Brothers, Richard. Richard Brothers prints

This collection consists of seven images of the likeness of Richard Brothers, a religious enthusiast who was born in Newfoundland in 1757. Brothers was convinced that he was the nephew of God and a direct descendant of King David. He espoused his views and made numerous prophecies in his two books,...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Sharp, William (printer), Flaherty, Sara M.
Format: Text
Published: 1795
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Summary:This collection consists of seven images of the likeness of Richard Brothers, a religious enthusiast who was born in Newfoundland in 1757. Brothers was convinced that he was the nephew of God and a direct descendant of King David. He espoused his views and made numerous prophecies in his two books, which met with considerable success in both Europe and North America. The inscription on several of the images indicates that they were published in London on April 16, 1795 by one of Brother's followers, William Sharp. All contain the same black and white image of Brothers and are thirteen centimeters in length and twelve centimeters in width. There are, however, variations among them.