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March 3, 1950 THE CONCORDIAN Page*3 Travel Along The Thru-A-Fak Wlth AZP-Athenian Tonight LSA Program Features Skit, 'Limping Walk With God' A skit, "Limping With God," will be presented by an LSA group at the regular LSA meeting which will be held Sunday evening at 6 o'cloc...

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Published: 1950
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Summary:March 3, 1950 THE CONCORDIAN Page*3 Travel Along The Thru-A-Fak Wlth AZP-Athenian Tonight LSA Program Features Skit, 'Limping Walk With God' A skit, "Limping With God," will be presented by an LSA group at the regular LSA meeting which will be held Sunday evening at 6 o'clock instead of 6:30. This is in order to facili-tate getting to the home-coming concert of the choir. A mixed quartet will also sing. The LSA team responsible for the ^ program is led by Myron Tollef- ) son. PRAYER FELLOWSHIP "Behold Christ Crucified" is the theme chosen by the Prayer Fel-lowship organization for this se- . mester. The theme will be divided into three main divisions: "Behold Christ Crucified For You"; "Be-hold Christ Crucified and Repent"; and "Behold Christ Crucified and Believe". "Christ was Crucified in Your Stead" will be the first sub-topic given by Duane Olson next Satur-day evening. He will lead the open-ing hymn sing and the meeting will conclude with a period of prayer fellowship. LDR Clara Swingseth will speak on "Jesus our Companion" at the LDR meeting March 8. This is the sec-ond in the series of meditations, "Looking Unto Jesus," that are scheduled for the Lenten season. Lucille Njus will lead in devotion and pianist will be Judith Halver-son. BROTIIKRHOOD "A Protestant Looks at Com-munism" is the topic that Rolf Lunde has chosen for the Brother-hood meeting on March 8. James Brooks will lead in devotion and Gerald Heuer will give a cornet solo. MISSION CRUSADERS Mr. Harding C. Noblitt, new political science instructor, will speak on "Political Bondage" at the next meeting of Mission Cru-saders. Virginia Anderson will lead in devotion and Edwina Bye will sing. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Finstad of Thief River Falls, Minn., announce the engagement of their daugh-ter, Louise, to Donald Per-kins, son of Mrs. Cora Per-kins of Ballan-tine, Mont. Louise, a sen-ior, is a mem-ber of the Al-pha Kappa Chi Louise literary society Finstad and is major-ing in home economics. Perkins, also a senior, is a member of the Mondamin literary society. He is a biology major. Societies' Election Results Released AES At the regular meeting Satur-day morning AES elected Ralph Hauger, president; Dale Johnson, vice president; and Dale Anderson, secretary-treasurer. James Krause was honored by LDS by being selected as "The Sweetheart of LDS." He would like to take this opportunity to thank ali those who made his elec-tion possible. MU SIGMA PHI Newly elected president for Mu Sigma Phi literary society is Al-frieda Freiwald. Other officers elected include Janice Nelson, vice president; lona Moe, secretary; Clara Swingseth, treasurer and Elaine Bry and Helen Gess, curia-trix. SIGMA TAU PI Haldor Berg has been elected president of Sigma Tau Pi for the second semester. Other officer^ elected include Kenneth Rust, vice president; Robert Lageson, secre-tary; and Dennis Ellingson, treas-urer. SUPPLEMENT TO DAILY BIBLE Sat. Mar. 4. Sun. Mar. 5. Mon. Mar. 6. Tues. Mar. 7. Wed. Mar. 8. Thurs. Mar. 9 Fri. Mar. 10. READINGS Matt. 15:21-28 I Thes. 4.1-7 Heb. 11:1-11 Heb. 11:23-29 Ps. 27:1-14 Ephes. 2:11-22 James 4;6-10 League Sponsors White Elephant Sale The Women's league meets Tuesday in the Men's dormitory for a white elephant sale. The sale is under the supervision of Miss Martha Brennun. It will con-sist of white elephant articles such as clothing, dishes and food. Mrs. T. O. Burgess and Mrs. J. L. Ren-dahl will act as auctioneers. De-votion will be led by Mrs. Thomas Kloster. Hostess is Mrs. Victor Boe and chairman of the serving commit-tee is Mrs. R. E. Fuglestad. She will be assisted by Marie Braaten, Geneva Mauseth and the mesdames Eric Fietz, Allen Hanson, A. M. Sattre and Thomas Kloster. BTO-PKX PLAN PARTY The BTO and PKX literary so-cieties have planned a roller skat-ing party for March 13. Patricia George is chairman of general ar-rangements. Other members on the commit-tee are Hans Dahl and Duane El- •lertson. After the party they will meet for a social and lunch. CANDY MACHINE INSTALLED The Men's dormitory council has installed two candy dispensers, one in the recreation room and the other in Unit 7. These machines offer a choice of eight bars and have a total ca-pacity of 140 bars. MONDAMIN SMOKER Mondamins will meet for a smoker Monday night at 6 o'clock, in the Banquet room of the cafe-teria. G e n e r a l arrangements chairmen are Rodney Stalley and Paul Schee. PRACTICE TEACHERS ANNOUNCED Ivan Larson announces that three students have been practice teaching these past weeks in the field of