Dolichomitus tuberculatus Geoffroy 1785

Dolichomitus tuberculatus (Geoffroy 1785) Ichneumon tuberculatus Geoffroy, 1785: 395. Type: female (lost). Ichneumon hyalinus Gmelin, 1790: 2674 –2722. Type: female (lost). Ichneumon leucopterus Gmelin, 1790: 2674 –2722. Type: lost. Ichneumon crispus Christ, 1791: 1 –535. Type: female (lost). Ichneu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Choi, Jin-Kyung, Kolarov, Janko, Jeong, Jong-Chul, Lee, Jong-Wook
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Dolichomitus tuberculatus (Geoffroy 1785) Ichneumon tuberculatus Geoffroy, 1785: 395. Type: female (lost). Ichneumon hyalinus Gmelin, 1790: 2674 –2722. Type: female (lost). Ichneumon leucopterus Gmelin, 1790: 2674 –2722. Type: lost. Ichneumon crispus Christ, 1791: 1 –535. Type: female (lost). Ichneumon fluctuans Christ, 1791: 1 –535. Type: female (lost). Ephialtes parallelus Thomson, 1888: 1248. Lectotype: female; TD: ZI. Ephialtes dentiventris Hellén, 1915: 1 –89. Type: female. Ephialtes pfefferi Habermehl, 1917: 226 –234. Type: female. Diagnosis . Body 20 mm; fore wing 16 mm; ovipositor 27 mm long. Body black. Palpi yellow to brown. Fore coxa and trochanter yellow with black spot on anterior part; femur to tarsus reddish brown, with dark brown spot on anterior part of femur in lateral view. Mid coxa black; femur brown to dark brown; tibia and tarsus yellowish brown to dark brown. Hind leg black. Antenna with 37 flagellomeres. Face matte and sparsely punctate. Head rounded slightly behind eyes in dorsal view. Frons without wrinkles. Malar space granulate, 0.25 × as long as mandible base. Pronotum matte and granulate; with short epomia. Speculum large; mesopleural pit present. Prepectal carina extending above lower corner of pronotum, curved forward, reaching anterior margin of mesopleuron. Propodeum rugose and evenly punctate, without carina; median part of propodeum concave; apical part of propodeum with transversal striae. Fifth hind tarsus longer than third. Petiole with spiracle before the middle of petiole. Dorsal lobe of ovipositor with six to seven ridges. Material examined . [South Korea] [GB]: 1 ♀, Chilgok-gun Dongmyeon-myeon Hakmyeong-ri, 36 °01′ 53.45 ″N 128 ° 33 ′ 46.93 ″E, 30.viii– 22.ix. 2014, J.W. Lee. FIGURES 30–33. Dolichomitus spp., (30) Mid coxa of D. mesocentrus , (31) Mandible of D. mordator , (32) Fore tibia of D. koreanus sp. nov. , (33) Fore tibia of D. culticornis. Scale bars (30): 0.5 mm, (32,33): 0.2 mm, (31): 0.1mm. Distribution . Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia (Astrakhanskaya Oblast, Chita Oblast, Irkutsk Oblast, Khabarovsk Kray, Novgorod Oblast, Omsk Oblast, Perm Oblast, Primor'ye Kray, Sakhalin Oblast, Samarskaya Oblast, Sankt Petersburg), Serbia and Montenegro, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Turkmenistan, U.S.A., Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Yugoslavia (Yu et al. , 2012). Region . Eastern Palaearctic, Europe, Nearctic, Oriental. Host . Eutetrapha sedecempunctata (Sheng & Sun 2010), Monochamus sartor (Sheng & Sun 2010), Monochamus ussurovi (Sheng & Sun 2010), Saperda populnea (Georgiev et al. , 2004; Ozbek et al. , 2009), Synanthedon culiciformis (Shaw 2006). : Published as part of Choi, Jin-Kyung, Kolarov, Janko, Jeong, Jong-Chul & Lee, Jong-Wook, 2016, A taxonomic review of the genus Dolichomitus Smith (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) from South Korea with descriptions of two new species, pp. 235-253 in Zootaxa 4132 (2) on pages 250-252, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4132.2.4, : {"references": ["Geoffroy, A. F. (1785) Entomologia Parisiensis, sive catalogus insectorum quae in agro Parisiensi reperiuntur. Paris, 544 pp. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 36528", "Gmelin, J. F. (1790) Caroli a Linne Systema Naturae (Ed. XIII). Tom I. G. E. Beer. Lipsiae, 2674 - 2722.", "Christ, J. L. (1791) Naturgeschichte, Klassification und Nomenklatur der Insekten von Bienen, Wespen und Ameisengeschlect. 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