Euura collactanea : Noblecourt 2016

Euura collactanea (Förster, 1854) Nematus collactaneus Förster, 1854a: 299 –300. Described: ♀, gall [but the gall seems to belong to E. weiffenbachiella ], recorded host: Salix repens . Lectotype, ♀, designated by Kopelke (1991), ZSM [examined]. Type locality: Krefeld. Pontania...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Liston, Andrew D., Heibo, Erik, Prous, Marko, Vårdal, Hege, Nyman, Tommi, Vikberg, Veli
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2017
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Summary:Euura collactanea (Förster, 1854) Nematus collactaneus Förster, 1854a: 299 –300. Described: ♀, gall [but the gall seems to belong to E. weiffenbachiella ], recorded host: Salix repens . Lectotype, ♀, designated by Kopelke (1991), ZSM [examined]. Type locality: Krefeld. Pontania collactanea : Konow (1901a). Pontania ( Pontania ) collactanea : Viitasaari & Vikberg (1985). Nematus ( Pontania ) collactanea : Zhelochovtsev (1988). Eupontania collactanea : Vikberg & Zinovjev (2006). Euura ( Eupontania ) collactanea : Noblecourt (2016). Nematus deficiens Förster, 1854a: 318 –319. Described: ♂. Lectotype, ♂, designated by Kopelke (1991), ZSM [examined]. Type locality: Krefeld. Synonymy with P. collactanea by Weiffenbach (1962). Nematus crassipes var. vacciniellus Cameron, 1876d: 190 –191. Described: ♀, ♂, recorded host: Vaccinium vitis-idaea . Syntypes possibly in BMNH [not examined]. Type locality: Scotland. Synonymy with collactanea by Benson (1958). Nematus xanthostylos Zaddach, 1884 [in Brischke 1884]: 131. Described: ♀. Holotype, ♀, thought to have been destroyed, with most of the rest of Brischke's collection (Blank & Taeger 1998). Type locality: " Damhof " [Ostpreußen, probably Dammhof; now Russia, Kalingrad area, Cholmogorowka]. Synonymy with collactanea by Konow (1901b). Pontania viminalis var. lugubris Enslin, 1918a: 732 –733. Described: ♂. Lectotype, ♂, designated by Kopelke (1991), ZSM [examined]. Type locality: "Altdorf [near Nürnberg] 1916 e larva Dr. Enslin leg." [lectotype label]. [det. as P. viminalis by Kopelke [Kopelke 1991], det. as P. collactanea Förster by Zinovjev 1996]. Syn. nov. Pontania collactanea relicta Weiffenbach, 1962: 129 –130, 133. Described: ♀, ♂, gall, recorded host: Salix repens . Holotype, ♀, Museum Oldenburg [not examined]. Type locality: Germany, Oldenburg, Poggenpohlsmoor. Synonymy with P. collactanea by Kopelke (1991). Eupontania collactanea rosmarinifoliae Vikberg & Zinovjev, 2006: 259 –260. Described: ♀, ♂, recorded hosts: Salix repens rosmarinifoliae and S. repens repens . Holotype, ♀, FMNH (examined). Type locality: Finland, South Häme: Janakkala, Punkka. Syn. nov. Nematus helicinus : Thomson (1871); misidentification. See Vikberg (2003). Notes on types and taxonomy. E. collactanea rosmarinifoliae differs from the nominal subspecies only in its darker coloration of the fore wing stigma and body. The name was proposed for populations occurring in Finland and northern Russia. Such dark specimens have not so far been found in Sweden. No strict monophagy on Salix repens repens respectively S. repens rosmarinifolia is indicated by data for either putative subspecies: Central European populations use both S. repens and S. rosmarinifolia as hosts. The record of P. collactanea rosmarinifoliae from the Czech Republic, based only on herbarium specimens of galls on S. rosmarinifolia , is accordingly inadmissible. In view of the generally very wide range of variance in colour pattern in species of the viminalis group, and a tendency in several species towards darker