Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

Background The UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are grounded in the global ambition of “leaving no one behind”. Understanding today's gains and gaps for the health-related SDGs is essential for decision makers as they aim to improve the health of populations. As part of the Global...

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Bibliographic Details
Published in:The Lancet
Main Authors: Fullman, N, Barber, RM, Abajobir, AA, Abate, KH, Abbafati, C, Abbas, KM, Abd-Allah, F, Abdulle, AM, Abera, SF, Aboyans, V, Abu-Raddad, LJ, Cameron, E, Cesar Campuzano, J, Cardenas, R, Carrero, JJ, Carter, A, Casey, DC, Castaneda-Orjuela, CA, Castillo Rivas, J, Estanislao Castro, R, Catala-Lopez, F, Abu-Rmeileh, NME, Cercy, K, Chang, H-Y, Chang, J-C, Charlson, FJ, Chew, A, Chisumpa, VH, Chitheer, AA, Christensen, H, Christopher, DJ, Cirillo, M, Adedeji, IA, Cooper, C, Criqui, MH, Cromwell, EA, Crump, JA, Dandona, L, Dandona, R, Dargan, PI, das Neves, J, Davitoiu, DV, de Courten, B, Adetokunboh, O, De Steur, H, Degenhardt, L, Deiparine, S, Deribe, K, deveber, GA, Ding, EL, Djalalinia, S, Huyen, PD, Dokova, K, Doku, DT, Afshin, A, Dorsey, ER, Driscoll, TR, Dubey, M, Duncan, BB, Ebel, BE, Ebrahimi, H, El-Khatib, ZZ, Enayati, A, Endries, AY, Ermakov, SP, Agrawal, A, Erskine, HE, Eshrati, B, Eskandarieh, S, Esteghamati, A, Estep, K, Faraon, EJA, E Sa Farinha, CS, Faro, A, Farzadfar, F, Fazeli, MS, Agrawal, S, Feigin, VL, Feigl, AB, Fereshtehnejad, S-M, Fernandes, JC, Ferrari, AJ, Feyissa, TR, Filip, I, Fischer, F, Fitzmaurice, C, Flaxman, AD, Kiadaliri, AA, Foigt, N, Foreman, KJ, Frank, T, Franklin, RC, Friedman, J, Frostad, JJ, Furst, T, Furtado, JM, Gakidou, E, Garcia-Basteiro, AL, Ahmadieh, H, Gebrehiwot, TT, Geleijnse, JM, Geleto, A, Gemechu, BL, Gething, PW, Gibney, KB, Gill, PS, Gillum, RF, Giref, AZ, Gishu, MD, Ahmed, MB, Giussani, G, Glenn, SD, Godwin, WW, Goldberg, EM, Gona, PN, Goodridge, A, Gopalani, SV, Goryakin, Y, Griswold, M, Gugnani, HC, Aichour, AN, Gupta, R, Gupta, T, Gupta, V, Hafezi-Nejad, N, Bidgoli, HH, Hailu, GB, Hamadeh, RR, Hammami, M, Hankey, GJ, Harb, HL, Aichour, I, Hareri, HA, Hassanvand, MS, Havmoeller, R, Hawley, C, Hay, SI, He, J, Hendrie, D, Henry, NJ, Beatriz Heredia-Pi, I, Hoek, HW, Aichour, MTE, Holmberg, M, Horita, N, Hosgood, HD, Hostiuc, S, Hoy, DG, Hsairi, M, Htet, AS, Huang, H, Huang, JJ, Huynh, C, Aiyar, S, Iburg, KM, Ikeda, C, Inoue, M, Irvine, CMS, Jacobsen, KH, Jahanmehr, N, Jakovljevic, MB, Jauregui, A, Javanbakht, M, Jeemon, P, Akinyemi, RO, Jha, V, John, D, Johnson, CO, Johnson, SC, Jonas, JB, Jurisson, M, Kabir, Z, Kadel, R, Kahsay, A, Kamal, R, Akseer, N, Karch, A, Karema, CK, Kasaeian, A, Kassebaum, NJ, Kastor, A, Katikireddi, SV, Kawakami, N, Keiyoro, PN, Kelbore, SG, Al-Aly, Z, Kemmer, L, Kengne, AP, Kesavachandran, CN, Khader, YS, Khalil, IA, Khan, EA, Khang, Y-H, Khosravi, A, Khubchandani, J, Kieling, C, Alam, K, Kim, D, Kim, JY, Kim, YJ, Kimokoti, RW, Kinfu, Y, Kisa, A, Kissimova-Skarbek, KA, Kivimaki, M, Kokubo, Y, Kopec, JA, Alam, N, Kosen, S, Koul, PA, Koyanagi, A, Kravchenko, M, Krohn, KJ, Defo, BK, Bicer, BK, Kulikoff, XR, Kumar, GA, Kutz, MJ, Alasfoor, D, Kyu, HH, Lal, DK, Lalloo, R, Lansingh, VC, Larsson, A, Lazarus, JV, Lee, PH, Leigh, J, Leung, J, Leung, R, Alene, KA, Levi, M, Li, Y, Liben, ML, Linn, S, Liu, PY, Liu, S, Lodha, R, Looker, KJ, Lopez, AD, Lorkowski, S, Alizadeh-Navaei, R, Lotufo, PA, Lozano, R, Lucas, TCD, Mackay, MT, Maddison, ER, Abd el Razek, HM, Abd el Razek, MM, Majdan, M, Majdzadeh, R, Majeed, A, Alkerwi, A, Malekzadeh, R, Malhotra, R, Malta, DC, Mamun, AA, Manguerra, H, Mantovani, LG, Manyazewal, T, Mapoma, CC, Marks, GB, Martin, RV, Alla, F, Martins-Melo, FR, Martopullo, I, Mathur, MR, Mazidi, M, McAlinden, C, McGaughey, M, McGrath, JJ, Mckee, M, Mehata, S, Mehndiratta, MM, Allebeck, P, Meier, T, Meles, KG, Memish, ZA, Mendoza, W, Mengesha, MM, Mengistie, MA, Mensah, GA, Mensink, GBM, Mereta, ST, Meretoja, A, Allen, C, Meretoja, TJ, Mezgebe, HB, Micha, R, Millear, A, Miller, TR, Minnig, S, Mirarefin, M, Mirrakhimov, EM, Misganaw, A, Mishra, SR, Al-Raddadi, R, Mitchell, PB, Mohammad, KA, Mohammed, KE, Mohammed, S, Mohan, MBV, Mokdad, AH, Mollenkopf, SK, Monasta, L, Montanez Hernandez, JC, Montico, M, Alsharif, U, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Moraga, P, Morawska, L, Morrison, SD, Moses, MW, Mountjoy-Venning, C, Mueller, UO, Muller, K, Murthy, GVS, Musa, KI, Altirkawi, KA, Naghavi, M, Naheed, A, Naidoo, KS, Nangia, V, Natarajan, G, Negoi, I, Negoi, RI, Cuong, TN, Grant, N, Minh, N, Alvis-Guzman, N, Quyen, LN, Trang, HN, Nichols, E, Ningrum, DNA, Nomura, M, Vuong, MN, Norheim, OF, Noubiap, JJN, Obermeyer, CM, Ogbo, FA, Amare, AT, Oh, I-H, Oladimeji, O, Olagunju, AT, Olagunju, TO, Olivares, PR, Olsen, HE, Olusanya, BO, Olusanya, JO, Ong, K, Oren, E, Amini, E, Ortiz, A, Owolabi, MO, Pa, M, Pana, A, Panda, BK, Panda-Jonas, S, Papachristou, C, Park, E-K, Patton, GC, Paulson, K, Ammar, W, Pereira, DM, Perico, DN, Pesudovs, K, Petzold, M, Phillips, MR, Pigott, DM, Pillay, JD, Pinho, C, Piradov, MA, Pishgar, F, Antonio, CAT, Poulton, RG, Pourmalek, F, Qorbani, M, Radfar, A, Rafay, A, Rao, PC, Rahimi-Movaghar, V, Rahman, M, Rahman, MHU, Rahman, MA, Ansari, H, Rai, RK, Rajsic, S, Ram, U, Ranabhat, CL, Rawaf, S, Reidy, P, Reiner, RC, Reinig, N, Reitsma, MB, Remuzzi, G, Anwari, P, Renzaho, AMN, Resnikoff, S, Rezaei, S, Rios Blancas, MJ, Roba, KT, Rojas-Rueda, D, Rokni, MB, Roshandel, G, Roth, GA, Roy, A, Arora, M, Rubagotti, E, Sadat, N, Safdarian, M, Safi, S, Safiri, S, Sagar, R, Salama, J, Salomon, JA, Samy, AM, Ramon Sanabria, J, Artaman, A, Santomauro, D, Santos, IS, Santos, JV, Milicevic, MMS, Sartorius, B, Satpathy, M, Sawhney, M, Saxena, S, Saylan, MI, Shirude, S, Aryal, KK, Schmidt, MI, Schneider, IJC, Schneider, MT, Schottker, B, Schutte, AE, Schwebel, DC, Schwendicke, F, Seedat, S, Sepanlou, SG, Servan-Mori, EE, Asayesh, H, Shackelford, KA, Shaheen, A, Shahraz, S, Shaikh, MA, Shamsipour, M, Shamsizadeh, M, Islam, SMS, Sharma, J, Sharma, R, She, J, Asgedom, SW, Shi, P, Shibuya, K, Shields, C, Shiferaw, MS, Shigematsu, M, Shin, M-J, Shiri, R, Shirkoohi, R, Shishani, K, Shoman, H, Assadi, R, Shrime, MG, Santos