bridesboy n

bridesboy One of a number of men assisting at a wedding [1900 OLIVER & BURKE] 22 [They] set out for the Cathedral, with the writer as bridesboy. 1952 BANFILL 63 Wedding invitations are issued by young men and boys called 'bride's boys' who go from harbour to harbour, inviting the...

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Summary:bridesboy One of a number of men assisting at a wedding [1900 OLIVER & BURKE] 22 [They] set out for the Cathedral, with the writer as bridesboy. 1952 BANFILL 63 Wedding invitations are issued by young men and boys called 'bride's boys' who go from harbour to harbour, inviting the people. T C30-64 H Squires In the old days you weren't satisfied if you didn't have four or five sets of bridesboys and bridesmaids. The bridesboys would be expected to provide part of the drinks. M69-2 C Bishop The 'bridesboys' if possible consist of a brother of the groom, a brother of the bride, and a close friend of the groom's. One of a number of men assisting at a wedding RH GMS WK also brideboy _DC_ Used I and Sup Used I and Sup Used I Reverse of card contains an entry for "flacket", image file F_13027. Card is filed under "F".