Tenthredo decens Zhelochovtsev, 1939, holotype

Tenthredo decens Zhelochovtsev, 1939, holotype Original description: " Tenthredo decens n. sp. Вид с Камчатки. От lichtwardti Knw. отличается окраской усиков (четыре последних членика . белые, основание шестого и вершина девятого черные) и пунктированными головой и мезоплеврамж. (...) Tenthredo...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Taeger, Andreas
Format: Still Image
Published: figshare 2015
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.853910
Summary:Tenthredo decens Zhelochovtsev, 1939, holotype Original description: " Tenthredo decens n. sp. Вид с Камчатки. От lichtwardti Knw. отличается окраской усиков (четыре последних членика . белые, основание шестого и вершина девятого черные) и пунктированными головой и мезоплеврамж. (...) Tenthredo decens n. sp. Female black, except clypeus, labrum, mandibles, spots on the metapleure and on the sides of the first tergum, which are yellowish white; the tegulae reddish; antennae black, the four last joints white, the base of the 6-th and the tip of the 9-th black; legs black; tarsi of the fore and middle pairs ferrugineous; tibiae and tips of the femora of the fore-legs anteriorly of a dirty whitish-yellow, middle femora and tibiae anteriorely ferrugineous (left tibia wholly red); tibiae of the hind legs exteriorly dark reddish-brown, last joint of tarsus ferrugineous. Wings hyaline; stigma and venation black; the costa alone red coloured; costal cell between costal vein and stigma brownish-infuscated. Head with a dense fine puncturation; clypeus, labrum and face smooth and shining; head more than 1½ times as broad as long (1,7), feebly narrowing behind the eyes (by its form is like velox , F.); post-ocellar area almost two times as broad as long (1,8) limited anteriorly and from the sides by distinct furrows supra-antennal tubercles well developed, as by ve1оx F.; internal orbits strongly converging downwards, space between the infero-internal angles of the eyes little larger, than the 4-th antennal joint (21 : 19) internal angles of the eyes almost reaching the clypeus. Antennae equal in length to the head, thorax and the first tergum taken together; feebly tapering to their end, a little compressed; ratio of the 3-d, 4-th and 5-th joints equal to 25 : 19 : 16. Mesonotum with very dense fine puncturation; mesopleurae and mesosternum a little sparsely punctured, feebly shining; scutellum something swollen posteriorly with a feeble carina, mesopleurae without tubercles. Abdomen from above shining, microsculptured. L. 12 mm. Male unknown. ♀ (Holotype) Kamtshatka — Kamaki, on the river Kamtshatka 11.VII.1930, V. Pereleshina. It differs from lichtwardti Кnw. by the colouration of its antennae, its punctured head mesopleurae and mesonotum. It is very like velox F. in the form of its head, and sculpture, but differs easily from it not only by its colouration, but also in the structure of the antennae; by decens Zhel. they are thick." Type housed in the collection of the Zoological Museum of the Moscow Lomonosov State University, Moscow. Photos were taken at the SDEI with a Leica DFC 495 digital camera and M205 C microscope. Composite images with an extended depth of field were created from stacks of images using the software CombineZP, and finally arranged and partly enhanced with Ulead PhotoImpact X3. Reference Zhelochovtsev, A. 1939: Sawflies notes (Hym.). (In English, abstract in Russian). - Sbornik trudov Gosudarstvennogo Zoologicheskogo muzeja, Moskva 5: 155-160.