The Gospel Trumpet - 10:11

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 And he said um, to me, Irleatseesi thou? Amt I answer. ed; I see a / lying roll. eveTrhye no nsea itdh ahte s ucnetaole mtba, shall be cut oZ on this tide according to it; and every o...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1890
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record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 10:11
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 And he said um, to me, Irleatseesi thou? Amt I answer. ed; I see a / lying roll. eveTrhye no nsea itdh ahte s ucnetaole mtba, shall be cut oZ on this tide according to it; and every one that sweareth sisdhea allc hcoe rcduint go- f tt oa aI tt. h Iat; twheil lL borridn go fI th ofostrst, h, Baia ecb. , — the Icr1 Go. 18h ,111 B LO ifs lac 7 R & : IT I" g7 and go with rhirlirinds FIRST T/ ICE" Men. Ile. e out of the midst of Babylon, s' and deliver every man his soul : he._.,. t-_-_-. 1,_,._ not cut off in her iniquity; for this is _ ., 140- the time of the Lord's vengeance-, he. , ri : NY for the d Will render unto her a recompense. •. o Li e ____.„. .- And the lanTi shall tremble and sop- .‘ l' e row: for every purpose of the Lord -,- , shalr be perrwrned avonst, habylon,.- In make tiletand Of babyton a deso-lation without AD inhabitant.— Jer 51: 0,24,- The board is neither wood, nor stone, ' Tie made of faithand love; No Judas, chair can there be found, Our bread is from above. thr'st Jesus is the bread of life, New life to all He gives, Who eat and drink. as He provides, And fcr the Master lives. A thousand years are as one day, And space the same with God, His table reaches everywhere,. He feeds eachs child- abroad: He owns and claims- His little ones, Tho' foes may interfere, With mighty pow• r He overrules, And takes from death all fear. 0l that the world. could, understand The goodness of our Lord, His power and willingness to saVee All who believe Hie Word. By Emma ° estop. TF2E- BRED OD DIRE. - epee In love, eae, b. day, God's children meet Around one sacred boerd, And eat, as from a father's hau l , . At the table of the Lord. THE THESS 11,01` 1- 11N BRET IIREN. - tot— 171• , C: uLaiati the Apostle Paul wee writing to the brethren at Thessalonica he spoke highly of the justified life they were living and exhorted them on to a sanctified experience. The life that these justified . _ brethren were living is far above the life and . experience of many who profess to be sanc-tified in these days. And sneh persons would do well to give the life of these Thessalonian brethren a careful study. Those who claim to be justified - and ate living far beneath their privileges would undoubtedly be able to: see that; they are not living up to a full standard- of a sancti- , fied life. If you: aretlieréfo re not living and walking up: to all the light you have--- ina: a; s. ustified experience, how can you expect to enter a sanctified. experience ? for the Lord will not give us more light until we walk up to that we already , have. These be-loved brethren were not yet sanctified ? still the Apostle was, so rejoiced over them that he was led to give thanks to God. for them all because of their steadfastness of faith and joy in the Holy Ghost. The . A7 Peelle made mention of- them in his pray-ers, an example that every follower of the Lord should be careful to observe, and pray for one another and especially those that are weak in the faith. He remembered al-so without ceasing, their work of faith, and • labor of love, and patience of hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.- 1 Thess. 1; 1, 2. These brethren did not sit down with folded hands upon the stool of do- nothing, but they manifested the fruits of the Spirit in their lives, first by work of faith, by la-bor of love, and the patient hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. They were pot faithless. Many who - claim to b3 regenerated, and e-. yen some who think- they are sanctified, are so destitute of faith. that they live in one constant strain of doubts and fears. If they ever had faith given to them they have so abused the use of it that it is entirely taken away from them, and they aiasleft to pur-sue their dead empty profession without either life or true hope in the Lord unless they repent. But not se with these breth ren, for they were alive and proving it'by . t. heir works of faith, cand labors of love 7 1 - 7 ''. T- CheY were not afraid to do a little work fo - the Lord, manifesting patience which is one of the fruits especially commanded of the christian. Patient in tribulation. In all the littlepetty trials and vexations ofevery day life and duty there is need of patience; and if there is a lacking of thin one thing needful it is sure proof that there is some-thing wrong somewhere. Not only did they show forth the fruits of the Spirit, but the Apostle calls them brethren, beloved, and spoke of their election of God. ver. 4. And that the gospel cane unto them in - power, and in the He ly Ghoste and in much assurance. ver. 5. They - did not need-, to, guess at their salvation, for it was given unto them in power: - They had a definite experience, and, divirle; assurance that their sins were forgiver- la Ye became followers of us, and of the Lord havin g received the W ord in inueltafflictien with joy- in the Iloly Ghost.--- ver. ( 3. : They had affliction and persecutien - as Al. God's: childrenhave,- And - which no tree se, while pursuing such a course toward your Bro.? would you be in a condition to re-ceive the bright beams of heaven's light. when his branch is yet tender, and should they flash across your pathway ? puttetb forth - leaves, re' know that Would your heart be ready to receive divine summer is nigh. So likewise ye when j e shall see all thcse b ing illumination? No. You would not MC-kaonoorws. " t- h- 1a1tn ittt . i s1 8n: 2e4a3r3,. even at the ognize the light. All tins spirit of bigotry •• A nd lie shall 1501W Ills angels wit a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together IIis elect from the four wi nds. from one end of heav en to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; Grand Junction, Mich., June 9, 1890. Yo2ume 10, Number I f . and - intolerance must be taken away, and late to assure ourselves, that Christ is abid-ingin our hearts by faith. ' If we compare ourselves with the great moral standard, we shall under- standwhat our OW11 defects of character, are but whatever our defects and short comings, we should not be diseoure aged. We most see ollf sins, ana put them awayofor Christ cannot abide in a divided heartSeme of Our greatest siiiS which sepa-rate - our souls from God, are unbelief and hardness of hearh Why is it that we are so unbilieving, unimpi essible ? the reason for Of God and man, when we accuse our breth-it is, w e are with self cenceit ren, for satin Wits accuser of the breth-we receive filled some lled token of God's blessings Iren. site bear false witness when - we add We take it as a guarantee that we are all I a b little to our brother's words, and - give right , and when re proof comes we ssaay: them a false coloring, and in the sight of knoW that God has- accepted Me, for He has blessed me and I will not accept this 1 .: reproof," What a terrible condition we would! we- are on the side of him who hates, de - stroys, and tears down the cause of truth. CHRIST THE S fAND AR a the meekness and lowliness of Christ must take its place before the Spirit of God can charge thee therefore before God, and impress your minds with divine truth We ( he Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge should come right down to the root of the the quick and the dead at His appearing Matter presented, and should not be in a and kingdom. Preach the Word, passion where we have no love for our Bro. bb e insiintseaasonn, outt of cairn; because Ins ideas differ from our views. If reprove, rebuke, exhort with all bangs/ I a: you do take - tins position, you say by your fering and doctrine. Tim. 4: 1,2. I feel action that your own opinion is perfec-thankful that it is the privilege of every i tion, and your brother's erroneous. When one to tear every idol from them , and ' a doctrine is presented that does not meet th ank-and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. I am ank- our minds we should go to the Word of fur that it is not too late, for Wrongs to be God, flee to the lord in prayer, give DO righted. It is not too late to examine our room for the enemy to come in with suspicion own hearts, and prove ourselves whether and prejudice; and never permit the spirit we are inthe faith or no t. It is not too to be manifested that arraigned the priests and rulers against the Redeemer of the world. The Lord sends light among us to prove of what manner of spirit we are. We are not to deceive ourselves; when any-thing comes to: our attention that we do not understand, wekneel down and ask God to - give us the right position, and then we can come to a right understanding, and see eye to eye. If we only understand the evil of this spirit of intolerance, how we would shun it. We join ourselves to the enemy God, we are not doers, but transgressors of the law. We are not on the Lord's side; child of God can escape. Jesus teaches us exhort you by: the Lord Jesus that as ye that our 11a/ ilea will be. cast out as - evil have received, of us how ydronght to walk but these brethren were not ' followers of and to please God so - ye: . warnid. abound Paul as a• man to build a sect and formulate more and inore.-- 4:: 17- 3-.-. eTbo had been a creed, as men of modern times have and ahounding in the Work and grace of God, are, seeking to do. Paul did not seek to but they were to abound still More. They get to himself a great name, or to build for had. received grace but there Was a greater himself a kingdom. but sought to glorify grace for them.: - After exho. rting them to. God in 1,11e salvation of precious souls. abound still more hetells them:, For this is Hew different from the sectarian priests of the will of God even your. sanctification. to- day. They were also examples to all Thus showing- that they were only justified that believe in Macedonia, and Achai; for They had received only- one work of grace from them sounded out the work of the and the Apostle urges them ore to the sec- Lord not only in Macedonia, and Achai, bnt ond. for God has not called b$ unto un-also in every place yourfaith to god.- •, vard ! Cleannees but unte. ver. 7. After is spread abroad. so tint we need not this. exhortation and urging unto sanctifi-speak any things- yen 7, 8. What an in-' cation, lie gives some general direction and & tepee. What a p_ ower these Christians at • instruction eoncerning brotherly love, touch- Thessaloinca wielded ) and aass v., e t they were ! in, g upon th e - késurree , tio. n. and the corniinngg not sanctified; but they were samples to all of the Jodgment.- 4: 943.- :- Tri. 5: 1- 12 he that believed, in the regions round about. ,' gives exhortation, and admonition concern- Theyswere not quiet about their religion. ling the walk of the brethren in every day They did not try to hide it under a bushel life, coming back again to the profession of as many of the modern Christians do, who the real possessiOn- 16- 21. : Rejoice ever smother and co- irer up the truth that it may more, pray without ceasing, in every thing not be seen, but sounded or shouted. it out, give thanks, quench not- theSPirit, despise so that they were heard- of in every place; not prophesying, abstain fro all appear-and their faith and works showed to all that ' ante of evil, and- the - ver-- y :' --- rod of peace they were followers of God in deed, and ' sanctify you wholly. Now if. these breth-troth.; in so much that the Apostle did •! r- eIri were sanctifiedin regeneration why did not need to speak about them- to bring to : the Apostle frequently urge them on to i notice. . And when they were heard. • from this blessed experience. And why did he th., ey were not quarreling and fighting a- i pray for - them to be sanctified if they had I mons- themselves as did the Corinthians.- received it when cefrverted? H' The facts are _ •,. . . 3, chap. but were living in a high justified ithese: we have seen firs t ,--- 4.1jo: they had. state which fie One need to be ashamed to That they had all the -' - -: the - Spirit, be in if the Lord did not bless us! ' W e B , i live. el manoy who profess be and being justiifed - 14 folthAiey had peace must study the pattern character the' We should pray for one another instead of sanctitiecIdo not live in such a` degree of with God. They. WeresaVed9ay the wash- Lord has given us. If we have a. garment I drawing trutleabiacipesalitn Chreisltv-. h Ionkielei psisthtehe- a spiritualexperience as these justified breth- Mg of regeneratioU":::: 144411V4Straight for- to cut, we study the pattern. And in the Tlaove oof i" ren lived. hAnd dear reader if your 1 life ward justified liveS:; glorifyiU4GodiU their Christian life, we must give up our awe. God perfected. We should be ready to ac-does rofeesien they Rauh givesalacre of these brethren - you -.: bad. ' rot hate: And that was . hoShOsss bi. - sane- tern. : But inetead of this, W not come up Sto the , sta. ndard that works. ' We see secondly _,.? 4*- t.,- they did idea and plans, and go according to the pat- ., . . . n. e. . , we Iver1 awayI it- does not come through the channel firm retePiatta. liygehotIfnre- aminstt. 4eoadd forforinvj ' elevthiantireviterbescoauurcsee better ' quit your p and get: deWn Up- tification. If th had ' been' sanctified from the pattern. We ' should not be full i on your knees and get the rreeaal possession of Paul would yot have told them that they ef self eit; ww me ust say . as did John: 1 w• hich we expected it. When Jesus open . . ed the Word of God at Nazareth and read this life hu your souls then you can livenuld were yet lacking. For he desired to per- He must increase, but I must decrease. The not before. Then you Will have power feet that which was lacking. Sinners are more you study and copy the pattern, thew Iansadiact'eslparreodpliteheayt o if tlimwi- saas wor an d mission, with God in elaimilig the promises He has called unto repentance, but brethren were less confidence you will have in self. Ho stshioeliir' given us, and power with men in leading called, exhorted and urged unto holiness. the enemy has brought his own spirit into a , hearing they began to doubt and question. them in the way of life. i Had they been sanetified he would not have our work, we do not love one another as this H is not mother etilie c acllaaerrdpp eelnniaterrry'' ss? The Apostle was led to give thanks to told them that “ this is the will of Gods' Christ hath enjoined ripen us, because we Us2011:? Tissuaei dt: God because of their accepting the Word speaking in the present tense, had it been do not love Christ. If your- track is crossed And His brethren, James, and Joses, and . nch he liad preached unto them. For in the past he would have said it Was the in any Way, if any one differs in opinion are wi Simon and Judas? And His sisters, this- cause - thank we God without ceasing will of God, instead of it is the will of God. from you, then in place of feeling humility they not all with us? Whence then kith because when yee receive the Word of God He also would not have prayed, ' " and _ the of mind, in place of carrying your burden to this man all these things? And they were know off tha offended in Him; they did not expect which ye heard of us, ye received it not . as very God of peace sanctify you wholly." Christ, and asking Him for wisdom and it light from Him, and they rejected the the word of men, but as it- is in until the Thee- we find t sanctification Waetaught light to k what is truth, you withdraw Wora of God, which effectually worketh in to the Thessalonian brethren as a second, f ° al him, and are tempted to present message of God. When he who had been you that beleive. I -- and definite work from regeneration, and your brother's views in a false light, that born blind, received his sight, and came to are again called brethren.