The Gospel Trumpet - 10:24

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 asmatiamesaam UNION CITY, MICH. Dearly Beloved Saints of the Lavin; God: One year ago last Christmas, the Lord found me a sinner, low down in the gut ter, and in trouble of every kind...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1889
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institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
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topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 10:24
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 asmatiamesaam UNION CITY, MICH. Dearly Beloved Saints of the Lavin; God: One year ago last Christmas, the Lord found me a sinner, low down in the gut ter, and in trouble of every kind. 1 was very badly afflicted with Erysipelas, hav-ing doctored for a long time without relief. I began to think about God, and became convicted of my ` sins. I went to a . meet-ing of the saints and the Lord saved me and healed my body, and has kept me thus. To Him be all the praise and glory. The dear Lord has called me to preach His Word, and I ask all the saints to pray God to give me wisdom and knowledge from on high. 0 I do praise God for a salvation that keeps from all sin; He is my all and in all. Amen. Your Bro. in Christ. Adam Keagel. SOT- Ulf Amts, ARCM Dear Saints— I feel led to write my testimony. I am saved and sweetly rest ing in the arms of Jesus. Praise the Lord! He is my shepherd; I shall not want. Ile maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside still waters. Praise His holy name! I am saved and sancti-fied and reigning in this life by one Christ Jesus. I am determined to see the end of a christian race. Pray for me. Leroy Sheldon, The Lcrd God shall BLOW ' lie: Mt/ WAY and go with whirlwinds The Field of the Wahl. Grand Junction, Mich., .? rt, a7". , 89. Mc 0 .1' unzber24. —: o:— Sow in the morn thy seed, At eve hold not thy hand; To doubt and fear give thou no heed, Broad- cast it o'er the land. Beside all waters sow, The highway. furrows stock; Drop it where thorns and thistles grow, Scatter it on the rock. The good, the fruitful, ground, Expect not here nor there: O'er hill and dale, by plots, ' tis found; Go forth, then, everywhere. Thou know'st not which may thrive, The late or the early sown; Grace keeps the precious germs alive, When and wherever strown. And duly shall appear, In verdure, beauty, strength; The tender blade, the stalk, the ear, And the full corn at length. Thou cant not - toil in vain; Cold, heat, and moist, and dry, Shall foster and mature the grain For garners in the sky. Thence, when theglorious end, The day of GOD is come, The angel- reapers shall descend, And Heaven cry—" Harvest- home!" SELECTED. " Flee out oriPbe. 3tlidst of babYion, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this M the tune of the. Lord's, vengeance: he Will render unto'her a recompense. And the land. c, hall tremble and sor-row: for every purpose of the Lor I shall be performed against babylon, to make thelitalgpf baby) on. a deso-lation without' ail inbahitant.-- Jer. 51: 6, 29. And tie said tin, edt, h / o suet? eo Aam nietd, y IiInI Iag/ anrtos/ wlml. eere- t Tilen said he unto me, every one that stealeth shall he cut oft' on this side according tort; and thweSil liLs dboeherrva idenal lrg coybc f ieoot rnfcdoeui rnttthg hoa , ft ttso isot sintirl tett, ahrraewth Zech. — and Ile shall send rife a sah garlel agta stohuenr dt oogf eat hTerru mHipse te, lect tfrhoemy. ethne t ofo tuhre wOitnhdesr. from one end of heav- whNeonw h liesa brnra an cpha riasb ylee to ft ethned efirg, tarneed; swpuuhmteinem tyhee r. f soihsrta hnll ilsgeehaev. ea sSll, o ty helei. k skeen wtohwiisn etg hsya, et dkonoorsw." — thMata ittt. is muta- ru. even the ngels with speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared With a hot iron." There are professed children of God in the land today, who actually lie about the saints, with no cause whatever. " Blessed be the Lord ( hod of Israel, for He hash visited and redeemed his people; end bath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house o f His servant David, As Ile spoke 1, y the mouth of His holy prophets, which have been since the world began; that we should be saved from- our enemies and from the Land of all that hate. to perform the mercies promised to our lath-ers, and to remember his holy covenant, the oath Which He stare to our father Abraham: that he would grant unto us. that we, being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear; in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life. Though our outward man - perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light af-flietions, which are but for a moment, worketli for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the- things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. If any Mall suffer as a christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him . glorify God on this bdtalf. For the time bath come that judgment must begin at the house of God, and if it first begin at us, what shall the ormation. therfore, as these sacrifices and some an high priest, not by the blo , d of ordinances could not make them that did goats and calves, but by His o tvii blood has the sacrifice perfees as there was always entered once into the holy place having a remorse of conscience, for the law made obtained eternal redemption for us. nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a Wherefore if the blood of bulls and goats, better hope did. ( Heb 7 : 19.) Therefore and the ashes of an heifer, sprinkling the in what the law could not do in that it unclean, sanctifietli to the purifying of the was weak, God, sending His owDn. Son i. n flesh, how much more will the the likenem of sinful flesh, and for% sin, blood of Christ who offered him: condemned sin in the flesh, ( Rom. 8 : 3) self without spot to God, purge that we might be made partakers of His your conscience from dead works to serve Divine nature, having ecaped the corrup- the living God; for this cause He is a medi-tion that is in the world through lust, that ator of the New Testament that by means we might be perfect and entire, wanting of death for the transgressions that were nothing. Hallelujah to God and the under the first testament, that they that Lamb forever and ever! Yet there are are called might receive the promise of people in the world to- day who believe eternal inheritance. ( Heb. 9: 11- 15.) We and claim that we are yet under the old therefore conclude that a man is justified law- that we are never free from it. For by faith without the deeds of the law. as it was under the Mosaical law there ( Rom. 3 : 28.) If we were saved by the was a remembrance made of sins every the works of the law, we might have where-year, so likewise under the institution of of to boast, but glory to God! we are not the Roman sect there is a remembrance saved by works, but by faith are we made of sin every year, for which the peo- saved. ( Titus 3 : 5.) If there had been a pie must under their rigid discipline go law given that could have given life, then to their priest and make confe- sions, for righteousness would have been by the law; which the priest makes an offering to God but Scripture bath concluded all under for them. God help the people to know sin that the promise by the faith of Jesus that we have an high priest that has come Christ mgiht be given to them that believe, and made an offering once for all, and as- But before faith came, we were hept un-cended up to heaven, there to be a medi- der the law, wherefore the law is our ator between us and God. Wherefore we schoolmaster to bring us to Christ. For do not have to , go to an earthly priest to after faith is come we are no more under that their trangressions became so great make confession, but go to the Lord. the law or school- maste•, for we are all the that God saw that it was necessary they praise God for such a high priest! for the children of God by faith in Christ. ( Gal. should be put under a law. Therefore law of faith has made us free from the law of 3 : 21- 27.) Know 3- e not that the law hath God added the law because of their trans- sin and death. Therefore if pefection dominion over a man as long as lie liveth? gressions; until the seed should come to were by the Levitical priesthood, ( for un for as a woman is bound to her husband whom the promise was made, as God had der it the people received the law) what as long as he liveth, so are we bound to 4 promised that through the seed of Abra- farther need was there that another priest the law as long we live; i, e, as lon g as ham all nations should be blessed— Gal. should arise after the order of Melchisedec the OLD MAN liveth, ( Rona. 6 : 6.) which is en 3 : 19. Which promise had reference to and not to be called after the order of the carnal nature in man: but when her (. 1 1:, the coming Messiah, through whom a bet- Aaron. For the priesthood being changed husband is dead, she is free from the law of ter covenant should be established. Where there is made of necessity a change of the Iter husband so that she can be married to -` ere fore God called Moses and gave hilmaw thfoer h, eeosfew ' thhomingthse saere spok- another. ( Rom. 7 : 1- 12-) So the epos-law; he being the mediator between God en pertaineth to another tribe. For it is tie Paul says to the brethren: Ye are dead and his people, and commanded him to evident our Lord sprang out of Judea of to the law by the body of Christ, that ye read to the pAnd wheen Moses had whoich tribe Moses sppake nothing conclern- shoueld be married to. another , even to spoken every precept to all the people instgh oproide. ( Heb. : 11- 14.) Who is Him that was raised from the dead, ( Rom. according to the law, he took the blood of made not after the law of A carnal con- 7 : 4.) for when we were in the flesh calves anti of goats, with water and scarlet mandment, but after the law of endless ( carnal nature) the motions of sin which wool and hyssop, and spiinkled both the life. As the priest among men could not were by the law worked in our members book and the people, saying: This is the continue only till death, Christ continueth to bring forth fruit unto death; that was blood of the testament which God hath forever; therefore as ' Christ was chosen before we died to sin or self, ( flesh) bat enjoined unto you. Moreover he sprint- high priest there is no more change, for now we are delivered from the law that, led Witt i blood both the tabernacle and all He cotinueth forever. ( Heb. : 16- 24.) being dead wherein we Were held, we the vessels of the ministry and almost all Wherefore there was a disannulling of the should serve God in newness of the Spirit, _ things are by the law purged with blood; commandment going before, because of and not in the oldness of the letter. ( Rom. and without shedding of blood there is no the weakness and unprofitablsness there- 7 : 5, 9.) therefore while we are under remission, it was therefore necessary that of; for the law made nothing perfect; the law, we are sinners, for by the law is the patterns of things in the heavens should ( Heb. 7 : 18, 19 ) and as under the old the knowledge of sin; but when we are in be purified with these, b ut heavenly things covenant the priests were chosen without Christ, we are free from sin, therefore themselves with better sacrifices than . en oath, but Christ was made priest with free from the law , and under gi'ace. ( Eph. these.-- Heb. 9 : 19, 23. Therefore the an oath; ( Heb. 7: 21.) wherefore He is 2 : 14; 15; Rom. 7 : 7.) law wasgiven by Moses, but grace and able to save them t, the uttermost that Your- Bro. washed in the blood of the truth by Jesus Christ— John 1 i 17. God come unto God by Him who is holy and Lamb, ever trusting in God. Amen! also commanded Moses to make a taber- undefiled, separate from sinnners and made higher than the heavens. Who needeth Portland Ind. B. N. Lonzerbone. nacle, w- hich was to be made after the pat-not daily as those priests toooffer sacri-Cerhnu rocfh h. Teahve efnirlsyt wthhienrgesin, aw atys pthee o Cf atnhdel efives first for His own sins and then for the sSiins of the people, but Was offered stick, and the table of show bread, which himself once for all. ( Heb. 7 : 25.) is called the sanctuary. And after Praise the secon dd wail of the taberna- God for an uttermost salvation that has cue, which is called the holiest of - been purchased by the sacrifice of Jesus. all, which had the golden Censer, and the Whosoever Will may come and partake of ark of the Covenant, overlaid round about to Gheoadv efonrleyv mera annnda ealn der l iPvrea. i sHea Glleoldu jfaohr with gold, wherein was had manna, and Aarotnh'es rgoodl dtheantb puod- t, an high priest that is set on the right ded, and the ttaabblles of the covenant ave r it the Cherubims of glory, sha, doawn: d thhaen ds aonfc tthuea rmy, a jaensdty o, fo tnh hei gtrhu, ea tmabineirsntearc loef ng the mercy seat.— Heb. 9 : 2- 5. These which God pitched, and not man, ( Heb. t ' wtheinntg asl wbaeyisn gji ltth() u tsh eo rfdirasitn teadb etrhnea cPleri easct- s c8o v: 1en, a2n.) t ewshtaob liiss htheed mupeodni abteotrte or fp aro bmeitsteesr complishing the service of God. But into wherefore God finding fault with the old the second went the high priest once ev- cthoavte nI awnitl, lH mea skaei tah : n beewh ocoldv ethnea ndta ywsi tcho tmhee ae cry year, not without blood, which he of-people. house of Israel, and ktdale for if He had eo fered first for himself d then for the er-rors of the p This signifying that not found fault- w ditihe first, then would the way into the holiest was not yet made e1o10v pelnaacnet been sought fain the second. This manifest while as yet the first tabernacle Want tha tw as not acco rdIng to the cove- was standing, which was a figure or type if when He tHooek m thaedme - b yw tihthe hthaenidr afnadth leerds the true tabernacle for the time then Pres- them out of the land of Egypt, for they ent, in which were offered both gifts, and sacrifices which could not make him that continued not in then. This'sia the new ` did thsea cprifeicref ect as pertaining to covenant that I will make wall them, I - et hco nwscieinlcle: tphaut ist, my laws into their Minds; and away the sense of guiiltt , c ( o1u1l, edb n. o9t : t a6k 9e w. arnitde itnhieqmui tiine st hweiilrl hr ereamrtse, m abnedr tnhoe imr soirnes. elstoo4 only in meats anithinkS/ and Therefore He hath male the y idmivpeorss. e. wd aoslhi- itnhgesc, a atinll dt hcea; rtnimale o ordf itnhaan fcoelsk twhaayt .- ( wHheicbh. et c8a- y1e3t. h). Tish erreeafdo ryf0i r vsat noilsdhh, a aat- hs CHANGE OF TILE LAW. }: oe< MITE Law of commandments contained ( su in ordinances is done away in Christ. For sin shall not have dominion over you; for ye are not under the law, but under grace— Rom. 6 : 14. We find that after God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, PERSECITTED BITT, NOT FORSAIEiNT the ter bo-lts ye it us le as ho 1, e if t t r en TRUE HUMILITY, There is a true, and there is a false, hu-trinity. The humility that assumes and labors to be humble is really and will be found in the end to be nothing more nor less than a mods humility. True huthility seeks not its own, like charity its twin sis. ter, and never desires either to show or to conceal its merit. For it is never exalted nor feels more honest, because of the knowledge of its presence in the soul. A veritable humility is not in any wise a mere " make believe" before men, when pride awl vanity are enthroned in the heart. Like every other christian grace, we Way surely know that we possess it as a precious treasure, and even acknowl-edge it as a boon in the soul of the believ-er, and yet not be exalted in any measure because of the existence of the grace. There is beloved, perhaps no greater pride than this unseenily seeking to hu-miliate ourselves beyond measure, merely to be considered humble in the eyes of our fellow men. God . ahhors such humil-ity, ( if humility at all you may call it) even as He abhors the proud in heart. Sometimes indeed there may be no tru-er, genuine humility, than to attempt and achieve great and noble works for the blessed Master, whom we love and serve, This blessed and comely grace of the christian character may surely be known by its inherent. fruitfulness. The lark that builds its nest on the-- ground often soars the highest. So humila. ity, that dwells in the heart of the saints, is an, attribute of God himself. Let us learn to acknowledge and cultivate this- grace, as all others, so that it may be said as of patience, " iii humility possess ye your • soul." I. N. Kanaga, Newark; N. J. t° end be of them that obey not the gospel of God; and if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly, and the sinner appear. Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit t he keeping of their souls unto Him in well doing. as unto a faithful Ore-. ator." WESTON, 01116. DEAR SAINTS:— I feel led of the Spirit to write my testimony. I can say that all is well with me. Oh I feel the mighty love of God in my soul. I love to read the TRUMPET; it is food to me to hear of the work of salvation going on, and to hear from those we have never seen as those with whom We are acquainted, and feel the sweet fellewship that thrills our souls. May God bless you all. Pray for the Church at Weston. Your sister in Christ. E. Long. But as then, he that was born after flesh persecuted him that was born af the spirit, even so it is now." " What g ry is it, if ye be buffeted for your fau ye shall take it patiently? but if, when do well, and suffer for it, ye take patiently, this is acceptable with God." "" For even hereunto were you calle because Christ Suffered for us, leaving an example, that we should follow in Hi steps, who did no sin neither was gui found in His mouth. ' Wile, when he iv reviled, revilednot again; when Hesulle ed, threatened not, but committed self to Him who judgeth righteously. WI his own self bare our sins in his own hod on the tree; that we, being dead unto sir should live unto righteousness; by whos stripes ye were healed;" And who is he that wiil harm you, ye be followers of that which is good? bu and if ye suffer for righteousness sake, hap py are ye, for the glory of God resteth up on you. And be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled; but sanctify the Lor God in your hearts; and be ye ready al ways to give an answer to every man tha asketh you a reason of the hope that i within you, with meekness and fear. Hay ing a good conscience, that whereas the3. speak evil of you, as of evil doers, they may- be ashamed that falsely accuse you good conversation in Christ. For it is bet ter, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing than for evil doing. Fm Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust; that he might bring us e to God; being put to death in the flesh but quickened in the spirit." I prais God for being counted worthy to suffer shame for His name sake. Jesus says: 4q3lessed are ye when men shall hate you; and when they shall seperate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and shall cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Alert's sake, rejoice ye that day, and leap for joy, for great is your re-ward in Heaven; for in like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false ' prophets. Ye shall be hated of all men for my name sake. And in nothing terrified by your ad-versaries, which to them is an evident to-ken of perdition, but to you of Salvation. and that of God. For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake." I often used to read how the children of God should be hated and persecuted for Jesus' sake, and could See by the Word that none of us, ( before the light came) nor any one as far as I could see, were living close enough to (; ocl. to have any persecutions. - Glory to God! " All them that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." I have found it to be so by experience. '' NOW- the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter days - some shall depaet. fromithe faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctriiies of devils: ed into one body, and have seen made drink into one, spirit." " Now we bretlir as Isaac was; are the children of promise same is a thief and a robber. The thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy." We always find that those Who are generally seeking - to destroy - the saints are professed children of God, but are standing outside of the true Church of God. " For by one Spirit are we ail haptiz-eloved:—" Now are we the sons of God, and it cloth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see Him as He is. And every magi that hath this hope in him. purifieth himself even as he is pure. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." 0 I do thank and praise my redeem-er for a pure heart filled with the love of God toward all mankind. Although we have enemies on every hand who are seeking to destroy our souls, we can truly say " Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Jesus says " He that entereth not by the door into the sheep-fold, but climbeth some other way, the " Fear not, brethren, firm and true, Whate'er tlee foe may be; Jesus fought the battle through, And gives to us the victory." Emma A. Lyon, IB LE Proofs that the change. ,, rasp the seventh, to the first clay of the week, , loas made by the Lord HimseU: This iract contains 64 pages : the. price reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $ 1.00. God has enabled us to set forth t he subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture. So every reader of the Tatim P-ET can glorify God in sendina your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good fi-nancial help Lc, spread cthor inotter tor the Lord- - 10.9toka, THE EMPHATIC DIAGLOTT. —: o:— This is an excellent translation of the New Testament. And the genuine Greek text with the alphabet and directions to read the Greek, thus giving access to the pure original Word of God. We have se-cured a stock of these valuable books at a good percent, and offer them at, the fol-lowing reduced - rates. In cloth bind . . Library . . . We pay postage when ordered by Mail. A email commission will be allowed to brethren who will sell the book. NZWS FBO TIM FILID, ° ROWLAND, ONr. Feb. 18th 1889 A SEMI- MONTHLY HOLINESS JOURNAL Our address until further notice is as frill , ass. D. S. WARNER, GRAND JUNCTION MICH Germany where the reformation began has been healed. 4. Who is: like unto the beast, svha• other sect is as great? Whois ab. l. eto make war with him? for nearly the whole of Europe was under the influence of this beast. 5. There * his given unto him a mouth, ( Popes) speaking great things. " Who op-poseth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, and that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in :. the temple of Godeahowing himself that he is God- 2 Thess„ lo: 4. Power was given unto him to continue forty and two months, or 1260 days which refer to 1260 years in which the people were blinded and did not discern that the spirit of popery Was anti- christ. 6. And he opened his mouth: Popes is-sue their edicts and bulls, stating their infallibility, blaspheming against God, His name, His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven, the redeenied. 7. He made war with ( persecuted) the saints ( holy ones) and overcame them: and power Was given him over all kindred and töngues and nations. S. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship ( adore) him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb Slain from the foundation of the world. There was a time in the histo-ry of the- World, when no other religion was tolerated but this Roman Catholic beast religion, yet God always had a re-served few that did not worship the beast. 9. If any man have an ear, let him hear. 10. He- that leadeth into captivity Sliall go into- captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. This beast used the sword, the Word of God as a pretext to do much mischief, handled the Word of God deceitfully, and by the sword it must be killed. Praise God ! Here is the patience and faith of the saints. 11. And I beheld another beast, ( a sec-ond beast, Protestantism,) coming up out of the earth, ( the earthly traditions of Ro-man Catholicism,) and he had two horns like a lamb, ( Sheep's appearance about the head, so as to be better able to deceive,) and he spake as a dragon, ( with all subtil-ity.) 12. And he exercised' all the power of the first beast before him, and cauSeth the earth, earthly denominations, and them which dwell therein, by using some of the same old traditions and creeds to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heav-en on the earth in the sight of men, ap-peared to work by the power of God. En-listed many of God's fire brands to work in the organizations which compose this beast. God TiOW calls to His people to come out of her.— See Rev. 18 : 4. 14. And deceiveth them that dwell up-on the earth, by means of those miracles ( signs) which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell upon the earth, that they should ( organize into associations and appoint men as head over them, and thus) make an image to the beast, which had the wound. by the sword, ( word of God,) and did live. 15. And he had power In give life David says: Serve the Lord with - glad-ness; come before His presence with - sing-mg. Psa. 100: 2. Then: our hearts will be made to rejoice to see the wonderful influence it has over the sinners The Psalmist says: Then Was our mouth . filled with laughter and our- tongues with : Sing ing; then said they among the ' heathen: the Lord hatli clone great things for them. Psa. 126: 2. You see; dear saint,". geod spiritual songs will calm wild sinners, when preaching will not. I have seen sin-ners all melted down by good spiritual singing; have seen them come to the house of worship just to hear the new songs, and before they could get away God would get hold on them. " Speaking to yourselves in psalms : and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord." I taught a singing school last fall where prejudice - was so strong they would not allow preaching, but the school overcame it, and they confessed that holiness people were not what they were represented to be. Now the way is open for the Gospel Truth to be preach-ed. Praise the Lord! ' Now dear stunts the Lord has given me a musical talent. He has used me here to teach singing schools, consequently the little Churches are in tune, and filled with heavenly song. If any of the dear Churches of God feels led of the Lord to send for me, I will come, the Lord willing, . and assist you. I have been teaching vocal music for some time, and would advise all the Churches to get the songs, ANTHEMS from the THRONE; they are all good and _ spirit-ual, and easily learned. My permanent . address is ST. JAMES, Mo. Much love, peace and fellowship to all the dear saints. Amen! Your Bro. under the blood. C. C. Kennedy. SINGING FOR THE LORD lenahity and hely joy. Ali the happy con-verts showed their love td- the Master by obeying His Word, and all were blessed in-. the deed. Glory be to Je-stis, for the , privilege of following ' Christ, the Lamb of l= oot, whitherso-ever He goethr The meeting lasted from 3 P. M. to 10 P. M. That blessed day will long be remembered. I think there were about 35 saints took part in the precious services; several about here were not pres-ent. When we heard the joyful and grateful testimony to day of so many souls who have been saved of God since We came here, we felt richly paid for our toil. Glory be to Jesus ! After the meeting, at a brothers house near by, dear Bro. Thomas Mc Clive, of Chippawa, and Bro. John E. Smigh, near Fenwick, received the layin g on of hands, in recognition of the Divine call to preach the everlasting Gospel, and - ordination thereunto; they having been ordained and chosen of God to this sacred ministry, and having labored somewhat in the same. They both feel much mo. v ed of God to give themselves more fully. up to the great work. 0 may they trust in the living God, and go forth as He may lead, nothing doubting, that " He is . ahle to make all grace abound unto them, so that they al-ways having all sufficiency, in all things, may abound unto every good work." " The people that do know their God, shall be strong and shall do exploits." " And many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase, and many- shall be purified, made white arid fried." " I, saith the Lord, shalt hasten it in its season." Amen! 0 Lord keep not si-lent; roar out of Zion. Let the nations hear thy voice, and tremble at Thy Word. 0 Lord our God we will give Thee no rest until Thou establisinZion, and make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. - Amen ! ' We expect soon to blow the Trumpet in Ohio. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI-- SECTARIAN. Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the Purity and Unity of His Church, the _ De-fence of ALLHis Truth, And the Destruction of Sect Bab- . ylon. rtnLSD GLAND nrNOTtor, 141011 D. S. WARNER,-- Editor. B. E. BYB UM,- 0ffice Editor. E. L. BYRUM and S. MiCHELS,-- Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.00 PAP, YEAR IN ADVANCE All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRDAIPET, in order to in-sre credit; otherwise wewill not be responsible. Remittances should be sent by Registered Letter, or Express Order, through the American, or the United States Express Co. Small amounts may be sent in Two Cent Stamps. We T will not be responsible for money unless sent by Registered lett er or Express Order, to GOSPEL TRUMPET. NOTICE. A. commission of 20 percent will be given on each uew, cash subscriber, to an who will labor for the GoseEr. Tnumt, T. We make this otter so as to help the brethren that are in the Held, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. - Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify - us regularly of their wlereabouts.„ x1 05– N OTIC . GRANGES OF ADDRESS:— Subscribers wish-ing Their address changed, must, be sure to give their FORMER, aS well as their new ad-d ress. MISSING PAPERS occw. aonnliy haP-pens that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers aro lost, or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive your impel. when clue, after waiting a sufficient length of time, write us a card and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number, When you write, be sure and give your FULL ADDRESS, NAME, POST OFFICE, COUNTY, and STATE. 8110111( 1 there be a mistake at any time, sosite to us at once, and we. will gladly me-tity the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET I' AND ' JUNCTION, MICH. Entered at the Post Unice at Grand Junction, Aran BurenCo. Mich., as second class matter. 1101111017 ■ 0[ 1121.6. ONEFLIM. NOTICE. Send money by Post, Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where ! hese can not, be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amoimts in one and two cent stamps. III OW-SONGS OF VICTORY. FOURTH EDITION. Songct of Victory is speci: illy ( lulled to 7amp, Grove, and nil other incelings for : he worship of God. Also for the Sabbath school. All orders accompanied by cash, will he promptly- filled from single copy e pward. Price, Single copy. Manilla coy El'. : 30 Cts. Cloth limp cover, 50 cts. l'tr dozen, Ma nilla cover, $ 3.00. Cloth, $ 4.80 Parties nice; order half do z. u! ' the rates as per dozen. 1-‘ 11diess ril tord: rs to the GOSPEL TRUMPET OFFICE. GRAND JUNCTION, Micli 1- BM BAL.: BA. TH TEA T. THE SA. BRATII, • 71/ 217CHD. 71- Y K AV). • SEBASTIAN MICHELS, BANGOR, MICH. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED. —: o:— R F Rapp Eliza Cloy G T Clayton W R Shelton Geo E Bolds Henry Null II 0 Horn W B Grover James Worbois C- L Cole J Light M W Richardson C B Butler Cardia Hancock W L Kilpatrick F Rosenberg Wm Salter Mrs James Palmer Wm Baker A J Howe MA Stowell Julia Austin J W Byers Mary West Benj Todd W G Maginnis Lewis Basore EVENING LIGHT ON THE 13th CHAPTER OF REVELATIONS. F ANY of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberal-ly, and upbraideth not; and it shall be giv-en him— James 1: 5. Believing it God's will that we should understand the 13th chapter of Revelations we have prayed to God for a complete un-derstanding of it, and. we have faith in God that our petition is granted. • In this chapter we find two beasts de-scribed. The first one was Roman Cathol-icism. The second, Protesantism. We shall proceed to review the entire chap-ter, beginning with the first, giving such explanations as are necessary to make it so plain that any one may understand. 1. The first beast rose up out of the sea. Out of the sea refers to " much peo-ple." ' The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth are peoples and multitudes, and nations, and tongues."