OF BABYLON. ODON, IND. DEAR SAINTS: — I do praise God that he ever showed me the true Tay. The Lord has promised. to lead us into all truth, and He will do it if we are honest. I for one can truly say, " Though He slay me, yet will.' trust Him." " The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of freebie; and He knoweth them that trust Ilim."-- Nale 1: 7 What glorious prontises to them that be-lieve. Pray for me. Your brother made white and. tried. Amen ° ME out of hereny people.*** E - en in the Romish church God Ieas l people but they are in great dan-r; their only 8Z1fe'y lies in coming out her at ot . ee. So also in every apostate hi confirming church t here ai e some invi , zilde and true Church, who, if Wm. E. Moore. must confess M Jesus which cleanses us froth all sin. Praise His holy name forever. Amen. -- From your saved Bro. and sister in Christ. or W. D. & S. A. Brown. H LqSEL, MICII. DEAR SALYrs:— The Lord has cleansed me from all sin and healed my body of God's sight to save poor sinners. What a difference to- day I Sunday comes, and no matter how many poor men that lawyers. have robbed, or how many homes that sa-loon keepers have made miserable, r how many poor men that merchants have du-ped . during the week; but there they go all in line, Masons, Oddfellows, and above all, they all have, perhaps, a prayer book Moscow, Miss. DEAR SAINTS: — I know of a truth this morning that the 1,6rd does save and sanc-tify me wholly, and the blood of Jesus Clirist cleanses me from allein. After I 1was born into the family of God, He ed me out asect bebylon, and I was bap- tikd in the name of. the Fathers SOD, and and hymn book. They listen to the ser- heart trouble. Over three years ago He thou,, and they help sing. The reacher ' pardoned my sins and afterward sanctified prays and they bow the head— it seems to my soul, and since that time peace and joy Chr; st. Holy Ghost: There are a few- of us at Ev-er Green that are willing to follow the meek and lowly Jesus. Your sister in Christ, ready to do the whole will of God: Tirzah they would be safe, must come out. Es-p ially al the eve Of God's judgment on * state Christ endom : as Lot was warned e out Of Sodom just before its de-gruction, and Israel to come from about e tents of Pathan und Abiram, so the. Christians eame out (-) f Jerusalem hen the npostate Jewish church was judged. * * * The harlot is not Rome alone ( though she is preeminently so), but every thurth that has not Christ's mind and Spirit. False Christendom, divided into very many wets, is truly babylon, • on. From Critica ry, tratnteeon Co. R tr. 18 4.- int ye 5 POPLAR Bm: F, Mo. wonder what will become oftheit souls. i= DEAR SA is— This morning finds me What is going to become of these people I sweetly saved in Jesus; rejoicing in His Sallie Ethridae. the Holy Spirit. and in the light of Bible the book or Bible because it is respecta- I holiness. This done, what follows ? " And af- ble. As we look at them we ate led to terthese things I heard a great voice of much I people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Sal-vation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God : for true and righteou s are Hisjudgments; for He hath ` 51: 24- 27. All this has been done during! las eleven years, by the authority of out ot fashion with them. They go to the Your sister in church because it is fashionable; carry I be too hard work for them to kneel it is ! hits been in my soul at all times I a wre Is s dm an as was. W e meett I wheal Sundays on earth are over, when 1love. I do prajse Him that He ever saved Judge, and there give an account of theiri with much persecution, but the Is rd de- 1 stewardship ? Some, we fear, will vanish ilivers us out of the hand of the enemy, andi from God's presence lobe lot forever, all 1 helps us to give the Gospel to the people.' because formality took theplaee of salve- Remember me in your prayers. tioLn aendt huolsin enss. o w look at ourseYlovure bsro. th Der soav ewd aend asatu- ct i, fed. I tend meeting on Sunday because we arc anxious to see souls saved? Or do we go be- 1 they will have to stand before the great such tc i Chas. I . Brown.- Moscow, Miss. DEAR & Armee— God bless and abide with you forever and ever. I am saved. end free in Jesus. The very God of peaeo sloth sanctify me wholly, praise His name. Oh, the wonders of salvation, it is being revealed and unfolded to me more and more each. day. And I know that the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin. I have been talking in this evening light for nearly two years, and am pot tired of the way yet. I had the blessed privilege of fmeetin g Bro. Warner and Co. • May God H ESSEL, 311C11. NOTE ' judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath a-venged the blood of His servants at her band"— Rev. 19: 1, 2. " And again they said, Alleluia 3. Thus Ise see in the 16th chapter it came into God's mind to judge her. In the 17th the angel said, he would shew herjudgment, which proved cause a new minister is A isiting the place? G i f Brethren: st because we want to seel out of hen rejoicing ov er her, and shooting t we canno find some fault with the 1 we must live holy life here on earth preacher's straight talk. t the piercing arrows of truth at her, and' years ago I heard the Word preach- ? If that is the tThree it .% le n this is done it is said that God had' ease depecnl uponi t, there is a spnot ed inits purity, but would not accept, bless them in their work, and keep them true to Him. Pray for me and the church at Big Oak. d - - It is n b e that spiritual or mys-t baby: 0x tlA out so eonspicuous uding all formal, world conforming uetts that even those intellectual lights have studied the Bible, and given n the same, are forced to con-ct, even thrugh they are not fid- 1 the Spirit, and even nission X. 110tit'A their own a'iu ' f being a part of great bylon mother olharlots. Falhse divided into very many sects habylon, 1. e., confusion," This is soplain that any intelligent person who las any proper conception of the harmony, anitY, and symmetrical beauty that should haracterize a divine system of religion, cannot fail to me it. And any peron who eau reconcile the existing schisms, con-ilieting creeds, and rivalry, with a divine hutch, must have a very mean conception God and His work. This commentator also foresaw that God would judge this apostate sectish christen-ern, and upon the eve of His judgments 111: 1011 her, all true children of God must Ilea out of her, just as Lot tied out of Sod-om, and the primitive Christians were ' yarned of Christ to escape out of Jerusalem, onsthe destruction of those cities. The jluadgbmyleonnt. oAf cGcoodr disi nngolwy, bweein gre vaisdit eind Ru: e ovn. 16: 1: And great babylon came in re-riletuhrance before God, to give unto her the clip of the wine of the fierceness of His ! wrath."" That is, God determined to visit ang e ls, winch d injudgment In 17; 1 , ' One of the seven paring the nation: against her. See Jen to be her exposure, ondg ' Dso pwee ogop jule comi Dea -- 1 ! formality left in the heart, which you say , s ,. having- faithful witnesses execute His Word but lave no _ pp and come to the Lord and He has forgiven! I i$ the Lord's . Be careful, dear soul, s I this upon her. is a weapon that the devil has used for a I my sins- Pray to for me that I may go on " be I Id nd the same horn rnadewar - d i i it to- daywith eat ! perfection and be sanctified. We trust lay from ll sin, that Mrs K the Your sister in the love of Jesus. with the saints, and prevailed against them . I Gibson. until the ancient otdays came, and j udg- In Isa. 48: 1, we read: Cry aloud, and High and - the tune came that the saints an DEAR SAINTS :— I feel led to write my possessed the kingdom." _ But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and. obey him."— Dan. 7: 21, 22, 26, 27. Here we see that the Anti- Christ power prevailed against the saints until the an-cient of days came, namely, the Lord Jesus came in power throngh the glorious sane-tiller in . the evening light, and " judgment is t.,, iven to the, saints of the Most High." This was after they came out of babylon, that some one will come and preach at this place, - Your brother in Christ. James Hutchins. I , a long time an 5 us ng great success in hindering the work of God. d show my people- their transgressions, and thehouse at Jacob their sins." Se, my dear reader, that is just what we must do, an merit was given to the saints of the Most, ssp are not, if up thy voice like a trumpet, ST. JAMES, Mo. a it real on to war, the the altar glory Cof CryGoaloud, know hat He months savsiensce me I receiv ed this is - cry against these sins. Remember we are BLENDON, . n' MICH t face the ene- i DEAR READERD:— I can say this merli- ,- my and by the , help of God we are to ling that I am sweetly saved in Jcsus, and be real, if we expsm to have a real victory i walking in all 1 he ligh 1i tt Heg iv es me , a nd over sin, the . fiesh and the devil. Why, II t- a a brother, if you have a darling little idol, i , but as Elijah Sister gyou not a A_ i helps ire to glorify His name. I do thank hab .- are treab_ I God that He ever sent the dear saints to . . led about that dress , that hat, that bustle, I this place to preach the true Gospel It ! tell it to Jesus. Come out from among them 1 IS four and be ye separate take up the stand.- glorious evening light, and I have found lv i. w ard aolfl salvation-, and whatsoever you do; 1 as do t precious fesSor, tobut my do soul praise Before ( rod this that I n w e E. Stillwill. I a pio G d. I am a true ceild of God. Y osaveud sirste. r. 1,1 testimony this morning, to tell what the Lord is doing for me. He saves my soul froth all sin, and has placed my feet upon the solid Rock Christ Jesus and the very God of peace sanctifies me wholly, each I day and hour. I am' 17 years old. I have twalitle brothers at home, and two broth-ers at- ty from home older than I am. They are not saved. I Want you all to pray for them. - My Father and Mother are saved. Pray for us that we may stand firm unto the end. Your saved sister in the love of Clirrst. Lila 1\ 1. Salter. ,111 BINGHAMTON, N. Y. Melissa Emert. Correspondence, KENESAW, NEB. Dear 13). 801,7,0w— I feel it my duty ti tell what the Lord has done for me. He Iris healed. my body which was afflicted for over ten years. I am sanctified and kepi by the power of God. Praise the Lord. n 2.8 they sat upon them, and judgmentt ner . h ha the seven vials, talked as we read in Rev. 20 : 4 : " I saw thrones, ad ' BELLTUE, Mmu. DEAR TRUMPET RE ADE. R, S:-- 1. am still praising God that I am saved from all sin, and am at the fountain drinking. Praise God for a free and full salvation. - soul - basking in the sunbeams of His love, and standing omthe Rock Christ Jesus. Yours in rson. de of perfect have. Chas: B Wood. Alice Eberline. LOOGOOTEI , IND. DEAR SAINTS :— I humbly request you in the name of Jesus Christ to pray for the healing of my bodily afflictions, I have been afflicted for one year, caused by La Grippe settling on my lungs. Your hem& Eiger in Christ. Annie Catmon. 117411161m, - saying, come hither; I will etIEW unto thee the judement . of the great whore, that sitteth uptin many waters.' Re, promised to show him the judgment of r and Ivliat did be show him First . W given unto them." I\ ow to sit upon a throne is to reign, and " they which re-ceive abundance of Face, and the gift of ri E.,. hteousness shall reign in the by one Je- e:- ns e h meetin?. The prolesm-' 1-:. 111ms ' ir ;: birlritltlr, iitmleg( ) of es; t: tt 1.111 11, e: ssa ml itmhtlent set wntlm ;; rent • • of toitin molished the faiths that have been ovolv-e0 throwd, the a post_ asy of the dark ages. nigor il all seemed willing tri1;: tstegitit i ttavn :. ur si srt tt, 0t1 above their all confessed and de: Ail: est the pra yers or all that they m ay recah the ( sonic. Atanv. havo ex pro: spit themselves determined. to walk in tile glonio us light of the Gospel, who showetLzt noble honest heart-, and inu t: 11 love for the truth. OOnnly jaufgesk. v really gut rx- icr( ile : lt ursiNt igt h t lut eh rtzte baptism, and . came up () tit of tha symbolic grave praisin e,, God with the blessing of His good 1- emit. i) tr. to , titktit. rsitou: t first tolitelo srtatcul. iei1dy. exTtItItihi s'i- ele: o ( h le country is ' TWiled', - with the doctrine of (. 1od, and it surely win bring forth much good fruit in the future. IThough we j ud ge a 1 argi.) ivient! joitilt:. r„ of ‘ tx1. tve., - I people me i had a na t o , not salvation enough to plantain a weekly ' 1 pray er meeting. - Lhont every three months they had fi testim ony meeting, when there I I were usuallyw to or three Unit hall strut- ? thing to say. Thank Ord! A few wit- . nesses of entire sanctification are left ) 1 there. anti other little ones willing to coo-l fess Christ before men. They purpose holding two weekly prayer meetings. Mat' LLoorrdo bless and prosper them autly. If any of Clod's ministers in Miss. feel led Li go and visit the churtli then, • address Bro. Win. II. ' hill, Itartsells 1 Morgan Oh. Ala. The community has a good. sized house nt' worship, whioh can be - used by the ( each of God every fir- 4 and third Lord's day, or any ,`„ . ■ abbath in the afternoon. We never Met a people more eager for tracts and Trumpets they would rush up to the stand and take pa• pen., faster than three or four could hand • them out. The groat number oh- Crumpets, . etc,, we scattered tire , still pr, n eleng the Gospel tnere, and the leaven of 1111111 is at I work. We also• send tw ent y two papei's into tho vountry which will eolitinti dash t he glorious 1 igh ef ! leaven, We he tm here the Lord will raise up many there Ii walk with'Iiiin holiness, We shall nev• or forget the kind ' peO i de of that Pilo, 1 ( Tn. ollisth i n , and toward all their latent of love toward EL; aildron, dear pcople did What they could for us I - II way () I' financial aid. Many would like It have done much more liable: Fitelord Ides, tl them. We Were invite(' to II arisen s ant' other netghborlionds, and ninn y exptesspi an earnest desire for its to return an(' h preach the G o spel unto them. It wil surely be a great pleasure far us to do so if permitted in the kind providence of God and we believe we Shall be, Our call to this place was throngh a fan d from Randolph Co'. Ind., who heard u- ,_ • and other saint preachers there, but the mar It opposed the doctrine. Afteimoving Sent! , s he became concerned about his soul, soughi God, joined a sect : but as he read tin Word he was convinced of the preset'. Is truth, sent for- the Trumpet, and was read give hirrself wholly to God. Ills wilt • also was fully Saved and healed. The Lon r_ keep them by His power. YestE: day we bade them all farewel and came on to this place, winch is neat the north end of tile state. here We met o two families ot' Longs, froth near ' Beaver Darn, Kosciusco Co. Ind. in whose ' homes C we are alm led to think ourselves bbaacck eohlitdoOr eIN1‘ 71elei* ( s lh it o 1rdetu tI . in itI. So: ip iei Ot . h. iecytr the they lu r es. ent us . , not: think . hard: that weheannot all ccomoem thate ' n a y.' Tilerest- ( A t he will call at'as tmiany' place; aspcs:, ihle, It'seems to have been a fm 1lalteaal necessit y as well' ns the Orlter lie G od ahi ausi ogor enveia1€. 1.: lilp ill) Ilie work, to seine e without any ministry from abroad, but e now, other help is 1116( . 11 needed: 1 will e froth here. to eurtisville, Tipton Co. Ind. (: 11:‘ joricieilD aLtle116rfli11911uSs0 ■ 1: 011 rejoicing ice r full sitivatfon eh aLt 17-, hiS little village. The Holy . Spirit As- work- , Tmriegn mc. eigdh mtileye t- winigt hh etrhei so pne ' o1. p11le0. 