Manucodia ater subsp. altera Rothschild and Hartert

Manucodia ater altera Rothschild and Hartert Manucodia ater altera Rothschild and Hartert, 1903a: 84 (Sudest Island, Louisiade Islands). Now Manucodia ater alter Rothschild and Hartert, 1903. See Hartert, 1919: 128; Mayr, 1962d: 185; Gilliard, 1969: 95–100; Coates, 1990: 430–431; Cracraft, 1992: 8–9...

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Main Author: Lecroy, Mary
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2014
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Summary:Manucodia ater altera Rothschild and Hartert Manucodia ater altera Rothschild and Hartert, 1903a: 84 (Sudest Island, Louisiade Islands). Now Manucodia ater alter Rothschild and Hartert, 1903. See Hartert, 1919: 128; Mayr, 1962d: 185; Gilliard, 1969: 95–100; Coates, 1990: 430–431; Cracraft, 1992: 8–9; Frith and Beehler, 1998: 211–217; and Frith and Frith, 2009b: 462–463. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 677282 , adult male, collected on Sudest Island, 11.30S, 153.40E (PNG General Reference Map, 1984), Louisiade Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, on 16 April 1898, by Albert S. Meek (no. 1735). From the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: In the original description, Rothschild and Hartert designated Meek’s specimen no. 1735 as the holotype of altera and divided the specimens they included in the new form into two geographic groups: group A from eastern New Guinea and the eastern Papuan islands and group B from the Aru Islands. However, at that time they saw no differences between the two groups and included in it all the listed specimens in their new altera . Later, they named subalter (see below) and included all the specimens listed for altera except those from Sudest Island (sometimes also referred to as Tagula Island). All the specimens listed here are paratypes of altera those listed below in shortened form are also the lectotype and paralectotypes of subalter . Trangan Island, Aru Islands, AMNH 677262, 677263 , males, AMNH 677264 , female, September 1900, collected by H. Kühn (nos 2456, 2451, 2453, respectively); Sungai Wanoembai, Kobror Island, Aru Islands, AMNH 677265 , female, September 1900, collected by Kühn (no. 2452); Dobo, Aru Islands, AMNH 677266, 677267 , two males, 31 November 1897, collected by Kühn (nos. 414, 415), AMNH 677268 , male, 677269 , female, February 1897, collected by W. Doherty, AMNH 677270–677273 , unsexed, May-June 1896, collected by H. Cayley-Webster; Wokam Island, Aru Islands, AMNH 677274 , female, October 1900, collected by Kühn (no. 2455); Yule Island, AMNH 677275, 677276 , one male, one female, October 1875 (nos. 670, 671), collected by L.M. D’Albertis; Mailu District, AMNH 677277 , sex?, July-August 1895, collected by A.S. Anthony; Mount Victoria, Owen Stanley Mountains, AMNH 677279 , unsexed, autumn 1896, collector unknown, ‘‘purchased in London’ ’; Sudest Island, Louisiade Archipelago, AMNH 677284, 677285 , males, 677289–677291 , females, April 1898, collected by A.S. Meek (nos. 1761, 1729, 1766, 1736, 1724, respectively). Of these, AMNH 677272 was exchanged to FMNH in the 1960s. Manucodia has been considered both masculine and feminine, but the ICZN ruled that the gender is to be masculine (see Melville and Smith, 1987: 123). Most authors have recognized subalter and accept- ed three subspecies in Manucodia ater , but Cracraft considered the species monotypic. : Published as part of Lecroy, Mary, 2014, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 12. Passeriformes: Ploceidae, Sturnidae, Buphagidae, Oriolidae, Dicruridae, Callaeidae, Grallinidae, Corcoracidae, Artamidae, Cracticidae, Ptilonorhynchidae, Cnemophilidae, Paradisaeidae, And Corvidae, pp. 1-165 in Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2014 (393) on page 92, DOI: 10.1206/885.1, : {"references": ["Rothschild, W., and E. Hartert. 1903 a. Notes on Papuan birds. VII. Paradiseidae. Novitates Zoologicae 10: 65 - 89.", "Hartert, E. 1919. Types of birds in the Tring Museum. B. Types in the general collection. Novitates Zoologicae 26: 123 - 178.", "Mayr, E. 1962 d. Family Paradisaeidae. In E. Mayr and J. C. Greenway, Jr. (editors). 1962. Checklist of birds of the world, 15: 181 - 204. Cambridge, MA: Museum of Comparative Zoology, x + 315 pp.", "Gilliard, E. T. 1969. Birds of paradise and bower birds. Garden City, NY: Natural History Press, xxii + 485 pp, pls, 32 photographs.", "Coates, B. J. 1990. The birds of Papua New Guinea. Vol. 2. Passerines. Alderley, Queensland: Dove Publications Pty., 576 pp, photographs.", "Cracraft, J. 1992. The species of the birds-ofparadise (Paradisaeidae): applying the phylogenetic species concept to a complex pattern of diversification. Cladistics 8: 1 - 43.", "Frith, C. B., and B. M. Beehler. 1998. The birds of paradise Paradisaeidae. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xxx + 613 pp, 15 pls, black-and-white illustrations, maps, sonograms.", "Frith, C. B., and D. W. Frith. 2009 b. Family Paradisaeidae (birds-of-paradise). Species accounts. In J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott and D. A. Christie (editors). Handbook of the birds of the world. Vol. 14, Bush-shrikes to Old World sparrows: 461 - 492. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, 893 pp, 51 pls., photographs.", "Melville, R. V. and J. D. D. Smith, editors. 1987. Official lists and indexes of names and works in zoology. London: International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, 366 pp."]}