— Rev. - 17 15. Rome the seat of this beast, is situated in Italy, which country is near-ly surrounded by the Mediteranian and Adriatic seas. The ten horns are ten cen-turies of despotism and persecution ruled by kings in the interest and under the control of this beast. " These have one mind and give their power and. strength unl 0 the heast."— Rev. 17 : 13. The it-, ven heads refer to the seven na-tions of Europa which helped to maintain the beastly power. These powers or na-tions were called christian, this being the names of blasphemy. 2. Like unto a leopard, very spotted in nature. Feet as of a bear, trampling every thing that is good. The Word of God was trampled down and was not - al-lowed to be read by the common people. Mouth of a lion, biting and devouring ev-ery one that did not come under its beaSt-ly influence. The dragon Or devil gave him his power, and his seat and great au-thority. R. I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to ' death. The wound received in Germany during the reformation caused by the preaching of Martin Luther, and the reading of the Bible. - Deadly wound was healed: the power of the refor-mation ceased. Only a few years ago the Present Pope, Leo XIII, celebrated his fif-tieth year in the priestheod, calling it a jubilee. It was made the occasion of grand gifts to the Pope from the rulers of nearly all the civilized countries of the world. The value of the gifts was estimated at $ 15,000,000. The Emperor of Germany at this occasion sent the Pope a triple crown covered with a thousand costly pearls: . Surely Cie wound to papacy in ( breath) unto the image of the beast, that the image_ of the beast should both speak, and cause that as ninny as would not Is or-ship the image of the beast should be kill-ed. ( lose their popularity.) 16. And he canseth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in her right hand ( take her into fellowship) or in their forehead, ( sprinkling water on their beads for bap tism.) • 17. And that no man might buy or sell, ( vote or do business in a sect) save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18. Here is wisdom. Let him that bath understanding eonnt the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, a man's number; ( a multiplicity of sects or denominations organized by men, with men at their heads) and his number is 666. Praise God! I am saved from the beast, his image, and his name. Amen! E. G. - WICHERSHAM. Jordan,- Jay Co:, Inch DEAR. TRUMPET READERS:— I am still saved and trusting in- the Lord. I find Him a present help in the time : of need. I am sanctified and kept by the mighty power of tied. - Pray for me that I may be kept free from sin ill this wicked and Sill cursed world. Praise the Lord! Peter NI. White raise God I The final battle for this campaign, at this place, was glorious-ly crowned with victory yesterday. We spent most of last week with the Church here. Found on our return that they were all doing well, and . prospering in the Spirit of God. One soil had been converted during our absence, and the saints were having joyful meetings. three or four times a week. 0 how their souls, and ours likewise. were refreshed on meeting. Dear. Bro. Thomas Mc Clive, from Chippawa, Ont., was here meeting with. the Church and greatly encouraging them. Yesterday, the Lord's day, many of the saints came over from about Fenwick, a number from Welland, and the two Kau-meyer brethren from Chippawa, also dear Bro. Evans, from Elcho, about 24 miles front here, and the glory of God filled the place where we were assembled. After about two and a half' hours flow of the present glorious Truth, there was an hour and a half intermission, when - the glorious battle with a yolley of be-tween . iii testimonies, with many she , t g C I w 0 Christ, the thillelujali to , the Ti: e ;, ow, h- was upon hoo= d,, an 1 con vietion upon the unsaved. T;,,. Altar was prer: ented and five dear. I H= 2 C T:' te I all to Clod, and claimed :;::: Twliticat: on, by faith ill Jesus Christ, our perfect Saviour. One of the number Vras dear Bro. Box, from Well-and, who has been called to preach the Gospel, and has been laboring - somewhat for the Lord. I pray God that he may be wholly devoted to the glorious work of warning the people to flee the wrath to come. 0 what is all this world beside." perish-ing souls at stake." This place is only three miles from Welland, from which place several have attended the meetings, and received the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus; some - of whom ale fully: free in God, and others nearly so. A.- prayer meeting will now be started in that town, on the Bible foundas tith e , and there are good prospects for the salvation' of aouls. The saints at- tire two places wi'd meet with each other, and help on the goo l work at both. places, i- After altar services, a. few moments were devoted to reading the cripture. on the Washing of the • . salnt's feet, and the Lord's Supper. After whicheithesegsaered frdinances were observed with , intich so-. GOOD NEWS FROM THE NORTH: —: 0:— EAR Bro Jesse • Oatley - of. Wexford Co. Mich., by some means, got hold of the GOSPEL TnumpET- last fall where he learned of the assembly meeting at Gene-va Center, and came to the same. Duo' him we learned that a Bro. named Nichols was laboring in the Gospel in. those parts, and that quite a number of precious souls had been saved and filled with the Spirit, and standing complete in Christ Jesus. The brother having written the following letter to Bro. Palmer, and he having for-warded: the same to Us, we take the liber-ty to give it general publicity, feeling that Bro. Nichols will not - find fault, as we thiak we are led in so doing. Amen ! DEe. - 31,1885. A. B. PALMER. DEAR BROTHER IN CHRIST:— Through the acquaintance of Bro. Jesse Oatley with you, I drop these lines. I feel. to thank God there are men and women._ besides myself that are stepping out on the promises of God's Word, Independent of creeds or isms: I never could tell how I ever got where I ann fon three years I Was praying and weeping over the - people in the Wesleyan sect; trying to have them live what they- professed. Some times I. thought I wo uld dieunder the load I had to - Carry. I could not stay any longer with them. So_ I took my letter; twelve mem-bers left with me. I thdught of joining the Free Methodist. I attended their meet-ings, found I would have to go through the same battle. So I started out to work for God, and leave the results with Rim, and let the people join any sect they thought proper I was suecessfulaW . many con-verted, and within a year I would conic along and- find them spiritually dead. God opened my eyes to these things. I; hadno one to teach me, and I. made up my mind if I could stand alone for God I woUM; and oh how heblessed me in taking the stand. I went inOatley's. neighborhood by request of his wife: who had been converted in one of my meetings some three years before. held meeting eight nights, two years , a-° last week, and over twenty became vented; most of them are sanctified nosh, God helped' me Wonderfully to preach the truth. Oh what a stir it made I But glor3r to Jeius the victory was on.' ipy side. Bro. Oatley was at that time living with a dead profession, and many others in the plac? God saved them and they went to maidag restitution. One man said he made a hum-bet of dollars out of. my: coming there, which he never would have received the meeting not been held. Salvation. Will bring men and s women` - together tq ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE. SECOND EDITION. It contliins 148 songs. 001 with " music About all new. The pages are some larg est han - Songs of Victory. When Sang in the Spirit a God, these songs will be glorious. They hymn the precious presen t I rut le and the Gospel standard of Salvation. An imporlont field of usefulness is open, for those saints who can teach the Church. es I hese songs, and the saints and their children to sing by note. It will be a great help to the cause of salvation. and give interest to Sabbath Schools. Send in your order for Anthems from the Throne, add start the songs of praise anew. Prices as follows. Illanilla 30 ets. Cloth , . . 50 cis Per. dozen $ 3.00 & $ 4.80 body: for we are all partakers of, that one bread."- 1 Cora 10 : 16. 17. Praise God that I can discern the one body, the Church; and have been baptized by the one Spirit into the- one body, and have the holy fire burning in my soul just now. I am ready to go wherever to Lord leads. Your. Bro. justified by faith, and sancti-fied by the Holy Ghost through the blood of Christ the last meeting, which was a g* lorious tes tinitony meeting some were under convic tion, but seemed unwilling to yield. That evening we took train for Buchan-an Mich. Have held a few meetings here. Pray for us- that the Lord may use us to His glory and the salvation of souls. Your Bro. saved and wholly sanctified. Fred N. Jacobson. make wrongs right. after having given them the savor of life I was back there a week ago last Sun- and death, we asked all those who had the day; God come in power. One old back- witness of theSpirit that they were accepted slider of over twenty years cried out for of God ' to raise their hand; not one, even the mercy and got saved. Oh what lack of preacher dared to do so. The house has a power I see all around me ! It. is the holy seating capacity of about 300o- which was Ghost power we must have, dear Bro., to generally well filled with attentive listen-awaken up the sleeping dead that are in ers. The order was good throughout the sin. I have wept a half mile before I got entire meeting. The new doctrine, as to the place of preaching, and I did not some thought it to : be, - attracted many — 0— KANSAS CITY, Mo. FEB. 22nd 1889. Dear Brethren:— We are still living in Kansas City, at. 2550 Holmes St. We have been holding meetings in pri-vattee houses, not having a meeting house until last week, when I bought one. Bro. James Venerable, a colored Bro. is with 115; he is quite a good Since having a house to worship in, there has been quite a number forward to be prayed for. One sister professed faith in Christ, and was made to shout, the praises of trod, " frost of our Assembly are colored. people, but there are some white people. We also have Sabbath School, Pray that, the Lord may- be with IF; in power. Yours and Christ's R. J. Brown. know what ailed me, more than I was the hands of God to be used. I have see a whole congregation weeping, and som crying for mercy. Oh what a dead faith there is in the world ! The 11th of Heb speaks of thith, the evidence of things no seen. It is the evidence we want, that ou faith is owned and accepted of God. Sal vation is the same to- day as ever. It will clean a man or woman up and fit them fol. heaven now. Men are preaching a sham holiness to the people, covering up their sins: God wants our all, every idol has to be laid at the feet of Jesus. _ Alen are compromising with the world to- day, for fear they will not make a living. I have never taken up a collec-tion in my life and never expect to, and God has opened the way for me and souls have been saved. I am so glad that I ev-er found the way. I have been called cra-zy. People have come for miles to hear me prenclaand while I have been Weeping-over them, and pouring out of my heart what God was putting in, they have be-come convicted and made to cry out for mercy. Oh what a power there is in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus when we throw ourselves Ills hands. I cannot say any-thing of myself, I am a poor illiterate man inClod's hands, to be used to the salvation of poor fallen man. And I want your prayers, dear Bro., that God will use me more and more to His glory. Oh how much I would like to see you and others Bro. Oatley has spoken of. If you can c01110 up here I would like to have you. You will be well taken care of, and those will ' you, May God bless you and all the dear brethren and sisters in Christ. From your Bro. in Jesus. J. J. Nichols. PORTLAND, IND. Dear Brethren :— We are happy to re-port that - we are fully - saved, and have victory in our soul over all the powers of hell. After the meeting near Spingfield Ohio, companion and I took train and came to a place near Sidney Ohio, where we meld a very precious meeting with the Church at that place. We found a great deal of prejudice against the true way. But in spite of all opposition three backsliders were reclaimed, and one sanctified who had previously been converted. After the close of this meeting, we went to Darke Co., where we took a short rest with rela-tives. From there, wecame to NewPitts-burg Ind., and after njoying two or three meetings with the saints at that place, we came to Willow Chapel, a place about 3 miles west of Portland Ind., where we are now hol lug meeting inthe name of Je-sus. We earnestly pray God to save many souls during this meeting. Brethren, prey much for us. Yours, and. Christ's. W In. G. Schell. DYSART, IOWA, FEB. 22, 1889. DEAR SMNTs:— We commenced meeting five miles south of Shannon ILL., Jan. 28, and continued 19 clays. There is a large meeting- house at that place, owned by the brethren in. Christ Sect, who granted us the use of the house for meetings, provid-ing we preach nothing but the Gospel, which condition we cheerfully agreed to abide by. This sect, like all others, is spiritually - dead, yet it has a name to live. In our first meeting, where the congrega-tion Was composed largely of professors, 1 through curiosity who were somewhat dis n appointed when they heard the old Gospel e story of eighteen hundred years. As we 1 continued : to apply the plummet, the crook- . ed. began to showthemselves in their two t colors. But glory to ( lod! He enabled us 3 to keep right on fearless of the foe, until - We could see the ranks break away before the two- edged sword, as it cut its way - right and left. We were greatly encour-aged on Monday, Feb. 4, by the arrival of Sister Allie R. Fisher, and on Friday, Bro. John, whose voice God is wonderfully using to His glory. The scheme of the enemy at first was to cause the people to settle down into a stupor and shut their ears against the truth; but some received the truth and walked in the light. There were a few in that vicinity who claimed holiness, One of them, air M. E. preacher, wanted to join in the work with us, but when he found out that we were out on the blood and fire line, and we invited him to the al-. tar to die, he, like Nauman, went away in a rage. Three dear souls were brought out into the glorious light of sanctification, and out of babylon, while eight or ten others received the peace of justification. There is an opening at that, place for a. glorious ingathering of precious souls in the near future. May 3od continually bless and. keep the dear ones steadfast, so that men may see their good works and glorify our Father Which is in heaven.' Thursday morning Feb. 21, wife and 1,1 in company with sister Allie Fisher, start- 1 ed for Dysart, Iowa where we arrived safe- 1 ly and found Bro: and Sister Gnagy 1 and sound in the faith, and anxiously wait-ing for a meeting here. Pray for us that we shun not to declare all the counsel ofl God. We are saved and sanctified wholly, i and resting in the blesed hope of • r. litusi 2 : 13. I. J. IV. Byers. have been conv e rted and sanctified. The I COCHRAN'S MILLS, PA., FEB. 13, ' 89. Dear Trumpet Readers: We are still It praising God who causeth us to triumph' over all our enemies; and gives us per- 1 1ect victory over time world the flesh and ' 1 L fTh n c, e ST JAHES", MO. meeting- house was freely- opened, and ! the sea- shore. We are now holding meet I sanctified wholly. 0 glory to Jesus! I some of their hearts were- open to the truth. lin g hi a free Chapel in West Brewster. I lived in the Baptist sect 21 years and ney- I-- not; back on his consecration, said he could I Bro. Warner and Co. come to it. We went; consecrated use tobacco to the glory of God, and used iI out this morning in company with a Bro.: m yself wholly to God, I re-violence in opposin g the saints, is now a I who, no doubt, God has chosen fbr an El- ceived the withess to my salvation. Jesus lunatic in the asylum. 0 the awful de der in His Church, to loo ,. „ ., r oi i for sa t who, ys: " He that heareth my words and be- ' et a r- n d 1 a meeting where there is a tabernacle i lieyeth on Him that sent me bath ever-ception that is in the world ! How many i lasting life, and ,,, hall not come into con-souls are being destroyed by the encour- I somewhat like the one on - the Bangor;, demnation, but is passed from death unto agement of cold- hearted professors, whosejCamp- ground, Brethren, : hook up, your life.”