Silva, DA, Silva, JP, Alves Silveira, DG, Singh, JA, Singh, V, Sinha, DN, Skiadaresi, E, Slepak, EL, Sligar, A, Atey, TM, Smith, A, Smith, DL, Smith, M, Sobaih, BHA, Sobngwi, E, Soljak, M, Soneji, S, Sorensen, RJD, Sposato, LA, Sreeramareddy, CT, Atre, SR, Srinivasan, V, Stanaway, JD, Stein, DJ, Steinke, S, Stokes, MA, Strub, B, Sufiyan, MB, Abdulkader, RS, Sunguya, BF, Sur, PJ, Avila-Burgos, L, Swaminathan, S, Sykes, BL, Sylte, DO, Szoeke, CEI, Tabares-Seisdedos, R, Tadakamadla, SK, Tandon, N, Tao, T, Tarekegn, YL, Tavakkoli, M, Avokpaho, EFGA, Taveira, N, Tegegne, TK, Shifa, GT, Terkawi, AS, Tessema, GA, Thakur, JS, Thankappan, KR, Thrift, AG, Tiruye, TY, Tobe-Gai, R, Awasthi, A, Topor-Madry, R, Torre, A, Tortajada, M, Tran, BX, Troeger, C, Truelsen, T, Tsoi, D, Tuem, KB, Tuzcu, EM, Tyrovolas, S, Azzopardi, P, Ukwaja, KN, Uneke, CJ, Updike, R, Uthman, OA, van Boven, JFM, van Donkelaar, A, Varughese, S, Vasankari, T, Venketasubramanian, N, Vidavalur, R, Bacha, U, Violante, FS, Vladimirov, SK, Vlassov, VV, Vollset, SE, Vos, T, Wadilo, F, Wakayo, T, Wallin, MT, Wang, Y-P, Weichenthal, S, Badawi, A, Weiderpass, E, Weintraub, RG, Weiss, DJ, Werdecker, A, Westerman, R, Whiteford, HA, Wijeratne, T, Wiysonge, CS, Woldeyes, BG, Wolfe, CDA, Balakrishnan, K, Woodbrook, R, Xavier, D, Xu, G, Yadgir, S, Yakob, B, Yan, LL, Yano, Y, Yaseri, M, Ye, P, Yimam, HH, Bannick, MS, Yip, P, Yonemoto, N, Yoon, S-J, Yotebieng, M, Younis, MZ, Zaidi, Z, Zaki, MES, Zavala-Arciniega, L, Zhang, X, Zipkin, B, Barac, A, Zodpey, S, Lim, SS, Murray, CJL, Barker-Collo, SL, Barnighausen, T, Barrero, LH, Basu, S, Battle, KE, Baune, BT, Beardsley, J, Bedi, N, Bejot, Y, Bell, ML, Bennett, DA, Bennett, JR, Bensenor, IM, Berhane, A, Berhe, DF, Bernabe, E, Betsu, BD, Beuran, M, Beyene, AS, Bhansali, A, Bhatt, S, Bhutta, ZA, Bikbov, B, Bilal, AI, Birungi, C, Biryukov, S, Bizuayehu, HM, Blosser, CD, Boneya, DJ, Bose, D, Bou-Orm, IR, Brauer, M, Breitborde, NJK, Brugha, TS, Bulto, LNB, Butt, ZA, Cahuana-Hurtado, L
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Elsevier 2018
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection University of Leicester: Leicester Research Archive (LRA)
op_collection_id ftleicester
language English
topic Science & Technology
Life Sciences & Biomedicine
General & Internal
General & Internal Medicine
spellingShingle Science & Technology
Life Sciences & Biomedicine
General & Internal
General & Internal Medicine
Fullman, N
Barber, RM
Abajobir, AA
Abate, KH
Abbafati, C
Abbas, KM
Abd-Allah, F
Abdulle, AM
Abera, SF
Aboyans, V
Abu-Raddad, LJ
Cameron, E
Cesar Campuzano, J
Cardenas, R
Carrero, JJ
Carter, A
Casey, DC
Castaneda-Orjuela, CA
Castillo Rivas, J
Estanislao Castro, R
Catala-Lopez, F
Abu-Rmeileh, NME
Cercy, K
Chang, H-Y
Chang, J-C
Charlson, FJ
Chew, A
Chisumpa, VH
Chitheer, AA
Christensen, H
Christopher, DJ
Cirillo, M
Adedeji, IA
Cooper, C
Criqui, MH
Cromwell, EA
Crump, JA
Dandona, L
Dandona, R
Dargan, PI
das Neves, J
Davitoiu, DV
de Courten, B
Adetokunboh, O
De Steur, H
Degenhardt, L
Deiparine, S
Deribe, K
deveber, GA
Ding, EL
Djalalinia, S
Huyen, PD
Dokova, K
Doku, DT
Afshin, A
Dorsey, ER
Driscoll, TR
Dubey, M
Duncan, BB
Ebel, BE
Ebrahimi, H
El-Khatib, ZZ
Enayati, A
Endries, AY
Ermakov, SP
Agrawal, A
Erskine, HE
Eshrati, B
Eskandarieh, S
Esteghamati, A
Estep, K
Faraon, EJA
E Sa Farinha, CS
Faro, A
Farzadfar, F
Fazeli, MS
Agrawal, S
Feigin, VL
Feigl, AB
Fereshtehnejad, S-M
Fernandes, JC
Ferrari, AJ
Feyissa, TR
Filip, I
Fischer, F
Fitzmaurice, C
Flaxman, AD
Kiadaliri, AA
Foigt, N
Foreman, KJ
Frank, T
Franklin, RC
Friedman, J
Frostad, JJ
Furst, T
Furtado, JM
Gakidou, E
Garcia-Basteiro, AL
Ahmadieh, H
Gebrehiwot, TT
Geleijnse, JM
Geleto, A
Gemechu, BL
Gething, PW
Gibney, KB
Gill, PS
Gillum, RF
Giref, AZ
Gishu, MD
Ahmed, MB
Giussani, G
Glenn, SD
Godwin, WW
Goldberg, EM
Gona, PN
Goodridge, A
Gopalani, SV
Goryakin, Y
Griswold, M
Gugnani, HC
Aichour, AN
Gupta, R
Gupta, T
Gupta, V
Hafezi-Nejad, N
Bidgoli, HH
Hailu, GB
Hamadeh, RR
Hammami, M
Hankey, GJ
Harb, HL
Aichour, I
Hareri, HA
Hassanvand, MS
Havmoeller, R
Hawley, C
Hay, SI
He, J
Hendrie, D
Henry, NJ
Beatriz Heredia-Pi, I
Hoek, HW
Aichour, MTE
Holmberg, M
Horita, N
Hosgood, HD
Hostiuc, S
Hoy, DG
Hsairi, M
Htet, AS
Huang, H
Huang, JJ
Huynh, C
Aiyar, S
Iburg, KM
Ikeda, C
Inoue, M
Irvine, CMS
Jacobsen, KH
Jahanmehr, N
Jakovljevic, MB
Jauregui, A
Javanbakht, M
Jeemon, P
Akinyemi, RO
Jha, V
John, D
Johnson, CO
Johnson, SC
Jonas, JB
Jurisson, M
Kabir, Z
Kadel, R
Kahsay, A
Kamal, R
Akseer, N
Karch, A
Karema, CK
Kasaeian, A
Kassebaum, NJ
Kastor, A
Katikireddi, SV
Kawakami, N
Keiyoro, PN
Kelbore, SG
Al-Aly, Z
Kemmer, L
Kengne, AP
Kesavachandran, CN
Khader, YS
Khalil, IA
Khan, EA
Khang, Y-H
Khosravi, A
Khubchandani, J
Kieling, C
Alam, K
Kim, D
Kim, JY
Kim, YJ
Kimokoti, RW
Kinfu, Y
Kisa, A
Kissimova-Skarbek, KA
Kivimaki, M
Kokubo, Y
Kopec, JA
Alam, N
Kosen, S
Koul, PA
Koyanagi, A
Kravchenko, M
Krohn, KJ
Defo, BK
Bicer, BK
Kulikoff, XR
Kumar, GA
Kutz, MJ
Alasfoor, D
Kyu, HH
Lal, DK
Lalloo, R
Lansingh, VC
Larsson, A
Lazarus, JV
Lee, PH
Leigh, J
Leung, J
Leung, R
Alene, KA
Levi, M
Li, Y
Liben, ML
Linn, S
Liu, PY
Liu, S
Lodha, R
Looker, KJ
Lopez, AD
Lorkowski, S
Alizadeh-Navaei, R
Lotufo, PA
Lozano, R
Lucas, TCD
Mackay, MT
Maddison, ER
Abd el Razek, HM
Abd el Razek, MM
Majdan, M
Majdzadeh, R
Majeed, A
Alkerwi, A
Malekzadeh, R
Malhotra, R
Malta, DC
Mamun, AA
Manguerra, H
Mantovani, LG
Manyazewal, T
Mapoma, CC
Marks, GB
Martin, RV
Alla, F
Martins-Melo, FR
Martopullo, I
Mathur, MR
Mazidi, M
McAlinden, C
McGaughey, M
McGrath, JJ
Mckee, M
Mehata, S
Mehndiratta, MM
Allebeck, P
Meier, T
Meles, KG
Memish, ZA
Mendoza, W
Mengesha, MM
Mengistie, MA
Mensah, GA
Mensink, GBM
Mereta, ST
Meretoja, A
Allen, C
Meretoja, TJ
