Summary:This report describes recent observations of high latitude ionospheric structure and dynamics from the HILAT satellite and the Sondrestrom and EISCAT incoherent scatter radars. Plasma turbulence theory and ionospheric plasma diffusion processes are also described. Measured variations in latitude and local time of total electron content, levels of radio wave scintillation, and magnetospheric electrodynamics are presented for the northern polar regions. Seasonal and solar cycle variations of these phenomena are examined. Magnetic flux tube interchange produced by magnetospheric electrostatic turbulence (rather than local instability polarization fields) is suggested as an important source of high latitude ionospheric structure. The large scale magnetospheric potential field is also shown to be capable of steepening and structuring plasma gradients. These processes would certainly structure late time nuclear produced plasma. Keywords: Radio wave scintillation; Plasma turbulence; Ionospheric irregularities; Total electron content; and Convective plasma instabilities.