7Wth ei tc, o iinn- - the Free Baptist meeting house, which hits been closed for the want of a preacher. nnOow' however passing: through an .181' ' 611.1emerasauramotimi.• Imn. g„ e, irmmuemcmaou, meptswehmeirelo THE OSPEL TRUMPET-. A SEMI- ETTELY EOLINESS rousrai, ** --- ' - DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SEGTARIAN. I ;? cut Forth in the name of the Lord Jeans Christ For the Purity and i Unity of His Churr, h the De-tenoe of Aki_ L. 1-- Ils Truth, pond the riebcru- etion. at I'. 3e- lt Bab- _ -•- lor1.- --- .--.--.-. --- . - I . PnLISEED AT 1 MID MNCTION3 IIICit 1 --- 400- 47 D. 8• WARIVEB,- i Editor. . 1 E. E. B YR UM,-- Office Editor. 1 E. 1 BYRUM and S. MICHELS.- Publishers ' PERMS, $ 1.00 P gx Y MAR Ili ADvArcom . 1 FREE TO TUE PoOP. Lnter, td at the Poet Oilice at t. 4 rand Junction, V an Buren Co. Mich. as Feeowl - I, Fe, matter. NOTICE. AD business communications, mon--- ys etc. most he a idret- sed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will he given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPIT. We : mike this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the deld, as well as the eir-culation of the paper. fX° Parties desiring papers to canvas's with should notify us regularly of their Whereahouts„, 0 far- N 0 I IC F, HOW TO SEND MoNEY:- Remit by Post Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these can not be procured, send bY Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. CHANGES OF ArienEss:- Subscri hers wish-ing their address changed, must he sure to give their FORMER, as well as their new ad dress. MISSING PAPERS :- lot - occasionally hap-pens that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost, or stolen in Vo-l- nails. In ease - you do not receive your paper when due, after waiting ft Sufficielt length • f time, write us a card and we wiii gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write be sure and give ye m full Address, name, Post- office, County and state. Should there be a mistake at any time. write to - Us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same, Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet Grand Junction, _ Mich. ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE. SECOND EDITION. --- hi:- it contains 148 sen t ,. 90 tenth music About all new. The pages are some large or than Songs of Victory. W lien sang ir the Spirit or Gad. these songs will b found e• orn as. They hymn the pr- eime present truth, and the Gospel standard t i salvation, Send in your order for Anthems from I h throne, and start the songs of praise anew, t Man i lla 30 ets, PRICE ), Clot h. . . . . , 50 cts ( Pei. dozen, , $ 3.00 & $ 4.80 , . . MUST WE SIN ? II conversation between Bro. Light am'. Foggy, giving Bible proofs that we must live freefrom sin. This tract has beer enlarged to 48 pages, and is now ready All who love to read the truth, send foi them by the hundred. ( Per sir,* copy - 9 cL - Price, )) " . I. Thz. . „ 20 • c ( Mimi • red 1.50" A tract on the True Church, 50 pages theta. A tract on the Sabbath, or which day tc keep. 65 pages, 10 cts. THE BIBLE READINGS BY Bro's Rilpatrick and Speck, is a very ' thorough work giving the Bible readinge.: or references on about 100 subjects. ( Single copy. . . . . . $ .75 Price, 2, Per half Doz . . . 3.30 I ‘ h Doti 6 00 ADDRESS:- GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand ' Junction, Mich. A NEW BOOK FOR ALL. HOLINESS BIBLE STDJECTS by IL C V i ' , 100 subjects with Scripture, a con-cordance, and definitions to subjeets. Set-ting forth the true Church, its doctrine. it-ordinances and its fruits. Thefall of Bab-ylon and the coming iu of the evenie g light Illustrated. 376 pages neatly bound in cloth, •' Per single copy - $ 1.25,- Price, . c 1 doz. 05 ets. each " 2 do,- 85 ets, " kddress H. C. Wickersham, - New Pittsburg, Ind. trr Gospel Trumpet, • - Grand Junetith) Mich. - - - - • . . -- - - - - - - - . . - • , . ,' - MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. A small tract of 32 pages, setting this ct before the people, in the cL ar t light of the New Testament. t Single copy, 05 ets. Price Per. dozen, . . . . " 40 , • ' • - • ( Per. one hundred, . 2.50 ' ‘ • 41. TEE ORDINANCES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT A. NEW ' num Br ,,, N M. G. SCHELL, Setting forth the Ordinances of the Scripture it. a clear light showing which are abolished and provint.- 7 that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are ant of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. i single. copy Wets PRICE -, Per dozen . .45cts. ( Per hundred . THE AGE TO COME. AND MILLENNIUM [ TRADITION, Refuted by the inspired Word of God. ( Single copy . . . 10 cts. i Price 1 Per. dozen. . 80 ( • . 1 ( Per. hundred, . 5.00, I MY* selSOI ■ m* IP I REFERENCE ANU PRONOUNCING TESTAMENTS 1 „._@_./ I As persons have frequentl y wr'Iten to us for Bibles rind Testamews, we imve purchased a few New Tes-tame- its To.- , th the Ref- renew in tiettres, dirt ry mi-ller the verse refered t ), which is very c, • nvenieit% It i also contains a key to the psi ( tildes of prononcia-l lion and hasa Dicitionary, and Gaze tcer of 47 IIp a- ge s. ( Sheep- skin cover,. - Price, pestage paid - 1 Embossed " . * 1.2o. is Embossed zilt, .- $ 1. ZO. I- LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIY-II ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT () Til- 1ERWISE RECEIPTED. I 1-, llelilda A.• Rogers. N. 13. liotore. Andrew [ Byers, M A. 1.1 arUPP, Otto Dobls, Wm. G. Shell, Marion Welch. Wm. E. Warren, camel Powell. A. J. Kilpatrick. REQUEST FOR PRAYER. • ODoN. IND. DEAR BRETIIREN:-- This afternoon finds in saved and washed in ihe blood of Jesus. free from all sin and sanctified wholly . ready to do the Lord's will in all things Bless° I be the name of the Lord forever and ever ! Amen. Our child, Bertha, hie been sick at intervals for over two years and is now sick. Has fever every thin day. Think it is caused by worms. Sin has had hands laid on and anointed fo: , healinegb y different ones, but she is stil . suffering. Our oldest girl, Stella, is RIF( sick with fever. We have given then f cases over into the Lord's hands, trustinl His promise to take , way all our SielMeS and heal all our diseases, knowing that tin dear Lord is as good as His word, and tha i ail things work together tor good to then i1 that love the Lord. Pray that the Lon ,- * 1mmaayy h geiavel b tohtehi ro huer achrtisld troe nG, oadn dw Hhuilett cthhei]: ' circa. : i Your saved Bro. and sister. - r 0. P & S. A. Allen. , MANCHESTER, It. DEAR Sm_ Nrs:- Having been aillictet ! with deafness many years, and knowith that God is able to do all things, I ash ! you all to pray that I may be given ID: hearing again, and if God's - Will to hear ant i answer in my behalf He shall have all tin If praise and glory. t Yours respectfully. ' Mrs. II. O. , Saunders. . ST. . JA ES. Mo. March O. 1891. All the beloved saints and especiall: eI tBor op. r aWya fr. n re trh aen dh eCaoli. n agr'e o rfe sqiusetesrt eLdu ltli i Lamb of C ° inlay, Dent Co. Mo. of Con f sumption. " She is 18 years old and mother ! less, her mother b t ying died with the sami o, tying , dis- ase. She is the oldest of six remainin g children. Has filled a mother's place ' ir I the family for 4 years. She anti her fa ! titer are saved, but need to be more set fled and established in the truth. Ai ` therefore are requested to pray earnes', I , I r oindd in their behalf on the 10th day o i April. Your saved sister. ii --- . 4.4- 0Ju-' ia. Myers.' I Pray that the Lord may heal the litth .1 four year toldd girl of Ara Evans of B I inville, III. - - I Sister Belle Coston of Black Lake, Me h - Writes : e i am greatly afflicted with chron: i ic Catarrh, that will doubtless termivatt in quick Consumption, if the Lord doe: I not interpose. .111y will is in perfect sub- , jection„ however, either -- way. Praise the: or desires an interest in vout 1 prayers in her behalf. 1 Bro. Isaac Prill, of Chapman, Pa. sends a request that the saints unite in behalf i d his wife who has been in the hospital liar some tithe, that her mind they be re- I stored. ,- - t Pray for Bro. Edward Mosher, ate, d 2L who is afflicted with Lung trouble and lCatarrh of the head, He desires I he saintS Ito take his ease to the. Lord, and believes I t hat . he ' will be healed- , • . - EDITORIAL 1101ES. . Junction, 1 [ a, des irNreeseswst t(. jnlilieA( 3-: ir* ets hoel' 1I.)\; ei it tl Qirne n tonet- c i i° i tI hat place to preach the Gospel. Also an : lamest request of the same kind corn( s 1 rrom brother James Pine. ille: qt Ci ty? Ani- Zona. 1 Bro. Wm. G. Schell writes us- that he has collected iihout 200 sects of Christen dom, anti he wishes us to note s uch as wc, find in our perusals of hish, ry. Let other brethren note the same, and let its see how mmaanny. can be collected. It might throw some light on prophecy. . --- 4 0 4. Since our editorial notice. of Mar.: hist about making the Trumpet a weekly, we have received a number of letters with earnest requests that it may be speedily made such. A. few dollars have been sent in for the purchase of a new press. Also the office is being flooded with an abun-dance n-dance of good testimonies and articles more than we have room to publish. - CALL- - F- O-- R - V-- IE-- - G- O - S PEL. •- Bro. andsister Frank and Julia Patter- ' son write us froth Bunker Hill, Ill. that Ilthe little church of saints in that place are prospering and having good meeting,. but that they are very anxious to have some o God's ministers visit them and preach tilt Gospel. They have been left a long tithe and should have a Gospel meeting. AVIn I will go and visit them? The work we have been writing o n Dan iel and Rev. on the cleaneing of the sanct nary and relative subjects, we wish to sir to the sain's, has been much retarded br ' our tour South. Circumst MICOS have beet so unfavorable for writing that we milt barely get cur editorial and letter tvritit u accomplished. hence we have dune noth jug more in this department of our man: ' lines of work for the Lord. We have, how ever, made a good beginning of that work and have been continually egniping oto self more and more with Biblical and hi: torical matter. So that we are far : nor j thoroughly prepared to execute the sam I b:% our delay. It is womterful how histc ry conies forward in exact and abuntlan confirmation of the two great epoehal pt ' / hats of - A D, 2TO, anti A. I.). 15: 30, lowhic : we were first led l iv the Spirit and 1Ft- it. of God. We have also received mach h er ' of late in seei ng the hanneny of the sevel al periods ot time mentioned in Dan. I, 24- 27. Namely, the 70, 02, and ( him week, - el c. .1. II t hese periods or time M( V- 4t N eu derfully work out in harmony wit • the incidents asseeiated with them, an with the IV fillment of the 21011 da y , s. c Dan. _;:. 14. in 1.860. Fr- in this time w 1 Pxpect to devote In Ore time to th- pros( I leution cif this Work Until pnblished, wide will be finished at our earliest convenienct but as yet we can say nothing certain : bout the time. . 4 0 0. As soon as the above work is iinishe we expect to apply ourself to the public; ' Hon of a teachers New Testament, wit plain type, pronouncing signs, reference under each verse, a dictionery of Bibl I terms, and readings froth manuscripts, th ! Greek text, and from all other translatior Ion every verse in the New Testament du , I is not rendered eorrectl , y or sufficient] clear, That will give me, t he Common Ve] I skin and benefit ef about one dozen trail: , ! lations on every needed verse. We expel also to greatly enlarge and correct the re : ereuces, and we ask all our brethren 10) are students of the holy book to - kite eI . cry reference tOi parallel Scriptures in th New Testament, or - bet ween the Old an New Testainent, and - thus aid us in co. , lecting the important helps of copieus'an correct references ise. e7zape7vezes, rmsgsTrwsp- - --- 7--- NEWS FROM: TEE FIELD HYDE PARE, ALA. MAneu 17. DEARLY BELOVED SAIMS:-,- Our meetin ( dosed near Hartsells, Ala Sabbath nifs, t, Mar. 15th, having continued over si: weeks. Through/ int our stay there Go was very precious to us, and the peep] were very kind, every house was a homi tor the pilgrims who had come to i / Le pin wwiitthh' the wonderful Gospel of God, and standard of holiness that all confessed hat net been preached in the comniunity be I fore.- 0 how omehearts shall ever prais( God ter sending us to that place. A fte haying laboredin the regions where outlavi and w n v iekedness• stalks abroad, and when 1 beastly spirits crave for some pretext tc wreak the pent up murder of their hearts we were prepared to appreciate a commit-oily of COLDi- KirfOiyely good moral - pi- inch pi es, and whore law and- order ': , prevail. Nual atrangeexperience. Services evor,, : Ifterimn nild evening until a late hour enos aro being saved at altunst oven! rneoting. Toe devil is terribly stirred, but , i ,, ry 1, e to lend, Satan's kingdom is fall,. in- and the Lord i5 havieg a new people . t i- seil up. Hallelujah l And 8 ., t, h, eeyy' ', ono. We are locking for A grand vieto. , c in this field. One mart w as Saltt. em krill) has been a hard drinker for Thor° Alan i\ verily trove yeat- s, laid is now rejme• rig m tio I. , An ti her Ypung matt cam ( hrnnvzh at the close of our erening 8er. vices on ThurAny night „ and is the bright. , est convert I ever saw. Ile n180 w ai a drinking man. Many of hers I Could men, lion but space will not allow, and time is too precious to itwoll MI t hat part or the t. a t hject. As WO walk along the stree t. Roe t- ee men gathered in Iwo. th, r'e- e s• a lnoqurs discussing tins greal question id sakiition‘ 1 t ii nj is !• utely shaking this \ vicked Vim,. We are looking for != reat t' 1' vic tory, hee,,, esi, • to has said, - \ Vhat I hingi socvor ye ( h:. sire, w I I vt i yo 1 r, ty, klipvt. that ye rseeire them 011,1 ye. shall have them. I have 1 Bro. Frey awl wife traveling with The rhoy are in I ho evenin g ight and are hay. i cy on the way. Any one wanting mettinn• in this part of the countrmy ay address the .11 the above place fart e next four orsi ‘ N• a. . ks, . ,1 Yours in the holy tsar. F., lward Siiilwill & Co, , - 14S-.% r it 1N1s m it [ trait 1. E • 1'' I ' ri" i mILA, It NIAt : T1‘, 11• 1 1;:: 1.1.1 111: 1 11111:: r e. li: t1i50a: d: nttn. report from ream;; the tins' tie Pennsylvania that Aldo', is on ths Lord's side. Pr. 11111 cep is r. lling awa y in great elnds, anti, mitts are flocki ng to J. us. Frlim St. Petershltrgh w e with dear knit her :\ 1 MI, • tiated for Ewing, Ann. - an ny. r Co. to el mononce meeting in a hall at 0- 1,;: ord Iwo miles north o1 Ewing. But after out arrival we ■ vvrt , informed that the hall was shut agaiie- 1 118. Welonked to God for wisdom --•; Lis, 1: 5, And the et n t h, voice id" , it , ,: us said, Cm immence met, ing in private honse.:, % Odell we did in time nameid' Jesus. I lid 1 two meetings, then t he brethren gol ( he old stortlion below • Ike hall, \ Odell had been N- arant for wine hue. They cmoemnt' d sealing it wIth pow( kr h„ gs, s tore ho\,,. 1,, 1/( 1 Coney boarilg, II illetujah to Jesus; Friday, .\ tar4 tilt we ' culls to the tront will) the t iospel in hind, and in nix souls, which enahleaN o preatli to a large congregai ion of attn.