Dr. Wilfred Grenfell wearing dog hides and holding up his shirt tied to dog bones

Dr. Grenfell re-enacting his adventure on the ice. Cataloguer's title. This collection includes 23 hand-coloured and 36 black and white lantern slides showing Dr. Grenfell's work in St. Anthony and Conche in Newfoundland, Battle Harbour and Indian Harbour in Labrador as well as Harrington...

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Still Image
Published: 1920
Online Access:http://collections.mun.ca/cdm/ref/collection/m_lantern/id/48
Summary:Dr. Grenfell re-enacting his adventure on the ice. Cataloguer's title. This collection includes 23 hand-coloured and 36 black and white lantern slides showing Dr. Grenfell's work in St. Anthony and Conche in Newfoundland, Battle Harbour and Indian Harbour in Labrador as well as Harrington Harbour in Quebec. Neither photographer nor owner of the slides is known. Many are numbered sequentially and were probably used as part of a slideshow for Grenfell Mission fundraising.