Ansifera longipalpus Jaschhof 2009, sp. n.

Ansifera longipalpus sp. n. (Fig. 5 A-D) Diagnosis: In this species regressive morphological characters are least obvious. There is a distinct row of postocular bristles, and both wing veins and setae are well developed. The apical segments of the maxillary palpi are longer than in any other species...

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Main Author: Jaschhof, Mathias
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2009
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Summary:Ansifera longipalpus sp. n. (Fig. 5 A-D) Diagnosis: In this species regressive morphological characters are least obvious. There is a distinct row of postocular bristles, and both wing veins and setae are well developed. The apical segments of the maxillary palpi are longer than in any other species of Ansifera (Fig. 5C). The pretarsal claws have one relatively strong tooth that points inwards, apart from the ordinary line of fine teeth also present in the congeneric species. The gonostyli are strongly tapered, resulting in an almost subtriangular outline (Fig. 5B), but a variety exists with subcylindrical gonostyli (Fig. 5A). Description: Male. Body length: 1.3-1.5 mm. Head: Postfrons setose. Eye bridge 2-5 ommatidia long, clearly shorter laterally than dorsally. Postocular bristles 5-7. Neck of fourth antennal flagellomere slightly shorter than node; node with 1 complete and 3 incomplete crenulate whorls; translucent sensilla looped, usually with short processes, or simply hair-shaped (Fig. 5D). Maxillary palpus long, basal segment not swollen, apical segment longest of all, usually more than 3 times as long as preceding segment (Fig. 5C). Wing: ApicR1 1.5-2 times the length of Rs. Legs: Pretarsal claws with about 5 fine teeth in line and 1 larger tooth directed inwards. Preabdomen: Terga 2-5 with lateral setae, terga 6-8 with lateral and dorsal setae. Terminalia: Fig. 5B. Gonocoxites with shallow ventral emargination; dorsoapical portions protruding; dorsal transverse bridge subrectangular, projecting beyond ventrobasal margin, the latter not reinforced. Gonostylus strongly tapered toward apex (but see below note on variation), almost subtriangular, slightly flattened. Ejaculatory apodeme longer than tegmen, apical extension funnel-shaped, with fine microtrichia. Tegmen slightly tapered toward apex, the latter of variable outline, weakly membranous. Female and immature stages: Unknown. Variation: Eighteen male specimens, which were collected together with the types, differ from typical R. longipalpus by their subcylindrical gonostyli with broadly rounded apices (Fig. 5A). Apparently this difference in shape is real, not just the result of different inclination or angle. Even so, I doubt that distinct specific status for these specimens is warranted, as all other characters fit the description as given above. Six males collected in a lowland rainforest in the Selangor Province might belong to a species distinct from R. longipalpus . In these specimens, the gonocoxites have a deeper ventral emargination and a reinforced ventrobasal margin, and the ejaculatory apodeme is longer and has a more strongly sclerotized apical extension. There are other specimens, from the Malay Peninsula (Pahang and Selangor Provinces, West Malaysia) and Borneo (Sabah), which deviate slightly from R. longipalpus in one or more characters, indicating the presence of further, closely similar species. More and better conditioned specimens are needed to identify discriminatory characters and to determine possible infraspecific variation. Distribution and phenology: This species is known from three sites in the Genting Highlands, Pahang Province, West Malaysia. Specimens were captured in primary rainforests at altitudes between 1000 and 1750 m. Etymology: The name is Latin, referring to the long maxillary palpi typical of this species. Types: Holotype: Male, West Malaysia, Pahang, Genting Highlands (3.24N: 101.47E), in primary evergreen rainforest, 1200-1400 m, 3-22 March 1997, by Malaise trap, H. HIPPA, M. JASCHHOF & B. VIKLUND (in NHRS). Paratypes: 9 males, same data as the holotype (in NHRS). Other material: 80 males, same data as the types; 1 male, Genting Highlands, Awana (3.25N: 101.46E), 1000 m, 10 March 1997, by aspirator, M. JASCHHOF; 1 male, Genting Highlands, Gunung Ulu Kali, 1750 m, 2 March 1997, by sweepnet, M. JASCHHOF; 1 male, same locality, 5-12 March 1997, by Malaise trap, H. HIPPA, M. JASCHHOF & B. VIKLUND. Acknowledgements Prof H. Yong and Dr R. Hasim, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, are thanked for support of the field work conducted in Malaysia in 1997. The collection of Lestremiinae in Japan in 1998-2000 was made possible through the award of a STA fellowship by the Japan Science and Technology Corporation (award no. 197072) and was assisted by Catrin Jaschhof, Greifswald, Germany. Prof em. Dr Junichi Yukawa, Fukuoka, Japan, and Dr Isamu Okochi, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan, are gratefully acknowledged for their various and invaluable involvement with my research on Japanese Lestremiinae. I thank Dr Keith M. 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MENZEL Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut Eberswalder Strasse 90 15374 Müncheberg Germany e-mail: : Published as part of Jaschhof, Mathias, 2009, Ansifera, a new genus of Campylomyzini with remarkable antennal sensilla (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Lestremiinae), pp. 513-526 in Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 59 (2) on pages 523-526, DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.59.2.513-526,