
金門縣及連江縣緊鄰中國大陸東南沿海,兩岸此二地與大陸自2001 年開始通航已經6 年,鼠形動物可能藉由頻繁的船隻往返而入侵金馬地 區,間接危害農作物及倉儲糧食,同時也會傳播漢他病毒或是藉由體外病 媒傳播鼠型斑疹傷寒等疾病。本論文進行金門縣及連江縣鼠形動物、體外 病媒與病原體之間的研究。 2001-2006 在金門縣於7 個採集點 共佈放24928 籠夜,共捕捉7 種鼠 形動物 (溝鼠、屋頂鼠、小黃腹鼠、家鼷鼠、田鼷鼠、赤腹松鼠及錢鼠)2355 隻,總捕捉率為9.4%。在連江縣於4 個採集點共佈放13419 籠夜,共捕捉 6 種鼠形動物 (溝鼠、屋頂鼠、小黃腹鼠、家鼷鼠、田鼷鼠及錢鼠)651 隻...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 吳尹文, Wu, Yin-Wen
Other Authors: 徐爾烈, 臺灣大學:昆蟲學研究所
Format: Thesis
Published: 2006
Online Access:http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/246246/55013
Summary:金門縣及連江縣緊鄰中國大陸東南沿海,兩岸此二地與大陸自2001 年開始通航已經6 年,鼠形動物可能藉由頻繁的船隻往返而入侵金馬地 區,間接危害農作物及倉儲糧食,同時也會傳播漢他病毒或是藉由體外病 媒傳播鼠型斑疹傷寒等疾病。本論文進行金門縣及連江縣鼠形動物、體外 病媒與病原體之間的研究。 2001-2006 在金門縣於7 個採集點 共佈放24928 籠夜,共捕捉7 種鼠 形動物 (溝鼠、屋頂鼠、小黃腹鼠、家鼷鼠、田鼷鼠、赤腹松鼠及錢鼠)2355 隻,總捕捉率為9.4%。在連江縣於4 個採集點共佈放13419 籠夜,共捕捉 6 種鼠形動物 (溝鼠、屋頂鼠、小黃腹鼠、家鼷鼠、田鼷鼠及錢鼠)651 隻, 總捕捉率為4.8%。 金門縣採集到1 屬蚤類 (Nosopsylla Sp.),連江縣發現3 種蚤類 (Xenopsylla cheopis, Leptopsylla segnis ,Nosopsylla Sp.),蚤種指數分別為 0.08 及0.24、兩地同時發現鼠形動物採集之蝨類、蜱類、蟎類、恙蟎寄生, 同時對於宿主沒有性別顯著性偏好。 2005.08-2006.06 針對Rickettsia. rickettsii、Rickettsia. typhi、Rickettsia. coronii 及 Coxiella burinetii (Phase I 及 Phase II),利用IFA 方法檢測其陽 性率分別為72.7%、2.7%、59.0%、0.5%及1.1%;在連江縣其陽性率分別 為50.0%、3.0%、37.3%、1.1%及1.1%。 金門縣及連江縣之漢他病毒陽性率分別為3.8%及3.9%,兩者之盛行 率沒有顯著性差異,其中以料羅之漢他病毒盛行率(17.9%)顯著高於其他6 個採集點;復興 (5.8%)及馬祖酒廠 (10.3%)之盛行率 同樣顯著高於其他 採集點。同時發現距離港口愈遠,陽性率顯著性越低,可以證明港口為傳 播和他病毒之媒介點。 The offshore island of Lienchiang County and Kinmen County are very close to the Mainland China. Since sea-borne transportation among these islands and the mainland was opened since 2001, that murine-like animals would possible to the islands from the mainland China and cause damage to crops and animals, as well as propagating murine-borne diseases such as hatavirus, rickettsial diseases etc. This study attempted to know the relationship among murine-like animals, vector and pathogens. Live-trapping methods was used in this study from 2001-2006. Totally, 2355 murine-like animals were trapped at 7 trapping stations in 24928 trap-nights in Kinmen. The trap rate was 9.4% (2355/24928) and 7 murine-like animals, Rattus norvegicus, Rattus rattus, Rattus losea, Mus musculus, Mus caroli, Callosciurus erythraeus and Suncus murinus, were caught on Kinmen County. There were 4 stations in Lienchiang County at which 651 murine-like animals were trapped in 13419 trap-nights. The trap rate was 4.8% (651/13419) and, six murine-like animals, R. norvegicus, R. rattus, R. losea, M. musculus, M. caroli and S. murinus, were caught on Lienchiang County. We collected 1 flea genus (Nosopsylla Sp.) and 3 flea species (Xenopsylla cheopis, Leptopsylla segnis and Nosopsylla Sp.) and the flea index were 0.08 and 0.24 from murine-like animals in Kinmen and Lienchiang Counties, respectively. The