-- John 5 : 24. I am so glad that Je-conscience is seared as with a. liot iron: whoseiredemption draweth nigh. " We are soon ' I sus said these words. About a year ago I drink is iniquity, and say their Consciencelto shout over the complete ruin of balmy- was sanctified, lint when temptations came I drew hack. But there was no peace in i condition; I again called to God, and ! about the first of last Oct. I made a firm ' decision for the Lord and was fully saved. 1 Glory be to Jesus! I find the devil is along beside thi; high way and often tries Neer shall halt till swells the anthem, to rob me of the sweet peace God has giv- " Christ o'er all the world cloth reign." I en me, but I flee to Jesus for refuge. I am decided for the Lord for time and eternity. Pray for me, brethren, that I may be l Bro. Haner was here a short time ago and constantly kept complete in the will of God. ABucnq, AN, MICII., - FEB. 15, 1889 Dear Brethren:— God bless you all. I am happy to report that I found the Church at NewPittsburg in a better, clearer spiritual condition than at any previous time. Few have fallen away: we hope they will speedily return. Others have been added to the Lord. The saints near Deerfield Ind. desired us to come and hold a meeting in. Pleasant Grove Chapel, neat that place, which had been opened for the meeting of the saints. Accordingly we commenced Feb. 4, and continued to the evening of the 7th. The Lord met with us in much power, and the place rang with the praises of the Lord. We believe that much good was done. In so filled with the Spirit that no sham could pass. . od reognizes no sham work, and to be true to God, we calumet. I do praise God that I yielded toYnd pruning, and the blood and fire ha% - 6•--- Cleansed and burnt out all the dross. Your Sister saved and sanctified, doing His holy will: , essie A. Daniels. —: 0:— PAYNE 0111G. Dear Saints: – Praise f; od for salvation full and flee! The Lord has healed me of different diseases. Once He healed me of Neuralgia for which I give Him all the glory. Praise God for the satisfying por-tion. I used to hear the saints testify to the satisfying portion when I was not satis fied, but glory to God! I can now say that I am sanctified and satisfied. ", Tin redeemed from all sin And Pm walking in the light, An I thy Spirit illumine ,: my way I ve no fear now within, For the terror of Ihen4Oit, Nor the arrow that tlyetit by day." Your sister in Christ. M. C. Pepper. —: 0:— RISING SUN, 0. DEAR SAticTs:, My testimony is that I am sweetly saved in Jesus just now; kept from rill sin and all the works of the devil. Praise God for ever ! I have a real Bible experience and am continually rejoicing in the truth, and the truth makes me free. I am walking in the light as He is in the light , have fellowship with the Father and the Son, and with all the dear saints of God. Praise the Lord ! " I am cruci-fied with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not but Christ liveth in me: and. the life which I BOW live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of C od, who loved me and gave Himself for me." _' ray for me that God may keep me humble. From your sanctified brother. Jacob Roush. STAFFORD, K. tN. DEA a Reaumots:— I feel led of God to give in my testimony in favor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A little over one year : Ago I heard the Gospel preached in its true light: and gtory he to God, He be-gan to gently draw me by His cords of love, ant I soon saw that, I was a sinner. I con-secrated . for justification and received it, and I remained in that condition until brothers Kilpatrick and Speck came and held meetings with us; and when I heard a sermon on sanctification, I saw at once that I was not sanctified. I knew it was forme and I consecrated for it and God was just to give it to me: and since that time I have been the happiest that I ever was in my life. Glory be to Jesus! He gives me victory over all things, that are contra-ry to His Word. lie have meetings four timea a week. Glory be to God for salva-tion in Jesus that keeps us from sin and makes us b rejoice all the time. Amon Allen. ST PETERSBURG, PA. DEAL!: TRUMPET 1- 4.- anEas:— My testimony is that I am saved by the precious blood of the Lamb. - Glory to Jesus for full sal-vation that keeps me from all sin each moment of my life. I do praise HIM so much for calling after me. When I was in the sect I had doubts and fears about getting to heaven; but now all doubts are 0- one. The dear Lord has taken them all away. and I know my peace is made with God. I know it this earthly tabernacle was to be dissolved, I have a house not, made with hands, eternal inthe Heavens. My prayer is that other poor sinners conic- TO tiliS Jesus and be saved. The dear Lord showed me that I must come out hl babylon, as He says in the 18 chap. and 4 vr.- of Revelations. " And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out. of her my people that ye be not par-takers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues." I obeyed His call and came out of her. Praise the Lord ! From your sister saved and sanctified. Sarah E. Shoup. e,:— URBANA, KAN. Dear Brethren— May God bless you all. I will write a few lines in the name of the Lord, testifying to His good-ness. Bless God ! I can truly say the Lord does save and keep me by His mighty power. Jesus says in John 8: 36, " If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." Hallelujah ! I do know ( according to the Word) I am free because Jesus set me free. And I just have aglo-rious tithe trusting the Lord. Bless God ! my heart is a home for Jesus and He is at home keeping arouse. and I am wonder-fully satisfied with His way of doing busi-ness. Hallelujah to our God for ever and ever ! Pray for me that'I keep down at the feet of Jesus. " Sitting at the feet of Jesus, 0 what words I hear Him say! Happy place! so near, so precious! May It find me there each clay." Your Bro saved, sanctified and kept. Joseph Taylor. the devil. ! has led us here. The Lord has much peo- i Since our last writing a number of souls I ple here free from sect babylon, who wel- I come the joyful sound of the pure Gospeld last meeting was held on Crooked Creek in1There are several chapels. There have 1 the meeting- house in which the Slice- I been three converted since our coining 1 maker sect was organized about 25 years I This is a place where many resort ml I am saved through the blood; cone-ago, which has now become extinct. TheirIthe summer, who come from the city to i crated soul and body to the Lord and Jamsrowar MICH., FEB. 15, ' 89. To ALL THE SAINTS:— I praise God for salvation: The glory of- God fills my soul" when I think of what the Lord has clone here. Souls are being saved daily. There has been about twenty Consecrations, and more? under conviction. The country is M wonderfully stirred; sectarians are growl-g and gnawing their tongue. Some have come out and renounced the sects. Oh praise the Lord for what our eFes see dai-ly. We could not get a school- house ' for meetings, but praise God, we go from house to house. The work is moving gloriously along. Pray for us. Your humble and saved brothers in Christ. C. B. BUTLER B. WOODEN. —: o:— POPLAR BLUPT MO., FEB. 20, ' 89. DEAR Bammineze-- I have been here, on the blood and fire line, since the 27th of Dec. 1888. came by here on my way to the Southern states, and it seemed good unto Him to open up an effectual door of entrance in and all around Poplar Bluff for miles, to preach this blessed evening light; and I can truly say God is workinf wonders here. Souls are being justified and sanctified, and some have testified tc bodily healing. But in all places I have ever labored, I have never witnessed such deep awakenings to the Gospel as there is in these parts. Many sectarians and sin-ners are beginning to get their eyes open to the fact that babylon, that great city, is fallen. God is calling louder and louder: " Come out of her my people." There is quite a little band of saints in and around this place. Hallelujah ! and many are accepting the true light. Beloved saints, pray for us here that God may be glorified in the salvation of many souls. Your Bro. sanctified and under the blood. John D. Ashbaugh. ler the great Brooklyn Bridge, and up I Long Island Sound to Norwich. Comm. In! _ Iris state we called upon a Bro. who ect- 1 1- 1-' ill some one - please send me ed us where we are now, in Masseon Cape I dress of Bro. J. W. Sickles ? Cod, a narrow strip of land in the eastern part, on the Atlantic Ocean. Truly God: W. EsT BREWSTER, MASS. Hallelujah ! Let the redeemed say so, in the name of the Lord. I send greeting to all God's dear saints. I am well and happy in the Lord, and moving in the or-der of God, with the conquering Christ enthroned in my heart. Praise the Lord! We last reported from the extreme eastern part of Pa., where we labored with a dear Bro. Hartzell, who had been turned out of that dark branch of baby-ion, the dutch reformed sect, for holding protracted meetings. We were necessari: ly limited in the work by the work not being altogether out from the mists of babylon, and dear Bro. Hartzell not yet seeing the oneness of God's saints. Nev-ertheless the bond of love between many dear friends in Jesus was strengthened and deepened, and several consecrated for a pure heart. We trust to meet dear Bro. Hartzell again in the summer together With Bro. Warner and Co. and have a glorious time in Jesus establishing the heavenly kingdom in many hearts. After getting through here, every door was shut tight, and we were locked up to the choice of launching out into new fields or returning to West Pa., where there were many openings; but we felt that we had the Divine commission to plant the bless-ed evening light in the regions beyond. " Jesus shall reign where'er the Sun Does his successive journeys run, His kingdom spread from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more; From North to South the princes meet, To pay their homage at His feet, IV bile western empires own their Lord, And savage tribes attend His Word. So we launched. out toward the rising sun. We bought a ticket to Y oorkrk, , where we took the Steamer fbr Conn., our native state. We sailed up , the East River, lin- S. Michels. F Your free Bro. in Jesus. G. W. Carry, Derry, Kans. the ad One man who was once quite spirituabbut1The people are interested in having a er knew whether I had salvation or refused to walk in the light, and, went Camp- meeting next summer and haying l but when I heard holiness taught, and o‘ does not disturb them. I praise God that. Ton. The battle is the Lord's. He took away the heart of stogni e and gaveel the day of God is brekani,,, me a. heart of flesh, and an ear to hear the See the gleaming from afar; the voice of the Spirit in these perilous Sons of earth from slumber iwakin o. tithes, with heart made pure : aid. garments Fail the aright and morning star. white and Christ enthroned within. Conquering Ito,; ts with banners waving, Your- Bro. saved to the uttermos t just, Sweeping on o'er hill and plain. now. G. T. Clayton: BANGOR M CIL Dear Brethren:— The meeting at Ban-gor closed with glorious victory. Three souls came to the Lord during themeeting the last day. Some were reclaimed that were backslidden, others that had never yielded their heart to God before, were gloriously saved and made to rej - mice in the Savior's love. 0 I pray God to keep them ever steadfast, always abounding in a liv-ing faith in God who is able to keep us from falling. Oh what a p 1, cious meeting we had the last evening. The dear little ones with some of the older ones had the precious privilege of washing the saints' feet, and partaking of the one loaf or bread. " The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the , blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For '- e being many, are one bread and one W. J. Evans. preached the straight Word to us, and told us many things that will never be for-gotten. May the Lord bless all the dear saints and at last gather us all to be with Jesus through all eternity. Your sister saved in Christ. Margaret E. Coppedge. - UNION GROVE ILL. DEAR SAncTS:— I know that the blood of the- everlasting covenant cleanses Mefrom all sin, and the Spirit is leading me into all truth. - We have been having search-ing times here within the last few weeks; the Spirit of the Living God has : been searching out the hidden things of dark-ness as never before It means death to serve God with a pure heart. We must have the secret places of the heart cleaned out before the whole body can be full of light. Q that all of God's watchmen were —: 0:— Correspondence. STAFFORD, KAN. DEAR SAINTS:— May God wonderfully bless you all with great power and joy in the Holy Ghost. Praise God! To- day I am saved, sanctified and filled with His holy Spirit. Glory to Jesus forever! Amen! The Lord wonderfully saved me from all sin one year ago last fall, and He keeps me each day. My dear wife was saved at the same time, and to- day we re- . jeice together in the Sayior's love and freedom, - Which we have in Christ Jesus. The son has made us free indeed. Glo-ry to His precious name! We are free from all sects and divisions, and all the works of the flesh, see Gal. 5: 1.921., and by the grace of God we are bearing the fruits of the spirit, according to Gal. 5: 22 23. There are about twenty saints of the living God, at this place, who are stand-ing firm on the Word, and aloof from the free- lovers, who have been in our midst. 0! God only knows the trials which this little Church has had to bear. Some were ensnared by this awful spirit of the devil. The Lord found me a miserable back-slider, lost in sin; drinking, swearing, us-ing tobacco, frequenting dances, playing, pool, and many other things that were evil; Yet when I was doing those things, I was a member of good standing, in the Baptist sect. I say in good standing, be-cause I asked for a withdrawal, and. they said they had no charges to bring against me; But when I got saved through and through, they pat me out very lively; and how I- do praise God for it. For a man cannot. be a Baptist, or any other ist, and be a child of God. " For where the treas-ure is, there will the heart be also." Last Sunday, a week ago, I went to Langdon, about 21 miles S. E. of this place, where sister Mabee was holding meetings in the name of Jesus, and much good is being done. I stayed until Tuesday, and the Lord poured out His spirit in fleods upon us. Monday we had prayer meeting; sister Mabee was not there on account of a sick relative. But the Lord was there in. wonderful power, and three consecrat-ed for sanctification, and were greatly blessed. One Bro. gave up his tobacco, which was a very hard thing to do, but the Lord helped him to do so. The Lord has called me to preach the Word. Pray for me that I may rightly divide the word of truth, and be as a flame of fire. God has said: " I will make my minis-ters a flame of fire." Glory to Jesus for-ever! I want to be a faithful worker in the vineyard of the Lord, for the harvest is great; and the laborers are few. I am all the Lords, all I have and am, and He is mine. There is a well of water in my soul,- springing up into everlasting HP:. Pray God to give me more power. Your sanctified Bro. and sister. John & Ada D. Clark. —: 0:— HAMILTON, MICH. Dear Brethren:— I am saved and re-joicing in the Lord for salvation. 0 it is a. wonder the Lord ever saved my soul, for I loved the pleasures of the world so well; especially the pride
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 10:24
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 10:24
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 10:24
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 10:24
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 10:24
title_sort gospel trumpet - 10:24
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1889
long_lat ENVELOPE(-66.783,-66.783,-66.867,-66.867)
geographic Austin
Long Island
The ''Y''
The Old Man
Long Island Sound
Crooked Creek
geographic_facet Austin
Long Island
The ''Y''
The Old Man
Long Island Sound
Crooked Creek
genre IPY
genre_facet IPY
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766046925491011584
