Admiring a Beautiful Creation-New Brunswick Agriculture Minister Hazen Myers (right) joins the president of the Canadian Fox Breeders Association on the left and the president of the New Brunswick Fur Fox Association , Lois Lynn, in admiring a fox fur coa

New Fur Institute of Canada prepares for battle. Farm Focus photo New Brunswick has gone from only only six fox ranches in 1974 to over 250 today in a remarkable industry turnaround. The province is among the top fur producers in the country and ranchers have adopted new color varieties, high health...

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Summary:New Fur Institute of Canada prepares for battle. Farm Focus photo New Brunswick has gone from only only six fox ranches in 1974 to over 250 today in a remarkable industry turnaround. The province is among the top fur producers in the country and ranchers have adopted new color varieties, high health standards and modern feeding techniques to ensure a top quality product.