Zaštita djece na Internetu

Razvoj tehnologije u mnogome je olakšao život suvremenog društva, ali je istovremeno doprinio i razvoju nove forme kriminala – cyber-kriminala. Na Internetu nitko nije zaštićen ni od cyber-krađa, niti od cyber-nasilja ili cyberpornografi je. I dok odrasli sami odgovaraju za svoju nepromišljenost, po...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ružić, Nataša;
Format: Text
Published: Christian Academic Circle (CRAC) 2011
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Summary:Razvoj tehnologije u mnogome je olakšao život suvremenog društva, ali je istovremeno doprinio i razvoju nove forme kriminala – cyber-kriminala. Na Internetu nitko nije zaštićen ni od cyber-krađa, niti od cyber-nasilja ili cyberpornografi je. I dok odrasli sami odgovaraju za svoju nepromišljenost, posljedice po djecu mogu biti katastrofalne jer samo mali broj djece koristi Internet u cilju obrazovanja. Stoga je neophodno zaštiti najmlađu populaciju putem zakonske regulative, ali i roditelji moraju nadzirati u koju svrhu djeca koriste Internet. Činjenica je da se »digitalna generacija« mnogo bolje razumije u suvremenu tehnologiju od roditelja, tako da im je lako izmanipulirati roditelje i upustiti se u različite avanture na Internetu. Internet je prepun nasilnih sadržaja, govora mržnje, grubosti, vulgarnosti i sličnog. Zemlje s najvećim brojem internet korisnika već su 90-tih godina raspravljale o zakonima kojima bi zaštitili djecu od Interneta. Međutim, s porastom broja internetskih korisnika broj cyber-kriminalaca raste, jer je Internet s tehničke strane nemoguće nadzirati. Upravo ovaj podatak navodi nas na zaključak da su na Internetu neophodna stroža ograničenja. The development of technology has facilitated in many ways the life of the contemporary society, but in the same time it has also contributed to the development of a new form of crime - cyber-criminality. On the Internet nobody is protected from cyber-stealing, cyber-violence and cyber-pornography. And while adults respond alone for their thoughtlessness, the consequences for children can be catastrophic as few children use the Internet for the sake of education. Thus, it is indispensible to protect the youngest population through juridical regulations, although parents must control their children for which purpose they use the Internet. It is a fact that the “digital generation” understands much better the contemporary technology than its parents, so that it is easy for them to manipulate parents and launch itself in various adventures on the Internet. The Internet is full of violent contents, speak of hatred, rudeness, vulgarity and so on. Countries with the biggest number of Internet users have discussed already in the 90-ies laws which would protect children from the Internet. Instead, with the growth of the number of Internet users, the number of cyber-criminals growths too as from the technical point of view it is impossible to control the Internet. Just this fact leads us to the conclusion that on the Internet, the strictest restrictions are indispensible.