- 2: 13, that it is a present experience. - It is not they shall not have influence. We know they They the pharisees and told them of Jesus, 14. This is the second time the apostle to be put off until death as some teach, but that this manner of spirit is not of God no said. " Thou west altogether born in sin , them brethren. And they also be- the consecration can be made now, and the matter by whom it is manifested. When and dost him out." cast calls thou They teach settled us? the mselves and emselves they came the followers of the churches of God; believer at once obtain the blessed, and views are presented that do not seem in n un-belief, ill rejection of Christ, though they not of the eeets and division- which is con- rich experience. This blessing is-, given to harmony _ with your own, it should drive trary to the Word of God. For the third us by the Idoly Ghost. We can - not buy it, yea to study your Bible, and investigate it pmraccfiedsesdedutsotobellieovvee loin]. egocal Gh : i. If you - time the Apostlecalls them brethren, and see Acts 8: 18- 21. We can- not climb up te. see if you yourself hold the right posi- n o t d- liasf coym-desires to coe unto them again, bid satan to it we eau do nothing by which We lion on the subject. That another holds a see defects in a brother, do not say e: before r eI h3a, vo el hhindered. The devil often itries to inea lcr may meriit it.; all - we can do is to ask and different opinion, should not stir up the lost all confidence in Him, b G you trod work through . sinners, backsliders, receive. Dear soul is this asking too much? very worst traits of our nature; when have done your whole duty. Have you dead proe ssor s, bat the Lord moves in simply asking for what God has promised see your case as it stands before God, any right to speak in that to another? and will have : different ' ideas _ in regard The scripture commands us to build one His own way: to aceoMplish His own won. i. to give us. After having cast yourself up- you The Apostle thought it best to stop at Atli- on Elim and trusting Him for the pardon of to your own defects of character than you another up in the most holy faith. We are ens and sent Timotheus to the brethren to your sins do you think it too much to ask now have. You should love your Bro., to be holy in all manner of conversation. and. sayeI am willing to investigate your Are your minds broad enough to take in all establish thme• -- 3:-- 1- 01. Thus we fine Hire for the ‘, filllness of the blessieg - of the : veiws. - Let us come right to the Word the circumstances, perplexities and trials tphoastt tlhe ebye wcaemree n aont xeisotuasb laibshoeudt, tahnedm. ltehset tAhe- yG toos apsekl oafn dC hrericseti? v'' e I" t ailsl ythoeu fru lplrniveislse goef tahned n percoevssei twy hoaf ts iesa r& chnitnhg. tWhee s csrhipotuulrde sf feoerl of the brother you have condemned? They ld be tempted above that they were God:' Do you know that you _ are living ourselves. We should study God's word have lost the love of God out of their hearts;' shou hear able to bear, and ssent to know their faith up do all the light you have ? Then do not until we know our foundation is on the sole but they think they have a spirit of discern. a and was much conribited When Timothy be turned about; stepping out entirely up- idrock. We should dig for the gems of judgment; m ent; theybtthitinIcthiteyis tslriieoi 71 dt 0 pprerrpooennuootuunce truth. We are to test every man's doctrine returned with good ti ding from them•' on 03iNIPOTIENT and receiving all that He by the law and the testimony; for, says their error, and turn away from sin. Peter Although they were not sanctified, 3- et has in store for You; for it is yours, and the prophet, if they speak not according to asked of the Lord Concernino. JohnatLord and Timothy had good news to bring to Paul. yet dishonor Him by not receiving What Allis Word, it is because there is no light in • e g He Offers to giVe yen. them. Joh He n saya, he that saith, I know what shall this man do? and Jesus answer-did not find them diaputing • amen theniselves, back- biting, fault4i nding, be- - It is easy. to lead christians : unto this. Him, and keePeth not His commandments, ed, what is that to thee? follow thou me. is a liar, and the truth is not in sum. Those We arote follow the example. A flood of c. oeemlsi nmg attetlelresr, s bauntd f obuunsyd-' b tohdemies w . a1l3k1in ogt hoer- r fbolre stsheedm l, i fleik, efo tnhteh ePys awlmanstt atlhl etihra sto Gulosd p hanast tWurhne _ acwlaaiym t htoe ihra evaer lfirgohmt f hroeamri nGgo dth aev tirduyteht libghe tp suht ianwesa yu pfoonr ujesa alondu sayll . ijse acloruuesyl - s haosu tlhde deify and brought good tidings of their faith for the living God as the_ hart for i the wa- are under great deception. Saystresus, wIrleo-nd charity. Para desired to see libel. grave. Purge out the old leaven; for a lit- ' a ter brook. They are not fighting God's soever shall keep the whole law, - and yet e face I in Word to see how mech. of it they . can lay offend in oncapcint, he is guilty of all. It the leaven leaveneth the whole lump; let us and to perfect that which was lackUlg aside and not obey; but delight- thenaselves is vain for us to think that we are prepared have our hearts sanctified to God, let us I their faithe- ver. 10., although the Apostle for the finishing touch of s in need- gives a glorious account of their lives here- in God and ' Ilia law. ' Opposition - never riortality, while. look upon the light that abides for us in I God alway, sf ive live in - willful- transgreasion of any of i Jesus, let us remember how forbearing and 1 alized that they wei. se still lacking the - cfroommes b kaecrkns laid terurse , a nchdi ldde oadf professorse they cGoomde's tpor uecse apntds. . p Sruespepnot sae ma abtrtoetrh teor usshoiunl da patient He was with the erring children of I ed grace- " where in they could stand." This letter already point § but the dark § .- of oppose the truth because the truth . is . not different light than wohad ever seen. it be- men. We should b. e in a * retched state if , a justified man. Read Jer. 23: - 1e- i. giving in • diem, and therefore they haveloo loge fore, should we - come together with those the God of heaven were like one of us, for it. They rejectt the light they had and who agree with us, and: make sarcastic re- treated us as we are inclined to treat fie an-- thhocw h ifgehwe slti vseta tnod tahrde olifn ea jguivateinti eind ' ltifhee,' alentd- tthheart etfhoerye, mbeigchotm bee lbielvined, , n aonr dh ewairl lt hnaett , t hseeey fmedaerkrasc, oyr t ori d'micuislree hpirse pseonsitt ihoins oidre faosr? m S ha oaourldr- oarteh enro. t Tohura nthko tuhgeh tLs, o nrdor t hhiast whaisy tsh oouurg whatsys. • ttehre. r : m Tehree.-" AWphoistttl eI mcoorne ttion ucionmg es? a. y ys; e " s, F _ uhro7t mthieg hlti gbeh sta vHeed i. s B iee ltohve elidg hlet. t us walk in weweah rmilleiae nnsetif gpelesrctat yiane gbr ti? ott Wesere: h k- i elwpei isrfdiato itmloinw : goa frt dGo - os hdei emink fHeeri nisg f ualild o af bcuomndpaanssti oinn atennd dloevr em, loerncgy- s. uIffs' Ii withelandin g the glorious . life they were -. ' Yont- Bre. in love. ' we hat the lOeVyee of Jesus, - we Shall love living there wee more to follow. I: Forthela. - - . Q. 17% 7. Carpy. counse ll of heaven, would you* think you more, then we beseech you breth err.:. an. d_. . ,. D. ka. t. r.: v. Irate. :- 1:-• were, keeping the ccaninandinents ef- God ( Cantitwed On 4th page) SONGS OF VICTORY. FOURTH EDITION. . PRICE, Cloth, . . . . $ 0.50. $ 0.30. Per dozen, $ 3.00 & $ 4.80. THE SABBATH TRACT. THE SABBATH, — . OR:— 11/ 711C11 alY 70 KEEP. .1B LE Freels that the change from Lp the seventh,, to t first day of the week, was made by the L9rd Himself. This tract contains 64 pages : the price is duced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $ 1.00. THE AGE TO COME, AND MILLENNIUM TRADITION, Refuted by the indpired Word of God. Single copy, . . 10 cts. Price Per. dozen. . . SO 4' Per. hundred . 5.00: REFERENCE AND - PRONOUNCING TESTAMENTS. As persons have frequently wr: tten to us for Bibles TeAaments, we have purchased a few New Tes, tame its w: th. the ReferencPs in figures, din- ally un-der the ver. ie refered t which is very convenient. It also contains a key to- the principies of - prow / ncia-tion and has a Dictionary, and Gazetteer of 17 pages. ( Sheep- skin cover,.$ 1.00. Price, postage paid, Embossed _ " . • . $ 1.95. ( Embossed gilt, THE BIBLE READINGS BY Bra's Kilpatrick and Speck, is now read. y to . Send out. It is a veiy thorough work giving the Bible readings or refer-ences on about 100 subjects. Single copy. . . . $ .75 Per half Doz. . .3.30 Doz. . . . . . . . . . 6.00 ADDRESS:— GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. - LIST . OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED. iv. G. Schell. S. E. Fairchild Carrie Hitchcock. Mrs. John Ham, Matthew & Tillie Kerr. Isaac Cox. S. W. M artin. Wm Martin. S. C. Stead. M. E. Farrah. Robert Duff, W F. Wright, L. Haynes, D. Lytle. James Pinson. J. C. Myers. Jonathan Rodger-, M. M Copeland. Lewis Basore. F. Longerhone. A. C. Bigler, Camp and Grove Mooting Litt. BANGOR CAMP MEETING. This animal feast will be held on the old camp gronnd June 10 - 18. No new audi-torium will- be erected but 1, and perhaps 2 large canvas pas- Miens will be pitched on the ground so as to accommodate the large concourse ofpeople that crime On sabbatlawith preaching from 2 or 3 stands. Let all the holy saints, and such as wish lo. seek God come from far and near. Better provisions we trust, will be made for teams Dian heretofore,. and we hope that ell things will be very satisfactos ry and to the glory of God. Saints come in lime, or tarry after the - meeting, And. make us a visit at the Trumpet office,. the: Lord wi ding. Amen! Price, A SEIII- 11011TELT EOLItTESS JOURNAL DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI-- SECTARIAN, . 5e3it Forth iii the name of the Dora jesus Christ, For the Purity- and T_ Tisity of Church, the _ De-fence of _ ADD His Truth, And the Destruction • of Sect 33a: 13-. yIon. ri733tt$ 1- tzla Air GBAIID D. S. WARNER,— Editor. E. B. B YR VA— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM and S. MICHELS,— Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.00 PER YEAR IN ADvANcia FREE TO THE POOR. NOTIOE. All business communications, moneys etc., m . ist be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET, in order to In-sue credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the Gokpm, TRumpET. We make this offer so as to help the • brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. Ear- Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts. ga IfErN 0 T I G` E. How TO SEND MoNEy :— Remit by Post Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these can not be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in one and two cent stamps. CHANGES OF ADDREss:— Subscribers. wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to give their FORMER, as well as their new ad dress. MISSING PAPERS occasionally hap-pens that numbers of our papers sent to our- Subscribers are lost, or stolen in the Mails. In case you do not receive your paper when due, after waiting a sufficient length of time, write us a card and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure and give your FULL ADDRESS, NAME, POST OFFICE, COUNTY, and STATE. - Should there be a mistake at any time, write to us at Once, and we will gladly rec-tify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET GRAND JUNCTION, MICR. Entered at the Post Gdiceat thquid Junction, Van urenCo. Mich., as second class matter. A beautiful grove with a hall in the midatanhundreddeet long, at South Haven, has been procured for a meeting of the saints June : 6- 8. This is just before camp- meet-ings South Haven is by the lake side, on steam- boat line from Chicago. We trust that many dear saints will come in lime to take in this meeting A glorious time is expected. For information, address M. Miner: CAMP MEETING, CEDISRVALE, KAN: The Church at the above place have de-cided to : have a camp meeting, beginning July 1V, ' 90. The people desire as to be there, but dO. DOt know how that will be; but have no doubt the L- ord will supply plenty of preachers. So Wo make ihe announcement. in the - name of the Lard. There is quite a . geeeral interest we are told, in the, surrounding- country in the eomingreeetieg. The Church bad called for a camp meeting last - year, but DO: workers at leisure. We trust there will be a & nee § rally this year. We will be thee if the laird should so arrange. Amen! Address Nancy J MUST WE SIN? A conversation between Bro. Light and Foggy, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. This tract lids been enlarged to 43 pages, and is DOW ready. All who love to read the truth, send. for them by the hundred. ( Per single copy. cts, Price, ' Doz., . ' Hundred. - 1. REQUEST Eon. PgAYERs, PIERCE, PA. MAY. 15, 1890. THE dear Lord leads me this afternoon to write to you and ask the prayers of all God's little ones to pray for me for the healing of my body for I believe the Lord will heal me. For Tie says in His Word_ f.' ask- mid ye Shall receive." Praise His ho-ly name forever and ever! I am waiting at the feet of Jesus. Your sister in Christ. Mary Troutman. POEMS OF GRACE AND TRUTH. This work is almost completed We b'ess the Lord for many pre-cious things He has given us. The book will contain 352 pages. We are expecting to have it ready by June camp meeting. Send in your subscription as the Lord leads. Price, $ 1. 50. WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE FOR ME. .4! •- h• AUBURN, IND. DEAR TRUMPET - READERS:--- I Will endeavor to write My testimony this morning ito the glorynf ' God. In the first place -. I wish to tellyou ithat I have this glorious salvation, thatl am saved mid sanetified and ready to: become anything oienothing, for Jesus' sake juet.:. now. Praise the Holy name of Jesus forever and ever! He is leading me - outinto the deep waters of His love. - My daily prayer is, that I may be kept low down at His feet, ever learning of Him. I feel that I am the least of His children, but thaisks be to God He has promised His graceis ever : sufficient for us. I Was in . the- Sects for nine years and lived in all the light- I had. I mutat say that I had a bright experience at first. For as the Word of God says, was a changed man, things I ouce loved I now hated, things I once hated I now loved. All went - well' with me for a short time. I did not read the Word of God for myself, but listened to my- preacher and whatever he said, was gospel with me. He opened the doors the church and I wIN admitted as one the United Brethren. I cannot lhelp b 169k : heels in my astonishment . to see n ignorance as I groped along as one in ti dark, for sevenyears; seine times up at some - times down. But the most of tl time cloWn. I was trying to: serve tw Masters at once. In fact I was taught tin I could. ein, phil : repent; each .' day. -- 1Ke the 6th, tippler of Matt. - and the 24th ye explain that to any honest SOUL Chi the 10th of Dec. 1887, met with. a Misfortune that almost proved fatal to me, kit I ' can see through it now clear! enough. God took this means toeshew my condition:. I ka pt wy bed for 6 montl was at the point Of death quite - ofte Three times the word went to Auburn tha G. C. Lalinuni Wes dead. I had my rigl mind all the - time, so I began to examin myself to : see . whether " was prepared t meet thy God; and right there on in bed is where I saw my ungodly condition, and the crookedness and ungodly actions of the sects or denominations. And then and there I: promieed - my blessed Savior if He would ', spare_ my life and permit me to. again regain health, I would serve Hian II - spirit - and in truth. 11' p to that time 1 iad six different physicians and they had 11 proved a - failure; had given me up to So I justl dism: ssed them - all, and ince that lime. I l. ia- e not taken any med-cine in my mouth. I only weighed a-oat 80 14, and my usual weight is 185 I tbr t6 pray I could not, for I was guilty and felt myself a sinneri n the sight of .; God. - , I remember once telling at one of our testiniony meetings, that I bed a few neigh-hors that professed to be _ sanctified : claim-ed Holiness.- But I said I thanked God, that I was sanct ified with- the old kind of religion, - the kind the IL I37,:=: have; and at the same Hine knowing I was tell-ing- an untruth, for I saw their crookedness and their ungodly deeds, and their blind-ness. .- If I would have told the real true sentiments Of ply _ heart at that time, - 1 would lave said: " I desire to be a. saint." But I would not have said that for any thing, for I could not say things bad enough about the saints. But . I . have loeg ago asked the saints every - where to forgive me. I lived in this awful ' and wretohed con-dition uritilthe 18th, day Of December 1889. When God for Christ's sake forgave all my sinsvand afterwards sanctified my nature. . Oh I can. never get through thanking and praising Ills Holy name while here on eartleand. I expect to piedee Him in- heaven too. God through His kind providence sent Bro. F. N. Jacobson here to - preach His true Word in this neighborhood, and as he was a fraiLand weak little blind man, - I listened to him, and took him- home with me, and shall never forget the morning we talked on the suhject,- of salvation and etc. To make short of it I got salvation right at my own home.