Istraživanje razlika između percepcije i očekivanja korisnika zdravstvenih usluga primjenom modela SERVQUAL

Uvod: Kvaliteta usluga u zdravstvu sve je češće predmet različitih istraživanja. Posebno mjesto u takvim istraživanjima zauzima mjerenje kvalitete zdravstvenih usluga, pri čemu važnu ulogu ima određivanje načina na koji ih percipiraju korisnici. Cilj i metode: Primjenom prilagođenoga modela SERVQUAL...

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Bibliographic Details
Published in:Journal of applied health sciences
Main Authors: Marković, Suzana, Regent Turkalj, Irena, Racz, Aleksandar
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: University of Applied Health Sciences 2019
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Summary:Uvod: Kvaliteta usluga u zdravstvu sve je češće predmet različitih istraživanja. Posebno mjesto u takvim istraživanjima zauzima mjerenje kvalitete zdravstvenih usluga, pri čemu važnu ulogu ima određivanje načina na koji ih percipiraju korisnici. Cilj i metode: Primjenom prilagođenoga modela SERVQUAL u ovom radu istražena su očekivanja i percepcija 178 korisnika zdravstvenih usluga u Specijalnoj bolnici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju bolesti srca, pluća i reumatizma Thalassotherapia Opatija. Rezultati: Dimenzije su koje su mjerene ovim istraživanjem: opipljivost, pouzdanost, sigurnost, razumijevanje i odgovornost. Rezultati provedenoga empirijskog istraživanja potvrdili su prikladnost modela SERVQUAL za mjerenje kvalitete zdravstvenih usluga. Utvrđeno je da postoji znatan jaz između percepcija i očekivanja korisnika usluga. Jaz je bio najveći pri ocjeni opipljivosti, tj. fizičkih elemenata pružanja usluga, dok je najmanji jaz kod razumijevanja (–0,11) i sigurnosti (–0,13) te odgovornosti (–0,17), što znači da su korisnici, iako je jaz negativan, ipak dobili očekivanu uslugu. Ispitanici su bili zadovoljni ukupno primljenim uslugama (6,65/7) i boravkom te imaju povjerenje u ustanovu uz ocjenu da je zdravstvena usluga premašila očekivanja (6,28/7). Skloni su ustanovu preporučiti drugima (prosječna ocjena tvrdnje 6,65), a i sami se ponovno koristiti njezinim uslugama (6,74/7). Očekivanja, ali i percepcije, ovise i o spolu, dobi i obrazovanju. Žene imaju veća očekivanja od muškaraca, ali i bolje percipiraju kvalitetu dobivene usluge. Stariji korisnici dobivenu uslugu percipiraju kvalitetnijom od mlađih korisnika. Korisnici s višom razinom obrazovanja statistički značajnije, u odnosu na ostale ispitanike, očekuju da osoblje nađe vremena odgovoriti na njihova pitanja i da razumije njihove specifične potrebe te očekuju točnost u vremenu pružanja usluge. Kada je u pitanju percipirana kvaliteta usluga, statistički značajna razlika ne postoji s obzirom na vrstu korištene medicinske usluge pa se može zaključiti da je ocjena kvalitete usluga Thalassotherapije Opatija slična, bez obzira na vrstu usluge kojom su se ispitanici koristili u ustanovi. Zaključak: Istraživanje je potvrdilo da je koncept kvalitete zdravstvenih usluga višedimenzionalan te da je uz primjenu modela SERVQUAL moguće na jednostavan i učinkovit način saznati očekivanja, potrebe i želje korisnika zdravstvenih ustanova, kao i njihove stavove o dobivenim uslugama, a zatim ih iskoristiti u svrhu kreiranja kvalitetne ponude. Introduction: The quality of health care services is increasingly becoming the subject of different studies. A special place in such studies is taken by the measurement of the quality of health services, and by defining their perception from the users’ perspective. Objective and methods: By applying an adjusted SERVQUAL model, the expectations and perceptions of 178 health service users in Thalassotherapy Opatija were investigated. Results: Suitability of the SERVQUAL model for measuring the quality of health services has been verified. It has been found out that there is a significant gap between perception and expectation of service users. The highest gap was recorded when evaluating tangibility, i.e. physical elements of service delivery, while the lowest level was recorded when evaluating understanding (-0.11), security (-0.13) and responsibility (-0.17), which still means that the users have nevertheless received the expected service. They were satisfied with the total number of services received (6.65) and their stay as well, and it was also found out that they have confidence in the institution. On the other hand the health care services exceeded the expectations (6.28). The users tend to recommend the institution to others (6.65) and to use its services by themselves again (6.74). The results showed that female users have higher expectations than males, and that they have a better perception of the quality of provided services. The older users have better perception of provided services than the younger ones. When compared to the others, the users with a higher level of education show in terms of statistics higher expectations - they expect the staff to take some time to answer their questions, to understand their specific needs, and they also expect accuracy in service delivery. When it comes to perceived quality of service, there is no statistically significant difference with regard to the type of medical service used, so a conclusion can be made that the quality evaluation of the services provided by Thalassotherapy Opatija is similar, regardless the type of services used. Conclusion: It has been confirmed that the concept of the quality of health services is multidimensional and that the application of the SERVQUAL model makes possible to identify the users’ expectations, needs and wants efficiently, as well as their attitudes towards the services obtained and then consequently to use them in order to create a quality offer.