Summary:Hurricane Katrina left the vast majority of Americans feeling that the U.S. Government's response had failed at all levels. Included in the public scrutiny was the view that the Department of Defense's (DoD) efforts were slow and uncoordinated. On September 2, 2005, aboard Air Force One, President George W. Bush encouraged Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco to acquiesce and federalize her National Guard forces. This would place them under the command of Lieutenant General Honore, the Joint Task Force Katrina Commander. She respectfully declined. One year later, her decision came to rest in Section 1076 of the Warner Defense Authorization Act. With little opportunity for debate, this legislation modified the 1807 Insurrection Act by adding a clause which specifically authorizes the President to federalize the National Guard for disaster response. This paper will demonstrate that modifying the Insurrection Act was unnecessary and it should be repealed. USAWC Program Research Project.