Summary:The archaeology of the Kola Peninsula is related to the archaeology of neighboring regions. The Early Neolithic (~5.3–4 millennia BC) is characterized by the Säräisniemi 1 ceramics of the two Varzina and Chavanga variants and the Pit-Comb, bifacial stone working technique, as well as the grinding and sawing technique for making slate tools. The stone inventory includes leaf-shaped and rhombic-shaped tanged points, leaf-shaped and angle knives, axes and adzes. In the Early Neolithic the asymmetrical points, flake axes (resembling cleavers), backed types and blade tools characteristic for the local Mesolithic disappeared. The Middle Neolithic (~4–2.5 millennia BC) has a significantly smaller number of sites where ceramic vessels were found. This period includes solitary finds of fragments of Rhomb-pit pottery in the central and southern regions of the peninsula, as well as fragments or several Zalavruga-typed vessels (porous comb pottery). Many types of stone tools that appeared in the Early Neolithic continued to exist until the beginning of the Bronze Age. Projectile points of the Nyelv/Pyhensilta type can be considered characteristic of the Middle Neolithic. The Late Neolithic (~2.5–1.9 millennia BC) begins with the appearance of the Gresbakken culture. Structurally complicated dwellings, recessed up to 1 m deep, became common. Most of the finds, made of bone, horn and stone, belong to this culture. Pottery belongs to the asbestos ceramics of the Palayguba type; points of the Sunderoy type appear. At the very end of the Late Neolithic, asbestos ceramics of the Lovozero and Pasvik types appear. Rock art of the Kola Peninsula mainly dates back to the Neolithic. Археология Кольского полуострова неотделима от археологии соседних территорий. Ранний неолит (~5.3–4 тыс. до н.э.) характеризуется керамикой Сяряйсниеми 1 двух вариантов Варзина и Чаваньга и ямочно-гребенчатой, бифасиальной техникой обработки камня, а также техникой шлифования и пиления для изготовления орудий из сланца. В каменном инвентаре представлены ...