Macrocheles muscaedomesticae Scopoli 1772

Macrocheles muscaedomesticae (Scopoli, 1772) Acarus muscae domesticae Scopoli, 1772: 125. Macrocheles muscaedomesticae .— Pereira & Castro, 1945: 161; Evans & Browning, 1956: 12; Bregetova & Koroleva, 1960: 131; Méndez Olivo, 1968: 142; Bregetova, 1977: 378; Hyatt & Emberson, 1988: 1...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Azevedo, Letícia H., Castilho, Raphael C., Berto, Marielle M., De Moraes, Gilberto J.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2017
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Summary:Macrocheles muscaedomesticae (Scopoli, 1772) Acarus muscae domesticae Scopoli, 1772: 125. Macrocheles muscaedomesticae .— Pereira & Castro, 1945: 161; Evans & Browning, 1956: 12; Bregetova & Koroleva, 1960: 131; Méndez Olivo, 1968: 142; Bregetova, 1977: 378; Hyatt & Emberson, 1988: 105; Halliday, 1990: 417; De Jesus & Rueda, 1990: 711; Masán, 2003: 114; Takaku et al ., 2012: 113. Macrocheles muscae domesticae .— Oudemans, 1936: 174; Sellnick, 1940: 78. Macrocheles ( Macrocheles ) muscaedomesticae .— Krauss, 1970: 14; Karg, 1971: 138. Acarus marginatus Hermann, 1804: 76 [Synonymy by Pereira & Castro, 1945: 161]. Holostaspis submarginatus Foà, 1900: 135 [Synonymy by Filipponi & Pegazzano, 1962: 204a]. Holostaspis posteroarmatus Berlese, 1904: 263 [Synonymy by Krantz & Filipponi, 1964: 36]. Holostaspis sita Trojan, 1908: 1 [Synonymy by Berlese, 1918: 189]. Macrocheles canadensis Banks, 1912: 98 [Synonymy by Hennessey & Farrier, 1988: 20]. Macrocheles muscae Ewing, 1913: 454 [Synonymy by Pereira & de Castro, 1945: 162]. Material examined . Two females from Piracicaba (22°42'25"S, 47°38'30"W), one female from Cajuru (21°12'28"S, 47°19'35"W), 18 March 2014; three females from São Luis do Paraitinga, 22 females from Paraibuna, 10 March 2014; two females from Piratininga, 24 March 2014; three females from Pirapozinho, 25 March 2014; 99 females from Araçoiaba da Serra (23°31'18"S, 47°36'26"W), 25 February 2014; two females from Nipoã (20°54'48"S, 49°46'40"W), 31 March 2014. Diagnosis of female . Dorsal shield widest in its anterior part, relatively large [974 (940–1,000) long and 658 (640–670) wide at level of coxa III (n=5)], reticulate and smoothly punctuated; j 1 brush-shaped and plumose; some dorsocentral and mediolateral dorsal setae, including j 5, smooth and needle-shaped; J5 pilose. Sternal shield with distinct l . o . a ., without punctuated areas; l . m . t . approximately straight; section of sternal shield behind l . m . t with 1- 2 transverse lines and irregularly arranged punctures. Ventrianal shield subpentagonal and reticulate. Previous records . Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Galapagos Islands, Germany, Greece, Hawaii, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, South Korea, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Tasmania, Turkey, USA, Uzbekistan. : Published as part of Azevedo, Letícia H., Castilho, Raphael C., Berto, Marielle M. & De Moraes, Gilberto J., 2017, Macrochelid mites (Mesostigmata: Macrochelidae) from São Paulo state, Brazil, with description of a new species of Macrocheles, pp. 413-426 in Zootaxa 4269 (3) on page 421, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4269.3.5, : {"references": ["Scopoli, J. A. (1772) Annus V. Historico Naturalis. Annus V. Historico Naturalis, Lipsiae pp. 8 - 128.", "Pereira, C. & Castro, M. P. (1945) Contribuicao para o conhecimento da especie tipo de \" Macrocheles Latr \". 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