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Thursday, March 19f 1942 THE CONCORDIAN PAGE 3 Combing The Cob By RED REITAN NOW THAT THE SMOKE IS cleared and the mud-league bas-ketball scrambling is over, we will stick out our neck by presenting our all-intramural aggregation. Forwards: Rudy Skogerboe Buckeyes George Norlin Buckeyes Julian Norby...

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Published: 1942
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Summary:Thursday, March 19f 1942 THE CONCORDIAN PAGE 3 Combing The Cob By RED REITAN NOW THAT THE SMOKE IS cleared and the mud-league bas-ketball scrambling is over, we will stick out our neck by presenting our all-intramural aggregation. Forwards: Rudy Skogerboe Buckeyes George Norlin Buckeyes Julian Norby Gophers Centers: Alan Hopeman Badgers Richard Dale Wolverines Guards: Doug Penny Boilermakers James Solum Buckeyes John Dyste Badgers OUR HATS ARE OFF TO Hamline, new national intercol-legiate, cage champs . . . And by the way this makes our brand of play in the Minnesota loop look pretty high class . . . Of interest to Cobbers is the fact that War-rensville Missouri Teachers, the club that the Pipers dropped in the semi-finals, is mentored by Tom Scott, former tutor of Cob-ber cage teams. DESPITE THE WET weather under foot, the Cobber ice jamboree was acclaimed highly successful by the attend-ing 400 students Plans are now being suggested for a spring sports pageant and car-nival in which all phases of the pby ed department would be represented. AFTER WATCHING THE Tuesday night wrestling class we are of the opinion that Concordia has several potential Bronko Na-gurski's These exponents of the grunt and groan art will no doubt in the future give the Mikado of the "Jap-Pansies" a reverse English version of his own jiujitsu. Numeral Winners Named Selected for frosh basketball numerals by Athletic Director Jake Christiansen are Winfield Hefty, Ardee Johnson, Harold Lundeberg, Warren Jones, Clar-ence Modin, William Mattke, Vernon Grinnaker, Conrad Mich-aelson and Milton Johnson. The baby Cobbers played a schedule of 12 games, winning six and losing six. Center Ave at 4th St., Moorfr These Six Cobber Cagemen Get Around THESE SIX COBBER HOOPSTERS were the aces that figured most prominently in the season's completed schedule. Reading from left bottom clockwise they are Bob Carriere, Hartvick Strand, Craig Hertsgaard, Ray Grande, Harold Poier and Buel Brodin. Poier's knee injury caused him to miss all the league tilts. Buckeyes, Boilers Drop From Race The proud cage champions of the Mud-League, the classy Buck-eyes, went kerplunk in the spring tournament tilt against the Go-phers Tuesday. The Bucks' 29-24 loss was the biggest piece of news since the Pearl Harbor raid. A now heavily favored Bad-ger flve trounced the Wolver-ines 34 - 28 yesterday. John Dyste und Alan Hopeman were too tall for the Wolves, al-though Dick Dale and Bob Smestad gave the Badgers con-siderable trouble. Saturday the Wolverines had eked out a 38-27 margin over the favored Boilermakers. The Wolves had only four men to perform for them during the entire contest. This made the upset an even bigger one. SPRING TERM . . . The spring term at the Interstate Business College Monday, March 30. Regular classes will be organized various commercial subjects. There are ten positions for each qualified worker, your course in business training now. If interested, write for catalog. Interstate Business College FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA opens in the Plan KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS Now that we are at war every American should know more about his neighbors immediately to the north and south—Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama. All these countries arc shown on the big colored Map of North America, now available through our Washington Infor-mation Bureau. Brush up on your geography go you can better understand the newt dispatches. This map shows all the countries lying between South America and the Arctic Circle, including Greenland and Iceland. Don't delay. Send for your copy today. Ten cents postpaid. USE THIS COUPON THE FARGO FORUM INFORMATION BUREAU FREDERIC J. RASKIN, Director Washington, D. C. I enclose herewith TEN CENTS in coin (carefully wrapped in paper) for a copy of the MAP OF NORTH AMERICA.