- Praise God for ever and ever ! Oh I Used to be full and run- NEW CHURCH TRACT. Containing 30 pages, carefully written and showing the Divine origin, founda-tion, head, door, membership, organiza-tion, holiness, and unity of the . Church, and the basis of unity. It also distin-guishes between the True Church and all sects. Price, per one book, . . . 10 cts. " per dozen. . . . . . . 80 " " per hundred . 00 There has been a long demand for such books. Now let all who love the truth send your orders by the hundred. We send all books, postage prepaid. Address GOSPEL TRUMPET. GRAND JUNCTION, Mien. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. . A small tract of 82 pages, setting this subject before the people, in the clear light of the New Testament. Single copy, . . 05 cts. Price Per. dozen, . - 40 " Per. one hundred, . 2.50 ' Al- UM: EMS FROM THE THRONE.: . SECOND EDITION. --- : o:-- 1.1 cumulus 148 songs. 90 with music About all new. The pages are some larg-er than Soiigs of Victory. Whemsang in the Spirit of God, these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the Gospel standard cf salvation. Send in your order for A n fhems from the throne, awl start . the songs or praise anew. ' Manq ia. : • •. - 30 cts. PRICE Cloth, . . . 50 ets Per: dozen $ 3.00 & $ 4.80 BEAVER DAM, IND. CAMPMEETING. TIME CHANGED. THIS annual feast of tabernacles will begei n Auegust 12th and continue until the 21st A gh r: ous coming to- re gether of the fire- brands of the Lord te is expected this year. Persons coming on f° the, Lake Erie and Western, fram the north or south, stop at Rochtster, Ind., write Bro. David Leininger, Akron, Ind. Those coming from the east or west on the Nickle Plate, stop at Mentone, notify Bro. F. Krau7e, Beaver DRIP" Ind. Those coming on the Chicn,- o and Atlantic from east or west, stop at Akron, Ind, notify Bro. H. N. Gast. at, Akron. Coming from the south on Cincina( i and Wabash, stop at- Sil- ver Lake, notify Bro. S. M. Smith at Silver Lake Ind. Comiene fmro the north on Vat R. R., Stop at Claypool Notify- Bra B: F. Bear at Burkett, ind. • Now comes something that I am a lit-tie ashamed of, but I must tell all to the glory of God, The truth of the matter id, I went haek on my best friend after He bad healed me and restored me to health. I went back on my vow that I made to God. I cannot use words to express my feelings; of all creatures I was . the. most miserable . I felt condemend. All the conso-lation I could get, was from my U. B. preacheramd: my brethren. They told me I was till right to- go on as before etc. I tried to believe them, but when I would 11) s5. 1 was a mere skeleton had the drePSy in my limbs. But trusted God for thy healing, and He did heal me then and there: : From that Very moment I be-gan to improve. My limbs were swollen as full as the Skin would permit. But 6 hrs after I had talsen God - as my • physician, all the swellingi - had: left my ' limbs. My faith still clung to God, knowing that He is all and in all to those thatinlet Him. I still kept oii: iMproving and was soon able to go rearid the room On " crutches, and kept - on improving until I was fully covered, Or more than that, I enjoy bet-r- health) to- day than I have for 20 years, winch give God all the praise S and glory: ing over with prejudii ce agaiinst the saints. I Worshipped my sect-, but God be praised, I am a changed person now. I love the saints and they are- welcome at thy home. " thought those holiness preachers were going to tear down our church, but had 1 looked at the Word of God and read the 16sh chapter and the 18 ver- e of St. Mat-thew, that Would- have convinced me at once if it was torn down it was not of Gcd, of for He says to Peter " On this Rock of ( which is Christ.) I will baud my Church ut and the . gates Of hell shall not prevail. - 1Y against Oh it is sweet to trust God le at all times. I ever expect to put id trust in the living ( iod. My prayer is le I that He may keep me low down at His 0 feet, ready to do His whole will at all at times. I desire the prayers of the dear n saints every where that I May ever prove 1% true to God. Your saved Bro. - G. C. Lahnum. 0- asa. NZWS FBOU TI- 1 13 FISLD lose my salvati0n. and to grieve the Holy Spirit. I Iva § grieved at the situation in which I was placed and HUMBLE, MO. DEAR TLUMPET READERS:— May the grace of God our Father be with you all. Amen. When I was. sanctified the dear Lord call-ed me to preach the Word, but I hesitated to enter Upon my mission, knowing the world in general was opposed to women preaching; bat this did not release me from my work, and oh what alOnging I had at heart to get out and work for my Father. The longer I delayed; the greater weight of immortal soulF: was rolled upon me and becanse very unhappy, because I knew God's will eoncernieg me, and realized that God was willifig to use me as a mouth to speak his W ord. I prayed earnestly to our God to help me to preach the Word as it is in Christ. Jesus. And the. way was opened up and I was permitted- to preach at If Um- ' hie school house, one mite and a wiener from home aucli) 11 how the dear Lord bless-ed me in preaching His holy Truth. The way was then opened for regularmeetings at a little town called Arthur. I preached several sermons at that place in the name of King Jesus: and the dear Lord - furnished large attendance . and good order, and won-derfully blessed me in telling the people of His love and mercy and hi pointing them to the Lamb of God: " that taken ' away the sin- of the word." The enemy of our souls began to get alarmed et the boldness which God had given me, and spirit's power with which He used me, en he : ( the devil) be-gan at once to lay a plan to over throw Me; and persecution began to arise in my femily, and they were laid on heavier than it seemed that I could bear. I read where the Lord Promised to give us grace suffi-cient in every time of need. But. desirieg to live at peace, and have all the members of our family love ire and treat me kindly thought. I would give up preaching a while and oh what sadness filled my heart, when I consented to Ibis. Many limes those words come to me; shall I serve God or . mai ? I knew to refuse to do God's will would be le It . ni II ti b Ii in Ii be de of U Br Br lie ho fel di: thu ni prayed without ceasing to God to help ale do I l ls holy will. It did seem to ale at t list time ( lint the inore I prayed the grea1. the trials were; that satan had attacked me with all his force, but I continese searched the scripteres I read in lisabel 46: 1. where it read th tiGtxt . mr refuge rnd strength, a very presait . n . lp in trouble."' I knew God, , rely / ./( 4niEe d I believed wHaes twrooButtoi ri ye a way the dark clouds of sorrow, the Ihe old dragon had rushed upon rne. while struggling alin this sadness - ame very clear to thy mind, that niv. ty way had Liven the old enemy more bold ness and he only made the stronger efforts to drag me back in the darkness a sin, 0 how miserable, how wretc hed , I V o lanl awl al yy sodeeespilrehsisg ntoigdhotsGaoidid'scloviilllld. sIcasrpelevetial . eat. r four meths I suffered thus, leng. ing to do God's will and yet making eff every o rt to avoid d ispleasing my & Ws; bet while praying one d ay the SWOt t gem yvooinc ea roef nJoets upse rcsaemcuete idn, itfh yoosue hwaovrdes: " it atlic ing at that place as long as cerwmiiitatie, pdytoI Iwas. ) re ac1A1 taidt BlawliitiolNIhmia, vaendmeoh allstheorne wil lI not et dbethlei kLeojrtels: ssif. 01H1 for any thing for Him and soon I En I am standing where I can say: the IPA a relief those words were to ine:. I th am Lord." Happy are those who do the' wil eoafrG botdOther or sister if God has called you to any work, ( and believe lie gives to all His children some kind of work) do it with all your might and when sates rages take it to the Lord in prayer, Dear sinner I beg you never to work against or oppose the work of the Us for if yea should cause any one to back. slide, you wrould be a sou, l murdere what a wonderful Father we have, to oavo from sin. Jesus is all and in all to ale Oii praise Him all ye saints! I know to-day that the blood of Jesus cleans" s from all sin, and the God of peace saneti. ties me wholly. Pray for me that I may ever be found faithful serving the Lord. Maggie MadiS011. OLLIE, IA. MAY 101 189i. Dear Sainfs of the Living 00dt- sat: tar last report from Meriden Kan. stated that we - were going from there to Huron of which' place we found the little ' ones wait-ing OUP coining, hungry for the precious truth. The Lord was with us there n power. A f- on of dear Bro. and sister Haynes was saved, and others conseerat ed and were blessed, their prayers being answered in the salvation of their souls, We stayed but five days, haying several urgent calls from the brethren at Way. land, Neb. at which place we labored with the Church to the edification and strength. ening of the same. Dear Bro. Fox and family and Bro. Hoffer having gone fa' Texas and sister Liza Hoffer to Oklahoma, and Bro. and sister Dailey to Arinland, Kairas caving the Church quite small in number, and yet strong in Jesus. One dear Bro. was gloriously saved, while in the field at vork; we saw he was under deep conviction - it different times. Bro. N. Dowers Wai .1aptizd. The Lord enabled us to getatealn o travel with. We feel this in the order I God. We have been in debt for some caused by sickness years ago, bap ig to have paid this long ago, buthave ot been ableao yet; we hle ave preached& - hole council of God, except it be this: ive and it shall be given unto you. again, iv_____ as the Lord bath prospered y. How beautiful are the feet of those_ who ring glad tidings. o how many might ut feet under, yea give wings _ WO° essage bearers of good tidings) ilhit otdi t3t- ootnil - ethbeelsitneo: fmgyi tyByhe t: eirtetirl, e God I shall preach the whole couadlet m essage of salvation, may be boihe to ease who have never heard it. AfayGod less the dear ones for Jesus' sake, end elp them to do all that God enjoin84an His Word, that they may have efinal fe. I beg forgivness where in I Poure en slack in pointing out to show Pace ore definite on the line of glorifying 0t- 1 by your means. IVe left Neb. 1.0°, o. J. W. Newkirk'e, April 31: dr, o; oirt: enasca: roe. LTi nhdulresad- ' asyT found ay sister M ay 6E111 7- 11: 11 idling meetingia the Carter seta.°/ Iweso t lad of the Lord to remain wirer V. The Lord wonderfully bteodriaN e way, and furnished us our a a gut. Praise Nis holy. namel Your Bro. and sister. - Wm. N. R. S. Wallace. FINDLAY, OHIO. DEAR ONES IN Jasus:— I am kept by the power of God through faith ready to be re-vealed in these last times. I am a: soldier for Jesus and. have DO carnal weapons, ' but spiritual ones. 1 was ordered not to come to Deshler Ohio, under the penalty of death. I went under the orders of God, and I must say to the glory of God- that I never had a more glorious time in my life. I went and returned safely. I love Jesus - and Jesus loves me. I have promised Him all of my moments, and He is wonderfully blessing my labors. We shall reap if We faint not. E. J.- Hill. J. W. Daily. C crrespcndence SPRING- FIELD, Oil ro. BEAR SAINTS:-- I feel that it is to the glory of God for me to testify to. His goodness. MERRILL, Moil. Dearly Beloved Saints: May the bless ed Lord bestow upon all, Ilis richest bless ST. PETERSBURG, PA: DEAR SAINTS:— I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony. Praise -- God for the way He is leading me. I am still saved and, sanctified and kept by the mighty power of God, up to this present moment free from all sin. Praise God for salvation that keeps us free at all times, as long as we trust Him. I praise God for bringing me out into this marvelous light. I feel that I am growing stronger - and more determined to live for the Lord each - day of my life, and have the sweet peace and joy RULETON, KAN: in Day soul continually. I praise God for DINAR am praising God this all the trials and persecutions of this life morning for salvation. Oh I do praise His I for the Word says : Blessed are ye when holy name for His tender mercies, and for men shall revile you and persecute you, and setting my soul free from the bondage of shall say all manner of evil against the evil one, and for leading me into this you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be blessed evening light. Bless the Lord! exceeding glad for great is your reward in I am free from sect - babylon. Oh praise en for so perseethel they the prophets Heav the Lordl I have never heard the straight which were before you. I ask an interest Word preached. Oh that it might be the in the prayers of the dear saints, that I may will of the Lord to send some. Holy Ghost ever be faithful to God, and be kept loin minister here; I think there would be and humble , at His feet. Your sister saved much good done, in the name of our God. by the blood of Jesus, kept by the power of God. Annie Alfred. There are but three of us here professing holiness Myself, my Son, - and one dear sister: in the Lord. We commenced prayer- - meeting - one week ago, a" hd the Lord enabled me to present My body a living sacrifice, and He sanctified me and cleansed me from all sin. Glory to God, for saving a wretch like me. Oil I do thank God for a saviour that saves us- all the time. Blest the Lord! I feel His love in my heart all the time. Your saved sister. iSE, KAN. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: — The Lord bless you abundantly for Jesus sake, Amen! I feel led to write to the Gospel Trumpet to witness for Jesus. I can say that I am fully saved and trusting all with my bless- 1 ed Savior who bath redeemed me with His own precious blood, and brought me out of darkness into His own marvelous light, and bath established my goings and put a new Fong in my mouth even praises to my “ od. 0! I feel that it is so blessed to be all giv-en up to the will of the Lord, knowing that whatsoever He does is for our eternal good. I love to feast on the blessed Word of God; I t is' meat and: drink for my soul. - 0 ! I do so thank and. praise the Lord for opening my understanding so that I can under-stand His blessed Word, and that He taught me how to trust and obey Him. I love to read the Gospel Trumpet, and have through it received much light, strength, and en-couragement, for which I praise the Lord : for we are all baptized by one ' Spirit- , into the one body, and have been made'to drink into one Spirit and have fellowship with all saints of God. Praise the name of_ the Lord forever more! Amen ! Pray for us. Your sister under the blood. Laura Hart. + 0 - VINLAND, RAN. DEAR SAUTTSI— I praise the Lord for sal-vation. I am on the straight Bible line and can take all the Word of Gal. I am 16 years old. I am standing on the Solid Rock Christ Jesus, all naists have cleared away. I was buried in baptism a short time ago. 0 what a blessed thing to fol-low the Lord aright. Your sister saved and sanctified wholly. Sarah 8, Daily. --: 0.