spelling 2023-05-15T16:55:53+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 10:24 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1889-03-01 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 10 24 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1889 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:03:06Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 asmatiamesaam UNION CITY, MICH. Dearly Beloved Saints of the Lavin; God: One year ago last Christmas, the Lord found me a sinner, low down in the gut ter, and in trouble of every kind. 1 was very badly afflicted with Erysipelas, hav-ing doctored for a long time without relief. I began to think about God, and became convicted of my ` sins. I went to a . meet-ing of the saints and the Lord saved me and healed my body, and has kept me thus. To Him be all the praise and glory. The dear Lord has called me to preach His Word, and I ask all the saints to pray God to give me wisdom and knowledge from on high. 0 I do praise God for a salvation that keeps from all sin; He is my all and in all. Amen. Your Bro. in Christ. Adam Keagel. SOT- Ulf Amts, ARCM Dear Saints— I feel led to write my testimony. I am saved and sweetly rest ing in the arms of Jesus. Praise the Lord! He is my shepherd; I shall not want. Ile maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside still waters. Praise His holy name! I am saved and sancti-fied and reigning in this life by one Christ Jesus. I am determined to see the end of a christian race. Pray for me. Leroy Sheldon, The Lcrd God shall BLOW ' lie: Mt/ WAY and go with whirlwinds The Field of the Wahl. Grand Junction, Mich., .? rt, a7". , 89. Mc 0 .1' unzber24. —: o:— Sow in the morn thy seed, At eve hold not thy hand; To doubt and fear give thou no heed, Broad- cast it o'er the land. Beside all waters sow, The highway. furrows stock; Drop it where thorns and thistles grow, Scatter it on the rock. The good, the fruitful, ground, Expect not here nor there: O'er hill and dale, by plots, ' tis found; Go forth, then, everywhere. Thou know'st not which may thrive, The late or the early sown; Grace keeps the precious germs alive, When and wherever strown. And duly shall appear, In verdure, beauty, strength; The tender blade, the stalk, the ear, And the full corn at length. Thou cant not - toil in vain; Cold, heat, and moist, and dry, Shall foster and mature the grain For garners in the sky. Thence, when theglorious end, The day of GOD is come, The angel- reapers shall descend, And Heaven cry—" Harvest- home!" SELECTED. " Flee out oriPbe. 3tlidst of babYion, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this M the tune of the. Lord's, vengeance: he Will render unto'her a recompense. And the land. c, hall tremble and sor-row: for every purpose of the Lor I shall be performed against babylon, to make thelitalgpf baby) on. a deso-lation without' ail inbahitant.-- Jer. 51: 6, 29. And tie said tin, edt, h / o suet? eo Aam nietd, y IiInI Iag/ anrtos/ wlml. eere- t Tilen said he unto me, every one that stealeth shall he cut oft' on this side according tort; and thweSil liLs dboeherrva idenal lrg coybc f ieoot rnfcdoeui rnttthg hoa , ft ttso isot sintirl tett, ahrraewth Zech. — and Ile shall send rife a sah garlel agta stohuenr dt oogf eat hTerru mHipse te, lect tfrhoemy. ethne t ofo tuhre wOitnhdesr. from one end of heav- whNeonw h liesa brnra an cpha riasb ylee to ft ethned efirg, tarneed; swpuuhmteinem tyhee r. f soihsrta hnll ilsgeehaev. ea sSll, o ty helei. k skeen wtohwiisn etg hsya, et dkonoorsw." — thMata ittt. is muta- ru. even the ngels with speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared With a hot iron." There are professed children of God in the land today, who actually lie about the saints, with no cause whatever. " Blessed be the Lord ( hod of Israel, for He hash visited and redeemed his people; end bath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house o f His servant David, As Ile spoke 1, y the mouth of His holy prophets, which have been since the world began; that we should be saved from- our enemies and from the Land of all that hate. to perform the mercies promised to our lath-ers, and to remember his holy covenant, the oath Which He stare to our father Abraham: that he would grant unto us. that we, being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear; in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life. Though our outward man - perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light af-flietions, which are but for a moment, worketli for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the- things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. If any Mall suffer as a christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him . glorify God on this bdtalf. For the time bath come that judgment must begin at the house of God, and if it first begin at us, what shall the ormation. therfore, as these sacrifices and some an high priest, not by the blo , d of ordinances could not make them that did goats and calves, but by His o tvii blood has the sacrifice perfees as there was always entered once into the holy place having a remorse of conscience, for the law made obtained eternal redemption for us. nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a Wherefore if the blood of bulls and goats, better hope did. ( Heb 7 : 19.) Therefore and the ashes of an heifer, sprinkling the in what the law could not do in that it unclean, sanctifietli to the purifying of the was weak, God, sending His owDn. Son i. n flesh, how much more will the the likenem of sinful flesh, and for% sin, blood of Christ who offered him: condemned sin in the flesh, ( Rom. 8 : 3) self without spot to God, purge that we might be made partakers of His your conscience from dead works to serve Divine nature, having ecaped the corrup- the living God; for this cause He is a medi-tion that is in the world through lust, that ator of the New Testament that by means we might be perfect and entire, wanting of death for the transgressions that were nothing. Hallelujah to God and the under the first testament, that they that Lamb forever and ever! Yet there are are called might receive the promise of people in the world to- day who believe eternal inheritance. ( Heb. 9: 11- 15.) We and claim that we are yet under the old therefore conclude that a man is justified law- that we are never free from it. For by faith without the deeds of the law. as it was under the Mosaical law there ( Rom. 3 : 28.) If we were saved by the was a remembrance made of sins every the works of the law, we might have where-year, so likewise under the institution of of to boast, but glory to God! we are not the Roman sect there is a remembrance saved by works, but by faith are we made of sin every year, for which the peo- saved. ( Titus 3 : 5.) If there had been a pie must under their rigid discipline go law given that could have given life, then to their priest and make confe- sions, for righteousness would have been by the law; which the priest makes an offering to God but Scripture bath concluded all under for them. God help the people to know sin that the promise by the faith of Jesus that we have an high priest that has come Christ mgiht be given to them that believe, and made an offering once for all, and as- But before faith came, we were hept un-cended up to heaven, there to be a medi- der the law, wherefore the law is our ator between us and God. Wherefore we schoolmaster to bring us to Christ. For do not have to , go to an earthly priest to after faith is come we are no more under that their trangressions became so great make confession, but go to the Lord. the law or school- maste•, for we are all the that God saw that it was necessary they praise God for such a high priest! for the children of God by faith in Christ. ( Gal. should be put under a law. Therefore law of faith has made us free from the law of 3 : 21- 27.) Know 3- e not that the law hath God added the law because of their trans- sin and death. Therefore if pefection dominion over a man as long as lie liveth? gressions; until the seed should come to were by the Levitical priesthood, ( for un for as a woman is bound to her husband whom the promise was made, as God had der it the people received the law) what as long as he liveth, so are we bound to 4 promised that through the seed of Abra- farther need was there that another priest the law as long we live; i, e, as lon g as ham all nations should be blessed— Gal. should arise after the order of Melchisedec the OLD MAN liveth, ( Rona. 6 : 6.) which is en 3 : 19. Which promise had reference to and not to be called after the order of the carnal nature in man: but when her (. 1 1:, the coming Messiah, through whom a bet- Aaron. For the priesthood being changed husband is dead, she is free from the law of ter covenant should be established. Where there is made of necessity a change of the Iter husband so that she can be married to -` ere fore God called Moses and gave hilmaw thfoer h, eeosfew ' thhomingthse saere spok- another. ( Rom. 7 : 1- 12-) So the epos-law; he being the mediator between God en pertaineth to another tribe. For it is tie Paul says to the brethren: Ye are dead and his people, and commanded him to evident our Lord sprang out of Judea of to the law by the body of Christ, that ye read to the pAnd wheen Moses had whoich tribe Moses sppake nothing conclern- shoueld be married to. another , even to spoken every precept to all the people instgh oproide. ( Heb. : 11- 14.) Who is Him that was raised from the dead, ( Rom. according to the law, he took the blood of made not after the law of A carnal con- 7 : 4.) for when we were in the flesh calves anti of goats, with water and scarlet mandment, but after the law of endless ( carnal nature) the motions of sin which wool and hyssop, and spiinkled both the life. As the priest among men could not were by the law worked in our members book and the people, saying: This is the continue only till death, Christ continueth to bring forth fruit unto death; that was blood of the testament which God hath forever; therefore as ' Christ was chosen before we died to sin or self, ( flesh) bat enjoined unto you. Moreover he sprint- high priest there is no more change, for now we are delivered from the law that, led Witt i blood both the tabernacle and all He cotinueth forever. ( Heb. : 16- 24.) being dead wherein we Were held, we the vessels of the ministry and almost all Wherefore there was a disannulling of the should serve God in newness of the Spirit, _ things are by the law purged with blood; commandment going before, because of and not in the oldness of the letter. ( Rom. and without shedding of blood there is no the weakness and unprofitablsness there- 7 : 5, 9.) therefore while we are under remission, it was therefore necessary that of; for the law made nothing perfect; the law, we are sinners, for by the law is the patterns of things in the heavens should ( Heb. 7 : 18, 19 ) and as under the old the knowledge of sin; but when we are in be purified with these, b ut heavenly things covenant the priests were chosen without Christ, we are free from sin, therefore themselves with better sacrifices than . en oath, but Christ was made priest with free from the law , and under gi'ace. ( Eph. these.-- Heb. 9 : 19, 23. Therefore the an oath; ( Heb. 7: 21.) wherefore He is 2 : 14; 15; Rom. 7 : 7.) law wasgiven by Moses, but grace and able to save them t, the uttermost that Your- Bro. washed in the blood of the truth by Jesus Christ— John 1 i 17. God come unto God by Him who is holy and Lamb, ever trusting in God. Amen! also commanded Moses to make a taber- undefiled, separate from sinnners and made higher than the heavens. Who needeth Portland Ind. B. N. Lonzerbone. nacle, w- hich was to be made after the pat-not daily as those priests toooffer sacri-Cerhnu rocfh h. Teahve efnirlsyt wthhienrgesin, aw atys pthee o Cf atnhdel efives first for His own sins and then for the sSiins of the people, but Was offered stick, and the table of show bread, which himself once for all. ( Heb. 7 : 25.) is called the sanctuary. And after Praise the secon dd wail of the taberna- God for an uttermost salvation that has cue, which is called the holiest of - been purchased by the sacrifice of Jesus. all, which had the golden Censer, and the Whosoever Will may come and partake of ark of the Covenant, overlaid round about to Gheoadv efonrleyv mera annnda ealn der l iPvrea. i sHea Glleoldu jfaohr with gold, wherein was had manna, and Aarotnh'es rgoodl dtheantb puod- t, an high priest that is set on the right ded, and the ttaabblles of the covenant ave r it the Cherubims of glory, sha, doawn: d thhaen ds aonfc tthuea rmy, a jaensdty o, fo tnh hei gtrhu, ea tmabineirsntearc loef ng the mercy seat.— Heb. 9 : 2- 5. These which God pitched, and not man, ( Heb. t ' wtheinntg asl wbaeyisn gji ltth() u tsh eo rfdirasitn teadb etrhnea cPleri easct- s c8o v: 1en, a2n.) t ewshtaob liiss htheed mupeodni abteotrte or fp aro bmeitsteesr complishing the service of God. But into wherefore God finding fault with the old the second went the high priest once ev- cthoavte nI awnitl, lH mea skaei tah : n beewh ocoldv ethnea ndta ywsi tcho tmhee ae cry year, not without blood, which he of-people. house of Israel, and ktdale for if He had eo fered first for himself d then for the er-rors of the p This signifying that not found fault- w ditihe first, then would the way into the holiest was not yet made e1o10v pelnaacnet been sought fain the second. This manifest while as yet the first tabernacle Want tha tw as not acco rdIng to the cove- was standing, which was a figure or type if when He tHooek m thaedme - b yw tihthe hthaenidr afnadth leerds the true tabernacle for the time then Pres- them out of the land of Egypt, for they ent, in which were offered both gifts, and sacrifices which could not make him that continued not in then. This'sia the new ` did thsea cprifeicref ect as pertaining to covenant that I will make wall them, I - et hco nwscieinlcle: tphaut ist, my laws into their Minds; and away the sense of guiiltt , c ( o1u1l, edb n. o9t : t a6k 9e w. arnitde itnhieqmui tiine st hweiilrl hr ereamrtse, m abnedr tnhoe imr soirnes. elstoo4 only in meats anithinkS/ and Therefore He hath male the y idmivpeorss. e. wd aoslhi- itnhgesc, a atinll dt hcea; rtnimale o ordf itnhaan fcoelsk twhaayt .- ( wHheicbh. et c8a- y1e3t. h). Tish erreeafdo ryf0i r vsat noilsdhh, a aat- hs CHANGE OF TILE LAW. }: oe< MITE Law of commandments contained ( su in ordinances is done away in Christ. For sin shall not have dominion over you; for ye are not under the law, but under grace— Rom. 6 : 14. We find that after God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, PERSECITTED BITT, NOT FORSAIEiNT the ter bo-lts ye it us le as ho 1, e if t t r en TRUE HUMILITY, There is a true, and there is a false, hu-trinity. The humility that assumes and labors to be humble is really and will be found in the end to be nothing more nor less than a mods humility. True huthility seeks not its own, like charity its twin sis. ter, and never desires either to show or to conceal its merit. For it is never exalted nor feels more honest, because of the knowledge of its presence in the soul. A veritable humility is not in any wise a mere " make believe" before men, when pride awl vanity are enthroned in the heart. Like every other christian grace, we Way surely know that we possess it as a precious treasure, and even acknowl-edge it as a boon in the soul of the believ-er, and yet not be exalted in any measure because of the existence of the grace. There is beloved, perhaps no greater pride than this unseenily seeking to hu-miliate ourselves beyond measure, merely to be considered humble in the eyes of our fellow men. God . ahhors such humil-ity, ( if humility at all you may call it) even as He abhors the proud in heart. Sometimes indeed there may be no tru-er, genuine humility, than to attempt and achieve great and noble works for the blessed Master, whom we love and serve, This blessed and comely grace of the christian character may surely be known by its inherent. fruitfulness. The lark that builds its nest on the-- ground often soars the highest. So humila. ity, that dwells in the heart of the saints, is an, attribute of God himself. Let us learn to acknowledge and cultivate this- grace, as all others, so that it may be said as of patience, " iii humility possess ye your • soul." I. N. Kanaga, Newark; N. J. t° end be of them that obey not the gospel of God; and if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly, and the sinner appear. Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit t he keeping of their souls unto Him in well doing. as unto a faithful Ore-. ator." WESTON, 01116. DEAR SAINTS:— I feel led of the Spirit to write my testimony. I can say that all is well with me. Oh I feel the mighty love of God in my soul. I love to read the TRUMPET; it is food to me to hear of the work of salvation going on, and to hear from those we have never seen as those with whom We are acquainted, and feel the sweet fellewship that thrills our souls. May God bless you all. Pray for the Church at Weston. Your sister in Christ. E. Long. But as then, he that was born after flesh persecuted him that was born af the spirit, even so it is now." " What g ry is it, if ye be buffeted for your fau ye shall take it patiently? but if, when do well, and suffer for it, ye take patiently, this is acceptable with God." "" For even hereunto were you calle because Christ Suffered for us, leaving an example, that we should follow in Hi steps, who did no sin neither was gui found in His mouth. ' Wile, when he iv reviled, revilednot again; when Hesulle ed, threatened not, but committed self to Him who judgeth righteously. WI his own self bare our sins in his own hod on the tree; that we, being dead unto sir should live unto righteousness; by whos stripes ye were healed;" And who is he that wiil harm you, ye be followers of that which is good? bu and if ye suffer for righteousness sake, hap py are ye, for the glory of God resteth up on you. And be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled; but sanctify the Lor God in your hearts; and be ye ready al ways to give an answer to every man tha asketh you a reason of the hope that i within you, with meekness and fear. Hay ing a good conscience, that whereas the3. speak evil of you, as of evil doers, they may- be ashamed that falsely accuse you good conversation in Christ. For it is bet ter, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing than for evil doing. Fm Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust; that he might bring us e to God; being put to death in the flesh but quickened in the spirit." I prais God for being counted worthy to suffer shame for His name sake. Jesus says: 4q3lessed are ye when men shall hate you; and when they shall seperate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and shall cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Alert's sake, rejoice ye that day, and leap for joy, for great is your re-ward in Heaven; for in like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false ' prophets. Ye shall be hated of all men for my name sake. And in nothing terrified by your ad-versaries, which to them is an evident to-ken of perdition, but to you of Salvation. and that of God. For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake." I often used to read how the children of God should be hated and persecuted for Jesus' sake, and could See by the Word that none of us, ( before the light came) nor any one as far as I could see, were living close enough to (; ocl. to have any persecutions. - Glory to God! " All them that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." I have found it to be so by experience. '' NOW- the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter days - some shall depaet. fromithe faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctriiies of devils: ed into one body, and have seen made drink into one, spirit." " Now we bretlir as Isaac was; are the children of promise same is a thief and a robber. The thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy." We always find that those Who are generally seeking - to destroy - the saints are professed children of God, but are standing outside of the true Church of God. " For by one Spirit are we ail haptiz-eloved:—" Now are we the sons of God, and it cloth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see Him as He is. And every magi that hath this hope in him. purifieth himself even as he is pure. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." 0 I do thank and praise my redeem-er for a pure heart filled with the love of God toward all mankind. Although we have enemies on every hand who are seeking to destroy our souls, we can truly say " Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Jesus says " He that entereth not by the door into the sheep-fold, but climbeth some other way, the " Fear not, brethren, firm and true, Whate'er tlee foe may be; Jesus fought the battle through, And gives to us the victory." Emma A. Lyon, IB LE Proofs that the change. ,, rasp the seventh, to the first clay of the week, , loas made by the Lord HimseU: This iract contains 64 pages : the. price reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $ 1.00. God has enabled us to set forth t he subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture. So every reader of the Tatim P-ET can glorify God in sendina your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good fi-nancial help Lc, spread cthor inotter tor the Lord- - 10.9toka, THE EMPHATIC DIAGLOTT. —: o:— This is an excellent translation of the New Testament. And the genuine Greek text with the alphabet and directions to read the Greek, thus giving access to the pure original Word of God. We have se-cured a stock of these valuable books at a good percent, and offer them at, the fol-lowing reduced - rates. In cloth bind . . Library . . . We pay postage when ordered by Mail. A email commission will be allowed to brethren who will sell the book. NZWS FBO TIM FILID, ° ROWLAND, ONr. Feb. 18th 1889 A SEMI- MONTHLY HOLINESS JOURNAL Our address until further notice is as frill , ass. D. S. WARNER, GRAND JUNCTION MICH Germany where the reformation began has been healed. 4. Who is: like unto the beast, svha• other sect is as great? Whois ab. l. eto make war with him? for nearly the whole of Europe was under the influence of this beast. 5. There * his given unto him a mouth, ( Popes) speaking great things. " Who op-poseth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, and that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in :. the temple of Godeahowing himself that he is God- 2 Thess„ lo: 4. Power was given unto him to continue forty and two months, or 1260 days which refer to 1260 years in which the people were blinded and did not discern that the spirit of popery Was anti- christ. 6. And he opened his mouth: Popes is-sue their edicts and bulls, stating their infallibility, blaspheming against God, His name, His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven, the redeenied. 7. He made war with ( persecuted) the saints ( holy ones) and overcame them: and power Was given him over all kindred and töngues and nations. S. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship ( adore) him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb Slain from the foundation of the world. There was a time in the histo-ry of the- World, when no other religion was tolerated but this Roman Catholic beast religion, yet God always had a re-served few that did not worship the beast. 9. If any man have an ear, let him hear. 10. He- that leadeth into captivity Sliall go into- captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. This beast used the sword, the Word of God as a pretext to do much mischief, handled the Word of God deceitfully, and by the sword it must be killed. Praise God ! Here is the patience and faith of the saints. 11. And I beheld another beast, ( a sec-ond beast, Protestantism,) coming up out of the earth, ( the earthly traditions of Ro-man Catholicism,) and he had two horns like a lamb, ( Sheep's appearance about the head, so as to be better able to deceive,) and he spake as a dragon, ( with all subtil-ity.) 12. And he exercised' all the power of the first beast before him, and cauSeth the earth, earthly denominations, and them which dwell therein, by using some of the same old traditions and creeds to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heav-en on the earth in the sight of men, ap-peared to work by the power of God. En-listed many of God's fire brands to work in the organizations which compose this beast. God TiOW calls to His people to come out of her.— See Rev. 18 : 4. 14. And deceiveth them that dwell up-on the earth, by means of those miracles ( signs) which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell upon the earth, that they should ( organize into associations and appoint men as head over them, and thus) make an image to the beast, which had the wound. by the sword, ( word of God,) and did live. 15. And he had power In give life David says: Serve the Lord with - glad-ness; come before His presence with - sing-mg. Psa. 100: 2. Then: our hearts will be made to rejoice to see the wonderful influence it has over the sinners The Psalmist says: Then Was our mouth . filled with laughter and our- tongues with : Sing ing; then said they among the ' heathen: the Lord hatli clone great things for them. Psa. 126: 2. You see; dear saint,". geod spiritual songs will calm wild sinners, when preaching will not. I have seen sin-ners all melted down by good spiritual singing; have seen them come to the house of worship just to hear the new songs, and before they could get away God would get hold on them. " Speaking to yourselves in psalms : and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord." I taught a singing school last fall where prejudice - was so strong they would not allow preaching, but the school overcame it, and they confessed that holiness people were not what they were represented to be. Now the way is open for the Gospel Truth to be preach-ed. Praise the Lord! ' Now dear stunts the Lord has given me a musical talent. He has used me here to teach singing schools, consequently the little Churches are in tune, and filled with heavenly song. If any of the dear Churches of God feels led of the Lord to send for me, I will come, the Lord willing, . and assist you. I have been teaching vocal music for some time, and would advise all the Churches to get the songs, ANTHEMS from the THRONE; they are all good and _ spirit-ual, and easily learned. My permanent . address is ST. JAMES, Mo. Much love, peace and fellowship to all the dear saints. Amen! Your Bro. under the blood. C. C. Kennedy. SINGING FOR THE LORD lenahity and hely joy. Ali the happy con-verts showed their love td- the Master by obeying His Word, and all were blessed in-. the deed. Glory be to Je-stis, for the , privilege of following ' Christ, the Lamb of l= oot, whitherso-ever He goethr The meeting lasted from 3 P. M. to 10 P. M. That blessed day will long be remembered. I think there were about 35 saints took part in the precious services; several about here were not pres-ent. When we heard the joyful and grateful testimony to day of so many souls who have been saved of God since We came here, we felt richly paid for our toil. Glory be to Jesus ! After the meeting, at a brothers house near by, dear Bro. Thomas Mc Clive, of Chippawa, and Bro. John E. Smigh, near Fenwick, received the layin g on of hands, in recognition of the Divine call to preach the everlasting Gospel, and - ordination thereunto; they having been ordained and chosen of God to this sacred ministry, and having labored somewhat in the same. They both feel much mo. v ed of God to give themselves more fully. up to the great work. 0 may they trust in the living God, and go forth as He may lead, nothing doubting, that " He is . ahle to make all grace abound unto them, so that they al-ways having all sufficiency, in all things, may abound unto every good work." " The people that do know their God, shall be strong and shall do exploits." " And many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase, and many- shall be purified, made white arid fried." " I, saith the Lord, shalt hasten it in its season." Amen! 0 Lord keep not si-lent; roar out of Zion. Let the nations hear thy voice, and tremble at Thy Word. 0 Lord our God we will give Thee no rest until Thou establisinZion, and make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. - Amen ! ' We expect soon to blow the Trumpet in Ohio. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI-- SECTARIAN. Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the Purity and Unity of His Church, the _ De-fence of ALLHis Truth, And the Destruction of Sect Bab- . ylon. rtnLSD GLAND nrNOTtor, 141011 D. S. WARNER,-- Editor. B. E. BYB UM,- 0ffice Editor. E. L. BYRUM and S. MiCHELS,-- Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.00 PAP, YEAR IN ADVANCE All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRDAIPET, in order to in-sre credit; otherwise wewill not be responsible. Remittances should be sent by Registered Letter, or Express Order, through the American, or the United States Express Co. Small amounts may be sent in Two Cent Stamps. We T will not be responsible for money unless sent by Registered lett er or Express Order, to GOSPEL TRUMPET. NOTICE. A. commission of 20 percent will be given on each uew, cash subscriber, to an who will labor for the GoseEr. Tnumt, T. We make this otter so as to help the brethren that are in the Held, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. - Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify - us regularly of their wlereabouts.„ x1 05– N OTIC . GRANGES OF ADDRESS:— Subscribers wish-ing Their address changed, must, be sure to give their FORMER, aS well as their new ad-d ress. MISSING PAPERS occw. aonnliy haP-pens that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers aro lost, or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive your impel. when clue, after waiting a sufficient length of time, write us a card and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number, When you write, be sure and give your FULL ADDRESS, NAME, POST OFFICE, COUNTY, and STATE. 8110111( 1 there be a mistake at any time, sosite to us at once, and we. will gladly me-tity the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET I' AND ' JUNCTION, MICH. Entered at the Post Unice at Grand Junction, Aran BurenCo. Mich., as second class matter. 1101111017 ■ 0[ 1121.6. ONEFLIM. NOTICE. Send money by Post, Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where ! hese can not, be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amoimts in one and two cent stamps. III OW-SONGS OF VICTORY. FOURTH EDITION. Songct of Victory is speci: illy ( lulled to 7amp, Grove, and nil other incelings for : he worship of God. Also for the Sabbath school. All orders accompanied by cash, will he promptly- filled from single copy e pward. Price, Single copy. Manilla coy El'. : 30 Cts. Cloth limp cover, 50 cts. l'tr dozen, Ma nilla cover, $ 3.00. Cloth, $ 4.80 Parties nice; order half do z. u! ' the rates as per dozen. 1-‘ 11diess ril tord: rs to the GOSPEL TRUMPET OFFICE. GRAND JUNCTION, Micli 1- BM BAL.: BA. TH TEA T. THE SA. BRATII, • 71/ 217CHD. 71- Y K AV). • SEBASTIAN MICHELS, BANGOR, MICH. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED. —: o:— R F Rapp Eliza Cloy G T Clayton W R Shelton Geo E Bolds Henry Null II 0 Horn W B Grover James Worbois C- L Cole J Light M W Richardson C B Butler Cardia Hancock W L Kilpatrick F Rosenberg Wm Salter Mrs James Palmer Wm Baker A J Howe MA Stowell Julia Austin J W Byers Mary West Benj Todd W G Maginnis Lewis Basore EVENING LIGHT ON THE 13th CHAPTER OF REVELATIONS. F ANY of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberal-ly, and upbraideth not; and it shall be giv-en him— James 1: 5. Believing it God's will that we should understand the 13th chapter of Revelations we have prayed to God for a complete un-derstanding of it, and. we have faith in God that our petition is granted. • In this chapter we find two beasts de-scribed. The first one was Roman Cathol-icism. The second, Protesantism. We shall proceed to review the entire chap-ter, beginning with the first, giving such explanations as are necessary to make it so plain that any one may understand. 1. The first beast rose up out of the sea. Out of the sea refers to " much peo-ple." ' The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth are peoples and multitudes, and nations, and tongues."— Rev. - 17 15. Rome the seat of this beast, is situated in Italy, which country is near-ly surrounded by the Mediteranian and Adriatic seas. The ten horns are ten cen-turies of despotism and persecution ruled by kings in the interest and under the control of this beast. " These have one mind and give their power and. strength unl 0 the heast."— Rev. 17 : 13. The it-, ven heads refer to the seven na-tions of Europa which helped to maintain the beastly power. These powers or na-tions were called christian, this being the names of blasphemy. 