Haematobosca Bezzi 1907

Genus Haematobosca Bezzi, 1907 Haematobosca Bezzi, 1907: 414. Type-species: Haematobia atripalpis Bezzi, 1895, by original designation. Haematobosca alcis (Snow, 1891) Haematobia alcis Snow, 1891: 88. Type-locality: USA, north Minnesota, in the vicinity of Lake of the Woods. Syntypes 9♂ 10&...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Sorokina, Vera S., Pont, Adrian C.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2010
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5312022
Summary:Genus Haematobosca Bezzi, 1907 Haematobosca Bezzi, 1907: 414. Type-species: Haematobia atripalpis Bezzi, 1895, by original designation. Haematobosca alcis (Snow, 1891) Haematobia alcis Snow, 1891: 88. Type-locality: USA, north Minnesota, in the vicinity of Lake of the Woods. Syntypes 9♂ 10♀, SEMC, 1♂, FMNH (seen), and 2♂ 1♀, MCZ (seen). Haematobia crassipalpis Ringdahl, 1926: 102. Type-locality: Sweden, Jämtland, Mt Vällista. Holotype ♂, MZLU (Engelmark & Engelmark, 1989: 88). Siberian records: Tomsk (Veselkin & Lobanov, 1983: 411). General distribution: Sweden, West Siberia, and Nearctic Region. Haematobosca stimulans (Meigen, 1824) Stomoxys stimulans Meigen, 1824: 161. Type-locality: not stated (Germany, probably Stolberg). Lectotype ♂, MNHN (designated by Pont, 1986b: 245). Haematobia ferox Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 388. Type-locality: France, Saint-Sauveur. Syntypes, formerly in Robineau-Desvoidy collection, now destroyed (not MNHN). Siberian records: Middle and South Urals (Zagrebin, 1992: 59); Sverdlovskaya Oblast’: Serov, Krasnoufimsk, Talizy, Verkhovino (Zagrebin, 1987a: 231); Chelyabinskaya Oblast’, Troizkiy Rayon (Kutuzova, 1993: 74, 75); south part of Tyumenskaya Oblast’, forest steppe, subtaiga and southern taiga (Veselkin, 1966: 787); Tyumen’ and Omsk (Veselkin, 1972: 270); South Altay (Drobishchenko & Shol’, 1975: 342); Altay (Zimin, 1951: 264; Zimin & El’berg, 1970: 594); Respublika Altay (Sorokina, 2006b: 139); Respublika Tyva, 100 km N of Mongolia (Pridantseva, 1967: 828); Respublika Tyva (Tamarina & Khromova, 1980: 81); near Biysk and Altay Mts (Sychevskaya, 1978: 82); Irkutskaya Oblast’: near to Listvyanka on the western bank of Lake Baykal [as “beim Dorfe Listwenitschnoje: Padj (Tälchen) Bolschaja Tscheremschanka”] (Schnabl in Becker & Schnabl, 1926: 39); Central Respublika Sakha [Yakutiya]: Yakutsk, Khomustakh nasleg (Sychevskaya, 1972: 147); valley of River Yenisey, forest steppe: Krasnoyarskiy Kray: Minusinsk, Shushenskoe, Respublika Tyva: Kyzyl, Cherbi and taiga: Krasnoyarsk, Yeniseysk (Sychevskaya, 1974: 129); Baykal-Amur railway (Veselkin, 1981: 371); West and East Siberia (Pont, 1986a: 111). General distribution: Palaearctic Region, from Europe east to China and the northern parts of the Oriental Region. : Published as part of Sorokina, Vera S. & Pont, Adrian C., 2010, An annotated catalogue of the Muscidae (Diptera) of Siberia 2597, pp. 1-87 in Zootaxa 2597 (1) on page 33, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2597.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/5318926 : {"references": ["Bezzi, M. (1907) Die Gattungen der blutsaugenden Musciden. (Dipt.) Zeitschrift fur systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie, 7, 413 - 416.", "Snow, W. A. (1891) The moose fly - a new Haematobia. Canadian Entomologist, 23, 87 - 89.", "Ringdahl, O. (1926) Neue nordische Musciden nebst Berichtigung und Namensanderungen. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 47, 101 - 118.", "Engelmark, R. & Engelmark, T. - B. (1989) Den calyptrata flugfaunan (Diptera, Calyptratae) pa tre myrar vid Jokkmokk i Lule lappmark. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 110, 81 - 95.", "Veselkin, G. A. & Lobanov, A. M. (1983) A species of blood-sucking fly of the genus Haematobia (Muscidae) new for the USSR. Parazitologiya, 17, 411. [In Russian, with English summary.]", "Pont, A. C. (1986 b) A revision of the Fanniidae and Muscidae described by J. W. Meigen (Insecta: Diptera). Annalen des naturhistorischen Museums in Wien (B), 87 [1983], 197 - 253.", "Robineau-Desvoidy, A. J. B. (1830). Essai sur les myodaires. Memoires presentes par divers Savans a l'Academie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France, Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques, (2) 2, 813 pp. [Publication date 6 