— NEWHAMPSHIRE, OHIO. DEAR BRETHREN; — I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony. Praise God for a salvation that cleanses from all sin. To-night I am all on the altar, both justified and sanctified by a second work of gracc• I wandered in sectarianism for fifteen years. I was converted, and was honest in my heart, but when I saw the light, it convin-ed me that it Was the Word of God. Last fall when Bro. Schell and others held a grove- meeting in this place, my- wi'e was saved, but I rejected the Word and went into outer darkne- s. Dear readers let me warn you never to reject the Word of God. I got so tow that I ordered God's children out of God's house and the devil worked me up to a terrible rage, and I threatened my wife with many threats, but praise God, she took me to the Lord in prayer, and after fasting for three days God showed me that I was a terrible wick-ed sinner, and if I did not repent, hell was my doom. I went with my wife to the holiness prayer meeting, and I asked them to forgive me for the way I had used them, and to pray that God woo forgive me. I tried to give myself up, in could get no relief. For two months struggled and prayed. I thought I di give up all. I thought I could get salvia Lion and hang to my idols. But praise th Lord they all had to go. When God' ministers carne and preached the Word saw the line between saints and sinners, was willing to let all go, and on the 8th o Jan. I was justified and my peace was made with God and on the 9th I came to the altar for the cleansing He has taken me from all my idols, and washed me in His blood, and I am whiter than snow, and am free from sect babylon and from all division. I was a slave to tobac-co for thirty years. Praise God, the appe tite is, gone never to return. He is my leader, and none other will I know. I am free from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and dead to this world and its pleas-ure. Praise God I I am just ready to do or be anything that will give glory to God Pray for mo that I may do the will of God. Your Bro. in Christ. I aric C. Taylor. VINLAND, IiAN. DEAR SAINTS:— I praise the : Lord for salva-tion full and free. I joined the Baptist sect about 12 years ago. About a year ago the Lord saved me, and I was no more a Baptist but a child of God. I be-came- confused with false doctrine, but last September the Lord sanctified my soul, and praise the Lord, I am free from all sin, and all sects, and babylon confusion, and doe trinesof devils. Pray for me. Your Bro. in • Christ. FAYETTE, Onto. DEAR SAixTs:— It has been some time ince I have testified through the T. ump-t. And this morningI do feel it would be to the glory of God, and for the good of my soul, that I tell what Ile has - done for me since I saw you, or, many of you at least. For He has done a wonderful work in my oul, I had given- place to the devil and not into darkness and lost my experience. 0 what awful darknessit was ! But thanks be to God; I was permitted to attend the meeting in Paulding Co., and the ' saints prayed God to show me my worst condi-ion, and He did but God showed them, first, they having the discerning cf spirits aw that I was possessed with devils, and a host of them too. 0 what a terrible con-dition I was in. The dear saints labored vith me several hours, for they did not vant the devil to get the victory. While hey were being cast out I grew sick, but he saints said it was a tr - ck of the devil. The devil wanted them to take their hand off, bus- thanks be to God, by prayer, and ayin g on of hands in the name of the Holy Child Jesus they were all cast out. was sorry, very sorry, and ashamed to bring such a reproach on the cause . of Christ, but God through His mercy did eve me, I was restored to the arms of Jesus once more, 0 blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, I do love thee 1 You that know the worth. of prayer please pray for me, that 1 prove firm to the truth, Amen; the Lord has been so wonderfully good to me in aving my soul, and healing me of bodily afflictions several times for which I do praise Him, and give Him the glory, praise His name. I had the scald head, very bad, for a number of years but two - ears ago the 22nd of this month- I was waled of the Lola, Praise His Holy name " or ever and ever. 0 praise God for salva-ion that saves frcm all sin two years aeo next August while at the Jerry City C. M. I was enabled of the Lord to put Tway my crutch and walk without it 0, I am so glad I am saved, and` resting in the arms of Jesus, having sweet peace in my soul once more, Glory be to Jesus! I have a richer . and deeper experience than ever before, am firmer on the Solid. Rock Christ Jesus. 0 I am so glad for a pure heart, for a clean place for Jesus to dwell in. Praise His holy name! Howl- would like to meet with the dear saints oftener. If it is the Lord's will, and the way is open-ed I shall try and be at the Bangor, C. M. Your sister all on the altar. Pray for me that I continue at the feet of our blessed Savior. Amen! Saved and sanctified. Carrie, Hitchcock. TEOwBaiDAE, ILL. DEAR SAINTS:— HaVillg read the testimo-nies in a copy of the Trumpet of which I received from Bro. J. Cole, I will write a few lines and try to glorify my Redeemer. I am rejoicing this morning in a ' Say-ior's love. We are taught to " resist the • devil and he will flee from us," and I praise God this morning for complete vie, tory over the works of Satan. Praise His holy name forever ! I am saved and sanctfied and kept. by the mighty power of God. Praise God forever 1 I am so glad that He saw fit to bring me clown at His ' feet and save me from all sin. Praise His holy name. Martin D. Woods. 1111= 1ZIMMISEEMIIMUUSIO112=` Nancy Byers. 41: 0391: 1111* The precious flower that blossomed, Is gone to realms above; [ earth, And mothers heart is sore with grief, To lose her darling love. But you II meet herby and by, Where parting will be o'er; Yes in a brighter world than this, We'll shout our sorrows over. W. B. Grover. -- I.- WI:— HENDERSON, PA. . DEAR BRETHREN :— I feel it a duty I owe to God to write my testimony to the Trum-pet. I can say to the glory of God that I am saved and sitting at the feet of Jesus enjoying a full salvation from all sin; sanctified wholly made white and tried. Glory be to God forever, for this blessed evening light that enables us to discern the pure Church of Christ that shall, will, and is to pp without spot or wrinkle. The Lord showed me this winter, when I was laying on the bed of affliction that He was this pure Church, and every soul that did not believe the truth, and have every stain that sin bath made washed away, in His ailcleansing blood, the spots and Wrink-les too, that, not one can enter Heaven that does not measure up to" the Bible standard of freedom from all sin, and live holy sane-- tilled lives, here in this present life. Igno-rance of this solemn truth will not excuse anyone, for there is none so blind, as those that will not see, and turn their ears away that they may not hear. Lord, pity the poor sin caged- mortals and open their eyes to see the true Church is my prayer. I do praise the Lord I am saved and walking in the light as He is in the light. - Your sister in: Christ. Charlotte W Carthichael. LARUE, OHIO. DEAR SAINTS.:- 7- I feel led to write a few lines to the readers of the Trianpet I . praise God for salvation thvotioh the blood of Christ, : and for the glorious light of the tlospel. I praise God for the Gospel Trump-et which - We do know teaches sound. . doc-trine. It is- the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and His disciples. It is said by the prophet Isa. 62: 10 and Jer. 5: 2. To lift up and set up a standard. In Isa: 35: S. And an highway shall be there and a way, and it shall be called the way of holiness. The . unclean Shall- not pass over it, but it shall be for those the way- faring men though fools shall not err therein. Now we find the way that God laid down for His people to walk in, is a highway abova the - ways of the world. It is to be without sin. It is so plain that any lion-ast understanding person need not err therein. Christ says : I am the way, the truth and the life. So Christ commands us to follow Him and ( Maid commanded His apostles to observe and teach all things whatsoever I have commanded you. Christ is the way to follo. w, and - He- says : If ye climb up any other way, the same is thief and a robber. If we want to get to Heaven, let us search the scriptures Tor they testify of Him. Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that we should fol-low His steps, who did no sin neither was guile found in His mouth. * Who when He was reviled, reviled not again, when He suffered He threatened not.- 1 Pet. 2: 23 He made himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death even the deathof the cross.—. Phil. 2: 28. He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor that through His poverty we might be made rich--- 2 Cola 8: 9. Praise the Lord! He went . about doing good, preaching to the poor, healing the sick, making the lame to walk and the blind to see, etc. He done the will of the Father; He taught and lived a holy life. Rebuked sin. He instituted the ordinances of baptism, the Lord's supper, and feet washing in example and by precept ;- and many more things are recorded in the scripture' that we are comnialided to follow Him in. While He was in the world, He was the light of the world and said : He that fol-loweth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Praise theLord! Nay each person that is trying to live so that they may get to Heaven when they die, become pure- as He is pure through the Blood of Christ, and then follow and teach all things that Christ taught and done, and there will be one faith, and one Lord. Your Bro. in Christ, saved and sanctified. Matthew Kerr. Nearly a year ago we heard the earl, " come Rigs. Amen. out of her my people, be ye not unequally - As I profess to _ be a follower ( 4* our Lord yoked together with unbelie vers." And we Jesus Christ, • I must fellow Him in all heeded toe call, husband - and I- both CODS- things. . Oh I do love to obey that blessed crated all to the Lord, and asked Him to Jesus wine gave His life a ransom that we sanctify us wholly. 0 I do praise God that, might live-; who was Without sin, neither He ever sent some of His ministers here to preach the Gospel in its purity. I ' had be-longed to the M. E. sect almost 20 years. That is a long time to be in bondage. No one knows the bondage of babylon but those who - have been in bondage. 0 praise the Lord ! How - willing I was to give up all, though to a great extent the enemy had overcome nie with pride and fashion, but praise the Lord I was willing to submit to His will. He heard my prayers and answered, and I through the atoning blood lie washed me and cleansed me from all sin and set me free. I earnestly play God to send some Holy Ghost - minister this way to preach the Gospel in its purity, and build up a Church to himself in the beauty of holi-ness, without spot or Wrinkle, but pure as He is pure, for we know without holiness none shall see God. Dear saints, do not think that you can be called out of babylon and then attend their meetings continually and keep salvation. I am all -. sold out, con-secrated entirely to God, willing to be any-thing for Jesus: Your sister sanctified by the everlasting covenant. Lida A. Wood. was guile found in His mouth; th t wonderful counsellor. : The Word tells us in James 1: 5, if any' of you lack wisdom let him ask Of. G d who giveth to all men liberally, and upbraidtth not, and it shall be given him. So He is the saints colin-. sellor, therefore I call Him my counsellor. Jesus saves Me jest now. I have that peace within me telling me that I am born of God, adopted, into the family of God, and become a joint heir with Jesus Christ. [ low pleasant it. to belong to : itch a family. How glad I am that God has cast my let here in Michigan wh Yre He has a few who dare stand up lbr the truth. Oh bless God - for the freedom of speech when backed : up by the Holy Ghost. During the winter I was taken-sick, and on Sabbath morning the Lord showed me his wilt was for me to send Or sister Gould, that I may obey His Word. She came and we had prayer, then she obeyed God inlaying on of hands, and the Lord healed me at once. And filled my soul with praises to Him for doing the word. - The next Tuesday I exposed my-self, causing a relapse which brought me down so low that for two days I thought the Lord would take me home but I was perfectly reconciled to go. But the good Lord saw fit to raise DO Up again. The Lord sent Bro. Fales, Bro. Cox, and Harp in to see me, and oh how = that sweet love of Jesus flowed into our hearts as it must do with the - ehildrenof God. Then the saints appointed prayer- meeting at our house, and how wonderful that same bless ed Jesus did manifest Himself to us. It seemed like real waves of the Spirit el' God came down one after anoth, r right from the throne of God. : Well dear read-ers, r. want to tell you upt that same blessed Jesus iswith the Church near. Merrill, Mich., yet, and We have His- pres-ence with us in our families at. home. Your Bro. in the body of '-: Christ, which is the Church of the living God. M. H. Basore. ld t d e I I 1 ALBANY, ILL DEAR SAINTS:— I praise God to day for salvation, and the comforter that abides with us. Although we have been led through deep affliction in the past year we can truly say, the Lord is our helper. How often in our trying hours have we been comforted with those precious words, that fell from our Fhaviors lips: " Let not your heart be troubled" etc. Oh it is glorious to live under the sweet influence of the Ho-ly Spirit; who guides us into all truth, and gives us a humble submission to all the will of God. Praise the Lord forever and ever! My soul rejoices in my Savior who has redeemed and washed me in His own blood._ On the 2 Ith, of March, husband and I started for a short visit with our Bro. and sister, Jno. and Lizzie Livingston. They live in Washington county, Ilan. About 4 ibiles from Mahaska, a station on the Chi-cago, Burlington and Rock Island road. Our visit was very pleasant and enjoyable. Found some precious souls hungry for the truth. Some have already thrown off the shackles that were put upon them by hu-man organizations, others see the awful Condition of the sects, but have not heard the evening light preached. May God send some of His holy anointed ones to that place in the near future, for truly the field is already- white to harvest. May the Lord raise up labOrers. As I was looking over the Gospel Trumpet, of last number and sat the announcement of the meetings for the summer campaign, my heart went out to God for His blessing upon the work. Oh may God through the Holy Ghost qual- 1 fy every heart and put His Spirit upon every one. that whether they labor at home or abroad they mayknow their commission s from God. Oh may God save His peo-pie from the awful blight that follow de-ceitful workers. ' Oh dear saints, think of the great responsibility that we assume when we take up the Word of God to teach t to our fellow men. Surely if we have any other Motive than the honor and gle-y of God, we must give a sad account of our stewardship. Oh! may God give each of His workers a re- anointing, and 1.- eep the fire burning on the altar of every wart, is my prayer. Pray, for IA that we may keep low down at the feet of Jesus. Your sister saved in. Jesus. . OBITUARIES. DIED in Wilson, Charlevoix Co., Mich. Apr. 24th 1890. Little Ottie J. infant daughter of Bro. and. sister J. Button. Aged,, 6 months 2 days. We pray the Lord to abundantly bless the dear Bro. and sister, and keep them ready for the coming of the Lord when they shall again be united with the loved ones gone before. _ I* 01._ + NEW PI I TSBURG, IND. After a protracted illness of many weeks, little Homer son of Bro. Peter and sister Whitsell departed this Ing e April 1711890. Age 4 years 9 months, and 12 days. Little Homer was dearly loved by his parents: their loss is his eternal gain. May God bless the bereaved father and mother. May they so live that they shall meet their dear one in heaven. Funeral sex y ices were held at Praise Chapel, April 18, by the writer. Your Bro. saved in Jesus. C. Wickersham. open the way for a free meeting where in these part e Oh how I around the cold icebergs of babylon, 444y.: ing for the dear Lord to bring again ir when the watchman shall see. eye le. eye. I have taken tile Trumpet from the first, I love it next to the Bible. Your Bro. out of all sects. Ed Dear Brethren — is wi sure, that I write unto you praise the Lord, that I have salvation, that cleanses me and that keeps me wholly sa ai d day. I had lived some in a justified state, but duri had received much light
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 10:11
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 10:11
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 10:11
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 10:11
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 10:11
title_sort gospel trumpet - 10:11
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1890
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The Altar
The Watchman
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The Altar
The Watchman
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op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766244389846253568
spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:38+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 10:11 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1890-06-01 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 10 11 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1890 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:03:19Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 And he said um, to me, Irleatseesi thou? Amt I answer. ed; I see a / lying roll. eveTrhye no nsea itdh ahte s ucnetaole mtba, shall be cut oZ on this tide according to it; and every one that sweareth sisdhea allc hcoe rcduint go- f tt oa aI tt. h Iat; twheil lL borridn go fI th ofostrst, h, Baia ecb. , — the Icr1 Go. 18h ,111 B LO ifs lac 7 R & : IT I" g7 and go with rhirlirinds FIRST T/ ICE" Men. Ile. e out of the midst of Babylon, s' and deliver every man his soul : he._.,. t-_-_-. 1,_,._ not cut off in her iniquity; for this is _ ., 140- the time of the Lord's vengeance-, he. , ri : NY for the d Will render unto her a recompense. •. o Li e ____.„. .- And the lanTi shall tremble and sop- .‘ l' e row: for every purpose of the Lord -,- , shalr be perrwrned avonst, habylon,.- In make tiletand Of babyton a deso-lation without AD inhabitant.— Jer 51: 0,24,- The board is neither wood, nor stone, ' Tie made of faithand love; No Judas, chair can there be found, Our bread is from above. thr'st Jesus is the bread of life, New life to all He gives, Who eat and drink. as He provides, And fcr the Master lives. A thousand years are as one day, And space the same with God, His table reaches everywhere,. He feeds eachs child- abroad: He owns and claims- His little ones, Tho' foes may interfere, With mighty pow• r He overrules, And takes from death all fear. 0l that the world. could, understand The goodness of our Lord, His power and willingness to saVee All who believe Hie Word. By Emma ° estop. TF2E- BRED OD DIRE. - epee In love, eae, b. day, God's children meet Around one sacred boerd, And eat, as from a father's hau l , . At the table of the Lord. THE THESS 11,01` 1- 11N BRET IIREN. - tot— 171• , C: uLaiati the Apostle Paul wee writing to the brethren at Thessalonica he spoke highly of the justified life they were living and exhorted them on to a sanctified experience. The life that these justified . _ brethren were living is far above the life and . experience of many who profess to be sanc-tified in these days. And sneh persons would do well to give the life of these Thessalonian brethren a careful study. Those who claim to be justified - and ate living far beneath their privileges would undoubtedly be able to: see that; they are not living up to a full standard- of a sancti- , fied life. If you: aretlieréfo re not living and walking up: to all the light you have--- ina: a; s. ustified experience, how can you expect to enter a sanctified. experience ? for the Lord will not give us more light until we walk up to that we already , have. These be-loved brethren were not yet sanctified ? still the Apostle was, so rejoiced over them that he was led to give thanks to God. for them all because of their steadfastness of faith and joy in the Holy Ghost. The . A7 Peelle made mention of- them in his pray-ers, an example that every follower of the Lord should be careful to observe, and pray for one another and especially those that are weak in the faith. He remembered al-so without ceasing, their work of faith, and • labor of love, and patience of hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.- 1 Thess. 1; 1, 2. These brethren did not sit down with folded hands upon the stool of do- nothing, but they manifested the fruits of the Spirit in their lives, first by work of faith, by la-bor of love, and the patient hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. They were pot faithless. Many who - claim to b3 regenerated, and e-. yen some who think- they are sanctified, are so destitute of faith. that they live in one constant strain of doubts and fears. If they ever had faith given to them they have so abused the use of it that it is entirely taken away from them, and they aiasleft to pur-sue their dead empty profession without either life or true hope in the Lord unless they repent. But not se with these breth ren, for they were alive and proving it'by . t. heir works of faith, cand labors of love 7 1 - 7 ''. T- CheY were not afraid to do a little work fo - the Lord, manifesting patience which is one of the fruits especially commanded of the christian. Patient in tribulation. In all the littlepetty trials and vexations ofevery day life and duty there is need of patience; and if there is a lacking of thin one thing needful it is sure proof that there is some-thing wrong somewhere. Not only did they show forth the fruits of the Spirit, but the Apostle calls them brethren, beloved, and spoke of their election of God. ver. 4. And that the gospel cane unto them in - power, and in the He ly Ghoste and in much assurance. ver. 5. They - did not need-, to, guess at their salvation, for it was given unto them in power: - They had a definite experience, and, divirle; assurance that their sins were forgiver- la Ye became followers of us, and of the Lord havin g received the W ord in inueltafflictien with joy- in the Iloly Ghost.--- ver. ( 3. : They had affliction and persecutien - as Al. God's: childrenhave,- And - which no tree se, while pursuing such a course toward your Bro.? would you be in a condition to re-ceive the bright beams of heaven's light. when his branch is yet tender, and should they flash across your pathway ? puttetb forth - leaves, re' know that Would your heart be ready to receive divine summer is nigh. So likewise ye when j e shall see all thcse b ing illumination? No. You would not MC-kaonoorws. " t- h- 1a1tn ittt . i s1 8n: 2e4a3r3,. even at the ognize the light. All tins spirit of bigotry •• A nd lie shall 1501W Ills angels wit a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together IIis elect from the four wi nds. from one end of heav en to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; Grand Junction, Mich., June 9, 1890. Yo2ume 10, Number I f . and - intolerance must be taken away, and late to assure ourselves, that Christ is abid-ingin our hearts by faith. ' If we compare ourselves with the great moral standard, we shall under- standwhat our OW11 defects of character, are but whatever our defects and short comings, we should not be diseoure aged. We most see ollf sins, ana put them awayofor Christ cannot abide in a divided heartSeme of Our greatest siiiS which sepa-rate - our souls from God, are unbelief and hardness of hearh Why is it that we are so unbilieving, unimpi essible ? the reason for Of God and man, when we accuse our breth-it is, w e are with self cenceit ren, for satin Wits accuser of the breth-we receive filled some lled token of God's blessings Iren. site bear false witness when - we add We take it as a guarantee that we are all I a b little to our brother's words, and - give right , and when re proof comes we ssaay: them a false coloring, and in the sight of knoW that God has- accepted Me, for He has blessed me and I will not accept this 1 .: reproof," What a terrible condition we would! we- are on the side of him who hates, de - stroys, and tears down the cause of truth. CHRIST THE S fAND AR a the meekness and lowliness of Christ must take its place before the Spirit of God can charge thee therefore before God, and impress your minds with divine truth We ( he Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge should come right down to the root of the the quick and the dead at His appearing Matter presented, and should not be in a and kingdom. Preach the Word, passion where we have no love for our Bro. bb e insiintseaasonn, outt of cairn; because Ins ideas differ from our views. If reprove, rebuke, exhort with all bangs/ I a: you do take - tins position, you say by your fering and doctrine. Tim. 4: 1,2. I feel action that your own opinion is perfec-thankful that it is the privilege of every i tion, and your brother's erroneous. When one to tear every idol from them , and ' a doctrine is presented that does not meet th ank-and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. I am ank- our minds we should go to the Word of fur that it is not too late, for Wrongs to be God, flee to the lord in prayer, give DO righted. It is not too late to examine our room for the enemy to come in with suspicion own hearts, and prove ourselves whether and prejudice; and never permit the spirit we are inthe faith or no t. It is not too to be manifested that arraigned the priests and rulers against the Redeemer of the world. The Lord sends light among us to prove of what manner of spirit we are. We are not to deceive ourselves; when any-thing comes to: our attention that we do not understand, wekneel down and ask God to - give us the right position, and then we can come to a right understanding, and see eye to eye. If we only understand the evil of this spirit of intolerance, how we would shun it. We join ourselves to the enemy God, we are not doers, but transgressors of the law. We are not on the Lord's side; child of God can escape. Jesus teaches us exhort you by: the Lord Jesus that as ye that our 11a/ ilea will be. cast out as - evil have received, of us how ydronght to walk but these brethren were not ' followers of and to please God so - ye: . warnid. abound Paul as a• man to build a sect and formulate more and inore.-- 4:: 17- 3-.-. eTbo had been a creed, as men of modern times have and ahounding in the Work and grace of God, are, seeking to do. Paul did not seek to but they were to abound still More. They get to himself a great name, or to build for had. received grace but there Was a greater himself a kingdom. but sought to glorify grace for them.: - After exho. rting them to. God in 1,11e salvation of precious souls. abound still more hetells them:, For this is Hew different from the sectarian priests of the will of God even your. sanctification. to- day. They were also examples to all Thus showing- that they were only justified that believe in Macedonia, and Achai; for They had received only- one work of grace from them sounded out the work of the and the Apostle urges them ore to the sec- Lord not only in Macedonia, and Achai, bnt ond. for God has not called b$ unto un-also in every place yourfaith to god.- •, vard ! Cleannees but unte. ver. 7. After is spread abroad. so tint we need not this. exhortation and urging unto sanctifi-speak any things- yen 7, 8. What an in-' cation, lie gives some general direction and & tepee. What a p_ ower these Christians at • instruction eoncerning brotherly love, touch- Thessaloinca wielded ) and aass v., e t they were ! in, g upon th e - késurree , tio. n. and the corniinngg not sanctified; but they were samples to all of the Jodgment.- 4: 943.- :- Tri. 5: 1- 12 he that believed, in the regions round about. ,' gives exhortation, and admonition concern- Theyswere not quiet about their religion. ling the walk of the brethren in every day They did not try to hide it under a bushel life, coming back again to the profession of as many of the modern Christians do, who the real possessiOn- 16- 21. : Rejoice ever smother and co- irer up the truth that it may more, pray without ceasing, in every thing not be seen, but sounded or shouted. it out, give thanks, quench not- theSPirit, despise so that they were heard- of in every place; not prophesying, abstain fro all appear-and their faith and works showed to all that ' ante of evil, and- the - ver-- y :' --- rod of peace they were followers of God in deed, and ' sanctify you wholly. Now if. these breth-troth.; in so much that the Apostle did •! r- eIri were sanctifiedin regeneration why did not need to speak about them- to bring to : the Apostle frequently urge them on to i notice. . And when they were heard. • from this blessed experience. And why did he th., ey were not quarreling and fighting a- i pray for - them to be sanctified if they had I mons- themselves as did the Corinthians.- received it when cefrverted? H' The facts are _ •,. . . 3, chap. but were living in a high justified ithese: we have seen firs t ,--- 4.1jo: they had. state which fie One need to be ashamed to That they had all the -' - -: the - Spirit, be in if the Lord did not bless us! ' W e B , i live. el manoy who profess be and being justiifed - 14 folthAiey had peace must study the pattern character the' We should pray for one another instead of sanctitiecIdo not live in such a` degree of with God. They. WeresaVed9ay the wash- Lord has given us. If we have a. garment I drawing trutleabiacipesalitn Chreisltv-. h Ionkielei psisthtehe- a spiritualexperience as these justified breth- Mg of regeneratioU":::: 144411V4Straight for- to cut, we study the pattern. And in the Tlaove oof i" ren lived. hAnd dear reader if your 1 life ward justified liveS:; glorifyiU4GodiU their Christian life, we must give up our awe. God perfected. We should be ready to ac-does rofeesien they Rauh givesalacre of these brethren - you -.: bad. ' rot hate: And that was . hoShOsss bi. - sane- tern. : But inetead of this, W not come up Sto the , sta. ndard that works. ' We see secondly _,.? 4*- t.,- they did idea and plans, and go according to the pat- ., . . . n. e. . , we Iver1 awayI it- does not come through the channel firm retePiatta. liygehotIfnre- aminstt. 4eoadd forforinvj ' elevthiantireviterbescoauurcsee better ' quit your p and get: deWn Up- tification. If th had ' been' sanctified from the pattern. We ' should not be full i on your knees and get the rreeaal possession of Paul would yot have told them that they ef self eit; ww me ust say . as did John: 1 w• hich we expected it. When Jesus open . . ed the Word of God at Nazareth and read this life hu your souls then you can livenuld were yet lacking. For he desired to per- He must increase, but I must decrease. The not before. Then you Will have power feet that which was lacking. Sinners are more you study and copy the pattern, thew Iansadiact'eslparreodpliteheayt o if tlimwi- saas wor an d mission, with God in elaimilig the promises He has called unto repentance, but brethren were less confidence you will have in self. Ho stshioeliir' given us, and power with men in leading called, exhorted and urged unto holiness. the enemy has brought his own spirit into a , hearing they began to doubt and question. them in the way of life. i Had they been sanetified he would not have our work, we do not love one another as this H is not mother etilie c acllaaerrdpp eelnniaterrry'' ss? The Apostle was led to give thanks to told them that “ this is the will of Gods' Christ hath enjoined ripen us, because we Us2011:? Tissuaei dt: God because of their accepting the Word speaking in the present tense, had it been do not love Christ. If your- track is crossed And His brethren, James, and Joses, and . nch he liad preached unto them. For in the past he would have said it Was the in any Way, if any one differs in opinion are wi Simon and Judas? And His sisters, this- cause - thank we God without ceasing will of God, instead of it is the will of God. from you, then in place of feeling humility they not all with us? Whence then kith because when yee receive the Word of God He also would not have prayed, ' " and _ the of mind, in place of carrying your burden to this man all these things? And they were know off tha offended in Him; they did not expect which ye heard of us, ye received it not . as very God of peace sanctify you wholly." Christ, and asking Him for wisdom and it light from Him, and they rejected the the word of men, but as it- is in until the Thee- we find t sanctification Waetaught light to k what is truth, you withdraw Wora of God, which effectually worketh in to the Thessalonian brethren as a second, f ° al him, and are tempted to present message of God. When he who had been you that beleive. I -- and definite work from regeneration, and your brother's views in a false light, that born blind, received his sight, and came to are again called brethren.