Summary:The FRAM program experiments were located in the Pole and Nansen Abyssal Plains of the eastern Arctic Ocean. During the four years span (1979-1982), extensive experiments in physical oceanography, ocean acoustics and marine geophysics were conducted from a series of drifting, manned ice stations by scientists from the U.S., Canada and Norway. Physical oceanography measurements included C/STD profiles and transects, water sampling and current meter profiles. The acoustics of long range, low frequency propagation with both explosive and coherent sources, transoceanic basin backscattering, ambient noise and its ice generation mechanisms were studied. In the geophysical experiments seismic reflection and refraction, bathymetric soundings, heat flow, gravity and coring were done. This paper gives an overview of the technology used for the FRAM science program and representative results of some of the investigations. (EDC).