- - live listeners. Ott Saturday sister It E, ' rink came from 1' it tO, urg anti enlistPtlin I I l ie great battle, Father gave us 3 glori- ' us meeting that evenitur. and on Situaily I In- rning heaven . e4‘ ined to open, Tito I ' p l ay, r or ( roil can to dir. I'll and shook time I platy from ono elk] to the other. After I the afternoon meeting t as we bad- coma . In stay all day) some of tln, gentlemen to . whom the hall belonged eaem to usand said mind A o could have the hall for the even- - ing meeting. We thanked them very • kindly for the same. moving our cannons I CrOM the lower to the upper room. At 7. I 30 P. ll. the hall was tilled to the inmost [ capacity, We came to the front afamand ' sent another volley of god'seternaltruth , 111) 011 them wit II grod effect. ( haiku ' Dui raised her hand for prayer. On . s e. ' count of my I ealth I had to leave the deg I onES and take a rest for a few days. Lear-in:, brat hers .1Iartz and ( 1 . AV. Koonre to ' 1 cold the fort, while wife and I, sister Ii, ' E. Fink and M M. 81tellhanoner took train on Monday morn ne., the latter going to ' their homes. AVe visited our Father and ' Mother for live days, ti turning , home OH ' Saturday. Sunday tut riling at weetiug ' one dear soul - was saved in her seat during the ine e tin:,. Sheshouted the high prai6es ',. of the God she had found, Monday with , Bro. Martz., . sister B.- E. Fink, and tentin• oet: of saints Wet took trRin for Perryville, : Which is i 44 wile eat of Parker, to hold I meeting in a private house. The house - was well filled, and good. order prevailed. * The power of God came down, and shout ' after shout went up, and souls tell at the feet ofiesus. Hallelujah I God has Piaui. ed a nice little church of six in that place. full of fire. The prospect is that there will be a greater m ork done hi the near future. The Lord willing we start for Mariasvillo : 1 Ittreh. I ) i Ii to hold up Jesus. Jim. 12:;.)-. 1. Dear ones. il • ay much tor ni. - Your humble Bro. and sister. - ''• J. A. d A. J. Dillon. . , AVymortE, NEU. Mitteu 1,1x91 I.) tart BliurnitEN: --- God bless you. - It if; wonderful how God lc ads and cares for Ilis Church, while the devil is raging. Pills') His holy name l • God is working hereilve others under conviction. - rtaY.:- unotilied, for us. - Dearly belovixt Bro. Juno 01; 0 .,. . .,. dear for Christ now. I tun stripped for the rare. I have died to the world, the . opinions of people, its vanities and show. dC Henceforth 1 live, and yet hot I but Christ liveth in me," and whatsoever I do, I do all to the glory of GA. God is call-ing me daily to go out into the field to work for Him. my heart is burdened for dying souls all about me. The harvestis great in this city, and God is honoring the work that the little heed. of workera is do-ing. Souls are beine saved. Praise God I am glad I am saved. Jesus is mine and I am His. Glory be to God Yours . fel Christ. Mrs. May E. Frey. y ster - ay morning all the way from Iowa. • to labor with me for God _ Reports good work opcned in Iowa, where we perhaps will go soon • to finish the work in righteous-lees, We found nothing promising here but God is fulfilling Ma pro misc. Praise God! , Yours saved. G. R. A chor. I asked him about the spiritual state of their meeting. He replied : " We do not have, any More good meetings," and went on to state that every thing wae deadewith-out one ray of life or light. This poor In-dian felt the need of more spiritual food than the Feets were giving him. When I knelt in prayer with him he , buried his face in hia fiends. I could see that he was deeply touched. I dist ributed quite at slumber of , Trumpets and- Shining Lights among them. They seemed to be quite eager for them. The sectarian preachers seem to be holding the people in as much darkness as possible. Sister Armstead who had lost the blessing of sanctification, was enabled lo make a• eomplete cons- era-tion and thus received the experience of that glorious work in her soul nein . Two _ were lasaptiekand a general interest was being manifested when we had to close the meeting; The last night of the meeting quite a number of unsaved persons rose to their feet for prayers. Tho people Seem-ed to be: iery anxious for us to stay longer. This we could- net do as eur time was Um-ited. Meetings in the Ter. are needed very muchs - a- i- id7iv- eTe- ers- ure that tabernacle work and grove meetings would be highly appreciated by the people, and much good could betaceompliehed in the salvation of precious - souls. := Many were the requests for us to comeback and hold grove meet-ings for them this coming summer. I am in the hands of the- Lord to go wherever. He leads, and ant ready to labor in that country if it is God's will. Help is need-ed, some bentlier filled With the Holy Ghost to ne there will need indeed a deep con secretion, perhaps more so than to labor in the states as there will be all kinds of inconveniences to meet. But in the face of all this who will be a missionary to the Indian Territory? Your Bro in Jesus. Marlin CO. Id. on the 28th, sh Obtained oalsa ly paper, just wh a t we believe it ought to _ amiessomr4 PELHAM, Orr, MARCH 9,1891. CO. LUMBIA* VITY, IND. MAR. 10, 1891. haVe US for the spread of the Gospel ll do not , DEAR SAINTS:—" Grace be_ unto you and DEAR SAINTS: — This mOrnincr finds us think the saints ought to depend f n us en-peace, from God our Father and from our tirely to take subscribers and work for the 1 _+ o++_ ALTONA, IND. MARCH 20, 1891. Nati TRUMPET RhiAmats:— God bless you is oar prayer. iVe are kept irom all sin and- confusion. Glory to God. forever and ever! We are at Altona yet holding the light before the people. 1 here was a good eseeting last night with wonderful vi• tory in our souls. Dear Bro. Jacobson was here . from Auburn, also Bro's. Miller and Lah-gem The people are glad to hear the Word of God. lie keeps our souls in per-fect peace. Pray for us. God bless you ale There were two down at the mercy seat. Praise the dear Lord. Marion Welch & D. P. Crors. — 0.1-- Loomis, Mune FED, 2, 1891: DEAR SAINTs:— This morning finds us about forty miles noth west of St. Louis, well in body and saved with ae ever-lasting salvation, and - with a sweeping victory in our souls over. the world the flesh and the devil. We came here to this place Jan. 31st. Had a precious meeting in the home of brother and sister McIn-tosh. Only seven in number were present, hut the King of kings was with us, and our souls were refreshed while waiting up-on the Lord. Last night we were blessed , with the privilege of preaching to a large and attentive congregation in a log school-house. 0 how our souls were filled with joy and gladness and praises to Godfor the liberty and utterance He gave us to preach truth to the people. While some of 1 _ the sectarians mockingly laughed at the truth others were benefited and quite a 1 few acknowledged that it was Gospel. 1 The Lord is my light and salvation : whom shall I fear ? The Lord is the strength of . life of whom shall I be afraid ? I n ignorant, but Jesus was made unto me " thine I am weak, but Jesua is my rent le and Ile ie able to carry me e through. 0 praise His name forever and . i •. eter ! A rum ' Ycur humble sister in Christ. Elizabeth Walter. --- ,+ ot— THE Veseltie IN TIIE TERRITORY. / eau Saints:— May t he Lord bless youl all i ht . 1' n iness . of ( h) d. . As often has * the harvest I ruly is great and trot. ar few. We were reminded of this IflUiy li le ited the Indianno the stor y. to perishin_ g so_ u ls. Ibund many rho wrre hungering and thirsting for the bread of life, whivh the sects felled tt) supply, they are dead i and following after t he wcrld. They do not want any ( we among them that has Ghoet tire about them. We any of the people sick. d twin had weather sonle of the time, we failed to re: it. h as many of them as we - desired. We had to hold meetings mostly in private housea, but we were enabled to some that had eever heard a holi-ness: sermonpr eached. and they admitted that what we preached was the truth. The! pn- Ile here haeo beeolue diegusted with They see plainly that the aye not the life nor the power of that they are living a dead ) ly profession, and that their lives are better than that of the sinners. the preachers show pl duly that about that they are after is the membership and the money. Resorting to church fairs, eel donkey shows, and various deceptions , mn order to raise it. One M. K preach- Went so far as to tell hie congregation that unless a man would turn his pecket book inside out to him ( to the preacher) he did no consider that he had any relig-iN at all. ' fling You can judge the ç seetism in the Ter. l ee for their steward to collect mcney. 1 The people aro truly hungering for Gospel preaching. I talked with a number of Indians who enied to be anxious for something better than what the sects were giving them. 1 will relate a conversation that I had with an Indian • - they regard the sects. I asked him if he ' Vas a saved man. He said, " wo : the 11 ney, money eviBry time they preach.' paper. Well many are alreedy working, that is helping to spread the Gospel by From younPro. . and- sister, saved and sanctified. J. P. & E. A. Pence. -: 0:- hearts consent to- a life of Ceaslese toil, that poor dying Men who sleep in darkness limy have light, and poor blind sinners whoare plodding their way through sin's wilderness of darkness to a devil's hell may have their eyes opened, and be turned from .- darkuess to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. We feel this morning like praising and thanking God for such consecrated souls. Amen. Then we should never fail them! And as we read the Gospel Trum- in- my experienee. Per several years I something like a cleai. idea o f the plan of over the press and in the office to send us, AUBURN', IND. MARCH 19. not only consel and encouragement which DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS:— Feb. 28th I we receive frem ministers of God in the took train for Antwerp, 0., near whin corn- precious fruits of holy hearts and lips from menced meeting the next day in the pow- a cloud of witnesses for Jesus. Our hearts er of the Spirit. Bio's Cross and Welch were made glad to see - the testimonies arrived there the same day that we did. of so many of the witnesses of Jesus They remained with us over the Sabbath, in the last number, and- several from here, - some dear coneecrated souls with V, I monies, for it is written, We are His wit-nesses,' - and a witness withent a testnneny I is not werth much. Oh, dearbrothersand sistera, if we all only knew the valee of our Otis news that God is bringing precious to them. It stirred the devil so migirtity I e eve will i professed s. to amaa gisouvls to Christ is gloriouse news to me. that th ey threatenaed to ia a whip., i weekly for God is spreading the holy fire liwdcok erido I:' nmI) ane, vebuint isfueIh Praise H p and is ho found ly name. . Lord precious forty havteo peg, also to heve me arrested, sought ut pre iee ‘ the Lord, He just kept me sweetly resign- name I We should then feel more and more i dirty business." 013, how those words went their souls. Some have been sanctifieo . e. d, kn owing that all things would work for the already almost overworked saints ! home to my heart I What conviction I - together for good. So it ended in three pre- o • f the Gs ospel Trumpet family. Yes, we Praise His holy name f, reverl The. ordie cious souls taking a decided stand forGod. o mince of bapiism Will be observed in a One Bro. A. Moreland and wife ordered should feel for them in ur hearth, and short is time. that old One sinners glorious the feature heads of of famil the - their names taken off the M. E. clas--- book that work send up our earliest prayers to God When one dear sister came to the altar He may give them strength of both body her husband gathered the -- children, weut and mind, and keep them by His power Cs wore brought to a saving knowledge home and closed the door on her, drove prepared and thoroughly furnished unto of Christ. Fathers, mothers, and children her to the woods, and ordered us never to good work, and that He may send are coining back to Father's house, where ceme across his place again, claiming I every there is bread enough and to spare ' Praise was trying to separate him and his wife. more such consecrated souls to help them. God for a salvation that saves people from Well praise the Lord I. He just wonder- Then let us feel deep down in our pockets - their sins, and causing them to make fully delivered men. me We Out of the hand Of un-reasonable returned home Mar. 3rd, and on the 7th we went to - Vincennes, Knox CO. Ind. where we met quite a num-ber of saved ones yet under the power of Free Methodism. They were full of praise and amens to every thing except when we would strike their seclism a lick with the sword. One person laid aside her cot-ke, and another her pipe and tobacco and the Lord's power was wonderfully manifest-ed in healing two dear afflicted ones. We left them - very anxious tor our return. I think there is a grand opening there for the true- Church of God to) be established. Pray God to work mightily on their hearts. We expect to return as soon as the Lord wills to stay some time. .-.::- YoUfBro. in Chriat saved, bless the Lord. We left the Wiler Lord Jesus Chr at." I am, sieging from a school- house Feb. 3rd 1891. Went to Lake full heart this morning. Saved to the Centre and commenced a meeting in the utermost, I am the Lord's. Is it not won- name of Jesus and had glorious victory for I eettingsubscribers for the Gospel Trumpet. derful, and very blessed to be His, and to the Lord. There were five converted and I Lope that all will soon talze an interest know it, to feel it in every moment of seven baptized, and more expect to be soon. and lend a helping hand in the work. We time? - Oh my Jesus is precieus to me Bro. DUrr helped in the meeting at Lake thank God that some dear saints ever sent just now! Several weeks back the dear Centre, and at present is helping Bre. Roth- a copy of the Gospel Trumpet to our home. Lord sent me to St Ann's for a meeting. ermel in a meeting at Little River, five Dear saints, in: 1y God bless us arid help us the Gospel field, I would become helpless. Bless God, didyield all into His hands, and He is wonderfully helping me. I held a meeting in Diniondale, Mich, and the Lord restored several souls. I think there will be a good. work done here. I will stay as long as the Lord wills. I have left all I in the hands of God, and I will not draw back any more. He fills me with His love, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit. I am your Bro. in Christ, saved by the blood. Amen! T. J. Cox. G. W. Cary. DERRY, KAN. WILLIAMSTON, MICH. MARCH 11, 1891. DEAR Sgesers:-- May God bless you all and keep you filled with all His fullness for Jesus sake. I am here in the name of Jesus holding meetieg. The Lord is wOrk-ing. The saints are clearing up grandly, some coming out of babylon, conviction sinners, large congregations and good order. Since I saw you, Bro. Warner, I tried to make something at my buisness, but God did not let me prosper, and came to the place where I could go no farther. My body beeame so weak that I could do nothing, and Gcd showed me that if I did not obey the call to go out in MU SKEGONM, ans 1891. May the blessing of God rest upon you all. Amen. This evening finds me saved and rejoicings in the knowledge of God, _ Having no bad report to bring, the glori- . I . ELNORA, INn. Mimi: 10, 1, i91. i testnnomes to both eaints and sinners, you DEAR SAINTS:- 1 want to say to the glo- would send them in from every part until ry Of God that I am saved and sanctified promises by faith. 