Summary:This series of photos provides a virtual tour around the named places in Branch. The place names, some static, some changing provide a glimpse at the close relationship between people, land and ocean, and point toward a rich knowledge-base on how to lead self-sufficient, self-sustainable, environmentally friendly lives. (Most of the places pictured in the collection are identified on three satellite images at the end of this series.) The accompanying text contains words and phrases that many be unfamiliar to many. You are encouraged to discover the meaning of these words in the Dictionary of Newfoundland English, available online. A Google search of Dictionary of Newfoundland English will bring you to it. -- Branch is located in St. Marys Bay on the southwest tip of the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland Canadas most eastern province. Branch was first settled in the 1790s by Irish immigrants lured to this part of the New World by teeming fish in the waters around the Grand Banks and Cape St. Marys.