Scrobipalpa wolframi Bidzilya 2021, sp. nov.

Scrobipalpa wolframi sp. nov. Figs 41–43, 113, 114, 173, 174 Scrobipalpa diversa (Janse, 1950) — Bidzilya 2007: 101, fig. 44, Pl. 7, fig. 8 (misidentification). Type material. Holotype ♀, [Namibia ] Nababiep, C.P., 13–14.viii.1961, Vari & van Son (gen. slide 129/21, O. Bidzilya) (TMSA...

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Main Author: Bidzilya, Oleksiy V.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2021
Online Access:
Summary:Scrobipalpa wolframi sp. nov. Figs 41–43, 113, 114, 173, 174 Scrobipalpa diversa (Janse, 1950) — Bidzilya 2007: 101, fig. 44, Pl. 7, fig. 8 (misidentification). Type material. Holotype ♀, [Namibia ] Nababiep, C.P., 13–14.viii.1961, Vari & van Son (gen. slide 129/21, O. Bidzilya) (TMSA). Paratypes: 4 ♀, Brandberg, Wasserfallfläche, 1940 m, 22.iii.2001, LF (Mey) (gen. slide 128/21, O. Bidzilya); 1 ♂, 3 ♀, Namibia, Brandberg, am Königstein, 21.iii.2001, 2400 m (Mey) (gen. slide 24/06 ♂, W. Mey; 306/07 ♀, O. Bidzilya); 1 ♀, Namibia, Brandberg, Tsisab, 1.iii.2002 (Turm) (Mey) (gen. slide 96/05, O. Bidzilya); 1 ♀, Namibia, Koiimasis, Tiras Berge, 6.iii.2005, LF (Mey) (all MfN). South Africa : 1 ♀, Namibia, Richtersveld, Numees, Helskloof Gate, 9–12.x.2001, LF (Mey) (MfN); 1 ♂, North Cape, Richtersveld Nat. Park, Koerogapvlakte, 62 km NO Alexander Bay, Succulent-Karoo / BIOTA, 18.x.2003, 07.02.1632, 28 14 07.8 S, 17 1 33.0 E, hand light trap, 20–22.ix.2003 (Willers & Deckert) (gen. slide 204/12, O. Bidzilya); 1 ♀, P.K. le Roux Dam, Van der Kloof, C.P., 8–12.iv.1970 (Vari & Snyman) (gen. prep. 126/21, O. Bidzilya) (all TMSA). Diagnosis. Scrobipalpa wolframi sp. nov. is a medium-sized (14–17 mm), light-brown species with distinct black markings at the costal margin; the latter separates this species from S. concreta , S. diversa and small specimens of S. incola . Scrobipalpa subroseata is a variable species and some specimens also have black spots along costa, but the forewing in S. subroseata is distinctly darker, usually mottled with black along the termen and dorsal margins, and with a greyish-brown rather than light-grey hindwing. The male genitalia of S. wolframi sp. nov. are defined by a valva that is strongly curved at 1/3, a sacculus that is strongly directed inwards, a broad uncus, and a short triangular vincular process. Scrobipalpa diversa differs in the longer and narrower vincular process, more weakly curved valva, and narrower uncus. The female genitalia of S. wolframi sp. nov. are well recognizable by the rounded posteromedial corners of segment VIII; the outwardly bulged outer margin of segment VIII; subrectangular rather than ovate lobes of the ventromedial depression; very narrow apophyses anteriores; and the hook of the signum strongly inflated in the middle. This combination of characters is unique among Afrotropical Scrobipalpa . Description. Adult (Figs 41–43). Wingspan 13.7–17.0 mm. Head, thorax and tegulae uniformly light brown to orange brown, except base of tegulae with a few brown-tipped scales; labial palpus upcurved, light brown, outer and upper surface of palpomere 2 mottled with brown scales, especially at base, with brush of scales at lower surface, palpomere 1/3 as long and 1/2 as wide as palpomere 2, with brown basal and subapical belts, acute; scape light brown, flagellomeres light brown with yellowish rings; forewing light brown to fuscous, mottled with ochreous and dark brown, costal margin with three diffuse black spots at base, 1/3 and 3/4, two indistinct black dots in middle of wing, another at 2/3 length, fold mottled with light brown with black dash before mid-length, apical area mottled with grey black-tipped scales; cilia light brown with blackish tip; hindwing grey with light grey cilia. Variation. There is a limited variation in expression of dark markings on costal margin. Male genitalia (Figs 113, 114). Uncus about as long as wide, rounded in distal 1/2, with gradual transition to tegumen; gnathos short, slender, weakly curved; tegumen comparatively broad and short with triangular anteromedial emargination extending to 1/3–1/2 length of tegumen; valva strongly curved at about 1/3, nearly uniform in width, but apex weakly inflated, extending to top of uncus; sacculus about 1/3 length of valva, narrow, tapered apically, separated from valva by wide gap, directed strongly inwards; vincular processes broad, triangular, shorter than sacculus, tapered apically, separated from sacculus by deep, very narrow gap; vinculum slightly broader than long, medial incision V-shaped; saccus moderately broad, parallel-sided, extending slightly beyond top of pedunculus; phallus weakly curved before apex, caecum rounded, 1/2 length of phallus, strongly inflated, apex pointed with downwards curved hook. Female genitalia (Figs 173, 174). Papillae anales ovate, densely covered with setae; apophyses posteriores about 3 times as long as apophyses anteriores; segment VIII as broad as long, outer margin bulged outward, subgenital plates broad, without modification, lobes of ventromedial depression subrectangular, narrowed posteromedially, densely covered with foam-sculpturing, sclerotized anteriorly, separated by narrow anteromedial incision, exceeding to or slightly extending anterior margin of segment VIII; apophyses anteriores slightly shorter than segment VIII, slender, rod-like; ductus bursae slightly longer than corpus bursae, weakly widened before rounded corpus bursae; signum stout with broad basal plate, posterior edge of distal hook nearly straight, anterior edge strongly inflated in middle, apex pointed and weakly curved, situated on right side before middle of corpus bursae. Biology. Host plant unknown. Adults fly in September–October, March–April and in August. Distribution. Namibia, South Africa. Etymology. The species is named in the honour of Wolfram Mey, the collector of part of type series, in the recognition of his outstanding contribution to the study of Afrotropical Lepidoptera. : Published as part of Bidzilya, Oleksiy V., 2021, A review of the genus Scrobipalpa Janse, 1951 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) in the Afrotropical region, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 5070 (1) on pages 21-22, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5070.1.1, : {"references": ["Janse, A. J. T. (1950) Gelechiidae. The Moths of South Africa, 5 (2), 61 - 172, pls. 33 - 88.", "Bidzilya, O. (2007) Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea). In: Mey, W. (Ed.), The Lepidoptera of the Brandberg Massif in Namibia. Part 2. Esperiana Memoir, 4, pp. 91 - 118, pls. 5 - 8."]}