Argentinolycus Matallanas & Corbella, 2012, gen. nov.

Argentinolycus gen. nov. (Fig. 10; Tables 2−3) Type species: Phucocoetes variegatus elongatus Smitt, 1898. A synonymy is found in Gosztonti (1977). Owing to misidentifications (Regan, 1913; Norman, 1937), the first available scientific name in print for this form is Smitt’s (1898: 43) Phucocoetes va...

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Main Authors: Matallanas, Jesús, Corbella, Cecília
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2012
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Summary:Argentinolycus gen. nov. (Fig. 10; Tables 2−3) Type species: Phucocoetes variegatus elongatus Smitt, 1898. A synonymy is found in Gosztonti (1977). Owing to misidentifications (Regan, 1913; Norman, 1937), the first available scientific name in print for this form is Smitt’s (1898: 43) Phucocoetes variegatus effusus . As this name was not used until Anderson and Gosztonyi (1991: 2 in key only), the prevailing usage of elongatus is used here for nomenclatural stability. The diagnosis given below is taken from the diagnosis and description of Iluocoetes given by Anderson (1994: 61−63), based mainly on a 147 mm SL specimen of Iluocoetes elongatus (CAS 53295), and also from the description of Iluocoetes elongatus by Gosztonyi (1977). Skeletal structures are represented by Anderson (1994): cranium (8, fig. 3 D: dorsal view of neurocranium; 62, fig. 112: left lateral view of neurocranium; fig. 113: bones of left side of head showing suborbital configuration; fig. 114: left splachnocranium and opercular bones), pectoral girdle (62, fig. 115: left pectoral girdle) and caudal skeleton (63, fig. 116: two specimens, 147 and 131 mm SL, both CAS 53297). Diagnosis. Neurocranium elongate, depressed; parasphenoid wing broad, but without dorsal ramus projecting above ventral base of trigeminofacialis foramen; frontal and parasphenoid articulating; pterosphenoid enlarged; intercalar very small, set posteriorly. Frontal bones separate; frontal corner tapering; parietals meeting in dorsal mid-line; supraoccipital small; supraoccipital and exoccipital narrowly articulating posteriorly; sphenotic excluded from parietal by frontal and pterotic. Posterior ramus of hyomandibula elongate; palatopterygoid series well developed; ectopterygoid overlap both anterior and dorsal surface of quadrate. Ceratohyal–epihyal juncture with bone interdigitating along its entire length; branchiostegal rays 6. Suborbital bones 7–8, canal with 6 pores. Posttemporal ventral ramus absent; scapular foramen enclosed, scapula with well developed posterior strut; postcleithrum present. Vertebrae asymmetrical, 22–24 + 62–69 = 84–90. Oral valve well developed; gill slit extending ventrally to slighly below lower end of pectoral-fin base; vertebrae asymmetrical; no interorbital or occipital pores and no commissure across parietals; 6 suborbital pores along ventral ramus (6 +0); two nasal pores; only postorbital pore 4; lateral line mediolateral complete; pyloric caeca absent; pelvic-fin membranes excised at tip; scales, palatine and vomerine teeth present. The character state of other diagnostic features of this genus can be observed in Tables 2 & 3. Description. A complete description of Argentinolycus elongatus (Smitt, 1898), type species of the new genus, can be found under Iluocoetes elongatus (Smitt, 1898) in Gosztonyi (1977: 215–217); other data are in Gosztonyi (1984, 1988). Etymology. From Argentina, as the species is known mainly from the Argentine Patagonia, and the Greek lykos (wolf), a commonly used suffix for southern hemisphere zoarcid genera. Gender: masculine. : Published as part of Matallanas, Jesús & Corbella, Cecília, 2012, Redescription of Iluocoetes Jenyns, 1842; proposal of a new genus, Argentinolycus, for Iluocoetes elongatus (Smitt, 1898), and description of Patagolycus melastomus gen. et sp. nov. (Teleostei, Zoarcidae), pp. 1-18 in Zootaxa 3296 on pages 6-7, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.280870 : {"references": ["Smitt, F. A. (1898) Poissons de l'expedition scientifique a la Terre de Feu. II. Bihang till Kongl. Svenska vetenskaps-akademiens handlingar, 24 (5), 1 - 80. Pls., 1 - 6.", "Regan, C. T. (1913) The Antarctic fishes of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 49, 229 - 292.", "Norman, J. R. (1937) Coast fishes II. The Patagonian region. Discovery Reports, 16, 1 - 150.", "Anderson, M. E. & Gosztonyi, A. E. (1991) Studies on the Zoarcidae (Teleostei: Perciformes) of the southern hemisphere. IV. New records and a new species from the Magellan Province of South America. J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Ichthyological Bulletin, 55, 1 - 16.", "Anderson, M. E. (1994) Systematics and osteology of the Zoarcidae (Teleostei: Perciformes). J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Ichthyological Bulletin 60, 1 - 120.", "Gosztonyi, A. E. (1977) Results of the research cruises of FRV \" Walther Herwig \" to South America. XLVIII. Revision of the South American Zoarcidae (Osteichthyes, Blennioidei) with the description of three new genera and five new species. Archiv fur Fischereiwissenschaft, 27, 191 - 249.", "Gosztonyi, A. E. (1984) Tooth replacement in South American Zoarcidae (Pisces, Teleostei). Physis (Buenos Aires), Seccion A, 42, 63 - 69.", "Gosztonyi, A. E. (1988) The intercalar bone in the eel-pout family Zoarcidae (Osteichthyes). Zoological Anzeiger, 221, 134 - 144."]}