Holopyga metallica Dahlbom

16. Holopyga metallica (Dahlbom, 1854) Hedychrum metallicum Dahlbom 1854: 68. Holotype ♂; Finland: Uleåborg [= Oulu] (MZH) (examined). Mocsáry 1889: 158, Bischoff 1913: 19. Elampus metallicum : Sahlberg 1910: 98. Holopyga curvata [nec (Förster, 1853]): Hellén 1920: 208. Holopyga fervida [ne...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Paukkunen, Juho, Rosa, Paolo, Soon, Villu, Johansson, Niklas, Ødegaard, Frode
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2014
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5589829
Summary:16. Holopyga metallica (Dahlbom, 1854) Hedychrum metallicum Dahlbom 1854: 68. Holotype ♂; Finland: Uleåborg [= Oulu] (MZH) (examined). Mocsáry 1889: 158, Bischoff 1913: 19. Elampus metallicum : Sahlberg 1910: 98. Holopyga curvata [nec (Förster, 1853]): Hellén 1920: 208. Holopyga fervida [nec (Fabricius, 1781)]: Trautmann 1927: 49, Trautmann 1930: 493, Hellén 1935: 8, Valkeila 1962: 63. Holopyga metallica : Erlandsson 1971: 88, Silfverberg 1981: 61, Rassi et al. 1986: 358, Vikberg 1986b: 67, Linsenmaier 1987: 136, Kimsey & Bohart 1991: 234, Rassi et al. 1992: 137, Rassi et al. 2001: 190, Söderman & Vikberg 2003: 44, Soon 2004: 45, Paukkunen 2010: 540, Rosa & Soon 2012. Material examined. *Russian Fennoscandia: Ik : Metsäpirtti [= Zaporozhskoe], 26.VI.1920, 1 ♂ (W. Hellén); Ka : Penisaari [= Ostrov Malyy], 11.–14.VII.1932, 2 ♂♂ (W. Hellén). Distribution. Finland, *Russian Fennoscandia.—Westpalearctic: not known outside eastern Fennoscandia. Remarks. The species is very rare and only known from three coastal localities in Finland ( N : Hanko, Om : Kokkola, Oba : Oulu) and two localities in Russian Fennoscandia. In Finland, it is classified as critically endangered (Paukkunen 2010). The species was erroneously synonymized with H. fervida by Trautmann (1927) and Linsenmaier (1951, 1959). However, Linsenmaier (1987) later reinstated it as a valid species. Dahlbom (1854) described the species as Hedychrum metallicum on the basis of one specimen collected by W. Nylander from Finland in 27.VII.1844. The holotype is a small male, and it is deposited in MZH in Helsinki (Fig. 2). It has the original labels “Uleåborg” (= Oulu), “d. 27/7 44”, “ Coll. Nylander ”, “n. sp.?” and “256.”. Type labels have been added later, including the holotype label. Holopyga lucida group (ex Holopyga gloriosa group) : Published as part of Paukkunen, Juho, Rosa, Paolo, Soon, Villu, Johansson, Niklas & Ødegaard, Frode, 2014, Faunistic review of the cuckoo wasps of Fennoscandia, Denmark and the Baltic countries (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae), pp. 1-67 in Zootaxa 3864 (1) on page 17, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3864.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/4930433 : {"references": ["Dahlbom, A. G. (1854) Hymenoptera Europaea praecipue borealia, formis typicis nonnullis specierum generumve Exoticorum aut Extraneorum propter nexum systematicum associatis, per familias, genera, species et varietates disposita atque descripta. 2. Chrysis in sensu Linnaeano. Friedrich Nicolai, Berlin, xxiv + 412 pp. + 12 pls. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 15890", "Mocsary, A. (1889) Monographia Chrysididarum orbis terrarium universi. Musaei Nat. Hungarici Adiuncto, Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Socio. Typis Societatis Franklinianae, Budapest, 643 pp.", "Bischoff, H. 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