- 2: 13, that it is a present experience. - It is not they shall not have influence. We know they They the pharisees and told them of Jesus, 14. This is the second time the apostle to be put off until death as some teach, but that this manner of spirit is not of God no said. " Thou west altogether born in sin , them brethren. And they also be- the consecration can be made now, and the matter by whom it is manifested. When and dost him out." cast calls thou They teach settled us? the mselves and emselves they came the followers of the churches of God; believer at once obtain the blessed, and views are presented that do not seem in n un-belief, ill rejection of Christ, though they not of the eeets and division- which is con- rich experience. This blessing is-, given to harmony _ with your own, it should drive trary to the Word of God. For the third us by the Idoly Ghost. We can - not buy it, yea to study your Bible, and investigate it pmraccfiedsesdedutsotobellieovvee loin]. egocal Gh : i. If you - time the Apostlecalls them brethren, and see Acts 8: 18- 21. We can- not climb up te. see if you yourself hold the right posi- n o t d- liasf coym-desires to coe unto them again, bid satan to it we eau do nothing by which We lion on the subject. That another holds a see defects in a brother, do not say e: before r eI h3a, vo el hhindered. The devil often itries to inea lcr may meriit it.; all - we can do is to ask and different opinion, should not stir up the lost all confidence in Him, b G you trod work through . sinners, backsliders, receive. Dear soul is this asking too much? very worst traits of our nature; when have done your whole duty. Have you dead proe ssor s, bat the Lord moves in simply asking for what God has promised see your case as it stands before God, any right to speak in that to another? and will have : different ' ideas _ in regard The scripture commands us to build one His own way: to aceoMplish His own won. i. to give us. After having cast yourself up- you The Apostle thought it best to stop at Atli- on Elim and trusting Him for the pardon of to your own defects of character than you another up in the most holy faith. We are ens and sent Timotheus to the brethren to your sins do you think it too much to ask now have. You should love your Bro., to be holy in all manner of conversation. and. sayeI am willing to investigate your Are your minds broad enough to take in all establish thme• -- 3:-- 1- 01. Thus we fine Hire for the ‘, filllness of the blessieg - of the : veiws. - Let us come right to the Word the circumstances, perplexities and trials tphoastt tlhe ebye wcaemree n aont xeisotuasb laibshoeudt, tahnedm. ltehset tAhe- yG toos apsekl oafn dC hrericseti? v'' e I" t ailsl ythoeu fru lplrniveislse goef tahned n percoevssei twy hoaf ts iesa r& chnitnhg. tWhee s csrhipotuulrde sf feoerl of the brother you have condemned? They ld be tempted above that they were God:' Do you know that you _ are living ourselves. We should study God's word have lost the love of God out of their hearts;' shou hear able to bear, and ssent to know their faith up do all the light you have ? Then do not until we know our foundation is on the sole but they think they have a spirit of discern. a and was much conribited When Timothy be turned about; stepping out entirely up- idrock. We should dig for the gems of judgment; m ent; theybtthitinIcthiteyis tslriieoi 71 dt 0 pprerrpooennuootuunce truth. We are to test every man's doctrine returned with good ti ding from them•' on 03iNIPOTIENT and receiving all that He by the law and the testimony; for, says their error, and turn away from sin. Peter Although they were not sanctified, 3- et has in store for You; for it is yours, and the prophet, if they speak not according to asked of the Lord Concernino. JohnatLord and Timothy had good news to bring to Paul. yet dishonor Him by not receiving What Allis Word, it is because there is no light in • e g He Offers to giVe yen. them. Joh He n saya, he that saith, I know what shall this man do? and Jesus answer-did not find them diaputing • amen theniselves, back- biting, fault4i nding, be- - It is easy. to lead christians : unto this. Him, and keePeth not His commandments, ed, what is that to thee? follow thou me. is a liar, and the truth is not in sum. Those We arote follow the example. A flood of c. oeemlsi nmg attetlelresr, s bauntd f obuunsyd-' b tohdemies w . a1l3k1in ogt hoer- r fbolre stsheedm l, i fleik, efo tnhteh ePys awlmanstt atlhl etihra sto Gulosd p hanast tWurhne _ acwlaaiym t htoe ihra evaer lfirgohmt f hroeamri nGgo dth aev tirduyteht libghe tp suht ianwesa yu pfoonr ujesa alondu sayll . ijse acloruuesyl - s haosu tlhde deify and brought good tidings of their faith for the living God as the_ hart for i the wa- are under great deception. Saystresus, wIrleo-nd charity. Para desired to see libel. grave. Purge out the old leaven; for a lit- ' a ter brook. They are not fighting God's soever shall keep the whole law, - and yet e face I in Word to see how mech. of it they . can lay offend in oncapcint, he is guilty of all. It the leaven leaveneth the whole lump; let us and to perfect that which was lackUlg aside and not obey; but delight- thenaselves is vain for us to think that we are prepared have our hearts sanctified to God, let us I their faithe- ver. 10., although the Apostle for the finishing touch of s in need- gives a glorious account of their lives here- in God and ' Ilia law. ' Opposition - never riortality, while. look upon the light that abides for us in I God alway, sf ive live in - willful- transgreasion of any of i Jesus, let us remember how forbearing and 1 alized that they wei. se still lacking the - cfroommes b kaecrkns laid terurse , a nchdi ldde oadf professorse they cGoomde's tpor uecse apntds. . p Sruespepnot sae ma abtrtoetrh teor usshoiunl da patient He was with the erring children of I ed grace- " where in they could stand." This letter already point § but the dark § .- of oppose the truth because the truth . is . not different light than wohad ever seen. it be- men. We should b. e in a * retched state if , a justified man. Read Jer. 23: - 1e- i. giving in • diem, and therefore they haveloo loge fore, should we - come together with those the God of heaven were like one of us, for it. They rejectt the light they had and who agree with us, and: make sarcastic re- treated us as we are inclined to treat fie an-- thhocw h ifgehwe slti vseta tnod tahrde olifn ea jguivateinti eind ' ltifhee,' alentd- tthheart etfhoerye, mbeigchotm bee lbielvined, , n aonr dh ewairl lt hnaett , t hseeey fmedaerkrasc, oyr t ori d'micuislree hpirse pseonsitt ihoins oidre faosr? m S ha oaourldr- oarteh enro. t Tohura nthko tuhgeh tLs, o nrdor t hhiast whaisy tsh oouurg whatsys. • ttehre. r : m Tehree.-" AWphoistttl eI mcoorne ttion ucionmg es? a. y ys; e " s, F _ uhro7t mthieg hlti gbeh sta vHeed i. s B iee ltohve elidg hlet. t us walk in weweah rmilleiae nnsetif gpelesrctat yiane gbr ti? ott Wesere: h k- i elwpei isrfdiato itmloinw : goa frt dGo - os hdei emink fHeeri nisg f ualild o af bcuomndpaanssti oinn atennd dloevr em, loerncgy- s. uIffs' Ii withelandin g the glorious . life they were -. ' Yont- Bre. in love. ' we hat the lOeVyee of Jesus, - we Shall love living there wee more to follow. I: Forthela. - - . Q. 17% 7. Carpy. counse ll of heaven, would you* think you more, then we beseech you breth err.:. an. d_. . ,. D. ka. t. r.: v. Irate. :- 1:-• were, keeping the ccaninandinents ef- God ( Cantitwed On 4th page) SONGS OF VICTORY. FOURTH EDITION. . PRICE, Cloth, . . . . $ 0.50. $ 0.30. Per dozen, $ 3.00 & $ 4.80. THE SABBATH TRACT. THE SABBATH, — . OR:— 11/ 711C11 alY 70 KEEP. .1B LE Freels that the change from Lp the seventh,, to t first day of the week, was made by the L9rd Himself. This tract contains 64 pages : the price is duced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $ 1.00. THE AGE TO COME, AND MILLENNIUM TRADITION, Refuted by the indpired Word of God. Single copy, . . 10 cts. Price Per. dozen. . . SO 4' Per. hundred . 5.00: REFERENCE AND - PRONOUNCING TESTAMENTS. As persons have frequently wr: tten to us for Bibles TeAaments, we have purchased a few New Tes, tame its w: th. the ReferencPs in figures, din- ally un-der the ver. ie refered t which is very convenient. It also contains a key to- the principies of - prow / ncia-tion and has a Dictionary, and Gazetteer of 17 pages. ( Sheep- skin cover,.$ 1.00. Price, postage paid, Embossed _ " . • . $ 1.95. ( Embossed gilt, THE BIBLE READINGS BY Bra's Kilpatrick and Speck, is now read. y to . Send out. It is a veiy thorough work giving the Bible readings or refer-ences on about 100 subjects. Single copy. . . . $ .75 Per half Doz. . .3.30 Doz. . . . . . . . . . 6.00 ADDRESS:— GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. - LIST . OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED. iv. G. Schell. S. E. Fairchild Carrie Hitchcock. Mrs. John Ham, Matthew & Tillie Kerr. Isaac Cox. S. W. M artin. Wm Martin. S. C. Stead. M. E. Farrah. Robert Duff, W F. Wright, L. Haynes, D. Lytle. James Pinson. J. C. Myers. Jonathan Rodger-, M. M Copeland. Lewis Basore. F. Longerhone. A. C. Bigler, Camp and Grove Mooting Litt. BANGOR CAMP MEETING. This animal feast will be held on the old camp gronnd June 10 - 18. No new audi-torium will- be erected but 1, and perhaps 2 large canvas pas- Miens will be pitched on the ground so as to accommodate the large concourse ofpeople that crime On sabbatlawith preaching from 2 or 3 stands. Let all the holy saints, and such as wish lo. seek God come from far and near. Better provisions we trust, will be made for teams Dian heretofore,. and we hope that ell things will be very satisfactos ry and to the glory of God. Saints come in lime, or tarry after the - meeting, And. make us a visit at the Trumpet office,. the: Lord wi ding. Amen! Price, A SEIII- 11011TELT EOLItTESS JOURNAL DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI-- SECTARIAN, . 5e3it Forth iii the name of the Dora jesus Christ, For the Purity- and T_ Tisity of Church, the _ De-fence of _ ADD His Truth, And the Destruction • of Sect 33a: 13-. yIon. ri733tt$ 1- tzla Air GBAIID D. S. WARNER,— Editor. E. B. B YR VA— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM and S. MICHELS,— Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.00 PER YEAR IN ADvANcia FREE TO THE POOR. NOTIOE. All business communications, moneys etc., m . ist be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET, in order to In-sue credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the Gokpm, TRumpET. We make this offer so as to help the • brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. Ear- Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts. ga IfErN 0 T I G` E. How TO SEND MoNEy :— Remit by Post Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these can not be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in one and two cent stamps. CHANGES OF ADDREss:— Subscribers. wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to give their FORMER, as well as their new ad dress. MISSING PAPERS occasionally hap-pens that numbers of our papers sent to our- Subscribers are lost, or stolen in the Mails. In case you do not receive your paper when due, after waiting a sufficient length of time, write us a card and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure and give your FULL ADDRESS, NAME, POST OFFICE, COUNTY, and STATE. - Should there be a mistake at any time, write to us at Once, and we will gladly rec-tify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET GRAND JUNCTION, MICR. Entered at the Post Gdiceat thquid Junction, Van urenCo. Mich., as second class matter. A beautiful grove with a hall in the midatanhundreddeet long, at South Haven, has been procured for a meeting of the saints June : 6- 8. This is just before camp- meet-ings South Haven is by the lake side, on steam- boat line from Chicago. We trust that many dear saints will come in lime to take in this meeting A glorious time is expected. For information, address M. Miner: CAMP MEETING, CEDISRVALE, KAN: The Church at the above place have de-cided to : have a camp meeting, beginning July 1V, ' 90. The people desire as to be there, but dO. DOt know how that will be; but have no doubt the L- ord will supply plenty of preachers. So Wo make ihe announcement. in the - name of the Lard. There is quite a . geeeral interest we are told, in the, surrounding- country in the eomingreeetieg. The Church bad called for a camp meeting last - year, but DO: workers at leisure. We trust there will be a & nee § rally this year. We will be thee if the laird should so arrange. Amen! Address Nancy J MUST WE SIN? A conversation between Bro. Light and Foggy, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. This tract lids been enlarged to 43 pages, and is DOW ready. All who love to read the truth, send. for them by the hundred. ( Per single copy. cts, Price, ' Doz., . ' Hundred. - 1. REQUEST Eon. PgAYERs, PIERCE, PA. MAY. 15, 1890. THE dear Lord leads me this afternoon to write to you and ask the prayers of all God's little ones to pray for me for the healing of my body for I believe the Lord will heal me. For Tie says in His Word_ f.' ask- mid ye Shall receive." Praise His ho-ly name forever and ever! I am waiting at the feet of Jesus. Your sister in Christ. Mary Troutman. POEMS OF GRACE AND TRUTH. This work is almost completed We b'ess the Lord for many pre-cious things He has given us. The book will contain 352 pages. We are expecting to have it ready by June camp meeting. Send in your subscription as the Lord leads. Price, $ 1. 50. WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE FOR ME. .4! •- h• AUBURN, IND. DEAR TRUMPET - READERS:--- I Will endeavor to write My testimony this morning ito the glorynf ' God. In the first place -. I wish to tellyou ithat I have this glorious salvation, thatl am saved mid sanetified and ready to: become anything oienothing, for Jesus' sake juet.:. now. Praise the Holy name of Jesus forever and ever! He is leading me - outinto the deep waters of His love. - My daily prayer is, that I may be kept low down at His feet, ever learning of Him. I feel that I am the least of His children, but thaisks be to God He has promised His graceis ever : sufficient for us. I Was in . the- Sects for nine years and lived in all the light- I had. I mutat say that I had a bright experience at first. For as the Word of God says, was a changed man, things I ouce loved I now hated, things I once hated I now loved. All went - well' with me for a short time. I did not read the Word of God for myself, but listened to my- preacher and whatever he said, was gospel with me. He opened the doors the church and I wIN admitted as one the United Brethren. I cannot lhelp b 169k : heels in my astonishment . to see n ignorance as I groped along as one in ti dark, for sevenyears; seine times up at some - times down. But the most of tl time cloWn. I was trying to: serve tw Masters at once. In fact I was taught tin I could. ein, phil : repent; each .' day. -- 1Ke the 6th, tippler of Matt. - and the 24th ye explain that to any honest SOUL Chi the 10th of Dec. 1887, met with. a Misfortune that almost proved fatal to me, kit I ' can see through it now clear! enough. God took this means toeshew my condition:. I ka pt wy bed for 6 montl was at the point Of death quite - ofte Three times the word went to Auburn tha G. C. Lalinuni Wes dead. I had my rigl mind all the - time, so I began to examin myself to : see . whether " was prepared t meet thy God; and right there on in bed is where I saw my ungodly condition, and the crookedness and ungodly actions of the sects or denominations. And then and there I: promieed - my blessed Savior if He would ', spare_ my life and permit me to. again regain health, I would serve Hian II - spirit - and in truth. 11' p to that time 1 iad six different physicians and they had 11 proved a - failure; had given me up to So I justl dism: ssed them - all, and ince that lime. I l. ia- e not taken any med-cine in my mouth. I only weighed a-oat 80 14, and my usual weight is 185 I tbr t6 pray I could not, for I was guilty and felt myself a sinneri n the sight of .; God. - , I remember once telling at one of our testiniony meetings, that I bed a few neigh-hors that professed to be _ sanctified : claim-ed Holiness.- But I said I thanked God, that I was sanct ified with- the old kind of religion, - the kind the IL I37,:=: have; and at the same Hine knowing I was tell-ing- an untruth, for I saw their crookedness and their ungodly deeds, and their blind-ness. .- If I would have told the real true sentiments Of ply _ heart at that time, - 1 would lave said: " I desire to be a. saint." But I would not have said that for any thing, for I could not say things bad enough about the saints. But . I . have loeg ago asked the saints every - where to forgive me. I lived in this awful ' and wretohed con-dition uritilthe 18th, day Of December 1889. When God for Christ's sake forgave all my sinsvand afterwards sanctified my nature. . Oh I can. never get through thanking and praising Ills Holy name while here on eartleand. I expect to piedee Him in- heaven too. God through His kind providence sent Bro. F. N. Jacobson here to - preach His true Word in this neighborhood, and as he was a fraiLand weak little blind man, - I listened to him, and took him- home with me, and shall never forget the morning we talked on the suhject,- of salvation and etc. To make short of it I got salvation right at my own home.