2. Like unto a leopard, very spotted in nature. Feet as of a bear, trampling every thing that is good. The Word of God was trampled down and was not - al-lowed to be read by the common people. Mouth of a lion, biting and devouring ev-ery one that did not come under its beaSt-ly influence. The dragon Or devil gave him his power, and his seat and great au-thority. R. I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to ' death. The wound received in Germany during the reformation caused by the preaching of Martin Luther, and the reading of the Bible. - Deadly wound was healed: the power of the refor-mation ceased. Only a few years ago the Present Pope, Leo XIII, celebrated his fif-tieth year in the priestheod, calling it a jubilee. It was made the occasion of grand gifts to the Pope from the rulers of nearly all the civilized countries of the world. The value of the gifts was estimated at $ 15,000,000. The Emperor of Germany at this occasion sent the Pope a triple crown covered with a thousand costly pearls: . Surely Cie wound to papacy in ( breath) unto the image of the beast, that the image_ of the beast should both speak, and cause that as ninny as would not Is or-ship the image of the beast should be kill-ed. ( lose their popularity.) 16. And he canseth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in her right hand ( take her into fellowship) or in their forehead, ( sprinkling water on their beads for bap tism.) • 17. And that no man might buy or sell, ( vote or do business in a sect) save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18. Here is wisdom. Let him that bath understanding eonnt the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, a man's number; ( a multiplicity of sects or denominations organized by men, with men at their heads) and his number is 666. Praise God! I am saved from the beast, his image, and his name. Amen! E. G. - WICHERSHAM. Jordan,- Jay Co:, Inch DEAR. TRUMPET READERS:— I am still saved and trusting in- the Lord. I find Him a present help in the time : of need. I am sanctified and kept by the mighty power of tied. - Pray for me that I may be kept free from sin ill this wicked and Sill cursed world. Praise the Lord! Peter NI. White raise God I The final battle for this campaign, at this place, was glorious-ly crowned with victory yesterday. We spent most of last week with the Church here. Found on our return that they were all doing well, and . prospering in the Spirit of God. One soil had been converted during our absence, and the saints were having joyful meetings. three or four times a week. 0 how their souls, and ours likewise. were refreshed on meeting. Dear. Bro. Thomas Mc Clive, from Chippawa, Ont., was here meeting with. the Church and greatly encouraging them. Yesterday, the Lord's day, many of the saints came over from about Fenwick, a number from Welland, and the two Kau-meyer brethren from Chippawa, also dear Bro. Evans, from Elcho, about 24 miles front here, and the glory of God filled the place where we were assembled. After about two and a half' hours flow of the present glorious Truth, there was an hour and a half intermission, when - the glorious battle with a yolley of be-tween . iii testimonies, with many she , t g C I w 0 Christ, the thillelujali to , the Ti: e ;, ow, h- was upon hoo= d,, an 1 con vietion upon the unsaved. T;,,. Altar was prer: ented and five dear. I H= 2 C T:' te I all to Clod, and claimed :;::: Twliticat: on, by faith ill Jesus Christ, our perfect Saviour. One of the number Vras dear Bro. Box, from Well-and, who has been called to preach the Gospel, and has been laboring - somewhat for the Lord. I pray God that he may be wholly devoted to the glorious work of warning the people to flee the wrath to come. 0 what is all this world beside." perish-ing souls at stake." This place is only three miles from Welland, from which place several have attended the meetings, and received the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus; some - of whom ale fully: free in God, and others nearly so. A.- prayer meeting will now be started in that town, on the Bible foundas tith e , and there are good prospects for the salvation' of aouls. The saints at- tire two places wi'd meet with each other, and help on the goo l work at both. places, i- After altar services, a. few moments were devoted to reading the cripture. on the Washing of the • . salnt's feet, and the Lord's Supper. After whicheithesegsaered frdinances were observed with , intich so-. GOOD NEWS FROM THE NORTH: —: 0:— EAR Bro Jesse • Oatley - of. Wexford Co. Mich., by some means, got hold of the GOSPEL TnumpET- last fall where he learned of the assembly meeting at Gene-va Center, and came to the same. Duo' him we learned that a Bro. named Nichols was laboring in the Gospel in. those parts, and that quite a number of precious souls had been saved and filled with the Spirit, and standing complete in Christ Jesus. The brother having written the following letter to Bro. Palmer, and he having for-warded: the same to Us, we take the liber-ty to give it general publicity, feeling that Bro. Nichols will not - find fault, as we thiak we are led in so doing. Amen ! DEe. - 31,1885. A. B. PALMER. DEAR BROTHER IN CHRIST:— Through the acquaintance of Bro. Jesse Oatley with you, I drop these lines. I feel. to thank God there are men and women._ besides myself that are stepping out on the promises of God's Word, Independent of creeds or isms: I never could tell how I ever got where I ann fon three years I Was praying and weeping over the - people in the Wesleyan sect; trying to have them live what they- professed. Some times I. thought I wo uld dieunder the load I had to - Carry. I could not stay any longer with them. So_ I took my letter; twelve mem-bers left with me. I thdught of joining the Free Methodist. I attended their meet-ings, found I would have to go through the same battle. So I started out to work for God, and leave the results with Rim, and let the people join any sect they thought proper I was suecessfulaW . many con-verted, and within a year I would conic along and- find them spiritually dead. God opened my eyes to these things. I; hadno one to teach me, and I. made up my mind if I could stand alone for God I woUM; and oh how heblessed me in taking the stand. I went inOatley's. neighborhood by request of his wife: who had been converted in one of my meetings some three years before. held meeting eight nights, two years , a-° last week, and over twenty became vented; most of them are sanctified nosh, God helped' me Wonderfully to preach the truth. Oh what a stir it made I But glor3r to Jeius the victory was on.' ipy side. Bro. Oatley was at that time living with a dead profession, and many others in the plac? God saved them and they went to maidag restitution. One man said he made a hum-bet of dollars out of. my: coming there, which he never would have received the meeting not been held. Salvation. Will bring men and s women` - together tq ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE. SECOND EDITION. It contliins 148 songs. 001 with " music About all new. The pages are some larg est han - Songs of Victory. When Sang in the Spirit a God, these songs will be glorious. They hymn the precious presen t I rut le and the Gospel standard of Salvation. An imporlont field of usefulness is open, for those saints who can teach the Church. es I hese songs, and the saints and their children to sing by note. It will be a great help to the cause of salvation. and give interest to Sabbath Schools. Send in your order for Anthems from the Throne, add start the songs of praise anew. Prices as follows. Illanilla 30 ets. Cloth , . . 50 cis Per. dozen $ 3.00 & $ 4.80 body: for we are all partakers of, that one bread."- 1 Cora 10 : 16. 17. Praise God that I can discern the one body, the Church; and have been baptized by the one Spirit into the- one body, and have the holy fire burning in my soul just now. I am ready to go wherever to Lord leads. Your. Bro. justified by faith, and sancti-fied by the Holy Ghost through the blood of Christ the last meeting, which was a g* lorious tes tinitony meeting some were under convic tion, but seemed unwilling to yield. That evening we took train for Buchan-an Mich. Have held a few meetings here. Pray for us- that the Lord may use us to His glory and the salvation of souls. Your Bro. saved and wholly sanctified. Fred N. Jacobson. make wrongs right. after having given them the savor of life I was back there a week ago last Sun- and death, we asked all those who had the day; God come in power. One old back- witness of theSpirit that they were accepted slider of over twenty years cried out for of God ' to raise their hand; not one, even the mercy and got saved. Oh what lack of preacher dared to do so. The house has a power I see all around me ! It. is the holy seating capacity of about 300o- which was Ghost power we must have, dear Bro., to generally well filled with attentive listen-awaken up the sleeping dead that are in ers. The order was good throughout the sin. I have wept a half mile before I got entire meeting. The new doctrine, as to the place of preaching, and I did not some thought it to : be, - attracted many — 0— KANSAS CITY, Mo. FEB. 22nd 1889. Dear Brethren:— We are still living in Kansas City, at. 2550 Holmes St. We have been holding meetings in pri-vattee houses, not having a meeting house until last week, when I bought one. Bro. James Venerable, a colored Bro. is with 115; he is quite a good Since having a house to worship in, there has been quite a number forward to be prayed for. One sister professed faith in Christ, and was made to shout, the praises of trod, " frost of our Assembly are colored. people, but there are some white people. We also have Sabbath School, Pray that, the Lord may- be with IF; in power. Yours and Christ's R. J. Brown. know what ailed me, more than I was the hands of God to be used. I have see a whole congregation weeping, and som crying for mercy. Oh what a dead faith there is in the world ! The 11th of Heb speaks of thith, the evidence of things no seen. It is the evidence we want, that ou faith is owned and accepted of God. Sal vation is the same to- day as ever. It will clean a man or woman up and fit them fol. heaven now. Men are preaching a sham holiness to the people, covering up their sins: God wants our all, every idol has to be laid at the feet of Jesus. _ Alen are compromising with the world to- day, for fear they will not make a living. I have never taken up a collec-tion in my life and never expect to, and God has opened the way for me and souls have been saved. I am so glad that I ev-er found the way. I have been called cra-zy. People have come for miles to hear me prenclaand while I have been Weeping-over them, and pouring out of my heart what God was putting in, they have be-come convicted and made to cry out for mercy. Oh what a power there is in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus when we throw ourselves Ills hands. I cannot say any-thing of myself, I am a poor illiterate man inClod's hands, to be used to the salvation of poor fallen man. And I want your prayers, dear Bro., that God will use me more and more to His glory. Oh how much I would like to see you and others Bro. Oatley has spoken of. If you can c01110 up here I would like to have you. You will be well taken care of, and those will ' you, May God bless you and all the dear brethren and sisters in Christ. From your Bro. in Jesus. J. J. Nichols. PORTLAND, IND. Dear Brethren :— We are happy to re-port that - we are fully - saved, and have victory in our soul over all the powers of hell. After the meeting near Spingfield Ohio, companion and I took train and came to a place near Sidney Ohio, where we meld a very precious meeting with the Church at that place. We found a great deal of prejudice against the true way. But in spite of all opposition three backsliders were reclaimed, and one sanctified who had previously been converted. After the close of this meeting, we went to Darke Co., where we took a short rest with rela-tives. From there, wecame to NewPitts-burg Ind., and after njoying two or three meetings with the saints at that place, we came to Willow Chapel, a place about 3 miles west of Portland Ind., where we are now hol lug meeting inthe name of Je-sus. We earnestly pray God to save many souls during this meeting. Brethren, prey much for us. Yours, and. Christ's. W In. G. Schell. DYSART, IOWA, FEB. 22, 1889. DEAR SMNTs:— We commenced meeting five miles south of Shannon ILL., Jan. 28, and continued 19 clays. There is a large meeting- house at that place, owned by the brethren in. Christ Sect, who granted us the use of the house for meetings, provid-ing we preach nothing but the Gospel, which condition we cheerfully agreed to abide by. This sect, like all others, is spiritually - dead, yet it has a name to live. In our first meeting, where the congrega-tion Was composed largely of professors, 1 through curiosity who were somewhat dis n appointed when they heard the old Gospel e story of eighteen hundred years. As we 1 continued : to apply the plummet, the crook- . ed. began to showthemselves in their two t colors. But glory to ( lod! He enabled us 3 to keep right on fearless of the foe, until - We could see the ranks break away before the two- edged sword, as it cut its way - right and left. We were greatly encour-aged on Monday, Feb. 4, by the arrival of Sister Allie R. Fisher, and on Friday, Bro. John, whose voice God is wonderfully using to His glory. The scheme of the enemy at first was to cause the people to settle down into a stupor and shut their ears against the truth; but some received the truth and walked in the light. There were a few in that vicinity who claimed holiness, One of them, air M. E. preacher, wanted to join in the work with us, but when he found out that we were out on the blood and fire line, and we invited him to the al-. tar to die, he, like Nauman, went away in a rage. Three dear souls were brought out into the glorious light of sanctification, and out of babylon, while eight or ten others received the peace of justification. There is an opening at that, place for a. glorious ingathering of precious souls in the near future. May 3od continually bless and. keep the dear ones steadfast, so that men may see their good works and glorify our Father Which is in heaven.' Thursday morning Feb. 21, wife and 1,1 in company with sister Allie Fisher, start- 1 ed for Dysart, Iowa where we arrived safe- 1 ly and found Bro: and Sister Gnagy 1 and sound in the faith, and anxiously wait-ing for a meeting here. Pray for us that we shun not to declare all the counsel ofl God. We are saved and sanctified wholly, i and resting in the blesed hope of • r. litusi 2 : 13. I. J. IV. Byers. have been conv e rted and sanctified. The I COCHRAN'S MILLS, PA., FEB. 13, ' 89. Dear Trumpet Readers: We are still It praising God who causeth us to triumph' over all our enemies; and gives us per- 1 1ect victory over time world the flesh and ' 1 L fTh n c, e ST JAHES", MO. meeting- house was freely- opened, and ! the sea- shore. We are now holding meet I sanctified wholly. 0 glory to Jesus! I some of their hearts were- open to the truth. lin g hi a free Chapel in West Brewster. I lived in the Baptist sect 21 years and ney- I-- not; back on his consecration, said he could I Bro. Warner and Co. come to it. We went; consecrated use tobacco to the glory of God, and used iI out this morning in company with a Bro.: m yself wholly to God, I re-violence in opposin g the saints, is now a I who, no doubt, God has chosen fbr an El- ceived the withess to my salvation. Jesus lunatic in the asylum. 0 the awful de der in His Church, to loo ,. „ ., r oi i for sa t who, ys: " He that heareth my words and be- ' et a r- n d 1 a meeting where there is a tabernacle i lieyeth on Him that sent me bath ever-ception that is in the world ! How many i lasting life, and ,,, hall not come into con-souls are being destroyed by the encour- I somewhat like the one on - the Bangor;, demnation, but is passed from death unto agement of cold- hearted professors, whosejCamp- ground, Brethren, : hook up, your life.”-- John 5 : 24. I am so glad that Je-conscience is seared as with a. liot iron: whoseiredemption draweth nigh. " We are soon ' I sus said these words. About a year ago I drink is iniquity, and say their Consciencelto shout over the complete ruin of balmy- was sanctified, lint when temptations came I drew hack. But there was no peace in i condition; I again called to God, and ! about the first of last Oct. I made a firm ' decision for the Lord and was fully saved. 