1 went me near out on the Trumpet would be crowded to a week-wholly. He is moving n be; and we are praying to the Lord that, I - chool- house, and opened up fire oa the I it may soon be. as we desire it to be a week-enemy in the name of Jesus. The dear and believe it is the Lord's will We Lord helped us to preach His blessed truth', tia li it vill soon be obliged to be a it has been a very fruitful ' work, for I have a g ain, a n d desire to s a y to the sain t s here then started for Auburn, Ind. We were gwlearde tpoa rmdoeneet dt haen dd ealasro b sraentchtrifeined. Stoe vGeorda. l I whom we have toiled for Jesus, and we be-There were several cases of Diviee heal- lieve they are shining lights for the Mastar. ing. Meeting closed with a - precieue or- lGod grant that they may ever be faithful. dinance and testimony service,. The 18th, I We are- much strengthened b y ' tear broth-we took train for Auburn, and met my lee \ Venice's visit to the South. All ti e family ad begun once meeting more. Bro in a ' s. UCross nion and h meeting- I - Ii saints who heard him. aee greatly benefited, house five miles west of this place The and many of ns are praising the Lord for next evening we met with them and sending him to us. We desire th e Lord to preached the Word to the people; Two ! send us more help soon, and send him cane to the altar. April 2nd we expect back to us again this fall. I hope the to go to Brushy Prairie, Ind., thence to I saints will continue to send in their testi- Angola, Ind., Antwerp, O., and Woodburn, Ind. Pray for us. in HLiEt1i. F. N. & S. A. Jacobson. not in the blessed sense of lseing peculiar-ly the Lord's. Bat I found them a people where one needs to act upon - the ords of our Lord: " Be ye therefore as wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Not that I have failed to declare unto the the whole counsel of God, but nearly every where else I have found people who bad salvation, but here it has been different, and I found them in no condition to re-ceive advanced teaching but had to begin with them at the very A B C's and now they are . tössed between the teaching they have always had and these new things so strangely different. One backslider took a new start, and two, a man and . his wife, started for the first time. These do not sound like great results, from a work of more than two weeks, and yet I feel that left many of the people restless and dis-satisfied with the sect religion which satis-fled them before, and desiring. yea hunger-ing after such a salvation as Jesus has giv-en me. I am to go back as st on as the roads are settled, so that people can get to and from the meetings; and then in ad-dition to the evening meeting, shall have an afternoon Bible study for such as can get out, and I hope to win many from bab-ylon to Jesus. Pray especially for ' the people theie- and for me, that the dear Master will keep me humble, low at His feet, and that He will give me wherever I go, souls for my hire. Your sister saved and kept. May R. Peck. different parts of His vineymelbut also th e pl ac e we met with the church and co-pet, each nuMber should remind es Of the lived a cold formal life in a popular chnrch, tired bands and devoted hearts that toil - but when God. converted my soul, I came Oat from among them, and jeined myself with a compapy. who indeed were filled with the Spirit Abont aix months ago,- I - felt the need ofa deeper work grace of in my heart, and eought for the blessing of - holi- . ness but when I saw in order to obtain a clean heaet, would be _ requiredtto off my style ef dressing, and the orna-ments I had always worn, and also give up my bueinesse which was at that time - cigar making, no, Lord. I will not: I will not make myeelf a laugh in g stock to thy fidendieby wearing straight up and down dreesees. and a bare hat . with only a band of ribbon areund it. And I Went - so far as do shamefully ridicule people who did dress in that . plain way. I also saw that I would beobliged to give up the one ath-bition of my life; tliat of being a pub: is . siuger. My Object in . working in the ci-gar factory, was to earn _ money to buy a piano, and further cultivate my voice. But deter be to God! how He did con-found my ways. Ged moves in a myets ri-oils way sometimes', but Ire moves, and. this tiMe He massed an an unconverted lu au t. who sat nest to Me at the shop, to talk to me And say thin gs that sunk down deep in mySoul as nothing ever had be-ibre, and turned me " right about face." and - set , aoing for God With all my soul. Had the same words caree„ th me through a minister of the Gospeleor a friend I should not have heeded them. He said to me, '- If vou are a Christian Why eit here working for the devil? - ff, you belong, to Goa, why - are yOu doing the devil's work ? He says, 175 SUSQ. ST. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. To Tee READERS OF THE praise God this morning for a full salva-tion that s a ves to the utternsest. Jesus says: - " Ye have pot chosen me, but 1 to pray God's bleseing day by day upon I have chosen thee." Truly, it has been so with food and and heme, confirming the strong, supporting the weak, and calling sinners to God. And last week it came to us with a supplement Which is evidence of an increase of business and success ofthe truth of God. it also calls our attention anew to the dear sainted hearts, hands, and souls who have left all, for Jesus, and are toiling against the tide of persecution and babylonish confusion for Got and true Bible iholiness. We first should turn our eyes to Heaven and thank God for such Clnistians who can give all f worldly desires for gain worldly & intent honor and all hopes of you in our. prayers. Pray for use raiment, and with Willing bands and glad - Your Bro. mid sistere aved and Bondi-fled and under the blood, W. W. & N. J. Bradley. C 3 7i' 1TED UNTO Ta g LÔRD. - - - tl land Glery to His holv Christian, youwOuld - not catch me at this me. The meetings have closed, but the work goes on, and pew fields are opening. Oh truly, the harvest is great end the la borers are few! Let us cry mightily to God that He will send mole. laborers into the field. Let our prayers ascend tee hill neat Chelsea to show about how o - the Lord as one prayer. With this one purpose in view many precious souls would be saved who are going headlong , to I ethodists have ' my name upon the class despair. It seems to me. oil times that ha 1 e- 04. I wanted them to take it off but i We are not. as deeply interested in our they would not d ' t i neighbor's eternal welfare as we are about - 4- not- h nve any religiOn, and make no . and have chosen ' t ora1 ththiings-. Let, ns work while tee day lasts; for the night of deeth wall come when no man ran work. Preteesion, 1111 they Want is on ey It • Your Fleo, eared in Christ. is eaa s . W. B. era iright wherein they have wronged anyone. I his truly has been a glorious winter to had then there. I tried to roll another ci-nganre., ebrust. cIo buuldrs nt oint, t iot steeaemrse, da ntod bguartnh emr- y ing my hat and coat I left the shop, and praise God, have not been there since. I consecrated mySelf to God, soul and body, time, talents, and voice to be used for His glory. my heart became greatly burdened at once for the young man who reproved me, and_ since then he has been seekine God with all his heart, he and his honee-for them, and as the Lord has prospered let each one according 1161d. All my stylish dressing was soon es aie several a_ leaven up, with my jewels- and feathere. 11‘ I- st wedding ring was the last given up. bility do all we can for them. Dear sain- tBs. u t elorv be to God, I count nothing too while sonie of us are too poor to give money we can do what we can for the circulation of the paper by potting ourselves to a lit-tle trouble for Jesus, who bore . so much for we We can get others to take the paper, which will prove a blessing to them, and to the cause of Christ, a help. The Lord, no doubt, will bless you for your labor, for He that said, go into my vineyard and work and whatsoever is right that I will give you, is true to His promise. And while we who are toiling as ministers of the Gospel ought o do ail we can le , get. subscribers and work in every way the I., ord would The people there are a peculiar people, miles east of Huntington, ever to do all we can for lost souls to lead them to Jesus. Amen. Well let pray, and toil fo• r Jesus. Pray that the Lord may grant us the press and whatever is needed to carry on His good work. I am Pers31, Miss. ready to do all I can for Jesus. I am God bless the Gospel Trumpet. ever poor and have been sick nearly all winter, receive it as a messenger of mercy sent but glory be to Jesus He has restored me of God, fraught; with making words glad of Our truth hearts and encou t° health. am in the work of the Lord ragement who are writing to us from the different. parts ofthe country fel- help that I am willing and even anxious to go to them, but those desiring us to come will have to help me, that is pay my way; for I have given up all - for Jesus, - and ext- est to give my all to - Him Having been afflicted also, my means to travel on are very lim-ited. I am so thankful to _ hear that in spite of the powers of darkness the truth i$ gaining ground. 0 glory to God forever and ever ! Amen. Ged bless you and help you, dear saints. We will ever re- ' who was holding meeting in the hall at1 this place, for I was determined to the Word of God in all things. He came Oliver P. Allen. — § 11- 11 § — tof-to souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faith-ful Cie toW- 1 Pet. 4: 19. Father has three holy lamps in this place, and glory be to Jesus, He lreeps them burning, and I believe in due time He will send' Isis reapers. Oh,- pray to God that He will keep us firm. Your sister saved, sanctified and kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation, reader to be revealed in the last time. Glory be to Jesus Clara A. Kinney. from the love of God. I did & silo to meet some of the brethren in a meeting, hut it looks lire the way will'net submit, but as soon as the Lord prospers me, Twill hope to see some of • you soon.' I remain Your Bro. • iii the Lord.` Pray for. me. that may be strong in the Lord, sanctified wholly: ' David Comer. . BATTLE CREEK, MICH, DEAR SAINTS:- 1 ampraising God for real Bible salvation; cle inset' from all sin and sanctified wholly. I am so glad that He that dwells in us is greater than he that is in the world for if we love the world, the lave of the Fa
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 11:07
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 11:07
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 11:07
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 11:07
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 11:07
title_sort gospel trumpet - 11:07
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1891
long_lat ENVELOPE(9.750,9.750,62.983,62.983)
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Battle Creek
Little River
St. Louis
The Altar
geographic_facet Aen
Battle Creek
Little River
St. Louis
The Altar
genre sami
genre_facet sami
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766187731023560704
spelling 2023-05-15T18:14:44+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 11:07 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1891-04-01 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 11 07 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1891 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:03:29Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 neL6rd Ond shall B LOY The TRU. 30) ET and # 0 with Yhirlwinds - FIRST PURE." Then, And he said mi. to ine, What sees; thou? AntfI answeN ed, I see a flying roll. Then said he unto me, every one that stealeth shalt be am or on this side according to it; am/ every one that swoaretli sisdhoa latc bcoer edaintg o tfot oitft. Dial Wilt bring it forth, saitIL the Lord of hosts.--,, Grand Anrlion, .^ 1pril 7, 7891 Volun2e 1/. Xumber 7 Flee out of the inicist of babylon awl deliver. every m an- his soul; be not mit ° if in her inicirti ty for this la- the time of the Lord's vengeance; lie will render unto bor , reeompenle And the land shall tremble, and nor-row; for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against babylon, to make the lend of bahvion desol Wien without an inhabitant.— Jer. 51: 6, 29. Rsus My Beliveze; " And He shall send MB angelswith a great sound a a Trumpet. and they shall gather together Ills elect from. the four winds, from one, end of - heav-en to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and pateth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye when e shall see all these things, know that it is nPar, even at the doors "— Mark. 13:' 1- 9i. Elven, NED. DEAR SeiNgs:— I feel led of the Lord to tell you what the Lord has done for Me. One year ago last June Jesus forgave my I sins. I began seeking for pure heart, fiAl 1 on the 2Stb, of dam at family prayer i the Lord sanctified me. Praise God for-ever and ever ! Oh, I tell you, dear saints, it is sweet in my soul it is glorious and. grand to be drinking at the fountain that never runs dry. It means much to be a real Bible Christian, I know that Jesus has poWer to keep us from all du, and to heal all manner of diseases._ He healed me of a disease of four years standing. Your sister saved and sanctified. Addie Jenkins. I was wandering and weary In a land of sad despair, • And my heart was lone and dreary— It was darkness every where. All was anguish, woe, and terror, All the world ft barren scope, I au alien frem au I rael, Without God and without hope. I did flee from some grim monster To encounter one less fair; Al! the land seemed full of demons It was demon every where. " But the wind blows where it listeth," Said a still. small voice to me, •‘ Why the Spirit of God resisteth To the arms of Jesus flee." In my anguish I looked upward And my soul cried loud for peace: Oh blessed be the name of Jesus, Suddenly to me came release It was as the day was dawning When this gentle spiritual Dove Caine and filled ni3- heart with gladness-- Caine and filled my soul with love. + + sus Christ."-- Rom. 5: 17. " But thejudg- I DAwSON, A. ment shall sit, and they ( i. e. the saints) DEAR SAINrs:— I am saved and still on shall take away His dominion, to consume I the Lord's side, doing the whole will of ( by the fire of holiness), and having tri- God. - Pray for Mo that I may continue umphed over all the powers of the beast, I toVe.-- I pray- that God may send and gained the harps of God on the sea of some of His true ministers here to preach glass that is mingled with fire, here is our ito- fhe people in this place they will glorious portion : have a hearty - welcome at my house. " And the kingdom and dominion and E. B. Sisco. the greatness of the kingdom under the 1 whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most. High, whose king-dom is an everlasting kingdom, and all do-minions shall serve and obey him."