coloration in northern populations, there seems little justification for recognising two subspecies of collactanea . Accordingly, they are treated here as synonyms. Variability. Female: Body length: 2.4–4.8mm. Outer and inner orbits extensively pale, or almost entirely black. Dorso-posterior margins of pronotum pale, to black. Femora entirely pale, to basally fuscous. Male: 2.9– 4.9mm. All femora partly black and metafemur nearly entirely so, to pro- and mesofemur black basally with metafemur entirely yellow. Total number of specimens examined: 20. Genetic data. The short BOLD COI barcode sequence will not separate collactanea from the other eleven North European species with closely similar barcodes ( acutifoliae , arcticornis , brevicornis , etc.). Bionomics. Host plants: Salix repens repens , S. repens rosmarinifolia (Kopelke 2003a, Vikberg & Zinovjev 2006). Biology: Hanapi & Askew (1991), Kopelke (1991). Distribution. Central and North Europe, including the British Isles (Taeger et al. 2006), north to Lake Ladoga in Russian Karelia (Vikberg & Zinovjev 2006). Occurrence in Sweden: published records; Skåne (Wahlgren 1944, as Pontania viminalis on Salix repens ), Halland (Andersson 1955), Öland (Benander 1966), Uppland (Coulianos & Holmåsen 1991). Material examined: Skåne. Euura glabrifrons (Benson, 1960) comb. nov. Pontania glabrifrons Benson, 1960b: 375 –377. Described: ♀, ♂, gall, recorded host: Salix lanata . Holotype, ♀, BMNH [not examined]. Type locality: Sweden, Torne Lappmark, Torne Träsk district. Pontania ( Pontania ) glabrifrons : Viitasaari & Vikberg (1985). Nematus ( Pontania ) glabrifrons : Zhelochovtsev (1988). Pontania ( Eupontania ) glabrifrons : Lacourt (1999). Eupontania glabrifrons : Vikberg & Zinovjev (2006). Notes on types and taxonomy. Genetic data supports the status of glabrifrons as a distinct species. Variability. Female: Body length: 3.6–5.6mm. Upper outer and inner orbits brown lined to entirely black. Tegula brown to black. Pronotum black, rarely with pale margin. Male: 3.7–4.0mm. Female and male: anterior and posterior edge of femur lined with black to femur nearly entirely black. Total number of specimens examined: 76. Genetic data. Although the short BOLD COI barcode sequence will not separate glabrifrons from the other eleven North European species with closely similar barcodes ( acutifoliae , arcticornis , brevicornis , etc.), longer COI, and ITS2 sequences are distinctive (Leppänen et al. 2014). Bionomics. Host plants: Salix lanata (Benson 1960b). Biology: Barstad & Nilsson (2012, 2015), Olofsson & Strengbom (2000), Roininen et al. (2002). Distribution. Norway, Sweden, Finland and N. Russia (Taeger et al. 2006), W. Siberia,?E. Siberia and?N. Russian Far East (Zhelochovtsev & Zinovjev 1995). Occurrence in Sweden: published records; Jämtland (Benander 1969), Lule Lappmark (Coulianos & Holmåsen 1991), Lycksele Lappmark (Haris 2009), Torne Lappmark (Coulianos & Holmåsen 1991). The specimen tentatively identified by R. B. Benson as this species from Skåne, Kullaberg, mentioned by Benander (1966), is a misidentification of E. pedunculi (see Benander 1969). Material examined: Torne Lappmark. : Published as part of Liston, Andrew D., Heibo, Erik, Prous, Marko, Vårdal, Hege, Nyman, Tommi & Vikberg, Veli, 2017, North European gall-inducing Euura sawflies (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae, Nematinae), pp. 1-115 in Zootaxa 4302 (1) on pages 92-93, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4302.1.1, : {"references": ["Forster, A. (1854 a) Neue Blattwespen. 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