Mezgebe, HB
Micha, R
Millear, A
Miller, TR
Minnig, S
Mirarefin, M
Mirrakhimov, EM
Misganaw, A
Mishra, SR
Al-Raddadi, R
Mitchell, PB
Mohammad, KA
Mohammed, KE
Mohammed, S
Mohan, MBV
Mokdad, AH
Mollenkopf, SK
Monasta, L
Montanez Hernandez, JC
Montico, M
Alsharif, U
Moradi-Lakeh, M
Moraga, P
Morawska, L
Morrison, SD
Moses, MW
Mountjoy-Venning, C
Mueller, UO
Muller, K
Murthy, GVS
Musa, KI
Altirkawi, KA
Naghavi, M
Naheed, A
Naidoo, KS
Nangia, V
Natarajan, G
Negoi, I
Negoi, RI
Cuong, TN
Grant, N
Minh, N
Alvis-Guzman, N
Quyen, LN
Trang, HN
Nichols, E
Ningrum, DNA
Nomura, M
Vuong, MN
Norheim, OF
Noubiap, JJN
Obermeyer, CM
Ogbo, FA
Amare, AT
Oh, I-H
Oladimeji, O
Olagunju, AT
Olagunju, TO
Olivares, PR
Olsen, HE
Olusanya, BO
Olusanya, JO
Ong, K
Oren, E
Amini, E
Ortiz, A
Owolabi, MO
Pa, M
Pana, A
Panda, BK
Panda-Jonas, S
Papachristou, C
Park, E-K
Patton, GC
Paulson, K
Ammar, W
Pereira, DM
Perico, DN
Pesudovs, K
Petzold, M
Phillips, MR
Pigott, DM
Pillay, JD
Pinho, C
Piradov, MA
Pishgar, F
Antonio, CAT
Poulton, RG
Pourmalek, F
Qorbani, M
Radfar, A
Rafay, A
Rao, PC
Rahimi-Movaghar, V
Rahman, M
Rahman, MHU
Rahman, MA
Ansari, H
Rai, RK
Rajsic, S
Ram, U
Ranabhat, CL
Rawaf, S
Reidy, P
Reiner, RC
Reinig, N
Reitsma, MB
Remuzzi, G
Anwari, P
Renzaho, AMN
Resnikoff, S
Rezaei, S
Rios Blancas, MJ
Roba, KT
Rojas-Rueda, D
Rokni, MB
Roshandel, G
Roth, GA
Roy, A
Arora, M
Rubagotti, E
Sadat, N
Safdarian, M
Safi, S
Safiri, S
Sagar, R
Salama, J
Salomon, JA
Samy, AM
Ramon Sanabria, J
Artaman, A
Santomauro, D
Santos, IS
Santos, JV
Milicevic, MMS
Sartorius, B
Satpathy, M
Sawhney, M
Saxena, S
Saylan, MI
Shirude, S
Aryal, KK
Schmidt, MI
Schneider, IJC
Schneider, MT
Schottker, B
Schutte, AE
Schwebel, DC
Schwendicke, F
Seedat, S
Sepanlou, SG
Servan-Mori, EE
Asayesh, H
Shackelford, KA
Shaheen, A
Shahraz, S
Shaikh, MA
Shamsipour, M
Shamsizadeh, M
Islam, SMS
Sharma, J
Sharma, R
She, J
Asgedom, SW
Shi, P
Shibuya, K
Shields, C
Shiferaw, MS
Shigematsu, M
Shin, M-J
Shiri, R
Shirkoohi, R
Shishani, K
Shoman, H
Assadi, R
Shrime, MG
Santos Silva, DA
Silva, JP
Alves Silveira, DG
Singh, JA
Singh, V
Sinha, DN
Skiadaresi, E
Slepak, EL
Sligar, A
Atey, TM
Smith, A
Smith, DL
Smith, M
Sobaih, BHA
Sobngwi, E
Soljak, M
Soneji, S
Sorensen, RJD
Sposato, LA
Sreeramareddy, CT
Atre, SR
Srinivasan, V
Stanaway, JD
Stein, DJ
Steinke, S
Stokes, MA
Strub, B
Sufiyan, MB
Abdulkader, RS
Sunguya, BF
Sur, PJ
Avila-Burgos, L
Swaminathan, S
Sykes, BL
Sylte, DO
Szoeke, CEI
Tabares-Seisdedos, R
Tadakamadla, SK
Tandon, N
Tao, T
Tarekegn, YL
Tavakkoli, M
Avokpaho, EFGA
Taveira, N
Tegegne, TK
Shifa, GT
Terkawi, AS
Tessema, GA
Thakur, JS
Thankappan, KR
Thrift, AG
Tiruye, TY
Tobe-Gai, R
Awasthi, A
Topor-Madry, R
Torre, A
Tortajada, M
Tran, BX
Troeger, C
Truelsen, T
Tsoi, D
Tuem, KB
Tuzcu, EM
Tyrovolas, S
Azzopardi, P
Ukwaja, KN
Uneke, CJ
Updike, R
Uthman, OA
van Boven, JFM
van Donkelaar, A
Varughese, S
Vasankari, T
Venketasubramanian, N
Vidavalur, R
Bacha, U
Violante, FS
Vladimirov, SK
Vlassov, VV
Vollset, SE
Vos, T
Wadilo, F
Wakayo, T
Wallin, MT
Wang, Y-P
Weichenthal, S
Badawi, A
Weiderpass, E
Weintraub, RG
Weiss, DJ
Werdecker, A
Westerman, R
Whiteford, HA
Wijeratne, T
Wiysonge, CS
Woldeyes, BG
Wolfe, CDA
Balakrishnan, K
Woodbrook, R
Xavier, D
Xu, G
Yadgir, S
Yakob, B
Yan, LL
Yano, Y
Yaseri, M
Ye, P
Yimam, HH
Bannick, MS
Yip, P
Yonemoto, N
Yoon, S-J
Yotebieng, M
Younis, MZ
Zaidi, Z
Zaki, MES
Zavala-Arciniega, L
Zhang, X
Zipkin, B
Barac, A
Zodpey, S
Lim, SS
Murray, CJL
Barker-Collo, SL
Barnighausen, T
Barrero, LH
Basu, S
Battle, KE
Baune, BT
Beardsley, J
Bedi, N
Bejot, Y
Bell, ML
Bennett, DA
Bennett, JR
Bensenor, IM
Berhane, A
Berhe, DF
Bernabe, E
Betsu, BD
Beuran, M
Beyene, AS
Bhansali, A
Bhatt, S
Bhutta, ZA
Bikbov, B
Bilal, AI
Birungi, C
Biryukov, S
Bizuayehu, HM
Blosser, CD
Boneya, DJ
Bose, D
Bou-Orm, IR
Brauer, M
Breitborde, NJK
Brugha, TS
Bulto, LNB
Butt, ZA
Cahuana-Hurtado, L
Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
topic_facet Science & Technology
Life Sciences & Biomedicine
General & Internal
General & Internal Medicine
description Background The UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are grounded in the global ambition of “leaving no one behind”. Understanding today's gains and gaps for the health-related SDGs is essential for decision makers as they aim to improve the health of populations. As part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016), we measured 37 of the 50 health-related SDG indicators over the period 1990–2016 for 188 countries, and then on the basis of these past trends, we projected indicators to 2030. Methods We used standardised GBD 2016 methods to measure 37 health-related indicators from 1990 to 2016, an increase of four indicators since GBD 2015. We substantially revised the universal health coverage (UHC) measure, which focuses on coverage of essential health services, to also represent personal health-care access and quality for several non-communicable diseases. We transformed each indicator on a scale of 0–100, with 0 as the 2·5th percentile estimated between 1990 and 2030, and 100 as the 97·5th percentile during that time. An index representing all 37 health-related SDG indicators was constructed by taking the geometric mean of scaled indicators by target. On the basis of past trends, we produced projections of indicator values, using a weighted average of the indicator and country-specific annualised rates of change from 1990 to 2016 with weights for each annual rate of change based on out-of-sample validity. 