- Praise God for ever and ever ! Oh I Used to be full and run- NEW CHURCH TRACT. Containing 30 pages, carefully written and showing the Divine origin, founda-tion, head, door, membership, organiza-tion, holiness, and unity of the . Church, and the basis of unity. It also distin-guishes between the True Church and all sects. Price, per one book, . . . 10 cts. " per dozen. . . . . . . 80 " " per hundred . 00 There has been a long demand for such books. Now let all who love the truth send your orders by the hundred. We send all books, postage prepaid. Address GOSPEL TRUMPET. GRAND JUNCTION, Mien. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. . A small tract of 82 pages, setting this subject before the people, in the clear light of the New Testament. Single copy, . . 05 cts. Price Per. dozen, . - 40 " Per. one hundred, . 2.50 ' Al- UM: EMS FROM THE THRONE.: . SECOND EDITION. --- : o:-- 1.1 cumulus 148 songs. 90 with music About all new. The pages are some larg-er than Soiigs of Victory. Whemsang in the Spirit of God, these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the Gospel standard cf salvation. Send in your order for A n fhems from the throne, awl start . the songs or praise anew. ' Manq ia. : • •. - 30 cts. PRICE Cloth, . . . 50 ets Per: dozen $ 3.00 & $ 4.80 BEAVER DAM, IND. CAMPMEETING. TIME CHANGED. THIS annual feast of tabernacles will begei n Auegust 12th and continue until the 21st A gh r: ous coming to- re gether of the fire- brands of the Lord te is expected this year. Persons coming on f° the, Lake Erie and Western, fram the north or south, stop at Rochtster, Ind., write Bro. David Leininger, Akron, Ind. Those coming from the east or west on the Nickle Plate, stop at Mentone, notify Bro. F. Krau7e, Beaver DRIP" Ind. Those coming on the Chicn,- o and Atlantic from east or west, stop at Akron, Ind, notify Bro. H. N. Gast. at, Akron. Coming from the south on Cincina( i and Wabash, stop at- Sil- ver Lake, notify Bro. S. M. Smith at Silver Lake Ind. Comiene fmro the north on Vat R. R., Stop at Claypool Notify- Bra B: F. Bear at Burkett, ind. • Now comes something that I am a lit-tie ashamed of, but I must tell all to the glory of God, The truth of the matter id, I went haek on my best friend after He bad healed me and restored me to health. I went back on my vow that I made to God. I cannot use words to express my feelings; of all creatures I was . the. most miserable . I felt condemend. All the conso-lation I could get, was from my U. B. preacheramd: my brethren. They told me I was till right to- go on as before etc. I tried to believe them, but when I would 11) s5. 1 was a mere skeleton had the drePSy in my limbs. But trusted God for thy healing, and He did heal me then and there: : From that Very moment I be-gan to improve. My limbs were swollen as full as the Skin would permit. But 6 hrs after I had talsen God - as my • physician, all the swellingi - had: left my ' limbs. My faith still clung to God, knowing that He is all and in all to those thatinlet Him. I still kept oii: iMproving and was soon able to go rearid the room On " crutches, and kept - on improving until I was fully covered, Or more than that, I enjoy bet-r- health) to- day than I have for 20 years, winch give God all the praise S and glory: ing over with prejudii ce agaiinst the saints. I Worshipped my sect-, but God be praised, I am a changed person now. I love the saints and they are- welcome at thy home. " thought those holiness preachers were going to tear down our church, but had 1 looked at the Word of God and read the 16sh chapter and the 18 ver- e of St. Mat-thew, that Would- have convinced me at once if it was torn down it was not of Gcd, of for He says to Peter " On this Rock of ( which is Christ.) I will baud my Church ut and the . gates Of hell shall not prevail. - 1Y against Oh it is sweet to trust God le at all times. I ever expect to put id trust in the living ( iod. My prayer is le I that He may keep me low down at His 0 feet, ready to do His whole will at all at times. I desire the prayers of the dear n saints every where that I May ever prove 1% true to God. Your saved Bro. - G. C. Lahnum. 0- asa. NZWS FBOU TI- 1 13 FISLD lose my salvati0n. and to grieve the Holy Spirit. I Iva § grieved at the situation in which I was placed and HUMBLE, MO. DEAR TLUMPET READERS:— May the grace of God our Father be with you all. Amen. When I was. sanctified the dear Lord call-ed me to preach the Word, but I hesitated to enter Upon my mission, knowing the world in general was opposed to women preaching; bat this did not release me from my work, and oh what alOnging I had at heart to get out and work for my Father. The longer I delayed; the greater weight of immortal soulF: was rolled upon me and becanse very unhappy, because I knew God's will eoncernieg me, and realized that God was willifig to use me as a mouth to speak his W ord. I prayed earnestly to our God to help me to preach the Word as it is in Christ. Jesus. And the. way was opened up and I was permitted- to preach at If Um- ' hie school house, one mite and a wiener from home aucli) 11 how the dear Lord bless-ed me in preaching His holy Truth. The way was then opened for regularmeetings at a little town called Arthur. I preached several sermons at that place in the name of King Jesus: and the dear Lord - furnished large attendance . and good order, and won-derfully blessed me in telling the people of His love and mercy and hi pointing them to the Lamb of God: " that taken ' away the sin- of the word." The enemy of our souls began to get alarmed et the boldness which God had given me, and spirit's power with which He used me, en he : ( the devil) be-gan at once to lay a plan to over throw Me; and persecution began to arise in my femily, and they were laid on heavier than it seemed that I could bear. I read where the Lord Promised to give us grace suffi-cient in every time of need. But. desirieg to live at peace, and have all the members of our family love ire and treat me kindly thought. I would give up preaching a while and oh what sadness filled my heart, when I consented to Ibis. Many limes those words come to me; shall I serve God or . mai ? I knew to refuse to do God's will would be le It . ni II ti b Ii in Ii be de of U Br Br lie ho fel di: thu ni prayed without ceasing to God to help ale do I l ls holy will. It did seem to ale at t list time ( lint the inore I prayed the grea1. the trials were; that satan had attacked me with all his force, but I continese searched the scripteres I read in lisabel 46: 1. where it read th tiGtxt . mr refuge rnd strength, a very presait . n . lp in trouble."' I knew God, , rely / ./( 4niEe d I believed wHaes twrooButtoi ri ye a way the dark clouds of sorrow, the Ihe old dragon had rushed upon rne. while struggling alin this sadness - ame very clear to thy mind, that niv. ty way had Liven the old enemy more bold ness and he only made the stronger efforts to drag me back in the darkness a sin, 0 how miserable, how wretc hed , I V o lanl awl al yy sodeeespilrehsisg ntoigdhotsGaoidid'scloviilllld. sIcasrpelevetial . eat. r four meths I suffered thus, leng. ing to do God's will and yet making eff every o rt to avoid d ispleasing my & Ws; bet while praying one d ay the SWOt t gem yvooinc ea roef nJoets upse rcsaemcuete idn, itfh yoosue hwaovrdes: " it atlic ing at that place as long as cerwmiiitatie, pdytoI Iwas. ) re ac1A1 taidt BlawliitiolNIhmia, vaendmeoh allstheorne wil lI not et dbethlei kLeojrtels: ssif. 01H1 for any thing for Him and soon I En I am standing where I can say: the IPA a relief those words were to ine:. I th am Lord." Happy are those who do the' wil eoafrG botdOther or sister if God has called you to any work, ( and believe lie gives to all His children some kind of work) do it with all your might and when sates rages take it to the Lord in prayer, Dear sinner I beg you never to work against or oppose the work of the Us for if yea should cause any one to back. slide, you wrould be a sou, l murdere what a wonderful Father we have, to oavo from sin. Jesus is all and in all to ale Oii praise Him all ye saints! I know to-day that the blood of Jesus cleans" s from all sin, and the God of peace saneti. ties me wholly. Pray for me that I may ever be found faithful serving the Lord. Maggie MadiS011. OLLIE, IA. MAY 101 189i. Dear Sainfs of the Living 00dt- sat: tar last report from Meriden Kan. stated that we - were going from there to Huron of which' place we found the little ' ones wait-ing OUP coining, hungry for the precious truth. The Lord was with us there n power. A f- on of dear Bro. and sister Haynes was saved, and others conseerat ed and were blessed, their prayers being answered in the salvation of their souls, We stayed but five days, haying several urgent calls from the brethren at Way. land, Neb. at which place we labored with the Church to the edification and strength. ening of the same. Dear Bro. Fox and family and Bro. Hoffer having gone fa' Texas and sister Liza Hoffer to Oklahoma, and Bro. and sister Dailey to Arinland, Kairas caving the Church quite small in number, and yet strong in Jesus. One dear Bro. was gloriously saved, while in the field at vork; we saw he was under deep conviction - it different times. Bro. N. Dowers Wai .1aptizd. The Lord enabled us to getatealn o travel with. We feel this in the order I God. We have been in debt for some caused by sickness years ago, bap ig to have paid this long ago, buthave ot been ableao yet; we hle ave preached& - hole council of God, except it be this: ive and it shall be given unto you. again, iv_____ as the Lord bath prospered y. How beautiful are the feet of those_ who ring glad tidings. o how many might ut feet under, yea give wings _ WO° essage bearers of good tidings) ilhit otdi t3t- ootnil - ethbeelsitneo: fmgyi tyByhe t: eirtetirl, e God I shall preach the whole couadlet m essage of salvation, may be boihe to ease who have never heard it. AfayGod less the dear ones for Jesus' sake, end elp them to do all that God enjoin84an His Word, that they may have efinal fe. I beg forgivness where in I Poure en slack in pointing out to show Pace ore definite on the line of glorifying 0t- 1 by your means. IVe left Neb. 1.0°, o. J. W. Newkirk'e, April 31: dr, o; oirt: enasca: roe. LTi nhdulresad- ' asyT found ay sister M ay 6E111 7- 11: 11 idling meetingia the Carter seta.°/ Iweso t lad of the Lord to remain wirer V. The Lord wonderfully bteodriaN e way, and furnished us our a a gut. Praise Nis holy. namel Your Bro. and sister. - Wm. N. R. S. Wallace. FINDLAY, OHIO. DEAR ONES IN Jasus:— I am kept by the power of God through faith ready to be re-vealed in these last times. I am a: soldier for Jesus and. have DO carnal weapons, ' but spiritual ones. 1 was ordered not to come to Deshler Ohio, under the penalty of death. I went under the orders of God, and I must say to the glory of God- that I never had a more glorious time in my life. I went and returned safely. I love Jesus - and Jesus loves me. I have promised Him all of my moments, and He is wonderfully blessing my labors. We shall reap if We faint not. E. J.- Hill. J. W. Daily. C crrespcndence SPRING- FIELD, Oil ro. BEAR SAINTS:-- I feel that it is to the glory of God for me to testify to. His goodness. MERRILL, Moil. Dearly Beloved Saints: May the bless ed Lord bestow upon all, Ilis richest bless ST. PETERSBURG, PA: DEAR SAINTS:— I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony. Praise -- God for the way He is leading me. I am still saved and, sanctified and kept by the mighty power of God, up to this present moment free from all sin. Praise God for salvation that keeps us free at all times, as long as we trust Him. I praise God for bringing me out into this marvelous light. I feel that I am growing stronger - and more determined to live for the Lord each - day of my life, and have the sweet peace and joy RULETON, KAN: in Day soul continually. I praise God for DINAR am praising God this all the trials and persecutions of this life morning for salvation. Oh I do praise His I for the Word says : Blessed are ye when holy name for His tender mercies, and for men shall revile you and persecute you, and setting my soul free from the bondage of shall say all manner of evil against the evil one, and for leading me into this you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be blessed evening light. Bless the Lord! exceeding glad for great is your reward in I am free from sect - babylon. Oh praise en for so perseethel they the prophets Heav the Lordl I have never heard the straight which were before you. I ask an interest Word preached. Oh that it might be the in the prayers of the dear saints, that I may will of the Lord to send some. Holy Ghost ever be faithful to God, and be kept loin minister here; I think there would be and humble , at His feet. Your sister saved much good done, in the name of our God. by the blood of Jesus, kept by the power of God. Annie Alfred. There are but three of us here professing holiness Myself, my Son, - and one dear sister: in the Lord. We commenced prayer- - meeting - one week ago, a" hd the Lord enabled me to present My body a living sacrifice, and He sanctified me and cleansed me from all sin. Glory to God, for saving a wretch like me. Oil I do thank God for a saviour that saves us- all the time. Blest the Lord! I feel His love in my heart all the time. Your saved sister. iSE, KAN. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: — The Lord bless you abundantly for Jesus sake, Amen! I feel led to write to the Gospel Trumpet to witness for Jesus. I can say that I am fully saved and trusting all with my bless- 1 ed Savior who bath redeemed me with His own precious blood, and brought me out of darkness into His own marvelous light, and bath established my goings and put a new Fong in my mouth even praises to my “ od. 0! I feel that it is so blessed to be all giv-en up to the will of the Lord, knowing that whatsoever He does is for our eternal good. I love to feast on the blessed Word of God; I t is' meat and: drink for my soul. - 0 ! I do so thank and. praise the Lord for opening my understanding so that I can under-stand His blessed Word, and that He taught me how to trust and obey Him. I love to read the Gospel Trumpet, and have through it received much light, strength, and en-couragement, for which I praise the Lord : for we are all baptized by one ' Spirit- , into the one body, and have been made'to drink into one Spirit and have fellowship with all saints of God. Praise the name of_ the Lord forever more! Amen ! Pray for us. Your sister under the blood. Laura Hart. + 0 - VINLAND, RAN. DEAR SAUTTSI— I praise the Lord for sal-vation. I am on the straight Bible line and can take all the Word of Gal. I am 16 years old. I am standing on the Solid Rock Christ Jesus, all naists have cleared away. I was buried in baptism a short time ago. 0 what a blessed thing to fol-low the Lord aright. Your sister saved and sanctified wholly. Sarah 8, Daily. --: 0.— NEWHAMPSHIRE, OHIO. DEAR BRETHREN; — I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony. Praise God for a salvation that cleanses from all sin. To-night I am all on the altar, both justified and sanctified by a second work of gracc• I wandered in sectarianism for fifteen years. I was converted, and was honest in my heart, but when I saw the light, it convin-ed me that it Was the Word of God. Last fall when Bro. Schell and others held a grove- meeting in this place, my- wi'e was saved, but I rejected the Word and went into outer darkne- s. Dear readers let me warn you never to reject the Word of God. I got so tow that I ordered God's children out of God's house and the devil worked me up to a terrible rage, and I threatened my wife with many threats, but praise God, she took me to the Lord in prayer, and after fasting for three days God showed me that I was a terrible wick-ed sinner, and if I did not repent, hell was my doom. I went with my wife to the holiness prayer meeting, and I asked them to forgive me for the way I had used them, and to pray that God woo forgive me. I tried to give myself up, in could get no relief. For two months struggled and prayed. I thought I di give up all. I thought I could get salvia Lion and hang to my idols. But praise th Lord they all had to go. When God' ministers carne and preached the Word saw the line between saints and sinners, was willing to let all go, and on the 8th o Jan. I was justified and my peace was made with God and on the 9th I came to the altar for the cleansing He has taken me from all my idols, and washed me in His blood, and I am whiter than snow, and am free from sect babylon and from all division. I was a slave to tobac-co for thirty years. Praise God, the appe tite is, gone never to return. He is my leader, and none other will I know. I am free from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and dead to this world and its pleas-ure. Praise God I I am just ready to do or be anything that will give glory to God Pray for mo that I may do the will of God. Your Bro. in Christ. I aric C. Taylor. VINLAND, IiAN. DEAR SAINTS:— I praise the : Lord for salva-tion full and free. I joined the Baptist sect about 12 years ago. About a year ago the Lord saved me, and I was no more a Baptist but a child of God. I be-came- confused with false doctrine, but last September the Lord sanctified my soul, and praise the Lord, I am free from all sin, and all sects, and babylon confusion, and doe trinesof devils. Pray for me. Your Bro. in • Christ. FAYETTE, Onto. DEAR SAixTs:— It has been some time ince I have testified through the T. ump-t. And this morningI do feel it would be to the glory of God, and for the good of my soul, that I tell what Ile has - done for me since I saw you, or, many of you at least. For He has done a wonderful work in my oul, I had given- place to the devil and not into darkness and lost my experience. 