A longitudinal research on tourist satisfaction in Landmannalaugar

Longitudinal studies in tourism involve the collection of comparable data for at least two different time periods as well as the analysis and comparison of the data between the defined periods. Their aim is to provide an understanding of how and why different elements of the tourism industry, touris...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Sæþórsdóttir, Anna Dóra
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Research in applied business and economics 2021
Online Access:https://ojs.hi.is/index.php/efnahagsmal/article/view/a.2021.18.1.1
Summary:Longitudinal studies in tourism involve the collection of comparable data for at least two different time periods as well as the analysis and comparison of the data between the defined periods. Their aim is to provide an understanding of how and why different elements of the tourism industry, tourists and tourism destinations change. Longitudinal research on visitor satisfaction at natural areas or wilderness destinations are scarce, not only in Iceland but worldwide. However, the knowledge created through such studies is very valuable for maintaining the competitiveness of destinations and provides the foundation for the sustainability of a destination. This paper presents the results of a longitudinal study on tourist satisfaction in Landmannalaugar. The study is based on questionnaires which were distributed to tourists in Landmannalaugar during the summer of 2000, 2009 and 2019, resulting in approximately 2.900 respondents in total. The main aim was to assess how tourist satisfaction and perception of the number of tourists, the environment and infrastructure had changed between 2000, 2009 and 2019. The results indicate that tourists are generally very satisfied with their stay in the area, but at the same time overall tourist satisfaction is declining. There are various reasons for this which among others relate to infrastructure, organisation and service as well as an increase in tourist arrivals. Langtímarannsóknir í ferðamálafræðum fela í sér söfnun sambærilegra gagna á a.m.k. tveimur tímapunktum, ásamt greiningu og samanburði á gögnunum á milli tímabilanna sem um ræðir. Í þeim er leitast við að skilja hvernig og hvers vegna mismunandi þættir ferðaþjónustunnar og ferðamannastaða, sem og viðhorf ferðamanna, breytast. Langtímarannsóknir sem greina hvernig ánægja ferðamanna þróast á ferðamannastöðum sem einkennast af lítt raskaðri náttúru og víðernum eru mjög takmarkaðar, ekki aðeins hér á landi heldur einnig á heimsvísu. Slíkar upplýsingar eru hins vegar mjög mikilvægar til að viðhalda samkeppnishæfni ...