24 of the currently measured health-related SDG indicators have defined SDG targets, against which we assessed attainment. Findings Globally, the median health-related SDG index was 56·7 (IQR 31·9–66·8) in 2016 and country-level performance markedly varied, with Singapore (86·8, 95% uncertainty interval 84·6–88·9), Iceland (86·0, 84·1–87·6), and Sweden (85·6, 81·8–87·8) having the highest levels in 2016 and Afghanistan (10·9, 9·6–11·9), the Central African Republic (11·0, 8·8–13·8), and Somalia (11·3, 9·5–13·1) recording the lowest. Between 2000 and 2016, notable improvements in the UHC index were achieved by several countries, including Cambodia, Rwanda, Equatorial Guinea, Laos, Turkey, and China; however, a number of countries, such as Lesotho and the Central African Republic, but also high-income countries, such as the USA, showed minimal gains. Based on projections of past trends, the median number of SDG targets attained in 2030 was five (IQR 2–8) of the 24 defined targets currently measured. Globally, projected target attainment considerably varied by SDG indicator, ranging from more than 60% of countries projected to reach targets for under-5 mortality, neonatal mortality, maternal mortality ratio, and malaria, to less than 5% of countries projected to achieve targets linked to 11 indicator targets, including those for childhood overweight, tuberculosis, and road injury mortality. For several of the health-related SDGs, meeting defined targets hinges upon substantially faster progress than what most countries have achieved in the past. Interpretation GBD 2016 provides an updated and expanded evidence base on where the world currently stands in terms of the health-related SDGs. Our improved measure of UHC offers a basis to monitor the expansion of health services necessary to meet the SDGs. Based on past rates of progress, many places are facing challenges in meeting defined health-related SDG targets, particularly among countries that are the worst off. In view of the early stages of SDG implementation, however, opportunity remains to take actions to accelerate progress, as shown by the catalytic effects of adopting the Millennium Development Goals after 2000. With the SDGs' broader, bolder development agenda, multisectoral commitments and investments are vital to make the health-related SDGs within reach of all populations. Funding Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Research reported in this publication was supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health (award P30AG047845), and the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health (award R01MH110163). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or the National Institutes of Health. We also thank the countless individuals who have contributed to GBD 2016 and Future Health Scenarios research team in various capacities. Peer-reviewed Publisher Version
format Article in Journal/Newspaper
author Fullman, N
Barber, RM
Abajobir, AA
Abate, KH
Abbafati, C
Abbas, KM
Abd-Allah, F
Abdulle, AM
Abera, SF
Aboyans, V
Abu-Raddad, LJ
Cameron, E
Cesar Campuzano, J
Cardenas, R
Carrero, JJ
Carter, A
Casey, DC
Castaneda-Orjuela, CA
Castillo Rivas, J
Estanislao Castro, R
Catala-Lopez, F
Abu-Rmeileh, NME
Cercy, K
Chang, H-Y
Chang, J-C
Charlson, FJ
Chew, A
Chisumpa, VH
Chitheer, AA
Christensen, H
Christopher, DJ
Cirillo, M
Adedeji, IA
Cooper, C
Criqui, MH
Cromwell, EA
Crump, JA
Dandona, L
Dandona, R
Dargan, PI
das Neves, J
Davitoiu, DV
de Courten, B
Adetokunboh, O
De Steur, H
Degenhardt, L
Deiparine, S
Deribe, K
deveber, GA
Ding, EL
Djalalinia, S
Huyen, PD
Dokova, K
Doku, DT
Afshin, A
Dorsey, ER
Driscoll, TR
Dubey, M
Duncan, BB
Ebel, BE
Ebrahimi, H
El-Khatib, ZZ
Enayati, A
Endries, AY
Ermakov, SP
Agrawal, A
Erskine, HE
Eshrati, B
Eskandarieh, S
Esteghamati, A
Estep, K
Faraon, EJA
E Sa Farinha, CS
Faro, A
Farzadfar, F
Fazeli, MS
Agrawal, S
Feigin, VL
Feigl, AB
Fereshtehnejad, S-M
Fernandes, JC
Ferrari, AJ
Feyissa, TR
Filip, I
Fischer, F
Fitzmaurice, C
Flaxman, AD
Kiadaliri, AA
Foigt, N
Foreman, KJ
Frank, T
Franklin, RC
Friedman, J
Frostad, JJ
Furst, T
Furtado, JM
Gakidou, E
Garcia-Basteiro, AL
Ahmadieh, H
Gebrehiwot, TT
Geleijnse, JM
Geleto, A
Gemechu, BL
Gething, PW
Gibney, KB
Gill, PS
Gillum, RF
Giref, AZ
Gishu, MD
Ahmed, MB
Giussani, G
Glenn, SD
Godwin, WW
Goldberg, EM
Gona, PN
Goodridge, A
Gopalani, SV
Goryakin, Y
Griswold, M
Gugnani, HC
Aichour, AN
Gupta, R
Gupta, T
Gupta, V
Hafezi-Nejad, N
Bidgoli, HH
Hailu, GB
Hamadeh, RR
Hammami, M
Hankey, GJ
Harb, HL
Aichour, I
Hareri, HA
Hassanvand, MS
Havmoeller, R
Hawley, C
Hay, SI
He, J
Hendrie, D
Henry, NJ
Beatriz Heredia-Pi, I
Hoek, HW
Aichour, MTE
Holmberg, M
Horita, N
Hosgood, HD
Hostiuc, S
Hoy, DG
Hsairi, M
Htet, AS
Huang, H
Huang, JJ
Huynh, C
Aiyar, S
Iburg, KM
Ikeda, C
Inoue, M
Irvine, CMS
Jacobsen, KH
Jahanmehr, N
Jakovljevic, MB
Jauregui, A
Javanbakht, M
Jeemon, P
Akinyemi, RO
Jha, V
John, D
Johnson, CO
Johnson, SC
Jonas, JB
Jurisson, M
Kabir, Z
Kadel, R
Kahsay, A
Kamal, R
Akseer, N
Karch, A
Karema, CK
Kasaeian, A
Kassebaum, NJ
Kastor, A
Katikireddi, SV
Kawakami, N
Keiyoro, PN
Kelbore, SG
Al-Aly, Z
Kemmer, L
Kengne, AP
Kesavachandran, CN
Khader, YS
Khalil, IA
Khan, EA
Khang, Y-H
Khosravi, A
Khubchandani, J
Kieling, C
Alam, K
Kim, D
Kim, JY
Kim, YJ
Kimokoti, RW
Kinfu, Y
Kisa, A
Kissimova-Skarbek, KA
Kivimaki, M
Kokubo, Y
Kopec, JA
Alam, N
Kosen, S
Koul, PA
Koyanagi, A
Kravchenko, M
Krohn, KJ
Defo, BK
Bicer, BK
Kulikoff, XR
Kumar, GA
Kutz, MJ
Alasfoor, D
Kyu, HH
Lal, DK
Lalloo, R
Lansingh, VC
Larsson, A
Lazarus, JV
Lee, PH
Leigh, J
Leung, J
Leung, R
Alene, KA
Levi, M
Li, Y
Liben, ML
Linn, S
Liu, PY
Liu, S
Lodha, R
Looker, KJ
Lopez, AD
Lorkowski, S
Alizadeh-Navaei, R
Lotufo, PA
Lozano, R
Lucas, TCD
Mackay, MT
Maddison, ER
Abd el Razek, HM
Abd el Razek, MM
Majdan, M
Majdzadeh, R
Majeed, A
Alkerwi, A
Malekzadeh, R
Malhotra, R
Malta, DC
Mamun, AA
Manguerra, H
Mantovani, LG
Manyazewal, T
Mapoma, CC
Marks, GB
Martin, RV
Alla, F
Martins-Melo, FR
Martopullo, I
Mathur, MR
Mazidi, M
McAlinden, C
McGaughey, M
McGrath, JJ
Mckee, M
Mehata, S
Mehndiratta, MM
Allebeck, P
Meier, T
Meles, KG
Memish, ZA
Mendoza, W
Mengesha, MM
Mengistie, MA
Mensah, GA
Mensink, GBM
Mereta, ST
Meretoja, A
Allen, C
Meretoja, TJ
Mezgebe, HB
Micha, R
Millear, A
Miller, TR
Minnig, S
Mirarefin, M
Mirrakhimov, EM
Misganaw, A
Mishra, SR
Al-Raddadi, R
Mitchell, PB
Mohammad, KA
Mohammed, KE
Mohammed, S
Mohan, MBV
Mokdad, AH
Mollenkopf, SK
Monasta, L
Montanez Hernandez, JC
Montico, M
Alsharif, U
Moradi-Lakeh, M