lice, ticks, mite, and chiggers collected from Kinmen and Lienchiang they didn’t relevant the sex of host significantly. The seroprevalence of Rickettsia rickettsii, Rickettsia typhi, Rickettsia coronii, and Coxiella burinetii (Phase I and Phase II) in murine-like animals were 72.7%、2.7%、59.0%、0.5%, and 1.1%, respectively in Kinmen County. The seroprevalence of R. rickettsii, R. typhi, R. coronii, and C. burinetii (Phase I and Phase II) in murine-like animals were 50.0%、3.0%、37.3%、1.1%, and 1.1% of 67 animals, respectively in Lienchiang County. There was no significant difference in the seroprevalence between the two counties (Kinmen 3.8% vs. Lienchiang 3.9%), significant differences in the positive rates were found by the locality of trapping stations in the two studied areas. The positive rate in Liaolo (17.9%) of Kinmen County was significantly higher than the remaining trapping stations and those in Matsu Distillery (10.3%) and Fushing (5.8%) of Lienchiang Counties were significantly higher than the remaining ones. Moreover, a significant inverse correlation was found between the seropositive rate and the distance of small mammal sampling sites to the seaport (P < 0.01). These findings suggest the role of seaport as a source of hantavirus. 目 錄 頁數 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………. 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………. 壹、前言…………………………………………………………………. 1 貳、往昔研究……………………………………………………………. 3 一、金門縣及連江縣簡介…………………………………………. 3 二、台灣鼠形動物之組成…………………………………………. 5 三、台灣鼠形動物之體外寄生蟲…………………………………. 7 四、台灣感染立克次體之盛行率…………………………………… 10 五、台灣感染漢他病毒之盛行率…………………………………… 22 参、材料與方法…………………………………………………………. 28 一、鼠形動物及其體外寄生蟲採集………………………………. 28 二、鼠形動物之立克次體血清學檢測………………………………. 30 (一) 間接螢光抗體免疫法……………………………………. 30 三、鼠形動物之漢他病毒血清學檢測………………………………. 31 (一) 酵素免疫分析法…………………………………………… 31 (二) 間接螢光抗體免疫法………………………………………. 32 肆、結果…………………………………………………………………… 33 一、鼠形動物………………………………………………………… 33 二、鼠形動物體外寄生蟲…………………………………………. 36 三、立克次體在鼠形動物之情況…………………………………. 40 四、漢他病毒在鼠形動物之清況…………………………………. 42 伍、討論…………………………………………………………………… 43 一、鼠形動物…………………………………………………………. 43 (一)鼠形動物之採集……………………………………………. 43 (二)小黃腹鼠的分類地位………………………………………. 43 二、鼠形動物體外寄生蟲……………………………………………. 46 (一)金門鼠形動物之體外寄生蟲……………………………… 46 (二) 體外寄生蟲季節變化………………………………….… 46 (三) 體外寄生蟲與寄主之關係………………………………. 47 (四) 體外寄生蟲寄生部位……………………………………. 48 三、立克次體在鼠形動物之情況…………………………………. 50 (一)陽性率之季節變化…………………………………………. 50 (二)鼠形動物之性別、年齡對於抗體陽性率的影響………… 52 (三)立克次體間交互作用的關係………………………………. 53 四、漢他病毒在鼠形動物之清況…………………….……………. 54 (一)比較不同研究之陽性率……………………….…………… 54 (二) 大陸與離島之間漢他病毒感染之情形…………………. 54 (三) 漢他病毒在各港區之情形………………………………. 55 陸、結論……………………………………………………………………. 58 柒、參考文獻………………………………………………………………. 59 捌、誌謝…………………………………………………………………… 71 玖、附錄……………………………………………………………………. 72 表目次……………………………………………………………………… 78 圖目次……………………………………………………………………… 108