What's in a Name? Reasons Behind the Choice of Contemporary Traditional and Non.traditional Croatian Names

This paper deals with the contemporary Croatian anthroponymicon. Although there has been a lot of research into Croatian first names in the recent years, all of the studies primarily dealt with the frequency of names, their provenance, and the degrees of their adaptation into the Croatian language s...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Puškar, Krunoslav
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts 2018
Online Access:https://hrcak.srce.hr/198705
Summary:This paper deals with the contemporary Croatian anthroponymicon. Although there has been a lot of research into Croatian first names in the recent years, all of the studies primarily dealt with the frequency of names, their provenance, and the degrees of their adaptation into the Croatian language system, but not with the actual motivation behind name choice. This study, therefore, tries to fill this gap by analysing parents’ answers on the reasons for giving their children certain names during the last ten years. By doing so, this study has departed from the usual onomastic research and has turned towards more popular socio-anthroponomastic one. The research was conducted in three kindergartens in the town of Križevci and focused, therefore, only on children attending them. Having employed a questionnaire method consisting of close-ended and open-ended items, our research tried to discover the true motivation behind the repertoire of 122 first names which we collected, 47 of which are traditional and 75 non-traditional names. Since there can be quite a number of rea-sons behind name choice, we analysed them through the prism of the concept of social intuition or social factors which usually influence name choice, such as parents’ education, child’s gender, the way parents want to present them-selves and their children in society, etc. These social factors were analysed separately for traditional and separately for non-traditional names in order to compare them and see why non-traditional names are gaining more and more popularity in the contemporary Croatian onomasticon. Although our research mostly concentrated on first names that were given rather recently (and) with-in a smaller social environment, the results obtained at the micro level provided us with invaluable facts about the socio-anthroponomastic situation at the macro level. Ovaj se rad bavi razlozima preferencije suvremenih osobnih imena na tragu sve popularnijih socioantroponomasti.kih istra.ivanja. Upotrebom metode upitnika koji se sastojao od otvorenih i zatvorenih pitanja, u istra.ivanju provedenu u trima dje.jim vrti.ima u Kri.evcima, poku.ala se otkriti stvarna motivacija prikupljenoga repertoara od 122 osobna imena, od kojih je 47 tradicionalnih, a 75 netradicionalnih. Raspon razlog. odabira imena, koji mo.e biti vrlo .irok, u ovome se radu analizira kvantitativno i kvalitativno kroz prizmu koncepta dru.tvene intuicije ili dru.tvenih .imbenika koji obi.no utje.u na odabir imena. Ti su .imbenici analizirani posebno za netradicionalna, posebno za tradicionalna imena kako bi ih se usporedilo i utvrdilo za.to su netradicionalna imena sve popularnija. Usporedbom stupnja obrazovanja nije utvr.ena korelacija izme.u ni.ega stupnja obrazovanja roditelja i odabira netradicionalnih imena. No, utvr.eno je da tradicionalna imena odabiru sami roditelji, dok se kod odabira netradicionalnih imena uklju.uju i ostali .lanovi obitelji. Biratelji netradicionalnih imena skloniji su odabiru imena koja .e se lak.e uklopiti u me.unarodne okvire. Osobno ime, bilo ono tradicionalno ili ne, ne odabire se prema nekoj slavnoj osobi, fiktivnoj osobi ili obiteljskome prijatelju. Doimensko zna.enje rije.i u imenskoj osnovi tako.er ne igra veliku ulogu pri odabiru imena, kao ni nadimak koji bi mogao uslijediti nakon odabira imena. Istra.ivanje je pokazalo da je ispitanicima va.nije da ime bude .to kra.e (odabrana netradicionalna mu.ka i .enska osobna imena kra.a su od od tradicionalnih) te da su ispitanici skloniji odabiru netradicionalnoga imena za drugo dijete ako i prvo dijete nosi takvo ime. Kvalitativna je analiza (kao i kvantitativna) pokazala vi.i stupanj selektivnosti pri odabiru netradicionalnih imena.