McVille, North Dakota, 1906-1981

In 1945, the construction of the super-structure was begun with Michael Orskog as contractor, and in spite of hardships caused by WW II by the spring of 1946 the church, though not completed, was ready to be used as a place of worship, and the first service was held Easter Sunday, April 21, 1946 by...

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Summary:In 1945, the construction of the super-structure was begun with Michael Orskog as contractor, and in spite of hardships caused by WW II by the spring of 1946 the church, though not completed, was ready to be used as a place of worship, and the first service was held Easter Sunday, April 21, 1946 by Rev. T.K. Spande, who had been installed in March of 1946. Rev. Malde had resigned in early fall of 1945, and had gone to South America to become a missionary a year later. At the annual meeting in 1947, Rev. Spande brought up the matter of getting new pews for the church, and after much consideration, new pews were ordered, but there was a long delay before shipment was made so that at the time of the dedication of the church, the chancel furnishings were all complete but the pews were still on order. At the dedication, July 13, 1947, Dr. David Stoeve, District Pres. and neighboring pastors were present. The old pews were advertised for sale and with the exception of 4 pews placed in the choir loft, they were eventually sold to a church in Walker, Minn. After Easter services in 1952, Rev. Spande tendered his resignation, and at the time he moved to his new call, the congregation was debt free on church and furnishings. A call was extended to Clifford Ritland, Sr. at Luther Theological Seminary to the Pekin Parish. He was ordained in May, 1953, and on June 7, 1953, he was installed at Sheyenne congregation. His beautiful solo voice made him much in demand as vocalist. Pastor Ritland and other choir members were instrumental in procuring a Spinet Hammond Electric organ for the church at the price of $1350 designated as a memorial organ because it was paid for largely by memorial gifts. The organ and pews were dedicated November 22,1953, by Dr. L. E. Tallakson, District Pres. By 1954 contributions to the organ fund had exceeded all expectations, and it was decided to turn the Spinet model in on a larger church model organ which was installed the same year at a price of $2600 less $1350 trade allowance as per contract. The organ was paid for by voluntary contributions. On June 20, 1954, Percy Ensrud, son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ensrud, was ordained into the ministry from Sheyenne congregation, and the ceremony was conducted by Dr. Tallakson. Pastor Ritand resigned Sunday June 10, 1956, to accept a call to Hope Lutheran, Eau Claire, Wis. Pastor Albert O. Tastad accepted the call to serve the Pekin Parish and was installed on October 21 1956, by Pastor Tideman of Cooperstown. Rev. Tastad had served in Eskimo mission fields at Lost River and Tellar Mission, Alaska. The six stained glass windows on the south side of the church are memorials given by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morken in memory of their two sons, Robert and Clair. The 2 choir windows were contributed by Paul Broste in memory of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Broste, and brother Magnus. John Broste was the very first "Klokker" or song leader and sexton of Sheyenne church before there was any organ, piano or choir. The two windows on the north side of the church adjacent to the choir loft are gifts from the Wold sisters and their children in memory of Pastor Wold. Next to these is one window given by John Fretheim in memory of his wife, Elma, the Arlien family gave the adjoining window in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Arlien. The two windows installed in the sacristy are memorials to Pastors Wold and Lundeby. These two and the remaining stained glass windows were paid for by the Jubilee Fund following the 75th anniversary of the church. Congregation records up to April 25, 1957, give the following statistics: Baptized-1016; confirmed-669; weddings-200. Sheyenne celebrated its 85th Anniversary July 16, 1967, with sermon by Pastor T.K. Spande, Choir directed by LeRoy Alfson, Binford; solo by Mrs. Iver Raaen (Ruth Wold) and a vocal trio number by Maxine and Barbara Mueller and Elaine Anderson. Dinner was served and a free will offering went to the Improvement Fund, the Improvement Comm. being in the process of modernizing the church-improving the kitchen and adding bathroom facilities. 1970, a "Reunion Day" was held Sunday, June 28, following the regular 11 o'clock service. Alfson again directed the choir, and a fellowship dinner was served, followed by a program in the afternoon with Gilbert Rondestvedt speaking and Klara Rondestvedt, soloist. The day was enjoyed by members, former members and friends of the congregation. Confirmation classes of 1914, 1916, and 1920 held reunions. Present were two members of the class of 1895 (Mrs. Tom Ensrud and Mrs. O.C Enstad), and two of the class of 1898 (Ole Lysne and Mrs. Tilda Stenslie). The Planning Comm. was Loretta Aamodt, Elaine Anderson, Sadie Hovel and Iris Tangen. Marvis Messner was ALCW president. On July 2, 1972, Sheyenne celebrated its 90th Anniversary. Pastor Percy Ensrude gave the sermon and music was by Klara Rondestvedt and the choir directed by Annette Rorvig and accompanied by Alpha Aaser. The ALCW served a dinner following the service, and in the afternoon an historical pageant was presented. Guests participating were Liv (Mrs. Elmer Bjorlie) Lundeby, and Constance (Mrs. Terrance Deehr) Enstad. Mrs. Iver Raaen, and Mrs. Oscar Larson (Ruth and Clara Wold) participated in song. This was also the 25th anniversary of the present church building. Anniversary Cook Books, Sheyenne Church stationery and church plates were on sale at the schoolhouse. The anniversary offering received at the afternoon program was used to purchase an anniversary gift of a "Full View" Wall Multiplex to be used to display confirmation pictures and other pictures in the congregation history. In 1973, the Pekin parish voted to purchase the Viola Bergstrom home as a parsonage for a consideration of $18,600, and this was dedicated September 9, 1973. At about this time the entire church floor was carpeted in red, and in 1975 the interior of the church was painted upstairs and down, pews and woodwork varnished and new light fixtures installed in the church basement and upstairs entrance. The church was hooked up to the rural water system, and evergreens were planted around the cemetery and churchyard. These trees were given by Iver Lundeby in memory or his great-grandfather, Pastor I.L. Lundeby. On May 23, 1976, a special Bicentenniel program was given, dedicating these trees. The flag pole and flag erected in the Memorial Plot as a memorial to Carl J. Morken, Minor, Clair and Robert by their family was also dedicated at this afternoon program which was'held on the church lawn with group singing accompanied by Clifford Foreng on the accordian. Bicentenniel Birthday Cake and ice cream were served by the ALCW On October 2,1976, fire destroyed the church steeple and illuminated cross. The congregation decided to purchase a fiberglass steeple and anodized gold aluminum cross and floodlight to shine on the steeple and cross as a replacement. On April 15,1977, the steeple and cross were lifted into place, and they were dedicated July 24, 1977, when Sheyenne celebrated its 95th anniversary. Pastor Roy K. Malde, Thief River Falls, Minn, was the guest speaker who delivered the sermon. LeRoy Alfson directed the choir accompanied by Karen Olson, Binford. Bradley Anderson was in charge of taking pictures. The committee in charge of the 95th anniversary were Deloris Enstad, Ch., Alpha Aaser, Crystal Enstad, Maxine Mueller, and Pastor Tastad. Water lines were run out to the cemetery and memorial plot in 1978. On November 17, 1978, Pastor Tastad was presented with a check for $8500 in token of the high esteem held for him by his parish, with which to purchase a new car. He ordered a 1979 LTD. 67 Scanned with a Zeutschel Zeta book scanner at 300 dpi. Edited in Multi-page TIFF Editor.