The effect of mineral fertilisers and herbicides on the seed productivity of perennial grasses in Yenisei Siberia

On the dark grey forest soils of the taiga zone of the Yenisei Siberia, the structure of the weed component of agrophytocenoses of perennial grasses is dominated by perennial segetal and segetal-ruderal weed species, the proportion of which is 60-70%. Using Magnum herbicides in timothy grass Kazachi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Yu. N. Trubnikov, V. L. Bopp, Ю. Н. Трубников, В. Л. Бопп
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Publishing Centre “Zolotoy Kolos” of Novosibirsk State Agrarian University 2023
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Summary:On the dark grey forest soils of the taiga zone of the Yenisei Siberia, the structure of the weed component of agrophytocenoses of perennial grasses is dominated by perennial segetal and segetal-ruderal weed species, the proportion of which is 60-70%. Using Magnum herbicides in timothy grass Kazachinskaya 2 and Lontrel-300 in the crops of meadow fescue grass Kazachinskaya 182 allowed for reducing the contamination of fields with perennial weeds from medium to weak. Herbicides reduce 94% the weight of weeds from 1 ha while increasing the biomass of timothy grass by 30%. Against the background of fertilizers, the weight of weeds decreased by 85.3%, and the importance of timothy grass increased by 118%. Mineral fertilizers increase the yield of timothy seeds for three years of use from 3.64 c / ha to 5.31-8.62 c / ha and oatmeal seeds - from 3.22 c/ ha to 4.97-6.91 c /ha. The complete collection of grass seeds was obtained on variants N60P60K60 with the leading share of the influence of nitrogen fertilizers, the introduction of which increased the yield of timothy seeds by 125% and fescue by 87%. The introduction of potash fertilizers caused an increase in the output of timothy grass of the 2 and 3 g. p. by 160 and 190%, respectively, and fescue of the 2 g. p. by 160%. The sowing qualities of seeds characterized by germination energy, germination and weight of 1000 seeds of timothy increased under the influence of phosphorus and potash fertilizers. На темно-серых лесных почвах подтаежной зоны Приенисейской Сибири в структуре сорного компонента агрофитоценозов многолетних злаковых трав доминируют многолетние сегетальные и сегетально-рудеральные виды сорняков, доля которых составляет 60–70%. Применение гербицидов Магнум в посевах тимофеевки луговой сорта Казачинская 2 и Лонтрел-300 в посевах овсяницы луговой Казачинская 182 позволило снизить засоренность полей многолетними сорняками от средней степени до слабой. Гербициды снижают на 94% массу сорняков с 1 га, увеличивая при этом биомассу тимофеевки на 30%; на фоне ...