Acanthephyra acanthitelsonis Spence Bate 1888

Acanthephyra acanthitelsonis Spence Bate, 1888 (Fig. 1 A, B, C) Acanthephyra acanthitelsonis Spence Bate 1888: 745, pl. 125, fig. 3.— Kemp 1906: 8; 1939: 574.— Balss 1925: 254.— Chace 1936: 27; 1947: 16; 1986: 9.— Barnard 1950: 668.— Holthuis 1951: 27.— Springer & Bullis 1956: 11.— Crosnier &...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Alves-Júnior, Flavio De Almeida, Araújo, Marina De Sá Leitão Câmara De, Bertrand, Arnaud, Souza-Filho, Jesser F.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2016
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Summary:Acanthephyra acanthitelsonis Spence Bate, 1888 (Fig. 1 A, B, C) Acanthephyra acanthitelsonis Spence Bate 1888: 745, pl. 125, fig. 3.— Kemp 1906: 8; 1939: 574.— Balss 1925: 254.— Chace 1936: 27; 1947: 16; 1986: 9.— Barnard 1950: 668.— Holthuis 1951: 27.— Springer & Bullis 1956: 11.— Crosnier & Forest 1968: 1129; 1973: 31.— Culkin & Morris 1969: 112.— Hopkins et al . 1989: 6.— Hopkins et al. 1994: 146.— Allen et al . 2000:276.— Burghart et al . 2007: 319.— Muñoz et al . 2012:478.— Cardoso 2013: 210.— Cardoso et al . 2014: 52. Material examined . 21 individuals, 14 F (TL: 58,9–64,8 mm; CL: 33,4–39,6 mm) and 7 M (TL: 48,2–56,7 mm; CL: 12,6–18,2 mm), Rocas Atoll, #ST–14, Leg. 2 Mid, 512 m, 03°58’ S–34°03’ W, 0 5 October 2015, MOUFPE 15.580. 34 individuals, 19 F (TL: 62,3–77,4 mm; CL: 38,5–41,4 mm) and 15 M (TL: 62,3–69,7 mm; CL: 17,4– 19,9 mm), Rocas Atoll, #ST–22, Leg. 1, 525 m, 04°07’ S–33°47’ W, 10 October 2015, MOUFPE 15.597. 17 individuals, 9 F (TL: 98,7–104,4 mm; CL: 19,4–39,7 mm) and 8 M (TL: 65,1–74,2 mm; CL: 27,6–38,8 mm), Rocas Atoll, #ST–51, Leg. 1, 616 m, 08°56’ S–34°29’ W, 0 5 October 2015, MOUFPE 15.588. Diagnosis . Carapace smooth, middorsal region slightly elevated posteriorly; rostrum slender and subequal to scaphocerite, slightly turned up, dorsal margin armed with 7–9 small teeth, ventral margin armed with 4–5 teeth, basis with dense setules; antennal spine present; branchiostegal spine present, with distinct carina extending backwards on to carapace for three times the spine length. Pleon smooth, laterally compressed, dorsally carinated (except pleonite 1). Pleonite 1 notched in the median line. Pleonite 3 posterodorsal angle produced into a long tooth, reaching halfway of pleonite 4. Pleonite 4–6 with a posterodorsal angle produced into a short tooth. Male pleopod 2 appendix interna with dense setae on distal margin, appendix interna 0.9 length of appendix masculina. Telson longer than uropods, slender, armed with 13–19 pairs of dorsolateral spines and 2 pairs of distal spines (Modified from Spence Bate 1888). Geographic distribution . (Fig. 2) Atlantic Ocean: Iceland (Faroe island), USA (off Florida, New Jersey, South Carolina, Virginia), Bermuda, Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas, Caribbean Sea, off French Guiana, Brazil (Rocas Atoll, first record). Central Atlantic: South Equatorial-Mid Atlantic Ridge; Eastern Atlantic: off Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, off Gabon, off Congo, off Angola, off Namibia (Spence Bate 1888; Kemp 1939; Chace 1947, 1986; Fenner & Chace 1947; Crosnier & Forest 1968, 1973; Hopkins et al . 1989; Hopkins et al. 1994; Burghart et al . 2007; Muñoz et al . 2012; Cardoso 2013; Cardoso et al . 2014). Bathymetric distribution . Occurring between 230–4000 m, but more abundant between 230–500 m (Chace 1947; Crosnier & Forest 1967, 1968). The material examined fits well in the range previously observed between 512– 616 m. Remarks . In this study, the females were more abundant and larger than males, being the results different from the ones found by Crosnier & Forest (1973) who found males larger than females off the African coast, between São Tomé and Angola. The specimens analyzed herein do not differ from the description of Crosnier & Forest (1973). According to Kemp (1939) and Cardoso (2013), this species is included in the group of Acanthephyra purpurea A. Milne-Edwards, 1881a, especially for the presence of pairs of dorsolateral spines on the telson, varying between 3–19 pairs of dorsolateral spines. Among this group, two similar species resemble A . acanthitelsonis , such as: Acanthephyra kingsleyi Spence Bate, 1888, occurring in eastern Atlantic, and Acanthephyra pelagica (Risso, 1816), occurring in eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean, and southern Indo-Pacific Ocean. However, A . kingsleyi have 3–6 pairs of dorsolateral spines on telson and A. pelagica have 7–11, whereas A. acanthitelsonis have 13–19 (fig. 1C) (Crosnier & Forest 1973; Chace 1986). : Published as part of Alves-Júnior, Flavio De Almeida, Araújo, Marina De Sá Leitão Câmara De, Bertrand, Arnaud & Souza-Filho, Jesser F., 2016, First report of two deep-sea shrimps of the genus Acanthephyra A. Milne-Edwards, 1881 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Acanthephyridae) from southwestern Atlantic, pp. 193-200 in Zootaxa 4184 (1) on pages 194-195, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4184.1.13, : {"references": ["Spence Bate, C. S. (1888) Report on the Crustacea Macrura collected by the Challenger during the years 1873 - 76. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. \" Challenger \" during the years 1873 - 76, 24, 1 - 942.", "Kemp, S. W. (1906) On the occurence of the genus Acanthephyra in deep water off the west coast of Ireland. Fisheries Ireland Scientific Investigations, annee 1905, 1, 1 - 28.", "Balss, H. (1925) Macrura der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. 2. Natantia, Teil A. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse valdivia expedition, 20, 217 - 315.", "Chace, F. A. (1936) Revision of the bathypelagic prawns of the family Acanthephyridae, with notes on a new family, Gomphonotidae. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 26, 24 - 31.", "Barnard, K. H. 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