Moraga, P
Morawska, L
Morrison, SD
Moses, MW
Mountjoy-Venning, C
Mueller, UO
Muller, K
Murthy, GVS
Musa, KI
Altirkawi, KA
Naghavi, M
Naheed, A
Naidoo, KS
Nangia, V
Natarajan, G
Negoi, I
Negoi, RI
Cuong, TN
Grant, N
Minh, N
Alvis-Guzman, N
Quyen, LN
Trang, HN
Nichols, E
Ningrum, DNA
Nomura, M
Vuong, MN
Norheim, OF
Noubiap, JJN
Obermeyer, CM
Ogbo, FA
Amare, AT
Oh, I-H
Oladimeji, O
Olagunju, AT
Olagunju, TO
Olivares, PR
Olsen, HE
Olusanya, BO
Olusanya, JO
Ong, K
Oren, E
Amini, E
Ortiz, A
Owolabi, MO
Pa, M
Pana, A
Panda, BK
Panda-Jonas, S
Papachristou, C
Park, E-K
Patton, GC
Paulson, K
Ammar, W
Pereira, DM
Perico, DN
Pesudovs, K
Petzold, M
Phillips, MR
Pigott, DM
Pillay, JD
Pinho, C
Piradov, MA
Pishgar, F
Antonio, CAT
Poulton, RG
Pourmalek, F
Qorbani, M
Radfar, A
Rafay, A
Rao, PC
Rahimi-Movaghar, V
Rahman, M
Rahman, MHU
Rahman, MA
Ansari, H
Rai, RK
Rajsic, S
Ram, U
Ranabhat, CL
Rawaf, S
Reidy, P
Reiner, RC
Reinig, N
Reitsma, MB
Remuzzi, G
Anwari, P
Renzaho, AMN
Resnikoff, S
Rezaei, S
Rios Blancas, MJ
Roba, KT
Rojas-Rueda, D
Rokni, MB
Roshandel, G
Roth, GA
Roy, A
Arora, M
Rubagotti, E
Sadat, N
Safdarian, M
Safi, S
Safiri, S
Sagar, R
Salama, J
Salomon, JA
Samy, AM
Ramon Sanabria, J
Artaman, A
Santomauro, D
Santos, IS
Santos, JV
Milicevic, MMS
Sartorius, B
Satpathy, M
Sawhney, M
Saxena, S
Saylan, MI
Shirude, S
Aryal, KK
Schmidt, MI
Schneider, IJC
Schneider, MT
Schottker, B
Schutte, AE
Schwebel, DC
Schwendicke, F
Seedat, S
Sepanlou, SG
Servan-Mori, EE
Asayesh, H
Shackelford, KA
Shaheen, A
Shahraz, S
Shaikh, MA
Shamsipour, M
Shamsizadeh, M
Islam, SMS
Sharma, J
Sharma, R
She, J
Asgedom, SW
Shi, P
Shibuya, K
Shields, C
Shiferaw, MS
Shigematsu, M
Shin, M-J
Shiri, R
Shirkoohi, R
Shishani, K
Shoman, H
Assadi, R
Shrime, MG
Santos Silva, DA
Silva, JP
Alves Silveira, DG
Singh, JA
Singh, V
Sinha, DN
Skiadaresi, E
Slepak, EL
Sligar, A
Atey, TM
Smith, A
Smith, DL
Smith, M
Sobaih, BHA
Sobngwi, E
Soljak, M
Soneji, S
Sorensen, RJD
Sposato, LA
Sreeramareddy, CT
Atre, SR
Srinivasan, V
Stanaway, JD
Stein, DJ
Steinke, S
Stokes, MA
Strub, B
Sufiyan, MB
Abdulkader, RS
Sunguya, BF
Sur, PJ
Avila-Burgos, L
Swaminathan, S
Sykes, BL
Sylte, DO
Szoeke, CEI
Tabares-Seisdedos, R
Tadakamadla, SK
Tandon, N
Tao, T
Tarekegn, YL
Tavakkoli, M
Avokpaho, EFGA
Taveira, N
Tegegne, TK
Shifa, GT
Terkawi, AS
Tessema, GA
Thakur, JS
Thankappan, KR
Thrift, AG
Tiruye, TY
Tobe-Gai, R
Awasthi, A
Topor-Madry, R
Torre, A
Tortajada, M
Tran, BX
Troeger, C
Truelsen, T
Tsoi, D
Tuem, KB
Tuzcu, EM
Tyrovolas, S
Azzopardi, P
Ukwaja, KN
Uneke, CJ
Updike, R
Uthman, OA
van Boven, JFM
van Donkelaar, A
Varughese, S
Vasankari, T
Venketasubramanian, N
Vidavalur, R
Bacha, U
Violante, FS
Vladimirov, SK
Vlassov, VV
Vollset, SE
Vos, T
Wadilo, F
Wakayo, T
Wallin, MT
Wang, Y-P
Weichenthal, S
Badawi, A
Weiderpass, E
Weintraub, RG
Weiss, DJ
Werdecker, A
Westerman, R
Whiteford, HA
Wijeratne, T
Wiysonge, CS
Woldeyes, BG
Wolfe, CDA
Balakrishnan, K
Woodbrook, R
Xavier, D
Xu, G
Yadgir, S
Yakob, B
Yan, LL
Yano, Y
Yaseri, M
Ye, P
Yimam, HH
Bannick, MS
Yip, P
Yonemoto, N
Yoon, S-J
Yotebieng, M
Younis, MZ
Zaidi, Z
Zaki, MES
Zavala-Arciniega, L
Zhang, X
Zipkin, B
Barac, A
Zodpey, S
Lim, SS
Murray, CJL
Barker-Collo, SL
Barnighausen, T
Barrero, LH
Basu, S
Battle, KE
Baune, BT
Beardsley, J
Bedi, N
Bejot, Y
Bell, ML
Bennett, DA
Bennett, JR
Bensenor, IM
Berhane, A
Berhe, DF
Bernabe, E
Betsu, BD
Beuran, M
Beyene, AS
Bhansali, A
Bhatt, S
Bhutta, ZA
Bikbov, B
Bilal, AI
Birungi, C
Biryukov, S
Bizuayehu, HM
Blosser, CD
Boneya, DJ
Bose, D
Bou-Orm, IR
Brauer, M
Breitborde, NJK
Brugha, TS
Bulto, LNB
Butt, ZA
Cahuana-Hurtado, L
author_facet Fullman, N
Barber, RM
Abajobir, AA
Abate, KH
Abbafati, C
Abbas, KM
Abd-Allah, F
Abdulle, AM
Abera, SF
Aboyans, V
Abu-Raddad, LJ
Cameron, E
Cesar Campuzano, J
Cardenas, R
Carrero, JJ
Carter, A
Casey, DC
Castaneda-Orjuela, CA
Castillo Rivas, J
Estanislao Castro, R
Catala-Lopez, F
Abu-Rmeileh, NME
Cercy, K
Chang, H-Y
Chang, J-C
Charlson, FJ
Chew, A
Chisumpa, VH
Chitheer, AA
Christensen, H
Christopher, DJ
Cirillo, M
Adedeji, IA
Cooper, C
Criqui, MH
Cromwell, EA
Crump, JA
Dandona, L
Dandona, R
Dargan, PI
das Neves, J
Davitoiu, DV
de Courten, B
Adetokunboh, O
De Steur, H
Degenhardt, L
Deiparine, S
Deribe, K
deveber, GA
Ding, EL
Djalalinia, S
Huyen, PD
Dokova, K
Doku, DT
Afshin, A
Dorsey, ER
Driscoll, TR
Dubey, M
Duncan, BB
Ebel, BE
Ebrahimi, H
El-Khatib, ZZ
Enayati, A
Endries, AY
Ermakov, SP
Agrawal, A
Erskine, HE
Eshrati, B
Eskandarieh, S
Esteghamati, A
Estep, K
Faraon, EJA
E Sa Farinha, CS
Faro, A
Farzadfar, F
Fazeli, MS
Agrawal, S
Feigin, VL
Feigl, AB
Fereshtehnejad, S-M
Fernandes, JC
Ferrari, AJ
Feyissa, TR
Filip, I
Fischer, F
Fitzmaurice, C
Flaxman, AD
Kiadaliri, AA
Foigt, N
Foreman, KJ
Frank, T
Franklin, RC
Friedman, J
Frostad, JJ
Furst, T
Furtado, JM
Gakidou, E
Garcia-Basteiro, AL
Ahmadieh, H
Gebrehiwot, TT
Geleijnse, JM
Geleto, A
Gemechu, BL
Gething, PW
Gibney, KB
Gill, PS
Gillum, RF
Giref, AZ
Gishu, MD
Ahmed, MB
Giussani, G
Glenn, SD
Godwin, WW
Goldberg, EM
Gona, PN
Goodridge, A
Gopalani, SV
Goryakin, Y
Griswold, M
Gugnani, HC
Aichour, AN
Gupta, R
Gupta, T
Gupta, V
Hafezi-Nejad, N
Bidgoli, HH
Hailu, GB
Hamadeh, RR
Hammami, M
Hankey, GJ
Harb, HL
Aichour, I
Hareri, HA
Hassanvand, MS
Havmoeller, R
Hawley, C
Hay, SI
He, J
Hendrie, D
Henry, NJ
Beatriz Heredia-Pi, I
Hoek, HW
Aichour, MTE
Holmberg, M
Horita, N
Hosgood, HD
Hostiuc, S
Hoy, DG
Hsairi, M
Htet, AS
Huang, H
Huang, JJ
Huynh, C
Aiyar, S
Iburg, KM
Ikeda, C
Inoue, M
Irvine, CMS
Jacobsen, KH
Jahanmehr, N
Jakovljevic, MB
Jauregui, A
Javanbakht, M
Jeemon, P
Akinyemi, RO
Jha, V
John, D
Johnson, CO
Johnson, SC
Jonas, JB
Jurisson, M
Kabir, Z
Kadel, R
Kahsay, A
Kamal, R
Akseer, N
Karch, A
Karema, CK
Kasaeian, A
Kassebaum, NJ
Kastor, A
Katikireddi, SV
Kawakami, N
Keiyoro, PN
Kelbore, SG
Al-Aly, Z
Kemmer, L
Kengne, AP
Kesavachandran, CN
Khader, YS
Khalil, IA
Khan, EA
Khang, Y-H
Khosravi, A
Khubchandani, J
Kieling, C
Alam, K
Kim, D
Kim, JY
Kim, YJ
Kimokoti, RW
Kinfu, Y
Kisa, A
Kissimova-Skarbek, KA
Kivimaki, M
Kokubo, Y
Kopec, JA