— Dan. 7: 7. All glory to our King. Amen ! DixoN, Meas. Dean TRUMPET READENS:--- 1 fl still praising God for full and free salvation, bless the name of Jesus I am glad the Lord sent Bro. Warner and Co. to the South, they have been so much help to me and a great many others. Oh glorY to God for Salvation! Pray forme. L. V. Strickland. Moscow, Miss. DEAR SAM". CS:- 1. atilt praising God for full and free salvation in Jesus. The Lord saves and sanctifies me wholly, and. He keeps me eachday and hour from sin. It is so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word. I thank and praise His holy name, that He saved a poor sin-ner like I was. I have been Saved. about 17. months, and I am still happy in the Lord. Pray: for me. Your saved sister. . I was walking along the highway, All the darkness now had fled; All the demons, too, hind vanished, Heavenly hosts were in their stead. Every hough sang sweet music, And my soul joined in their so - Praises to the Lamb of Zion -- shout Him praises, every tongue. Jeanna Talbert. FULL SALVATION. ULL salvation means something more , than a profession. It means love, peace, joy, hope, blessing, and: everything that comes from God which is good. Peo-pie were never bound down by form so much as they are at the present time. It Is becoming a popular . sin more and more every day. Look back a few years, and there we will see God's people asSembled, whenever a chance • affords, to seek after the truth, whether it was Sunday, or Monday, or any other or There we see rich and porn MERMILL, O. old and young whether dressed in broad DEAR BRETHREN:— We are well and cloth or covered with TI gs, they were with! praising God for perfect l'ictory in our one accord, using every means pleasing in souls, and are sAved through the blood of j Ildged hen Namely, He ju1 dged her by , MUNSON, Mien. Dear Saints:—. 1 feel led to tell what the Lord hass done for me I am saved and sanctified just now. Glory to Jesus! How good He is when we obey Him, and can save when SVe let Him. Your saved brother. her description, " a woman arrayed in pur-ple and scarlet ' color, decked with gold, etc., full of, names of blasphemy"-- all the sect names. " And upon her forehead was _ a name written, MYSTERY, BABY-LON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOIVIINATIoNS OF THE - EARTH." Thus while Rome is pre-eminently balaylon, having the most prom-inent name, all the sects are embraced in her, for she was full of names of blasphe-my. The heat upon which she rode was her civil power,' and governments. " And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigned over the kings of the earth."— Rev. 17: 18. This can only be-papal Rome. If an earthly king ruled o-ver other kinggethey would not be kings but satraps or stbordinate rulers under his sceptre. But the pope did control kingl y powers at h i s will. The next chapter really describes the judgment of the whore. God's heaven commissioned messengers ( called angels) enlightened the earth with their glory, cried with a strong voice, babylon the great hi fallen, is / Wien. That was a bold blast of the trump of God, declaring the corrupt and fallen condition of the sects it fell like a stroke of judgment upon her. " An-other voice from heaven said, come out of her, my people, etc. This was an awful stroke of God's judgment hammer upon her for He gave evidence of the fact that He had mtisred out of her, and pro-nounced her utterly unfit for His children to live in. They obey His voice and flee out of the midst of her, thus delivering ev-ery man his soul. Last in the scene of her judgment as shown by the angel, God's saints by His own commandment, rejoice over her, shouting their victory over her shooting at her As ith the Gospel 119N, ine,,, executing on her the judgments that are written, exposing her nakedness, emptiness, and corruption, and thus pre- F. Flo ward. I Iv ill ever look to . Jesus. Yield my every power to him, Knowing lie can keep me safely-- lie can cleanse from every sin. CJIAR. E. Om - COME OUT OF BABYLON. ODON, IND. DEAR SAINTS: — I do praise God that he ever showed me the true Tay. The Lord has promised. to lead us into all truth, and He will do it if we are honest. I for one can truly say, " Though He slay me, yet will.' trust Him." " The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of freebie; and He knoweth them that trust Ilim."-- Nale 1: 7 What glorious prontises to them that be-lieve. Pray for me. Your brother made white and. tried. Amen ° ME out of hereny people.*** E - en in the Romish church God Ieas l people but they are in great dan-r; their only 8Z1fe'y lies in coming out her at ot . ee. So also in every apostate hi confirming church t here ai e some invi , zilde and true Church, who, if Wm. E. Moore. must confess M Jesus which cleanses us froth all sin. Praise His holy name forever. Amen. -- From your saved Bro. and sister in Christ. or W. D. & S. A. Brown. H LqSEL, MICII. DEAR SALYrs:— The Lord has cleansed me from all sin and healed my body of God's sight to save poor sinners. What a difference to- day I Sunday comes, and no matter how many poor men that lawyers. have robbed, or how many homes that sa-loon keepers have made miserable, r how many poor men that merchants have du-ped . during the week; but there they go all in line, Masons, Oddfellows, and above all, they all have, perhaps, a prayer book Moscow, Miss. DEAR SAINTS: — I know of a truth this morning that the 1,6rd does save and sanc-tify me wholly, and the blood of Jesus Clirist cleanses me from allein. After I 1was born into the family of God, He ed me out asect bebylon, and I was bap- tikd in the name of. the Fathers SOD, and and hymn book. They listen to the ser- heart trouble. Over three years ago He thou,, and they help sing. The reacher ' pardoned my sins and afterward sanctified prays and they bow the head— it seems to my soul, and since that time peace and joy Chr; st. Holy Ghost: There are a few- of us at Ev-er Green that are willing to follow the meek and lowly Jesus. Your sister in Christ, ready to do the whole will of God: Tirzah they would be safe, must come out. Es-p ially al the eve Of God's judgment on * state Christ endom : as Lot was warned e out Of Sodom just before its de-gruction, and Israel to come from about e tents of Pathan und Abiram, so the. Christians eame out (-) f Jerusalem hen the npostate Jewish church was judged. * * * The harlot is not Rome alone ( though she is preeminently so), but every thurth that has not Christ's mind and Spirit. False Christendom, divided into very many wets, is truly babylon, • on. From Critica ry, tratnteeon Co. R tr. 18 4.- int ye 5 POPLAR Bm: F, Mo. wonder what will become oftheit souls. i= DEAR SA is— This morning finds me What is going to become of these people I sweetly saved in Jesus; rejoicing in His Sallie Ethridae. the Holy Spirit. and in the light of Bible the book or Bible because it is respecta- I holiness. This done, what follows ? " And af- ble. As we look at them we ate led to terthese things I heard a great voice of much I people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Sal-vation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God : for true and righteou s are Hisjudgments; for He hath ` 51: 24- 27. All this has been done during! las eleven years, by the authority of out ot fashion with them. They go to the Your sister in church because it is fashionable; carry I be too hard work for them to kneel it is ! hits been in my soul at all times I a wre Is s dm an as was. W e meett I wheal Sundays on earth are over, when 1love. I do prajse Him that He ever saved Judge, and there give an account of theiri with much persecution, but the Is rd de- 1 stewardship ? Some, we fear, will vanish ilivers us out of the hand of the enemy, andi from God's presence lobe lot forever, all 1 helps us to give the Gospel to the people.' because formality took theplaee of salve- Remember me in your prayers. tioLn aendt huolsin enss. o w look at ourseYlovure bsro. th Der soav ewd aend asatu- ct i, fed. I tend meeting on Sunday because we arc anxious to see souls saved? Or do we go be- 1 they will have to stand before the great such tc i Chas. I . Brown.- Moscow, Miss. DEAR & Armee— God bless and abide with you forever and ever. I am saved. end free in Jesus. The very God of peaeo sloth sanctify me wholly, praise His name. Oh, the wonders of salvation, it is being revealed and unfolded to me more and more each. day. And I know that the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin. I have been talking in this evening light for nearly two years, and am pot tired of the way yet. I had the blessed privilege of fmeetin g Bro. Warner and Co. • May God H ESSEL, 311C11. NOTE ' judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath a-venged the blood of His servants at her band"— Rev. 19: 1, 2. " And again they said, Alleluia 3. Thus Ise see in the 16th chapter it came into God's mind to judge her. In the 17th the angel said, he would shew herjudgment, which proved cause a new minister is A isiting the place? G i f Brethren: st because we want to seel out of hen rejoicing ov er her, and shooting t we canno find some fault with the 1 we must live holy life here on earth preacher's straight talk. t the piercing arrows of truth at her, and' years ago I heard the Word preach- ? If that is the tThree it .% le n this is done it is said that God had' ease depecnl uponi t, there is a spnot ed inits purity, but would not accept, bless them in their work, and keep them true to Him. Pray for me and the church at Big Oak. d - - It is n b e that spiritual or mys-t baby: 0x tlA out so eonspicuous uding all formal, world conforming uetts that even those intellectual lights have studied the Bible, and given n the same, are forced to con-ct, even thrugh they are not fid- 1 the Spirit, and even nission X. 110tit'A their own a'iu ' f being a part of great bylon mother olharlots. Falhse divided into very many sects habylon, 1. e., confusion," This is soplain that any intelligent person who las any proper conception of the harmony, anitY, and symmetrical beauty that should haracterize a divine system of religion, cannot fail to me it. And any peron who eau reconcile the existing schisms, con-ilieting creeds, and rivalry, with a divine hutch, must have a very mean conception God and His work. This commentator also foresaw that God would judge this apostate sectish christen-ern, and upon the eve of His judgments 111: 1011 her, all true children of God must Ilea out of her, just as Lot tied out of Sod-om, and the primitive Christians were ' yarned of Christ to escape out of Jerusalem, onsthe destruction of those cities. The jluadgbmyleonnt. oAf cGcoodr disi nngolwy, bweein gre vaisdit eind Ru: e ovn. 16: 1: And great babylon came in re-riletuhrance before God, to give unto her the clip of the wine of the fierceness of His ! wrath."" That is, God determined to visit ang e ls, winch d injudgment In 17; 1 , ' One of the seven paring the nation: against her. See Jen to be her exposure, ondg ' Dso pwee ogop jule comi Dea -- 1 ! formality left in the heart, which you say , s ,. having- faithful witnesses execute His Word but lave no _ pp and come to the Lord and He has forgiven! I i$ the Lord's . Be careful, dear soul, s I this upon her. is a weapon that the devil has used for a I my sins- Pray to for me that I may go on " be I Id nd the same horn rnadewar - d i i it to- daywith eat ! perfection and be sanctified. We trust lay from ll sin, that Mrs K the Your sister in the love of Jesus. with the saints, and prevailed against them . I Gibson. until the ancient otdays came, and j udg- In Isa. 48: 1, we read: Cry aloud, and High and - the tune came that the saints an DEAR SAINTS :— I feel led to write my possessed the kingdom." _ But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and. obey him."— Dan. 7: 21, 22, 26, 27. Here we see that the Anti- Christ power prevailed against the saints until the an-cient of days came, namely, the Lord Jesus came in power throngh the glorious sane-tiller in . the evening light, and " judgment is t.,, iven to the, saints of the Most High." This was after they came out of babylon, that some one will come and preach at this place, - Your brother in Christ. James Hutchins. I , a long time an 5 us ng great success in hindering the work of God. d show my people- their transgressions, and thehouse at Jacob their sins." Se, my dear reader, that is just what we must do, an merit was given to the saints of the Most, ssp are not, if up thy voice like a trumpet, ST. JAMES, Mo. a it real on to war, the the altar glory Cof CryGoaloud, know hat He months savsiensce me I receiv ed this is - cry against these sins. Remember we are BLENDON, . n' MICH t face the ene- i DEAR READERD:— I can say this merli- ,- my and by the , help of God we are to ling that I am sweetly saved in Jcsus, and be real, if we expsm to have a real victory i walking in all 1 he ligh 1i tt Heg iv es me , a nd over sin, the . fiesh and the devil. Why, II t- a a brother, if you have a darling little idol, i , but as Elijah Sister gyou not a A_ i helps ire to glorify His name. I do thank hab .- are treab_ I God that He ever sent the dear saints to . . led about that dress , that hat, that bustle, I this place to preach the true Gospel It ! tell it to Jesus. Come out from among them 1 IS four and be ye separate take up the stand.- glorious evening light, and I have found lv i. w ard aolfl salvation-, and whatsoever you do; 1 as do t precious fesSor, tobut my do soul praise Before ( rod this that I n w e E. Stillwill. I a pio G d. I am a true ceild of God. Y osaveud sirste. r. 1,1 testimony this morning, to tell what the Lord is doing for me. He saves my soul froth all sin, and has placed my feet upon the solid Rock Christ Jesus and the very God of peace sanctifies me wholly, each I day and hour. I am' 17 years old. I have twalitle brothers at home, and two broth-ers at- ty from home older than I am. They are not saved. I Want you all to pray for them. - My Father and Mother are saved. Pray for us that we may stand firm unto the end. Your saved sister in the love of Clirrst. Lila 1\ 1. Salter. ,111 BINGHAMTON, N. Y. Melissa Emert. Correspondence, KENESAW, NEB. Dear 13). 801,7,0w— I feel it my duty ti tell what the Lord has done for me. He Iris healed. my body which was afflicted for over ten years. I am sanctified and kepi by the power of God. Praise the Lord. n 2.8 they sat upon them, and judgmentt ner . h ha the seven vials, talked as we read in Rev. 20 : 4 : " I saw thrones, ad ' BELLTUE, Mmu. DEAR TRUMPET RE ADE. R, S:-- 1. am still praising God that I am saved from all sin, and am at the fountain drinking. Praise God for a free and full salvation. - soul - basking in the sunbeams of His love, and standing omthe Rock Christ Jesus. Yours in rson. de of perfect have. Chas: B Wood. Alice Eberline. LOOGOOTEI , IND. DEAR SAINTS :— I humbly request you in the name of Jesus Christ to pray for the healing of my bodily afflictions, I have been afflicted for one year, caused by La Grippe settling on my lungs. Your hem& Eiger in Christ. Annie Catmon. 117411161m, - saying, come hither; I will etIEW unto thee the judement . of the great whore, that sitteth uptin many waters.' Re, promised to show him the judgment of r and Ivliat did be show him First . W given unto them." I\ ow to sit upon a throne is to reign, and " they which re-ceive abundance of Face, and the gift of ri E.,. hteousness shall reign in the by one Je- e:- ns e h meetin?. The prolesm-' 1-:. 111ms ' ir ;: birlritltlr, iitmleg( ) of es; t: tt 1.111 11, e: ssa ml itmhtlent set wntlm ;; rent • • of toitin molished the faiths that have been ovolv-e0 throwd, the a post_ asy of the dark ages. nigor il all seemed willing tri1;: tstegitit i ttavn :. ur si srt tt, 0t1 above their all confessed and de: Ail: est the pra yers or all that they m ay recah the ( sonic. Atanv. havo ex pro: spit themselves determined. to walk in tile glonio us light of the Gospel, who showetLzt noble honest heart-, and inu t: 11 love for the truth. OOnnly jaufgesk. v really gut rx- icr( ile : lt ursiNt igt h t lut eh rtzte baptism, and . came up () tit of tha symbolic grave praisin e,, God with the blessing of His good 1- emit. i) tr. to , titktit. rsitou: t first tolitelo srtatcul. iei1dy. exTtItItihi s'i- ele: o ( h le country is ' TWiled', - with the doctrine of (. 