0 what awful darknessit was ! But thanks be to God; I was permitted to attend the meeting in Paulding Co., and the ' saints prayed God to show me my worst condi-ion, and He did but God showed them, first, they having the discerning cf spirits aw that I was possessed with devils, and a host of them too. 0 what a terrible con-dition I was in. The dear saints labored vith me several hours, for they did not vant the devil to get the victory. While hey were being cast out I grew sick, but he saints said it was a tr - ck of the devil. The devil wanted them to take their hand off, bus- thanks be to God, by prayer, and ayin g on of hands in the name of the Holy Child Jesus they were all cast out. was sorry, very sorry, and ashamed to bring such a reproach on the cause . of Christ, but God through His mercy did eve me, I was restored to the arms of Jesus once more, 0 blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, I do love thee 1 You that know the worth. of prayer please pray for me, that 1 prove firm to the truth, Amen; the Lord has been so wonderfully good to me in aving my soul, and healing me of bodily afflictions several times for which I do praise Him, and give Him the glory, praise His name. I had the scald head, very bad, for a number of years but two - ears ago the 22nd of this month- I was waled of the Lola, Praise His Holy name " or ever and ever. 0 praise God for salva-ion that saves frcm all sin two years aeo next August while at the Jerry City C. M. I was enabled of the Lord to put Tway my crutch and walk without it 0, I am so glad I am saved, and` resting in the arms of Jesus, having sweet peace in my soul once more, Glory be to Jesus! I have a richer . and deeper experience than ever before, am firmer on the Solid. Rock Christ Jesus. 0 I am so glad for a pure heart, for a clean place for Jesus to dwell in. Praise His holy name! Howl- would like to meet with the dear saints oftener. If it is the Lord's will, and the way is open-ed I shall try and be at the Bangor, C. M. Your sister all on the altar. Pray for me that I continue at the feet of our blessed Savior. Amen! Saved and sanctified. Carrie, Hitchcock. TEOwBaiDAE, ILL. DEAR SAINTS:— HaVillg read the testimo-nies in a copy of the Trumpet of which I received from Bro. J. Cole, I will write a few lines and try to glorify my Redeemer. I am rejoicing this morning in a ' Say-ior's love. We are taught to " resist the • devil and he will flee from us," and I praise God this morning for complete vie, tory over the works of Satan. Praise His holy name forever ! I am saved and sanctfied and kept. by the mighty power of God. Praise God forever 1 I am so glad that He saw fit to bring me clown at His ' feet and save me from all sin. Praise His holy name. Martin D. Woods. 1111= 1ZIMMISEEMIIMUUSIO112=` Nancy Byers. 41: 0391: 1111* The precious flower that blossomed, Is gone to realms above; [ earth, And mothers heart is sore with grief, To lose her darling love. But you II meet herby and by, Where parting will be o'er; Yes in a brighter world than this, We'll shout our sorrows over. W. B. Grover. -- I.- WI:— HENDERSON, PA. . DEAR BRETHREN :— I feel it a duty I owe to God to write my testimony to the Trum-pet. I can say to the glory of God that I am saved and sitting at the feet of Jesus enjoying a full salvation from all sin; sanctified wholly made white and tried. Glory be to God forever, for this blessed evening light that enables us to discern the pure Church of Christ that shall, will, and is to pp without spot or wrinkle. The Lord showed me this winter, when I was laying on the bed of affliction that He was this pure Church, and every soul that did not believe the truth, and have every stain that sin bath made washed away, in His ailcleansing blood, the spots and Wrink-les too, that, not one can enter Heaven that does not measure up to" the Bible standard of freedom from all sin, and live holy sane-- tilled lives, here in this present life. Igno-rance of this solemn truth will not excuse anyone, for there is none so blind, as those that will not see, and turn their ears away that they may not hear. Lord, pity the poor sin caged- mortals and open their eyes to see the true Church is my prayer. I do praise the Lord I am saved and walking in the light as He is in the light. - Your sister in: Christ. Charlotte W Carthichael. LARUE, OHIO. DEAR SAINTS.:- 7- I feel led to write a few lines to the readers of the Trianpet I . praise God for salvation thvotioh the blood of Christ, : and for the glorious light of the tlospel. I praise God for the Gospel Trump-et which - We do know teaches sound. . doc-trine. It is- the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and His disciples. It is said by the prophet Isa. 62: 10 and Jer. 5: 2. To lift up and set up a standard. In Isa: 35: S. And an highway shall be there and a way, and it shall be called the way of holiness. The . unclean Shall- not pass over it, but it shall be for those the way- faring men though fools shall not err therein. Now we find the way that God laid down for His people to walk in, is a highway abova the - ways of the world. It is to be without sin. It is so plain that any lion-ast understanding person need not err therein. Christ says : I am the way, the truth and the life. So Christ commands us to follow Him and ( Maid commanded His apostles to observe and teach all things whatsoever I have commanded you. Christ is the way to follo. w, and - He- says : If ye climb up any other way, the same is thief and a robber. If we want to get to Heaven, let us search the scriptures Tor they testify of Him. Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that we should fol-low His steps, who did no sin neither was guile found in His mouth. * Who when He was reviled, reviled not again, when He suffered He threatened not.- 1 Pet. 2: 23 He made himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death even the deathof the cross.—. Phil. 2: 28. He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor that through His poverty we might be made rich--- 2 Cola 8: 9. Praise the Lord! He went . about doing good, preaching to the poor, healing the sick, making the lame to walk and the blind to see, etc. He done the will of the Father; He taught and lived a holy life. Rebuked sin. He instituted the ordinances of baptism, the Lord's supper, and feet washing in example and by precept ;- and many more things are recorded in the scripture' that we are comnialided to follow Him in. While He was in the world, He was the light of the world and said : He that fol-loweth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Praise theLord! Nay each person that is trying to live so that they may get to Heaven when they die, become pure- as He is pure through the Blood of Christ, and then follow and teach all things that Christ taught and done, and there will be one faith, and one Lord. Your Bro. in Christ, saved and sanctified. Matthew Kerr. Nearly a year ago we heard the earl, " come Rigs. Amen. out of her my people, be ye not unequally - As I profess to _ be a follower ( 4* our Lord yoked together with unbelie vers." And we Jesus Christ, • I must fellow Him in all heeded toe call, husband - and I- both CODS- things. . Oh I do love to obey that blessed crated all to the Lord, and asked Him to Jesus wine gave His life a ransom that we sanctify us wholly. 0 I do praise God that, might live-; who was Without sin, neither He ever sent some of His ministers here to preach the Gospel in its purity. I ' had be-longed to the M. E. sect almost 20 years. That is a long time to be in bondage. No one knows the bondage of babylon but those who - have been in bondage. 0 praise the Lord ! How - willing I was to give up all, though to a great extent the enemy had overcome nie with pride and fashion, but praise the Lord I was willing to submit to His will. He heard my prayers and answered, and I through the atoning blood lie washed me and cleansed me from all sin and set me free. I earnestly play God to send some Holy Ghost - minister this way to preach the Gospel in its purity, and build up a Church to himself in the beauty of holi-ness, without spot or Wrinkle, but pure as He is pure, for we know without holiness none shall see God. Dear saints, do not think that you can be called out of babylon and then attend their meetings continually and keep salvation. I am all -. sold out, con-secrated entirely to God, willing to be any-thing for Jesus: Your sister sanctified by the everlasting covenant. Lida A. Wood. was guile found in His mouth; th t wonderful counsellor. : The Word tells us in James 1: 5, if any' of you lack wisdom let him ask Of. G d who giveth to all men liberally, and upbraidtth not, and it shall be given him. So He is the saints colin-. sellor, therefore I call Him my counsellor. Jesus saves Me jest now. I have that peace within me telling me that I am born of God, adopted, into the family of God, and become a joint heir with Jesus Christ. [ low pleasant it. to belong to : itch a family. How glad I am that God has cast my let here in Michigan wh Yre He has a few who dare stand up lbr the truth. Oh bless God - for the freedom of speech when backed : up by the Holy Ghost. During the winter I was taken-sick, and on Sabbath morning the Lord showed me his wilt was for me to send Or sister Gould, that I may obey His Word. She came and we had prayer, then she obeyed God inlaying on of hands, and the Lord healed me at once. And filled my soul with praises to Him for doing the word. - The next Tuesday I exposed my-self, causing a relapse which brought me down so low that for two days I thought the Lord would take me home but I was perfectly reconciled to go. But the good Lord saw fit to raise DO Up again. The Lord sent Bro. Fales, Bro. Cox, and Harp in to see me, and oh how = that sweet love of Jesus flowed into our hearts as it must do with the - ehildrenof God. Then the saints appointed prayer- meeting at our house, and how wonderful that same bless ed Jesus did manifest Himself to us. It seemed like real waves of the Spirit el' God came down one after anoth, r right from the throne of God. : Well dear read-ers, r. want to tell you upt that same blessed Jesus iswith the Church near. Merrill, Mich., yet, and We have His- pres-ence with us in our families at. home. Your Bro. in the body of '-: Christ, which is the Church of the living God. M. H. Basore. ld t d e I I 1 ALBANY, ILL DEAR SAINTS:— I praise God to day for salvation, and the comforter that abides with us. Although we have been led through deep affliction in the past year we can truly say, the Lord is our helper. How often in our trying hours have we been comforted with those precious words, that fell from our Fhaviors lips: " Let not your heart be troubled" etc. Oh it is glorious to live under the sweet influence of the Ho-ly Spirit; who guides us into all truth, and gives us a humble submission to all the will of God. Praise the Lord forever and ever! My soul rejoices in my Savior who has redeemed and washed me in His own blood._ On the 2 Ith, of March, husband and I started for a short visit with our Bro. and sister, Jno. and Lizzie Livingston. They live in Washington county, Ilan. About 4 ibiles from Mahaska, a station on the Chi-cago, Burlington and Rock Island road. Our visit was very pleasant and enjoyable. Found some precious souls hungry for the truth. Some have already thrown off the shackles that were put upon them by hu-man organizations, others see the awful Condition of the sects, but have not heard the evening light preached. May God send some of His holy anointed ones to that place in the near future, for truly the field is already- white to harvest. May the Lord raise up labOrers. As I was looking over the Gospel Trumpet, of last number and sat the announcement of the meetings for the summer campaign, my heart went out to God for His blessing upon the work. Oh may God through the Holy Ghost qual- 1 fy every heart and put His Spirit upon every one. that whether they labor at home or abroad they mayknow their commission s from God. Oh may God save His peo-pie from the awful blight that follow de-ceitful workers. ' Oh dear saints, think of the great responsibility that we assume when we take up the Word of God to teach t to our fellow men. Surely if we have any other Motive than the honor and gle-y of God, we must give a sad account of our stewardship. Oh! may God give each of His workers a re- anointing, and 1.- eep the fire burning on the altar of every wart, is my prayer. Pray, for IA that we may keep low down at the feet of Jesus. Your sister saved in. Jesus. . OBITUARIES. DIED in Wilson, Charlevoix Co., Mich. Apr. 24th 1890. Little Ottie J. infant daughter of Bro. and. sister J. Button. Aged,, 6 months 2 days. We pray the Lord to abundantly bless the dear Bro. and sister, and keep them ready for the coming of the Lord when they shall again be united with the loved ones gone before. _ I* 01._ + NEW PI I TSBURG, IND. After a protracted illness of many weeks, little Homer son of Bro. Peter and sister Whitsell departed this Ing e April 1711890. Age 4 years 9 months, and 12 days. Little Homer was dearly loved by his parents: their loss is his eternal gain. May God bless the bereaved father and mother. May they so live that they shall meet their dear one in heaven. Funeral sex y ices were held at Praise Chapel, April 18, by the writer. Your Bro. saved in Jesus. C. Wickersham. open the way for a free meeting where in these part e Oh how I around the cold icebergs of babylon, 444y.: ing for the dear Lord to bring again ir when the watchman shall see. eye le. eye. I have taken tile Trumpet from the first, I love it next to the Bible. Your Bro. out of all sects. Ed Dear Brethren — is wi sure, that I write unto you praise the Lord, that I have salvation, that cleanses me and that keeps me wholly sa ai d day. I had lived some in a justified state, but duri had received much light Other/Unknown Material Mite ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Aly ENVELOPE(132.394,132.394,68.420,68.420) Awl ENVELOPE(-60.633,-60.633,-63.867,-63.867) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Bor ENVELOPE(126.850,126.850,61.750,61.750) Burlington ENVELOPE(-56.015,-56.015,49.750,49.750) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Cairn ENVELOPE(-57.083,-57.083,-63.500,-63.500) Charity ENVELOPE(-60.333,-60.333,-62.733,-62.733) Crutch ENVELOPE(-59.933,-59.933,-62.467,-62.467) Duff ENVELOPE(-60.029,-60.029,-62.450,-62.450) Duri ENVELOPE(142.000,142.000,61.550,61.550) Findlay ENVELOPE(-45.383,-45.383,-60.583,-60.583) Follo ENVELOPE(9.842,9.842,63.280,63.280) Hitchcock ENVELOPE(-64.833,-64.833,-68.800,-68.800) Judas ENVELOPE(-61.116,-61.116,-63.866,-63.866) Kerr ENVELOPE(65.633,65.633,-70.433,-70.433) Laird ENVELOPE(162.450,162.450,-81.683,-81.683) Leininger ENVELOPE(-62.267,-62.267,-70.600,-70.600) Lola ENVELOPE(-44.700,-44.700,-60.717,-60.717) Loweth ENVELOPE(-93.550,-93.550,-73.450,-73.450) Myers ENVELOPE(170.033,170.033,-72.117,-72.117) Patience ENVELOPE(-68.933,-68.933,-67.750,-67.750) Posi ENVELOPE(24.179,24.179,65.691,65.691) Ripen ENVELOPE(17.101,17.101,68.748,68.748) Rodger ENVELOPE(-83.567,-83.567,-79.700,-79.700) Seta ENVELOPE(9.895,9.895,63.645,63.645) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) The Watchman ENVELOPE(-57.298,-57.298,50.817,50.817) Ure ENVELOPE(13.733,13.733,68.100,68.100)