Parapontocaris caribbaea Boone 1927

Parapontocaris caribbaea (Boone, 1927) (Fig. 1 A–B) Aegeon Caribbaeus Boone, 1927: 125, fig. 28. Parapontocaris caribbaea — Bullis & Thompson 1965: 8.— Dardeau & Heard 1983: 10.— Chace 1984: 30 (Key).— Chan 1996: 319.— Cruz et al . 2002: 189.— Campos et al . 2005: 86, figs. 49, 50.— Felder e...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Alves-Júnior, Flavio De Almeida, Viana, Girlene Fábia Segundo, Araújo, Marina De Sá Leitão Câmara De, Souza-Filho, Jesser F.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2018
Online Access:
Summary:Parapontocaris caribbaea (Boone, 1927) (Fig. 1 A–B) Aegeon Caribbaeus Boone, 1927: 125, fig. 28. Parapontocaris caribbaea — Bullis & Thompson 1965: 8.— Dardeau & Heard 1983: 10.— Chace 1984: 30 (Key).— Chan 1996: 319.— Cruz et al . 2002: 189.— Campos et al . 2005: 86, figs. 49, 50.— Felder et al . 2009: 1060.— Cardoso 2013: 88, fig.2.— Vázquez-Bader & Gracia 2013: 369. Material examined . 1 OvigerOus female (TL: 98 mm), POtiguar Basin, #ARMT– 65, 480 m, 04º 33' 21'' S, 036º 53' 45'' W, 0 8 December 2009, MOUFPE: 15.178. Diagnosis . See CardOsO (2013). Geographic distribution . Western Atlantic: Bahamas, Straits Of FlOrida, Gulf Of MexicO, Caribbean Sea, HOnduras, COlOmbia, Surinam, French Guiana and Brazil: ( Rio Grande do Norte , Bahia, EspíritO SantO, RiO de JaneirO) (Fig. 2) (Chace 1984, 1956; Dardeau & Heard 1983; Cruz et al . 2002; CampOs et al . 2005; Felder et al . 2009; CardOsO 2013; VázQuez-Bader & Gracia 2013). Bathymetric distribution . Occurring frOm 251 tO 885 m depth, at POtiguar Basin at 480 m (BOOne 1927; Bullis & ThOmpsOn 1965; Chace 1984; 1956; Dardeau & Heard 1983; Cruz et al . 2002; CampOs et al . 2005; Felder et al . 2009; CardOsO 2013; VázQuez-Bader & Gracia 2013). Remarks . The material analyzed here fits well with all diagnOstic characters described by BOOne (1927), Dardeau & Heard 1983, Chan (1996), CampOs et al . (2005) and CardOsO (2013), which presents rOstrum shOrt and brOad nOt exceeding the eyes (Fig. 1 B); dOrsal surface Of carapace with carina shOwing fOur teeth (Fig. 1 B); secOnd abdOminal sOmite with twO pair Of lateral ridges and a dOrsal spine, fOllOwed by a dOrsal carina (Fig. 1 B); abdOminal sOmites 3–4 with a dOrsal carina unarmed (Fig. 1 B); abdOminal sOmite 5 with One pair Of ridges that cOnverge anteriOrly (Fig. 1 B); abdOminal sOmite 6 with One pair Of ridges fOrming dOrsally an elOngate-Oval image (Fig. 1 B) and telsOn with One pair Of ridges fOrming a central sulcus (Fig. 1 B). AccOrding tO CardOsO (2013) and VázQuez-Bader & Gracia (2013) this species inhabits muddy substrate alOng the cOntinental slOpe, but as Observed by VázQuez-Bader & Gracia (2013), the Occurrence Of P . caribbaea in depth samples is rare as cOmpared tO Other species, as was Observed in POtiguar Basin thrOugh Only One specimen. : Published as part of Alves-Júnior, Flavio De Almeida, Viana, Girlene Fábia Segundo, Araújo, Marina De Sá Leitão Câmara De & Souza-Filho, Jesser F., 2018, New records of the family Crangonidae (Decapoda: Caridea) from Southwestern Atlantic in Zootaxa 4369 (1) , DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4369.1.2, : {"references": ["Boone, L. (1927) Crustacea from Tropical East American Sea. Scientific Results of the First Oceanographic Expedition of the \" Pawnee \" 1925. Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection, 1, 1 - 147.", "Bullis, H. R. & Thompson, J. R. 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