June; see also under Wiedemann, 1830.]", "Zagrebin, A. I. (1992) The zonal distribution of pasture flies (Diptera) in the Middle and Southern Urals. In: Nikolaeva, N. V. (Ed.), Insects in natural and anthropogenic biogeocenozes of the Urals. Nauka, Yekaterinburg, pp. 59 - 60. [In Russian.]", "Zagrebin, A. I. (1987 a) On the fauna of pasture flies of the family Muscidae (Diptera) in the Urals. In: Cherepanov, A. I. (Ed.), Ecology and geography of arthropods in Siberia. Nauka (Siberian Division), Novosibirsk, pp. 231 - 233. [In Russian.]", "Kutuzova, T. M. (1993) Specific structure and dynamics of a number of flies in the forest-steppe of the Transurals connected with large horned livestock. In: Utochkin, A. S. (Ed.), Fauna and ecology of insects of the Urals. Perm State University, Perm, pp. 71 - 81. [In Russian.]", "Veselkin, G. A. (1966) Flies (Diptera), satellites of domestic animals and man, in the southern part of the Tyumen' Region. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 45, 779 - 792. [In Russian.] [English translation in Entomological Review, Washington, 45 (4), 439 - 447.]", "Veselkin, G. A. (1972) Biological principles of the control of synanthropic Diptera in Western Siberia. Proceedings of the 13 th International Congress of Entomology 1968, 3, 270 - 271.", "Zimin, L. S. (1951) Insects, flies, volume 18 part 4. Family Muscidae, true flies (tribes Muscini, Stomoxydini). Fauna SSSR (n. s.), 45, 286 pp. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow and Leningrad [= St Petersburg]. [In Russian.]", "Zimin, L. S. & El'berg, K. Ya. (1970) Family Muscidae - true flies. In: Stackelberg, A. A. & Narchuk, E. P. (Eds), Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR in five volumes (general editor G. Ya. Bey-Bienko). V (2). Diptera, Siphonaptera. Nauka, Leningrad [= St Petersburg], pp. 511 - 595. [In Russian.]", "Sorokina, V. S. (2006 b) Contributions to the knowledge of the house-flies (Diptera, Muscidae) of the mountain Altay. In: Materials of the meeting of Siberian and Far East entomologists \" The entomological research in Northern Asia \". Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals of Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, pp. 138 - 140. [In Russian.]", "Pridantseva, E. A. (1967) The fauna of pasture flies (Diptera) connected with camels in South Tuva. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 46, 827 - 834. [In Russian.] [English translation in Entomological Review, Washington, 46, 491 - 494.]", "Tamarina, N. A. & Khromova, L. A. (1980) Fauna and ecology of pasture flies (Diptera) - intermediate hosts of the parasitic nematodes in the Tuva Autonomous Republic. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 59, 79 - 85. [In Russian, with English summary.] [English translation in Entomological Review, Washington, 61 (4), 141 - 147.]", "Sychevskaya, V. I. (1978) Synanthropic flies (Diptera) of Altay. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 57, 81 - 85. [In Russian.] [English translation in Entomological Review, Washington, 57, 52 - 55.]", "Becker, T. & Schnabl, J. (1926) Dipteren von W. W. Sowinsky an den Ufern des Baikal-Sees im Jahre 1902 gesammelt. (Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Baikal-See unter der Leitung des Professors Alexis Korotneff.) Entomologische Mitteilungen, 15, 33 - 46. [The \" Anthomyiidae \" are by Schnabl. The manuscript was actually written in 1907, according to the preface by Sowinsky.]", "Sychevskaya, V. I. (1972) On the synanthropic flies of Yakutiya. In: Ammosov, Yu. N. (Ed.), Fauna and ecology of the insects of Yakutiya. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Yakutsk, pp. 144 - 157. [In Russian.]", "Sychevskaya, V. I. (1974) Synantropic flies from the valley of Enisey River. In: Kolomyiets, N. G. (Ed.), The Fauna and ecology of insects from Siberia. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Novosibirsk, pp. 128 - 131. [In Russian.]", "Veselkin, G. A. (1981) Fauna and ecology of horn flies (Muscidae) from the territory of the Baikal-Amur railway. Parazitologiya, 15, 371 - 374. [In Russian, with English summary.]", "Pont, A. C. (1986 a) Family Muscidae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (Eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 11. Scathophagidae - Hypodermatidae. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, pp. 57 - 215."]}