Canadian pictures drawn with pen and pencil

Canadian Pictures The Dominion of Canada. The settlement of Canada -- The form of government -- The confederation of 1867 -- The French and English communities -- The law of political division on the American continent -- The fertile belt of Canada -- The Maritime provinces -- Their settlement and g...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Argyll, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Duke of, 1845-1914
Format: Text
Published: Religious Tract Society 1892
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Summary:Canadian Pictures The Dominion of Canada. The settlement of Canada -- The form of government -- The confederation of 1867 -- The French and English communities -- The law of political division on the American continent -- The fertile belt of Canada -- The Maritime provinces -- Their settlement and government -- Quebec -- Ontario -- Manitoba and the west -- Relations between Canada and England. General ignorance of Canada in England -- Strength of Canadian sentiments -- The tariff question -- Importance of keeping up friendly relations with the colonies -- The High Commissioner for Canada -- Feeling in favour of the connection with the British Empire -- The climate of Canada. Comparison between the English and Canadian climates -- Canadian winter -- Fuel -- Climate of British Columbia -- Emigration -- Its facilities and advantages -- The Maritime Provinces. The Bay of Fundy -- Annapolis -- Shipbuilding in Nova Scotia -- New Brunswick -- The Cascapedia -- Prince Edward's Island -- The fisheries -- Newfoundland -- Ontario. Ontario -- Niagara -- Ottawa -- Kingston -- The Thousand Islands -- Toronto -- Miss Rye's Home -- Religion in the province -- The fair at Toronto -- Ontarian agriculture -- Food and fruit supply -- Duck shooting -- The beaver -- Western Ontario -- Quebec. Quebec from the heights of Abraham -- Montmorenci Falls -- Capture of Quebec in 1759 -- Early buildings -- The Iroquois Indians -- The French Canadians -- The Lake St. John District -- Agriculture about Lake St. John -- The Saguenay -- The Gulf of St. Lawrence -- The porcupine -- Montreal -- The McGill University -- The winter carnival -- Ice harvesting -- Lacrosse -- The Victoria Bridge -- From Lake Huron to Winnipeg. The water-way from Montreal to Lake Superior -- Algoma and Manitoulin -- Winnipeg -- The Manitoba University -- The Red-River settlers -- A day's journey in the north-west -- Mr. Peacock Edward's report on the North-West -- The Canadian Pacific Railway -- The Indians of the North-West. The North-West Mounted Police -- The ...