Paradelia palliceps Zetterstedt 1845

7. Paradelia palliceps (Zetterstedt, 1845) Figs. 14, 46–49. Anthomyza palliceps Zetterstedt, 1845: 1692. ‘ Pegomyia depressiventris (Zetterstedt) ’; Ringdahl 1959: 245 (female). Misidentification. Pseudonupedia setinerva Ringdahl; Ringdahl 1959: 294, figs. 7, 103; Hennig 1972: 439, text fig. 288 A,...

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Main Author: Michelsen, Verner
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2007
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Summary:7. Paradelia palliceps (Zetterstedt, 1845) Figs. 14, 46–49. Anthomyza palliceps Zetterstedt, 1845: 1692. ‘ Pegomyia depressiventris (Zetterstedt) ’; Ringdahl 1959: 245 (female). Misidentification. Pseudonupedia setinerva Ringdahl; Ringdahl 1959: 294, figs. 7, 103; Hennig 1972: 439, text fig. 288 A, plate figs. 686, 700, 713. Synonymized by Michelsen (1985: 53). Paradelia palliceps (Zetterstedt); Michelsen 1985: 53. Paradelia ( Paradelia ) palliceps (Zetterstedt); Griffiths 1987: 785, figs. 938–939, 943 – 945. Taxonomic remark. Ringdahl (1959: 245), in a preliminary key to female Pegomya , misdentified the present species as Pegomya depressiventris (Zetterstedt). Description. Medium-sized (WL 5.5–6.6mm; n= 10). Male. Cuticle of head, body and appendages brownish black, covered in dense grey to olive-grey dusting. Darker striping on mesonotum vague; dark mid-dorsal stripe of abdomen very narrow, widely interrupted on posterior part of tergite II; basal part of epandrium and posterior lobes of sternite V devoid of dusting, with a strong shine. Wing tinted with brown; calyptrae and haltere yellow ochre. Upper frons narrower than diameter of anterior ocellus; linear parafrontals usually contiguous. Frontal setae 3–4 pairs confined to lower half of frons. Pair of interfrontal setulae on middle of frons present. Parafacial wider than basal width of fore tibia. Genal setae in 2–3 irregular rows. Prealar seta about same length as p notopleural seta. Proepisternals 3; proepimerals 12–13. Prosternum bare. Vein C with complete series of setulae on dorsal and ventral surfaces. Mid and hind femora with complete rows of pv setae that increase in length and become multi-serial basally. Hind tibia with 3 ad setae. Tergite VI free. Sternite V with angular lamellae forming a strongly tapering process (Figs. 46, 47, arrow) distally, immediately beneath digitiform appendages. Hypopygium (Figs. 48, 49): epandrium dorsally moderately projected; cerci weakly convex in lateral view; surstyli constricted latero-distally, in lateral view resembling P. intersecta . Gonites and phallus very similar to those of P. uleforsi (cf. Figs. 41, 42). Female. Cuticle brownish black, except more or less extensively yellow ochre on anterior parts of head, on basal segments of antenna, on basal or entire palpus, and on coxae, femora and tibiae; lower two-thirds of frontal vitta orange-yellow to yellow. Head and body light greyish dusted with faded darker striping on dorsum of thorax and abdomen. Wing base, calyptrae and haltere yellow ochre. Antenna and palpus unremarkable. Parafrontal at least one-quarter as wide as frontal vitta. Parafacial wider than basal width of fore tibia. Genal setae in two irregular rows. Prosternum bare. Prealar seta about same length as p notopleural seta. Proepisternals (2 –) 3; proepimerals 6–8. Vein C fully setulose both ventrally and dorsally. Hind tibia with 3 ad setae. Material examined. SWEDEN [MZLU, ZMUC]: Jämtland: Mullfjäll, 1 female 27.vii. 1840 [holotype of Anthomyza palliceps Zetterstedt], Undersåker, 2 males [incl. syntype of Pseudonupedia setinerva Ringdahl], 2.viii. 1932, 1 female 30.vii. 1932 (O. Ringdahl), Åre, 1 female 16.viii. 1939, 1 female 11.viii. 1946 (O. Ringdahl); Torne Lappmark: Abisko, 2 males [incl. syntype of Pseudonupedia setinerva Ringdahl], 2 females 31.vii– 5.viii. 1948 (H.C. Huckett), 1 male 17.viii. 1951 (J.R. Vockeroth). Other material (teste D.M. Ackland): MONGOLIA [HNHM]: Central Aimak, 12km SE Ulan-Baator Nucht i Bogdo ul, 1500m, 1 male 6.vii. 1964 (Exp. Z. Kaszab). SWEDEN [Coll. D.M. Ackland]: Torne Lappmark: Abisko: Ridonjira, 370m, 1 male 24–31.vii. 1993 (D.M. Ackland). Distribution. A rarely collected, Holarctic species known from a few arctic and high altitude sites in Sweden (Jämtland, Torne Lappmark), and by single records from Mongolia and arctic Canada (Quebec) (Griffiths 1987). : Published as part of Michelsen, Verner, 2007, Taxonomic review of Eurasian Paradelia Ringdahl (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) with descriptions of two new species, pp. 1-44 in Zootaxa 1592 on pages 12-13, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.178592 : {"references": ["Zetterstedt, J. W. (1845) Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta, 4. Lundae [= Lund], pp. 1281 - 1738.", "Ringdahl, O. (1959) Tvavingar. Diptera Cyclorapha Schizophora Schizometopa. 1. Fam. Muscidae. Hafte 3. Svensk Insektfauna, 11, 197 - 334.", "Hennig, W. (1972) Anthomyiidae [part]. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region, 7 (1), Lief. 294, 425 - 472. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.", "Michelsen, V. (1985) A revision of the Anthomyiidae (Diptera) described by J. W. Zetterstedt. Steenstrupia, 11, 37 - 65.", "Griffiths, G. C. D. (1987) Anthomyiidae [part]. In: Griffiths, G. C. D. (Ed.), Flies of the Nearctic Region, 8 (2), 6, 729 - 952. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart."]}