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6 the CONCORDIAN EDITORIAL January 26,1996 •V-- We must have failed somewhere. When filling out the seven gazillion housing/financial aid/dining service forms when applying to Concordia, we must have missed the one that asked: "Do you real-ly know what absolute zero feels like (check 'yes&...

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Published: 1996
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Summary:6 the CONCORDIAN EDITORIAL January 26,1996 •V-- We must have failed somewhere. When filling out the seven gazillion housing/financial aid/dining service forms when applying to Concordia, we must have missed the one that asked: "Do you real-ly know what absolute zero feels like (check 'yes' or *no')?" And also, the question that asked," Do you like the color white?" |f When looking in that nifty college promotional picture-book, we also failed to see any pictures of students trying to find their cars after local streets had been plowed or what Cobbers look like when they are stir-crazy. ®0 Well, since you are stuck in this frozen tundra, Iwhether by will or because the last time you tried to find your car, you found the lost city of Atlantis instead, we would like to provide you with a help-ful checklist. The purpose is for you to successfully identify when you are in the middle of winter, instead of in the middle of a nervous breakdown. This is provided as a public service, of course: L^You know you are in the middle of winter 'r^O The Cowboys are in the Super Bowl, again. ^vQ You're excited for Principia. S-* O Even the wild rice soup seems oh-so-deli-dous!'" r^-r -^f^W-/' *•"• v ^Q You want your RA to come and visit on The interyisitation policy seems like a good wish the King and Queen would come back and visit. | ^P The temj^rature^equzds; the Tlmbefwolves* - ' ooting percentage. ^ fr. ••:*•-;;^;; ti; -;;.•;;,; The Concwi^an^wiiiter literary supplemen^; ^seemed like a wellnedited, well-designed sectibntif •" O Your roommate is a really special person in *-O You wish the Board of Regents could meet cyery • week.->. ^ ^ ^ V - - £ You read the Intercom from cover to cover. X O Three words: Lanning, Lanning, Lanning. We understand that this is a somewhat mundane time p the school year'^A lot of work, a lot of tests not a lot of jsiceprf^ " - < fe hope that you have not tried to find any deep meaningful messages in this piece, it would con- * • " ' < . ' i cem us if you did. We hope that you might Lave found a lit humor, a little breath of fresh air to lighten the ^" ivewtelming burdens diat this thud block may,, ^ -^^airellEhriic ^o )inions editor^ _, the CONCORDIAN The people speak Cobber Club employee apologizes for colleague's rudeness Dear Editor, I am writing in response to the editorial concerning the rude Cobber Club employee. I have been a Cobber Club employee for two years now, and I would first like to thank Ms. Hauschild for speaking out after her experience with the rude desk worker. It only serves to raise the awareness of all employees and to aid in increasing the user friendliness and accessibility of the Cobber Club. The Cobber Club is there for the Concordia community to use and enjoy, so I take Ms. HauschikTs complaint seriously and apologize to her and to any other person who has been on the receiv-ing end of rudeness from a Cobber Club employee. The majority of employees make every effort to greet people in a friendly manner and to maintain a cordial relation-ship with customers, by making them aware of policies in a friendly tone. I hope that in the future this friendly relationship can be main-tained and that people will continue to feel welcome at the Cobber Club, as we greatly appreciate all cus-tomers who use the Cobber Club. Sincerely, Selmer J. Moen Class of 1997 Parking problems on campus addressed Dear Editor, We would like to address a few issues in dealing with the parking situation on campus. First of all, we do appreciate that the parking stick-ers at Concordia are free. We also realize having a car at college is a choice we make. However, we find it frustrating that there are more parking stickers than there are spaces. Perhaps a seniority system should be set up to alleviate some of this. There have been several nights where either my roommates or myself had to park quite a distance away from the lots (coming home from work, etc.). Personal safety is jeopardized in this case which makes all of us leery of walking 3+ blocks back to our dorm in the dark. Or maybe instead of a seniority sys-tem, a universal ticket could be issued to park in any available lot And what about the faculty parking in the student lots? That is very aggravating, too. As students we arc paying top dollar for our education (by choice), but we get ticketed if we park in the faculty lots. Do the faculty in turn get ticketed for park-ing in student lots? How often are the lots patrolled for violators? Speaking of patrolling, what of the vandalism done to cars in the lots? One of our cars was seriously dam-aged this fall. We are not attacking security; we are simply asking some questions. Sincerely, Ginger Gillie Class of 1995 Lynette Hetland Class of 1997 Lisa Schoneman Class of 1997 KendraWold Class of 1997 More letters see page 8 Office if located in the Fjelstad Cornerstone, Room B03. Editorial office phone 299-3826. Advertising office phone 299-3827. Advertising deadline ii 5 pjn. Monday for Friday publication. The classified and editorial deadlines are 5 pjn. Tuesday. Subscriptions arc available for $10 per year. Distribution on campus is partly paid for by the student activity fee. Heather Hauschild, editor Michael Raum, managing editor Dsrrell E. Ehrlick, Jr. opinions editor Meghan Lulf, news editor Sonia Bitz, news editor Erika Mikkelson, features editor ' Colin Beltz, sports editor Andy Hayden, arts & entertainment editor Peter Frank, photography editor Razvan Carcoana, ass't. photography editor Jonathan B. Halvorson, production director Amy Ladd, copy editor Amy Solberg, copy editor Jen Knuison, typist Erik Hunziker, graphic artist Sarung Phang, business manager Eric Nuytten, advertising manager Nathan Quello, ad sales John Thompson, ad sales Dustin Rossow, ad sales Kristin Rohloff, ad production director Mark Vevle, ad designer Shane Johnson, circulation director Cathy McMullen, faculty adviser Dr. Paul J. Dovre, publisher Concordian editorial policy The Concordian is the official newspaper of Concordia College and is pub-lished each Friday of the academic year, with the exception of holidays and exam weeks. Letters to the editor and guest columns are welcomed. Letters must be typed, double-spaced and signed with the author's name, year in school and phone number for verification. Non-students should include name, office and residency. The Concordian reserves the right to edit obscene and potentially libelous material. All letters become the property of The Concordian and will not be returned. Offices are located in the basement of Fjelstad Hall, office B03.Our mailing address is: The Concordian, FPO 104, Concordia College, 901 South Eighth Street, Moorhead, Minnesota 56562. The Concordian and Concordia College are equal opportunity employers. Opinions expressed in The Concordian are not necessarily those of the stu-dent body, faculty, staff or administration. Concordia College M O O R H E A D M N N E S O T A