Euura proxima Serville 1823

Euura proxima (Serville, 1823) Nematus proximus Serville, 1823: 69. Described: ♀. Syntypes probably lost or destroyed (Lacourt 2000). Type locality: near Paris. Euura proxima : Prous et al. (2014). Nematus proximus Lepeletier, 1823: 67 –68. Described: ♀. Syntypes are the same a...

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Main Authors: Liston, Andrew D., Heibo, Erik, Prous, Marko, Vårdal, Hege, Nyman, Tommi, Vikberg, Veli
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2017
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Summary:Euura proxima (Serville, 1823) Nematus proximus Serville, 1823: 69. Described: ♀. Syntypes probably lost or destroyed (Lacourt 2000). Type locality: near Paris. Euura proxima : Prous et al. (2014). Nematus proximus Lepeletier, 1823: 67 –68. Described: ♀. Syntypes are the same as for N. proximus Serville. Type locality: near Paris. Pontania proxima : Konow (1901a). Pontania ( Pontania ) proxima : Viitasaari & Vikberg (1985). Nematus ( Pontania ) proximus : Zhelochovtsev (1988). Nematus gallicola Stephens, 1835: 36. Described: adult, sex not stated. Syntypes may be in BMNH [not examined]. Type locality: near London. According to Cameron (1877a), potential syntypes belong to " N. [ Nematus ] Vallisnieri and a Cryptocampus ". Nematus vallisnierii Hartig, 1837: 205 –207. Described: ♀, larva, gall, recorded host: Weiden [ Salix ]. Lectotype, ♀, designated below. Type locality: Berlin area ["hiesiger Gegend "]. Nematus redii Contarini, 1852: 129 –130, plate V. Described: ♀, recorded host: Salix fragilis . There is no record of extant type material. Type locality: northern Italy. Note: reared from Salix × fragilis the illustration of galls on the plate confirms that these belong to E. proxima . Pontania gallicola Costa, 1852 [this is a separatum from the journal issued in 1854]: 1–17, 1 plate. Described: ♀, larva, gall, recorded host: Salix russelliana [ = S. × fragilis ]. There is no record of extant type material. Type locality: near Naples. Secondary homonym of Nematus gallicola Stephens, 1835. Note: the galls illustrated on the plate definitely belong to E. proxima . Messa hyalina Norton, 1864: 8. Described: ♀. Holotype, ♀, ANSP [not examined]. Type locality: New Jersey. Synonymy with P. proxima by Benson (1960b). Euura flavipes Cameron, 1885: 211 –212. Described: ♀, ♂. Syntypes possibly in BMNH [not examined]. Type locality: Scotland, Rannoch and Clydesdale. Synonymy with P. proxima by Benson (1958). Pontania daedala MacGillivray, 1921: 33 –34. Described: ♀. Lectotype, ♀, designated by Frison (1927), INHS [not examined]. Type locality: Ithaca, New York. Synonymy with P. proxima by Zinovjev & Smith (2000). Pontania capreae (on S. alba , S. × fragilis ): Wahlgren 1951; misidentification. Notes on types and taxonomy. N. vallisnierii. The lectotype and paralectotypes were labelled as such by Kopelke in 1990, but the designation was not published. Lectotype, ♀, hereby designated, ZSM; labels "Cotype" [red], " Nematus vallisnierii Htg. Th. Hartig det.", " Pontania capreae L. E. Clément det.", " Pontania proxima Lep. ♀ Conde det.", "GBIF-GISHym3454", "Lectotypus N. vallisnierii Htg. 1837 det. Kopelke 1990", " Pontania ♀ proxima (Lep.) Kopelke det. 1990", "Lectotype ♀ Nematus vallisnierii Hartig, 1837 des. Liston 2016". 6♀ paralectotypes, labels similar to lectotype, ZSM. See below, under E. triandrae , for discussion of taxonomic status. Variability. Female: Body length: 2.9–4.6mm. Lateral vertex with obscure brown fleck, to black. Male: 3.2mm [only one specimen examined]. Total number of specimens examined: 28. Genetic data. Insufficient data is available. Good quality COI barcode sequences are available only for two specimens. Their nearest neighbour, differing by about 2.1%, is the sequence of a single E. triandrae . All specimens are from Finland. Similar species. Morphologically not clearly distinguishable from E. triandrae. Bionomics. Host plants: Salix alba , S. × fragilis , S. × rubens , S. babylonica (Kopelke 2005; a rarely used host, or misidentified, according to Zinovjev 1999), S. blanda (Halstead 2001), Salix × meyeriana (= Salix pentandra × euxina ), S. euxina (Zinovjev 2011), S. fragilis × pentandra (Mol 2013), S. excelsa (Özay 1997). According to Zinovjev (1999: Table 5), rare records (e.g. Conde 1938) of proxima group galls from S. pentandra are probably attributable to E. proxima , because this willow belongs in the subgenus Salix , like the other host species of E. proxima , whereas E. bridgmanii is restricted to hosts of subgenus Vetrix . Biology: Al-Saffar & Aldrich (1997), Carleton (1939), Higton (1991), Ivanova-Kasas (1959), Kehl et al. (2010), Kehl & Rambold (2010), Kopelke (1985), Niklas (1955), Slepian & Gabaraeva (1976, 1978, 1981), Slepian & Gurevich (1976). Parthenogenetic species with very rare males (Benson 1958, Kopelke 1999). Distribution. South, Central and North Europe (Taeger et al. 2006), north to southern Finland (Kangas 1985), Caucasus (Muche 1973), Yakutia (Popov 2011). Introduced to N. America, Australia and New Zealand (Muggeridge 1931, Benson 1962, Schmidt & Smith 2009). Occurrence in Sweden: published records; Skåne, Öland (Wahlgren 1951), Gotland, Närke (Haris 2009), Västergötland (Lundberg 1963, 1966), Uppland (Wahlgren 1951), Dalarna, Ångermanland (Coulianos & Holmåsen 1991). Material examined: Skåne. : Published as part of Liston, Andrew D., Heibo, Erik, Prous, Marko, Vårdal, Hege, Nyman, Tommi & Vikberg, Veli, 2017, North European gall-inducing Euura sawflies (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae, Nematinae), pp. 1-115 in Zootaxa 4302 (1) on pages 84-85, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4302.1.1, : {"references": ["Lacourt, J. (2000) Liste des especes de la famille des Tenthredinidae decrites par J. G. Audinet-Serville, en Mai 1823 et par A. L. M. Le Peletier Comte de Saint-Fargeau, en Aout 1823, avec designation de lectotypes [Hymenoptera, Symphyta]. Revue francaise d'Entomologie, New Series, 22 (2 - 3), 77 - 108.", "Konow, F. W. (1901 a) Revision der Nematiden Gattung Pontania Costa. (Hym.). 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