Arachnospila (Ammosphex) mongolopinata Wolf 1981

Arachnospila ( Ammosphex ) mongolopinata Wolf, 1981 (Figs 24, 25, 49, 66, 86, 108, 109) Arachnospila opinata mongolopinata Wolf, 1981: 199, 3 (holotype, 3, "MVR, Uvs-aimak, Charchiraa-uul, 30 km S Ulaangom, Umgeb. Kurort, Steppe, 1340 m NN, Stat. I, 5–22.6.[19] 78 " [Martin-Luther-Universi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Loktionov, Valery M., Lelej, Arkady S.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2011
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Summary:Arachnospila ( Ammosphex ) mongolopinata Wolf, 1981 (Figs 24, 25, 49, 66, 86, 108, 109) Arachnospila opinata mongolopinata Wolf, 1981: 199, 3 (holotype, 3, "MVR, Uvs-aimak, Charchiraa-uul, 30 km S Ulaangom, Umgeb. Kurort, Steppe, 1340 m NN, Stat. I, 5–22.6.[19] 78 " [Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg], examined). Arachnospila ( Ammosphex ) mongolopinata : Lelej 1995: 245, 3; 2005: 128, Ƥ; Loktionov 2011: 83. Diagnosis of male. The male of this species is similar to males of Arachnospila ( Ammosphex ) zonsteini sp. nov . and A. ( A. ) orientausa sp. nov . by having hypopygium distinctly narrowed subbasally, but clearly differs from the former by lacking baso-lateral tuft of setae (Figs 24, 25 vs . 28, 29) and by narrow volsella (very broad in A. ( A. ) zonsteini ) (Fig. 49 vs . 45), and differs from the latter by having hypopygium rounded apically (emarginated apically in A. ( A. ) orientausa ) (Fig. 24 vs . 26). Diagnosis of female. The female of this species is similar to females of Arachnospila ( Ammosphex ) subvittata (F. Morawitz, 1889) and A . ( A .) eoabnormis Lelej, 1995 by having mesopleuron and propodeum with brownish micropubescence and by frons and lateral surface of propodeum with scattered short erect whitish setae, but differs from both of them by having 2 r-m cell of fore wing narrower than 3 r-m cell ( 2 r-m cell of fore wing wider than 3 rm cell in A. ( A. ) subvittata or equal to 3 r-m cell in width in A . ( A .) eoabnormis ) (Fig. 109 vs . 101, 115, 116). Clypeus as in Fig. 66. Metapostnotum as in Fig. 86. Description. FEMALE (hitherto unknown). Body length 7.1–10.5 mm. Fore wing length 5.6–7.7 mm. Head width 1.2 × its height. Ocelli small, POD/OOD 1.0– 1.1. Ratio of genal median width to eye median width (lateral view) 0.5–0.7. Ratio of eye median width to half width of frons (frontal view) 0.6–0.7. Clypeus longitudinally convex with weakly emarginate anterior border and with smooth rim, as in Fig. 66. Flagellomere 1 length 3.7 –4.0 × its width. Relation of scape, pedicel and first two flagellomeres 30–40: 15–17: 43–56: 38–45. Apical flagellomere acuminate. Mesosoma length dorsally 1.4–1.5 × its width. Pronotum median length 0.3–0.4 × its median width, posterior pronotal border obtuse-angulate. Metanotum median length 1.6–1.9 × metapostnotum median length. Metapostnotum as in Fig. 86. Spines of tarsal comb short, protarsomere 1 with three spines of tarsal comb, tarsomere 2 with two spines, tarsomere 3 with 1–2 spines, tarsomeres 4 and 5 without spines; apical spine of protarsomere 1 0.4–0.6 × length of protarsomere 2; apical spine of tarsomere 2 0.4–0.6 × length of tarsomere 3. Wings infuscated with darker apical portion, venation of fore wing as in Figs 108, 109. Frons usually with 4–12 long erect dark brown setae. Pronotum, fore coxa anteriorly, T 6, S 2 –S 6 apically with long erect rare dark brown setae. Gena and propleura with denser long erect pale brown setae. Scutellum with three long erect dark brown setae. Clypeus with 3–5 long erect strong dark brown setae. Each side of propodeum with 3– 10 long and short erect thin setae. Head, mesosoma, propodeum, legs (except coxae posteriorly) with gray-brownish (predominantly brownish) micropubescence. Coxae posteriorly with brownish or silver pubescence. Metasoma with gray micropubescence. Body regularly micropunctate. Body and legs black. Mandible usually pale brown medially, dark brown basally and apically; T 1 (except basal portion) and T 2 (completely or except apical portion) ferruginous-red. Material examined. RUSSIA. Primorskiy Terr.: 1 Ƥ 4 3, 20 km NW Lazo, Lazovka River, 15.VI. 1986; 1 3, 30 km E Spassk, 27.VI. 1985; 1 Ƥ, Evseyevka, 21.VI. 1978; 1 Ƥ 1 3, Dvoryanka, 3.VII. 2009; 1 3, 70 km SE Chuguevka, 15.VII. 2010; 1 3, Livadia, 22.VI. 1981; 2 3, Lyalichi, 27.VI. 1986; 1 Ƥ, Barabash-Levada, 8.VII. 1986; 2 3, 20 km S Barabash-Levada, 13.VII.1974, 6.VII. 1986; 1 3, Andreyevka, 10.VI. 2003; 2 Ƥ 1 3, 15 km NNW Margaritovka, 14.VI. 1986; 1 3, Anisimovka, 27.VI. 1997; 1 Ƥ, Nesterovka, 5.VII. 1986. Sakhalin: 1 Ƥ, 50 km SE Uglegorsk, 22.VII. 2003; 1 Ƥ, 40 km E Zonalnoe, Tym River, 2.VIII. 2002 [IBSS]. Distribution. Russia (Primorskiy Terr., Amurskaya Prov., Sakhalin), Mongolia (Mongolian and Gobi Altai) (Lelej 2005). Biology. Inhabits glades in broad-leaved and oak forests and also sandy-stone shores along rivers. : Published as part of Loktionov, Valery M. & Lelej, Arkady S., 2011, Review of the subgenus Ammosphex Wilcke, 1942 of the genus Arachnospila Kincaid, 1900 (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of the Russian Far East and East Siberia, pp. 1-30 in Zootaxa 3137 on pages 14-15, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.202611 : {"references": ["Wolf, H. (1981) Wegwespen (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) aus der Mongolei. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 57 (2), 193 - 211.", "Morawitz, F. (1889) Insecta, a cl. G. N. Potanin in China et in Mongolia novissime lecta. IV. Hymenoptera Aculeata. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 23 (1 - 2), 112 - 168.", "Lelej, A. S. (2005) [Spider wasps (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) of Sakhalin Island]. In: Bogatov, V. V., Barkalov, V. Y., Lelej, A. S., Makarchenko, E. A. & Storozhenko, S. Y. (Eds.), [Flora and Fauna of Sakhalin Island (Materials of International Sakhalin Island Project). Part 2]. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, pp. 122 - 140. (In Russian)."]}