Wing Venation Pattern Of Plecoptera (Insecta: Neoptera)

Béthoux, Olivier (2005): Wing Venation Pattern Of Plecoptera (Insecta: Neoptera). Illiesia 1 (9): 52-81, DOI: : {"references": ["Belayeva, N.V., V.A. Blagoderov, V.Y. Dmitriev, K.Y. Eskov, A.V. Gorochov, V.D. Ivanov, N.Y. Kluge, M.V. Kozlov, E.D....

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Main Author: Béthoux, Olivier
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2005
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Summary:Béthoux, Olivier (2005): Wing Venation Pattern Of Plecoptera (Insecta: Neoptera). Illiesia 1 (9): 52-81, DOI: : {"references": ["Belayeva, N.V., V.A. Blagoderov, V.Y. Dmitriev, K.Y. Eskov, A.V. Gorochov, V.D. Ivanov, N.Y. Kluge, M.V. Kozlov, E.D. Lukashevich, M.B. Mostovski, V.G. Novokshonov, A.G. Ponomarenko, Y.A. Popov, L.N. Pritykina, A.P. Rasnitsyn, D.E. Shcherbakov, N.D. Sinitshenkova, S.Y. Storozhenko, I.D. Sukatsheva, V.N. Vishniakova, P. Vrsansky & V.V. Zherikhin. 2002. History of Insects. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 517 pp.", "Bethoux, O. 2003. Protophasma dumasii Brongniart, 1879, a link between Orthoptera and the 'dictyopterid' orders? Journal of Orthoptera Research, 12:57-62.", "Bethoux, O. in press-b. Revision of Cacurgus Handlirsch, 1911, a basal Pennsylvanian Archaeorthoptera (Insecta: Neoptera). Postilla.", "Bethoux, O. & A. Nel. 2002. Venation pattern and revision of Orthoptera sensu nov. and sister groups. 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