Spanish colonization of Florida in the first quarter of the 16th century: methods, features, causes of failure ...

The relevance of a particular study is always associated with the place that it occupies in the circle of special issues with access to the problems of our time. Identification of the reasons for the failure of Florida's development makes it possible to analyze the course of world history, comp...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ashrafyan, Konstantin
Format: Thesis
Published: Zenodo 2022
Dissertation keywords Juan Ponce de Leon, Ponce de Leon, Christopher Columbus, Diego Columbus, Diego Colon, Colon, House of Columbus, House of Columbus, House of Trastamar, Ferdinand II of Aragon, Isabella I of Castile, Anton Alaminos, Spring of Youth, Spain XVI, Florida, XVI century, Spain 16th century, 16th century, West Indies, West Indies, history of Florida, expeditions to Florida, florida expeditions, Spanish Florida, French Florida, USA, Castilian crown, crown of Castile, castile and Leon, spanish crown, south Florida, south Florida, illegal trade, french pirates, the silver age of piracy, Royal Decree, America, Europe, Old World, Diego de Cuellar, Gulf of Mexico, Aborigines of America, Aborigines, Local tribes, local tribes of America, Tribes, Havana, Tampa, Tortuga, Key West, Discovery of Florida, Royal Charter, Local Administration, Tampa, Florida coast, Capture of Indians, Slavery of Indians, indians of florida, development of florida, discovery of new lands, valladolid, junta of valladolid, junta, captains of the 16th century, grijalva, pilot, navigator, maps of the 16th century, maps of the XVI, spanish colonization, spanish colonization of florida, calusa, resistance aborigine,royal treasurer, royal judge, seville, florida land, florida governor, florida coast, judgment, french flag, spanish colonization of florida, governor of florida island, chief's house, florida indian culture, florida indians, pre-seminole period, periodization of florida, colonization of florida, florida tribe, florida tribes, florida indian tribe, tribes of south florida, the reason for the failure of the expedition, failed expeditions, the disappeared tribe of Florida, the disappeared tribes of Florida, North America, abuse, Spanish invasion, Spanish society, royal decree, kingdom of Aragon, Crown of Castile, Tribe of the south of the Peninsula, Governor of Florida, Pope, vatican, bulls of the Pope, pope, bull, bulls of the Pope, settlement of Florida, distribution of Indians, encomienda, encomienda system, surrender, caribs, florida culture, Bahama Channel, Bahama Archipelago, gulf stream, spanish conquistador, Royal Council, Holy Roman Empire, Chief Pilot, Dominican Friar, Dominican Order, Castilian Court, Dominican Order, Catholic Order, Catholic Faith, French King, Francis I, remembrance of the Spaniards, governor of Cuba, governor of San Juan, San Juan, history of Florida, map of florida settlement, habitat of indians, local population of Florida, cape Fear, governor's deputy of Cuba, peoples of Florida, governor of Puerto Rico, Caparra, Capara, indian lifestyle, Florida island, aborigines of the New World, france of the 16th century, frazzu pirates, verrazanno, verazanno, giovani verazano, west Indian territory, expedition financing, conquistador, west florida, east florida, old world, new world, chesapeake bay, future florida, chief shaman, chief priest, native american culture, Culture of America, disappeared aborigines of America, disappeared tribes of America, colonialism, Junta of Burgos, Indian rights, Aboriginal rights, Spanish colonial period, Spanish heritage, stone cross, unknown expeditions, Christian religion, Christian world, population decline, aborigines of the New World, Indian tribes of South Florida, Spanish colonization of the New World, original Fountain Youth, Portugal, the