Alam, N
Kosen, S
Koul, PA
Koyanagi, A
Kravchenko, M
Krohn, KJ
Defo, BK
Bicer, BK
Kulikoff, XR
Kumar, GA
Kutz, MJ
Alasfoor, D
Kyu, HH
Lal, DK
Lalloo, R
Lansingh, VC
Larsson, A
Lazarus, JV
Lee, PH
Leigh, J
Leung, J
Leung, R
Alene, KA
Levi, M
Li, Y
Liben, ML
Linn, S
Liu, PY
Liu, S
Lodha, R
Looker, KJ
Lopez, AD
Lorkowski, S
Alizadeh-Navaei, R
Lotufo, PA
Lozano, R
Lucas, TCD
Mackay, MT
Maddison, ER
Abd el Razek, HM
Abd el Razek, MM
Majdan, M
Majdzadeh, R
Majeed, A
Alkerwi, A
Malekzadeh, R
Malhotra, R
Malta, DC
Mamun, AA
Manguerra, H
Mantovani, LG
Manyazewal, T
Mapoma, CC
Marks, GB
Martin, RV
Alla, F
Martins-Melo, FR
Martopullo, I
Mathur, MR
Mazidi, M
McAlinden, C
McGaughey, M
McGrath, JJ
Mckee, M
Mehata, S
Mehndiratta, MM
Allebeck, P
Meier, T
Meles, KG
Memish, ZA
Mendoza, W
Mengesha, MM
Mengistie, MA
Mensah, GA
Mensink, GBM
Mereta, ST
Meretoja, A
Allen, C
Meretoja, TJ
Mezgebe, HB
Micha, R
Millear, A
Miller, TR
Minnig, S
Mirarefin, M
Mirrakhimov, EM
Misganaw, A
Mishra, SR
Al-Raddadi, R
Mitchell, PB
Mohammad, KA
Mohammed, KE
Mohammed, S
Mohan, MBV
Mokdad, AH
Mollenkopf, SK
Monasta, L
Montanez Hernandez, JC
Montico, M
Alsharif, U
Moradi-Lakeh, M
Moraga, P
Morawska, L
Morrison, SD
Moses, MW
Mountjoy-Venning, C
Mueller, UO
Muller, K
Murthy, GVS
Musa, KI
Altirkawi, KA
Naghavi, M
Naheed, A
Naidoo, KS
Nangia, V
Natarajan, G
Negoi, I
Negoi, RI
Cuong, TN
Grant, N
Minh, N
Alvis-Guzman, N
Quyen, LN
Trang, HN
Nichols, E
Ningrum, DNA
Nomura, M
Vuong, MN
Norheim, OF
Noubiap, JJN
Obermeyer, CM
Ogbo, FA
Amare, AT
Oh, I-H
Oladimeji, O
Olagunju, AT
Olagunju, TO
Olivares, PR
Olsen, HE
Olusanya, BO
Olusanya, JO
Ong, K
Oren, E
Amini, E
Ortiz, A
Owolabi, MO
Pa, M
Pana, A
Panda, BK
Panda-Jonas, S
Papachristou, C
Park, E-K
Patton, GC
Paulson, K
Ammar, W
Pereira, DM
Perico, DN
Pesudovs, K
Petzold, M
Phillips, MR
Pigott, DM
Pillay, JD
Pinho, C
Piradov, MA
Pishgar, F
Antonio, CAT
Poulton, RG
Pourmalek, F
Qorbani, M
Radfar, A
Rafay, A
Rao, PC
Rahimi-Movaghar, V
Rahman, M
Rahman, MHU
Rahman, MA
Ansari, H
Rai, RK
Rajsic, S
Ram, U
Ranabhat, CL
Rawaf, S
Reidy, P
Reiner, RC
Reinig, N
Reitsma, MB
Remuzzi, G
Anwari, P
Renzaho, AMN
Resnikoff, S
Rezaei, S
Rios Blancas, MJ
Roba, KT
Rojas-Rueda, D
Rokni, MB
Roshandel, G
Roth, GA
Roy, A
Arora, M
Rubagotti, E
Sadat, N
Safdarian, M
Safi, S
Safiri, S
Sagar, R
Salama, J
Salomon, JA
Samy, AM
Ramon Sanabria, J
Artaman, A
Santomauro, D
Santos, IS
Santos, JV
Milicevic, MMS
Sartorius, B
Satpathy, M
Sawhney, M
Saxena, S
Saylan, MI
Shirude, S
Aryal, KK
Schmidt, MI
Schneider, IJC
Schneider, MT
Schottker, B
Schutte, AE
Schwebel, DC
Schwendicke, F
Seedat, S
Sepanlou, SG
Servan-Mori, EE
Asayesh, H
Shackelford, KA
Shaheen, A
Shahraz, S
Shaikh, MA
Shamsipour, M
Shamsizadeh, M
Islam, SMS
Sharma, J
Sharma, R
She, J
Asgedom, SW
Shi, P
Shibuya, K
Shields, C
Shiferaw, MS
Shigematsu, M
Shin, M-J
Shiri, R
Shirkoohi, R
Shishani, K
Shoman, H
Assadi, R
Shrime, MG
Santos Silva, DA
Silva, JP
Alves Silveira, DG
Singh, JA
Singh, V
Sinha, DN
Skiadaresi, E
Slepak, EL
Sligar, A
Atey, TM
Smith, A
Smith, DL
Smith, M
Sobaih, BHA
Sobngwi, E
Soljak, M
Soneji, S
Sorensen, RJD
Sposato, LA
Sreeramareddy, CT
Atre, SR
Srinivasan, V
Stanaway, JD
Stein, DJ
Steinke, S
Stokes, MA
Strub, B
Sufiyan, MB
Abdulkader, RS
Sunguya, BF
Sur, PJ
Avila-Burgos, L
Swaminathan, S
Sykes, BL
Sylte, DO
Szoeke, CEI
Tabares-Seisdedos, R
Tadakamadla, SK
Tandon, N
Tao, T
Tarekegn, YL
Tavakkoli, M
Avokpaho, EFGA
Taveira, N
Tegegne, TK
Shifa, GT
Terkawi, AS
Tessema, GA
Thakur, JS
Thankappan, KR
Thrift, AG
Tiruye, TY
Tobe-Gai, R
Awasthi, A
Topor-Madry, R
Torre, A
Tortajada, M
Tran, BX
Troeger, C
Truelsen, T
Tsoi, D
Tuem, KB
Tuzcu, EM
Tyrovolas, S
Azzopardi, P
Ukwaja, KN
Uneke, CJ
Updike, R
Uthman, OA
van Boven, JFM
van Donkelaar, A
Varughese, S
Vasankari, T
Venketasubramanian, N
Vidavalur, R
Bacha, U
Violante, FS
Vladimirov, SK
Vlassov, VV
Vollset, SE
Vos, T
Wadilo, F
Wakayo, T
Wallin, MT
Wang, Y-P
Weichenthal, S
Badawi, A
Weiderpass, E
Weintraub, RG
Weiss, DJ
Werdecker, A
Westerman, R
Whiteford, HA
Wijeratne, T
Wiysonge, CS
Woldeyes, BG
Wolfe, CDA
Balakrishnan, K
Woodbrook, R
Xavier, D
Xu, G
Yadgir, S
Yakob, B
Yan, LL
Yano, Y
Yaseri, M
Ye, P
Yimam, HH
Bannick, MS
Yip, P
Yonemoto, N
Yoon, S-J
Yotebieng, M
Younis, MZ
Zaidi, Z
Zaki, MES
Zavala-Arciniega, L
Zhang, X
Zipkin, B
Barac, A
Zodpey, S
Lim, SS
Murray, CJL
Barker-Collo, SL
Barnighausen, T
Barrero, LH
Basu, S
Battle, KE
Baune, BT
Beardsley, J
Bedi, N
Bejot, Y
Bell, ML
Bennett, DA
Bennett, JR
Bensenor, IM
Berhane, A
Berhe, DF
Bernabe, E
Betsu, BD
Beuran, M
Beyene, AS
Bhansali, A
Bhatt, S
Bhutta, ZA
Bikbov, B
Bilal, AI
Birungi, C
Biryukov, S
Bizuayehu, HM
Blosser, CD
Boneya, DJ
Bose, D
Bou-Orm, IR
Brauer, M
Breitborde, NJK
Brugha, TS
Bulto, LNB
Butt, ZA
Cahuana-Hurtado, L
author_sort Fullman, N
title Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
title_short Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
title_full Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
title_fullStr Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
title_full_unstemmed Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
title_sort measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related sustainable development goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the global burden of disease study 2016
publisher Elsevier
publishDate 2018
genre Iceland
genre_facet Iceland
Lancet, 2017, 390 (10100), pp. 1423-1459 (37)
op_rights Copyright © the authors, 2017. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
op_rightsnorm CC-BY
container_title The Lancet
container_volume 390
container_issue 10100
container_start_page 1423
op_container_end_page 1459