1od, and it surely win bring forth much good fruit in the future. IThough we j ud ge a 1 argi.) ivient! joitilt:. r„ of ‘ tx1. tve., - I people me i had a na t o , not salvation enough to plantain a weekly ' 1 pray er meeting. - Lhont every three months they had fi testim ony meeting, when there I I were usuallyw to or three Unit hall strut- ? thing to say. Thank Ord! A few wit- . nesses of entire sanctification are left ) 1 there. anti other little ones willing to coo-l fess Christ before men. They purpose holding two weekly prayer meetings. Mat' LLoorrdo bless and prosper them autly. If any of Clod's ministers in Miss. feel led Li go and visit the churtli then, • address Bro. Win. II. ' hill, Itartsells 1 Morgan Oh. Ala. The community has a good. sized house nt' worship, whioh can be - used by the ( each of God every fir- 4 and third Lord's day, or any ,`„ . ■ abbath in the afternoon. We never Met a people more eager for tracts and Trumpets they would rush up to the stand and take pa• pen., faster than three or four could hand • them out. The groat number oh- Crumpets, . etc,, we scattered tire , still pr, n eleng the Gospel tnere, and the leaven of 1111111 is at I work. We also• send tw ent y two papei's into tho vountry which will eolitinti dash t he glorious 1 igh ef ! leaven, We he tm here the Lord will raise up many there Ii walk with'Iiiin holiness, We shall nev• or forget the kind ' peO i de of that Pilo, 1 ( Tn. ollisth i n , and toward all their latent of love toward EL; aildron, dear pcople did What they could for us I - II way () I' financial aid. Many would like It have done much more liable: Fitelord Ides, tl them. We Were invite(' to II arisen s ant' other netghborlionds, and ninn y exptesspi an earnest desire for its to return an(' h preach the G o spel unto them. It wil surely be a great pleasure far us to do so if permitted in the kind providence of God and we believe we Shall be, Our call to this place was throngh a fan d from Randolph Co'. Ind., who heard u- ,_ • and other saint preachers there, but the mar It opposed the doctrine. Afteimoving Sent! , s he became concerned about his soul, soughi God, joined a sect : but as he read tin Word he was convinced of the preset'. Is truth, sent for- the Trumpet, and was read give hirrself wholly to God. Ills wilt • also was fully Saved and healed. The Lon r_ keep them by His power. YestE: day we bade them all farewel and came on to this place, winch is neat the north end of tile state. here We met o two families ot' Longs, froth near ' Beaver Darn, Kosciusco Co. Ind. in whose ' homes C we are alm led to think ourselves bbaacck eohlitdoOr eIN1‘ 71elei* ( s lh it o 1rdetu tI . in itI. So: ip iei Ot . h. iecytr the they lu r es. ent us . , not: think . hard: that weheannot all ccomoem thate ' n a y.' Tilerest- ( A t he will call at'as tmiany' place; aspcs:, ihle, It'seems to have been a fm 1lalteaal necessit y as well' ns the Orlter lie G od ahi ausi ogor enveia1€. 1.: lilp ill) Ilie work, to seine e without any ministry from abroad, but e now, other help is 1116( . 11 needed: 1 will e froth here. to eurtisville, Tipton Co. Ind. (: 11:‘ joricieilD aLtle116rfli11911uSs0 ■ 1: 011 rejoicing ice r full sitivatfon eh aLt 17-, hiS little village. The Holy . Spirit As- work- , Tmriegn mc. eigdh mtileye t- winigt hh etrhei so pne ' o1. p11le0. 7Wth ei tc, o iinn- - the Free Baptist meeting house, which hits been closed for the want of a preacher. nnOow' however passing: through an .181' ' 611.1emerasauramotimi.• Imn. g„ e, irmmuemcmaou, meptswehmeirelo THE OSPEL TRUMPET-. A SEMI- ETTELY EOLINESS rousrai, ** --- ' - DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SEGTARIAN. I ;? cut Forth in the name of the Lord Jeans Christ For the Purity and i Unity of His Churr, h the De-tenoe of Aki_ L. 1-- Ils Truth, pond the riebcru- etion. at I'. 3e- lt Bab- _ -•- lor1.- --- .--.--.-. --- . - I . PnLISEED AT 1 MID MNCTION3 IIICit 1 --- 400- 47 D. 8• WARIVEB,- i Editor. . 1 E. E. B YR UM,-- Office Editor. 1 E. 1 BYRUM and S. MICHELS.- Publishers ' PERMS, $ 1.00 P gx Y MAR Ili ADvArcom . 1 FREE TO TUE PoOP. Lnter, td at the Poet Oilice at t. 4 rand Junction, V an Buren Co. Mich. as Feeowl - I, Fe, matter. NOTICE. AD business communications, mon--- ys etc. most he a idret- sed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will he given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPIT. We : mike this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the deld, as well as the eir-culation of the paper. fX° Parties desiring papers to canvas's with should notify us regularly of their Whereahouts„, 0 far- N 0 I IC F, HOW TO SEND MoNEY:- Remit by Post Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these can not be procured, send bY Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. CHANGES OF ArienEss:- Subscri hers wish-ing their address changed, must he sure to give their FORMER, as well as their new ad dress. MISSING PAPERS :- lot - occasionally hap-pens that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost, or stolen in Vo-l- nails. In ease - you do not receive your paper when due, after waiting ft Sufficielt length • f time, write us a card and we wiii gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write be sure and give ye m full Address, name, Post- office, County and state. Should there be a mistake at any time. write to - Us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same, Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet Grand Junction, _ Mich. ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE. SECOND EDITION. --- hi:- it contains 148 sen t ,. 90 tenth music About all new. The pages are some large or than Songs of Victory. W lien sang ir the Spirit or Gad. these songs will b found e• orn as. They hymn the pr- eime present truth, and the Gospel standard t i salvation, Send in your order for Anthems from I h throne, and start the songs of praise anew, t Man i lla 30 ets, PRICE ), Clot h. . . . . , 50 cts ( Pei. dozen, , $ 3.00 & $ 4.80 , . . MUST WE SIN ? II conversation between Bro. Light am'. Foggy, giving Bible proofs that we must live freefrom sin. This tract has beer enlarged to 48 pages, and is now ready All who love to read the truth, send foi them by the hundred. ( Per sir,* copy - 9 cL - Price, )) " . I. Thz. . „ 20 • c ( Mimi • red 1.50" A tract on the True Church, 50 pages theta. A tract on the Sabbath, or which day tc keep. 65 pages, 10 cts. THE BIBLE READINGS BY Bro's Rilpatrick and Speck, is a very ' thorough work giving the Bible readinge.: or references on about 100 subjects. ( Single copy. . . . . . $ .75 Price, 2, Per half Doz . . . 3.30 I ‘ h Doti 6 00 ADDRESS:- GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand ' Junction, Mich. A NEW BOOK FOR ALL. HOLINESS BIBLE STDJECTS by IL C V i ' , 100 subjects with Scripture, a con-cordance, and definitions to subjeets. Set-ting forth the true Church, its doctrine. it-ordinances and its fruits. Thefall of Bab-ylon and the coming iu of the evenie g light Illustrated. 376 pages neatly bound in cloth, •' Per single copy - $ 1.25,- Price, . c 1 doz. 05 ets. each " 2 do,- 85 ets, " kddress H. C. Wickersham, - New Pittsburg, Ind. trr Gospel Trumpet, • - Grand Junetith) Mich. - - - - • . . -- - - - - - - - . . - • , . ,' - MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. A small tract of 32 pages, setting this ct before the people, in the cL ar t light of the New Testament. t Single copy, 05 ets. Price Per. dozen, . . . . " 40 , • ' • - • ( Per. one hundred, . 2.50 ' ‘ • 41. TEE ORDINANCES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT A. NEW ' num Br ,,, N M. G. SCHELL, Setting forth the Ordinances of the Scripture it. a clear light showing which are abolished and provint.- 7 that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are ant of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. i single. copy Wets PRICE -, Per dozen . .45cts. ( Per hundred . THE AGE TO COME. AND MILLENNIUM [ TRADITION, Refuted by the inspired Word of God. ( Single copy . . . 10 cts. i Price 1 Per. dozen. . 80 ( • . 1 ( Per. hundred, . 5.00, I MY* selSOI ■ m* IP I REFERENCE ANU PRONOUNCING TESTAMENTS 1 „._@_./ I As persons have frequentl y wr'Iten to us for Bibles rind Testamews, we imve purchased a few New Tes-tame- its To.- , th the Ref- renew in tiettres, dirt ry mi-ller the verse refered t ), which is very c, • nvenieit% It i also contains a key to the psi ( tildes of prononcia-l lion and hasa Dicitionary, and Gaze tcer of 47 IIp a- ge s. ( Sheep- skin cover,. - Price, pestage paid - 1 Embossed " . * 1.2o. is Embossed zilt, .- $ 1. ZO. I- LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIY-II ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT () Til- 1ERWISE RECEIPTED. I 1-, llelilda A.• Rogers. N. 13. liotore. Andrew [ Byers, M A. 1.1 arUPP, Otto Dobls, Wm. G. Shell, Marion Welch. Wm. E. Warren, camel Powell. A. J. Kilpatrick. REQUEST FOR PRAYER. • ODoN. IND. DEAR BRETIIREN:-- This afternoon finds in saved and washed in ihe blood of Jesus. free from all sin and sanctified wholly . ready to do the Lord's will in all things Bless° I be the name of the Lord forever and ever ! Amen. Our child, Bertha, hie been sick at intervals for over two years and is now sick. Has fever every thin day. Think it is caused by worms. Sin has had hands laid on and anointed fo: , healinegb y different ones, but she is stil . suffering. Our oldest girl, Stella, is RIF( sick with fever. We have given then f cases over into the Lord's hands, trustinl His promise to take , way all our SielMeS and heal all our diseases, knowing that tin dear Lord is as good as His word, and tha i ail things work together tor good to then i1 that love the Lord. Pray that the Lon ,- * 1mmaayy h geiavel b tohtehi ro huer achrtisld troe nG, oadn dw Hhuilett cthhei]: ' circa. : i Your saved Bro. and sister. - r 0. P & S. A. Allen. , MANCHESTER, It. DEAR Sm_ Nrs:- Having been aillictet ! with deafness many years, and knowith that God is able to do all things, I ash ! you all to pray that I may be given ID: hearing again, and if God's - Will to hear ant i answer in my behalf He shall have all tin If praise and glory. t Yours respectfully. ' Mrs. II. O. , Saunders. . ST. . JA ES. Mo. March O. 1891. All the beloved saints and especiall: eI tBor op. r aWya fr. n re trh aen dh eCaoli. n agr'e o rfe sqiusetesrt eLdu ltli i Lamb of C ° inlay, Dent Co. Mo. of Con f sumption. " She is 18 years old and mother ! less, her mother b t ying died with the sami o, tying , dis- ase. She is the oldest of six remainin g children. Has filled a mother's place ' ir I the family for 4 years. She anti her fa ! titer are saved, but need to be more set fled and established in the truth. Ai ` therefore are requested to pray earnes', I , I r oindd in their behalf on the 10th day o i April. Your saved sister. ii --- . 4.4- 0Ju-' ia. Myers.' I Pray that the Lord may heal the litth .1 four year toldd girl of Ara Evans of B I inville, III. - - I Sister Belle Coston of Black Lake, Me h - Writes : e i am greatly afflicted with chron: i ic Catarrh, that will doubtless termivatt in quick Consumption, if the Lord doe: I not interpose. .111y will is in perfect sub- , jection„ however, either -- way. Praise the: or desires an interest in vout 1 prayers in her behalf. 1 Bro. Isaac Prill, of Chapman, Pa. sends a request that the saints unite in behalf i d his wife who has been in the hospital liar some tithe, that her mind they be re- I stored. ,- - t Pray for Bro. Edward Mosher, ate, d 2L who is afflicted with Lung trouble and lCatarrh of the head, He desires I he saintS Ito take his ease to the. Lord, and believes I t hat . he ' will be healed- , • . - EDITORIAL 1101ES. . Junction, 1 [ a, des irNreeseswst t(. jnlilieA( 3-: ir* ets hoel' 1I.)\; ei it tl Qirne n tonet- c i i° i tI hat place to preach the Gospel. Also an : lamest request of the same kind corn( s 1 rrom brother James Pine. ille: qt Ci ty? Ani- Zona. 1 Bro. Wm. G. Schell writes us- that he has collected iihout 200 sects of Christen dom, anti he wishes us to note s uch as wc, find in our perusals of hish, ry. Let other brethren note the same, and let its see how mmaanny. can be collected. It might throw some light on prophecy. . --- 4 0 4. Since our editorial notice. of Mar.: hist about making the Trumpet a weekly, we have received a number of letters with earnest requests that it may be speedily made such. A. few dollars have been sent in for the purchase of a new press. Also the office is being flooded with an abun-dance n-dance of good testimonies and articles more than we have room to publish. - CALL- - F- O-- R - V-- IE-- - G- O - S PEL. •- Bro. andsister Frank and Julia Patter- ' son write us froth Bunker Hill, Ill. that Ilthe little church of saints in that place are prospering and having good meeting,. but that they are very anxious to have some o God's ministers visit them and preach tilt Gospel. They have been left a long tithe and should have a Gospel meeting. AVIn I will go and visit them? The work we have been writing o n Dan iel and Rev. on the cleaneing of the sanct nary and relative subjects, we wish to sir to the sain's, has been much retarded br ' our tour South. Circumst MICOS have beet so unfavorable for writing that we milt barely get cur editorial and letter tvritit u accomplished. hence we have dune noth jug more in this department of our man: ' lines of work for the Lord. We have, how ever, made a good beginning of that work and have been continually egniping oto self more and more with Biblical and hi: torical matter. So that we are far : nor j thoroughly prepared to execute the sam I b:% our delay. It is womterful how histc ry conies forward in exact and abuntlan confirmation of the two great epoehal pt ' / hats of - A D, 2TO, anti A. I.). 15: 30, lowhic : we were first led l iv the Spirit and 1Ft- it. of God. We have also received mach h er ' of late in seei ng the hanneny of the sevel al periods ot time mentioned in Dan. I, 24- 27. Namely, the 70, 02, and ( him week, - el c. .1. II t hese periods or time M( V- 4t N eu derfully work out in harmony wit • the incidents asseeiated with them, an with the IV fillment of the 21011 da y , s. c Dan. _;:. 14. in 1.860. Fr- in this time w 1 Pxpect to devote In Ore time to th- pros( I leution cif this Work Until pnblished, wide will be finished at our earliest convenienct but as yet we can say nothing certain : bout the time. . 4 0 0. As soon as the above work is iinishe we expect to apply ourself to the public; ' Hon of a teachers New Testament, wit plain type, pronouncing signs, reference under each verse, a dictionery of Bibl I terms, and readings froth manuscripts, th ! Greek text, and from all other translatior Ion every verse in the New Testament du , I is not rendered eorrectl , y or sufficient] clear, That will give me, t he Common Ve] I skin and benefit ef about one dozen trail: , ! lations on every needed verse. We expel also to greatly enlarge and correct the re : ereuces, and we ask all our brethren 10) are students of the holy book to - kite eI . cry reference tOi parallel Scriptures in th New Testament, or - bet ween the Old an New Testainent, and - thus aid us in co. , lecting the important helps of copieus'an correct references ise. e7zape7vezes, rmsgsTrwsp- - --- 7--- NEWS FROM: TEE FIELD HYDE PARE, ALA. MAneu 17. DEARLY BELOVED SAIMS:-,- Our meetin ( dosed near Hartsells, Ala Sabbath nifs, t, Mar. 15th, having continued over si: weeks. Through/ int our stay there Go was very precious to us, and the peep] were very kind, every house was a homi tor the pilgrims who had come to i / Le pin wwiitthh' the wonderful Gospel of God, and standard of holiness that all confessed hat net been preached in the comniunity be I fore.