Mercer, L. July 7, 2021. Crystal Braye interviewing Lewis Mercer, Dildo

Crystal Braye interviewing Lew Mercer at the SUF Lodge #84 in Dildo, primarily about the Society of United Fishermen Grand Lodge. Some construction noises and voices are audible in the background. Lew talks about his involvement with the Grand Lodge; history of SUF beginnings and fomation of Distrci...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Braye, Crystal
Other Authors: Mercer, Lewis Vernon, Lew Mercer was born 1938 in Blaketown to William and Eleana (sp?) Mercer (nee Brown). Lew joined the SUF around 1990/91 and became active in the Grand Lodge shortly afterward.
Format: Audio
Published: 2021
Online Access:
Summary:Crystal Braye interviewing Lew Mercer at the SUF Lodge #84 in Dildo, primarily about the Society of United Fishermen Grand Lodge. Some construction noises and voices are audible in the background. Lew talks about his involvement with the Grand Lodge; history of SUF beginnings and fomation of Distrcit Grand Lodges and the Grand Lodge; one Disrict Lodge remaining; decline of lodges and lack of membership; activities performed by lodge in recent past; beginnings of SUF, its purpose and activities; shift after confederation; decision to become a member; election to Grand Lodge; positions and roles; changes to positions in Grand Lodge; role of District and Grand Lodges; Communications and elections; voting for new members; ceremonies when member passes away; breaking of the gaff; women's coucil and symboitic relationship; Lodge #1 closure in 2021 and building taken over by Women's Council; women in Grand Lodge; reason for being a member and future of organization; remaining lodges: Eastport, Badger's Quay, Gambo, Bonavista, Topsail, Dildo, Bay Robert's; remaining Women's Coucils: Heart's Delight, Heart's Content, Dildo and maybe Gambo; Superior Coucil; recommendations for others to interview.