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spelling 2023-05-15T16:53:24+02:00 Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 Fullman, N Barber, RM Abajobir, AA Abate, KH Abbafati, C Abbas, KM Abd-Allah, F Abdulle, AM Abera, SF Aboyans, V Abu-Raddad, LJ Cameron, E Cesar Campuzano, J Cardenas, R Carrero, JJ Carter, A Casey, DC Castaneda-Orjuela, CA Castillo Rivas, J Estanislao Castro, R Catala-Lopez, F Abu-Rmeileh, NME Cercy, K Chang, H-Y Chang, J-C Charlson, FJ Chew, A Chisumpa, VH Chitheer, AA Christensen, H Christopher, DJ Cirillo, M Adedeji, IA Cooper, C Criqui, MH Cromwell, EA Crump, JA Dandona, L Dandona, R Dargan, PI das Neves, J Davitoiu, DV de Courten, B Adetokunboh, O De Steur, H Degenhardt, L Deiparine, S Deribe, K deveber, GA Ding, EL Djalalinia, S Huyen, PD Dokova, K Doku, DT Afshin, A Dorsey, ER Driscoll, TR Dubey, M Duncan, BB Ebel, BE Ebrahimi, H El-Khatib, ZZ Enayati, A Endries, AY Ermakov, SP Agrawal, A Erskine, HE Eshrati, B Eskandarieh, S Esteghamati, A Estep, K Faraon, EJA E Sa Farinha, CS Faro, A Farzadfar, F Fazeli, MS Agrawal, S Feigin, VL Feigl, AB Fereshtehnejad, S-M Fernandes, JC Ferrari, AJ Feyissa, TR Filip, I Fischer, F Fitzmaurice, C Flaxman, AD Kiadaliri, AA Foigt, N Foreman, KJ Frank, T Franklin, RC Friedman, J Frostad, JJ Furst, T Furtado, JM Gakidou, E Garcia-Basteiro, AL Ahmadieh, H Gebrehiwot, TT Geleijnse, JM Geleto, A Gemechu, BL Gething, PW Gibney, KB Gill, PS Gillum, RF Giref, AZ Gishu, MD Ahmed, MB Giussani, G Glenn, SD Godwin, WW Goldberg, EM Gona, PN Goodridge, A Gopalani, SV Goryakin, Y Griswold, M Gugnani, HC Aichour, AN Gupta, R Gupta, T Gupta, V Hafezi-Nejad, N Bidgoli, HH Hailu, GB Hamadeh, RR Hammami, M Hankey, GJ Harb, HL Aichour, I Hareri, HA Hassanvand, MS Havmoeller, R Hawley, C Hay, SI He, J Hendrie, D Henry, NJ Beatriz Heredia-Pi, I Hoek, HW Aichour, MTE Holmberg, M Horita, N Hosgood, HD Hostiuc, S Hoy, DG Hsairi, M Htet, AS Huang, H Huang, JJ Huynh, C Aiyar, S Iburg, KM Ikeda, C Inoue, M Irvine, CMS Jacobsen, KH Jahanmehr, N Jakovljevic, MB Jauregui, A Javanbakht, M Jeemon, P Akinyemi, RO Jha, V John, D Johnson, CO Johnson, SC Jonas, JB Jurisson, M Kabir, Z Kadel, R Kahsay, A Kamal, R Akseer, N Karch, A Karema, CK Kasaeian, A Kassebaum, NJ Kastor, A Katikireddi, SV Kawakami, N Keiyoro, PN Kelbore, SG Al-Aly, Z Kemmer, L Kengne, AP Kesavachandran, CN Khader, YS Khalil, IA Khan, EA Khang, Y-H Khosravi, A Khubchandani, J Kieling, C Alam, K Kim, D Kim, JY Kim, YJ Kimokoti, RW Kinfu, Y Kisa, A Kissimova-Skarbek, KA Kivimaki, M Kokubo, Y Kopec, JA Alam, N Kosen, S Koul, PA Koyanagi, A Kravchenko, M Krohn, KJ Defo, BK Bicer, BK Kulikoff, XR Kumar, GA Kutz, MJ Alasfoor, D Kyu, HH Lal, DK Lalloo, R Lansingh, VC Larsson, A Lazarus, JV Lee, PH Leigh, J Leung, J Leung, R Alene, KA Levi, M Li, Y Liben, ML Linn, S Liu, PY Liu, S Lodha, R Looker, KJ Lopez, AD Lorkowski, S Alizadeh-Navaei, R Lotufo, PA Lozano, R Lucas, TCD Mackay, MT Maddison, ER Abd el Razek, HM Abd el Razek, MM Majdan, M Majdzadeh, R Majeed, A Alkerwi, A Malekzadeh, R Malhotra, R Malta, DC Mamun, AA Manguerra, H Mantovani, LG Manyazewal, T Mapoma, CC Marks, GB Martin, RV Alla, F Martins-Melo, FR Martopullo, I Mathur, MR Mazidi, M McAlinden, C McGaughey, M McGrath, JJ Mckee, M Mehata, S Mehndiratta, MM Allebeck, P Meier, T Meles, KG Memish, ZA Mendoza, W Mengesha, MM Mengistie, MA Mensah, GA Mensink, GBM Mereta, ST Meretoja, A Allen, C Meretoja, TJ Mezgebe, HB Micha, R Millear, A Miller, TR Minnig, S Mirarefin, M Mirrakhimov, EM Misganaw, A Mishra, SR Al-Raddadi, R Mitchell, PB Mohammad, KA Mohammed, KE Mohammed, S Mohan, MBV Mokdad, AH Mollenkopf, SK Monasta, L Montanez Hernandez, JC Montico, M Alsharif, U Moradi-Lakeh, M Moraga, P Morawska, L Morrison, SD Moses, MW Mountjoy-Venning, C Mueller, UO Muller, K Murthy, GVS Musa, KI Altirkawi, KA Naghavi, M Naheed, A Naidoo, KS Nangia, V Natarajan, G Negoi, I Negoi, RI Cuong, TN Grant, N Minh, N Alvis-Guzman, N Quyen, LN Trang, HN Nichols, E Ningrum, DNA Nomura, M Vuong, MN Norheim, OF Noubiap, JJN Obermeyer, CM Ogbo, FA Amare, AT Oh, I-H Oladimeji, O Olagunju, AT Olagunju, TO Olivares, PR Olsen, HE Olusanya, BO Olusanya, JO Ong, K Oren, E Amini, E Ortiz, A Owolabi, MO Pa, M Pana, A Panda, BK Panda-Jonas, S Papachristou, C Park, E-K Patton, GC Paulson, K Ammar, W Pereira, DM Perico, DN Pesudovs, K Petzold, M Phillips, MR Pigott, DM Pillay, JD Pinho, C Piradov, MA Pishgar, F Antonio, CAT Poulton, RG Pourmalek, F Qorbani, M Radfar, A Rafay, A Rao, PC Rahimi-Movaghar, V Rahman, M Rahman, MHU Rahman, MA Ansari, H Rai, RK Rajsic, S Ram, U Ranabhat, CL Rawaf, S Reidy, P Reiner, RC Reinig, N Reitsma, MB Remuzzi, G Anwari, P Renzaho, AMN Resnikoff, S Rezaei, S Rios Blancas, MJ Roba, KT Rojas-Rueda, D Rokni, MB Roshandel, G Roth, GA Roy, A Arora, M Rubagotti, E Sadat, N Safdarian, M Safi, S Safiri, S Sagar, R Salama, J Salomon, JA Samy, AM Ramon Sanabria, J Artaman, A Santomauro, D Santos, IS Santos, JV Milicevic, MMS Sartorius, B Satpathy, M Sawhney, M Saxena, S Saylan, MI Shirude, S Aryal, KK Schmidt, MI Schneider, IJC Schneider, MT Schottker, B Schutte, AE Schwebel, DC Schwendicke, F Seedat, S Sepanlou, SG Servan-Mori, EE Asayesh, H Shackelford, KA Shaheen, A Shahraz, S Shaikh, MA Shamsipour, M Shamsizadeh, M Islam, SMS Sharma, J Sharma, R She, J Asgedom, SW Shi, P Shibuya, K Shields, C Shiferaw, MS Shigematsu, M Shin, M-J Shiri, R Shirkoohi, R Shishani, K Shoman, H Assadi, R Shrime, MG Santos Silva, DA Silva, JP Alves Silveira, DG Singh, JA Singh, V Sinha, DN Skiadaresi, E Slepak, EL Sligar, A Atey, TM Smith, A Smith, DL Smith, M Sobaih, BHA Sobngwi, E Soljak, M Soneji, S Sorensen, RJD Sposato, LA Sreeramareddy, CT Atre, SR Srinivasan, V Stanaway, JD Stein, DJ Steinke, S Stokes, MA Strub, B Sufiyan, MB Abdulkader, RS Sunguya, BF Sur, PJ Avila-Burgos, L Swaminathan, S Sykes, BL Sylte, DO Szoeke, CEI Tabares-Seisdedos, R Tadakamadla, SK Tandon, N Tao, T Tarekegn, YL Tavakkoli, M Avokpaho, EFGA Taveira, N Tegegne, TK Shifa, GT Terkawi, AS Tessema, GA Thakur, JS Thankappan, KR Thrift, AG Tiruye, TY Tobe-Gai, R Awasthi, A Topor-Madry, R Torre, A Tortajada, M Tran, BX Troeger, C Truelsen, T Tsoi, D Tuem, KB Tuzcu, EM Tyrovolas, S Azzopardi, P Ukwaja, KN Uneke, CJ Updike, R Uthman, OA van Boven, JFM van Donkelaar, A Varughese, S Vasankari, T Venketasubramanian, N Vidavalur, R Bacha, U Violante, FS Vladimirov, SK