- 0 how omehearts shall ever prais( God ter sending us to that place. A fte haying laboredin the regions where outlavi and w n v iekedness• stalks abroad, and when 1 beastly spirits crave for some pretext tc wreak the pent up murder of their hearts we were prepared to appreciate a commit-oily of COLDi- KirfOiyely good moral - pi- inch pi es, and whore law and- order ': , prevail. Nual atrangeexperience. Services evor,, : Ifterimn nild evening until a late hour enos aro being saved at altunst oven! rneoting. Toe devil is terribly stirred, but , i ,, ry 1, e to lend, Satan's kingdom is fall,. in- and the Lord i5 havieg a new people . t i- seil up. Hallelujah l And 8 ., t, h, eeyy' ', ono. We are locking for A grand vieto. , c in this field. One mart w as Saltt. em krill) has been a hard drinker for Thor° Alan i\ verily trove yeat- s, laid is now rejme• rig m tio I. , An ti her Ypung matt cam ( hrnnvzh at the close of our erening 8er. vices on ThurAny night „ and is the bright. , est convert I ever saw. Ile n180 w ai a drinking man. Many of hers I Could men, lion but space will not allow, and time is too precious to itwoll MI t hat part or the t. a t hject. As WO walk along the stree t. Roe t- ee men gathered in Iwo. th, r'e- e s• a lnoqurs discussing tins greal question id sakiition‘ 1 t ii nj is !• utely shaking this \ vicked Vim,. We are looking for != reat t' 1' vic tory, hee,,, esi, • to has said, - \ Vhat I hingi socvor ye ( h:. sire, w I I vt i yo 1 r, ty, klipvt. that ye rseeire them 011,1 ye. shall have them. I have 1 Bro. Frey awl wife traveling with The rhoy are in I ho evenin g ight and are hay. i cy on the way. Any one wanting mettinn• in this part of the countrmy ay address the .11 the above place fart e next four orsi ‘ N• a. . ks, . ,1 Yours in the holy tsar. F., lward Siiilwill & Co, , - 14S-.% r it 1N1s m it [ trait 1. E • 1'' I ' ri" i mILA, It NIAt : T1‘, 11• 1 1;:: 1.1.1 111: 1 11111:: r e. li: t1i50a: d: nttn. report from ream;; the tins' tie Pennsylvania that Aldo', is on ths Lord's side. Pr. 11111 cep is r. lling awa y in great elnds, anti, mitts are flocki ng to J. us. Frlim St. Petershltrgh w e with dear knit her :\ 1 MI, • tiated for Ewing, Ann. - an ny. r Co. to el mononce meeting in a hall at 0- 1,;: ord Iwo miles north o1 Ewing. But after out arrival we ■ vvrt , informed that the hall was shut agaiie- 1 118. Welonked to God for wisdom --•; Lis, 1: 5, And the et n t h, voice id" , it , ,: us said, Cm immence met, ing in private honse.:, % Odell we did in time nameid' Jesus. I lid 1 two meetings, then t he brethren gol ( he old stortlion below • Ike hall, \ Odell had been N- arant for wine hue. They cmoemnt' d sealing it wIth pow( kr h„ gs, s tore ho\,,. 1,, 1/( 1 Coney boarilg, II illetujah to Jesus; Friday, .\ tar4 tilt we ' culls to the tront will) the t iospel in hind, and in nix souls, which enahleaN o preatli to a large congregai ion of attn.- - live listeners. Ott Saturday sister It E, ' rink came from 1' it tO, urg anti enlistPtlin I I l ie great battle, Father gave us 3 glori- ' us meeting that evenitur. and on Situaily I In- rning heaven . e4‘ ined to open, Tito I ' p l ay, r or ( roil can to dir. I'll and shook time I platy from ono elk] to the other. After I the afternoon meeting t as we bad- coma . In stay all day) some of tln, gentlemen to . whom the hall belonged eaem to usand said mind A o could have the hall for the even- - ing meeting. We thanked them very • kindly for the same. moving our cannons I CrOM the lower to the upper room. At 7. I 30 P. ll. the hall was tilled to the inmost [ capacity, We came to the front afamand ' sent another volley of god'seternaltruth , 111) 011 them wit II grod effect. ( haiku ' Dui raised her hand for prayer. On . s e. ' count of my I ealth I had to leave the deg I onES and take a rest for a few days. Lear-in:, brat hers .1Iartz and ( 1 . AV. Koonre to ' 1 cold the fort, while wife and I, sister Ii, ' E. Fink and M M. 81tellhanoner took train on Monday morn ne., the latter going to ' their homes. AVe visited our Father and ' Mother for live days, ti turning , home OH ' Saturday. Sunday tut riling at weetiug ' one dear soul - was saved in her seat during the ine e tin:,. Sheshouted the high prai6es ',. of the God she had found, Monday with , Bro. Martz., . sister B.- E. Fink, and tentin• oet: of saints Wet took trRin for Perryville, : Which is i 44 wile eat of Parker, to hold I meeting in a private house. The house - was well filled, and good. order prevailed. * The power of God came down, and shout ' after shout went up, and souls tell at the feet ofiesus. Hallelujah I God has Piaui. ed a nice little church of six in that place. full of fire. The prospect is that there will be a greater m ork done hi the near future. The Lord willing we start for Mariasvillo : 1 Ittreh. I ) i Ii to hold up Jesus. Jim. 12:;.)-. 1. Dear ones. il • ay much tor ni. - Your humble Bro. and sister. - ''• J. A. d A. J. Dillon. . , AVymortE, NEU. Mitteu 1,1x91 I.) tart BliurnitEN: --- God bless you. - It if; wonderful how God lc ads and cares for Ilis Church, while the devil is raging. Pills') His holy name l • God is working hereilve others under conviction. - rtaY.:- unotilied, for us. - Dearly belovixt Bro. Juno 01; 0 .,. . .,. dear for Christ now. I tun stripped for the rare. I have died to the world, the . opinions of people, its vanities and show. dC Henceforth 1 live, and yet hot I but Christ liveth in me," and whatsoever I do, I do all to the glory of GA. God is call-ing me daily to go out into the field to work for Him. my heart is burdened for dying souls all about me. The harvestis great in this city, and God is honoring the work that the little heed. of workera is do-ing. Souls are beine saved. Praise God I am glad I am saved. Jesus is mine and I am His. Glory be to God Yours . fel Christ. Mrs. May E. Frey. y ster - ay morning all the way from Iowa. • to labor with me for God _ Reports good work opcned in Iowa, where we perhaps will go soon • to finish the work in righteous-lees, We found nothing promising here but God is fulfilling Ma pro misc. Praise God! , Yours saved. G. R. A chor. I asked him about the spiritual state of their meeting. He replied : " We do not have, any More good meetings," and went on to state that every thing wae deadewith-out one ray of life or light. This poor In-dian felt the need of more spiritual food than the Feets were giving him. When I knelt in prayer with him he , buried his face in hia fiends. I could see that he was deeply touched. I dist ributed quite at slumber of , Trumpets and- Shining Lights among them. They seemed to be quite eager for them. The sectarian preachers seem to be holding the people in as much darkness as possible. Sister Armstead who had lost the blessing of sanctification, was enabled lo make a• eomplete cons- era-tion and thus received the experience of that glorious work in her soul nein . Two _ were lasaptiekand a general interest was being manifested when we had to close the meeting; The last night of the meeting quite a number of unsaved persons rose to their feet for prayers. Tho people Seem-ed to be: iery anxious for us to stay longer. This we could- net do as eur time was Um-ited. Meetings in the Ter. are needed very muchs - a- i- id7iv- eTe- ers- ure that tabernacle work and grove meetings would be highly appreciated by the people, and much good could betaceompliehed in the salvation of precious - souls. := Many were the requests for us to comeback and hold grove meet-ings for them this coming summer. I am in the hands of the- Lord to go wherever. He leads, and ant ready to labor in that country if it is God's will. Help is need-ed, some bentlier filled With the Holy Ghost to ne there will need indeed a deep con secretion, perhaps more so than to labor in the states as there will be all kinds of inconveniences to meet. But in the face of all this who will be a missionary to the Indian Territory? Your Bro in Jesus. Marlin CO. Id. on the 28th, sh Obtained oalsa ly paper, just wh a t we believe it ought to _ amiessomr4 PELHAM, Orr, MARCH 9,1891. CO. LUMBIA* VITY, IND. MAR. 10, 1891. haVe US for the spread of the Gospel ll do not , DEAR SAINTS:—" Grace be_ unto you and DEAR SAINTS: — This mOrnincr finds us think the saints ought to depend f n us en-peace, from God our Father and from our tirely to take subscribers and work for the 1 _+ o++_ ALTONA, IND. MARCH 20, 1891. Nati TRUMPET RhiAmats:— God bless you is oar prayer. iVe are kept irom all sin and- confusion. Glory to God. forever and ever! We are at Altona yet holding the light before the people. 1 here was a good eseeting last night with wonderful vi• tory in our souls. Dear Bro. Jacobson was here . from Auburn, also Bro's. Miller and Lah-gem The people are glad to hear the Word of God. lie keeps our souls in per-fect peace. Pray for us. God bless you ale There were two down at the mercy seat. Praise the dear Lord. Marion Welch & D. P. Crors. — 0.1-- Loomis, Mune FED, 2, 1891: DEAR SAINTs:— This morning finds us about forty miles noth west of St. Louis, well in body and saved with ae ever-lasting salvation, and - with a sweeping victory in our souls over. the world the flesh and the devil. We came here to this place Jan. 31st. Had a precious meeting in the home of brother and sister McIn-tosh. Only seven in number were present, hut the King of kings was with us, and our souls were refreshed while waiting up-on the Lord. Last night we were blessed , with the privilege of preaching to a large and attentive congregation in a log school-house. 0 how our souls were filled with joy and gladness and praises to Godfor the liberty and utterance He gave us to preach truth to the people. While some of 1 _ the sectarians mockingly laughed at the truth others were benefited and quite a 1 few acknowledged that it was Gospel. 1 The Lord is my light and salvation : whom shall I fear ? The Lord is the strength of . life of whom shall I be afraid ? I n ignorant, but Jesus was made unto me " thine I am weak, but Jesua is my rent le and Ile ie able to carry me e through. 0 praise His name forever and . i •. eter ! A rum ' Ycur humble sister in Christ. Elizabeth Walter. --- ,+ ot— THE Veseltie IN TIIE TERRITORY. / eau Saints:— May t he Lord bless youl all i ht . 1' n iness . of ( h) d. . As often has * the harvest I ruly is great and trot. ar few. We were reminded of this IflUiy li le ited the Indianno the stor y. to perishin_ g so_ u ls. Ibund many rho wrre hungering and thirsting for the bread of life, whivh the sects felled tt) supply, they are dead i and following after t he wcrld. They do not want any ( we among them that has Ghoet tire about them. We any of the people sick. d twin had weather sonle of the time, we failed to re: it. h as many of them as we - desired. We had to hold meetings mostly in private housea, but we were enabled to some that had eever heard a holi-ness: sermonpr eached. and they admitted that what we preached was the truth. The! pn- Ile here haeo beeolue diegusted with They see plainly that the aye not the life nor the power of that they are living a dead ) ly profession, and that their lives are better than that of the sinners. the preachers show pl duly that about that they are after is the membership and the money. Resorting to church fairs, eel donkey shows, and various deceptions , mn order to raise it. One M. K preach- Went so far as to tell hie congregation that unless a man would turn his pecket book inside out to him ( to the preacher) he did no consider that he had any relig-iN at all. ' fling You can judge the ç seetism in the Ter. l ee for their steward to collect mcney. 1 The people aro truly hungering for Gospel preaching. I talked with a number of Indians who enied to be anxious for something better than what the sects were giving them. 1 will relate a conversation that I had with an Indian • - they regard the sects. I asked him if he ' Vas a saved man. He said, " wo : the 11 ney, money eviBry time they preach.' paper. Well many are alreedy working, that is helping to spread the Gospel by From younPro. . and- sister, saved and sanctified. J. P. & E. A. Pence. -: 0:- hearts consent to- a life of Ceaslese toil, that poor dying Men who sleep in darkness limy have light, and poor blind sinners whoare plodding their way through sin's wilderness of darkness to a devil's hell may have their eyes opened, and be turned from .- darkuess to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. We feel this morning like praising and thanking God for such consecrated souls. Amen. Then we should never fail them! And as we read the Gospel Trum- in- my experienee. Per several years I something like a cleai. idea o f the plan of over the press and in the office to send us, AUBURN', IND. MARCH 19. not only consel and encouragement which DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS:— Feb. 28th I we receive frem ministers of God in the took train for Antwerp, 0., near whin corn- precious fruits of holy hearts and lips from menced meeting the next day in the pow- a cloud of witnesses for Jesus. Our hearts er of the Spirit. Bio's Cross and Welch were made glad to see - the testimonies arrived there the same day that we did. of so many of the witnesses of Jesus They remained with us over the Sabbath, in the last number, and- several from here, - some dear coneecrated souls with V, I monies, for it is written, We are His wit-nesses,' - and a witness withent a testnneny I is not werth much. Oh, dearbrothersand sistera, if we all only knew the valee of our Otis news that God is bringing precious to them. It stirred the devil so migirtity I e eve will i professed s. to amaa gisouvls to Christ is gloriouse news to me. that th ey threatenaed to ia a whip., i weekly for God is spreading the holy fire liwdcok erido I:' nmI) ane, vebuint isfueIh Praise H p and is ho found ly name. . Lord precious forty havteo peg, also to heve me arrested, sought ut pre iee ‘ the Lord, He just kept me sweetly resign- name I We should then feel more and more i dirty business." 013, how those words went their souls. Some have been sanctifieo . e. d, kn owing that all things would work for the already almost overworked saints ! home to my heart I What conviction I - together for good. So it ended in three pre- o • f the Gs ospel Trumpet family. Yes, we Praise His holy name f, reverl The. ordie cious souls taking a decided stand forGod. o mince of bapiism Will be observed in a One Bro. A. Moreland and wife ordered should feel for them in ur hearth, and short is time. that old One sinners glorious the feature heads of of famil the - their names taken off the M. E. clas--- book that work send up our earliest prayers to God When one dear sister came to the altar He may give them strength of both body her husband gathered the -- children, weut and mind, and keep them by His power Cs wore brought to a saving knowledge home and closed the door on her, drove prepared and thoroughly furnished unto of Christ. Fathers, mothers, and children her to the woods, and ordered us never to good work, and that He may send are coining back to Father's house, where ceme across his place again, claiming I every there is bread enough and to spare ' Praise was trying to separate him and his wife. more such consecrated souls to help them. God for a salvation that saves people from Well praise the Lord I. He just wonder- Then let us feel deep down in our pockets - their sins, and causing them to make fully delivered men. me We Out of the hand Of un-reasonable returned home Mar. 3rd, and on the 7th we went to - Vincennes, Knox CO. Ind. where we met quite a num-ber of saved ones yet under the power of Free Methodism. They were full of praise and amens to every thing except when we would strike their seclism a lick with the sword. One person laid aside her cot-ke, and another her pipe and tobacco and the Lord's power was wonderfully manifest-ed in healing two dear afflicted ones. We left them - very anxious tor our return. I think there is a grand opening there for the true- Church of God to) be established. Pray God to work mightily on their hearts. We expect to return as soon as the Lord wills to stay some time. .