business education. Mrs. LuVerna Prescott has been teach-ing at Oak Grove and has now been succeeded by Mrs. Kathryn Elton. Norma Korus has been teaching at Moorhead high school. Service Laundry 114 Fifth Street South Dial 3-0772 Moorhead, Minn. Sorenson's Cafe Open 24 Hours A Day Smorgaasbord Every Saturday Banquets and Wedding Parties 3-1555 Moorhead Hildur Shaw Speaker At Mu Phi Meeting Mrs. Hildur Shaw, member of the National Council and West Central Province Governor, will discuss scholarships and philan-thropic projects at the regular meeting of Mu Phi Epsilon. The meeting will be held in the Chap-ter room of the Music hall. The session will begin at 7:45. Mrs. Shaw will lead an open discussion on the topic of her speech. Members of the sorority who are included in the Concert Choir personnel will speak on the Eastern concert tour. Hostesses for the social hour are Lois Johnshoy, Eleanor Odegaard and Mavis Stenerson. "Hi, Ho Come to the Fair!" light; the thoroughfare, colorful Ed Detours Errors Interest Readers By Beverly Leegaard In spite of the care of composi-tors and the vigilance of proof-readers, errors even creep into the headlines. Some of the following newsbreaks happen in the best of editorial families. Brides do have a time of it. Con-cerning a fair young lass, the edi-tor of a country paper wrote: "Her dainty feet were incased in shoes that might be taken for fairy boots." The compositor puzzled over the scribbled lines, rendered them: "Her dirty feet were en-cased in shoes that might be taken for ferry boats." In somewhat of a carefree spirit an Overbrook, Kan., paper report-ed: "The big Sunday School picnic held Tuesday at the park was a hug success." For sheer candor, though, It's hard to beat this ad In a Chatham paper: "Special Foul Dinner, 45c." Which recalls to my mind a somewhat blase social note in the home town paper. Following an unendingly long description of a recent wedding this error was7 to be found: "Funeral arrangements have not as yet been completed." Family affairs are always inter-esting. Of one the Lewiston, 111., "Evening Record," reports: "Mrs. P. R. left today for LaHarpe and the Brookfield zoo in Chicago to visit relatives." It is hard to predict what we will gaze upon at the next reading of the local epistle, but little tid-bits like the preceding increase our interest and also the sales of the news journal so perhaps they aren't as bad as they seem to the poor, perplexed overworked edi-tor. BAILY TO DISCUSS STAR ENERGY AT SCIENCE CLUB . Mu Pi Gamma, Science dub, will meet on Monday evening at 7 o'clock at the Science hall. Dr. Carl Bailey of the physics depart-ment will speak on "The Energy of the Stars". Dr. Bailey and William Stratton of the University of Minnesota physics department have been en-gaged in research on this subject and have obtained significant data on it. They have reported their results in a recent issue of the "Physical Review". All science and mathematics stu-dents are invited to attend. MEDICAL SCHOOL ACCEPTS FOUR Four seniors have been accept-ed into medical school for next fall. The seniors are Robert Lillo, Selmer Berge, Albert Fortman and Lowell Kristensen. SELF - SERVICE LAUNDRY 208 Front Street We "NOW" have an Exclusive arrangement for Shirt Finishing Phone 9995 Appropriate Gifts of Flowers from Briggs You can telephone us with complete confidence. x We do the wrapping and delivering either here at homo or in any city you specify. Briggs Floral Co. Moorhead, Minnesota Dial 3-1373 Clowns will be gay; music, . Get your fortunes told and pictures taken. Hear the circus barker. "Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and have a hilarious time at the program of the Alpha Zeta Phi-Athenian literary socie-ties this evening at 8 o'clock ^n the college chapel, where they guide you thru-a-fair." Committees for the program are as follows: general arrangements, Caylen Stoner, Lloyd Olson, Lu-cilie Njus, Marian Hanson, Jean-nine Anderson, and Marcus, Kjels-berg; music, Roger Hatlestad, Lorothy Larson, Elda Sulerud, Mavis Stenerson, Iver Iverson, Bill Walters, Ernest Aarestad and Marilyn Olson; costuming, Eunice Vinge and Valborg Woldseth, co-chairmen; Make-up, LaVonne Baardson, chairman; stage, Frank Sampson and Albert Idler, co-chairmen; lights and properties, Sigurd Ran-da and James Hofrenning, co-chairmen. Marlys Meland Heads Alpha Psi Omega Marlys Meland, junior, was elected president of Alpha Psi Omega, dramatic society, at -a re-cent meeting. Marlys succeeded Lloyd Wallin, senior. Lowell Rodal is vice president, Clayton Jensen, treasurer, and Sally Warner, secretary. It was also decided to sell tick-ets to the one-act plays. Lowell Rodal will be the Alpha Psi rep-resentative to Student Senate next spring. COBBER GRAD ON TRIP Arnold L. Fredriksen, Cobber graduate of '22, left this week for Flordia, Puerto Rico and Cuba. Fredriksen, who has been engaged in agricultural supply work in Hayfield, Minn., was awarded this trip by his company' for an out-standing sales record.