Summary: | To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Download Rúmlega fimmtugur karlmaður sem hafði verið á ferðalagi erlendis veiktist við komuna til landsins með flensulíkum einkennum og greindist með COVID-19. Nokkrum dögum síðar versnandi honum af öndunarfæraeinkennum og lagðist inn á Landspítala. Hann reyndist vera súrefnisháður og með útbreiddar íferðir í lungum. Eftir innlögn fékk hann versnandi öndunarbilun og var fluttur á gjörgæsludeild þar sem hann var meðal annars meðhöndlaður með tocilizumab (IL-6 hemill). Hann sýndi batamerki í kjölfarið og þurfti ekki að fara í öndunarvél. A gentleman in his early fifties became ill with flu-like symptoms after vacationing abroad and was diagnosed with COVID-19 after returning to Iceland. A few days later he was admitted to the University Hospital, Landspitali, due to worsening respiratory symptoms and severe fatigue. A computed tomography scan of lthe lungs showed diffuse bilateral consolidations and ground glass changes. He developed respiratory failure and was transferred to the intensive care unit where he received further treatment, including tocilizumab (IL-6 receptor inhibitor). He subsequently showed clinical improvement and did not require endotracheal intubation.