Newfoundland man

Newfoundland man An _Irishman_ can't [Check that] catch as much Fish as a West Country or _Newfoundland_ Man, . the one manned by People of the West Country and _Newfoundland_, the other by Irish. PRINTED ITEM DNE-cit O.K. SH 226 W52 = male, not ship 13 Aug 68 W. J. KIRWIN Used I Used I Not use...

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Summary:Newfoundland man An _Irishman_ can't [Check that] catch as much Fish as a West Country or _Newfoundland_ Man, . the one manned by People of the West Country and _Newfoundland_, the other by Irish. PRINTED ITEM DNE-cit O.K. SH 226 W52 = male, not ship 13 Aug 68 W. J. KIRWIN Used I Used I Not used