-.::- YoUfBro. in Chriat saved, bless the Lord. We left the Wiler Lord Jesus Chr at." I am, sieging from a school- house Feb. 3rd 1891. Went to Lake full heart this morning. Saved to the Centre and commenced a meeting in the utermost, I am the Lord's. Is it not won- name of Jesus and had glorious victory for I eettingsubscribers for the Gospel Trumpet. derful, and very blessed to be His, and to the Lord. There were five converted and I Lope that all will soon talze an interest know it, to feel it in every moment of seven baptized, and more expect to be soon. and lend a helping hand in the work. We time? - Oh my Jesus is precieus to me Bro. DUrr helped in the meeting at Lake thank God that some dear saints ever sent just now! Several weeks back the dear Centre, and at present is helping Bre. Roth- a copy of the Gospel Trumpet to our home. Lord sent me to St Ann's for a meeting. ermel in a meeting at Little River, five Dear saints, in: 1y God bless us arid help us the Gospel field, I would become helpless. Bless God, didyield all into His hands, and He is wonderfully helping me. I held a meeting in Diniondale, Mich, and the Lord restored several souls. I think there will be a good. work done here. I will stay as long as the Lord wills. I have left all I in the hands of God, and I will not draw back any more. He fills me with His love, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit. I am your Bro. in Christ, saved by the blood. Amen! T. J. Cox. G. W. Cary. DERRY, KAN. WILLIAMSTON, MICH. MARCH 11, 1891. DEAR Sgesers:-- May God bless you all and keep you filled with all His fullness for Jesus sake. I am here in the name of Jesus holding meetieg. The Lord is wOrk-ing. The saints are clearing up grandly, some coming out of babylon, conviction sinners, large congregations and good order. Since I saw you, Bro. Warner, I tried to make something at my buisness, but God did not let me prosper, and came to the place where I could go no farther. My body beeame so weak that I could do nothing, and Gcd showed me that if I did not obey the call to go out in MU SKEGONM, ans 1891. May the blessing of God rest upon you all. Amen. This evening finds me saved and rejoicings in the knowledge of God, _ Having no bad report to bring, the glori- . I . ELNORA, INn. Mimi: 10, 1, i91. i testnnomes to both eaints and sinners, you DEAR SAINTS:- 1 want to say to the glo- would send them in from every part until ry Of God that I am saved and sanctified promises by faith. 1 went me near out on the Trumpet would be crowded to a week-wholly. He is moving n be; and we are praying to the Lord that, I - chool- house, and opened up fire oa the I it may soon be. as we desire it to be a week-enemy in the name of Jesus. The dear and believe it is the Lord's will We Lord helped us to preach His blessed truth', tia li it vill soon be obliged to be a it has been a very fruitful ' work, for I have a g ain, a n d desire to s a y to the sain t s here then started for Auburn, Ind. We were gwlearde tpoa rmdoeneet dt haen dd ealasro b sraentchtrifeined. Stoe vGeorda. l I whom we have toiled for Jesus, and we be-There were several cases of Diviee heal- lieve they are shining lights for the Mastar. ing. Meeting closed with a - precieue or- lGod grant that they may ever be faithful. dinance and testimony service,. The 18th, I We are- much strengthened b y ' tear broth-we took train for Auburn, and met my lee \ Venice's visit to the South. All ti e family ad begun once meeting more. Bro in a ' s. UCross nion and h meeting- I - Ii saints who heard him. aee greatly benefited, house five miles west of this place The and many of ns are praising the Lord for next evening we met with them and sending him to us. We desire th e Lord to preached the Word to the people; Two ! send us more help soon, and send him cane to the altar. April 2nd we expect back to us again this fall. I hope the to go to Brushy Prairie, Ind., thence to I saints will continue to send in their testi- Angola, Ind., Antwerp, O., and Woodburn, Ind. Pray for us. in HLiEt1i. F. N. & S. A. Jacobson. not in the blessed sense of lseing peculiar-ly the Lord's. Bat I found them a people where one needs to act upon - the ords of our Lord: " Be ye therefore as wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Not that I have failed to declare unto the the whole counsel of God, but nearly every where else I have found people who bad salvation, but here it has been different, and I found them in no condition to re-ceive advanced teaching but had to begin with them at the very A B C's and now they are . tössed between the teaching they have always had and these new things so strangely different. One backslider took a new start, and two, a man and . his wife, started for the first time. These do not sound like great results, from a work of more than two weeks, and yet I feel that left many of the people restless and dis-satisfied with the sect religion which satis-fled them before, and desiring. yea hunger-ing after such a salvation as Jesus has giv-en me. I am to go back as st on as the roads are settled, so that people can get to and from the meetings; and then in ad-dition to the evening meeting, shall have an afternoon Bible study for such as can get out, and I hope to win many from bab-ylon to Jesus. Pray especially for ' the people theie- and for me, that the dear Master will keep me humble, low at His feet, and that He will give me wherever I go, souls for my hire. Your sister saved and kept. May R. Peck. different parts of His vineymelbut also th e pl ac e we met with the church and co-pet, each nuMber should remind es Of the lived a cold formal life in a popular chnrch, tired bands and devoted hearts that toil - but when God. converted my soul, I came Oat from among them, and jeined myself with a compapy. who indeed were filled with the Spirit Abont aix months ago,- I - felt the need ofa deeper work grace of in my heart, and eought for the blessing of - holi- . ness but when I saw in order to obtain a clean heaet, would be _ requiredtto off my style ef dressing, and the orna-ments I had always worn, and also give up my bueinesse which was at that time - cigar making, no, Lord. I will not: I will not make myeelf a laugh in g stock to thy fidendieby wearing straight up and down dreesees. and a bare hat . with only a band of ribbon areund it. And I Went - so far as do shamefully ridicule people who did dress in that . plain way. I also saw that I would beobliged to give up the one ath-bition of my life; tliat of being a pub: is . siuger. My Object in . working in the ci-gar factory, was to earn _ money to buy a piano, and further cultivate my voice. But deter be to God! how He did con-found my ways. Ged moves in a myets ri-oils way sometimes', but Ire moves, and. this tiMe He massed an an unconverted lu au t. who sat nest to Me at the shop, to talk to me And say thin gs that sunk down deep in mySoul as nothing ever had be-ibre, and turned me " right about face." and - set , aoing for God With all my soul. Had the same words caree„ th me through a minister of the Gospeleor a friend I should not have heeded them. He said to me, '- If vou are a Christian Why eit here working for the devil? - ff, you belong, to Goa, why - are yOu doing the devil's work ? He says, 175 SUSQ. ST. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. To Tee READERS OF THE praise God this morning for a full salva-tion that s a ves to the utternsest. Jesus says: - " Ye have pot chosen me, but 1 to pray God's bleseing day by day upon I have chosen thee." Truly, it has been so with food and and heme, confirming the strong, supporting the weak, and calling sinners to God. And last week it came to us with a supplement Which is evidence of an increase of business and success ofthe truth of God. it also calls our attention anew to the dear sainted hearts, hands, and souls who have left all, for Jesus, and are toiling against the tide of persecution and babylonish confusion for Got and true Bible iholiness. We first should turn our eyes to Heaven and thank God for such Clnistians who can give all f worldly desires for gain worldly & intent honor and all hopes of you in our. prayers. Pray for use raiment, and with Willing bands and glad - Your Bro. mid sistere aved and Bondi-fled and under the blood, W. W. & N. J. Bradley. C 3 7i' 1TED UNTO Ta g LÔRD. - - - tl land Glery to His holv Christian, youwOuld - not catch me at this me. The meetings have closed, but the work goes on, and pew fields are opening. Oh truly, the harvest is great end the la borers are few! Let us cry mightily to God that He will send mole. laborers into the field. Let our prayers ascend tee hill neat Chelsea to show about how o - the Lord as one prayer. With this one purpose in view many precious souls would be saved who are going headlong , to I ethodists have ' my name upon the class despair. It seems to me. oil times that ha 1 e- 04. I wanted them to take it off but i We are not. as deeply interested in our they would not d ' t i neighbor's eternal welfare as we are about - 4- not- h nve any religiOn, and make no . and have chosen ' t ora1 ththiings-. Let, ns work while tee day lasts; for the night of deeth wall come when no man ran work. Preteesion, 1111 they Want is on ey It • Your Fleo, eared in Christ. is eaa s . W. B. era iright wherein they have wronged anyone. I his truly has been a glorious winter to had then there. I tried to roll another ci-nganre., ebrust. cIo buuldrs nt oint, t iot steeaemrse, da ntod bguartnh emr- y ing my hat and coat I left the shop, and praise God, have not been there since. I consecrated mySelf to God, soul and body, time, talents, and voice to be used for His glory. my heart became greatly burdened at once for the young man who reproved me, and_ since then he has been seekine God with all his heart, he and his honee-for them, and as the Lord has prospered let each one according 1161d. All my stylish dressing was soon es aie several a_ leaven up, with my jewels- and feathere. 11‘ I- st wedding ring was the last given up. bility do all we can for them. Dear sain- tBs. u t elorv be to God, I count nothing too while sonie of us are too poor to give money we can do what we can for the circulation of the paper by potting ourselves to a lit-tle trouble for Jesus, who bore . so much for we We can get others to take the paper, which will prove a blessing to them, and to the cause of Christ, a help. The Lord, no doubt, will bless you for your labor, for He that said, go into my vineyard and work and whatsoever is right that I will give you, is true to His promise. And while we who are toiling as ministers of the Gospel ought o do ail we can le , get. subscribers and work in every way the I., ord would The people there are a peculiar people, miles east of Huntington, ever to do all we can for lost souls to lead them to Jesus. Amen. Well let pray, and toil fo• r Jesus. Pray that the Lord may grant us the press and whatever is needed to carry on His good work. I am Pers31, Miss. ready to do all I can for Jesus. I am God bless the Gospel Trumpet. ever poor and have been sick nearly all winter, receive it as a messenger of mercy sent but glory be to Jesus He has restored me of God, fraught; with making words glad of Our truth hearts and encou t° health. am in the work of the Lord ragement who are writing to us from the different. parts ofthe country fel- help that I am willing and even anxious to go to them, but those desiring us to come will have to help me, that is pay my way; for I have given up all - for Jesus, - and ext- est to give my all to - Him Having been afflicted also, my means to travel on are very lim-ited. I am so thankful to _ hear that in spite of the powers of darkness the truth i$ gaining ground. 0 glory to God forever and ever ! Amen. Ged bless you and help you, dear saints. We will ever re- ' who was holding meeting in the hall at1 this place, for I was determined to the Word of God in all things. He came Oliver P. Allen. — § 11- 11 § — tof-to souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faith-ful Cie toW- 1 Pet. 4: 19. Father has three holy lamps in this place, and glory be to Jesus, He lreeps them burning, and I believe in due time He will send' Isis reapers. Oh,- pray to God that He will keep us firm. Your sister saved, sanctified and kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation, reader to be revealed in the last time. Glory be to Jesus Clara A. Kinney. from the love of God. I did & silo to meet some of the brethren in a meeting, hut it looks lire the way will'net submit, but as soon as the Lord prospers me, Twill hope to see some of • you soon.' I remain Your Bro. • iii the Lord.` Pray for. me. that may be strong in the Lord, sanctified wholly: ' David Comer. . BATTLE CREEK, MICH, DEAR SAINTS:- 1 ampraising God for real Bible salvation; cle inset' from all sin and sanctified wholly. I am so glad that He that dwells in us is greater than he that is in the world for if we love the world, the lave of the Fa Other/Unknown Material sami PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Aen ENVELOPE(9.750,9.750,62.983,62.983) Awl ENVELOPE(-60.633,-60.633,-63.867,-63.867) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Battle Creek ENVELOPE(-138.303,-138.303,62.698,62.698) Bor ENVELOPE(126.850,126.850,61.750,61.750) Brat ENVELOPE(152.417,152.417,66.967,66.967) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Dent ENVELOPE(140.050,140.050,-66.649,-66.649) Dillon ENVELOPE(-108.935,-108.935,55.933,55.933) Eiger ENVELOPE(-21.000,-21.000,74.433,74.433) Elven ENVELOPE(13.942,13.942,66.979,66.979) Ewing ENVELOPE(-61.257,-61.257,-69.924,-69.924) Fid ENVELOPE(-65.939,-65.939,-68.664,-68.664) Gar’ ENVELOPE(162.014,162.014,57.140,57.140) Grim ENVELOPE(-64.486,-64.486,-65.379,-65.379) Heg ENVELOPE(166.750,166.750,-72.950,-72.950) Huntington ENVELOPE(-127.078,-127.078,54.707,54.707) Indian Little River ENVELOPE(-135.687,-135.687,60.894,60.894) Lone ENVELOPE(11.982,11.982,65.105,65.105) Meek ENVELOPE(-64.246,-64.246,-65.246,-65.246) Munson ENVELOPE(-174.433,-174.433,-84.800,-84.800) Myers ENVELOPE(170.033,170.033,-72.117,-72.117) Ner ENVELOPE(6.622,6.622,62.612,62.612) Nev ENVELOPE(-6.623,-6.623,62.108,62.108) Otis ENVELOPE(-136.217,-136.217,-75.083,-75.083) Pew ENVELOPE(169.183,169.183,-72.317,-72.317) Psi ENVELOPE(-63.000,-63.000,-64.300,-64.300) Rho ENVELOPE(-63.000,-63.000,-64.300,-64.300) Rif ENVELOPE(-16.172,-16.172,66.526,66.526) Satis ENVELOPE(150.291,150.291,62.313,62.313) Saunders ENVELOPE(-45.316,-45.316,-60.700,-60.700) St. Louis ENVELOPE(-67.496,-67.496,-67.132,-67.132) Stella ENVELOPE(-64.254,-64.254,-65.249,-65.249) Tay ENVELOPE(-55.750,-55.750,-63.367,-63.367) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) Ure ENVELOPE(13.733,13.733,68.100,68.100)