The article includes two blocks of information: a general description of new technologies for the remote study and analysis of archaeological sites and the application of these technologies for the example of the discovery of Scythian settlements. It describes the using of GIS and Remote Sensing in...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Гришин, Є. С., Масленков, І. В.
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: History and Geography 2018
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Summary:The article includes two blocks of information: a general description of new technologies for the remote study and analysis of archaeological sites and the application of these technologies for the example of the discovery of Scythian settlements. It describes the using of GIS and Remote Sensing in the archaeological studies to find the objects and identifying them. Also it highlights the advantages of non-invasive study of archaeological sites, the efficiency of detection of objects by analyzing satellite images.It should be noted that the use of remote sensing is not an entirely new instrument of archeology; It is successively connected with the use of aerial photographs for the analysis of the terrain.The authors specifically release characteristics of the ground relative to the background as the telltale signs. The effectiveness of this method is illustrated by examples of the detection of the Scythian settlements.The method of comparing different satellite images one locality can detect objects with high accuracy. However, the scientific significance of this trend is not only in the discovery of new archaeological sites, but also in the possibility of a more qualitative spatial analysis of archaeological map. Remote sensing of the Earth allows us to overcome the limitations of traditional field research - now we can not only establish the location of the object, but also determine its area, layout and a number of other attributes. The authors cite the material, which is confirmed by the wide application of this technique by experts in the field of archeology and geoinformatics. However, the effectiveness of these technologies should not be absolutized, they require additional verification and supplement already proven methods of research. The complexity of the use of remote sensing requires additional abilities and more outlook in the field of information technology from archaeologists. But his productivity compensates for all his laboriousness and complexity in his work.Keyword: Geographic information system, remote research methods, space image, GPS, archeological survey, Kurgan, archeological object, ash coal. У статті розглядається використання геоінформаційних систем і дистанційного зондування для пошуку археологічних об’єктів та їх ідентифікації. Освітлюються переваги неінвазійного вивчення археологічних пам’яток і ефективність їх виявлення на основі аналізу різних супутникових зображень однієї місцевості. В якості демаскуючих ознак автори особливо виділяють характеристики ґрунту відносно загального фону. Ефективність цього методу ілюструється прикладами виявлення скіфських поселень. Варто відзначити, наукове значення цього напряму полягає не лише у відкритті нових археологічних пам’яток, але й у можливості більш якісного просторового аналізу археологічної карти того чи іншого регіону.Ключові слова: геоінформаційна система, дистанційні методи дослідження, космознімок, GPS, археологічна розвідка, кургани, городище, зольники. В статье рассматривается использование геоинформационных систем и дистанционного зондирования для поиска археологических объектов и их идентификации. Освещаются преиму­щества неинвазийного изучения археологических памяток и эффективность их выявления на основе анализа разных спутниковых изображений одной местности. В качестве демаскирующих признаков авторы особенно выделяют характеристики грунту относительно общего фона. Эффективность этого метода иллюстрируется примерами выявления скифских поселений. Следует отметить, научное значение этого направления заключается не только в открытии новых археологических памяток, но и в возможности качественного пространственного анализа археологической карты того или другого региона.Ключевые слова: геоинформационная система, дистанционные исследовательский приемы, космоснимок, GPS, археологическая разведка, курганы, городище, зольники. The article includes two blocks of information: a general description of new technologies for the remote study and analysis of archaeological sites and the application of these technologies for the example of the discovery of Scythian settlements. It describes the using of GIS and Remote Sensing in the archaeological studies to find the objects and identifying them. Also it highlights the advantages of non-invasive study of archaeological sites, the efficiency of detection of objects by analyzing satellite images.It should be noted that the use of remote sensing is not an entirely new instrument of archeology; It is successively connected with the use of aerial photographs for the analysis of the terrain.The authors specifically release characteristics of the ground relative to the background as the telltale signs. The effectiveness of this method is illustrated by examples of the detection of the Scythian settlements.The method of comparing different satellite images one locality can detect objects with high accuracy. However, the scientific significance of this trend is not only in the discovery of new archaeological sites, but also in the possibility of a more qualitative spatial analysis of archaeological map. Remote sensing of the Earth allows us to overcome the limitations of traditional field research - now we can not only establish the location of the object, but also determine its area, layout and a number of other attributes. The authors cite the material, which is confirmed by the wide application of this technique by experts in the field of archeology and geoinformatics. However, the effectiveness of these technologies should not be absolutized, they require additional verification and supplement already proven methods of research. The complexity of the use of remote sensing requires additional abilities and more outlook in the field of information technology from archaeologists. But his productivity compensates for all his laboriousness and complexity in his work.Keyword: Geographic information system, remote research methods, space image, GPS, archeological survey, Kurgan, archeological object, ash coal.