1 Glory be to Jesus! I find the devil is along beside thi; high way and often tries Neer shall halt till swells the anthem, to rob me of the sweet peace God has giv- " Christ o'er all the world cloth reign." I en me, but I flee to Jesus for refuge. I am decided for the Lord for time and eternity. Pray for me, brethren, that I may be l Bro. Haner was here a short time ago and constantly kept complete in the will of God. ABucnq, AN, MICII., - FEB. 15, 1889 Dear Brethren:— God bless you all. I am happy to report that I found the Church at NewPittsburg in a better, clearer spiritual condition than at any previous time. Few have fallen away: we hope they will speedily return. Others have been added to the Lord. The saints near Deerfield Ind. desired us to come and hold a meeting in. Pleasant Grove Chapel, neat that place, which had been opened for the meeting of the saints. Accordingly we commenced Feb. 4, and continued to the evening of the 7th. The Lord met with us in much power, and the place rang with the praises of the Lord. We believe that much good was done. In so filled with the Spirit that no sham could pass. . od reognizes no sham work, and to be true to God, we calumet. I do praise God that I yielded toYnd pruning, and the blood and fire ha% - 6•--- Cleansed and burnt out all the dross. Your Sister saved and sanctified, doing His holy will: , essie A. Daniels. —: 0:— PAYNE 0111G. Dear Saints: – Praise f; od for salvation full and flee! The Lord has healed me of different diseases. Once He healed me of Neuralgia for which I give Him all the glory. Praise God for the satisfying por-tion. I used to hear the saints testify to the satisfying portion when I was not satis fied, but glory to God! I can now say that I am sanctified and satisfied. ", Tin redeemed from all sin And Pm walking in the light, An I thy Spirit illumine ,: my way I ve no fear now within, For the terror of Ihen4Oit, Nor the arrow that tlyetit by day." Your sister in Christ. M. C. Pepper. —: 0:— RISING SUN, 0. DEAR SAticTs:, My testimony is that I am sweetly saved in Jesus just now; kept from rill sin and all the works of the devil. Praise God for ever ! I have a real Bible experience and am continually rejoicing in the truth, and the truth makes me free. I am walking in the light as He is in the light , have fellowship with the Father and the Son, and with all the dear saints of God. Praise the Lord ! " I am cruci-fied with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not but Christ liveth in me: and. the life which I BOW live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of C od, who loved me and gave Himself for me." _' ray for me that God may keep me humble. From your sanctified brother. Jacob Roush. STAFFORD, K. tN. DEA a Reaumots:— I feel led of God to give in my testimony in favor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A little over one year : Ago I heard the Gospel preached in its true light: and gtory he to God, He be-gan to gently draw me by His cords of love, ant I soon saw that, I was a sinner. I con-secrated . for justification and received it, and I remained in that condition until brothers Kilpatrick and Speck came and held meetings with us; and when I heard a sermon on sanctification, I saw at once that I was not sanctified. I knew it was forme and I consecrated for it and God was just to give it to me: and since that time I have been the happiest that I ever was in my life. Glory be to Jesus! He gives me victory over all things, that are contra-ry to His Word. lie have meetings four timea a week. Glory be to God for salva-tion in Jesus that keeps us from sin and makes us b rejoice all the time. Amon Allen. ST PETERSBURG, PA. DEAL!: TRUMPET 1- 4.- anEas:— My testimony is that I am saved by the precious blood of the Lamb. - Glory to Jesus for full sal-vation that keeps me from all sin each moment of my life. I do praise HIM so much for calling after me. When I was in the sect I had doubts and fears about getting to heaven; but now all doubts are 0- one. The dear Lord has taken them all away. and I know my peace is made with God. I know it this earthly tabernacle was to be dissolved, I have a house not, made with hands, eternal inthe Heavens. My prayer is that other poor sinners conic- TO tiliS Jesus and be saved. The dear Lord showed me that I must come out hl babylon, as He says in the 18 chap. and 4 vr.- of Revelations. " And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out. of her my people that ye be not par-takers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues." I obeyed His call and came out of her. Praise the Lord ! From your sister saved and sanctified. Sarah E. Shoup. e,:— URBANA, KAN. Dear Brethren— May God bless you all. I will write a few lines in the name of the Lord, testifying to His good-ness. Bless God ! I can truly say the Lord does save and keep me by His mighty power. Jesus says in John 8: 36, " If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." Hallelujah ! I do know ( according to the Word) I am free because Jesus set me free. And I just have aglo-rious tithe trusting the Lord. Bless God ! my heart is a home for Jesus and He is at home keeping arouse. and I am wonder-fully satisfied with His way of doing busi-ness. Hallelujah to our God for ever and ever ! Pray for me that'I keep down at the feet of Jesus. " Sitting at the feet of Jesus, 0 what words I hear Him say! Happy place! so near, so precious! May It find me there each clay." Your Bro saved, sanctified and kept. Joseph Taylor. the devil. ! has led us here. The Lord has much peo- i Since our last writing a number of souls I ple here free from sect babylon, who wel- I come the joyful sound of the pure Gospeld last meeting was held on Crooked Creek in1There are several chapels. There have 1 the meeting- house in which the Slice- I been three converted since our coining 1 maker sect was organized about 25 years I This is a place where many resort ml I am saved through the blood; cone-ago, which has now become extinct. TheirIthe summer, who come from the city to i crated soul and body to the Lord and Jamsrowar MICH., FEB. 15, ' 89. To ALL THE SAINTS:— I praise God for salvation: The glory of- God fills my soul" when I think of what the Lord has clone here. Souls are being saved daily. There has been about twenty Consecrations, and more? under conviction. The country is M wonderfully stirred; sectarians are growl-g and gnawing their tongue. Some have come out and renounced the sects. Oh praise the Lord for what our eFes see dai-ly. We could not get a school- house ' for meetings, but praise God, we go from house to house. The work is moving gloriously along. Pray for us. Your humble and saved brothers in Christ. C. B. BUTLER B. WOODEN. —: o:— POPLAR BLUPT MO., FEB. 20, ' 89. DEAR Bammineze-- I have been here, on the blood and fire line, since the 27th of Dec. 1888. came by here on my way to the Southern states, and it seemed good unto Him to open up an effectual door of entrance in and all around Poplar Bluff for miles, to preach this blessed evening light; and I can truly say God is workinf wonders here. Souls are being justified and sanctified, and some have testified tc bodily healing. But in all places I have ever labored, I have never witnessed such deep awakenings to the Gospel as there is in these parts. Many sectarians and sin-ners are beginning to get their eyes open to the fact that babylon, that great city, is fallen. God is calling louder and louder: " Come out of her my people." There is quite a little band of saints in and around this place. Hallelujah ! and many are accepting the true light. Beloved saints, pray for us here that God may be glorified in the salvation of many souls. Your Bro. sanctified and under the blood. John D. Ashbaugh. ler the great Brooklyn Bridge, and up I Long Island Sound to Norwich. Comm. In! _ Iris state we called upon a Bro. who ect- 1 1- 1-' ill some one - please send me ed us where we are now, in Masseon Cape I dress of Bro. J. W. Sickles ? Cod, a narrow strip of land in the eastern part, on the Atlantic Ocean. Truly God: W. EsT BREWSTER, MASS. Hallelujah ! Let the redeemed say so, in the name of the Lord. I send greeting to all God's dear saints. I am well and happy in the Lord, and moving in the or-der of God, with the conquering Christ enthroned in my heart. Praise the Lord! We last reported from the extreme eastern part of Pa., where we labored with a dear Bro. Hartzell, who had been turned out of that dark branch of baby-ion, the dutch reformed sect, for holding protracted meetings. We were necessari: ly limited in the work by the work not being altogether out from the mists of babylon, and dear Bro. Hartzell not yet seeing the oneness of God's saints. Nev-ertheless the bond of love between many dear friends in Jesus was strengthened and deepened, and several consecrated for a pure heart. We trust to meet dear Bro. Hartzell again in the summer together With Bro. Warner and Co. and have a glorious time in Jesus establishing the heavenly kingdom in many hearts. After getting through here, every door was shut tight, and we were locked up to the choice of launching out into new fields or returning to West Pa., where there were many openings; but we felt that we had the Divine commission to plant the bless-ed evening light in the regions beyond. " Jesus shall reign where'er the Sun Does his successive journeys run, His kingdom spread from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more; From North to South the princes meet, To pay their homage at His feet, IV bile western empires own their Lord, And savage tribes attend His Word. So we launched. out toward the rising sun. We bought a ticket to Y oorkrk, , where we took the Steamer fbr Conn., our native state. We sailed up , the East River, lin- S. Michels. F Your free Bro. in Jesus. G. W. Carry, Derry, Kans. the ad One man who was once quite spirituabbut1The people are interested in having a er knew whether I had salvation or refused to walk in the light, and, went Camp- meeting next summer and haying l but when I heard holiness taught, and o‘ does not disturb them. I praise God that. Ton. The battle is the Lord's. He took away the heart of stogni e and gaveel the day of God is brekani,,, me a. heart of flesh, and an ear to hear the See the gleaming from afar; the voice of the Spirit in these perilous Sons of earth from slumber iwakin o. tithes, with heart made pure : aid. garments Fail the aright and morning star. white and Christ enthroned within. Conquering Ito,; ts with banners waving, Your- Bro. saved to the uttermos t just, Sweeping on o'er hill and plain. now. G. T. Clayton: BANGOR M CIL Dear Brethren:— The meeting at Ban-gor closed with glorious victory. Three souls came to the Lord during themeeting the last day. Some were reclaimed that were backslidden, others that had never yielded their heart to God before, were gloriously saved and made to rej - mice in the Savior's love. 0 I pray God to keep them ever steadfast, always abounding in a liv-ing faith in God who is able to keep us from falling. Oh what a p 1, cious meeting we had the last evening. The dear little ones with some of the older ones had the precious privilege of washing the saints' feet, and partaking of the one loaf or bread. " The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the , blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For '- e being many, are one bread and one W. J. Evans. preached the straight Word to us, and told us many things that will never be for-gotten. May the Lord bless all the dear saints and at last gather us all to be with Jesus through all eternity. Your sister saved in Christ. Margaret E. Coppedge. - UNION GROVE ILL. DEAR SAncTS:— I know that the blood of the- everlasting covenant cleanses Mefrom all sin, and the Spirit is leading me into all truth. - We have been having search-ing times here within the last few weeks; the Spirit of the Living God has : been searching out the hidden things of dark-ness as never before It means death to serve God with a pure heart. We must have the secret places of the heart cleaned out before the whole body can be full of light. Q that all of God's watchmen were —: 0:— Correspondence. STAFFORD, KAN. DEAR SAINTS:— May God wonderfully bless you all with great power and joy in the Holy Ghost. Praise God! To- day I am saved, sanctified and filled with His holy Spirit. Glory to Jesus forever! Amen! The Lord wonderfully saved me from all sin one year ago last fall, and He keeps me each day. My dear wife was saved at the same time, and to- day we re- . jeice together in the Sayior's love and freedom, - Which we have in Christ Jesus. The son has made us free indeed. Glo-ry to His precious name! We are free from all sects and divisions, and all the works of the flesh, see Gal. 5: 1.921., and by the grace of God we are bearing the fruits of the spirit, according to Gal. 5: 22 23. There are about twenty saints of the living God, at this place, who are stand-ing firm on the Word, and aloof from the free- lovers, who have been in our midst. 0! God only knows the trials which this little Church has had to bear. Some were ensnared by this awful spirit of the devil. The Lord found me a miserable back-slider, lost in sin; drinking, swearing, us-ing tobacco, frequenting dances, playing, pool, and many other things that were evil; Yet when I was doing those things, I was a member of good standing, in the Baptist sect. I say in good standing, be-cause I asked for a withdrawal, and. they said they had no charges to bring against me; But when I got saved through and through, they pat me out very lively; and how I- do praise God for it. For a man cannot. be a Baptist, or any other ist, and be a child of God. " For where the treas-ure is, there will the heart be also." Last Sunday, a week ago, I went to Langdon, about 21 miles S. E. of this place, where sister Mabee was holding meetings in the name of Jesus, and much good is being done. I stayed until Tuesday, and the Lord poured out His spirit in fleods upon us. Monday we had prayer meeting; sister Mabee was not there on account of a sick relative. But the Lord was there in. wonderful power, and three consecrat-ed for sanctification, and were greatly blessed. One Bro. gave up his tobacco, which was a very hard thing to do, but the Lord helped him to do so. The Lord has called me to preach the Word. Pray for me that I may rightly divide the word of truth, and be as a flame of fire. God has said: " I will make my minis-ters a flame of fire." Glory to Jesus for-ever! I want to be a faithful worker in the vineyard of the Lord, for the harvest is great; and the laborers are few. I am all the Lords, all I have and am, and He is mine. There is a well of water in my soul,- springing up into everlasting HP:. Pray God to give me more power. Your sanctified Bro. and sister. John & Ada D. Clark. —: 0:— HAMILTON, MICH. Dear Brethren:— I am saved and re-joicing in the Lord for salvation. 0 it is a. wonder the Lord ever saved my soul, for I loved the pleasures of the world so well; especially the pride Other/Unknown Material IPY Mite PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Austin Long Island Lent ENVELOPE(-66.783,-66.783,-66.867,-66.867) The ''Y'' ENVELOPE(-112.453,-112.453,57.591,57.591) Moses ENVELOPE(-99.183,-99.183,-74.550,-74.550) Payne ENVELOPE(167.867,167.867,-72.817,-72.817) Todd ENVELOPE(-85.933,-85.933,-78.050,-78.050) Patience ENVELOPE(-68.933,-68.933,-67.750,-67.750) Charity ENVELOPE(-60.333,-60.333,-62.733,-62.733) Dee ENVELOPE(-59.767,-59.767,-62.433,-62.433) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Cora ENVELOPE(-60.317,-60.317,-62.467,-62.467) Brooklyn ENVELOPE(-62.083,-62.083,-64.650,-64.650) Ure ENVELOPE(13.733,13.733,68.100,68.100) Eternity ENVELOPE(-64.567,-64.567,-69.767,-69.767) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Nev ENVELOPE(-6.623,-6.623,62.108,62.108) The Old Man ENVELOPE(-37.133,-37.133,-54.067,-54.067) Shelton ENVELOPE(166.800,166.800,-71.683,-71.683) Brewster ENVELOPE(169.383,169.383,-72.950,-72.950) Titus ENVELOPE(169.033,169.033,-72.250,-72.250) Rowland ENVELOPE(161.700,161.700,-77.213,-77.213) Awl ENVELOPE(-60.633,-60.633,-63.867,-63.867) Long Island Sound ENVELOPE(-79.366,-79.366,54.800,54.800) Buchan ENVELOPE(-44.700,-44.700,-60.766,-60.766) Satis ENVELOPE(150.291,150.291,62.313,62.313) Rona ENVELOPE(13.943,13.943,66.985,66.985) Calumet ENVELOPE(-135.389,-135.389,63.927,63.927) Crooked Creek ENVELOPE(-136.696,-136.696,63.380,63.380) Skeen ENVELOPE(-20.067,-20.067,80.617,80.617)