Summary: | Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open OBJECTIVE: To carry out an intervention study on weight loss menues for young overweight Icelanders giving 30% less energy than calculated energy need for unchanged body weight, with the percentage of energy giving nutrients in congruity with official recommendations. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Subjects were women (n=71) and men (n=43) aged 20-40 y, having a body mass index (BMI) in the range 28-32 kg/m2. The daily energy for weight balance at baseline was estimated for each individual and a menu prepared to give 30% less energy. Energy distribution was 50% from carbohydrates, 20% from proteins and 30% from fat. Nutritionists gave advice and taught the participants how to use the menus. Weight and height were measured at baseline and at the end of the eight weeks intervention. Results: According to a 30% energy reduction from the daily energy need the menus were prepared to give on average (-/+SD) 1693-/+108 kcal and 1349-/+53 kcal for men and women, respectively. The average weight loss was five kg during the eight weeks intervention, 625 g per week (<0.001). Men lost more weight (around 740 g/week) than women (525 g/week, P=0.003). The proportion of obese (BMI> or =30 kg/m2) decreased from being 47% to 15% during the intervention. Conclusion: Menus with the proportion of energy giving nutrients in line with official recommendations, together with nutritional counseling, prove to be a successful mean to bring off weight loss among young overweight Icelandic individuals. The method can be useful in clinical settings in the battle against increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity. It is likely that thorough follow-up treatment is necessary to maintain the weight loss. Tilgangur: Að gera íhlutandi rannsókn á þyngdartapi meðal of þungra Íslendinga sem nota næringarútreiknaða matseðla í samræmi við norrænar ráðleggingar um næringarefni og veita 30% minni orku en sem svarar orkuþörf til að viðhalda stöðugri ...