Vlassov, VV Vollset, SE Vos, T Wadilo, F Wakayo, T Wallin, MT Wang, Y-P Weichenthal, S Badawi, A Weiderpass, E Weintraub, RG Weiss, DJ Werdecker, A Westerman, R Whiteford, HA Wijeratne, T Wiysonge, CS Woldeyes, BG Wolfe, CDA Balakrishnan, K Woodbrook, R Xavier, D Xu, G Yadgir, S Yakob, B Yan, LL Yano, Y Yaseri, M Ye, P Yimam, HH Bannick, MS Yip, P Yonemoto, N Yoon, S-J Yotebieng, M Younis, MZ Zaidi, Z Zaki, MES Zavala-Arciniega, L Zhang, X Zipkin, B Barac, A Zodpey, S Lim, SS Murray, CJL Barker-Collo, SL Barnighausen, T Barrero, LH Basu, S Battle, KE Baune, BT Beardsley, J Bedi, N Bejot, Y Bell, ML Bennett, DA Bennett, JR Bensenor, IM Berhane, A Berhe, DF Bernabe, E Betsu, BD Beuran, M Beyene, AS Bhansali, A Bhatt, S Bhutta, ZA Bikbov, B Bilal, AI Birungi, C Biryukov, S Bizuayehu, HM Blosser, CD Boneya, DJ Bose, D Bou-Orm, IR Brauer, M Breitborde, NJK Brugha, TS Bulto, LNB Butt, ZA Cahuana-Hurtado, L 2018-07-24T09:50:33Z en eng Elsevier Lancet, 2017, 390 (10100), pp. 1423-1459 (37) 0140-6736 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32336-X 1474-547X Copyright © the authors, 2017. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. CC-BY Science & Technology Life Sciences & Biomedicine Medicine General & Internal General & Internal Medicine DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PREPAID PRIVATE COVERAGE MORTALITY CARE 40-PERCENT GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS MEXICO CHINA Journal Article Article;Journal 2018 ftleicester 2019-03-22T20:25:45Z Background The UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are grounded in the global ambition of “leaving no one behind”. Understanding today's gains and gaps for the health-related SDGs is essential for decision makers as they aim to improve the health of populations. As part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016), we measured 37 of the 50 health-related SDG indicators over the period 1990–2016 for 188 countries, and then on the basis of these past trends, we projected indicators to 2030. Methods We used standardised GBD 2016 methods to measure 37 health-related indicators from 1990 to 2016, an increase of four indicators since GBD 2015. We substantially revised the universal health coverage (UHC) measure, which focuses on coverage of essential health services, to also represent personal health-care access and quality for several non-communicable diseases. We transformed each indicator on a scale of 0–100, with 0 as the 2·5th percentile estimated between 1990 and 2030, and 100 as the 97·5th percentile during that time. An index representing all 37 health-related SDG indicators was constructed by taking the geometric mean of scaled indicators by target. On the basis of past trends, we produced projections of indicator values, using a weighted average of the indicator and country-specific annualised rates of change from 1990 to 2016 with weights for each annual rate of change based on out-of-sample validity. 24 of the currently measured health-related SDG indicators have defined SDG targets, against which we assessed attainment. Findings Globally, the median health-related SDG index was 56·7 (IQR 31·9–66·8) in 2016 and country-level performance markedly varied, with Singapore (86·8, 95% uncertainty interval 84·6–88·9), Iceland (86·0, 84·1–87·6), and Sweden (85·6, 81·8–87·8) having the highest levels in 2016 and Afghanistan (10·9, 9·6–11·9), the Central African Republic (11·0, 8·8–13·8), and Somalia (11·3, 9·5–13·1) recording the lowest. Between 2000 and 2016, notable improvements in the UHC index were achieved by several countries, including Cambodia, Rwanda, Equatorial Guinea, Laos, Turkey, and China; however, a number of countries, such as Lesotho and the Central African Republic, but also high-income countries, such as the USA, showed minimal gains. Based on projections of past trends, the median number of SDG targets attained in 2030 was five (IQR 2–8) of the 24 defined targets currently measured. Globally, projected target attainment considerably varied by SDG indicator, ranging from more than 60% of countries projected to reach targets for under-5 mortality, neonatal mortality, maternal mortality ratio, and malaria, to less than 5% of countries projected to achieve targets linked to 11 indicator targets, including those for childhood overweight, tuberculosis, and road injury mortality. For several of the health-related SDGs, meeting defined targets hinges upon substantially faster progress than what most countries have achieved in the past. Interpretation GBD 2016 provides an updated and expanded evidence base on where the world currently stands in terms of the health-related SDGs. Our improved measure of UHC offers a basis to monitor the expansion of health services necessary to meet the SDGs. Based on past rates of progress, many places are facing challenges in meeting defined health-related SDG targets, particularly among countries that are the worst off. In view of the early stages of SDG implementation, however, opportunity remains to take actions to accelerate progress, as shown by the catalytic effects of adopting the Millennium Development Goals after 2000. With the SDGs' broader, bolder development agenda, multisectoral commitments and investments are vital to make the health-related SDGs within reach of all populations. Funding Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Research reported in this publication was supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health (award P30AG047845), and the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health (award R01MH110163). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or the National Institutes of Health. We also thank the countless individuals who have contributed to GBD 2016 and Future Health Scenarios research team in various capacities. Peer-reviewed Publisher Version Article in Journal/Newspaper Iceland University of Leicester: Leicester Research Archive (LRA) The Lancet 390 10100 1423 1459