House of Commerce, the land of the Florida Indians, the discovery of North America, the Council of the Indies, the archive of the Indies, the archive of Spain, the introduction of the encomienda system, the uprising of the aborigines, revolt of the black slaves, Governor-General of the West Indies, defender of the Indians, Las Casas, black legend, denigration of the Spaniards, pink legend, calusa, ice, jega, tequesta, matecumbe and tocobaga, Florida gold, ais, jega, tequesta, ice, jororo, Olag [Olagale] Olagale, Abalachi Abalachi, i.e. Appalachian Mountains, Onogotomo [Onagatano] Onagatano, Mogoso [Mocoso] o Mogoso or Mokoso, Tocobaga [Tocovaga] Tokobaga or Tokovaga, Cañogacola o [Cañagacola] Cangocola o Canagacola, Pebe Pebe, Quega [Esquega] Eskega, Osigbede [Osiguebede] Osigbede Osigebede, Piyaya Piyaya, Tanpacaste Tanpacaste, moscoko. the land of Ice, the Indian of southwest Florida, the king of Aragon, the face of the Cortes of Castile, the method of Christianization of aborigines, the migration of aborigines, the Florida Museum, the attack of the Caribs, the inevitability of the failure of attempts to develop Florida, the society of Indians, the development of the territory of Florida, the foundation of the documents of the Spaniards XVI, Key West island, Cuba island, the island of Martyrs, the consequence of expeditions, failure of development, settlement of tribes of south Florida, southwest Florida, US territory, attack, order, pirate, composition, litigation, christianization, Tanpa Tanpa, Yagua Yagwa, Tantapaca [Estantapaca] Estantapaca, Queycher [Queyhcha] Keycha, Juestocobaga Huestocobaga, Sinapa Sinapa, Tomo Tomo, Cayuca Cayuca, Neguitun Nyegitun, Avir Avir, Cutespa Kutespa, Çononoguay [Çononogua] Çononogwa, Quete [Esquete] Eskete, Tonçobe [Tonsobe] Tonsobe, Chipi Chipi, Taguagemue Tagwahemue, Namuguya Namuguya, Caragara Karagara, [Henhenquepa] Enenkepa, Opacataga Opacataga, Janar Hanar, Curu [Escuru] Escuru, Metamapo Metamapo, Estame Estame, Çacaspada Çacaspada, Satucuava Satucuava, Juchi Huchi, Soco Soko, Vuebe Vuebe, Teyo Teyo, Muspa Muspa, Casitua [Casitoa] Casitua or Kasitoa, Cotevo Cotevo, Coyovia [Coyobea] Coyobea, Tequemapo Tequemapo, Jutan o Jutun Hutan or Hutun, Custevuiya [Custevia o Custebiya] Custevuia or Custevia or Custebiya, Land of Los Martiles [Los Martires] Guarungunbe [Guarungube] Gvarungube or Gvarungunbe, Cuchyaga [Cuchiyaga] Kuchiagao or Kuchiyaga, Tatesta Tatesta, Tegesta [Tequesta] Tequesta or Tequesta, Tavuaçio [Tavuasia] Tavuaçio or Tavuasia, Janar Hanar, Cavista Cavista, Custegiyo Custechiyo, Jeaga Heaga and Asi Asi, Ays Ice, Vuacata [Guacata] Vuacata or Guacata, Tunsa Tunsa, Mayjuaca [Mayajuaca] Mayhuaca or Mayahuaca, Maycoya Maykoya, Mayaca Mayaka, Çilili Çilili, Potano Potano, Moloa Moloa, Utina Utina, Land near St. Augustine, Sotoriba [Sotoriva o Satoriwa] Sotoriba or Sotoriva, Moloaelbravo Moloa el bravo, Alimacany [Alimacani] Alimacani, Palica Palica, Tacatucuru Takatucuru, Guale Guale, Parca [Paica] Paika Park, Indians of southwest Florida, King of Aragon, Cortes of Castile, methods of Christianization of aborigines, migration aborigines, florida museum, carib attack, caribbean, the inevitability of failure, attempts to develop Florida, the society of Indians, the life of the Indians of Florida, the life of the aborigines of Florida, the territory of Florida, the question of the territory of Florida, Florida, the semi-island of Florida, documents of the Spaniards of the XVI century, Key West island, Cuba island, the islands of the Martyrs, the consequence of expeditions, the failure of development, the settlement of tribes of south Florida, southwest Florida, the territory USA, attack, order, pirate, composition, litigation, Christianization, map of Florida aborigines, map of settlement of Florida Indians.
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