An Examination of the Effect Two Different Evaluation Methods Used in CPR Training Have on the Learning Process

The aim was to analyze the effects of two different assessment methods on the learning process in CPR training. This quasi-experimental study design included two groups consisting of 152 third-year students. Group I students evaluated themselves by watching the videotapes and performing the CPR prac...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Demir Korkmaz, Fatma, Ozsaker, Esma, Tasdemir, Nurten, Karacabay, Kevser
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Faculty of teacher education 2016
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Summary:The aim was to analyze the effects of two different assessment methods on the learning process in CPR training. This quasi-experimental study design included two groups consisting of 152 third-year students. Group I students evaluated themselves by watching the videotapes and performing the CPR practice once again, while Group II students were evaluated by their trainers and asked to perform this skill again after receiving feedback. It was found that there was no significant difference between the self-assessment method and the feedback provided by their trainers (F=1.8362, p=.245, p>0.05). It was determined that with the videotapes used by Group I students, insufficient/incorrect practices were easier to spot during the self-assessment process. Cilj rada bio je analizirati utjecaj koji dvije različite metode ocjenjivanja usvojenosti tehnike kardiopulmonalne reanimacije (KPR) imaju na proces učenja. Kvazieksperimentalno istraživanje obuhvatilo je dvije skupine od ukupno 152 studenta treće godine. Studenti u Skupini 1 sami su sebe ocjenjivali tako što su gledali video snimke samih sebe dok su izvodili tehniku kardiopulmonalne reanimacije, a nakon toga su ponovno primijenili KPR tehniku. Studente u Skupini 2 ocjenjivali su njihovi nastavnici, a nakon što su dobili povratnu informaciju o tome kako su izveli tehniku kardipulmonalne reanimacije, studenti su je ponovili. Pokazalo se da ne postoji značajna razlika između metode samoocjenjivanja i povratne informacije koju daju nastavnici (F = 1,8362, p = ,245, p > 0,05). Utvrđeno je da se u procesu samoocjenjivanja s pomoću video snimaka koje su gledali studenti u Skupini 1 može lakše uočiti nepotpuna/netočna usvojenost tehnike KPR-a.